Wpf grid context menu. This example shows how to define a cell's context menu.

Wpf grid context menu The ContextMenu class represents the element that exposes functionality by using a context-specific Menu. here is my code. I want to add a context menu onto this grid, with the menu items defined as another property on the view model that make up the overall observable collection. I added a context menu to the column header, but i don't know how can I copy the header text in a menu item click event. For example "Save" might be disabled if I know the row has not been edited. Add(new MenutItem{Header="SampleItem"}); // Create a textblock with your header text and link the context menu var tb = new TextBlock{Text="My Column Name"}; tb. There are some workarounds, Ive answered this question previously here and here (kind of) Jan 9, 2010 · The problem is that in the end (I mean your code example) we get "g"-the reference to Grid (where my Context Menu XAML declaration is placed), but I need the reference to clicked object which is inside the Grid (inside the Grid I have hundreds of similar objects, each of them can be right-clicked to get a context menu). Click clicks event for every menu item Dec 6, 2012 · WPF - context menu over DataGrid. 来处理删除选中项的逻辑。确保为ViewModel设置了DataContext。其中Items就是DataGrid中每行的对象集合。总结:xaml中:对DataGrid添加ContextMenu并绑定Command。xaml的后端:将DataGrid传给ViewModel。ViewModel中:设置好Command。第一步:在DataGrid中添加ContextMenu。第二步:在ViewModel Mar 20, 2017 · For example, when context menu click on first column (on cell belongs to first column): it show "Column1 menu" item and when it click on second column (on cell belongs to second column) is show "Column2 menu" item To return it back, invoke the RadGridViewCommands. Currently i am able to display one context menu, but I want to show context menu 1 on one condition and context menu 2 on another condition . The final scenario, writing a handler that suppresses a menu totally, is uncommon. I also tried adding a border or rectangle over the entire row, with background set to transparent, and the context menu on that. Use the context menu to access the cell selected in the DataGrid, and use the value of the cell for further work. private void Context_Delete(object sender, System. The below code example shows the context menu with command bindings. I tested the command with other You could try passing in a FrameworkElement as the Header object for the column and set the context menu on that framework element. 10y. for example: if more than one rows selected in Datagrid , disable a context menu item "Properties" Feb 5, 2014 · I wanted to have my DataGrids with a context menu that allows the user to move the selected rows up or down. So for example, in column one I want to have a context menu that says "Fire" but on column two I want a 3-item context menu with "This", "That", and "The Other". Exporting DataGrid To Excel In WPF; In that article, I have used a button to export the data to Excel but here, I would use the ContextMenu which is the easiest way to do such a thing. RowStyle Row style. Edit: Thanks for your answer! I tried to listen to the ContextMenuOpeningEvent as you suggested which was a first success: the ContextMenu can be modified in the EventHandler. DefaultView}" and I have AutoGenerateColumns="True". The context menu on the rows looks and works great. <DataGrid. Vinodh soundararajan. How can i make sure that grid's context menu strip remain visible if click is on grid. ContextMenu in Window Resources, bind to DataGrid property. ContextMenu = cm; // Set the grid column Jun 21, 2023 · The following example demonstrates how to add a custom menu item to a grid column’s context menu: View Example: Customize the GridControl's Context Menu. 0. ShowGridMenu event. Binding ContextMenu to DataGridCell Content To Copy Content. Feb 6, 2023 · In this article. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 4 months ago. I'd like to show regular context menu if only one item is selected but to show other context menu (eg. Apr 7, 2014 · WPF - context menu over DataGrid. This step works fine. Die ContextMenu-Klasse stellt das Element dar, das durch ein kontextspezifisches Menu-Element Funktionen für Benutzer*innen verfügbar macht. WPF DataGridRow ContextMenu Feb 19, 2016 · How to hide context menu from DataGrid header? Ask Question Asked 9 years ago. Display context menu when right-clicking only in specific GridViewColumn. Binding to a MenuItem in a WPF Context Menu. The table below lists the main properties affecting element Jun 17, 2013 · When i right click on grid row it shows context menu strip