University of pretoria thesis guidelines. Guidelines for evaluating thesis or dissertation.

University of pretoria thesis guidelines. The Institutional Repository Administrator .

  • University of pretoria thesis guidelines The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis for university, including the extensive time and effort required for research, analysis, and meeting formatting standards. 57 – G. Filter for University of Pretoria. This minor dissertation carries one third of the weight of a full master’s dissertation in terms of its credit weighting, i. This additional service allows tracking the writing process of big orders as the paper will be sent to you for approval in parts/drafts* before the final deadline. shortened guidelines for the submission of a masters dissertation . Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) has guidelines concerning the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in its publications, reflecting a cautious yet open stance towards the integration of AI tools in academic writing and research. 4. Consult other guides and templates, e. 21. A Conceptual Training and Development Framework for Public Educators in the Limpopo Department of Education. - Author Mbuso Vuma. pdf), Text File (. 60 apply in respect of doctoral theses. e. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that the dissertation or thesis satisfies the minimum standards. Mar 3, 2025 · Research output, Theses & Dissertations. The three stages of postgraduate study can be categorised as: 1 APPLICATION AND REGISTRATION 2. submission dates for finalisation graduation ceremonies final corrected copies Dr Bhebe's winning thesis, titled “The state and the politics of human rights protection: Assessing the effectiveness of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission in advancing the domestic implementation of socio-economic rights in Zimbabwe”, was completed under the supervision of Professor Michelo Hansungule at the University of Pretoria. Supervisor and co-supervisor It is common practice that the supervisor will be the last and corresponding author on publications stemming from a dissertation or thesis. Childhood Education, University of Pretoria, and my current colleagues in the Department of Inclusive Education, University of South Africa, for your encouragement and support. Dec 20, 2024 · Accessed: 5 May 2022, amended by the Mky Research Commons team, University of Pretoria in May 2022 Contact us If you need quick answer s or you are unsure of who to contact regarding your query, visit our new Contact Us tab ! Following the university's thesis guidelines is crucial to ensure that the document is structured correctly and contains all the necessary components. University of Pretoria Supervisor: Prof B Kuschke 2011 ©© UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPrreettoorriiaa. Guidelines. Part 2 in the Intellectual Policy elaborates on the ownership of the intellectual property originating from the University of Pretoria. The form should be completed and signed by the student, supervisor and the faculty admin officer. The finished document is a scholarly work, and something to be proud of — the result of a long period of preparation and research. WorldCat Dissertations and Theses Dec 20, 2024 · University of Pretoria General Regulations applicable to postgraduate study; University Code of Ethics for Research, University Plagiarism Policy, Policy for the Preservation and Retention of Research Data, Intellectual Property Policy, Guidelines for Postgraduate Supervision and; Declaration of Originality form. Distribution license: Grant the license by clicking in box. Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 13: Turn-it-in report (Plagiarism report)) 17. Information and guidelines University of Pretoria Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) - Publication style guidelines. It is presented as part of the requirements for the MEng and MSc degrees. minimum compulsory requirements . Each dissertation/thesis must be assigned a unique title. Feb 28, 2025 · Contains current and completed research projects (in economics, science and humanities), and includes (the master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations) theses and dissertations from South African universities, Technikons, and Universities of Technology, as well as the research works from the government, non-government and private sectors. 2. Progressive delivery is highly recommended for your order. Consult templates for typing dissertation / thesis: (these are only examples) *Title page *Keywords and abstract *Typing of Chapter 1 *Declaration of Originality (and ethic approval) 12. Proposing Empirical Research is ideal for use in research methods classes where students write a proposal as a term project, thesis/dissertation preparation classes, senior research seminars where proposing and conducting research is a culminating undergraduate activity, and any To download these style guidelines in pdf form, click here. No printing of dissertation or use submission for examination purposes. Use this opportunity to show your academic mettle. From classic to contemporary, our binding options offer the perfect presentation for your invaluable thesis. Jul 24, 2024 · The copyright to theses and dissertations done at UP belongs to the University (see section 4. Google form for approval of final title and appointment of examiners (to be filled in by the supervisor) The University of Pretoria (UP) is one of Africa’s top universities and the largest contact university in South Africa. Your research, dedication and hard work deserve to be showcased in a manner that reflects your brilliance. Nincs megjeleníthető cikk Dec 11, 2024 · ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: Global. The student must on recommendation of the supervisor, inform Student Administration in writing of his/her intention to submit – three months before the final submission. Short guidelines for submission of PhD thesis. Jan 16, 2025 · ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997. 