Tabletop simulator hide cursor 28 votes, 27 comments. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews How to hide the game ui < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments . Jun 27, 2022 · As the title says - if I'm trying to load a custom asset in, I have NO mouse cursor whatsoever, I have to glide around the screen until I see what I want get highlighted. About Tabletop Simulator Create your own original games, import custom assets, automate games with scripting, set up complete RPG dungeons, manipulate the physics, create hinges & joints, and of course flip the table when you are losing the game. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews is there a way to hide the chat manually? < > Showing 1-1 Playing dice cup,but when mouse go over dice under the cup, the number will show in the screen,What I should do to hide them? May 5, 2019 · © Valve Corporation. How do they fix this? Nov 10, 2022 · I wish there were a way to hide the player names on the table. I attempted to take a screenshot of the bug but it only shows a single Tabletop Simulator is the only simulator where you can let your aggression out by flipping the table! There are no rules to follow: just you, a physics sandbox, and your friends. Why does the cursor move around in Tabletop even though another app on my PC has focus, and is there a way to stop it? Thanks. Useful, for example, if you still want cursors in general, but you're sometimes messing with off-screen enemies as a Gamemaster and don't want your players to see. The idea here is that the 'focus point' for the zoom becomes the mouse cursor rather than the center of the screen. Aug 10, 2014 @ 1:18pm Tabletop Simulator > General Discussions > Topic Details. Any help is appreciated. If you uncheck it, it will just make a black plane which obscures anything under it. It's also happening with other games Like Legion TD 2 and Marvel SNAP. All of the other options work fine, except that. Watch to the end for a scripting example for implementing hidden zone Aug 10, 2014 · F12 is the default key to hide the UI. There are question marks (?) throughout the menu in-game, so be sure to hover over them to read more about what each section does. Trying to take a video of a D&D map I created and each time I move the camera the cursor centers on the screen. May 29, 2020 · There seems to be a messed up glitch going on, and it isn't just happening to me. May 7, 2017 · When initially opening Tabletop simulator in VR mode via the Oculus Rift, you may notice that the pointer/cursor's "laser" does not select items accurately, (in my case, the cursor was offset a bit up and to the right, and would not allow me to select items towards the top). I'm thinking left and right trigger for left and right mouse click, to pick up cards and use menus. All my friends and I were experiencing this tonight. It only happens when I'm at a table, and happens at single player, multi-player, and hotseat tables. You can do pretty much anything in the Contextual Menu, with deck and dice options, tinting, saving to chest, scripting and much more. Scripting can now properly read whose turn it is (according to the Turns system). I get 15-20 fps consistently after choosing a color but can get 144 when I'm just spectating. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! Oct 30, 2019 · When you open the search menu, the keyboard cursor will jump up to the Search box. Nov 24, 2016 · There is now an option to change the opacity of hidden zones. GramTheGray. This is why it also shows up in screenshots unless you push it off-screen to the right before taking the snap. It started suddenly, if anyone can help it's appreciated. Set the Zone tool down as normal, but then use the Gizmo tool to stretch the zone to what you'd like to hide. Tabletop Simulator > General Discussions > Topic Details. onClick() as I propose should work on locked and . Tabletop Simulator. float: 0. I can still navigate through the File Explorer window fine, but it's hard trying to find the right file when you can't see the cursor. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a change by intent, but I think the owner of the hidden zone should not have their cursor movement shown to other player when Hide Pointer is selected for the hidden zone. setInvisibleTo({"Red"}) end May 7, 2024 · does anyone know how to hide your cursor/hand in game? I'm looking to take some cinematic shots holding down right click while moving, but the hand is very distracting Showing 1 - 0 of 0 comments I'm playing a tabletop RPG campaing with lots of 3d maps and models and the players hands are always moving around, picking up models and stuff but… a way to make hand cursor invisible for everyone besides your own thing is when you play card games you can kinda see other players "think" when they are hovering over cards to check on stuff you dont have this in rl would be awesome if there would be an option so that every player only sees their own cursor May 29, 2017 · Hi, so currently, with the new icons, there's one that pops up whenever you mouse over a UI script button in game that's a red button thing. so what i'm thinking is make the assassin piece invisible to only the opposing player Time in seconds to wait before playing this element's hide animation. To open up this menu in-game, press the question mark (?) key or forward slash (/) key. We've got yet another great update for you today featuring a Custom Theme Editor (dark mode included), Global Chat