Texas child care licensing. 201(11) Licensed Capacity: Licensed Child Care Center: 746.

Texas child care licensing Learn about the Benefits of Becoming a Regulated Child Care Provider (PDF in English) (PDF in Spanish). FOR. CCI closely coordinates with Child Care Regulation (CCR, formerly known as Child Care Licensing), a program of Texas Health and Human Services that regulates and inspects child care. 305(a)(2) Texas Human Resources Code (HRC) §42. CCI October 2020. For general DFPS background check questions, email ASKBC@dfps. (1)Child-care homes registered or licensed by us to care for 12 or fewer children in the caregiver's own home for less than 24 hours per day; and (2)Any unlicensed child-care home that requires a registration or license per the Human Resources Code, Chapter 42, because the home is providing child-care services. Learn more about resources, programs, and services available to families with young children. There are three types of center-based operations: licensed child care centers, before or after-school programs and school-age programs. Search Texas Child Care Regulation. An emeritus license is granted only when the administrator: is at least 55 years old or has a permanent physical or medical disability; has a valid administrator’s license and has no remedial action or pending remedial action against the license; and; is no longer engaged in professional residential child care. Fire Extinguishers. Sep 22, 2023 · Revision 23-3; Effective Sept. All revenue collected from fees with the exception of the $1 per background check fee is deposited in the state’s general revenue fund. 41: How do I start a child day care or residential child-care Child-Care Licensing Division is responsible for protecting the health, safety, and well being of children who attend or reside in regulated child-care facilities and homes. If a licensed child care home, a licensed child-care center, before or after-school program, school-age program, child-placing agency main office, or general residential operation changes location, the inspector informs the supervisor, after which the supervisor: selects Address Correction button on the bottom of the Operation Main page; Is a director of a center or primary caregiver of a registered or licensed child-care home who has demonstrated core knowledge in child development and caregiving and The child-care center or home has not been on probation, suspension, emergency suspension, revocation, or been assessed an administrative penalty in the two years preceding the Licensed Child Care Center Director: See §746. Child-Care Regulation (CCR) Heightened Monitoring (HM) Inspectors work Child-Placing Agencies are persons or organizations other than a child’s parent or guardian who plan for placement of a child or place a child in a child care facility, foster home, or adoptive home. Child-Care Regulation (CCR) Heightened Monitoring (HM) Inspectors work Relatives who are taking care of children in state custody (Kinship Care) DFPS employees, volunteers, and interns; Authorized volunteer organizations and individual volunteers; Background Check staff also conduct abuse and neglect history checks for anyone in the public through the Texas Central Registry Portal. MINIMUM STANDARDS. Visit the Child Care Regulation Minimum Standards webpage to review highlighted copies of the adopted rules in Chapters 745 that show the changes from previous rules. October 2021 . Search Business; Contracting with HHS; Electronic Benefit Transfer Program; Grants; Licensing, Credentialing & Regulation; Open Enrollment All operations except listed family homes, employer-based child care operations, and shelter care operations must submit background checks electronically through the Child-Care Regulation Account login page. (1)Child-care homes registered or licensed by us to care for 12 or fewer children in the caregiver's own home for less than 24 hours per day; and (2)Any unlicensed child-care home that requires a registration or license per the Human An adult in care can share a bedroom with a child in care if the conditions in 748. Texas ChildCare Search Website Guide. Aug 1, 2024 · For an overview of the amended rules, visit the Minimum Standards webpage and review the Pre-Employment Affidavit Requirement for Child-Care Facilities. 26 TAC §§748. texas. CCR administers two programs. If known, you can input the provider name, operation number, or address. This presentation includes information and scenarios in the form of questions. If a child day care operation that was issued a permit before September 1, 2003, changes ownership, the operation must comply with all current minimum standard rules and can no longer operate under any of the grandfather provisions in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapters 746 and 747. and 5 p. What qualifications must the director of my child-care center Form 2912, Pre-Employment Affidavit for Applicants for Employment at Certain Child Care Operations Instructions for Opening a Form Some forms cannot be viewed in a web browser's PDF viewer and must be opened in the Adobe Reader application on your desktop system. Use the Day Care Regulation Contacts if you are affiliated Early Childhood Texas. Child Care Regulation; County Jail Reporting; Health Care Facilities Regulation; Health Services Providers; Long-term Care Providers; Medicaid Business Resources; Provider Training; WIC Providers; Business. 775: How may a criminal conviction or a child abuse or neglect finding affect my ability to receive or maintain an administrator’s license? These and other Child Care Regulation Rules related to general licensing procedures essential to the regulation of all child care operations can be found in the Texas Administrative Code under Early Childhood Texas. 