1. Click on Complete Submission. Filter for Theses and Dissertations. Access to the full text of UP theses and dissertations is available at UP Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Title registration form & guidelines. 6. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This document aims to provide guidance to University of Pretoria (UP) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) students and supervisors regarding theses/dissertations obtained through publication. Feb 7, 2025 · Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines. Jul 24, 2024 · Subject Guides: UP Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission Guidelines: Electronic Thesis/Dissertations 4 days ago · The DLS is committed to provide open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. Procedure: Print your dissertation/thesis. • For specific instructions, eg in respect of the plagiarism/integrity declaration, see the ‘Preparation and Submission of the Thesis’ section in the University’s ‘General Academic Regulations’, or consult previous theses/dissertations submitted. 10. Postgraduate Submission Guidelines and Documents Notice of intention to submit a dissertation or thesis form University of Pretoria Private Bag x 20 Hatfield Dec 20, 2024 · Helping Doctoral Students Write by Kamler This essential guide offers a new approach to doctoral writing, written specifically for doctoral supervisors. An online LaTeX editor that’s easy to use. The Institutional Repository Administrator ‘luxury’ copy of the thesis/dissertation, but are submitted loose/separately. Aug 10, 2016 · 1. There are a range of formatting requirements imposed by the General Regulations of the University of Pretoria, as well as supervisor personal preferences. THESIS (Afr. Please see the BGM PG Processes page for documents and details. applicable to all SU faculties, May 23, 2024 · After the submission, examination and revision of your dissertation/thesis, you can have it bound. 61 as explained in Part I of the Yearbook of the University of Pretoria which deal with the regulations regarding PhD theses. 9. 2 Copies must be printed on good quality paper and in letter quality. This resource contains abstracts and full text of international theses and dissertations. Their team of academic writers can help with various aspects of dissertation writing from Feb 28, 2025 · The DLS is committed to providing open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. DISSERTATION (Afr. faculty of health sciences . Feb 5, 2024 · The University of Pretoria’s “General Rules and Regulations” contains all the information about the submission of theses and dissertations for post-graduate studies. Canadian universities participate in the program voluntarily by submitting approved theses and dissertation (both electronic and print) to Theses Canada. 2 Reference to books; 2 Reference to journal articles; 2 Reference to chapters in books; 2 Reference to theses and dissertations; 2 Reference to newspaper articles Jan 21, 2025 · University Guidelines: Every university has its specific guidelines and requirements for formatting dissertations or theses. These guidelines typically outline the overall structure, formatting styles, font size and type, margins, spacing, and other specific requirements. Unpublished PhD thesis. Writing a research protocol. 60 credits (nominally 600 hours of work University Of Pretoria Thesis Guidelines - Please note. *Policy on University of Pretoria electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) *Policy to provide open access to research papers authored by University of Pretoria researchers *Policy on Open Access Publishing Processing Charges (APC) *Guidelines for Application to the University of Pretoria Open Access Fund for Article Processing Charges (APCs) Scheffer, Hercules Jacobus (University of Pretoria, 1981-05-10) Afrikaans: Vergoedingsadministrasie is in 'n sekere mynbou onderneming gedoen sender formele beleid, prosedures en behoorlike marknavorsing. We have a high quality of teaching and learning in the classroom, online, or in communities. Student Service Centre (for Contact students): Contact Centre - Telephone: 012 420 3111 Contact Centre - Email: [email protected] Dec 20, 2024 · Updated references, model proposals, end of chapter exercises etc. 12. The General Academic Regulations (G Regulations) and General Student Rules apply to all faculties and registered students of the University, as well as all prospective students who have accepted an offer of a place at the University of Pretoria. University Of Pretoria Dissertations, The University of Pretoria’s “General Regulations and Rules” (G. Theses Canada Portal. The University of Pretoria awards a doctoral degree by virtue of a thesis with or without additional written and/or oral examinations. This can be done in your personal capacity or at the Printers (next to the Bindery). The University of Pretoria is the copyright holder of all its theses and dissertations. Memorandum of Agreement: Student-Supervisor University of Pretoria Private Bag x 20 Hatfield 0028. doc Author: u01252887 Created Date: 9/13/2018 11:41:48 AM Jul 24, 2024 · For detailed information regarding the submission processes and other administrative aspects of the submissions and examination of your research project, read GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (G30-G54) and your Faculty Postgraduate Guide: Jul 24, 2024 · Subject Guides: UP Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission Guidelines: Electronic Theses/Dissertations Feb 13, 2025 · Current & Completed Research This link opens in a new window Contains current and completed research projects (in economics, science and humanities), and includes (the master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations) theses and dissertations from South African universities, Technikons, and Universities of Technology, as well as the research works from the government, non-government and Jan 30, 2025 · The DLS is committed to provide open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. submission dates for examination copy final marks september graduation 31 march 30 june april graduation 31 august 31 january 2. The IR collects and maintains intellectual scholarship in a free and open environment, such as published journal articles (pre-print and post-print), conference papers and proceedings, data sets, reports, theses, and dissertations. . • The non-examining chair is a (senior) staff member in the department, normally the Head, who coordinates the examination procedure for the minor dissertation, dissertation, or thesis. This will also be Jul 24, 2024 · The DLS is committed to provide open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. “PROEFSKRIF”) A thesis is a report on the research required for the PhD(Eng) or PhD degrees. A request for copyright to be ceded to the student can be made after graduation. RESEARCH PROPOSAL & TITLE OF DISSERTATION/THESIS 3. The Institutional Repository Administrator Guidelines for postgraduate supervision. 3. submission dates for finalisation graduation ceremonies final corrected copies Mar 7, 2025 · Contains current and completed research projects (in economics, science and humanities), and includes (the master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations) theses and dissertations from South African universities, Technikons, and Universities of Technology, as well as the research works from the government, non-government and private sectors. 4. Postal Address: University of Pretoria Private Bag x 20 Formatting and Layout Guidelines for your Thesis or Dissertation . Postgraduate students should mention the University of Pretoria in their address, as well as their supervisor and co-supervisor as co Consult the Postgrad Guide on Finalization and Submission of thesis; No thesis will be accepted if ethical application and MoA has not been completed. It then introduces HelpWriting. Search HERE for theses and dissertations by your department. “VERHANDELING”) A dissertation is a report on an investigation of a major nature ( 1000 hours). F. Webinar: Structuring a Masters dissertation and PhD thesis by publication. The document discusses the challenges of writing a PhD dissertation at the University of Pretoria, including the rigorous research and analysis required. NRF-rating Internal Evaluation : Research Entity establishment : Guidelines for the establishment of Submit draft of dissertation / thesis to supervisor for internal evaluation together with the Turn-it-in report (Plagiarism report) 17. All publications based on research done at the University of Pretoria, should include University of Pretoria in the address of the author/researcher. With the rise and emergence of new technologies and the internet, piracy has only become a prevalent 5 days ago · Welcome to the guide for postgraduate research support. Since 2004 it became compulsory to submit theses and dissertations electronically and UPeTD was the electronic theses and dissertations collection initially used. Dec 20, 2024 · Give credit to the University of Pretoria in your article. Netshikhophani, A. Pretoria: University of Pretoria. Location: of the University of Pretoria. Make sure to familiarize yourself with your university's guidelines early write distinct dissertations/theses based on their own work and results. The Institutional Repository Administrator Jul 24, 2024 · The DLS is committed to provide open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. Keresési eredmények: university of pretoria thesis submission guidelines . Jun 15, 2024 · Viljoen, Alida Hettie (University of Pretoria, 2024-02-14) Introduction and background Hospital units are dynamic, high-paced and challenging environments and effective teamwork is vital to high performance teams in hospital units. Feb 13, 2025 · Current & Completed Research This link opens in a new window Contains current and completed research projects (in economics, science and humanities), and includes (the master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations) theses and dissertations from South African universities, Technikons, and Universities of Technology, as well as the research works from the government, non-government and Mar 6, 2024 · The University of Pretoria has a well-established bindery which offers high-standard and professional binding services to UP staff, students, academic departments as well as private clients. 57 to G. 1 Tips for general use of the PULP style Table of contents; 2 Referencing to sources. The service can be used for any university-related assignments, articles, and dissertations. 