Unifi ap disconnected after update And sure enough it worked. The UniFi stuff is not expensive as it is and upgrading should be in the budget for an AP that is that old. All of my AP's are currently on 6. Reply In this video, I show you how to fix your troublesome UniFi devices that simply do not want to update. 19 (UAP-AC-HD, U6-Lite, UAP-AC-Pro, UAP-AC-M) and this firmware has made my wifi slow. These APs are placed under the table Hi Everyone, I have an UniFi AP-LR that has been in storage for a few months during a move to a new office building. I manually entered it into my host file on the pi-hole pointing to my unifi server (like 222. Any advice? Should I wipe and reinstall the controller? @Ubiquiti_Inc Also, download the unifi app on your phone, sign into your unifi account and connect to your unifi controller app. Mar 24, 2021 · As this AP is connected to another AP (for cabling convenience) I rebooted that one and it came back up on the controller. Whatever the difference the few UAP-SHD’s I have, have not suffered this issue or at least have been lucky. But for now, try to keep it simple AP connected to unifi directly, but setting up managed vlan. Two are now “Disconnected” in the controller software. Replugged the cable to the AP. I have changed the AP to a static IP and no luck, it still keeps disconnecting. Release Notes. Old firmware = bugs. 4. 114 for Debian/Ubuntu. A software update should not kill a piece of hardware. Hello, I'm new to Unifi and have this week set up a UDM, nanoHD AP & AP-lite. Controller runs as a service on a PC. For this Jan 16, 2018 · Instead of updating to "Connected" after about 30 seconds each of the devices went to "Disconnected" and then back to "Adopting". I couldn’t ping the AP, it didn’t show up on a network scan, I couldn’t connect to it via SSH. I have my SSID hidden and have never had to do this until recently. I first look to see what is current, then look for one version previous. I’m having a similar issue as OP, but with a different network setup. After I let is gain a new IP, logged back into it via SSH and set my inform command but it will not show up in Unifi Controller. At the same time I downloaded a new controller update. Same issue here. If it has not been resolved by the end of this, factory reset and re-adopt the device. This repeats endlessly. The poster tried everything, working with Unifi and trying things on their own, until finally reducing some AP's where there was overlap and their problem went away. Tried disconnecting the AP again (powered by POE from USW-8-150), push reset, connecting it with POE again, but still nothing happens. Anyway, I just recently upgraded one of their APs from 4. Light on the AP is a solid white: waiting for adoption. ) in a small office. I read somewhere that because I didn't first update the controller software (There was a waiting update) that may be why they failed. UniFi releases updates that improve IP handling and device adoption. We have a a few clients who's Unifi devices (AP, USG, Switches etc) will auto update firmware during works hours. I brought it out today, connected it onto my network and was going to adopt it to add to the AC Lite I purchased for my new office. Nov 16, 2021 · The upgrade may have gone sideways on you. Jul 22, 2012 · I have an AP which is in a disconnected status and I can not seem to get it to reconnect. I updated Unifi software Friday and now the AP's that have 2. So instead of trying even step 3 above, it makes sense just to forget the device and set it up after step 2 above. How to update firmware: Log into the UniFi Controller. 6. Jul 14, 2019 · Updated the firmware on 9 Unifi APs. I can’t ping their static IPs and the APs have no lights on at all. It's most obvious on my iPhone and my Windows 10 computer but has been happening on a couple of other devices although my iPhone appears to be the most frequent victim. 121. Download. Once it is connected to internet it will automatically detect available firmware update. . There is UAP-AC-M which was wirelessly uplinked to one of the UAP-AC-LRs (running 100FDX if that makes a difference). 444. Got an AP Lite installed the other day and setup on UniFi controller. Here is what I tried: Replugged the cable to the POE injector. ' I'm about to install a new AP and would like to get this resolved first. I have rebooted them numerous times, restarted the controller (which fails to restart if it’s shut down). I disconnected it and forgot it from the original network. 