4 days ago · Team members perform facility inspections, conduct investigations in general residential operations, child-placing agencies, and agency homes, provide training to residential child-care providers, and convene inquiry meetings for residential child-care facility applicants. Original Print Date June 2014 This version current through June 2014 Preventative health measures for child care centers: Child care providers must follow all applicable state statutes and HHSC Child Care Licensing rules. Most recent Texas Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) report, if applicable. 37 refers to this type of child care as Employer-Based Child Care. 7121 Roles and Responsibilities of Child Care Investigations and Child Care Licensing Following a Request for Administrative Review. Child-Care Licensing Division is responsible for protecting the health, safety, and well being of children who attend or reside in regulated child-care facilities and homes. Team members perform facility inspections, conduct investigations in general residential operations, child-placing agencies, and agency homes, provide training to residential child-care providers, and Every year after your permit is issued, you must verify your liability insurance coverage with Child Care Regulation (CCR) by completing a verification though your online Child Care Licensing account or by completing and sending Form 2962 to CCR. Team members perform facility inspections, conduct investigations in child-care facilities and homes, provide training to child-care providers, and convene pre-application meetings for child-care February 2020CCL must charge fees for permits and for conducting background checks unless an operation is exempt from such fees. To determine whether your operation may be exempt from licensing regulations, visit the Child Care Regulation Licensing Exemptions webpage. gov. It also includes statewide licensing statistics. Foster Family Homes provide 24-hour care for six or fewer children 17 years or younger. Regulating all child care operations and child-placing agencies to protect the health, safety, and well-being of children in care. Early Childhood Texas. Effective Date of Title, Position or Relationship – Enter the date the person began the role of a controlling person. 1 Child Day Care. Additional help on searching for a child care operation. Updated: 3/2024. Child Care Regulation (CCR) is a statewide program that regulates child care operations and child-placing agencies by inspecting and investigating these operations and ensuring they meet state standards. Reporting a Change of Governing Body or Administrator If you want to become a 24-hour residential child care provider, please follow these steps. The following checklist is intended to provide a selection of important health and safety items. 207(a) – (b) Failure to timely report to a parent of each child in care that the operation does not maintain the required liability insurance coverage. Box 149030. 056 Form 2910, Application for a License or Certification to Operate a Child Day Care Facility Instructions for Opening a Form Some forms cannot be viewed in a web browser's PDF viewer and must be opened in the Adobe Reader application on your desktop system. Mar 4, 2025 · Team members perform facility inspections, conduct investigations in general residential operations, child-placing agencies, and agency homes, provide training to residential child-care providers, and convene inquiry meetings for residential child-care facility applicants. The HHSC Child Care Regulation (CCR) Department, Regulatory Services Division, develops This presentation is designed to help you become familiar with Texas Child Care Licensing minimum standard rule changes resulting from the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG). Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on an official government site. Visit the Frequently Asked Questions About Texas Child Care webpage for more information. Minimum standard rules for child care centers and homes (chapters 744, 746 & 747) identify the food allergy emergency plan as an individualized plan prepared by the child's health care professional, which must include a list of each food the child is allergic to, possible symptoms if exposed to food on the list and steps to take if the child Contact Child Care Regulation. This post is a part of our series on Texas family child care licensing. , Monday through Friday. 103; 748. Reports on every inspection are available online so parents can make informed child care decisions. These rules will be posted by Feb. Chapter 42 of the Texas Human Resources Code requires the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to regulate child care and child-placing activities in Texas and to create and enforce minimum standards. CCI and the Child Care Licensing (CCL) division of Texas Health and Human Services may both conduct an administrative review related to the findings of a CCI investigation: Child Care Regulation; County Jail Reporting; Health Care Facilities Regulation; Health Services Providers; Long-term Care Providers; Medicaid Business Resources; Provider Training; WIC Providers; Business. Search Business; Contracting with HHS; Electronic Benefit Transfer Program; Grants; Licensing, Credentialing & Regulation; Open Enrollment This must be done in writing using Form 2819 Residential Child Care Licensing Governing Body/Administrator or Executive Director Designation, or through the provider’s online Child Care Licensing Account. 