Windows 10 answer file components Nothing changed. Jun 16, 2024 · Answer: The Windows 10 desktop consists of several key components that provide users with access to their applications, files, and system settings. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. **Taskbar**: Located at the bottom of the screen by default, the taskbar is a prominent feature of the desktop. Oct 25, 2016 · I'm trying to create a Windows 10 image with sysprep but I have a problem. You’ll see a browse button to browse to an answer file. Nov 5, 2020 · Specifies the administrator password for the computer and whether it is hidden in the unattended installation answer file. May 31, 2019 · First step is to select a Windows image file, to get the image file just need to extra the required Windows ISO to a folder. During unattended Windows installation, answer files are cached to the computer. 1809 are missing. In the Local Group Policy Editor, navigate to Local Computer Policy → Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Windows Components → Windows Defender SmartScreen → Explorer. Select the version. Aug 17, 2019 · There are a few, not many, answer file components and settings that are edition specific, but in all my tutorials about sysprepping and answer files, I have used only global components and settings which work for all editions. The file's name is either Autounattend. Name any two Utility softwares Dec 2, 2019 · find a current version of Windows 10 that has x:\SOURCES\INSTALL. Create answer file in WSIM from available settings in the generated catalog file (. Create the Answer File: Use Windows Answer File Generator to generate your custom answer file. Below is the extracted ISO. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. 17763. Instructions for usage: Download the Script into your computer. The effort is a simple copy and paste from the Windows 10 answer file to the Windows 11 answer file. Right-click the component, and then select a configuration pass. Tried restore point but that didnt work either. Boot to newly created media. xml file to additionally configure the Taskbar? and more. Choose a location where to save the file. Place this file in the i386 folder of your Windows XP disc and come back to a fresh install of Windows XP. exe and choose Run as administrator . The system automatically executes this file at predetermined points during installation. Windows System Image Manager. The answer file is a file with XML syntax. Initial Disk Configuration Settings. Opening your autounattend. Download the autounattend. Beneath that, it states “For more information about the different components and settings that you can configure in an answer file, see the “Unattended Windows Setup Reference”. This service lets you create answer files (typically named unattend. automatesql. Every thing was perfect: user programs, shortcuts, apps, group policy settings etc. Says go to Windows Store to download. Windows 10 AutoUnattend Answer File for Use with Packer. Under Windows Image Pane, expand Components and right-click on amd64_Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE_10. Start button The start menu is used to start applications, access utilities used to configure and manage the computer, and power down or restart the computer. In the unattend. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Here is my unattend File: May 26, 2020 · The solution to this is an answer file for unattended installations. sif" without the quotations. Feb 8, 2021 · (Set password after logging in, not in an insecure plaintext file) Validate answer file: Tools → Validate Answer File; Save answer file to C:\WinPE\media\autounattend. Click on File and then Select Windows image and select the image you created. Any information on how to fix this problem will be appreciated. Virtual Machine Manager provides three components to the static IP address by using an IP pool: IPv4 address, IPv6 address, gateway address, and DNS address. This is getting me very frustrated as everyone i know who has windows 10 are well happy with it. On the expanded list of components, add the components in the table below to your answer file by right-clicking the component, and then selecting the appropriate configuration pass. Computer Name: Each device must have a unique name, which can be defined in the answer file. Select Components, on the components below is the different type and examples May 17, 2022 · In this Windows 10 guide, we walk you through the steps to create an autounattend. Windows SIM is part of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK). I compared the 10 LTSC answer file settings to what is available under the Win 11 Components in SIM and it is identical as far as my needed settings go. Go to Sources > install. This option is only available for the first 10 days after the update. Newer ones are created automatically. Jun 7, 2024 · You can use the answer file to skip some of the steps during the out-of-box experience (OOBE). Later in this guide, I will include a shortcut to adding in this configuration by editing the final . Sep 21, 2021 · The following commands create a