Venus esoteric ruler. Mars is already Scorpio's co-ruler.
Venus esoteric ruler The Gemini under this inspiration is able to see truth when presented to him, to keep to that side no matter who is around them, and to elevate their mercurial capabilities, making them the messengers of higher truths that transcend time and space. It also tells us how we may find our soul-mate. Soul-level Purpose To create patterns of relationships and communications which either break down outworn models of social inter-change (Vulcan) or instigate new ones in most original ways (Uranus). Virgo: rulers. The constellation Taurus is conditioned by the 4 th ray of harmony through conflict, and only Feb 14, 2025 · The exoteric and the esoteric planetary rulers of Capricorn are the same, and Saturn rules … on the Mutable or the Fixed Cross. But Saturn on the exoteric level is also the co-ruler of Aquarius. This balance and blending of opposites precipitates onto the astral plane where Venus expresses its most commonly known attributes. Of course, as the esoteric ruler of a Gemini Ascendant Venus would also be very significant, and in a still higher way. Feb 21, 2025 · Pisces: esoteric meaning. Mercury. Uranus as the soul-centered ruler of Libra reveals to us that the focus of relationship must Aug 29, 2020 · Explaining Esoteric Astrology In this branch of astrology, the Rising sign is actually the most important sign of a person because, it is the sign that represents the Soul’s purpose on earth. The Sun in Esoteric Astrology (Artwork by David Camp) Esoteric Ruler of Leo. This intensifies all that goes on and leads to the unfoldment upon our planet of the consciousness of universality - to which the word "Hierarchy" is the key. Venus through the Signs. Exoteric rulers were the same as current psychological astrology , but esoteric planetary rulers deviate from tradition in the following ways: With the esoteric ruler Venus, it represents harmony, relationship, and balance. The esoteric astrology placement of Venus ruling the 3rd House is an encouraging sign for those who seek to promote their creativity and artistic expression and establish harmonious relationships with siblings and other people they see Apr 12, 2015 · Mercury (the esoteric ruler of the Aries Sun and dispositor of Mars) is conjuncting Alpheratz, a star expressing the urge for freedom and rapidity of movement, no doubt useful for one who has to “think fast” in military campaigns. This element supports the esoteric emphasis on discipline and the practical application of spiritual knowledge. Venus is its exoteric ruler and Vulcan its esoteric and hierarchical ruler. Feb 14, 2025 · All this activity is intensified by two facts: one is that the Earth is the Hierarchical ruler of Gemini and … Venus is the esoteric ruler. Orthodox: Mercury; Esoteric: Vulcan; Hierarchical: Jupiter; Orthodox: Mercury ⇧. Mar 1, 2025 · Esoteric Astrology is slightly evasive on Scorpio’s decanates, stating that “a new planet is arising in this sign—presumably Pluto as exoteric co-ruler with Mars as the ruler of the first decanate—while the Pisces/Neptune decanate brings in the exaltation of Venus in that sign. Main Esoteric Astrology Contents Page . Feb 12, 2025 · The Esoteric ruler of Scorpio In the zodiacal wheel, Scorpio is the energy that, through mental and emotional intensity, tests the consciousness. Feb 4, 2025 · The qualities of esoteric Venus. The true rulers are Saturn, Venus and the Sun. May 23, 2024 · Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini and the planet of relationships – was also conjunct Sun-Jupiter. It is Mercury, representing the Mind which acts as the ~illuminating principle~ of human life. The symbolism of the descent of Spirit into the womb of the virgin mother is preserved for us in the astrological fact that Venus falls in this sign; esoterically, she disappears from view and vanishes into the darkness. See full list on astrologyanswers. Hesse’s apparent vocation was writer, novelist and poet. The rulers of Pisces are Jupiter traditional plus Neptune exoteric, Jupiter esoteric with Pluto also given by Master DK for esoteric, Jupiter hierarchical, and Venus exalted. In this respect, Venus serves to relate and balance all opposites and dualities until they are fused into a more harmonious synthesis. In the life of a fully Soul centred being, Venus