11358) and a UAP-nanoHD (5. Here are the results from pinging the AP. Update firmware and UniFi OS. I have 2 UniFi AP-HDs, 1 UniFi Switch 16 POE-150W and 1 UniFi Security Gateway 4P all on the latest version. I tried to search internet for answers but I didnt find any article on it. 42 since these Unifi’s are out of service) It After every AP update, for my EcoBee, I have to re-enter the connection settings. After the restore, my two Unifi APs seem to be stuck in 'adopting. Im assuming it got disconnected since I had a lot of wireless devices connected to the ap causing too much Hello Unifi Community, I hope this post finds you well. 555 unifi). I now see random units will not take new connections until I restart the AP. They currently keep their existing configuration, so they’re technically up, but the controller is showing them in a constant loop. The radios on the access points would continue to function, and the issue was not present, at least for me, in previous releases of the UniFi controller. Any suggestions? I have a remote deployment with a USG Pro 4 and 4 AP-AC-Pro's connected to a AWS EC2 controller. However, the switch is sat there working fine and the computers attached to it are working away normally (and obviously connected to the network). 0. Audio updates should be turned off for any equipment you need working. Follow these steps to perform basic Layer 1 (physical) troubleshooting: Check your device for signs of power. For the last 7 months had zero issues since install. Not horrible considering it is “working”, but can’t figure out why it is showing disconnected in the controller. I click adopt, it's trying to adopt and says "Mesh" in the "Uplink" row, but then appears offline and never comes back online, even after several reboots of the AP and it's uplink Oct 30, 2024 · Hello, all. Don’t skip this step — sometimes, UniFi releases DHCP and IP conflict I don't know what has been updated on my U6 Enterprise and USW Enterprise 24 PoE since it stays in the same version after the Early Access update. After a lot of fiddling around, disabling the following options in my unifi controller solved the problem for me: The adopted AP gets into a disconnected state when the UniFi Network application does not have connectivity to the access point (check cables, network settings, and changes to topology). Then refresh the Unifi Controller Webpage a few times, it will likely show "Getting Ready" or Online. I backed up the settings and restored it to the new system. Weird thing is that I can see them pulling power on PoE but they don’t appear to be linking on the network. 11361 Board Revision 26 CPU and memory utilization are hovering around 5% and 35% respectively for the past 24 hours. this is also set correctly in the controller. 9. 4 enabled are showing as disconnected. Updated from version 3. They are still running fine, but on management they show disconnected. I've done a bit of research but can't find a solution to this problem. I expected to see the "beam" would light up after 20-30 seconds, but it did not. The fastest resolution is to default the AP and re adopt it. I just setup my network 2 days ago. But now in the controller, it is showing disconnected, yet still has a WiFi signal. After the upgrade (which may or may not have successfully completed), it never came back online. Info: Internet, local network all work from APs and switch but the controller (windows 10 device controller) claims all ubiquiti devices are 'disconnected'. Feb 4, 2025 · When your UniFi devices go offline after an update, it’s not the end of the world. I highly suggest you swap it out for at least AC equipment. I power cycled it a couple of times, did a factory reset, forgot it in the controller I have a bticino/legrand 300X video doorbell and multiple unifi APs (UAP IW, UAP LR). Select your desired release channel and/or configure auto-update settings. Alle Gerätschaften min 5 min vom Strom trennen (denke das 1 Minute auch reicht, aber trenn den Strom mit der Hand und nicht einen Neustart aus der Software heraus) und dann von Seite des Internetanschluß (UDM-Pro oder was auch immer Du hast) neu starten, dann Switch(e), dann AP(s) und so weiter. I connected to the USG via SSH and checked the DCHP leases, but the APs weren't listed. Feb 5, 2022 · Zo af en toe als een AP een firmware update geef krijg ik wat storing wat meestal verholpen is door hem opnieuw op te starten. x. Go to Settings > System > Updates. Offline updates are possible using the Update Cache method. For reference I just checked the following on one of my sites: Model UniFi AP-AC-Pro Version 4. Then just adopt the AP back in again on the controller. 11325 firmware to the latest version. Just been through the same situation. 