Windows answer file that uses static IP addresses provided at deployment time by the fabric manager, such as System Center Virtual Machine Manager. Change the disk number if installing to a disk other than disk 0. None of the components will not install, esp. The Answer File will now be validated. Reference to catalog file is the second to last line in answer file: This scenario involves creating an answer file to automate the standard installation of Windows 10 from a USB drive. Create a Windows 10 or Windows 11 Bootable Installation USB drive with Rufus or the Media Creation Tool. Oct 17, 2024 · Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets. I've had no issues with the xml file for installation Windows 10 but I'll get that shortly. Be sure to remove everything from the start tag <> to the end tag </>. Import Windows 10 image files. Answer files generated by this service are primarily intended to be used with Windows Setup run from Windows PE to perform clean (rather than upgrade) installations. EXAMPLE OF POPULATING THE ANSWER FILE In the Windows SIM Windows Image pane, expand the Components node to display available settings. With the ISO files folder open, click on the “Setup” executable to continue installing Windows 10. xml) to perform unattended installations of both Windows 10 and Windows 11, including 24H2. wim) file. Apr 10, 2019 · After short intro let’s built our answer files. etc. Jun 18, 2019 · I am creating an answer file to automate the windows 10 (1903) enterprise installation from WDS through WSIM but I’m stuck and unable to find the option where I can skip or type the 3 security questions while finishing setting up the local account . Which of the following can be accomplished with a Windows 10 answer file during the WindowsPE Configuration Pass? (Choose all that apply. These options include how to partition disks, where to find the Windows image that will be installed, and which product key to apply. Sep 6, 2022 · NOTE: From here on, both the steps and the interface used to install or remove features and components are identical in Windows 11 and Windows 10. xml file, you will be glad to know that the answer file for Windows 10 can now be generated using Windows Answer File Generator. efi description Windows 10 locale en-US inherit {bootloadersettings} recoverysequence {uid1} displaymessageoverride Recovery recoveryenabled Yes isolatedcontext Yes flightsigning Yes allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075 osdevice partition=C Jul 26, 2018 · I'm in a mess. 0_neutral and select Add settings to Pass 1 windowsPE. Open Windows SIM. This is a HP OEM for all are PC Win 10 64 bit. May 8, 2018 · Janothin said: This is the answer file for Windows Setup. 2. In the Answer File pane, select the top node, and then right-click to select New Answer File. Paste all the code and select "Save As". Omit the change that broken and continue. If you are migrating from Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC, you can re-use the distribution share; but you will need to create a new answer file using the new Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024 catalog. The latest build is April 2018 Update (version 1803). Whether you are setting up physical machines, virtual machines, or using network installations with Windows Deployment Services (WDS), these answer files provide a reliable way to automate the installation process. Reopening the answer file runs a validity check. Create an answer file. DomainAccounts: Specifies the details of domain accounts to be added to local security groups on the computer during installation. LocalAccounts: Specifies the details of local accounts to be created during installation. Jun 20, 2012 · An answer file for Windows Vista and Windows 7 is an XML-based file that contains settings definitions and values to use during Windows Setup. The region will be set automatically based on locales, for instance if I set all locales to SV-SE (Swedish in Sweden) region will be Sweden, but using SV-FI (Swedish in Finland) region will be Finland. Type msinfo32. Such a file can already automate Windows 10 setup in the earlier phases, for example, when joining a domain during the Specialize pass. After reopening the file, the Messages pane should read, "No warnings or errors. Setup: The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or mobile device. Aug 27, 2014 · As the title stats, I’m learning to create an unattended answer file for my imaging. May 31, 2019 · Next create a new answer file. Delete a List Item. If it breaks after the additions, start over and add one or two at a time and test until it breaks. You can finally create your answer file. Jan 5, 2022 · I made the answer file here Windows Answer File Generator (windowsafg. xml or autounattend. Click on File and Save Answer File. 3. I saved this answer file as customize. Nov 10, 2022 · Working on an answer file revision and have duplicate settings in the oobeSystem > amd64 and oobeSystem > wow64 sections. WIM file (which is not the retail versions) Select FILE > SELECT WINDOWS IMAGE, point to INSTALL. To determine whether a component