Synology backup or sync You can also restore you data from the most recent backup to the new laptop. Cloud Sync can also be employed as a real-time solution to sync Synology NAS data to public clouds if the one-way upload feature is enabled. Sep 5, 2022 · Double click Synology Drive Client on your computer desktop or the system tray to open the setup window. Tick Allow for To back up Cloud Sync: Go to Hyper Backup > Create > Data backup task to create a backup task. ; We don't recommend using Shared Folder Sync in DSM to sync or back up Active Backup for Business data because the global deduplication technology is not compatible with it. To sync shared folder privileges: Synology Drive ShareSync allows you to sync files between two Synology NAS with flexible sync mode settings. Choose Synology C2 Storage as your backup destination. Part 1. Automatically syncs the iCloud Drive files and backs them up to a seperate users home folder. Dec 31, 2024 · What is the difference between synology drive sync in the mode "upload data to Synology Drive only" with "keep locally deleted files on the server" checked and synology drive backup? Responses (1-1) Synology NAS is a storage device that comes with various backup functions. 1. Shared Folder Sync can back up Windows ACL settings when the destination file system is ext4 or Btrfs. The process of granting Syncovery access to folders is explained on our page: Syncovery With Synology DSM 7 . Nov 3, 2022 · How can I sync data between multiple Synology NAS that have different capabilities? What should I do if the alert message "the file is in use, or access is denied" shows up while syncing on Synology Drive Client? How to sync data between multiple Synology NAS via Synology Drive Server; How to back up data on your computer using Synology Drive You can also click the search icon on the right, and Synology Drive Client will automatically search for any Synology NAS within your local network. Sync Synology Files with Synology Cloud Sync. 7 for CloudSync and 6. Manual backup: Back up files whenever you click on Back up now. May 7, 2021 · Back up data on your Synology NAS to Synology C2 Storage. Hyper Backup supports scheduled backups to local and remote Synology NAS, rsync-compatible servers, USB drives, and cloud storage providers 1. Synology Hyper Backup est une solution de sauvegarde et de récupération de données proposée par Synology pour ses périphériques de stockage en réseau (NAS). Start time: Select the time you want to start the backup task. ; Do either of the following: First-time users: Click Start Now, connect to your Synology NAS, and follow the wizard to create a Sync Task. Jan 3, 2019 · So got my second synology nas up and running. Choose exactly which files and folders you want to sync and select one or two-way synchronization. For Synology Drive Client: Go to Synology Drive Client > Sync Tasks > select a task > Sync Rules. These Synology instructions are relevant and below are some configuration tips for getting Synology to work with Wasabi. Of all “folder sync” utilities, GoodSync is the most robust I’ve come across in terms of feature set. Access files from both NAS and shared public cloud storage. 3. It stores family media (videos & photos), personal media (photos), as well as personal files for each family member. Go to the More > Enable Photo Backup > Enable. Not possible 2. Photo Backup To back up Synology Drive Server and Synology Office: Go to DSM > Hyper Backup to create a backup task. Upto now its brilliant. photolibrary file so I think I would only be able to back up that file in its entirety. After all the reading about backup topic. Sign in to your cloud service and allow Cloud Sync access to your account. Entsprechend benötigen Anwender für die verschiedenen Nutzungsszenarien die passenden Backup-Lösungen. May 21, 2016 · Synology Diskstations with DSM 6 has several ways to do backups. Mit der Cloud-Sync-App hast du nicht nur die Kontrolle über deine Daten sondern auch die Flexibilität, diese jederzeit zu verwalten. Select rsync (Shared Folder Sync, LUN Backup on supported models) and click Edit. Direct backup without intervention of additional client apps on the iPhone/computer. You may need to mount the folder on the Synology NAS to your Linux device using CIFS or NFS mount beforehand. Enter your Synology Account and password. Synology