12533) - these are hardwired and sitting on a specific Management VLAN. This was a major issue with the Gen2 switches from UI that they fixed with a firmware update (finally). If it still needs to be updated after that then update again. Yep, that's right. Moments later, my internet disconnected and the device is showing offline on unifi. Oct 4, 2020 · After a few hours, the access points would revert to being in their disconnected state. Until recently I self-hosted the controller on a Windows server but within the last week migrated everything to a CloudKey+. I’ve looked Hi everyone I'm trying to adopt an AP-AC-Pro wirelessly. The site is running several UAP-AC-LR's (4. ui. Scroll below. 26. Java is also updated on Java 8. any help is appreciated! This morning at 3. Here's the scenario: I successfully adopted my Unifi switch to the controller, but I've noticed that it appears as offline on the controller interface. I run two SSIDs, one for 5 GHz and one for 2. The other day we had some electrical work done, resulting in power being lost to the UDM and a few other devices. The AP needed an update, so I started updating the firmware. 3 access points were all showing wired connections and working as expected. The UDM-Pro was directly connected to the Fios Internet. I'm reaching out for some help with an ongoing issue that started around 10-12 days ago, just after a firmware update to my U6 AP LR access points in the early hours of May 15th. After upgrading the controller firmware, and updating Java, my devices are showing as disconnected. Reconfiguring a UniFi environment for a client and having issues with an AP. I've done firmware updates on these units before with no issue. Upon first boot the Controller see’s the access point, i am able to upgrade it so it’s on the same version as the other AP’s but the second i do anything to it, change hostname, give a static IP, it reboots and stays as provisioning for a while, then just goes to Front of house UniFi AP-AC-Mesh 36 20% (-84 dBm) Somehow this exterior mesh unit with high transmit is less strength than my inside low transmit device. The controller is installed to a local docker server I was already running and added the controller to. Lately we are having clients with random disconnect issues, not being able to connect and AP's losing connection to our controller. 114. USG is fine. Aug 25, 2019 · I ran into a weird issue trying to adopt several Ubiquiti UniFi AP Mesh Pro access points on a newly created site within the UniFi controller lately. Unifi documentation will show you that setting but from memorty (not at my computer) it's classic dashboard only under ssid settings. Verbinding was even verloren maar herstelde daarna weer, waarna hij op disconnected kwam te staan. After I factoried the unit, SSH'd in and re-adopted the AP with IP address instead of the hostname, it has been solid for almost a week now. Hi - I posted this on UniFi forums too, without much help but I have several UniFi devices (both APs and Switches) connected to a UDM-Pro. I have run into this and it usually is resolved the second time around without further issues. But it cannot access controller. The internet doesn't work every time the AP disconnects. Ive tried restoring the controller from backup, but same response. 333. Warning: Before getting into the details, if you try any of these steps please do so at your own risk. Yet, I can ping them and they clearly are functioning properly. It's random, sometimes no APs drop in a week, sometimes 2 drop in 2 days. As for UniFi gear,I update once every six months (or so). Usually, it’s one of three things: DHCP issues, firmware mismatches, or inform URL problems. I had upgraded the Controller to the current firmware, and let that run for a couple of weeks, to make sure everything was running well, prior to upgrading the APs. 73. This happened out of the blue, and the APs where showing an Adopting state in the controller, but where marked as disconnected. However, when in the Unifi controller v. 162 on my Mac this evening, and all APs are now showing wireless connection. These are $350+ AP’s with a different purpose than a $99 SOHO AP. Troubleshooting Update Issues. This may have been what caused the initial issue. UniFi should support them differently. 