applies to the image you’re building, load your image into Windows SIM and search for the component or setting name. 10586. Thank You, Micah [Moved from: Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings ] Jul 3, 2020 · After installing the Windows System Image Manager console, you need to import the OS installation files onto your device, and set up the environment to create an answer file. 10. Unfortunately, that link was not provided, but here it Windows Answer File Generator (WAFG) is a simple website that provides similar functions to Windows System Image Manager (SIM). " Run a validity check for the answer file. To create an answer file, you need to open a Windows 10 image and create a catalog of all the components to automate the installation. Dec 17, 2024 · Answer files work through a simple mechanism: create an autounattend. You can use the GUI tool to create the “answers” the configuration questions presented in the GUI. Because of th Next create a new answer file. It's purpose is to tell Windows SIM which components should be made available. Feb 17, 2025 · The components of Windows desktop are Taskbar, Desktop icons, Notification area, File Explorer, Control Panel, Start menu, Search box. Windows Answer Files are ideal for scenarios where you need to deploy Windows across multiple machines simultaneously. Aug 7, 2015 · Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. FIX : Windows Could Not Parse Or Process The Unattend Answer File For Windows 10 Open up the answer file using any text editing program and search for "Key". xml: Ctrl+S; Close Answer File and Windows Image: File → Close Answer File | Close Windows Image Apr 15, 2019 · 5. Select Components, on the components below is the different type and examples. Changed answer file settings for Windows 10 for desktop editions, build 1709. A plus sign (+) appears, which indicates that the list item is added to the Windows image when the unattended answer file is run. 1 with Client-DeviceLockdown features all set to Enabled. xml file in Notepad, I instantly noticed it is my sample answer file from step 3. xml and close Windows SIM. Click on Tools and then Validate Answer File. The answer file must be saved on root of any drive except C: and the drive where Windows install media is located. Windows System Image Manager is the tool used to create an unattended Windows Setup answer file. Click browse and browse to the above answer file you exported and complete the wizard. Once the Aug 13, 2023 · Get started building your own sandbox in 6 steps - https://www. Commonly called a Windows Answer File or Unattended Answer File, it contains details like: Product Key: If not using volume licensing. Open a Windows image. Windows ADK and Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) installed on a supported version of Windows 11. Create an Answer File. amd_64 =64bit components, only used on x64 installs. Below are basic settings that can be configured for Windows 8. With the following components added to the specialize phase: Below are basic settings that can be configured for Windows 10 features. Go to Windows Image. Unattend_mdt-default-windows-10-pro-22h2-rtm. xml on root of E: drive: Oct 25, 2024 · An answer file is an XML-based configuration file that provides instructions to the Windows Setup process. Video Tutorial; Click to Show Instructions. Note: All IIS features are not included in this configuration file as normal, home users would not need to c Dec 17, 2020 · This topic shows the historic list of changes to answer file settings for each build of Windows 10. Update images for each model: offline servicing. The file is placed in the root directory of a USB drive or floppy disk. Below are the Windows 10, version 1709 answer file settings that have changed since Windows 10 for desktop editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education), version 1703. How to add Windows features or components. 4 days ago · Application windows display a user interface for programs running on the computer. xml answer file containing all the necessary settings to perform a basic unattended installation of the OS. xml extension. If the application asks you if you want to create a catalog file, click Yes. Oct 8, 2015 · System Information (also known as msinfo32. Please follow the steps to access the system information in windows 10, 1. Jan 1, 2025 · reg load hklm\components c:\windows\system32\config\components Right-click on the file FRST64. wim is Windows 10 Pro using "Dism /Get-ImageInfo" and verified the mounted image is Windows 10 Pro using "Dism /Get-CurrentEdition" and the customized install. exe /Online /Cleanup-image… Ensure you select all the text below and copy to a word processor. This image will be used to install on OEM shipped W10 machines as well and W7 machines. com) Are company got hit with a crypto virus and I have to make an easy install for the end user. To Nov 10, 2017 · Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. xml file but for now, we will set a value for disk configuration to show in Windows Setup. To add disk configuration settings find the component amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Setup and add to Pass 1. Q: Does this answer file generator work with sysprep? A: Windows AFG aims for simplicity of installing May 1, 2014 · Proceed through the Media Wizard until you reach the Optional Components page. I've noticed that Notepad, MS Paint and Wordpad aren't installed by default anymore as they are now considered "FoD" (Features on Demand). Creating a new answer file. x86 = 32bit components installed on x86, only used on x86 May 6, 2019 · The Windows System Image Manager or Windows SIM provides an easy way to create unattend answer files using this GUI tool and the component sections described above as part of the answer file. For more information, see Open a Windows Image or Catalog File. This button displays the currently selected search type. This Aug 6, 2015 · Also some of the start button tiles are not working,maps,calender,camera,alarms & clock and store all not working. Jan 15, 2016 · Hello, I am prepping a new windows 10 image to be deployed through out my company in many different locations to different computer brands (Dell, Lenovo, MS Surface). However, because any answer file can be used to install any Windows image, if there are settings in the answer file for components that do not exist in the Windows image, those settings are ignored. I’ve built the answer file and the W10 image installs and answer file runs successfully except for the Windows 10 activation. May 28, 2019 · Let’s take a look at this process to quickly build out a Windows 10 VM, install updates, shut it down and transition it to a VMware template for quick cloning of an up-to-date template file to produce a ready to run Windows 10 virtual machine. com/sandboxBlog post - https://bit. We’ve retired most hardware that isn’t Intel iCore but before I cut the amd64 section out, I wanted to see if there was a section that covered all types of x64 bit hardware. xml. clg). ly/47w5CJq This video is a demo of building an Jan 30, 2014 · 9. We will need 2 answer files to make this work. The image was made with Macrium Reflect, then I opened the ISO and made a new one with the answer file. To generate an answer file, you need the Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM). 0. Here are the main components of the Windows 10 desktop: 1. May 26, 2010 · This enables you to validate the settings in the answer file to the settings available in the Windows image. I still created a new answer file anyway and added the same components and just filled out the same settings that I had in the 10 answer file. clg) with Windows Image System Manager (WSIM) from source files. Sep 7, 2016 · Add component amd64_Microsoft-Windows-International-Core (replace amd64 with x86 if 32 bit Windows) to settings pass OobeSystem and fill in locales, EN-US in case of US English and region USA. Jun 24, 2021 · The Windows Unattended Setup Reference provides a complete listing of all the settings that you can use to automate the configuration and the deployment of Windows 10 for desktop editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education), Windows 8. Nov 5, 2020 · To improve security in answer files, you can hide the passwords for local accounts by using Windows SIM. At the location where it is saved, Right click and select Extract. How to create Windows Answer File using Windows System Image Manager. x86 = 32bit components installed on x86, only used on x86 May 7, 2019 · Catalog file is only required for editing / creating answer files in Windows SIM. Any help with this would be appreciated. The easiest way to create an answer file for use with a Windows 7 deployment is to use the Windows System Image Manager (WSIM) which is a part of the Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK or WAIK). Select Enabled, and ensure that it is configured to Warn and click OK. I got the parts where it skips the OOBE screens, enables admin account, and copy profile. First and probably easiest for you pros: Where does the answer file get saved to? In the article it says the file needs to be saved to Nov 5, 2020 · The unique key setting appears in brackets next to the list item in the tree view of the Answer File pane. For more information, see Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File. Nov 5, 2020 · An answer file is an XML-based file that contains setting definitions and values to use during Windows Setup. Thanks. xml (my preference) or Unattend. Save the answer file to USB-B\AnswerFiles\Unattend. The key steps involved are: Create the Windows 10 image and necessary answer file using Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM). There may be more then one reference to it in the answer file so be sure to check for them all. You can also create settings that trigger scripts in your images that run after the first user creates their account and picks their default language. Hyper-V and IIS. Next create a new answer file. You should substitute your own information for values encapsulated in [SQUARE BRACKETS]. The preferred tool for generating the correct answer file is the Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM). WIM and wait for it to open the reference package; Select FILE > OPEN ANSWER FILE; Play until you can’t play any more; For more details on answer files, read: THIS Microsoft article Nov 28, 2023 · ***** * WARNING! * ***** This answer file will cause Windows setup to WIPE disk 0 without any warning and to begin installation to that disk. Go to Run by pressing Windows + R simultaneously. Mar 31, 2021 · Hi, With Windows System Image Manager i created an Answer file added the Windows-Foundation-Package_10. Aug 19, 2019 · I have verified the extracted basicimage. Feb 16, 2018 · I have Windows Pro 64 bit and tried to install optional components. 