Yamaha trumpet serial number lookup. Understanding Yamaha Trumpet Serial Numbers.
Yamaha trumpet serial number lookup Yamaha Trumpet Model Number Code - Google Sites. com 425-413-4343. If you encounter any inaccuracies please email the web master Mar 17, 2011 · The question of dating a Yamaha Trumpet, Cornet or Flugel via its serial number keeps raising its head. The serial number is typically found on the back of the hand slide cork barrel, with earlier models also displaying it on the back of the outer hand slide. This catalogue indicates the range was supplied in Trumpet, cornet, flugelhorns: Where should I look to find the model number and serial number? Description The model number and serial number are stamped on the side of the valve casing at the 2nd valve. So E plus 5 numbers is either 1964 or 1965, depending on what the 5 numbers are. A: Model and serial numbers Sep 27, 2023 · So I'm trying to date a nice 8310Z made between 2004 and 2018 (Gen 1). You can email them at the US Band and Orchestral Division for a date of manufacture for a particular serial but before about 1982 not much is know to them. A: Serial number (visible with head joint removed) Trumpet, cornet, flugelhorns: Where should I look to find the model number and serial number? Description The model number and serial number are stamped on the side of the valve casing at the 2nd valve. Serial numbers seem to change to a 6 digit version at this point. HOME Search this site send. Jun 5, 2005 · Can anyone date a Yamaha 6335 with serial number 301040? I'm looking at one to purchase and would like to have some idea of the age. Thanks in advance. Understanding Yamaha Trumpet Serial Numbers. Look carefully; it might be engraved Expand search. _____ Gary Christenot Getzen Eterna 900S Classic Wistful ex-future-brass player 1948: Serial number 35000 Olds Studio; Around 28000, introduced Ambassador trumpets and cornets. If your serial number begins with a letter, it is a student/intermediate-level Bach instrument, and does NOT follow this serial number list. The Music Trader Inc. Trumpet, cornet, flugelhorns: Where should I look to find the model number and serial number? Description The model number and serial number are stamped on the side of the valve casing at the 2nd valve. COMPLETE Yamaha Trumpet, Cornet & Flugel Yamaha serial numbers are recycled every ten years, 29 formats are supported here based on research available on the yamaha website. Feb 17, 2010 · It's serial number is 201XXX. The serial number is engraved on the reverse side at the bottom of the top joint and the reverse side at the bottom of the bottom joint. Serial No. N. White Serial Numbers; Holton Trombones. YTR-736. Dec 6, 2012 · For the other instruments I have cataloged so far I have also created a database of Yamaha serial numbers. I'm looking at a 756,XXX right now, but the only reference I have is a 2015-built C90XXX. . 2. May 19, 2020 · I've seen a few Blessing Trumpets for sale on eBay and elsewhere that seem to only say 'Blessing USA' on them - no model name or number. 1. The horn comes in the original case which is in good condition. ×Sorry to interrupt. I certainly have had issues with them. A YTR-761 sold on Reverb in the past but I can't quite make out the serial number in the photos. Thanks! Jan 17, 2013 · For the other instruments I have cataloged so far I have also created a database of Yamaha serial numbers. Search ** login. The number is 0121xxA. If you call or email your national/regional wing of Yamaha Musical Instruments, they will look up your serial number(s) and tell you when your instrument was made. = Tuning Slide. My EX tenor is a 2012, my EX alto is a 2006, and they don't still have individual records from before 1982 but they estimated my 61 soprano is a 1974. 1952: Around 70000, introduced Mendez model. They do not publish their serial number lists like other companies. The model number and serial number are engraved at either the top of the lower joint (reverse side), at the top of the bell (reverse side), or on the bell (front side). The best your going to do is to know that your horn was made pre-1988. CSS Error Jul 13, 2007 · I bought a brand new 6340ST back around '82 (or whenever it was), from the very first shipment released to the US dealers. If you have a contact inside the company you can get this information, but it can be a royal pain sometimes. This data covers all ATV models from 1980 to 1997. Thanks. There are two likely reasons: 1. You can email them at the US Band and Orchestral Division for a date of manufacture for a particular serial but before about 1982 not much is known to them. Bach horns have evolved over time, and different players interact differently with the characteristics of a given design & build. YFL-2XX-7XX (standard-professional models) The model number is engraved at the head joint end of the body. You can find the serial number on the left or right, so check both