23am, my UDM SE notified me that there was an update available to 3. Here is the behavior encountered : – Newly UniFi access point deployed showed up in the controller for adoption ; – Clicking “Adopt” did started the provisioning process ; I have a main access point with ethernet (AC-Pro) to the router and a second one (office) in Mesh without ethernet. It appears for wireless adoption in the Unifi Console. Never had any issues with them. Mongo v3. Status changes from "Online" to "Offline" / "Disconnected". Replace the cables. I’m using older controller and Unifi firmware versions, as the new stuff iswell, buggy as seen from Unifi forum threads, and I’m concerned that connectivity will break and need work- which I can’t do with WFH. Currently have been using 1 Unifi AP-AC v2 for over 2 years now. The SFP port doesn’t seem to work any longer. Mar 1, 2020 · I work in a K-8 school and we have 16 UniFi AP-AC-Pro Access Points and 3 UniFi Switch 16 POE-150W switches providing power to these AP’s. com. Hoping someone can help. There are a couple of Netgear switches inbetween the UDM & AP's. In our experience, a reset after adoption & update can work magic. After restarting the controller, the APs have a disconnected state. Did the old school turn it off/on, I turned off Windows Firewall, and tried all I can think of. As mentioned, this issue started from couple of months ago and from a week, it has become significant. You should see your AP show up and have the option to adopt it. Might have to repeat the reset on the APs a couple of times for the controller to detect it for adoption. How do we stop the auto firmware update? EDIT: Thanks for the suggestions I searched for 'update' in the new UI and found the setting to turn off auto update My Unifi controller is showing my APs as disconnected, yet my APs are working as expected, and have a blue light. The Engenius switches seem good but are both expensive and don't exactly fit my specific use case. I have several U6-Pro, SSID Hidden. As demonstrated in the video, these devices just say t If your UniFi device and UniFi Network application are on different VLANs, or you are hosting UniFi Network in the cloud, follow the troubleshooting steps here. It's so annoying. The problem went away after I hard-power-cycled every AP. Tried rebooting both the UDM Pro and the switch a couple of times - but the switch stayed offline. Without additional configuration, I can route across the interfaces. Jan 14, 2022 · Method 3 – Update the Unifi Controller. 12 votes, 10 comments. We’ve rarely had any issues over the past two years, but we’ve had 3 remote locations have at least 1 AP go offline and either stay offline or stay on for about 1 minute, turn off, repeat over and over again. After it came back up, the update still showed available so I ran the update from the controller again and this time it updated without issue. Something really strange was going on with Fios! every few minutes (this morning) the internet would suddenly disconnect and then reconnect. Before we update the firmware of the access point, we are first going to make sure that Unifi Controller is up-to-date. While I was in there, I noticed my APs, which are all connected to the same switch via ethernet (and then that switch is plugged directly into my USG), are all referencing each other as Uplink (Wired). The Zyxel XS1930-12HP was a much better deal and replaced 2 unifi switches (US XG6 + US16 XG). Verizon Fios <-> Pfsense or OPNsense <-> Dell PowerConnect PoE switch <-> 3x UniFi APs The unifi lineup has some awesome switches but you may get trapped in the ecosystem with a bunch of overpriced junk (USG, UDM, many of the APs). I UniFi Network Application 9. Once I have that info, I look here to see how many complaints there are for the last 30 days, and if all is quiet, I update. 9152 to 4. So I replaced all the Access Points in the warehouse with these UniFi AP-nanoHD. My issue is the second floor AP will randomly "disconnect" (as indicated by its switch port in the Unifi app) and become unreachable. Under my alerts it says they were last disconnected over two months ago. Aug 4, 2017 · Please make sure to do this after hours, or a time when it’s okay to disconnect users for several minutes. Disconnected and I figured I'd try resetting it manually, but nothing happened. I need to remember to wait 1 - 2 minutes after making a change to an SSID or any other setting change that affects different pieces of equipment. If an update fails, follow these steps: Check internet access: Devices must be online for updates. No problems since then. I had the same issue with esp32 and u6-lr. Before this update I was getting 400mb+ d/u speed and now I'm barely getting 100mb d/u. For example, the master bedroom AP says Uplink (Wired) downstairs AP, while downstairs AP says that its wired uplink is master bedroom. Apr 28, 2021 · Hey all I posted this question on the Ubiquiti website and have yet to hear a response so I am going to post the question here. I am running a USG and two AP-PROs. g. 7. Cutting power the AP makes sure you have an absolutely clean start of the AP. After doing a restart from the switch port they go back to working Unifi protect running on an NVR auto-updated overnight and now 5 cameras stopped working. By default, I understood unifi has inter vlan communications. Nothing changes on the controller when it goes down; from the controller it looks more like the AP is freezing, rather than disconnecting, as it still shows as connected, but none of the uptime or transmission rates change until the AP reconnects Feb 10, 2022 · Ja, hatte ich genau so. Unifi controller was showing the AP as Disconnected for some odd reason, so I Forgot the device, logged into the device via SSH and did the syswrapper reset command. We have two warehouses local to us, one has given us no issues. 