bietet mehrere davon an. Synology Drive Client will create a backup folder in your selected destination with your computer name. Backup should be one-way and versioned. Synology Cloud Sync is a Synology software that allows you to sync your files from your local NAS to S3 cloud storage services and other on-premises devices. Sep 13, 2024 · Tips:. Scheduled backup: Back up files as you scheduled. File Filter: Check if you have set a maximum file size limit or excluded specific file extensions from synchronization. Synology NAS <> Synology NAS backup. Manual Backup of iCloud Photos to Synology NAS Jan 16, 2023 · Synology Drive Client allows you to create scheduled backup tasks to back up files on your computer to a Synology Drive server, as well as create versions of these files that can be restored or downloaded when needed. . Microsoft tells us that having open pst files on a network drive is likely to cause corruption, and active pst files should always be on the local machine. Tick the checkboxes of the groups or services you wish to back up. So recently I got myself a DS218+ and was setting up backups via the Synology Drive so I can easily access the data on my mobile devices. Add functionality to your device with powerful collaboration, backup, communication, and management tools. Synology Photos app. com, etc etc. Syncing is pretty much going non-stop (I think CloudSync is every 10 seconds) and if you delete a file in one place, it’s gone everywhere. For advanced users, you can also use other sync modes, like move sync, mirror sync, calculative sync, update sync, incremental sync, and full backup sync. Go to Sync Mode > File sync mode, select a sync mode for syncing your local shared To back up Cloud Sync: Go to Hyper Backup > Create > Data backup task to create a backup task. You can click Update Group List to load the latest list. . Jun 20, 2024 · How do I use Synology with Wasabi? Synology NAS products have been certified for use with Wasabi. Launch Cloud Sync and select a cloud service. Multi-versioning Retain multiple backup versions while reducing storage use with block-level incremental backup and deduplication. Note that on the latest Synology operating system, DSM 7, you need to assign Syncovery rights to access folders before you can create a sync or backup job in Syncovery. I do run into one issue though. Synology NAS devices come with a built-in Cloud Sync package that allows you to easily sync your data with various cloud storage services, including Baidu Cloud. If you want to sync Synology NAS to Google Drive bidirectional, you can click Options > Real Time Sync in Sync Modes, then choose Two-way Sync. Shared Folder Sync. Select your backup source and untick any subfolders you don't want to sync. To back up Cloud Sync: Go to Hyper Backup > Create > Data backup task to create a backup task. You may already have tried this if I understand your post correctly. Cloud Sync Settings On the “ Concurrent uploads/downloads ” set it to 20 as shown in the figure below. För maximal säkerhet använder Synology C2 kryptering på klientsidan för att kryptera dina data lokalt och skydda dem innan de lämnar enheten. You can find the documents and files regarding the operating system, packages, desktop utilities and so on for your Synology product to enjoy the latest and versatile features. I opted for the cloud station sync. Dec 6, 2023 · Synology-NAS können mittlerweile viel mehr als nur Speicher im Netz bereitzustellen. The advantage of using Synology C2 or NAS devices as your destinations is the option of versioning and choosing how many versions and rotations of the same you want. View photos and videos on the big screen via the TV app or by casting through AirPlay or Chromecast. Cloud “sync” is not a good solution for backup. Can I sync and back up files between Synology NAS and my phone? You can use Synology Drive Mobile App to synchronize and back up files from your phone to the NAS, making it easy to manage data across multiple devices. The software version tested was Synology version 2. 