sides if you don’t find it at first. Instrument Inquiry. Knowing the serial number of your trumpet matters in case the trumpet is: Lost; Stolen; Damaged; Insurance companies may also require the serial number to protect Search this site send. If you're looking for its age, you might have luck looking up "serial number" rather than "chasis number", since it's more standard terminology for referencing this. Trumpet Serial Number Year Manufact. If you buy a handcrafted trumpet, but the seller claims that it is a Bach or other brand of the trumpet, check for a serial number and make sure there is one. Aug 3, 2007 · Here is my sure-fire method for finding good serial number Bach trumpets. Mar 17, 2011 · lpennel wrote: YAMAHA MODEL HISTORY for TRUMPETS, CORNETS, FLUGELHORNS [snip] YCR-631 Bb M RB LQ 92 1972-1977 Long model YCR-731 M YB SP 100 1972-1977 Long model Jan 12, 2025 · The serial number is 1296. YTR-2330 - Specs - Bb Trumpets - Trumpets - Brass & Woodwinds - Musical Instruments - Products - Yamaha - Canada - English global navigation global navigation A complete collection of all Yamaha Trumpet Model Number and Model Specifications. The serial number is engraved on the reverse side of the foot joint end of the body. I don't know if my valves are part of the Yamalloy period. Search Custom Xeno Artist Model The "New York" Series C Trumpet. Mar 20, 2021 · The Bach serial numbers are only for Strads (or maybe Mercury or Mercedes models as well). We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. (Please enter the entire serial # including letters and leading zeros. Edit: the yamaha serials are 401027 & 1186. May 13, 2012 · Note that this initial range of Custom trumpets does NOT fit into the usual Yamaha system of model numbers where the 1st number indicates the “Custom” range, the 2nd number key, the 3rd bore etc. My dealer explained to me that the American made Yamahas from Grand Rapids plant were all stamped with the A at the end of the serial number, and all Japanese-made ones lacked the "A. This cornet is near identical to a Bach 184 cornet. Feb 18, 2012 · Rumor suggests that only 23 were made with serial numbers from 201001-201023. Start Now. The conn is 518105 Nov 26, 2019 · Any way to date Yamaha Trumpets based on the serial number? Google’s not any help _____ Luke Judd Trumpet: Yamaha Xeno 8345 Cornet: H. in the New York / Mt. More. *** Please click to download the PDF for specific manufacturer you're looking for. 1950: Between 45800-49600, replaced Super Recording with Recording model. With regards to the second part of your enquiry, our specialists in Japan have struggled to find out any specific information on your trumpet. ) Standard-Professional Models (YCL-2XX-6XX) The model number is stamped on the upper joint. Mar 17, 2011 · lpennel wrote: YAMAHA MODEL HISTORY for TRUMPETS, CORNETS, FLUGELHORNS [snip] YCR-631 Bb M RB LQ 92 1972-1977 Long model YCR-731 M YB SP 100 1972-1977 Long model Jan 27, 2015 · I haved added the latest Japanese Trumpet Catalog to the Yamaha Loyalist Webpage. Jun 11, 2009 · Yamaha has not published any serial number lists. Amber Banks. Unfortunately Yamaha seems to have allocated serial numbers in a completely random fashion and also seem to be quite tight lipped with regard to sharing the equation to work out their serials. At some point I wish to include which markets a particular model was/is available in, eg. YTR-8445S. Note: On YEP-842 and YEP-642 series models only, the model number is stamped on the valve casing at piston 2 and the serial number on the valve casing at piston 1. Apr 7, 2012 · The problem with "good serial numbers" as a concept is that what constitutes a "bad Bach", or "a Bach" is so frequently mis-understood. Can't seem to find a list of serial numbers on the net any where. If you feel it needs any other details included please The list of serial numbers is not 1 serial number per year. Serial numbers are usually located on the neck receiver. They still make the 6335. Tracking Yamaha age by serial number is very difficult. Feb 1, 2022 · website builder. More info: Holton Loyalist Website; Vincent Bach Trombones. Mar 17, 2011 · The question of dating a Yamaha Trumpet, Cornet or Flugel via its serial number keeps raising its head. 2/11/2023 0 Comments Focusing on the Piccolo Trumpet range here, it would seem that there were 4 models within the 1970-1975 Dec 4, 2024 · More info: H. I was also informed by a former Schilke employee from that era that some of these horns were put together by Schilke employees at the Schilke factory. 26911 Maple Valley Black Diamond Rd SE, Mar 4, 2024 · Shifty wrote: From a 2004 post on themouthpiece. Mar 17, 2011 · The use of numbers actually provides a (nearly) logical historical way of tracing development and features of various models. The model number is engraved at the head joint end of the body. music_trader@musictrader. 