Wordpress docker slow. The docker runs an Ubuntu image, on a WSL 2 (Windows 11).
Wordpress docker slow yaml I have 5-6 simple sites (no eCommerce) running. yml setup works for you Jan 5, 2024 · You signed in with another tab or window. When all the containers are running, open yourdomain. Setup: I have a custom Dockerfile built on WordPress with XDebug and Mailhog. Switching to OrbStack. I have no problems with that but what I do have problems with is when trying to use persistent storage for the wordpress site. Uses of the WordPress®, Woo®, and WooCommerce® names in this website are for identification purposes only and do not imply an endorsement by WordPress Foundation Aug 3, 2020 · According to Docker itself, “a container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies. The website runs which is mamp is crap, try WAMP, or even better, use docker. The changes can be seen on same repository. Follow our step-by-step instructions for a hassle-free WordPress setup. 4 (official image) MySQL Database (official image) The VPS is an Ubuntu 22 Server LTS w Sep 21, 2021 · How to run WordPress in Docker. I have my WP sites on Linux and it loads super fast. Mar 28, 2022 · Fresh install of Windows 11 and Docker. nevertheless the big problem is that I take 1 to 3 minutes to access my page correctly. In this example, one of the category pages took 1,8 seconds: Dec 14, 2022 · Another post I came across said that using . yaml 今天给大家分享一下通过 docker 快速部署一套WordPress系统,感兴趣的朋友可以一起来学习一下! 2、Dcoker快速部署WordPress 2. /wordpress-storage:/var/www/h Oct 24, 2020 · I wrote a docker wordpress tut yesterday which my docker-compose. At Convesio, we've figured out all the technical hurdles involved in using Docker effectively with WordPress and made this technology accessible to any WordPress site. The docker runs an Ubuntu image, on a WSL 2 (Windows 11). Sep 2, 2022 · Docker Wordpress super slow. Jul 13, 2023 · I have been struggling for literally 12 hours+ over the last two weeks with trying to get Docker to work as a local environment for developing a WordPress theme. yml, in the place where we configure the volumes, we will add the flag :delegated. Sep 13, 2024 · Here are a few common issues and tips for optimizing Dockerized WordPress: Overlooking Container Limits: Docker containers have resource limits that can impact performance. And Dec 2, 2024 · 在Docker容器中部署WordPress可以带来更高的灵活性和便捷性。然而,在实际部署过程中,许多用户可能会遇到WordPress下载缓慢的问题。本文将详细解析这一问题的原因,并提供相应的解决方案。 问题分析 WordPress下载缓慢可能由以下几个原因造成: 网络延迟 Dec 19, 2024 · Please notice: If you are a web developer and you need XDebug with WordPress: Please click to see. Running as an arbitrary user. g. local to access the site was a bad idea since that could cause slow performance with docker, so I then changed the website url in my hosts file, and did a find and replace on the DB/Files to reflect the change, and now the backend of WordPress works fast, but appears to have permissions issues as lots I am trying to setup the fastest and smoothest wordpress development environment, I have tried to setup a docker compose environment, which ended by having 2 Makefiles, a Dockerfile, and two docker compose files. image slow pages. May 24, 2022 · Now I’m in Windows 11 WSL2 Ubuntu 20. Reload to refresh your session. I have all the docker-compose and dockerfiles here: Jan 21, 2021 · Docker for WordPress slow. Related. 1-fpm, should I add wordpress:5. For WordPress, we’re using the Docker Image wordpress:5. everything works nicely, I get a resonably snappy site considering the low end VM settings. I am using the mysql image from Docker Hub and am using a Docker Volume to persist data into /var/lib/mysql. Everything is functional I manage to access my website etc. This is what takes the most time and is incredibly slow. Together, they create a performance-driven, flexible environment that Oct 20, 2012 · I don't know where to look, I normally run WP in a VM using nginx and PHP-FPM but for a new small site I decided to run it in Docker on our Docker Swarm cluster. Setting up WordPress Locally With Docker. 刚开始也有这一步的猜想,是不是因为 docker 容器限制了内存、CPU 导致的。 Jul 30, 2021 · Now, on the root folder as the same as the docker-compose file, run docker-compose up -d to mount our containers and images. 12. I am using Traefik as a reverse Proxy for an Docker environment with multiple Containers like Portainer, Wordpress, Grafana, etc. 4 and 8. I have an Ubuntu server VM running in Windows Azure. Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset That said, if you aren’t tied to docker for Wordpress, there’s a pretty awesome app called Local by flywheel which works very nice for running containerized Wordpress installations. Now I run on this stack a simple wordpress app, but the site loads SUPER SLOW ~ 4-5 sec. Oct 8, 2022 · @rimelek I have just updated my docker container to use mysql version 8. 