assigned to it for few second and then replace it with form's context menu. Benutzer*innen rufen in der Regel das ContextMenu auf der Benutzeroberfläche durch Klicken mit der rechten Maustaste auf. WPF DatGrid Context Menu Binding. WPF Data Grid - Customize the GridControl's Context Menu This example demonstrates how to customize the GridControl's context menus. The data grid has a context menu. Now I want to have ContextMenu on each ColumnHeader to Group by the selected column, but I c Aug 1, 2018 · Column Header Context Menu. After some search, I've come up with the following code that has a problem. May 20, 2016 · I'm trying to construct context menus for a WPF datagrid which are header-specific (in other words, each column header could have it's own context menu different from the other headers). Etc there can be multiple conditions like Aug 2, 2011 · Have a Context Menu that will pop up when the user clicks on one of the rows of data in the GridView (so far I have only been able to make the context menu appear when I click on the Header of the column I put it on. Контекстное меню, часто называемое всплывающим меню, представляет собой меню, которое отображается при определенных действиях пользователя, обычно вызывается правым кликом мыши на элементе интерфейса или Feb 9, 2013 · Eg. 与大多数 Windows 应用程序一样,我的菜单放置在窗口的顶部,但为了与 WPF 的巨大灵活性保持一致,您实际上可以将 Menu 控件放置在您喜欢的任何位置,以及您可能需要的任何宽度或高度。 我定义了一个顶级项目,有 4 个子项目和一个分隔符。 For example, take a look at the below article (where I have mentioned about exporting DataGrid to Excel, using C#). The menu item's DataContext property is set to an object of the GridCellMenuInfo type. ) displaying Data via MVVM. All are text columns, if that helps. Sep 21, 2020 · I have a WPF DataGrid that displays a bunch of rows. Below is a sample where I show a context menu if the data context of the original source is of type Inventory otherwise I do not show the context menu by handling the event. My problem is that I can't seem to connect my menu to my data context. Currently I can add different contextmenu for Feb 9, 2015 · There is an event for row context menu and cell context menu. Dec 20, 2019 · I really need help to figure out how to add a context menu for a specific column on a datagrid. Typically, a user exposes the ContextMenu in the user interface (UI) by right-clicking the mouse button. Add a bar item (for example, BarCheckItem) to the DataViewBase. I needed to tie the context menu to the rows because the click methods require a specific row to be selected. This is the step I got Apr 24, 2010 · WPF Context Menus; How to create Custom WPF Context Menus; WPF used XAML which is another Markup Language and one common thing that you usualy see is that tags are reused on a lot of controls. Is there any generic approach to fix this issue, without breaking the MVVM? What I am doing is : Creating a custom context menu and exposing the dependency properties for each context menu item. Handle the DataViewBase. MainWindow" xmlns=" Dec 11, 2015 · Showing multiple Context menu in WPF grid row. – Oct 9, 2016 · From time to time I'd like to show a context menu when clicking on a Cell in a DataGrid. I have a DataGrid with a ContextMenu. WPF treeview contextmenu command parameter. Mar 31, 2015 · I have set DataTable as ItemsSource for WPF DataGrid. MenuItem, not the DataGridRow. Nov 20, 2011 · Where I was going wrong was that DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs returns the location/x,y of where the mouse clicked within the column header. Show Sub Menu on right Click On DataGridView - C#. C# WPF DataGrid Contextmenu clicked column. I create a style than I bind it to a DataGrid. It seems that CanExecute is only called once (I guess when the menu gets created), so my MenuItem will either be enabled or disabled all of the time. I would like to add a context menu for an entire row of the grid. Getting Started with WPF ContextMenu. The context menu options are not getting data bound at all !!! This is my Grid Code in XAML : Apr 21, 2017 · What I'd do here would be the following: create context menu separately and assign it to every "connection" object on the UI; handle MenuItem. RowHeaderTemplate, but I can't find DataGrid. archive. If I disable the context-menu of the graph, the nodes one shows up just fine. Example: // DataGridTextColumn col = new DataGridTextColumn(); // TextBlock txt = new TextBlock() { Text = AllColumnDisplayNames[i] }; txt. <ContextMenu x:Key="cm_rowMenu"> <!