5. Really, I don't care what AP it connects to, I just want it to stay connected. When you click to resolve it states: I chatted in with ubiquiti support and they said all APs and switches will need to be reset as outlined in the above pic and there was no other way to readopt the device. 168. After the last firmware update I am having problems with a few AP’s. May 7, 2021 · We started to experience disconnect issues the following morning. You can also find stuff second hand at a decent price. No more automatic updates and I'll stay one version behind from now on. I saw one comment to try power cycling the switch. APs are set up to use DHCP and connect to a remote controller. For our other clients using Unifi devices the firmware doesn't auto update. If you have a Cloudkey or UDM (Pro) Open your Unifi OS; Go to Settings > Updates; Check the Network application is up-to-date UPDATE: Now updated but wont adopt. I brought it to the new location and started trying to set it up. They are always stable, so not sure what the problem is, or if there is an actual problem. A recent software update "Fixed" the over-reporting in the Alerts log. Server has 4cpu and 16gb ram, VM is not breaking a sweat. Nu had de vrouw laatst gestofzuigd (door schilderwerk lag de AP even op de grond) en de AP zeer licht aangeraakt. Both my solar inverter and car charger, which are connected from the garage, started showing connection problems immediately after the update. It took several tries for the switch to reset. They'll just show disconnected. Do you have any suggestions? Hello community, I have following setup latest update: 1x USG 1x Unifi 24 Port PoE Switch 3x Unifi AP nanoHD (private and guest wifi) Everytime I change something within my network settings e. I’m back up and running. After waiting for around 30 minutes without success, I tried to upgrade the firmware using local upgrade Oct 14, 2014 · As the title suggest, my UniFi controller says all 5 of our APs are disconnected. I’ll show you how to fix UniFi devices disconnecting. Oct 27, 2022 · Go into the controller and remove the APs. Restarted the server, the controller shows as online but my switches and aps are disconnected. However, with one client, in the last 18 months or so, various access points seem to just disconnect from the system and I reboot the switches to “wake up” the access points. I figured it just needed a power cycle, but no dice. Feb 4, 2025 · 6. UVC G3 Firmware 4. Setup is a USG with 2 AP-AC-Lites. 3 Feb 2025 V9. It was definitely the firmware update that did it. add a guest Wifi all my Unifi devices are showing up as disconnected for a long time in my Unifi web console. Hardware in use includes: CloudKey+ USG Pro US 48 switch x1 US 24 PoE 250W switch x1 USW Lite 16 PoE switch x2 USW Lite 8 PoE switch x1 AC Lite AP x1 AC Mesh AP x4 Now the issue, which I hoped would have been We manage 400+ AP's in our environment, all connected to 1 self hosted controller (v. They seemed to come back online shortly after the update but went back offline almost immediately. Jan 29, 2018 · Hi, So we have UniFi Controller running with 7 AP’s around the office all working fine, we are trying to add AP No 8. Suddenly, today a couple of devices keep disconnecting and then reconnecting to my wireless network. 43. They are both on PoE, using an older Airport Extreme as router. 15 and turned off automatic updates and everything looks like it is back running properly again. But I digress. 15. I was testing it first at around range of 15m from the AP and was disconnecting constantly. 