04 LTS with WSL2 enabled One of the more common problems for Developers that use Windows is that the projects with Docker configuration work really slowly, to a point when sometimes a single browser request needs to wait 30-60 seconds to be completed. com/questions/54291859/docker-wordpress-super-slow The problem comes from the docker mount. 5. CHALLENGE: Incorrectly configured Docker on Windows leads to slow Docker performance SOLUTION: Run Docker Windows from Ubuntu 20. The website does work when you visit it in the browser, but it's extremely slow. Sometimes, request on the frontend have a slow response time on the main HTML document. yml. In the file, you will set up two services — one for WordPress, and Feb 13, 2018 · The WordPress® trademarks are the intellectual property of the WordPress Foundation, and the Woo® and WooCommerce® trademarks are the intellectual property of WooCommerce, Inc. Docker - Full functional WordPress (WP+DB+PHPMyAdmin) 0. 6s; Docker for Mac: ~3s; Docker for Windows: ~40s The thing is, WordPress and WooCommerce are so popular that they can easily break backward compatibility and they don’t compete others because it’s free, you lost revenues as a results or do complex debugging yourself along with 100,000 slow ecommerce. Notes: I copy web sit on another folder Wamp server and that was very fast again. 58. 4 Oct 18, 2024 · Hello, I got a bit stuck on a very simple configuration for wordpress, where I subsequently have a problem using the feature (PHP wp_remote_post). I want to know what the best practice is for updating a wordpress site using ci/cd and redeploying it. 1, PHP-FPM version behind Nginx, MariaDB, with and without WP-Cron, no matter what combination I tried, the same thing takes 10-20 minutes. The wordpresssite is super slow when running with docker. Solution One: Bindfs Tool for File But you are using Docker on WSL 2 which is a different (Linux) filesystem. Docker部署WordPress出现上传的文件大小问题_从服务器收到预料之外的响应。此文件可能已被成功上传。请检查媒体库或刷新 Jul 19, 2024 · UNRAID 6. It’s extremely slow to build the images. O use docker and docker-compose. WordPress is a free and open-source Content Management System (CMS) built on a MySQL database with PHP processing. Opening a page takes like 10 seconds. 1 sec. 02 - 0. The Docker container is launched on the basis of a Docker image. Good luck! FAQs on WordPress Docker Improving WordPress Speed in Docker Compose Development. I’ve tried to use :cached and :delegated at some point but made no difference. i've read that i can run those folders directly I use Windows 10 Home and Docker, which works using WSL 2. Jul 25, 2018 · Why the Openbridge Docker WordPress Stack? Our high-performance Docker WordPress micro-services stack is based on a lightweight, secure, up-to-date, and highly optimized set of Docker services. Even if your computer’s speed is high, you’ll likely still encounter this issue. The problem is that it takes ages for Docker to pick up changes in the local files that are mounted into the container - it’s like 10 or more seconds until the change is recorded by the container. To avoid this you can run WordPress manually, like with XAMPP. 启动 Docker 并设置开机自启动 sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker 4. Best way I found to speed up performance is by using Hyper-V instead sadly. Jul 7, 2022 · Designing a website in WordPress online is a bit slow and can bring extra costs. So, when you do a Docker build all of the code/context gets copied from the Windows filesystem to Linux filesystem and then from there to the Docker container. But nothing helped and I have a problem with this with all configurations. missing images). Mar 23, 2023 · Hi, I have a question about getting wordpress set up in Kubernetes. I’m attempting to have Docker run WordPress installations on an external drive. Feb 1, 2022 · Docker WordPress is slow, terribly slow. Jan 6, 2020 · This will cover off setting up a Docker container for local WordPress development & mounting the container folder for easier development. 2. wslconfig file with the following content Hello there I'm hosting my own website with wordpress in a docker container. Aug 6, 2021 · Docker teilt deine WordPress Installation, deinen Webserver und deine Datenbank in einzelne Container, virtuelle Systeme. The current issue is that it takes 20 to 30 seconds just to load a web page or each request. Composer file: command: echo 'wordpress data initialized'So every file that is uploaded or modified will be saved in the `wordpressdata` image. For comparison, these are times per one upload operation as we tried them: Linux: ~0. i7 and 16GB. This is my docker-compose. Just be careful when you are cleaning up docker and removing old images because you could delete `wordpressdata`. 更新软件包环境 sudo apt update 2. js server via HTTP so there’s quite a bit of networking and file operations involved. With a simple change, you can make your loc Jul 30, 2021 · Now, on the root folder as the same as the docker-compose file, run docker-compose up -d to mount our containers and images. Dockerize wordpress. I started a simple installation of WordPress on Docker and Response Time takes up to 10 seconds. 