1015. You can find the list of facilities and their specific requirements listed in §745. Texas ChildCare Availability Portal. You can also reach out via email at CCRQuestions. Search Business; Contracting with HHS; Electronic Benefit Transfer Program; Grants; Licensing, Credentialing & Regulation; Open Enrollment Form 2941, Child Care Operation Sign-in/Sign-out Log: Form 2947, Child Care Center Personnel Information Record: Form 2948, Plan of Operation for Licensed Center and Home Operations: Form 2954, Child Care Licensing Family Violence Calls Disclosure ES: Form 2960, Application for a License to Operate a Residential Child Care Facility Child-Care Licensing Division is responsible for protecting the health, safety, and well being of children who attend or reside in regulated child-care facilities and homes. Team members perform facility inspections, conduct investigations in child-care facilities and homes, provide training to child-care providers, and convene pre-application meetings for child-care Jan 20, 2022 · City Directory of Licensed Child Care Administrators for 24-hour Care Facilities. Submit a total of three professional references from individuals: Two from persons who can attest to your work experience and 15. For more information, visit the HHSC Child Care Regulation webpage and review the Child Care Regulation Operation Action Letter 2024-03 (PDF). Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers Child Care Regulation Texas Health and Human Services Commission . April 2021 . This department serves to provide for the safety and wellbeing of children enrolled in home or center-based child care by regulating compliance with state licensing standards and laws for child care CCR issues a license to a general residential operation, child-placing agency, child care center, licensed child care home, before or after-school program, and school-age program. 12. Child Care Regulation (CCR) staff complete Section I. 103; 749. What is child day care? §745. 1067 for licensed child care centers; Licensed Child Care Home Director: See §747. 22, 2023. 26. Responses to all emails are provided within two business days. 129 of the Texas Administrative Code . Stock Code P20330-0000 . CCR and the provider will sign Section III once everyone agrees with the plan. 633. The verification must be completed by the time frame outlined below: need additional assistance, please contact the Child Care Regulation office in your area. Type of Child Care Provided: Provides care and supervision to seven to 12 children, 13 or younger (no more than 12 children can be in care at any time, including children related to the caregiver). CHILD-CARE CENTERS. Revised May 2021 To be eligible for a Full Child Care Administrator’s License OR Full Child-Placing Agency Administrator’s License, you must: Complete and submit application Form 3015. Please review the steps below: Attend a 24-Hour Residential Group Inquiry Class Become Familiar with Required Materials and Helpful Sep 19, 2024 · Chapter 746, Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers; Chapter 747, Minimum Standards for Child-Care Homes; The rules are effective Sept. Human Resources Code §42. 8 Temporary Shelter Child Care Program Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024. Please note that the information you enter Form 2910, Application for a License or Certification to Operate a Child Day Care Facility; Form 2948, Plan of Operation for Licensed Center and Home Operations; Form 2911, Child Care Licensing Governing Body/Director Designation; Form 2760, Controlling Person – Child Care Regulation; Form 2971, Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check Early Childhood Texas. Form 2947, Child Care Center Personnel Information Record Instructions for Opening a Form Some forms cannot be viewed in a web browser's PDF viewer and must be opened in the Adobe Reader application on your desktop system. Locate the CBCU representative assigned to your operation or background check according to the type of childcare operation you are affiliated with and your location to include the county and ZIP code where the childcare operation is located. 0521; 42. Revised: 5/3/2023. All operations, except listed family homes, submit background checks through the operation’s online Child Care Regulation Account unless the person for whom you are submitting the background check does not have any of the following types of identification: As the primary caregiver, you must meet the requirements for a Child Day Care Director: Become a Child Day Care Director in Texas. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Child Care Licensing Applicant's Guide to Understanding the Background Check Process Author: Texas Health and Human Services Subject: Child Care Licensing Applicant's Guide to Understanding the Background Check Process Keywords: Child Care Licensing Applicant's Guide to Understanding the Background Check Process Created Date: 5/22/2024 12:04:05 PM DFPS Local . Licensing Division Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. This may include questions from DFPS staff, stakeholders, and the general public. CCR issues a registration to a registered child care home. This presentation is designed to help you become familiar with Texas Child Care Licensing minimum standard rule changes resulting from the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG). O. 35: What is residential child care? §745. Child Care Licensing Office. A temporary shelter child care program (TSP) provides care: To help parents better understand how child care works and to understand the Search Texas Child Care web application, we offer the following FAQs: Types of Child Care Operations; Types of Programs That Can Be Offered by Child Day Care Operations; Types of Programs and Services That Can Be Offered by Residential (24-hour) Child-Care Operations Primary Caregiver of a Child Care Home, Spouse of Primary Caregiver, and Adult Living in Child Care Home are terms only associated with licensed, registered or listed child care homes. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Visit the Child Care Regulation Minimum Standards webpage to Feb 26, 2025 · Inspectors work as a collaborative team licensing, monitoring, and investigating residential child-care facilities throughout the State of Texas. DFPS protects the unprotected - children, elderly, and people with disabilities - from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. As the state affiliate of NAEYC, SECA, and ACCESS, TXAEYC is dedicated to promoting excellence and continuous improvement in early childhood education. Feb 13, 2025 · Our child-care regulation inspectors work as a collaborative team monitoring and investigating child-care facilities throughout the State of Texas. 1 Revised: 3/22/2022 Child-Care Licensing Division is responsible for protecting the health, safety, and well being of children who attend or reside in regulated child-care facilities and homes. Square footage requirements for general living space must be met as if the adult were a child in care. State and federal government websites often end in . Form 2985, Affidavit for Applicants for Employment with a Licensed Operation or Registered Child-Care Home (English and Spanish) Form 3019, Infant Sleep Exception/Health Care Professional Recommendation (English and Spanish) Each set of Minimum Standards is based on a particular chapter of the Texas Administrative Code and the corresponding child-care operation permit type(s). The provider completes Section II. As a child care provider, you provide a service to your community and play an important, meaningful role in the growth, development, and education of Texas Children. Permitting and monitoring operations and agencies for compliance with state regulation standards, rules and laws. Licensing, Credentialing & Regulation; Child Care Regulation Handbook. 2110. providers/child-care-licensing. 1017 for licensed child care centers (12 or Fewer) Interim Director for Licensed Child Care Centers: See §746. Feb 20, 2024 · Finding Child Care in Texas: Overview of the Search Texas Child Care (STCC) Website — YouTube Search Texas Child Care User Guide (PDF) We encourage you to explore these updates, take full advantage of the resources provided and share this information with the families you serve. For information about child care in Texas, call 800-862-5252 between 8 a. Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Left Menu. According to Chapter 43 of the Human Resources Code, and 26 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 745, Subchapter N, a person may not serve as an administrator of a child-placing agency without a child-placing agency administrator’s license and may not serve as an administrator of a general residential operation without a child care To ensure Child Care Regulation can investigate this incident, please at least provide the provider’s zip code. An official State of Texas website. 201(11) Licensed Capacity: Licensed Child Care Center: 746. Purpose. 1107 for licensed child care home Apply for the Director Credential approved by the Child Day Care Administrator's Credential Program of Texas Health and Human Services - Child Care Regulation. Battery Powered Lighting is Located in Each Child Care Room – Check the Batteries. 9 Texas Child Care Published by the Texas Workforce Commission through August 2020 Internet website: Feb 12, 2025 · Our child-care regulation inspectors work as a collaborative team monitoring and investigating child-care facilities throughout the State of Texas. Other methods of submission will not be accepted. Updated: 12/2022. The agency maintains the Employee Misconduct Registry, the Nurse Aide Registry and the Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal. Child Care Licensing: TX922250Z: No: 11BBY3: Child Care Licensing: TX922250Z: Yes: 11BF2V: Residential Child Care Licensing Foster / Adoptive Parents: TXAWA000Z: No: 11BR9Q: Residential Child Care Licensing General Residential Operation Child Placing Agency Staff: TX922080Z: No: 11BR68: Residential Child Care Licensing Foster/Adoptive Household Child Care Regulation; County Jail Reporting; Health Care Facilities Regulation; Health Services Providers; Long-term Care Providers; Medicaid Business Resources; Provider Training; WIC Providers; Business. Instructions. Search Texas Child Care provides information on child care providers in your area, including details about how well they are complying with Texas Minimum Standards. Child-placing agencies:. m. P. In a CCI investigation, an investigator may interview child care staff, family members, and others with knowledge to get enough information to determine if abuse Instructions. Questions can be directed to your local Child Care Regulation office. Licensed Child Care Center: 746. Become a Child Care Home Provider Learn about the step-by-step process in becoming a child care home provider including the forms needed, licensing requirements, and FAQs. April 2010. Become a Child Care Center-Based Provider Learn about the step-by-step process in becoming a child care center-based provider including submitting an application and required Form 2985, Affidavit for Applicants for Employment with a Licensed Operation or Registered Child-Care Home Instructions for Opening a Form Some forms cannot be viewed in a web browser's PDF viewer and must be opened in the Adobe Reader application on your desktop system. 