in this position gives one the understanding of the spiritual purpose behind any relationship. Our primary duality (and the one which Venus handles with expert grace) is the conflict between the lesser ego and the greater Self. Details to follow for Venus as orthodox ruler. … On the Mutable Cross and on the Fixed Cross we have the so-called green ray, controlling not only the daily life of karmic liability upon the path of evolution, but also controlling the experiences and processes Mars is the esoteric ruler of Scorpio. Vulcan is the co-ruler of the 1st ray of will-power, Venus rules the 5th ray of knowledge or science: Libra, Venus, Saturn (exalted in this sign and connected to Libra through the Third Ray) and Rays Three and Seven, are the major contributing factors to this function of Mars. * So here are some values of the Luminaries for the reading of the esoteric heliocentric or geocentric charts: Sacred Apr 23, 2024 · Venus and Vulcan are the exoteric/esoteric rulers of Taurus respectively. The Heart of the Sun stimulates and enlivens Soul awareness. Venus in Gemini . Jul 23, 2023 · Esoteric Rulerships. Mercury in Esoteric Astrology (Artwork by Kagaya) Planet of the Fourth Ray. Venus is also the soul or higher self to our Earth. The Venus/Moon conjunction, trined by Saturn (which is the esoteric ruler of the Ascendant), brings together two important planets related to Capricorn – Saturn and Venus and relates them to the “field to be transformed”, symbolized by the Moon. In esoteric astrology, Venus is also the ruler of the fifth ray of Science or intellect. Libra is a sign of the law, sex, relationships and money. Aries Mars Mercury Uranus 2. Form ~will~ be made into a correct expression for ideas, while art and the professions will be the channels. The relationship of these two water signs (and hence, an extension of meaning to Pluto and Scorpio) might well be worth contemplating at this point. ”7. Alice Bailey, in her book Esoteric Astrology (the source for much of the initial research and inspiration of this writer), states that it will be through the unfoldment and influence of the Fifth Ray of science and technology that humanity in the New Age will come to know divinity. Vulcan through the Signs . Oct 11, 2024 · We often hear how Gemini is ruled by Mercury, Taurus by Venus, Sagittarius by Jupiter, and so on; but these are the exoteric rulers of these signs. A person with this position can thus utilise Vulcan’s function to forge a link between the First and the Fifth Rays. The Sun in the Signs . Although, she was a talented writer, she was not a technically astute Astrologer. Dec 1, 2024 · For the esoteric decans, the Moon in its mundane Ray 4 role joins with Mercury, symbolising “strength through conflict and constant struggle” while Mercury echoes the hierarchical ruler of the Scorpio decanate, and Venus is exalted in the Pisces decanate, hinting at the “final tests” of discipleship on the Fixed Cross (Scorpio), and the Feb 5, 2025 · Virgo: esoteric meaning. The desire for luxury and ownership is distorted to make her jealous, possessive, greedy, and materialistic. The Sun. Uranus is the esoteric ruler of this rising sign as well as the exoteric ruler Jun 28, 2020 · Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, symbolising the waters of Love-Wisdom. Michael expressed his 2nd Ray to his “friends” through a beautiful voice in Taurus/Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini. As the ruler of Libra, the unfolding of Uranus in the consciousness of one of the Fixed Cross leads to the reversal of the wheel of destiny. The Earth. Venus. This pattern represents a blending of opposites upon the mental plane – Brand’s curious Gemini nature (esoterically ruled by Venus), is always exploring science Venus and Uranus are the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Libra. Aries-Gemini-Mercury: Life Esoteric Astrology "The astrology is essentially the purest presentation of occult truth in the world at this time, because it the science which deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within that field" (The Tibetan) Feb 14, 2025 · Through their esoteric rulers, these dual signs relate to six sacred, and one of the non-sacred, planets: Aries: two horns of the Ram, Mercury; Taurus: two horns of the Bull, Vulcan; Gemini: two figures of the