6 digit serial, 3rd slide stop screw and water key. Yamaha trumpet serial numbers are typically found in a few key locations: Inside the bell: This is the most common location. Language: Trumpet department; Flugelhorn department; Cornet department; French horns department; Apr 8, 2011 · Hi People Yamaha has never issued a list or even a method for identifying the age of a Yamaha trumpet by using the serial number. 4. As we know, Yamaha is terrible with serial numbers and while it seems impossible for them to have made 5 million of these, the serial numbers wind up in the high D##,### range. BTA1309 - Yamaha Trumpets 2013 September This catalog lists the updated student range as well as the 2013 New Xeno (II) Range Lots of other non-trumpet Yamaha updates buried in there too. Any chance you have a picture of the instrument? Based on what model it is, and certain tooling marks, it might be possible to get it within a range of a few years. You made a post about this instrument a couple months ago, and the answers were generally informative. Below is a lookup table to identify the make model and year of your Yamaha ATV. Find the latest 3D feature firmware for your Yamaha product by entering its serial number. If you like the way it plays, write the serial number down. This trumpet plays great! Nov 25, 2019 · Any way to date Yamaha Trumpets based on the serial number? Google’s not any help _____ Luke Judd Trumpet: Yamaha Xeno 8345 Cornet: H. Look at the serial number you just wrote down - it's a good one! Repeat steps 1-3 for every Bach you find. Yamaha Starting Frame VIN Number and Engine Serial Numbers | AtvManual Feb 3, 2025 · This guide will walk you through the process, offering practical advice and insights for successful Yamaha trumpet serial number decoding. Horns built after 1988 start with 100,001. Used on piccolo trumpets to denote the inclusion of a tuning slide. New York 10 1/2C Trumpet, cornet, flugelhorns: Where should I look to find the model number and serial number? Description The model number and serial number are stamped on the side of the valve casing at the 2nd valve. Available only with Gold Plate finish. See the serial numbers, brochures, and timeline of Yamaha trumpets and other brass instruments. Bore: N/A" Bell Size: N/A" Material: N/A Jun 30, 2005 · The piccolo trumpets are 91X models or 98XX 99XX models, and there seem to be loads of different models that have been discontinued. The serial number is stamped at the top of the lower joint. Does this coincide with the beginning Can you identify the model of trumpet through serial numbers alone? I am looking at a few yamaha c trumpets (as well as getzen piccolo trumpet & a con and king bflat trumpets) to buy on an excel sheet but unfortunately there are no model #s only serial #s. A: Model number and serial number (reverse side) The model number is engraved at the top of the top joint. Adjustments have been made from other published serial number lists to establish the best estimate of the serial number for January 1 of each calendar year. Index. With our Yamaha trumpet, we can create colors of the rainbow to fit the needs of the music. There is some overlap between formats and in those cases multiple results will be generated. The location varies depending on the model number. Durable yet light, the bell promotes easy endurance while playing. Notes are shown at the end of the table. Unfortunately, that serial number is not coming up in our system. Jan 6, 2009 · Yamaha Serial Numbers For what it's worth, the following statement was part of a post on TubeNet recently: In the land of serial numbers, Yamaha does not own property. Finally, factory errors or mis-stamped trumpets could definitely lead to missing serial numbers. The problem facing us with Yamaha trumpets is that trumpets are sold in relatively small numbers and also the fact that Yamaha has produced unique model trumpet for different markets. There are no serial number lists for student models like the Bundy or TR300. Does this coincide with the beginning of stamping "Yamaha" on the instruments bells? Is the Yamaha stamp only on the Professional level horns? Serial Number Feb 3, 2025 · This guide will walk you through the process, offering practical advice and insights for successful Yamaha trumpet serial number decoding. Standard-Professional Models (YCL-2XX-6XX) The model number is stamped on the upper joint. Mar 23, 2008 · Does ANYBODY here know where I can find a list for Yamaha Brass serial numbers? Lars Kirmser does NOT have them on his list. Cheers YamahaCollector _____ Yamaha Loyalist Website Find the number in our serial number database to find out. The full Custom range of trumpets can be seen in the catalogue W-77 Yamaha Custom Trumpets in my initial post. Check for the numbers within or on the reverse side of the locations circled below. Feb 22, 2012 #1 Hi People I've sourced info from many sources and am publishing this list. Model: All Mark II Series Years: 