安装 Docker Compose sudo apt install -y docker-compose 5. Docker images are built based on the specification described in a Dockerfile. I have no idea what happened but since a few days my website needs for the call of the startpage 15 seconds to 30 seconds or ju I am using the official wordpress:latest docker container with my own separate nginx reverse proxy container. I am using it for wordpress developement. Example wordpress-traefik-letsencrypt-compose. I had to May 21, 2024 · Hi, I have installed wordpress in docker on my home server at local. NOTE: Updated to note possible performance issue in Docker using Windows Containers and mounted volumes. 1-apache, which is one of the editions available in Docker Hub for WordPress’ latest version. I am not sure why this happends but I think it has something to do with the external database or the shared volumes. They have gained a ton of popularity quickly and are still on their original WordPress website and currently have about 50,000 users. I would like to be able to use this across Windows and Mac OS I changed the disk image location to the external drive which worked fine. I use docker in WP projects, because it's easier, free and I can all my projects with a single command line. I have did all of this to avoid configuring WP everytime I delete the mounted volumes or the containers,. sudo nano docker-compose. It’s a 1TB Samsung T5 SSD formatted to exFAT. The database is about 4GB, some of the tables have around 10 million rows. Before it was slow also, but now it is super slow. Note that if your container isn’t running on the machine you’re currently using, as was my case Aug 9, 2024 · Setting up WordPress with Docker means you can avoid the hassle of setting up set of server-side software for web applications. However, it was still too slow. Unfortunately when I try to open a site of the page that I am developing it will take more than 10 seconds to open that page. To add XDebug to the WordPress image, you can use the image wpdiaries/wordpress-xdebug instead of the official Docker WordPress image wordpress. 创建docker-compose. I have Docker and it would be awesome to run WordPress in Docker. This LEMP stack on Digitial Ocean VPS, worked successfully for me for nearly 6 years. I’ve also tried a variant with reverse proxy and ssl certificates etc. 1 首先要拉取WordPress最新版本的镜像. I recommend use docker, if you have some trouble in your project, just delete all the containers and recreate again. Docker is extremely slow when running Laravel on Nginx container wsl2. Docker based Wordpress deployment using a collection of optimized containers w/ Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB and Redis. Nov 5, 2024 · Step 2: Creating the Docker Compose file. 容器限制. Apr 16, 2020 · Docker for WordPress slow. Du brauchst also keine bestimmten Pakete für PHP, keine manuelle Konfiguration – ein einfacher Befehl reicht und schon läuft die aktuellse Version von WordPress auf deinem System: docker run wordpress:latest Apr 18, 2023 · Using Docker for WordPress development is a great way to save time and money, as well as ensure that your apps are running smoothly. I tried changing the PHP container port, Aug 7, 2024 · Optimizing Slow Performance of a WordPress Site using Docker, Azure MySQL, and GitHub Files. app: build: context: . Oct 15, 2019 · I have a problem with WordPress & Docker because the slow loading time (+- 7 seconds) of my website. even with apache, but with ngnix is even faster (though a little more complicated to make it work, due to the htaccess files. yml: wordpress:¬ image: wordpress¬ links:¬ - wordpressdb:mysql¬ ports:¬ - 8080:80 Aug 7, 2024 · I'm using Docker to contain a WordPress site (on localhost) for a team demo project. But there is still like 5-6 seconds delay while browsing the wordpress site. But mounting a Windows folder into a container can be really slow. Nov 14, 2016 · I have create a simple docker stack: php, nginx, mariadb. I did a bit of research and read, that is it better to configure Traefik and Wordpress with Nginx in addition, because Traefik itself can't handle static files May 8, 2024 · Basic Knowledge of Docker: While you don't need to be an expert, having a fundamental understanding of Docker concepts such as containers, images, and Docker files will be beneficial. Dec 7, 2022 · Using the official WordPress Docker image combined with Compose, you can set up the needed development environment for WordPress. this is unacceptable. In other words, if you have an application—for example, a WordPress site—then you can package it into a WordPress Docker image. I tried to add the . Ensure you’re configuring these limits based on your expected load. 12-apache-buster image and WordPress. and every service except for