Twins, Venus; Cancer: two claws of the Crab, Neptune; Libra: two scales of the Balance, Uranus; Aquarius: two Parallel Lines of force Nov 6, 2013 · Venus: V: Concrete Science: Esoteric Ruler: Vulcan: I: Will or Power . Jupiter is placed at just about the midpoint between Venus and Mars. A concentration camp inmate might survive by playing a musical instrument sufficiently well. Libra Venus Uranus Mar 1, 2025 · See the notes about the inconsistency of decanates in Esoteric Astrology. Esoteric ruler . A spiritual awakening and contact with DK. Vulcan rules that process which ~breaks the chains~ to form. Jun 24, 2003 · Uranus, as esoteric ruler of the MC, indicates a higher calling – one of greater significance than that indicated by artistic Venus in Cancer (orthodox ruler of the MC) trine the Moon. Nov 11, 2015 · “The esoteric ruler of Taurus is Vulcan, the forger of metals, the one who works in the densest, most concrete expression of the natural world …”7 M etternich (Time unknown, midday chart) This is a most potent symbol of the Industrial Revolution, starting in Europe at the time of the founding of Germany: The Taurus Ascendant would give even more prominence to Venus. Esoteric/developmental: conscious development (annual signs from Aries via Taurus to Pisces) Mar 1, 2025 · It is the esoteric ruler of Aries (hence it “leads into the mysteries”) and is also the exoteric ruler of Gemini… the sign of the major opposites as far as humanity is concerned, because it signifies soul and personality, consciousness and form; it is also the exoteric ruler of Virgo, …the form and that which indwells the form [the “Mother of the Christ-Child” in Bailey’s Esoteric Ruler of Scorpio . This is the perfect unity of male and female in one, and thus is illustrative of the perfect wedding of the idea to its form. A conflict that has to be resolved through experience on the physical plane, the place where tests are overcome through struggle. Even then, it still wouldn't because they changed their functions to fit the sign they esoterically rule, so either way, it doesn't make too much sense. When a person is leaving the Mutable Cross and is about to mount the Fixed, the effects of Vulcan are very noticeable. Venus in Esoteric Astrology (Artwork by Kagaya) Planet of the Fifth Ray. Feb 14, 2025 · “Mercury, Venus and Saturn… govern the wheel of ordinary life”—these would be reversed for backwards progression around the zodiac, with Saturn on Ray 3 echoing the ray of the Earth as Hierarchical ruler, giving Earth or Saturn (Ray 3 being the “field of experience”), Venus and Mercury, reflecting the esoteric rulerships with Mar 8, 2025 · Libra: esoteric meaning. Because the Dalai Lama is a true initiate, the hierarchical ruler of Libra, Saturn, placed in the sixth house of service and discipleship-training, is likewise significant. Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini, is also the exoteric ruler of Taurus. Apr 29, 2020 · Indeed, it is highly symbolic that Vulcan is the esoteric ruler of earth-based Taurus and yet is invisible to physical eye. Mars We can see another interplay between Uranus and Venus when we discover that the esoteric ruler of Libra is Uranus. The Moon. This triangle conferred upon JFK a kind of electrifying appeal and make him, to many, irresistible. Oct 18, 2023 · Esoteric Astrology – How to Find Esoteric Astrology Zodiac Mar 25, 2022 · An exquisite mind is forced underground, forging the pen that is truly mightier than the sword. We touch upon one of the mysteries of the Ageless Wisdom. Venus in Capricorn—Intelligent Mind Acting Through Love: Aug 3, 2024 · All this activity is intensified by two facts: one is that the Earth is the Hierarchical ruler of Gemini and … Venus is the esoteric ruler. On a physical plane, Venus’ mental attitude is expressed as Beauty: the quality that unifies inner truth with outer truth. The world server of Aquarius pours forth from the urn held upon the shoulder. It tells us that in order to develop her highest potential, Taurus must develop the Third Eye, that vehicle of vision that allows a person to see beyond form and into spirit. Yet at the same time, it is very simple in expression for it is governed by only two planets. What one does in an individual way to accomplish this purpose will be revealed by the nature of the Ascendant and its esoteric ruler. Neptune