1995-2001 Key: Misc. The second digit denotes the key of the Feb 24, 2011 · They'll probably even direct you to serial number list for your maker. Serial Numbers Guitar Care #Yamaha trumpet serial number lookup how to; #Yamaha trumpet serial number lookup update; #Yamaha trumpet serial number lookup free; the James Morrison model was unique to the Yamaha Australia market. Mar 4, 2024 · Thank you for your enquiry regarding your Yamaha trumpet. The TR300 wasn't produced until the mid to late 80's. One difficulty found with in this range is that it appears Yamaha did NOT stamp the model number onto these instruments, only their serial number. Look carefully; it might be engraved The best place to check for a trumpet’s serial number is the center valve. The serial number is also engraved at the base of the post near the low-C key on the foot joint. _____ LA Benge 3X Bb Trumpet Selmer Radial Bb Trumpet Yamaha 6335S Bb Trumpet Besson 709 Bb Trumpet Bach 184L Bb Cornet Yamaha 731 Bb Flugelhorn Yamaha Piano Serial Number Search Input your Serial # to determine whether the piano was made for the US market. Custom Xeno. _____ LA Benge 3X Bb Trumpet Selmer Radial Bb Trumpet Yamaha 6335S Bb Trumpet Besson 709 Bb Trumpet Bach 184L Bb Cornet Loading. Obviously the US market keeps different data than the overseas markets. _____ LA Benge 3X Bb Trumpet Selmer Radial Bb Trumpet Yamaha 6335S Bb Trumpet Besson 709 Bb Trumpet Bach 184L Bb Cornet Yamaha 731 Bb Flugelhorn This is my attempt at a complete serial number list for Olds trumpets and cornets for the full 70 year production run of the company. Vernon era, and Bach Stradivarius models in the Elkhart era. Mar 10, 2022 · Does anyone know of any catalog of the time periods of Yamaha trombone production based off serial number? I looked online briefly and couldn’t find anything for trombone (just pianos) I’ve bought an alto trombone (ysl-673) and was wanting to get an around about date of production. The engraving on the bell reads “Yamaha Established in 1887” with “Ytr2335” above the serial number on the second valve casing and “Made in Japan” on the back of the second valve casing. A sticker that indicates the model number and serial number is affixed to the back side of the lever base. Dec 7, 2012 · For the other instruments I have cataloged so far I have also created a database of Yamaha serial numbers. Apr 7, 2004 · Yamaha doesn't sequentially number their instruments like other manufacturers (except perhaps their guitars and basses) So if you contact Yamaha, you may be able to get someone to look up the information and tell you when and where it was manufactured, but it's not simply a matter of sequential numbering, thus posting a list to a website or The model number and serial number are engraved at the bottom of the straight body section. Search for the serial number of the brand Selmer to determine the age of your instrument. This was their response. It has a purple logo stamp with Yamaha and Japan under it, surrounded by engraving on the right side of the bell and full engraving on the front and both sides of the bell down to where the bell is connected to the crook of the body. The YTR-4335GII/4335GSII features a gold-brass bell that produces a richer, wider range of tonal colors. Play it. The serial number is 001151A. Find a Bach trumpet. 26911 Maple Valley Black Diamond Rd SE, The document appears to be a database containing information about Yamaha trombones, including their serial numbers, model numbers, dates, locations, and current conditions. " Feb 24, 2012 · Model Number "Yamaha" stamp - I've noticed that at some time around 1982 when the 4 digit model numbers where introduced the "Yamaha" stamp above the model number appears to be deleted. The number is on the bell side on the second valve. Yamaha serial numbers are notorious for being all over the place. 3. New York 10 1/2C Piston Type . Photos are included for some of the trombones to show Piston Type . Also the serial numbers start with a letter followed by 5 digits , a format which does not exist on the Blessing Serial Number sites I've looked at. Serial Number: Year Manufactured. I estimated it as a 1978 vintage based on some research that I did at the time. It includes entries for several AD-TR1 and T-100S model trombones with details on where they were purchased new and used, current locations, finishes, and markings. The getzen is BP4317. Feb 22, 2012 · Find out the history and features of Yamaha trumpet models from 1963 to 2010. The model number and serial number are stamped on the side of the valve casing at piston 2. I am attempting to collect as many Yamaha serial numbers as possible to try and work out their methodology. This serial number list applies to BACH trumpets and trombones mfg. It is 'instruments with serial numbers after the one quoted, but before the one quoted for the next year we from that year. The serial number is engraved where the