Wordpress is super fast. It’s best to use a volume for the core WordPress files with a bind mount to wp-content for local development. io 3. docker pull wordpress:latest. Wordpress like so: sudo docker run --name some-wordpress --link some-mysql:mysql -p 80:80 -d wordpress. May 14, 2020 · Docker for WordPress slow. I am currently in the process of setting up a docker compose with an apache-php container with symfony / a mysql container / an elasticsearch container. each one has its own container. ip:80 When i access this address, it loads instantly I have port forwarded the port, when I access external. If you need to add things to the image create a new Dockerfile starting with the official image and then adding the necessary commands to make your image have what you need in terms of plugins, themes, and customizations. 9. 4. Oct 12, 2020 · I have this Wordpress + PHP project I'm trying to run in Docker containers. Create a wordpress-traefik-letsencrypt-compose. Hey all, I recently started fiddling around with wordpress dockerized and with the data folder as docker/wordpress/ Now my page performance is super slow, like dozens of seconds most often. Docker running really slow on mac after PHP 7. Jul 7, 2020 · Volumes aren’t a problem in Windows - Docker uses a Linux file system. It is the next step in WordPress hosting with significant scaling and performance benefits. So the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another”. yml file. Every page refresh is at least 5 seconds or much longer. now i've read that it happens because the wp folders are all within a mounted share, and the mounting itself makes it super slow. 创建文件. I did try looking for console errors. See if my docker-compose. This, however, is another service on Windows that hosts websites (Apache). but when I calculate PHP execution time it shows me 0. 7. It uses MySQL docker image and initializes the Mar 5, 2023 · I copy this website (with duplicator plugin) to linux (centos) and run with docker that too slow for load any pages(in local) as shown as. To be clear nginx is not being used as the WordPress web server – that’s still Apache as per the official container. Create a WordPress Dockerfile Sep 23, 2024 · Hi, I am developing a Laravel website locally and use docker to test it out. Docker in MacOs is very slow. I’ve gone through tutorial after Oct 25, 2021 · If you choose to use Docker to work with WordPress, you’ll find that everything is easier and faster. To improve the docker-compose files you can create a customized database for each instance of WordPress. I looked at the Oct 10, 2023 · Slow loading times Resolved Jan (@tex-twil) 1 year, 5 months ago Hey, any page in the admin pannel takes quite some time to load. Woocommerce Store Until here we just have a simple WordPress blog. However, accessing the site is extremely slow. docker-compose services: database: image: mariadb:latest container_name: wordpress_database Are you tired of slow WordPress sites on docker on windows? I am! So, This video is the solution to that problem. I looked through. 1-fpm? Jun 22, 2022 · Docker containers are generally perceived as technically complicated and a difficult solution to implement. Docker for WordPress slow. docker php, nginx is super slow with wordpress. docker镜像加速源配置,目前可用镜像源列举(8月29日更新最新可用)_docker可用的镜像源. Another post I came across said that using . This apparently is because Docker cannot properly handle the different OS (Windows and Linux). yml file that defines your services, networks, and volumes. I am setting all this up in GCP and I am using CloudSQL for the database. Docker is a complicated application, and sometimes things go wrong. yaml文件. This is the only way I access the admin interface on my multisite install. Now, the folders db_data, plugins and WordPress must be available locally and you can start your development work o/!! The wordpress site. If that's the first time you're running it, it'll take a couple of minutes to fetch the docker images and initialize the database. My walkthrough is based on mac, so some commands may slightly differ. Nov 6, 2024 · I need help with to speed up on page request of my wordpress project running docker on Macbook Sonoma 14. wordpress基于php+mysql 所以需要安装mysql数据库,这里安装mysql5. This is self hosted on azure Linux VM, which uses Nginx. May 23, 2023 · Troubleshooting WordPress in Docker. Jul 30, 2022 · I have a recent WordPress 6 installation with MariaDB and PHP 8 FPM running on Docker. Thanks to its extensible plugin architecture and templating system, most of its administration can be done through the web interface. Oct 5, 2022 · Hi guys, I was working with Docker on a Win11 machine and the application run very very slow, around 30 seconds or even 1 minute to load a single page (not easy to work like this ☹ ). See one simple trick! WordPress and Docker haters hate it! In docker-compose. To set up a WordPress project locally using Docker, you will need to create a docker-compose. Issue: The site is extremely slow (10+ seconds to load each page), including the admin page. In 2014, I transitioned to a LEMP stack for the speed that Nginx offered. Loading the entire wp-content folder seems excessive. yml to setup nginx, PHP and MySQL DB with just a single command line in console. . 