1 Update, Windows 8. Jan 21, 2025 · If this is a fresh installation of Windows, you can re-install Windows to version 23H2. xml file and save it on your computer. I used this Telnet article which was a great help. For information about creating answer May 26, 2020 · The solution to this is an answer file for unattended installations. Tried that and nothing will download. In consequence, we decided to use screenshots from Windows 11. Jan 14, 2025 · All MSMQ Server assemblies on a Win 10 Enterprise LTSC V. I can't find a setting in the unattend file where I disable to send data to Microsoft or turn off my location. ) Specify credentials for accessing the Windows image. wim. Configure the language settings and expand the . Start with a good answer file. CREATING ANSWER FILES. Add in your changes and see if it breaks. Jan 6, 2022 · This page details the fundamental answer file settings you will need for a “zero touch” deployment of Windows 11 Enterprise, but also includes settings for custom logos, wallpapers, OEM support information, running commands, creating accounts, etc. 22 which you have used without any modifications. Specify a product key, computer name, and administrator account name. My question is there an option for that in the first place or can it be skipped ? I tried researching for a while but couldn’t find an exact Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following would you use to configure IE 5 or 6 today?, Which of the following would you choose in the Windows Configuration Designer tool to create a Provisioning package of cellular settings, What additional section must you add to your Startlayout. Question 17. Note: All IIS features are not included in this configuration file as normal, home users would not need to c Video Tutorial; Click to Show Instructions. Oct 31, 2022 · By placing the answer file in the root directory of the DVD, the Windows installation process will reference it and apply the specified configurations without needing manual inputs. May 18, 2022 · Answer files (or Unattend files) can be used to modify Windows settings in your images during Setup. After playing around with a few settings install_Windows 10 Pro. If you have recently updated your Windows installation to version 24H2, you may be able to roll back the update to the previous version. Mar 15, 2022 · After installing the Windows System Image Manager console, you need to import the OS installation files onto your device, and set up the environment to create an answer file. 15) Save the answer file, name it as you want to, add the . In an answer file, you specify various setup options. The Windows Features window lists all the features or components available for Windows. The component is added to the answer file in the specified configuration pass. xml from File > Save Answer File As, then select File > Close Answer File and reopen it with File > Open Answer File. exe and then Enter. However, despite how obvious this tip seemed after I read about it, this is definitely a good Oct 19, 2016 · Removes the older Windows update Folders, where the updates are downloaded. An answer file is divided into seven components which you will find in the Jul 23, 2018 · So I have a Windows 10 Unattend Answer File. Before mounting and editing the image, make a copy. clg - Catalog file generated by Windows System Image Manager (WSIM) for Windows 10 Pro. Resets your network connection. Name the file "winnt. If you chose unattended you will see a 1 min countdown before your deployment starts. I have ADK 1809 and a 1903 image, too, but it’s there for me: Does this not show up in the left pane of WSIM under components? They say they haven’t removed any settings with the 1809 ADK update: Changed answer file settings for Windows 10 for desktop editions, build 1809 | Microsoft Learn Apr 5, 2023 · Just a follow up on this. wow_64 = 32bit components or support components for 32bit installed on x64, only used on x64 installs. You can use Windows SIM to delete a list item that is defined in a Windows image (. At this point you have not removed anything from the original answer file. Jun 14, 2018 · Using this installer will always get the latest version of Windows 10. Oct 7, 2021 · For more information about Windows components and settings that you can add to an answer file, see the Unattended Windows Setup Reference. To know how to do an in-place upgrade, you can visit this link: How to: Perform a Repair Upgrade Using the Windows 10 ISO file and follow the instructions given by out MVP Andre Da Costa. Copy and paste the following (code) into the Search box and click the Search Registry button. A component or setting specified in the answer file does not exist. 