307(3); 749. Access information about availability of child care programs in your area. Child Care Regulation (CCR) provides training and resources for current or prospective providers to ensure that children receive quality services in healthy, safe, and nurturing Residential Care Child Regulation staff process applications, issue permits, conduct inspections and investigations, submit regulatory enforcement referrals to Child Care Facility Enforcement, and conduct other regulatory activities related to child-placing agencies and general residential operations. This form is used to request a background check. For more on licensing in Texas, see the following posts:Texas Family Child Care Licensing: An Overview Types of Licenses The Licensing Process Eligibility Home RequirementsIf you plan to open your own family child care in Texas, you will have to meet certain training requirements. Feb 6, 2025 · HHSC is adopting rules in Chapter 745, Licensing. Child-Care Licensing Division is responsible for protecting the health, safety, and well being of children who attend or reside in regulated child-care facilities and homes. Find Child care includes the care, supervision, training, or education of an unrelated child or children (13 or younger) for less than 24 hours per day in a place other than the child's own home. The Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 43, Regulation of Child-Care and Child-Placing Agency Administrators, mandates that a person may not serve as an administrator of a child-placing agency without a Child-Placing Agency Administrator License and may not serve as an administrator of a child care institution without a Child Care Administrator Form 2760, Controlling Person - Child Care Licensing (English and Spanish) Form 2885, Children's Products Certification; Form 2911, Child Care Licensing Governing Body/Director Designation; Form 2912, Pre-Employment Affidavit for Applicants for Employment at Certain Child Care Operations (English and Spanish) Form 2911, Child Care Licensing Governing Body/Director Designation Instructions for Opening a Form Some forms cannot be viewed in a web browser's PDF viewer and must be opened in the Adobe Reader application on your desktop system. Contacts for 24-hour Child Care Operations. If you do not participate in CACFP, include a page in your compliance record that says, “Texas Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) report: Our program does not participate in CACFP - Not Applicable This presentation is designed to help you become familiar with Texas Child Care Licensing minimum standard rule changes resulting from the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG). Revised: 12/2024 If you are with a Licensed Child Care Operation, please visit the Child Care Licensing Account page to submit background checks. Accounting Division E-672. 39: Does Licensing regulate state agencies that run child-care operations? §745. Location of Fire Extinguishers: Relocation Site. Call the office for your region with questions about 24/7 residential child care options. 1937 are met; square footage requirements must be met as if the adult were a child in care. 37: What specific types of operations are subject to regulation under this chapter and corresponding minimum standards? §745. gov means it’s official. The purpose of retaining Child Care Regulation (CCR) records is to: document that staff have followed the policies and procedures required by statute, administrative rules and the policies in this handbook; Texas HHS manages the licensing, credentialing and regulation for child care, nurse aides and nursing facility administrators, long-term care providers and healthcare facilities. 1015 for licensed child care centers (13 or More) See §746. 041 relating to "Required License", lists exemptions from child care regulation. CCR issues a listing to a listed family home. P20330-0000 The . 054; 42. 507(3); 749. Find Child Care. The rules are effective Feb. Stock Code October 2018. Revised: 12/2024. . Your answers will not be graded or tracked. Visit the Texas Register to review a summary of comments HHSC received during the formal public comment period and HHSC’s response to the public comments, including whether HHSC made any Section 745. 113 to §745. I want to be a Director for a child care center in Texas, where do I start? First, you will need to determine which criteria qualifies you as a director: §746. 6 days ago · Identifies risk and recommends referral to Child-Care Enforcement (CCE) when necessary, in accordance with law, rule, and policy, with the focus on provider accountability to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of children in residential child-care facilities. 9 Texas Child Care Published by the Texas Workforce Commission through August 2020 Internet website: Upon completion, you’ll earn a Child Care Directors Credential from the largest early childhood professional association in Texas, empowering you to excel as a Child Care Director across Texas. Provider Name or Operation Number 3932. May 22, 2024 · Note: 26 TAC Section 745. Nov 17, 2020 · Texas child care licensing is administered by the Child Care Licensing (CCL) Division of the Texas Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). For example, Chapter 746 is the Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers and Chapter 749 is the Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies. Relocation Site for Children and Staff after Evacuating Operation: Sheltering/Severe Weather Drill and Lock-Down Drill (4 times per year) Month Date and Time Licensing Division Texas Department of Family and Protective Services . Operations use this form to record all required information when a child sustains an injury, at the onset of an illness or reportable incident. Form 7239, Incident or Illness Report | Texas Health and Human Services The Central Registry is maintained by Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and identifies people who have been found by Child Protective Services, Adult Protective Services or Child Care Regulation to have abused, neglected or exploited victims under age 18. Reference 26 TAC Chapter 746 Minimum Standards For Child-Care Centers. cuvjsp cqlfq geo ktan omqwz objdz nyqe tads cvlbm kcue nslj rcs lrert vvygt alnvyr