3 days ago · Сам Synology Active Backup for Business Agent может работать при этом за серым IP адресом. I always used my own servers custom made. Can I backup my Synology NAS to OneDrive? Yes, the Cloud Sync program is also capable of backing up Synology NAS to OneDrive. pst files so real-time sync of Outlook data is not supported. Sync is quite useful for keeping multiple clients in sync, using the central NAS folder as the reference copy. 1. You can later restore content from BeeStation if needed. Erhalten Sie mehr Details rund um das Thema Datensicherung im Synology Backup-Leitfaden. Please refer to this FAQ to learn about the package architecture your Synology NAS uses. Hats off to synology. Backup and Sync Tasks. Once the connection has been established, you can start configuring your backup. 4 days ago · Méthode 1. Cloud Sync allows you to create multiple sync tasks within one cloud connection. I say “folder sync” utilities because lots of tools do “syncing of files. Not sure sure that using the ProtonDrive Windows app to sync a Samba mount linked to the NAS is a good idea Apr 7, 2018 · When I originally set up Cloud Sync I used Bidirectional for similar reasons that you stated even though I wanted more of a strictly hands off backup. Download and install the Cloud Sync package from the Synology Package Center. Active Backup for Business-Daten können aufgrund von Dateninkonsistenz nicht mit Cloud Sync gesichert werden. Oct 9, 2024 · Method 1: Perform Synology NAS Baidu Cloud Sync via Cloud Sync Package. Sauvegarder Synology NAS sur Google Drive via MultCloud; Méthode 1. At first, it can be a bit confusing, but every Synology backup and sync solution have its purpose and its uses. If you need multiple backups, I'd do it from the client computer, point both Synology Drive and Proton Drive to backup the same directories. Do I start there and work back to Dropbox Backup unlimited plan? Apr 3, 2018 · This is a backup task. Jan 11, 2024 · In order to back up data from a Synology NAS to a QNAP NAS via rsync, you must enable the rsync server in Hybrid Backup Sync (HBS) and also configure SSH service on the QNAP NAS. Synology Hyper Backup vers Google Drive. If your DSM account, Synology Drive Server, or team folder was removed, you must create a new connection to replace the old connection. Securely synchronize your data between your local NAS and public cloud or on-premises storage. Add-on Packages. Connect to a Wi-Fi network and a charger to ensure the focused backup won't be interrupted. 1 Lokales Backup aller Geräte auf Synology NAS mit Active Backup for Business To assign rsync backup privileges: Assign proper rsync privileges to users so that these users can back up data from a source Synology NAS or an rsync-compatible server to the destination Synology NAS. I have listed all the backup and sync solutions below and how it works. Oct 25, 2024 · 1. Keep versions . Bekväm säkerhetskopiering med Synology C2. Backups can do versioning, encryption, schedules (to save resources), etc. Lagra fullständiga säkerhetskopior av ditt Windows-datorsystem på ett säkert sätt i molnet med Synology C2 Backup. Apr 19, 2022 · Back up data from a Linux device to your Synology NAS. Cloud Sync Hyper Backup Cloud Station ShareSync USB Drive Copy Drive Desktop Client Backup 網際網路 Synology Cloud 2 Sep 14, 2024 · After that, click “Apply” to start the backup task. You can check the backup status of each photo in Timeline view once enabling Photo Backup. The Synology Photos TV app is available on Apple TV and Android TV. Synology Cloud2 Hyper Backup Vault 20+ public cloud providers Synology Drive Server Cloud Sync Hyper Backup Synology Drive ShareSync USB Copy Desktop client on Windows/ macOS/Ubuntu What's the difference between synchronization and backup? Overview - Synology's data backup solutions Data sync direction Data backup direction Backup Software 1 For example if you sync a spreadsheet and your laptop gets crushed, you have a good copy on the NAS you can sync with a new laptop. 