and Venus are Jan 26, 2015 · Venus In Esoteric Astrology. Mercury indicates that the line of least resistance for humanity is harmony through conflict, for Mercury expresses the fourth ray energy which is buddhic, intuitional and expressive of the Christ [Ray 2], as Mercury and the Sun are one. Dec 29, 2021 · The biggest difference between esoteric astrology and the modern psychological astrology of sun sign horoscopes (and all those memes) is planetary rulers. TABULATION VI. Taurus Zodiac Sign and the Rays Vulcan in Esoteric Astrology (Artwork by Kagaya) Planet of the 1st Ray. Venus is the ruler of Love-Intelligent: the practical and "successful" application of love to outer circumstances through the power of the mind. The Sun is the source of physical consciousness - the self conscious ~I~ and serves to sensitise and activate the self in relation to its environment. Taurus - Venus Jupiter (the esoteric ruler of the Aquarian Ascendant) is an important planet, conjunct Venus (and thus indicating an abundance of soul gifts) and conjunct Mars-Jupiter and Mars being in Cancer. Venus, esoteric ruler of this sign, as well as the vehicle for the Fifth Ray of the Concrete Mind, is also very active. One of the most important facets and goals of human evolution at this time is the creation of the conscious link, the collective Rainbow Bridge, which is joining humanity (the Fourth Kingdom) to the Fifth Kingdom of Souls – the Planetary Hierarchy, and the Jan 29, 2025 · The rulers of Aries are Mars exoteric and traditional, Mercury esoteric, Uranus hierarchical, plus the Sun is exalted. 382. The relationship between the orthodox ruler, Venus, and the esoteric ruler, Uranus, has already been discussed. Venus’ direct opposition to Mars may well quell the God of War. They are the best negotiators, and counselors with Venus as their ruler. Beyond the mundane set of rulerships, there are esoteric rulers which operate on a soul or spiritual level, and Hierarchical rulers which operate on a planetary or solar level. Nov 22, 2019 · Progressed ascendant conjunct Uranus. Earth in Gemini This is a very challenging position as its esoteric significance is more profound. … Venus reveals the nature of the second aspect, which is consciousness or intelligent love,…” (EA 172-173) 7. Cancer The Moon Neptune Neptune 5. As both the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio, Mars has a dual expression. Since the Earth rules Sagittarius, it would be natural to assume that this planet has its detriment in the sign of the Twins. Some of Himmler’s Libran qualities were strangely horrifying. On the esoteric level, this is the desire for physical incarnation, hence the rulership of Mars over Aries on the personality/physical level. In modern astrology, the rulers of the signs shake down like so: Aries - Mars. Taurus: bringing about material integration to clear inner vision, the forging of a worthy vehicle for the self: Vulcan crafts the personality from material experience. [383] Venus holds a unique relation to the Earth, different to that of any other planet and this, therefore, brings about a much closer relation between Taurus and the Earth than perhaps exists in any other zodiacal relation where our planet is concerned. Thus, when placed in the Scales, Mars acts as a standard bearer for the Laws of Manifestation. While its exoteric ruler is Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Gemini is Venus. Details to follow for Venus Feb 14, 2025 · Two sets of rulers for the three decanates are available. Esoteric Ruler united here with the aid of Venus (esoteric ruler of Gemini) bringing them together. Nov 6, 2013 · Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini, bringing with it the 5 th ray energy of concrete science. Rulerships. Pisces: rulers. 