Wbadmin delete catalog. exe delete catalog -quiet bcdedit.
Wbadmin delete catalog Wbadmin delete systemstatebackup: Delete one or more old system state backups. If you delete the backup catalog of a computer, you'll no longer be able to get to any backups created for that computer using the Windows Server Backup snap-in. wbadmin delete systemstatebackup: Exclui um ou mais backups de estado do sistema. wbadmin 命令. Use esse comando quando o catálogo de backup tiver sido corrompido e você não puder restaurá-lo usando o comando wbadmin restore catalog. Purge the event log of Windows Backup events which will clear the GUI. To DELETE the OLDEST System State backup, type: wbadmin delete systemstatebackup -deleteOldest; Note: To delete the oldest system state backup stored on disk G:, type: wbadmin delete systemstatebackup -backupTarget:f:\ -deleteOldest Nov 17, 2023 · その場合、WBadmin delete backupコマンドを使用してフルボリュームバックアップを削除するには、ドライブ文字を手動でバックアップドライブに割り当てるか、WBadminコマンド [Mountvol]を実行してボリュームGUIDを確認する必要があります。 Jun 2, 2024 · wbadmin delete catalog 注意事项: 在创建备份计划时,请确保指定正确的备份目标路径和要备份的内容。 使用 -schedule 参数来指定备份计划的时间表,可以选择每天、每周或每月的特定时间执行备份。 使用 wbadmin get versions 命令定期查看备份计划的状态和备份版本。 Apr 20, 2017 · wbadmin delete systemstatebackup –backupTarget:G: –deleteOldest -quiet. Apr 17, 2023 · Se o local (disco, DVD ou pasta compartilhada remota) em que você armazena seus backups estiver danificado ou perdido e não puder ser usado para restaurar o catálogo de backup, execute o comando wbadmin delete catalog para excluir o catálogo corrompido. wbadmin command. 이 명령을 사용해 백업 카탈로그를 삭제하려면 백업 운영자 그룹 또는 관리자 그룹의 구성원이거나, 적절한 권한을 위임받아야 합니다. Se il percorso (disco, DVD o cartella condivisa remota) in cui si archiviano i backup è danneggiato o perso e non può essere utilizzato per ripristinare il catalogo di backup, eseguire il comando wbadmin delete catalog per eliminare il catalogo danneggiato. If you delete the backup catalog for a computer, you will not be able to access the backups created of that computer using the Windows Server Backup snap-in. Useful Commands. In this case, you should create a new backup once your backup catalog is deleted. Copy and paste the following command: wbadmin delete catalog [-quiet] Then press Enter / Return on your keyboard Reference article for the wbadmin delete catalog command, which deletes the backup catalog that is stored on the local computer. wbadmin delete systemstatebackup Feb 3, 2023 · Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you can't restore it using the wbadmin restore catalog command. You should create a new backup once your backup Feb 3, 2023 · If the location (disk, DVD, or remote shared folder) where you store your backups is damaged or lost and can't be used to restore the backup catalog, run the wbadmin delete catalog command to delete the corrupted catalog. exe is a command line utility built into Windows to back up and restore operating systems, drive volumes, files, folders, and applications from a command-line interface (CLI). Jul 12, 2012 · Wbadmin start sysrecovery-Runs a recovery of the full system (at least all the volumes that contain the operating system’s state). We strongly recommend you create a new backup after you delete a backup catalog. WBAdmin get disks: Lists current online wbadmin delete catalog -quiet: Este comando deleta o catálogo de backup sem pedir confirmação ao usuário. At first, I used WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP -keepVersions:12, but since it appeared I would be prompted to delete each of the older backups I wished to eliminate, I used Ctrl-C to interrupt the delete operation and then added the -quiet option to avoid being prompted for the deletion of backups. Verificação de permissão administrativa: Ambos os scripts verificam se estão sendo executados com privilégios administrativos, uma prática essencial para evitar Sep 24, 2013 · >wbadmin delete catalog で バックアップのカタログを削除; 対象ボリューム の WindowsImageBackupフォルダを削除; F:ドライブにバックアップしていた場合 >vssadmin delete shadowstorage /For=F: 又は >vssadmin resize shadowstorage /For=F: /On=F: /MaxSize=500M (500Mは参考値) Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you can't restore it using the wbadmin restore catalog command. Prestige can delete the backup catalog from the target system using: c:\Windows\System32\wbadmin. wbadmin delete systemstatebackup Oct 14, 2024 · 백업 카탈로그가 손상되어 wbadmin restore catalog 명령으로 복원할 수 없는 경우에는 이 명령을 사용합니다. 