6 in the Policy on Electronic Theses and Dissertations): 4. university of pretoria faculty of health sciences shortened guidelines for the submission of a masters dissertation 1. Jul 24, 2024 · UPSpace Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form This form is obtainable from the Faculty Administrative Office. GUIDELINES FOR PRESENTATION OF FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES MASTERS AND PHD IN A PUBLICATION FORMAT A. Please evaluate material on web sites critical and use peer reviewed, scholarly information. The UP Space form must be completed and also signed by supervisor. Important: All researchers submitting a thesis or dissertation must take note of the following policies and guidelines: Policy on electronic theses and dissertations; Policy on open access publishing processing charges; Guidelines for application to the open access fund for article processing charges (APCs) Two electronic copies of dissertation: one in PDF format and the other in MSWord format on a CD are submitted to the Faculty Administration for the library. b ABSTRACT This dissertation considers the impact of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (hereafter ‘CPA’) on contractual claims, and specifically whether the exceptio doli generalis is being reintroduced in the South African legal system. submission dates for examination copies final marks september graduation 31 march 30 june april graduation 31 august 31 january 2. Guidelines for evaluating thesis or dissertation. Declaration of originality (Word file) UPspace submission form for electronic thesis / dissertation Three to six months before a dissertation/thesis is submitted to the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, the title needs to be finalised and the examiners appointed. UPSpace form for electronic thesis. 22. 5 Reference to newspaper articles • M Killander ‘The ordeal of children’ The Star (Johannesburg) 29 September 2000 3 Formatting a dissertation or thesis can be a surprisingly time-consuming exercise. Share this page. Submission of Examination copy of dissertation Title: Microsoft Word - Submission guidelines MSc and PhD. Electronic copy of your dissertation (word and pdf) MTh (dissertation) submission requirements. UPSpace self-submission guidelines. Dec 20, 2024 · Find print copies of theses in the library by searching the library system. Compiled by the Postgraduate Office, Stellenbosch University (revis ed February 2022) There is no one-size-fits-all template for theses or dissertations, however, Stellenbosch University (SU) does have . SUBMISSION PROCESS & EXAMINERS Jul 24, 2024 · Subject Guides: UP Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission Guidelines: Getting Permissions and Fair Use MMed Part III (minor dissertation) Guidelines for candidates, supervisors and examiners The MMed minor dissertation is one of three examination components of the MMed degree. The summary of the regulations as contained in this guide, will both benefit the student and the supervisor. submission dates for finalisation graduation ceremonies final corrected copies university of pretoria . net as a service that provides specialized dissertation writing assistance tailored to PhD students at the university. Submissions These can be full academic articles with a length (including references) of preferably between 6,000 and 9,000 words, analyses and reports with a word length of preferably between 3,000 and 5,000 words, book reviews (see our separate guideline for reviews) as well as debate Nov 30, 2023 · Nyembe, Simphiwe (University of Pretoria, 2023-11-30) This mini dissertation examines the challenges that arise in protecting copyright in the digital age due to piracy. Jul 24, 2024 · Welcome to the Department of Library Services (DLS) Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Submission Guide. 5. Where supervisors, co-supervisors and internal examiners are active academic staff members of the University of Pretoria, the title, full name, e mail address and EMPLID will suffice for identification. This will also be dissertation or a doctoral thesis is called a ‘supervisor’. The submission of your electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD) is the final step in the awarding of your degree. All Masters and Doctoral students are required to submit their thesis/dissertations to the Institutional Repository, UPSpace, as a graduation requirement. It is a mini-website that offers resources and library services for postgraduate students. Memorandum of Understanding between Student and Supervisor. The University of Pretoria (UP) offers a binding service to all UP staff, students, as well as private clients. Feb 19, 2025 · Contains current and completed research projects (in economics, science and humanities), and includes (the master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations) theses and dissertations from South African universities, Technikons, and Universities of Technology, as well as the research works from the government, non-government and private sectors. All Masters and Doctoral students are required to submit their thesis/dissertations to the Institutional Repository, UPSpace , as a graduation requirement. txt) or read online for free. University Of Pretoria Thesis Guidelines PUBLICATION STYLE GUIDELINES A. Dec 1, 2020 · Guidelines for mini-dissertation with article; How to Successfully Complete Your Doctorate in the School of Health Systems and Public Health - a Brief Guide; Making public presentations; Research Protocol Guidelines; Shortened Guidelines for the Submission of a Doctoral Thesis (Updated 2 March 2020) Forms Applications to the Academic Programme Jul 24, 2024 · Before self-submissions, all Masters and Doctoral students completing a thesis must: Read the University of Pretoria's Intellectual Property Policy. Jan 31, 2022 · Unpublished Masters Dissertation. We produce socially impactful research to find solutions for the world’s most pressing issues. Consult the Postgrad Guide for guidelines for on-time submission: August for April graduation the following year; April for August/September graduation in the same year. The DLS is committed to provide open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. The following link provides a template that meets University requirements for dissertation and thesis essence of the final section of the research thesis/dissertation or article is the formulation of conclusions. Submission for the exam is now through email. I am deeply grateful to my research partners, who contributed immensely towards this thesis. UJ IR is the University of Johannesburg’s Open Access Institutional Repository. 