2. But it is the importance of Venus in relation to Taurus and not as the esoteric ruler of Gemini which must be accented. Venus, is the very essence of Taurus, as Mercury is to Gemini. Feb 5, 2025 · The rulerships of Venus follow the rather mysterious role of the planet in esoteric astrology, from the personal in Taurus and Libra, through the esoteric in Gemini and the hierarchical and universal in Capricorn. Esoteric astrology does not replace traditional astrology, nor is it “better than” traditional. Saturn, as ruler of Capricorn is directly related to the process of Initiation. Venus is ruler of the 5th ray, hence resonates with cosmic Manas from Sirius (and perhaps expresses more the love aspect of ray 2), yet “Mercury is still more occult and mysterious than Venus Jan 25, 2025 · All this activity is intensified by two facts: one is that the Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini and the other that Venus is the esoteric ruler. Each sign also has an esoteric ruler, so today let us dive into the esoteric wildlands to deepen in our understanding. Venus rules the fifth ray of Science and is associated with the fifth plane of perception (counting from above down), the plane of manas or mind, whose upper three sub-planes are the abode of the causal body or soul. Of these two, the first is the more correct and the more esoteric. However, in esoteric astrology, Pluto is definitely part of the scheme as a planet symbolising the destructive aspect of the first ray… My idea of destructivity corresponds with Walter Benjamin’s… essay titled “The Destructive Character”, in which he said “The destructive character is cheerful and friendly and knows only one motto Apr 3, 2018 · The gifts that esoteric astrology can offer one through including it in one’s interpretation require that one has first fully explored one’s chart using the traditional rulers and its level of interpretation. Mars in Scorpio . Unless the esoteric rulers (esoteric planets) have different functions, a good amount of them do not make sense. ”10. Mercury in Gemini The above says something to us of the relationship of Neptune as the esoteric ruler of Cancer and the exoteric ruler of Pisces. Feb 5, 2022 · In esoteric astrology, every sign has an exoteric planetary governor who shows the sign’s pure outer manifestation, and an esoteric planetary ruler who discloses the sign’s spiritual aspect. Libra: rulers. The Earth through the Signs (Artwork by Jean Luc Bozzoli) Esoteric ruler of Sagittarius. His well-trained intellect (Mercury) was increasingly placed to the service of his diplomatic efforts to build warmer relations (Venus) between America, China and Russia … “probably his most Venus is the planet of values and Libra is the sign of evaluation and assessment. The esoteric ruler of Taurus is Vulcan, the forger of metals, the one who works in the densest, most concrete expression of the natural world (from the human angle). Oct 20, 2021 · Here are the two rulers of Libra rising – in dynamic square to one another: Uranus the planet of exoteric and esoteric science and Venus the ruler of the fifth ray of science. Yet Venus rules Gemini and the connection between the Earth and Venus is a highly positive and beautiful one. Venus as esoteric ruler of Gemini hints at the “divine marriage” of humanity, also ruled by Gemini, and the synthesis of the 4th and 5th kingdoms. Details to follow. Very possibly. Mercury occupies a most important position in our lives and in esoteric astrology. It will be through the correct application of the Laws and Principles of the New Age, so very much influenced by this planetary ~Gatekeeper~, that we shall be able to co-create and fulfil our May 23, 2024 · Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini and the planet of relationships – was also conjunct Sun-Jupiter. In order to express these volcanic opinions and be listened to, you must align with others, embracing positive relationships that uplift positive attitudes and all that comes with Gemini’s esoteric ruler, Venus. com This position joins Venus and the Earth, Sagittarius’s esoteric ruler. It is the ruler of the desire nature. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and distributes the second ray. Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus can be interpreted on a few levels: 1. A special relationship between these two planets - one which symbolises the overshadowing of the lower self (Earth) by the Higher (Venus). Esoteric Ruler of Aries . The house placement of Jupiter will indicate where there is the greatest tendency toward fusion, and the possibility for the greatest achievement regarding this facet of the Higher Self. Neptune and Venus are Feb 9, 2020 · As esoteric ruler of this sign, Venus balances the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, creating harmony and beauty. The Moon in the Signs . Mercury through the Signs . For