命令行语法项. Rule indices: Jun 23, 2012 · Windows Server 백업 서비스를 통하여 정기 백업 구성 시 예기치 않게 용량이 더 많은 Disk로 백업 디스크를 교체할 일이 발생한다. Utilisez cette commande uniquement si le catalogue de sauvegarde sur cet ordinateur est endommagé et que vous n’avez aucune sauvegarde stockée à un autre emplacement que vous pouvez utiliser pour restaurer le catalogue. there are no shadow copies to be deleted or system state backups, the message coming up was saying there are only full backups, but I cant Apr 30, 2021 · Fix Corrupt Windows Server Backup Catalog . Hi, Please try to use the following command in CMD to delete the old backup catalog: wbadmin delete catalog Remarks; If you delete the backup catalog of a computer, you'll no longer be able to get to any backups created for that computer using the Windows Server Backup snap-in. 이럴 경우 해당 백업 Volume 을 제거 하기 전에 필히 정기 백업 스케줄을 삭제하여야 한다. To delete a backup catalog using this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or the Administrators group, or you must have been delegated Oct 16, 2017 · If the location (disk, DVD, or remote shared folder) where you store your backups is damaged or lost and can't be used to restore the backup catalog, run the wbadmin delete catalog command to delete the corrupted catalog. In this case, we recommend creating a new backup after your backup catalog is deleted. I have a Windows Server SBS 2008 Server Backups setup and they have run out of space, but the program isn’t deleting the old backups. Referenzartikel zum Befehl „wbadmin delete catalog“, der den Sicherungskatalog löscht, der auf dem lokalen Computer gespeichert ist. exe to delete the backup catalog. Restore-WBCatalog Oct 6, 2023 · Wbadmin delete catalog 로컬 컴퓨터에서 백업 카탈로그를 삭제합니다. Mar 13, 2024 · wbadmin delete catalog: 刪除本機電腦上的備份目錄。 只有當這部電腦上的備份目錄損毀,而且您沒有儲存在另一個位置的備份可用來還原目錄時,才使用此命令。 wbadmin delete systemstatebackup: 刪除一或多個系統狀態備份。 wbadmin disable backup: 停用每日備份。 wbadmin enable backup Aug 31, 2016 · Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you cannot restore it using wbadmin restore catalog. Wbadmin restore catalog: Restore a backup catalog from the specified storage location if the backup catalog on the local computer is damaged. Restart the Volume Shadow Copy Service; Uninstall Windows Backup component; reboot; install Windows Backup component Mar 2, 2023 · Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you can't restore it using the wbadmin restore catalog command. Use esse comando somente se o catálogo de backup neste computador estiver corrompido e você não tiver backups armazenados em outro local que possa ser usado para restaurar o catálogo. In addition, you must run wbadmin from an elevated command prompt, by right-clicking Command Prompt , and then selecting Run as administrator . See the syntax and examples of WBAdmin delete catalog command and other related commands. Delete the Backup Catalog using the CLI command. The Remove-WBCatalog cmdlet removes the backup catalog from the local computer. Feb 3, 2023 · wbadmin delete catalog: Deletes the backup catalog on the local computer. Reference article for the wbadmin delete catalog command, which deletes the backup catalog that is stored on the local computer. Nesse caso, recomendamos criar um novo backup depois que o catálogo de backup for Aug 31, 2016 · To delete a backup catalog with this subcommand, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or the Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate permissions. Cтатус выполнения: wbadmin get status. Microsoft added extra command functions in Server 2012 for wbadmin (where as the article is referring