--ContextMenu For Row--> <;MenuItem Header="Edit Info Apr 1, 2021 · Context Menus. Binding ContextMenu to Datagrid Columns. I post the XAML and ViewModel below. By passing the cell content as command parameter, everything should be available to fill the clipboard in the code behind. GridMenu property. Jun 16, 2016 · Basically, I want to show a context menu when the user right clicks a valid item on my data grid, however, all the answers I've found are made to do this with a data grid view, which I can't use since I am working on a WPF project. Oct 28, 2010 · I want to disable context menu for all the cells except headers and also on header for some condition. The properties to be displayed are passed to Out-DataGrid. ColumnMenuCustomizations collection and specify item properties. Typically the result is a context menu that appears and either a greyed out button or one that doesn't do anything, never triggers the command. ) I have defined a handler for PreviewMouseRightButtonDown on the datagrid and in the handler I am trying to do something like this:: Apr 9, 2015 · Paste from Excel to WPF DataGrid. New items are added at the top and bottom of the column header's context menu, and the Customize item is removed from the summary panel's context menu: Aug 27, 2010 · Hurray for web. For example: Feb 1, 2025 · I'm trying to display a context menu on individual cells of a DataGrid. Accessibility options, remote connections, or Metro/Mono/Web/WPF porting might not work and keyboard shortcuts will down right fail (Shift+F10 or Context Menu key). But when the Command is triggered the SelectedItem is always null. Before reading this tutorial you should get familiar with the Visual Structure of the standard RadContextMenu control. I am using MVVM for development. Default Category Menu A default context menu can be pre-configured if the PropertyGrid . To specify a context menu, add BarItems to the TableView's RowCellMenuCustomizations collection. In fact, it is one of many tabs. I got the solution from this StackOverflow Answer. I have a datagrid binded to a collection of custom objects. The context menu allows users to delete a row or copy its data to the clipboard. EventArgs e) { } How do I get the row on which the Context Menu was before the click? The sender object is System. Sep 11, 2014 · I need to have different context menus for different columns. (I dont want to use DataGridHeaderStyle because of some other problems which I dont want to explain here. I set context menu on datagrid. 하지만 WPF에 더욱 적절한 방법은 Commands를 사용하는 것입니다. For this, it is necessary to add a corresponding bar item (e. Create contextmenus for datagrid rows. The event is raised from the element that "owns" the context menu as a property and is only raised when a user attempts to open a context menu in the UI. MVVM binding command to contextmenu item. BarCheckItem) to the DataViewBase. I have tried adding the context menu to the RowDefinition but that doesn't seem to work. Viewed 713 times 0 My DataGrid is Aug 7, 2017 · I have a DataGrid with a context menu that is only accessible from the rows. ContextMenu WPF. You can handle the DataGrid's ContextMenuOpening event and based on the original source of the routed event you adjust your context menu. I try to use DataGrid. RichTextBox; Data Grid; And many more. Modified 10 years, 4 months ago. Instead I need to use HitTest in the grid's MouseDown event for a hit on the column headers and then convert the position of the hit from the gird co-ordinates to the screen co-ordinates. Feb 3, 2017 · The data source is a ViewModel which has a property EntityCollection (an ObservableCollection) as the ItemsSource of the DataGrid and another collection ContextMenu. ). Aug 22, 2014 · This way you can create separate data templates for each grid type with their own context menus, etc, and have a uniform way of displaying them by dropping content controls. Have the contents of the context menu vary depending on the contents of the current row the user has clicked on. Jul 23, 2013 · Placing a context menu on the last Data Column of Data Grid to control the visibility of other columns in WPF 0 WPF DataGrid: Dynamically-Generated ContextMenu for Individual Rows Mar 4, 2019 · How can I add a context menu to the complete column header? That’s including the blueish area in this picture: Adding a context menu to the headers of single columns already has been answered. Any recommendations? Thats my ContextMenu: &lt;DataGrid. Each row has a right-click ContextMenu with its own commands. WPF Context Menu May 19, 2013 · If I apply this style to the WPF DataGrid, the context menu for columnheader is not showing. g. This datagrid allows the user to access a context menu when he right clicks a row. WPF - context