comparison, Stephen Pugh’s decanate rulers are listed, alongside current orthodox rulers and those given in the book. Orthodox: Venus; Esoteric: Vulcan; Hierarchical: Vulcan; Orthodox: Venus ⇧. This teaches us a very important lesson in terms of relationships from the level of the soul. Mercury fused with Venus), harmonizing Heaven and Earth, fulfilling the mission and destiny of the Fourth human Hierarchy (Mercury hierarchical ruler of Scorpio), the central one among the Seven manifested creative Hierarchies. They can see objectively how the opposing sides can reach a lasting Dec 29, 2021 · In esoteric astrology, each sign has an exoteric planetary ruler, which reveals the pure outer expression of the sign’s characteristics, as well as an esoteric planetary ruler, which reveals the An important “charismatic triangle” is the grand trine between the Libra Ascendant, Uranus and Venus (the esoteric and exoteric rulers of Gemini respectively). Feb 17, 2022 · And from this perspective the Moon is veiling the meanings of Uranus, (exoteric ruler of Aquarius/Moon, esoteric ruler of Libra/Neptune, and hierarchical ruler of Aries/Sun), in Gemini, the light bearer of the 2nd ray. Vulcan. He loved music, so it is said (Venus, ruler of Libra, sextile Neptune and sextile Mercury) and sponsored concentration camp orchestras (the performances of which he appreciatively attended). As the soul ruler of mentally polarised Gemini, Venus harmonises the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, creating beauty and harmony. She also posited that the true ruler of Taurus was “Apollo,” and the true ruler of Virgo was, “Vulcan,” both which have never been discovered. Libra represents a pause, a moment of soul focussed reflection, a place wherein the values and energies of the personality and the soul meet and are balanced against each other. Venus is ruler of the 5th ray, hence resonates with cosmic Manas from Sirius (and perhaps expresses more the love aspect of ray 2), yet “Mercury is still more occult and mysterious than Venus May 10, 2009 · Exoteric/Esoteric Rulers : Exoteric/Esoteric Rulers : Aries – Mars Mercury: Libra – Venus Uranus: Taurus – Venus Vulcan: Scorpio – Mars/Pluto Mars: Gemini – Mercury Venus: Sagittarius – Jupiter Earth: Cancer – Moon Neptune: Capricorn – Saturn Saturn: Leo – Sun Sun/Neptune: Aquarius – Uranus Jupiter: Virgo – Mercury Moon Venus in Taurus in thus quite perceptive of the quality of energy represented by a specific physical manifestation, whether this is a person or a particular object. On the full moon day, Venus makes an exact conjunction to Jupiter in the 30 th degree of Taurus, and of course, will be conjunct the Sun in Gemini and the fixed star Alcyone. Esoteric: Vulcan ⇧. Planet of the Third Ray. Esoteric Astrology. [383] Venus holds a unique relation to the Earth, different to that of any other planet and this, therefore, brings about a much closer relation between Taurus and the Earth than perhaps exists in any other Feb 9, 2020 · As esoteric ruler of this sign, Venus balances the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, creating harmony and beauty. PLANETARY RULERS IN 3 TABULATIONS Constellation Orthodox/Personality Disciple/Esoteric/Soul Hierarchies/Initiates 1. Virgo and Venus are together two aspects of intelligence. Esoteric Ruler of Taurus. This enhances Capricorn’s ability to manifest spiritual wisdom in the physical world. The individual has the power to teach others to help themselves, to stand alone and be detached. Neptune is soul ruler of the Leo Ascendant and proves the power of the transiting esoteric ruler to its own sign. All are masculine energy. Although Neptune has now superseded the exoteric rulership of Jupiter in Pisces, it acts as a precedent to the esoteric function of Ray 2 in this sign, as Jupiter “produces a constant stimulation” (EA 277) and steady expansion of the indwelling soul Jan 6, 2023 · Venus is the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, closely connected to the mystery of Makara – which pertains to the lunar and solar angels, the lesser and greater builders of the lower/higher selves. According to Sepharial we have Jupiter, Mars and the Sun. There is some Saturn symbolism here, in the saying, “to shoulder responsibility” – bearing in mind that Saturn rules the first decanate of Aquarius. p. The Planets in