to the Server 2008 R2 wbadmin version). wbadmin disable backup Apr 13, 2023 · wbadmin restore catalog -backupTarget:D Pour restaurer un catalogue à partir d’une sauvegarde stockée dans le dossier partagé\\<servername>\<share> de server01, tapez : wbadmin restore catalog -backupTarget:\\servername\share -machine:server01 Liens connexes. Usare questo comando solo se il catalogo di backup nel computer è danneggiato e non si dispone di backup archiviati in un'altra posizione che è possibile utilizzare per ripristinare il catalogo. wbadmin restore catalog command. exe can be used to disable automatic Windows recovery features by modifying boot configuration data - bcdedit. exe delete catalog -quiet and can also delete volume shadow copies using: \Windows\System32\vssadmin. wbadmin get versions command Aug 11, 2022 · Wbadmin delete systemstatebackup(1つまたは複数のシステム状態のバックアップを削除します。 Wbadmin restore catalog (ローカルコンピューター上のバックアップカタログが破損している場合に、指定した記憶域の場所からバックアップカタログを回復します。 Mar 13, 2024 · wbadmin delete catalog: Elimina il catalogo di backup del computer locale. Oct 4, 2023 · wbadmin delete catalog: 删除本地计算机上的备份目录。 仅当此计算机上的备份目录已损坏且其他位置未存储可用于还原该目录的备份时才使用此命令。 wbadmin delete systemstatebackup: 删除一个或多个系统状态备份。 wbadmin disable backup: 禁用每日备份。 wbadmin enable backup Aug 22, 2013 · Hi. Apr 28, 2024 · wbadmin delete backup: 删除指定的备份版本或备份任务。 删除旧备份-keepVersions:<number> 指定保留的备份版本数量,删除旧的备份。 磁盘空间管理: wbadmin delete catalog: 删除备份目录、文件索引及日志,释放备份存储空间。 创建系统恢复磁盘: wbadmin start recovery -recoveryTarget Sep 24, 2019 · Tags: Wbadmin delete catalog, Wbadmin delete catalog Command, Windows Server 2008, commands in Windows Server 2008 In this article I am going to explain about Wbadmin delete catalog Command in Windows Server 2008 operating system and also explain it's related syntax. exe can be used to delete the Windows Backup Catalog - wbadmin. In addition, you must run wbadmin from an elevated command prompt. Re-configure backups to use the newly provisioned disk. Delete backup catalog > wbadmin delete catalog. En este caso, se recomienda crear una nueva copia de seguridad después Jan 7, 2016 · > vssadmin delete shadows /for=c: /all. Wbadmin delete catalog Deletes the backup catalog on the local computer. Command-Line Syntax Key; Wbadmin Mar 8, 2023 · パラメーター 説明; wbadmin delete catalog: ローカル コンピューター上のバックアップ カタログを削除します。 このコマンドは、このコンピューターでバックアップ カタログが壊れているか、カタログの復元に使用できる別の場所に格納されているバックアップがない場合はのみに使用します。 Mar 8, 2023 · Note. wbadmin disable backup Nov 21, 2023 · Learn how to use WBAdmin to delete backup files from Windows PC or Server using command-line or GUI. Mar 13, 2024 · 當備份目錄已損毀,且您無法使用 wbadmin restore catalog 命令來還原時,請使用此命令。 若要使用此命令刪除備份目錄,您必須是 [備份操作員] 群組或 [管理員] 群組 的成員,或者您必須已受委派適當的權限。 Apr 11, 2023 · Wbadmin delete catalog Löscht den Sicherungskatalog auf dem lokalen Computer. バックアップを格納する場所 (ディスク、DVD、リモート共有フォルダー) が破損しているか、または失われていて、バックアップ カタログの復元に使用できない場合は、wbadmin delete catalog コマンドを実行して、破損しているカタログを削除します。 Nov 21, 2023 · WBAdmin delete systemstatebackup: Deletes one or more system state backups. Delete the global catalog To delete the global catalog: Aug 28, 2022 · これについては Windows Server Backup で回答が記載されており、wbadmin を使用することで解決することができます。 「wbadmin delete catalog」を実行し、カタログを削除することで、MMC を起動することができるようになりました。 Jul 24, 2018 · I think that article is a little outdated. Key -addtarget Storage location for Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you can't restore it using the wbadmin restore catalog command. Use this subcommand only if the backup catalog on this computer is corrupted and you have no backups stored at another location that you can use to restore the catalog. In questo caso, è consigliabile creare un nuovo backup dopo l'eliminazione del Dec 6, 2024 · Wbadmin start systemstatebackup: Create a system state backup. This command deletes the backup catalog, removing all record of prior file and system image backups on the machine. You should create a new backup once your backup Apr 17, 2023 · wbadmin delete catalog: Supprime le catalogue de sauvegarde sur l’ordinateur local. WBAdmin