Filter, Picture-in-Picture and many scripting improvements! Apr 3, 2022 · As of late, some units will automatically switch my mouse cursor to the line tool while playing with friends? I don't know how to disable it but it only happens sometimes. If you can't press them because the figure is too large, try locking the figure by pressing L when you have your mouse cursor over the figure. So if you are using the 2d cursor as any color, you get the flashing/fps issues. interactable = false objects (as we scripters can filter for this) but the usability of objects as buttons is huge, especially for more intricate objects. It is tucked away in Menu -> Configuration -> Interface Tab -> Misc. But if I need to access the top menu, for instance, it takes many clicks to show it in the interface settings. Configuration Menu Tabletop Simulator Knowledge Base Tabletop Simulator Hide Ui i've seen on some old forum posts that the f12 or f11 key is supposed to hide the ui menus from view, but this doesn't Jul 1, 2020 · Hello, I'm trying to get remote play together to work but I am having an issue where as soon as the remote player clicks something, then mouse movement for the host becomes very buggy. unfortunately this has made the game unplayable for me and browsing google and steam discussions i have found solution. Feb 14, 2021 · In game my cursor is blinking or invisible. Feb 21, 2021 · Sometimes while waiting for other players, I'll pop into another app on my computer. This keys can be changed from Menu>Configuration>Controls-Scripting 1 (Keypad 1) & Scripting 2 (Keypad 2) Jun 19, 2023 · One of the players in my board game group did something to mess up their cursor, and now they keep knocking things over while moving pieces. It's fine. This is so you can just start typing to begin a search, rather than needing to click in the "Search" text box. Essentially Sep 4, 2015 · While playing TTS, if you disconnect the mouse and then reconnect it you will have 2 different mouse cursors overlapping/trailing each other. Apr 13, 2016 · I don't know if this one has been thrown out there (or possibly already an option in game,) but I'd really like to see the option to hide your cursor from other players' view except whoever is in the admin/DM position. In this post, I will discuss three easy developer tricks you can use to impress your friends -- and make your gaming smoother and more fun. Is this a setting I'm not aware of, or is this a bug? May 5, 2016 · OK I watched the link you can play hotseat with 2 screens if u play chess or other games in which you don't have to hide cards or other things, since every player sees everything on the screen. Without warning, a player's mouse cursor will change to the ruler tool, which causes other players to no longer view the cursor of the aforementioned player unless that player presses F1/F4 to change cursors (or in some drastic cases, causing the player to have Tabletop Simulator. Here you can find the basic controls to get started, but you can find even more from the Context Menu in game. One of the first things you want to do is to set up your graphical and game settings which suit you best. However, it is a pretty big issue that the little icon pops up even when the object it's attached to is hidden by a hidden zone Jan 16, 2021 · Unfortunately, no. However, in a war game, all players need to be able to hide their movements from everyone else. It worked beautifully before the update. #1. Unless you’re in free look mode, the mouse pointer is part of the sim’s graphics. The Help Menu (formerly Control Scheme) showcases the various controls within Tabletop Simulator. Configuration Menu. I find myself turning off the various UI (especially the gigantic top menu) to clear up my view while playing games. Apr 5, 2020 · Okay, I think I understand. Camera states enable you to save different camera views into save files (individual mods/games) and share them with everyone else in the room. Sometimes i can see a few items in a person's hidden area. If you use a foreign keyboard, then try pressing the button next to ENTER. Nov 26, 2018 @ 4:49am Fog of War, hide object for all players except owner so i was trying out the You can also choose which. 25 There are a lot of controls in Tabletop Simulator and this article will mostly go over the lesser known controls that you may not be aware of. The pointers are now visible to other players, potentially revealing activity in the zone. Perhaps it could be a host-toggled thing as well to avoid abuse in things like public casino tables of various sorts. Its now a line of descending white dots, has happened twice with a restart inbetween Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments Tabletop Simulator is the only simulator where you can let your aggression out by flipping the table! There are no rules to follow: just you, a physics sandbox, and your friends. I'm not a huge fan of it, but I suppose it could be useful for some people. . Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments Hide GM Pointer: If checked, this prevents players from seeing the hand cursor of the player in the Black seat. As for how to hide the interface over the figure completely, I am not sure. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! Mar 18, 2024 · As of today my mouse cursor has disappeared when the game gets to the main menu. It's really strange. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Apr 13, 2020 · Is there a way to hide your mouse cursor from other players? Oct 23, 2021 · Hello, is there a way to hide mouse cursor during a game so other players do not see it? Thanks. May 6, 2021 · Im working some workshops, and I want to hide card bags under the table, but I dont know how to do. Welcome to our Tutorial Series for Tabletop Simulator. Global version: onObjectClick(object, player, pointerposition, pointerrotation) Object version Feb 26, 2020 · This Guide will be the ultimate tool to use Tabletop Simulator. tabletopsimulator. Bugs Fixed. Jan 13, 2021 · Whenever I use the 2D cursor, it flickers. ToxxyCZ. 49K subscribers in the tabletopsimulator community. Tabletop Simulator - VR SupportTake your tabletop gaming to a whole new level in virtual reality with the HTC Vive & Oculus Rift! And what's more, both VR and non-VR players alike can play together in the same game room!About the GameCreate your own original games, import custom assets, automate games with scripting, set up complete RPG dungeons, manipulate the physics, create hinges & Apr 10, 2021 · Is there a simple way to hide the pointers of other players? Either temporarily (like Peek) or a toggle? I find that sometimes, the other players' pointers can be distracting for me, and, in some games, seeing what other players might be hovering over gives you more information than you should have. Feb 14, 2021 @ 7:41am Tabletop Simulator is a physics-based sandbox engine for recreating and playing tabletop board, card, and miniature games on PC, Linux, and OS X (Mac). Learn how to use the Camera, deal cards out like a pro and learn quality of life shortcuts to show off to everyone! 2 Sep 6, 2017 · Is it possible to hide the contents of a Hand Zone without overlapping it with a Hidden Zone? I need to hide the number of cards in a hand, but the Hidden Zone's semi-transparent blocks are a bit of an eyesore for a four player card game. If you were using physical buttons, you could put them in a hidden zone, which would enable hands to be hidden while in there. I've verified my game files and messed around a bit with different quality Tabletop Simulator supports taking a wide variety of actions and as a result has many controls. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! Feb 27, 2022 · For some reason the mouse pointer (cursor) on the screen is too big when playing with tabletop simulator. Clearly the D-pad will be WASD, and I'll be using the right touchpad as an actual mouse cursor. Jan 9, 2015 · I opened up this game again after a while of leaving it alone, and I can't find this anywhere in the patch notes. Using the 3D cursor works just fine and I've had no issues in any other game. I play a LOT of games on Tabletop Simulator, so I'm thinking about how I'll best map things. Aug 28, 2017 · Since the update, I can no longer click on the A button to select things. Right now only the very top of the card is visible, and when I hover my mouse over them only then is the entire card visible. That is, use the existing function from "Hide zones". They have keyboard shortcuts, PgUp and PgDn by default. Mar 15, 2020 · * When in a game, the cursor can't be moved around with the controller - you have to use the mouse. Are there any controls or keys that will help me reduce the size of the mouse pointer? Showing 1 - 0 of 0 comments Context Menu. float: 0: animationDuration: Time in seconds that show/hide animations take to play. Now, with the help of May 8, 2024 · Tabletop Simulator. Sep 10, 2020 · It seems like a useful option to hide the other players cursors. I've seen hidden hands in Codenames. Does anyone know how to hide one player's cursor to other players? If you create a hidden area, you can set it to hide hands. As you push up/pull down the scroll-wheel, the game gradually zooms in/out --homing the camera in on the mouse cursor. Tabletop Simulator is the only simulator where you can let your aggression… Nov 26, 2018 · Tabletop Simulator > General Discussions > Topic Details. All Discussions Screenshots Tabletop Simulator is the only simulator where you can let your aggression out by flipping the table! There are no rules to follow: just you, a physics sandbox, and your friends. I’ve tried to do it only with hidden zones, but it doesn’t work. And for people who say why or don't bother, I like sitting on my Mar 17, 2017 · EDIT: Is your cursor transforming properly when you try to interact with the page? Yes it is. Jan 13, 2025 · After joining a friend's game, each time when I'm getting a new token from a bag, the token sticks to my cursor (which changes from a hand to a pawn icon), and I cannot release it, only by pressing ESC. Apr 29, 2024 · The values can be changed with the plus and minus buttons on the side. If you're having this problem, simply enter the settings menu from within the game, navigate to graphics (you may have A feature I would dearly like to see in TTS. Tabletop Simulator Hide Ui. Date Posted: Aug 10, Gives you the ability to hide your cursor on the tabletop individually, instead of only being able to hide it for everyone or no one. I've tried rebooting, reinstalling, different controllers. I know you can make the mouse cursor invisible using a setting on a colored player zone but I would like to have a script for it so I can use it for my own transparent scripting zone. Like when playing "Roll for the Galaxy" i could see some dice but not their other dice that are in the same area. Any ideas on how to fix this? P. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! Cursor has changed in game and on desktop. Settings and scroll down to Hidden Zone Hide Opacity (for hidden zones you can't see into) and Hidden Zone Show Opacity (for hidden zones you can see into) and can set the opacity of the zone as low as you'd like, including completely invisible. Guess I will try reinstalling game, c++, flash, etc Thanks for the help. re sitting the window fixes it (pulling out of windowed locked to free floating window then dragging the window to lock it to the screen *i know it sounds confusing*) Nov 15, 2021 · On windows 10, while browsing your computer's files to import something into the game, the cursor becomes invisible while hovering over the file explorer window. Mar 16, 2024 · My cursor disappears when I start the game. The cursor will constantly jump around and rubber band for the host but remote player will be able to move it around fine. perhaps you can also use the Curtain feature. I changed my color to GM black and now the fog is transparent (not opaque like when I set it up): If you change your color to Game Master Black it reveals everything. This allows the user to fluidly and precisely zoom in and out on a specific object or area on the table. It doesn't seem to be related to the lift setting, it still happens even when their lift is maxed out. If I'm the host, this does not happen to me or my friends. They hide the Code masters hands. I think it's cause the TTS mouse cursor overrides the default one and keeps it within the TTS window. It doesn't impact functionality, but gives me a heck of a headache. The Context Menu is the menu that appears when you right-click while in-game, generally on an Object. You can look at the code to see how they do it. Alternatively you can press ESC or click MENU in the top bar and click on “Help You can find details and examples for these, and all of Tabletop Simulator's functions, in the Tabletop Simulator API. Hidden zones used to hide pointer (cursor) movement of the zone "owner" from other players. The "Hide" opacity is the opacity of zones you are not allowed to see inside. But by any chance, is there a way or scripting code to hide the GM's cursor from other players without the use of Fog of War or Zones? Need this for game ideas where the GM is in control or the enemy but players cannot see what your doing/moving/placing etc. Trying. These video tutorials give you a basic overview of how to use the game, from the various controls, to using and uploading to the Steam Workshop, to creating your own custom content and much more! Interestingly the Spectator Cursor does not have this problem. This makes it very inconvenient to try and navigate the file explorer when you can't see where your cursor is. 0, my cursor has been flashing rapidly. You can read about the basic controls and movement here. This is for the overall table (not in player zones). Why do I think this is important and worth attention? My friend and I are preparing a small mod for tactical battles in TTS, and one of the most important functions in battle is information. (Mostly custom meshes i've noticed) and sometimes people can see things in my area. So something like: function onPointerEnterZone(zone, Pointer) if zone. Apr 7, 2016 · Happens everytime i load the game (opens in windowed mode) if i drag the screen to my main window before hitting the main menu. S Also I noticed that the mouse/hand Jan 1, 2021 · I'm having a strange issue where I am having huge performance hits when I actually choose a color in lobbies. The "Show" opacity is the opacity of zones that you are allowed to see inside. It came to me as someone who plays both a lot of Jan 31, 2021 · Is there a way to hide cursor when the UI is hidden. I propose adding to the zone - "Fog of War" the ability to select the item "Hide all cursors" in the additional settings menu. Set the cursor to 2D in your configuration, and hide the cursor in OBS or whatever recording software you use. Anyway, I think that multiple screens on a virtual lan would give RAM problems if your pc is cheap or old. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! Mar 23, 2021 · Cards in hand hide behind screen I would like to make it to where my entire hand is visible at the bottom of my screen at all times. Since 13. To get my boxes right where I want them I zoom into the map and make sure my cursor starts right on the ground. From kb. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! You can press 'Z' or the 'Middle Mouse' to zoom the camera to and from the cursor. Additionally, my cursor flickers constantly but I'm not sure that's related. Remember to open up the Help Menu to see the list of controls. been through my mouse settings and messing around with things and restoring defaults have not helped. Both "Previous State" and "Next State" options have been added. Why? To allow us to have objects as buttons, rather than having to hide xml or buttons inside. © Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. Didn't the cursor used to be parallel to the table? Now it's parallel to the camera, and I can't figure out why this was changed. I restarted the computer and started it again, and it ran fine for about 2 hours before slowing back down and doing it again. Nothing works. Then all the buttons will be accessible. Please fix :) Login Store Community Tabletop Simulator > Bug Reports > Topic Details. Presumably, this works fine for things like D&D; Only one person needs to be able to move 'hidden' objects. Some geospatial data on this website i know this is a dead thread, but i have a similar question i'm making this board game, basically two players have 14 pieces/characters each used to fight each other, one of the pieces is something like an assassin. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Usually it's finer, but randomly while streaming the cursor Dec 1, 2019 · With the command edit autoexec you can open the Autoexec file. While I move the mouse around in another app, other players still see my mouse cursor moving around, which they find annoying. Alan Apr 2, 2021 · Hello, Any help would be appreciated, but today I tried to use TTS and on the first boot it ran slowly and stumbled all audio (from YouTube and music player) like it was lagging the whole computer. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! Dec 20, 2021 · One aspect of Tabletop Simulator (TTS) that elevates it above the other available board gaming platforms is the combined interface for “player” and “developer” modes. You can add the spectator screen command and your preferred settings here to have it automatically opened alongside the game each time. com. so, the assassin can conceal itself, which means it can sneak in and attack from behind, etc. It came to me as someone who plays both a lot of Apr 13, 2016 · I don't know if this one has been thrown out there (or possibly already an option in game,) but I'd really like to see the option to hide your cursor from other players' view except whoever is in the admin/DM position. It always snaps to the middle of the screen after I move the cursor, and choose A to select. For example you can change the height of the zone or even move it up (so it doesn't hide the ground/map). There is an option to set the 'GM' cursor as hidden when in the Fog of War. I've noticed that changing the cursor to 3D mode stops this happening, though the cursor The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Nov 10, 2022 @ 12:57pm Camera Control. Settings -> Hidden Zone (Show/Hide) Opacity. is there a way to hide cursor when the ui is hidden. However if you enter the switch color dialogue your cursor moves to spectator as you are about to pick a color, no flashing. NGarlic. Has anyone resolved this issue? That would be handy, when I want to place hidden pieces on the board. Hide Objects : If checked, this causes the fog to hide objects. Click here to jump to that post. I see the cursor but when I click on the screen nothing happens. Tabletop Simulator is the only simulator where you can let your aggression out by flipping the table! There are no rules to follow: just you, a physics sandbox, and your friends. Developed by indie studio Berserk Games, Tabletop Simulator allows users to play and interact with a set of pre-made game assets, or import and create their own game experiences. May 2, 2020 · Learn how to use zones in Tabletop Simulator to hide information from specific players. This happens regardless of the quality. getGUID() == SecretBlue then Pointer. I tried both directly on the tablet and using the "maximize" button that shows the page on the screen. If you pick gray (spectator) as your actual color, still no flashing. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! Tabletop Simulator is the only simulator where you can let your aggression out by flipping the table! There are no rules to follow: just you, a physics sandbox, and your friends. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities! If you're looking to hide the hidden zone itself, you can go to Menu > Configuration > Interface > Misc. If you just need a quick peek you can hold 'M' to magnify the area. I do the Codenames mod and have been looking for a way to hide Blue & Red’s hands from the rest of the table and haven’t been able to configure it in such a way where ONLY Blue and Red’s hands can be hidden. Any commands entered in this area will automatically be executed whenever the game is started. Some geospatial data on this website Mar 21, 2016 · The fog cursor seems to elevate the same way models do. dfunckt. Whenever I try to import a file into tabletop sim, my mouse disappears behind the File Explorer window. Also, why does the camera pan forward when pressing down on the D-pad and backwards when pressing up on the D-pad? Put the cursor over the card you want to play and press Numpad 1 for the initiative card and Numpad 2 for the second card. This may be related to windows 10 as I never had this issue before I upgraded although TTS has been updated so many times that it may also have been introduced with a TTS revision. Fixed custom objects in scripting zones failing to trigger events. Video Tutorials. verifying the files and reinstalling the game does nothing. I suggest either or all of the following: hotkeys to hide/show UI elements, dropdown arrow at each UI element to toggle visibility, autohide option (when mouse at Tabletop Simulator is the only simulator where you can let your aggression out by flipping the table! There are no rules to follow: just you, a physics sandbox, and your friends. Can u guys gimme some help? Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments Feb 22, 2017 · Tabletop Simulator. It works fine, it just flickers. I really liked how the cursor was before, is there any way I can change it back?ːamyWhatː Title mostly says it all. Useful for staggering the animations of multiple elements. Movement and Camera Controls¶ Move with the Keyboard, Mouse, or both.
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