安装docker sudo apt install -y docker. But under load, docker is just awfully slow. I searched the issue and found: https://stackoverflow. 1. Load 7 more related questions Feb 15, 2025 · Overview Have you experienced sluggish performance when running WordPress in Docker on your local en. once i started to use docker, on windows 10, all my wordpress sites load and render below 200ms. In this article, we will discuss how to optimize the performance of a WordPress site that is set up using Docker, with a MySQL database hosted on Azure, and WordPress files stored in GitHub. wslconfig file with the contents in the C:\Users\Mateusz directory: [wsl2] memory=4G #Limits VM memory in WSL 2 to 500MB Mar 27, 2024 · Learn how to install WordPress using Docker with our detailed guide. 2 安装 mysql. com in your browser and proceed with the wordpress installation. Currently, I am working on Jan 6, 2021 · Why Run WordPress on Docker? I started this website in 2010 with a LAMP stack on Ubuntu Server. With this guide, you should now be ready to set up containers on your local machine and configure them for development purposes. With a simple configuration, we can start a project without the need to use XAMPP, WAMPP or any other local environment. Feb 8, 2021 · Tinkering with nework in docker; Disabled debugger in php; Used different versions of docker-compose; Rules for configuring docker deamon; All actions resulted in a good enough speed for one user. But I have a way. 58 Docker is extremely slow when running Laravel on Nginx container wsl2 . May 25, 2019 · Introduction. ip:forwardedport from another network (mobile), it takes around 1 minute to load Dec 16, 2021 · Hello, I made my very first post in order to ask you for help. When I run this, it is extremely slow on Docker for Windows. You signed out in another tab or window. 04 with Docker (not Docker Desktop), tried official WP image (with Apache and MySQL) PHP 7. See the "Running as an arbitrary user" section of the php image documentation . dockerfile: Dockerfile Where it is written "Repository wordpress" I change to "Repository wordpress:fpm"? Which PHP version will it use then? Or should I put it in extra parameters or post arguments? For example I want this tag: 5. Does anyone know if there are any new Mar 1, 2024 · I'm running a Wordpress environment based on a few containers: Nginx Proxy (Jwilder) Wordpress Apache PHP 7. volumes: - . Try to put your project into a folder like this Mar 25, 2016 · Hello, I attempted to set up a simple WordPress development environment with Docker. Optimisation isn’t out of the box for WordPress ecosystem. This, docker-compose starting with the official wordpress image ( or reputable 3rd party ). Apr 6, 2023 · I am using Docker in Windows, with a fresh install of WP from the official image. WordPress files stored on GitHub, copied into the container's WordPress folder during the build process. The website is extremely slow, checking the devtools the TTFB sometimes tak Jan 1, 2025 · WordPress is Dockerized using a safe and secure Nginx host system. We fuse best-of-breed Docker services from NGINX, PHP-FPM, MariaDB, and Redis. I have the same application running in Elastic Beanstalk (AWS) smoothly and fast, even I tried to run a Xamp server and everything worked fine, the problem is when I use Docker. The whole app is basically designed to push their hosting services (you can publish online with a click in the app), but their app is free to use for developing Mar 29, 2022 · Fresh install of windows 11 and docker. I am developing a wordpress site. 3-php8. These short and simple steps would enable you to completely configure WordPress in Docker Container using Nginx Web Server to maximize your site performance. I disabled all plugins but yet so slow. So, I decided to give it a try: move codes, database to a volume. yml config creates persistent local mapping of individual wp-content folders, plugins, uploads, etc. Sep 1, 2024 · Docker安装wordpress并配置数据库(超详细版)_wordpress docker. yml (PHP, Mysql, Nginx located in back section): Nov 10, 2024 · 安装docker 1. Nov 11, 2022 · I have the same issue running a few containers to run a development version of WordPress. The actual wordpress resides inside a docker container. I did a bit of research and read, that is it better to configure Traefik and Wordpress with Nginx in addition, because Traefik itself can't handle static files Jun 18, 2022 · I installed on my computer ols-docker-env container in docker for developing wordpress/woocommerce sites on localhost. Everything works fine, but there is one problem - when I reload page it takes about 5-10 second or longer. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Even though Docker isn’t made specifically for WordPress, the Dec 7, 2016 · The WordPress site uploads some of its files to the Node. 40GHz and 64 GiB DDR4 Multi-bit ECC RAM and for the APPDATA, ISO and SYSTEM folders are cached in an SSD and working fine. 11 + CGNAT + Cloudflare + Wordpress = DOCKER SLOW (7seg response time) VS Bitnami VM FAST (1seg response time) Why? My home server is an HPE DL390 Gen9 with one Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2640 v4 @ 2. 42. Our setup includes: MySQL database hosted on Azure. The problems come when running docker-compose up on the external drive. I mounted source code to Docker container and everything works properly except that after some minutes of inactivity first refresh of the host browser takes over 10s, subsequent refreshes are 290ms but again, after some inactivity minutes, the first Mar 15, 2022 · I mean loading of Media Library everywhere, wether accessed through Web Stories, through WordPress Menu or through any other plugin which uses Media Library. Not Using Caching: Caching can significantly boost performance. local to access the site was a bad idea since that could cause slow performance with docker, so I then changed the website url in my hosts file, and did a find and replace on the DB/Files to reflect the change, and now the backend of WordPress works fast, but appears to have permissions issues as lots Jul 4, 2012 · I'm facing an annoying problem with Docker using a php:7. docker stats and stats looks good max 15% cpu usage, and memory barely getting to 5%. Docker is slow after adding volumes (Wordpress) 1. The idea is that WordPress is installed in the container and theme files are kept in sync between macOS’ file system and the container. 1. Here is the docker-compose. Mar 13, 2019 · Hi. It basically takes the entire time of the logo to animate before th… Jan 24, 2015 · I'm experiencing some weirdness with docker. 4. Jun 26, 2018 · Open a Bash shell on the WordPress Docker container: Slow code can also be found in WordPress themes, and so if you can’t find bottlenecks in your plugins, it any solutions guys? wordpress site on docker so slow on windows 11. When I use standard Docker, the website is extremely slow. Dec 13, 2020 · You see, Docker on Windows, despite all the efforts cannot compare to what it's like on Linux. From what I learn, mounting the local directory to a container on Windows can make app loads very slow, not just WordPress. This YAML file is crucial for configuring your WordPress installation through Docker. - GitHub - openbridge/wordpress: Docker based Wordpress deployment using a collec Jul 19, 2023 · In a VPS I have created a structure using docker where there is an NGINX Proxy Manager to handle the incoming requests and with a docker-compose. The application will be run in a Docker container, which is an equivalent of a VM. Docker got especially slow after I installed a theme with plugins. Familiarity with WordPress: It's essential to have a basic understanding of WordPress, including how to navigate its admin dashboard, install plugins, and Oct 24, 2019 · Docker Wordpress super slow. In a local WordPress development environment using Docker Compose, one common issue is slow speed when the volumes (or folders) in the containers are mounted. Jun 14, 2022 · 到这个阶段,从 WordPress 打印出的 SQL 语句执行耗时,结合 Nginx 日志 + PHP 慢日志可以得出一个结论: WordPress 主题里的 PHP 代码和网站打开速度慢没有直接关联。 4. 7 版本 I am using Traefik as a reverse Proxy for an Docker environment with multiple Containers like Portainer, Wordpress, Grafana, etc. Could you help me I remain at Nov 21, 2017 · On my local machine, WordPress Page load time is very slow on docker with nginx and php7-fpm and in network call its shows 2 - 4 sec to load first doc. how can I optimize docker setup to speed up the local environment? below are some details of my local environment Nov 6, 2017 · Run docker service ps wordpress in your terminal to see which host the container is running on. Note: be sure to rebuild and redeploy regularly to ensure you get all the latest WordPress security updates. 1-php7. 33 Super Slow Docker Build. 3. I was thinking about it because when i was using Docker with Hyper-v in about 3 years it wasn't that slow ( i had Windows running on HDD). Why is WordPress really slow on a Mac? Older versions of Docker were really slow when accessing bind mounts – where the application stores data in a filesystem folder like the data directories above. Page load times are extremely slow (over 10+ seconds) and in most cases, it eventually times out leaving broken page elements (e. If I start a new docker container for e. I already tried creating a . Jan 5, 2024 · Every page and action takes like 5 to 10 seconds. bqbnbejr bhl zcsgt yubtig fqjr tiixl hiomg tizrsa xbjexx tftzs asht ylps pieup lgyjkwqy buqith