joints slide together. Piston Type . Thanks! _____ Bach Strad 1901B Bb Jupiter JTR-600N Bb (idk why) Bach Strad 180229 “Philly” C Yamaha YTR-915 Picc (with a Temu mouthpiece) "Uh oh, I'm cracking notes. Yamaha trumpet serial number lookup. Mar 17, 2011 · lpennel wrote: YAMAHA MODEL HISTORY for TRUMPETS, CORNETS, FLUGELHORNS [snip] YCR-631 Bb M RB LQ 92 1972-1977 Long model YCR-731 M YB SP 100 1972-1977 Long model There is a site - Yamaha Collector - that has a database of instruments, serials, and approximate years that might give you a rough idea, but that's about all you can do. Create your website today. Aug 20, 2020 · They brought with them Yamahas new 4 digit model number system, preceding the rest of the ranges 1982 introduction. Trumpet, cornet, flugelhorns: Where should I look to find the model number and serial number? 2025/01/29; Knowledge; Title The model number and serial number are engraved at the base of the post near the C-key on the body. You'll have to actually supply a bit of information, though. The article provides a guide to deciphering Yamaha trumpet model numbers, explaining what each digit represents such as range, key, bore size, and model. The model number was YTR-935 and it had a four digit serial number, 1019. Serial Numbers Guitar Care Yamaha Piano Serial Number Search Input your Serial # to determine whether the piano was made for the US market. Jan 21, 2013 · My YTS 61 which I bought new in 1978 in Arizona has an A after the serial # (the number is on the lower part of the back of the body) . Apr 24, 2023 · I recently wrote to Yamaha about dating my YSL-684G, serial number 202XXX. The first digit generally represents the range or grade of the trumpet, from student to professional models. A good used Yamaha 11B4 mouthpiece is included. Nov 30, 2004 · Good luck. If there is an "A" after the number, then it was made here in the states. A serial of 14XX is likely a very early instrument, unless of course they ran a different series of serial number for their custom pics. Over 100 company's databases containing dates of manufacture of musical instruments. Check the locations labeled 1 and 2 in the figure. _____ Martin Breton Yamaha YTR-8335RGS - Bach 5C Bach Stradivarius Bb Model 37 * #124xxx (circa 1975) Yamaha YFH-731 Flugelhorn #000xxx - Yamaha 14F4-GP Getzen Eterna 940 Conn Connquest 20A Cornet 1954 Yamaha YCR-2330S Cornet Yamaha is notorious about having different runs of serial numbers, due to different periods of manufacturing, and frequent model updates. The YTR-232 was produced from the late 1960's through the mid 1980's when Yamaha went to mostly four digit model numbers - at which point it became the YTR-2320, more or less. N White/King Cleveland Superior Mouthpieces: Olds 3, VB Corp. Yamaha seems to be a bit tight lipped about their serial numbers in general. See an example of a valid serial number format and learn how to locate it on your product. Professional. Do you want to know how old your instrument is? Find the number in our serial number database to find out. Hi Jerry, Thank you for reaching out to Yamaha. ) Feb 21, 2013 · For the other instruments I have cataloged so far I have also created a database of Yamaha serial numbers. _____ MARK /aka "musicmork"/ aka " The Creator " TRUMPET: Getzen , Olds MOUTHPIECES Bach 3-C, Schilke 13a4a CORNET: Holton Galaxy (Awesome horn) KEYBOARDS: Kurzweil PC88MX,Yamaha S-30, Casio Privia 575R Jan 25, 2025 · I sold a Yamaha Rotary trumpet a while back. com: Yamaha doesn't sequentially number their instruments like other manufacturers (except perhaps their guitars and basses) So if you contact Yamaha, you may be able to get someone to look up the information and tell you when and where it was manufactured, but it's not simply a matter of sequential numbering, thus posting a list to a website or Mar 17, 2011 · Yamaha - SERIAL NUMBER - Database Yamaha - SERIAL NUMBER - Submission Form Yamaha Brochures & Marketing Material Yamaha - Trumpets - Japan (1968?) Yamaha - Trumpets - Japan (1969?) W-42L - Yamaha - Brass Instruments (1974) W-XX - Yamaha - Custom Band Instruments (c1970's?) YTR-739 - Downbeat Magazine 1977 W-77 - Yamaha - Custom Trumpets (1982) Feb 24, 2012 · Model Number - I'm looking at how each model is indicated, whether "S" for silver plate is used consistently or not, etc Model Number "Yamaha" stamp - I've noticed that at some time around 1982 when the 4 digit model numbers where introduced the "Yamaha" stamp above the model number appears to be deleted. Jan 16, 2003 · Here is the info off of the yamaha website. Search. Student Bb Trumpets. The serial number indicates that it was manufactured around May 2013. Idk if location of the SN has anything to do with the dating or model but there you go. It's like a relationship, you have to find a partner you fit with. Check out the serial #. eiemej fljs ngasc ahf rufsrs pgqbl homxg nius boiab mmjrwj dszw krgoxm xsmsi jyeuiin pyefq