1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008. xml file and place it on your Windows installation media. wim file with my added drivers and customizations is Windows 10 Pro using "Dism /Get-ImageInfo". Feb 1, 2024 · Here’s a high-level rundown of what you’ll want to include in your unattend. Oct 25, 2021 · This step is optional and configuration is included in the sample answer file USB-B\AnswerFiles\Unattend. . Jan 18, 2019 · For more information, see Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File and Add a Package to an Answer File. xml - Default answer file generated by MDT for Windows 10 Pro. Windows Answer File Generator (WAFG) is a simple website that provides similar functions to Windows System Image Manager (SIM). Double click on Configure Windows Defender SmartScreen to bring up a dialog window. Prepare a Bootable USB: Download the Windows 10 ISO file and burn it to a USB drive. Welcome to the largest community for Microsoft Windows 10, the world's most popular computer operating system! This is not a tech support subreddit, use r/WindowsHelp or r/TechSupport to get help with your PC Dec 26, 2024 · If the option is not available, select “Open With” and “Windows Explorer” 1. I am not sure which version number it is except it is probably the latest version. Also tried SFC With DISM DISM. Jun 21, 2012 · This document explains about the different passes and how some components can be used in multiple passes. Generally speaking you can use the same answer files for deploying Home, Pro, Education or Enterprise editions. I am trying to set the answer file to run a PowerShell script to Search for jobs related to Windows 10 sysprep answer file or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. xml I've attached to windows 10 20h2 iso image. xml file, navigate to the 4 specialize phase and Jul 22, 2017 · Windows could not parse or process the unattend answer file for pass [specialize]. Re-registers the Windows update Files. Oct 23, 2019 · Or you can save the answer file as autounattend. Specify the local partition on which to install Windows 10. Generate catalog file (. Rather than diving deep into Microsoft’s Answer File specifications, I built upon this existing implementation from the Jun 10, 2014 · I realize this is an old thread, but I have recently been reviewing the Windows 7 unattended deployment process and thought I might add two cents for those following in my footsteps: The components available in WSIM for building even a simple answer file are a little bewildering to the uninitiated. Delete the cached answer file. 1 features. Walkthrough: Build a Simple Answer File | Microsoft Learn I do have two questions though that the article didn’t answer. If the validation returned 0 messages, you’re good to go. What you type will automatically be updated in the "Output" area. Dec 5, 2023 · The topics in this section describe all of the unattended settings that can be set in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. Run the “Setup” application, present inside the Windows 11 ISO, to start the installation on the PC. Where can these components be found? I've already tried control>program feature > install MSMQ - failed. Jan 18, 2019 · In the Windows Image pane, locate the component or package that you want to add to the answer file. I made my golden image with OS WINDOWS 10 PRO (32 bit) in AUDIT mode. Running Sysprep an Unlimited Number of Times If you specify a product key, Windows is automatically activated, and you can run the Sysprep command an unlimited number of times. If you want to prepare unattended Windows 10 DVD or Windows 10 USB with the help of unattend. Hello, I would really apperciate if someone can guide me of adding the proper code lines in order to bypass the OS selection using this simple generated autounattend. It was originally made Jun 19, 2019 · Weird. If you made any errors, the will be shown in the Messages pane at the bottom. Open an Windows 7 can be installed without user intervention by placing a specially formatted XML file on a USB drive or floppy disk before booting from the installation DVD. Windows image menu. Windows Boot Loader ----- identifier {the-working-one} device partition=C: path \WINDOWS\system32\winload. Here are screenshots how one can do it manually. Aug 4, 2024 · Have official Windows 10 22H2 installation media source files. ***** * END OF WARNING * ***** Notes about this answer file: It includes a Windows 10 / 11 Pro key. xml file: Use Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) to open your Windows image (WIM) file or create a new answer file. exe) shows details about your computer's hardware configuration, computer components, and software, including drivers. There are obviously quite a few changes introduced to Windows 10 v2004 so I'm modifying my existing Answer file to suit the new OS version.
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