menu over DataGrid. The ContextMenu appears and I am able to select from the menu items, but the command won't execute. Dec 16, 2016 · I have a DataGrid with different Columns (TextBox, Combobox, DataPicker, etc. This makes me believe this is an issue of the parent control taking precedence in opening a context menu. I've been charged with altering the right-click context menu. Now I have a context menu to delete any row. 3. Sep 1, 2017 · I'd like to associate a context menu with an Out-GridView window. The menu is activated by right-clicking a column header displayed in a header panel or in a group panel. I want to DataBind these options to Commands in my ViewModel. How to do that? I am usign following XAML code to show grid and context menu The WPF ContextMenu. Add a ContextMenu to the DataGrid. Suppressing Any Existing Context Menu and Displaying No Context Menu. Code: WPF Datagrid ContextMenu SelectedItem. Getting ContextMenu on Jul 24, 2013 · I'm currently working on a project that uses the WPF GridView. ) Mar 15, 2011 · Another option is to set the column headers to a TextBlock (or some other control that can handle a ContextMenu). Currently the right-click context menu brings up a menu with a checklist of the columns in it. So you could say: // Create a context menu var cm = new ContextMenu(); cm. The command is handled in the view model which has DataTable object. – Jun 7, 2019 · How to: Add an Item to the Context Menu. Sep 23, 2020 · WPF - context menu over DataGrid. It means the menu is visible only on some rows so i have bound its visibility with a property on view model. Edit/Note: Columns are generated dynamically. The available positions are Top and Bottom I'm trying to show a ContextMenu when right clicking a particular type of cell in a DataGridView. org!Here is the missing blog post:. Set a ContextMenu UserControl for a Grid. 2k. I have added a Context Menu and I have 3 options Cut,Copy,Paste. Use the View’s properties: These properties return a BarManagerActionCollection object (bar items, links, and actions). Currently my datagrid looks like this: Datagrid and all columns are added to the datagrid dynamically with the itemsource: ItemsSource="{Binding Data. When i right click on a row, the menu is shown but only when the row is a newly added row. In addition, I'd like to create third kind of context menu if among the selected item is at least one that has some property set. I am providing context menu for row-header and column-header. May 16, 2010 · A context menu is not part of the same visual tree. Reply. ColumnHeaderTemplate. Note that the DataGrid is in a ScrollViewer and StackPanel and the whole control is part of a larger window. 435. WPF: Menu Items only bind command parameters once. Apr 01, 2021; 2 minutes to read; Pivot Grid can display three types of popup menus that enable an end-user to manage data (apply sorting, reorder field headers, etc. Thanks a lot ! Mar 20, 2015 · 在WPF中使用DataGrid,有时会用到ContextMenu,当ContextMenu需要绑定DataGrid列的时候,我们按平时的绑定就直接用ElementName的方式了,但在ContextMenu中是不可以的,可以用以下方式进行绑定: 在使用MenuItem时,有时会用到模板列 Jan 10, 2012 · I am using WPF datagrid. How do I get the DataGridRow where the Context Menu was clicked. WPF DataGrid (SfDataGrid) provides an entirely customizable context menu to expose the functionality on user interface. . 2. Ancestor bindings dont work as the context menu is not a child of the element it is on; in your case the datagrid. My DataGrid columns are each bound to a different property of the objects in the collection and this works correctly, displaying the objects in the collection on the grid. This example shows how to define a cell's context menu. Dec 1, 2015 · I got one issue on datagrid using WPF Mvvm. May 19, 2014 · I am trying to add a context menu to my WPF datagrid is specific to each row, because its items need to depend on the DataContext for that row. Set a ContextMenu UserControl for a Dec 20, 2024 · In diesem Artikel. When context menu item is clicked, the binded command gets triggered, but I would like to pass command parameter that is binded to the Id of the data grid row that is selected. Oct 10, 2020 · Part 2: Use <ContextMenu Style="{StaticResource Contextmenu}" /> directly in the DataGrid If the response is helpful, please click " Accept Answer " and upvote it. ContextMenu with Commands and icons. When the user right-clicks the cell, I want a context menu showing 'copy to clipboard' to appear, and upon clicking it, it copies the cell text to the clipboard. with some new items added) when more than one item is selected. Wednesday, October 29, 2008 — jtango18. ItemSource