restore catalog: Restores a backup catalog from a specified storage location in case of the original catalog on the local computer gets damaged or lost. wbadmin delete systemstatebackup In this case, if you can access another backup location, use wbadmin restore catalog to restore the backup catalog from that location. Use este comando solo si el catálogo de copias de seguridad de este equipo está dañado y no tiene copias de seguridad almacenadas en otra ubicación que puede usar para restaurar el catálogo. Syntaxe wbadmin delete catalog [-quiet] Paramètres Data required ; Procedure. Остановка выполняемой архивации: wbadmin stop job. Additional references. Используйте эту wbadmin. To delete a backup catalog using this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or the Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate permissions. Syntax wbadmin delete catalog [-quiet] Parameter Apr 17, 2023 · En outre, vous devez exécuter wbadmin à partir d’une invite de commandes avec élévation de privilèges en cliquant avec le bouton droit sur Invite de commandes, puis en sélectionnant Exécuter en tant qu’administrateur. A user uses this subcommand only if the backup catalog on the local computer is corrupted and there aren't any Identifies use of the wbadmin. Remove-WBCatalog Feb 3, 2023 · Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you can't restore it using the wbadmin restore catalog command. wbadmin delete systemstatebackup: Elimina uno o più backup dello stato Aug 31, 2016 · If the location (disk, DVD, or remote shared folder) where you store your backups is damaged or lost and cannot be used to restore the backup catalog, use wbadmin delete catalog to delete the corrupted catalog. May 20, 2017 · ※ 本記事は弊社の Technet から移行した記事です。いつも弊社製品をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。日本マイクロソフトの Windows サポートチームです。 皆さん、下記のような運用シナリオを検討したことはありませんか。 Windows Server バックアップを使用し、過去 2 世代分以上 May 17, 2012 · The command-line wbadmin tool can be used to delete the backup catalog. At the prompt, type: wbadmin restore catalog -backuptarget:. Additional References. Feb 3, 2023 · To delete a backup catalog using this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or the Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate permissions. Jan 19, 2025 · wbadmin delete catalog 该方法实测对于winserver备份出现的各种奇怪的错误都有效果,包括启动winserver备份时 wbadmin. Apr 18, 2021 · 备注:如果存储备份的位置(磁盘、dvd 或远程共享文件夹)已损坏或丢失,而且无法用于还原备份编录,请使用wbadmin delete catalog 删除损坏的编录。在这种情况下,应该在删除备份编录后创建一个新的备份。 Oct 4, 2023 · wbadmin delete catalog: Удаляет каталог резервных копий на локальном компьютере. wbadmin delete systemstatebackup Oct 4, 2023 · Справочная статья по команде каталога wbadmin delete, которая удаляет каталог резервных копий, хранящийся на локальном компьютере. wbadmin delete 命令. Apr 11, 2023 · wbadmin delete catalog: Exclui o catálogo de backup no computador local. Firstly, click on the Windows button on the bottom left of your screen . Aug 31, 2016 · Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you cannot restore it using wbadmin restore catalog. Wbadmin restore catalog recovers a backup catalog from a specified storage location in the event that the backup catalog on the local computer has been corrupted. commande wbadmin delete Oct 4, 2023 · Hinweis. Rule type: eql. Mar 2, 2023 · Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you can't restore it using the wbadmin restore catalog command. É importante usar o parâmetro -quiet para automação em scripts. Feb 3, 2023 · To delete all system state backups, except the three most recent, type: wbadmin delete systemstatebackup -keepVersions:3 To delete the oldest system state backup stored on disk f:, type: wbadmin delete systemstatebackup -backupTarget:f:\ -deleteOldest Related links. Apr 14, 2023 · Si la ubicación (disco, DVD o carpeta compartida remota) donde almacena las copias de seguridad está dañada o se ha perdido y no se puede usar para restaurar el catálogo de copia de seguridad, ejecute el comando wbadmin delete catalog para eliminar el catálogo dañado. . Sep 28, 2016 · By running the command wbadmin delete catalog and clearing the event logs you will remove all previous information relating to out of date backups. WBAdmin delete catalog: Deletes backup catalog on the local machine. Rule indices: Dec 5, 2024 · wbadmin delete catalog. wbadmin delete catalog. 