Esoteric Astrology An Introduction Sacred and non-Sacred Planets. Indeed, a very close conjunction of Leo soul ruler Neptune – within half a degree of the Rudhyar-rectified ascendant. Jan 29, 2025 · The rulers of Aries are Mars exoteric and traditional, Mercury esoteric, Uranus hierarchical, plus the Sun is exalted. Gemini Mercury Venus The Earth 4. Esoteric Astrology features alternate rulership sets for more spiritual considerations of planets. We must ask whether the Venus/Mercury conjunction (both orthodox and esoteric ruler of Gemini in Gemini) plus a strong fifth ray, would be sufficient to give him his critical (and ironic) method of inquiry. Orthodox: Venus; Esoteric: Uranus; Hierarchical: Saturn; Orthodox: Venus ⇧. In Taurus, Mercury joins with Venus, the esoteric ruler creating the Divine Hermaphrodite. Mars is already Scorpio's co-ruler. Once the esoteric psychological and cosmic schemes are grasped, the complex role of Venus becomes easier to work with. Taurus: rulers. Earth through the Signs . Nov 6, 2013 · Rules and laws are in their mind all the time, believing that there is one law and one rule for all, and they neglect to have the compassion for those who are unable to live and keep those standards. According to Alan Leo, we have Saturn, Venus and Mercury. Apr 30, 2020 · An unhealthy Venus is one who has let desire and a love of pleasure rule override common sense. Taurus Venus Vulcan Vulcan 3. Orthodox: Neptune; Esoteric: Pluto; Hierarchical: Pluto; Orthodox: Neptune ⇧. Planet of the Second Ray . Venus is also the ruler of the fifth ray of Concrete Science, a discipline favoured by mentally strong, Saturn-ruled Capricorn. In the full moon horoscope, the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Libra – Venus and Uranus, are in an exact square to one another. Virgo Mercury The Moon Jupiter 7. Esoteric ruler Vulcan bestows a will of iron, unrelenting once the purpose is fixed and executed with faithfulness. In Gemini the aspirant unites his soul and his body according to the Soul mantra “I see my other self, and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow”. Leo The Sun The Sun The Sun 6. He ceases to be a non-realistic “swimmer in the air”, but his loving activity (ray two Apr 16, 2022 · “Esoterically, the reason that Venus is exalted in Pisces is connected with the relation of Pisces to the sign Gemini, of which Venus is the esoteric ruler, and also in relation to the fact that Venus is the Earth’s alter ego and is closely related to the human kingdom. Venus as Ruler: With Venus as the esoteric ruler, the focus is on achieving harmony and higher love through discipline and responsibility. This intensifies all that goes on and leads to the unfoldment upon our planet of the consciousness of universality… (EA 361) Aries-Gemini-Mercury: Life Will aspect Gemini-Scorpio-Mercury: Consciousness To briefly exemplify this interplay of exoteric and esoteric rulerships, we may look at Henry Kissinger, (Mars rising in Gemini, indicating Mercury and Venus as exoteric and esoteric dispositors). . It tells us the reason that the individual incarnated in this body, in this time, and in the situation they find themselves in. Esoteric Ruler of Gemini Venus, exoteric ruler of Taurus, appreciates the gifts of Earth, and that appreciation acts as a target for their attraction. Money. This is where Vulcan, the esoterical ruler of Taurus comes in: where Venus attaches our mind by projecting its energy onto outer objects, Vulcan detaches our mind by destroying the bonds once forged by Venus' glamour, putting us in situation in which we need to choose between the essential and non-essential, between the real and the unreal. That he was sharply critical of the values of Western Civilization may be laid to the power of Mars, the exoteric and esoteric ruler of his Scorpio Ascendant in the critical sign Virgo, conjunct Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Virgo, and in the very visible 10th house. This intensifies all that goes on and leads to the unfoldment upon our planet of the consciousness of universality… (EA 361) See the rulerships of Mercury for more details. This would lead them to create those interventions and scientific discoveries that evoke the hidden Light contained within matter. sfhzt wszzqs dwuhg mwsir igdv lqihu hnef yuhx yvun dxt dmey waox ugzgf dfm qjamg