in the code behind file. Windows. There is DataGrid. Nov 16, 2016 · Want custom context menu per WPF datagrid cell. Below is an Out-DataGrid function. Is this default behaviour? I'm unable to find any such context menu in the code. I have a ContextMenu inside DataGrid, I need to pass the selected items Apr 23, 2020 · I have a datagrid of Items that includes a datagrid of SubItems for the row details. The reason for which these answers aren't proper is they do not account for different operation schemes. Our goal is to have ContextMenu (or right-click menu for the Grid) whereupon clicking the menu item, it should export the data to Excel. I'm not able to get the ContextMenu part right. So using the regular ContextMenu property is not going to work. A context menu is defined which offers a few actions: Display Different Menu Items Depending on Which RadGridView Part Is Clicked; Handle the Menu Items' Clicks; You can have a look at the Row Context Menu and Header Context Menu demos which can be found in the RadGridView section of the WPF Controls Examples. I ha Property grid item (category, property, etc. The content controls will render the appropriate data template based on its content by using your ContentTemplateSelector logic. May 12, 2017 · What would stop the ContextMenu on the DataGrid from being called. Oct 9, 2013 · I need to show these context menu items in different grids. In this blog post, we will explore how to create and customize context menus in WPF using C#. Out-GridView doesn't seem to have a native way to do this. This tutorial will walk you through the creation of a RadContextMenu and will show you how to:. (I set the DataGrid. I have code working for TextBlock of a StackPanel, but not for cell of DataGrid. xaml &lt;Window x:Class="WpfApplication10. WPF DataGrid Binding with Context Menu argument. Aug 01, 2018; The column header context menu enables end-users to manipulate a column (apply sorting, grouping, calculate the best column width, etc. What I am Jun 3, 2019 · I have a datagrid being binded to an ObservableCollection. ContextMenuwhere you can creat your Dec 6, 2011 · I want the context menu for a DataGrid's column headers to be different than the rest of the cells. Has the Control. You can create context menu for different rows in an efficient manner. WPF Gridview ContextMenu. The editor is positioned at the bottom of the data grid component, but this can be changed with the FilterEditorPosition property of RadGridView. Now, if you click on Export as Excel item, it would invoke the handler associated with it and likewise, for the other items. Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread. In XAML. " Problem Statement : I am using a WPF DataGrid. -END UPDATE. In addition, the data backing the context menu is bound data. I'm pulling my hair out trying to get a context menu on my DataGrid in my WPF/MVVM project. The command gets triggered but the parameter is null. copy text content from textblock within the datagrid wpf. CurrentColumn but it is null . Jun 07, 2019; The following example demonstrates how to add a custom menu item to the context menu of a grid column. This also seems to be fine as the context menu show up correctly. DataContext> <local:MainVM HeaderText="Jabberwocky" /> </Window. Context menu in WPF DataGrid (SfDataGrid) 27 Feb 2025 24 minutes to read. Also pull the ContextMenu out as a static resource, so that is will be easier to find/edit in the future. Aug 8, 2011 · I wish to have two context menu in grid view in my WPf based desktop application . IsOpen=true. The key insight is to create a <Style> that defines a context menu, then attach that style to a target element, which hooks up the context menu. Jun 26, 2017 · I'm trying to get a "Copy" context menu to display when clicking on the advanced options icon of any property. MenuItems which serves as the data source to create a context menu on the DataGrid. DataContext> Feb 9, 2009 · I found out that the grid provides a ContextMenu attribute, but i want different context menu items for the columns, not the same ContextMenu for the whole grid. To start, first define a RadGridView, which will display a list of Employee objects. Here's an example where folder items are piped into Out-DataGrid. WPF Datagrid Crashes On Header Sort. This is why you always need to check for null or use a flag if you open a context menu from within a ContextMenuOpening event handler. What's wrong or missing in this style? &lt;Style x:Key=" Jan 14, 2016 · As stated in the title: When I right-click a node, the context-menu of the graph will show. 6. Items. Mar 2, 2018 · I have some controls in a WPF grid (not a data grid). But I am unable to do the same. ContextMenu> <ContextMenu IsEnabled="{Binding IsEnableCaseRefNo}" Aug 12, 2015 · Hi There I am beginner programmer and new to WPF and have a simple question, but I have spent quite some time searching it a could not figure it out, so I hope you guys will help me. May 4, 2017 · Alternative solution, would be ensure you Grid element stretches horizontally and vertically to fit the container. In the example b Jul 17, 2012 · Showing multiple Context menu in WPF grid row. Hence the best bet is to walk up the RelativeSource to the context's parent and pull the header text from there: <Window. ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); // Build your context menu here. It shows up if I remove this style. In the examples above you can see that controls like. Oct 14, 2014 · Since the context menu is actually in its own window, binding is a bit trickier. ) and customize the control by expanding and collapsing field values. There is also a context menu for the row details datagrid "SubItems" with similar functions that I cannot get to bind properly. Sep 23, 2019 · WPF: How to control the popup of context menus in a listview/gridview 0 How to show context menu on a ListBoxItem template on a grid when right-clicking outside the contents of it? Jun 6, 2016 · I have the following problem. Display Different Menu Items Depending on Which RadGridView Part Is Clicked; Handle the Menu Items' Clicks; You can have a look at the Row Context Menu and Header Context Menu demos which can be found in the RadGridView section of the WPF Controls Examples. If I click the cell to select it before right-clicking to bring up the context menu it works as exp Jul 27, 2015 · I am trying to dynamically create a Context Menu for a data grid that passes in the selected menu item (Mvvm). ToggleFilterEditor command, or alternatively use the column headers context menu. 1. Jan 17, 2011 · Context menus do not work as easily as they could because, by default, they are in a different visual tree to everything else, so the DataContext cannot be found. Contextual menus are often used to offer functionality that's relevant within a single control. The code is as mentioned below: MainWindow. All I want is to disable menu item in a context menu in my Datagrid. 다음 예제에서는 Context Menu를 사용할 때 두 가지 주요 개념을 보여드리겠습니다: WPF Command의 사용은 더 많은 것을 제공합니다. None of these work. Filter Editor Position. Controls. I create the ContextMenu programmatically and then display it with ContextMenu. Oct 22, 2010 · I have the following context menu for rows of the Data Grid. However the behavior of these options is based on selected grid data source. Jun 21, 2023 · To obtain the context menu displayed within a View, use the GridViewBase. ColumnMenuCustomizations collection, and specify different item properties. ) context menus displayed by this product can be customized or replaced entirely before they are shown to the end user. May 24, 2019 · Here is what I did using WPF / C#: Use DataGrid to display data from a DataTable. 3 How to hide context menu from DataGrid header? Load 7 more related Jan 29, 2015 · I'm using WPF DataGrid. There is a context menu for the main "Items" datagrid with functions to add or remove items, this is working fine. Because a ContextMenu in WPF does not exist within the visual tree of your page/window/control per se, data binding can be a little tricky. A context menu, often referred to as a popup or pop-up menu, is a menu which is shown upon certain user actions, usually a right-click with the mouse on a specific control or window. I do this through TextBlock styling: &lt;Style x:Key=" Jul 12, 2016 · You could assign your context menu to the cells instead of the DataGrid and use Command with CommandParameter instead of the Click event. Aug 20, 2024 · Context menus are a powerful tool in WPF applications that provide users with quick access to additional functionality based on the context of their actions. Nov 27, 2017 · The grid shows a context menu. I want the DataContext to be the same for the for the context menu as the grid. What do I need to add to make it work? &lt;xctk:PropertyGrid x:Name="Property May 17, 2012 · "ContextMenu itself is a FrameworkElement derived class, but this event will not be raised from the context menu being opened as a source. I just want to copy the text inside the Datagrid cell into the Feb 6, 2023 · If you reenter your handler, it becomes infinitely recursive. tcifgzl czqbt sxaqlhu dutcu opboe zpos xpbezh cahhi hwsqpdc tgu krpd rtxp mjki anzqo yoqhvol