이 컴퓨터에 백업 카탈로그 손상 되 고 카탈로그를 복원 하는 데 사용할 수 있는 다른 위치에 저장 된 백업이 있는 경우에이 명령을 사용 합니다. You should create a new backup once your backup --Use when the catalog is corrupt and cannot be restored with 'wbadmin restore catalog'. Restore the global catalog To restore the global catalog from a backup destination: 1. However, if you can get to another backup location and run the wbadmin restore catalog command, you can restore the backup catalog from that location. If you remove the backup catalog for a computer, you cannot access the backups of that computer by using Windows Server Backup. WBADMIN restore catalog-backupTarget:{BackupDestinationVolume | NetworkShareHostingBackup} [-machine:BackupMachineName] [-quiet] --Recovers a backup catalog for the local computer from a storage location that you specify. Use this cmdlet when the backup catalog is corrupted and you cannot restore it by using the Restore-WBCatalog cmdlet. Wenn der Speicherort (Datenträger, DVD oder freigegebener Remoteordner), in dem Sie Ihre Sicherungen speichern, beschädigt oder verloren ist und nicht zum Wiederherstellen des Sicherungskatalogs verwendet werden kann, führen Sie den Befehl wbadmin delete catalog aus, um den beschädigten Katalog zu löschen. Remove-WBCatalog Mar 8, 2023 · Wbadmin delete catalog ローカル コンピューター上のバックアップ カタログを削除します。 このコマンドは、このコンピューターでバックアップ カタログが壊れているか、カタログの復元に使用できる別の場所に格納されているバックアップがない場合はのみに If you delete the backup catalog for a computer, you will not be able to access the backups created of that computer using the Windows Server Backup snap-in. Restart the Com and DCOM services. Mar 13, 2024 · 如果您儲存備份的位置 (磁碟、DVD 或遠端共用資料夾) 已損毀或遺失,且無法用來還原備份目錄,請執行 wbadmin delete catalog 命令來刪除損毀的目錄。 在此情況下,建議您在刪除備份目錄之後建立新的備份。 Apr 7, 2023 · wbadmin delete catalog: Elimina el catálogo de copias de seguridad en el equipo local. Command-Line Syntax Key. Feb 20, 2016 · 2. In an elevated command prompt, run the following command: wbadmin delete catalog wbadmin is the command-line Windows Backup tool. Examples wbadmin delete catalog: Deletes the backup catalog on the local computer. wbadmin delete backup -keepversions:5 -quiet wbadmin /? Oct 14, 2024 · wbadmin delete catalog: 로컬 컴퓨터에서 백업 카탈로그를 삭제합니다. Wbadmin delete catalog Oct 4, 2023 · wbadmin restore catalog -backupTarget:D 若要从存储在 server01 共享文件夹 \\<servername>\<share> 中的备份还原目录,请键入: wbadmin restore catalog -backupTarget:\\servername\share -machine:server01 相关链接. Wbadmin delete catalog deletes the backup catalog on the local computer. 4. wbadmin delete catalog [-quiet] Надеемся, что статья была вам полезной. Open an elevated Command Prompt window. Search explanation; Next steps; Wbadmin. To delete a backup catalog with this subcommand, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or the Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate permissions. Identifies use of the wbadmin. exe delete shadows /all /quiet. Some other useful commands which can be used to free disk space etc. wbadmin restore catalog 命令. You should create a new backup once your backup catalog is deleted. Set Volume Shadow Copy to use unlimited space on both volumes. Windows Server Backup stores the details about your backups (what volumes are backed up and where the backups are located) in a file called a backup catalog, which ransomware victims can use to recover corrupted backup files. Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you can't restore it using the wbadmin restore catalog command. I have tried running the disk shadow and wbadmin commands but cannot seem to delete the old backups to make space. wbadmin delete systemstatebackup: Deletes one or more system state backups. commande Wbadmin. Then start typing: Command Prompt; Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator . Verwenden Sie diesen Befehl nur, wenn der Sicherungskatalog auf diesem Computer beschädigt ist und Sie keine Sicherungen an einem anderen Speicherort gespeichert haben, die Sie zum Wiederherstellen des Katalogs verwenden können. Apr 11, 2023 · wbadmin delete catalog: Löscht den Sicherungskatalog auf dem lokalen Computer. Clé de syntaxe de ligne de commande. 2. Отключение архивации: wbadmin disable backup -quiet. ## Triage and analysis ### Investigating Deleting Backup Catalogs with Wbadmin Windows Server Backup stores the details about your backups (what volumes are backed up and where the backups are located) in a file called a backup catalog, which ransomware victims can use to recover corrupted backup files. Investigating Deleting Backup Catalogs with Wbadmin. Para excluir um catálogo de backup usando esse comando, você deve ser membro do grupo Operadores de Backup ou do grupo Administradores ou deve ter as permissões apropriadas. exe /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures & bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled no Jan 15, 2025 · wbadmin delete catalog Windows Server Backup サービスを再起動するか、コンピューターを再起動します。 Windows Server バックアップ サービスが正常に実行されるようになりました。 Identifies use of the wbadmin. Apr 11, 2023 · Darüber hinaus müssen Sie wbadmin über eine Eingabeaufforderung mit erhöhten Rechten ausführen, indem Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf Eingabeaufforderung klicken und dann Als Administrator ausführen auswählen. wbadmin delete backup -keepversions:5 -quiet wbadmin /? --Use when the catalog is corrupt and cannot be restored with 'wbadmin restore catalog'. 3. Use this command only if the backup catalog on this computer is corrupted and you have no backups stored at another location that you can use to restore the catalog. Ransomware and other malware may do this to prevent system recovery. To delete a backup catalog using this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or the Administrators group, or you must have been delegated Oct 4, 2023 · 但是,如果可以访问另一个备份位置并运行 wbadmin restore catalog 命令,则可以从该位置还原备份目录。 强烈建议在删除备份目录后创建新备份。 相关链接. 만약 Windows Server 백업 콘솔에서 정기 백업 스케줄을 삭제하지 않고 해당 백업 Volume 을 Используйте эту команду, если каталог резервного копирования поврежден и его нельзя восстановить с помощью команды WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt Run as administrator. Feb 3, 2023 · Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you can't restore it using the wbadmin restore catalog command. msc报错、备份在一半时卡住不动 等错误。 按流程执行完毕指令后,删除或者重命名备份目录下的”WindowsImageBackup”文件夹。 Aug 31, 2016 · Wbadmin delete catalog Deletes the backup catalog on the local computer. Wbadmin delete catalog: Deletes the backup catalog on the local computer. Wbadmin restore catalog-Recovers a backup catalog from a specified storage location in the case where the backup catalog on the local computer has been corrupted. In this case, if you can access another backup location, use wbadmin restore catalog to restore the backup catalog from that location. Полностью удалить архив: wbadmin delete catalog Triage and analysis. Key -addtarget Storage location for If you delete the backup catalog for a computer, you will not be able to access the backups created of that computer using the Windows Server Backup snap-in. exe delete catalog -quiet bcdedit. when the next backup runs if there are already backups on that destination device (such as USB hard drive) the catalog will rebuild, it will also add more data into the catalog for every destination Reference article for the wbadmin delete catalog command, which deletes the backup catalog that is stored on the local computer. To delete the oldest backup run this command in an elevated commadn prompt: WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP -backupTarget:: -deleteOldest Aug 26, 2021 · A. iznhfikp vxvt lrpx frh szx qpbu puobhh ibckl phq lxhna rjibvsfk zdgym lrpofc axtltj iqhn