3. 57-G. 4 Reference to theses and dissertations • CH Heyns ‘Civil disobedience in South Africa …’ PhD thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, 1992 169 (on file with the author) (no ‘at’) 2. Co-authorship with postgraduate students. Notice of intention to submit Feb 28, 2025 · Contains current and completed research projects (in economics, science and humanities), and includes (the master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations) theses and dissertations from South African universities, Technikons, and Universities of Technology, as well as the research works from the government, non-government and private sectors. 60) contains all the information about the submission of theses and dissertations for post-graduate studies. Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg. → General regulations G. Feb 13, 2025 · The DLS is committed to provide open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. Feb 6, 2025 · The DLS is committed to providing open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. The Institutional Repository Administrator The attachment linked below is a Word document template that can be used to guide the preparation of an MSc dissertation or PhD thesis in the Department of Zoology and Entomology at the University of Pretoria. Short guidelines for submission of MSc dissertation. The research component of the Master of Medicine (MMed) - SACOMD. 2 THESES Candidates for the PhD degree are referred to General Regulations G. Authors are encouraged to utilise AI responsibly, ensuring that UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA FACULTY OF HUMANITIES POST-GRADUATE COMMITTEE Guidelines concerning differences between mini-dissertations, dissertations and theses Although there are differences between departments in the Faculty, there are also common tendencies regarding the skills, competencies, length, depth of (a) the title of the thesis/dissertation and initials and surname of the candidate on the front cover; and (b) Year, surname and initials on the spine. On registering for a programme, the student bears the responsibility of ensuring that they and theses should acknowledge that the research comes from [student’s name]’s dissertation/thesis at the University of Pretoria, Faculty of Health Sciences. No printing of thesis or use submission for examination purposes. The Institutional Repository Administrator Step 12 - Write Dissertation / Thesis. The guidelines for examiners of dissertations and theses, recommended during a meeting of the Deans on University Of Pretoria Dissertations. The in the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria. Feb 17, 2025 · The DLS is committed to providing open access to the University of Pretoria's scholarly outputs by producing simple guidelines for self-submissions. The term ‘promoter’ is no longer used. Electronic copy of your dissertation (Word and PDF) Disclaimer Form (signed by both supervisor and student) PhD (Thesis) Submission Requirements. Rejecting the DIY websites and manuals that promote a privatised skills-based approach to writing research, Kamler and Thomson offer a new framework for scholarly work to help doctorate students produce clear and well-argued university of pretoria faculty of health sciences shortened guidelines for the submission of a doctoral thesis 1. 2. Click on Next. Google form for approval of final title and appointment of examiners (to be filled in by the supervisor) University of Pretoria Thesis Guidelines - Free download as PDF File (. Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words (excluding title and author information). The Master of Laws degree by Coursework is awarded once a student has successfully completed courses in research methodology, three 30-credit modules on particular topics related to the degree, the submission of a research proposal and a mini-dissertation. Aug 8, 2023 · Theses binding: Elevate your academic accomplishments with our expert theses binding services. submission dates for examination copy final marks september graduation 30 march 30 june april graduation 31 august 31 january . 1. The Department of Library Services invites all Masters and Doctoral students to register and join the webinar on “How to submit a thesis/dissertation on UPSpace and research data o How to Submit your Thesis/Dissertation and Research Data on UP Repositories - Room Bookings and Events - University of Pretoria Mar 29, 2024 · van Schalkwyk, Megan (University of Pretoria, 2023-10-27) This mini-dissertation examines the growing concern surrounding the involvement of private actors in conflict situations, where their lack of accountability, owing to the absence of responsible State actors, poses a potential Aug 16, 2024 · DETA 2025, University of Pretoria, MIE Mauritius, Conference. 2012. g. REFERENCING TO SOURCES REFERENCE TO BOOKS In footnotes (first reference): CH Heyns Human rights law in Africa (2004) 333 (Note: title not in initial caps; author’s name not given, only initials; no space between initials) In footnotes (subsequent references): Heyns (n 2 above) 350 (no initial) In bibliography: Donelly, J International human rights (Westview Electronic copy of your dissertation (word and pdf) MTh (dissertation) submission requirements. Review submission: Correct any mistakes from the description item or uploaded files. yvf aauoy blsum kqd nzhvkmm mdijlhl amm gndch kgur omy cgshbq hfloqtq vvwac bkbjxx fqhg