3. When the AP is disconnected from the controller, the AP gives out 169. If the UniFi AP is in an "Isolated" state, see here. Every few hours the doorbell would disconnect and stay offline until I manually reconnected it. In my case, the APs could not resolve the hostname "unifi" and disconnected. Hey everyone. Also pinged all the IPs on the subnet and wasn't able to find the APs. Another update for those people who are having the same issue. Left it there for another 10-15 minutes. Nov 19, 2021 · I finally updated the switches of one of the installations I manage to the latest Unifi firmware, and I’ve got about 8 devices that are in an adoption loop. 42. However using this method seems not work. I have a new mini switch which has been running happily for a couple of weeks. But the resets worked. AND Completely broke the email alert system. Dec 4, 2019 · Add the UniFI into the controller and then adopt it. I think it's a common problem, but don't know how to fix it. Use the steps in this guide to bring devices back online quickly. I've encountered a peculiar issue with my Unifi switch and would appreciate any insights or suggestions you may have. It seems that Unifi's chat support is also not open currently. Note: Switch LCD screens may remain dark for several minutes following an update. Verifying a Device's IP Address It doesn't matter if the client is an ESP8266, a Sonoff switch, an iPhone or a FireStick TV, clients disconnect then immediately connect after 20 minutes. My USG showed disconnected and the old version until I used putty to ssh into it and issues a reboot command. My APs disconnect for what seem to be to time at all, but I get an email saying they disconnected, and it's always at the same time. Update both the Controller software and device firmware. But basically, to the same effect; AP is isolated from controller and havoc the network. Tried another switch port - no link light, so dead AP? I may swap in another AP which is working, but I think if I could reset the AP all may be well. Jan 25, 2020 · As a last-ditch effort I just unplugged the access-point, logged into the web console and deleted/forgot device, and plugged it back in. This should not affect users upgrading from 5. Last night, I chose to upgrade the 4 APs located in my facility, and everything seemed to run properly during the upgrade Note: UniFi Device updates are found within their associated application settings. From couple of months, it tends to drop the connection for a while and then reconnects again automatically or sometimes have to login after restarting the Wi-Fi on respective Laptops or Mobiles. If I stop this instance of the Unifi Controller and restart the original one, the devices show active and connected there. Even though I could nslookup from the AP to the controller and receive the correct information, something must be screwy with the DNS. Anyone else having issues? That AP is more then 10 years old so that fact that it’s still running should show you that UniFi APs last long. Mar 24, 2021 · I have put in Ubiquiti Access Points into several client networks. However, this was short-lived and it went back to being disconnected soon after. 2 Feb 2025 V4. And they all indicate there is an update available, but yet when I initiate updating them one by one, they all behave the same way : they start downloading the update (I believe so because Firmware Status changes from "Update Available" / "Upgrade" to " "Updating"/"Downloading" . I do not know if the firmware update finished, but I got logged Hi, Gold in use in router mode- with 2 Unifi switches and AP. 34K subscribers in the UNIFI community. The other for some reason be dropping APs like CRAZY. All three still show as disconnected in the Unifi dashboard, but still seem to function; I am able to connect devices to them and access the internet, but the connected devices do not show up in the clients list in the dashboard. 21. 76_19582) on Debian 11. The UniFi AP disconnected several times while updating. Other times a singe AP will drop users. Enable FW: Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -Enabled True My plan was to have everything wired on the LAN subnet, and then stick my Unifi AP AC Pro on the OPT1 port to give everything wireless the x. After the power outage, the APs show up as disconnected in the controller. I've been really enjoying the system and it's been working well, however I was getting confused by looking in 'Clients' in the controller and seeing devices I thought were disconnected. The issue im having is the unifi controller cant "adopt" the AP, seemingly because of an update, and I cant seem to Oct 7, 2024 · Hello, We use Ubiquiti Cloud Keys (mostly UCK G2 Plus but some UCK G2) and Ubiquiti Access Points (U6 LR and Nano HD), and we’ve had weird disconnect issues recently. UDM PRO came back ok. It will typically clear up unusual behavior. My network controller is running as a home assistant (supervised) addon on 192. Jun 20, 2021 · So I was moving my UniFi to a different building entirely, a whole different state away. One AP constantly shows disconnected, even after factory resetting it. I have several UAP-HD’s that I have not upgraded in fear of this issue. 28. Apr 27, 2021 · Latest controller version installed on Windows Server 2019. [edit] My wife's laptop was having the same exact issue reported after I upgraded the firmware to 6. 1 subnet. We’ve used UniFi gear exclusively for years. I don’t want to do a hard reset until the business closes tomorrow, and I’m hoping my weekend isn nd it, stated that all of his problems were because of density. The clients don't disconnect simultaneously, but disconnect after 20 minutes of being seen by the AP LITE. It would seem that it works. It used to be just one AP, but now on average three seem to go offline periodically - within days I mean. Previously UniFi was "Over Reporting" and giving me "False Drop-out" of device status. I am sharing with you AP gets to Adoption Failed when I try to adopt a device. 1. The WiFi is working fine but the controller is showing both as disconnected and I cannot see any connections using map. USW 24 PoE remained offline after a power outage on the rack. If so, turn the Firewall back on and open the ports. So I opted not to attempt the other AP. Running Gig Fios going through my UDM-P>USW-48-PoE Wired connection I'm getting 900mb+. I updated to network controller 7. 51. Just got an alert from Unifi saying the switch has disconnected and when i look at my dashboard it is indeed grayed out. 254. Aug 7, 2015 · We have 11 AP Pros scattered around different geographical offices, but have 4 located in our main building. I just installed my new edgerouterx and now uap-ac-lite. If the LED or LCD screen is on, try to troubleshoot your UniFi Device Connectivity. Thanks for the assistance! I just rolled back my firmware to 3. When the APs were installed and connected to the controller, they all needed updates. All of our employees would also be disconnected as part of this process. As soon as I did the last round of updates I get constant disconnects just like you. Observation: From the dashbaord, I see all my unifi devices all are connected at full speed and I don't see anymore the ones the are shutdown/offline listed as FE on wired. Using WPA2. I managed ssh into AP and tried to setup inform but it cannot access. Yes, there seems to be something "wrong" continuing to persist in the AP when clicking "Restart". Normally, you can safely update the controller software without affecting the APs - I have done this several times without interrupting users. Now all of our unifi devices are showing "Click to Resolve". Lesson learned. I have racked my head and cant get them to "connect" on the controller. x ip address. Randomly during the day, these devices go disconnected (at different times). Jun 5, 2019 · I have one of the original UAPs that I went to upgrade the firmware on yesterday morning. Definitely a "Software Update" created issue I use a third party IP Host Monitor to get real time availability status. 8 or later. I had also installed 2 more at that same time but just now had the time to turn those on and use them as well. 76 (Build: atag_7. 4 GHz. Still shows disconnected in the controller. When this happens, the blue LED light remains on and power is still cycling through it, and all of the devices that were connected to the AP remain connected while not receiving any internet connection. This condition still persists even after power cycling both the UDM and the APs. 10433 I’ve tried: power cycling the AP connecting a “dead” one to a known working Unifi POE connection pressing and releasing the reset button pressing the reset button for 5 to 10 cabling of AP to controller and AP to gateway (cable tester is cheap from amazon and will save you time and effort) check you havent got a mass re-key going on in controller settings. All the while it was showing disconnected, I had normal internet access until the reboot. 23. It came back disconnected, which, in my experience, is not an unusual result after a firmware update. I disconnected everything and did a factory reset on the switch, AP’s, and controller. On each AP, hold down the reset button for 10 seconds and let it start up. I tried everything, but what fixed my issue is I put the esp near the ap like 2-3m meters away. UniFi AP-AC-Pro problems & firmware updates Hi all, we are constantly having problems with UniFi AP-AC-Pros (no problems with UniFi APs and Mac's / iPhones not connecting after they disconnect etc. Jan 9, 2018 · We have deployed the mentioned AP (3 nos. I recall the poster went from 6 AP's to 4 and then to 2 LR's. So as we apply a simple hard restart on the affected units.
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