2) You may setup a ftp-server on the Synology and push the backup to it, rather than pulling the backup from the ftp server. #2. After the backup task is complete, all current tasks and settings will be backed up. I have a backup of my pool with no hassle onto another nas. When prompted to select applications to be backed up, select Synology Drive Server and Synology Office. Dafür geeignet sind sowohl lokale Backup-Lösungen mit Synology NAS als auch Cloud-basierte Backup-Dienste wie C2 Backup. After the backup task has been successfully created, the following data will be backed up: Files Mar 5, 2025 · Troubleshooting Common Backblaze Synology Backup Issues. The command for this is: Nov 12, 2024 · In 5 or 6 clicks, you can add pCloud and Synology NAS (in Webdav over https) and schedule the appropriate sync task (partial, cumulative, simple, mono / bi directional: your choice!). Follow the instructions in the wizard. Download and install Synology-developed and third-party packages directly from Package Center. Folder: Folders not selected here will not be synchronized. Please note that - when using HyperBackup - you are locking yourself into the Synology ecosystem even further. Fazit. Synology Hyper Backup vers Google Drive; Méthode 2. Does Dropbox Back-Up support syncing all Synology NAS files with unlimited space or only the local computer and external drive? Is this how this works or am I thinking about this wrong? Edit: Synology has Hyper Backup where you can sync to Dropbox. How do I backup my Synology NAS to an external hard drive? May 7, 2021 · Back up data on your Synology NAS to Synology C2 Storage. Continuous backup is unidrectional one way between one client and the NAS. U kunt Cloud Sync back-uppen en terugzetten naar een eerdere versie via Hyper Backup. Filter different group types using the drop-down menu. Tick the checkboxes of the users or services you wish to back up. Manual backup (putting photos on the computer and then putting them on the NAS). Aug 4, 2023 · After a long, many-hours-battle and countless searches on Google of trying to figure out how to sync Synology Hyper Backup to TrueNAS (without using the soon to be deprecated rsync, WebDAV or S3 Services) I'll write a little guide down here, in case someone else also needs this in the future. Run on: Select the days you want to run the backup task. If the laptop gets a virus that encrypts your data, that encryption will sync to the NAS, locking you out of all your data everywhere. Hyper Backup – The main Synology backup solution Step 4: Click “Next” and finish creating your backup task. In Hyper Backup, click on the + icon in the bottom left corner and select Data backup task. ” For instance, Dropbox, Synology Drive, Sync. Apr 21, 2024 · You have set up a sync rule to exclude specific files from syncing. This article shows you how to set up a backup task and how to restore previous versions of files using Synology Drive Client. Tip Backup scheduling Automate backups for optimal data protection and convenience. Dec 30, 2024 · Step 4: Click Backup Storage Path to change the storage path to the network location of the Synology NAS > Click Start Backup to complete the process. Wenn Sie eine Sicherung mehrerer Versionen benötigen, empfehlen wir, Ihre Daten mit Hyper Backup zu sichern. I backup my Synology (including Docker config files) to Synology C2 using Hyper Backup. Configure custom synchronization strategies and schedules to optimize each task. I’ve recently purchased a Synology NAS for the family. Back up to the same Synology NAS to have a multi-version local copy. I did set up the Recycle Bin and played around with deleting files from the DS and Box and I think that gives me some of the comfort I was looking for in the event of some kind of disruption. Wir empfehlen stattdessen, Ihre Active Backup for Business-Daten mit Snapshot Replication oder Hyper Backup zu sichern. Download Center. Configurable rotation policies allow for automated deletion of Sync Synology NAS to iCloud With Free Backup Software Interestingly, both methods mentioned above need manual file downloads or the download of matching software, making them difficult to use. Mar 12, 2023 · So for now i went with the Synology Drive Backup option. But since may 2018 started using this disk station nas boxs. Dec 26, 2024 · Notes: Cloud Sync and Synology Drive can't be used to sync or back up Active Backup for Business data due to the possibility of data inconsistencies. In addition to Synology sync iCloud photos, you can also use FoneTool to backup iPad to Synology Nas with ease. How to sync OneDrive with Synology NAS Connect to your Synology NAS using your favorite browser. It backs up files from Synology NAS to WebDAV directly and keeps the versions for easy restoration. To restore Cloud Sync: Go to Hyper Backup Shared Folder Sync. Way 2. Подготовка к установке агента. The most common way to back up data from a Linux device to Synology NAS is to use rsync to make mirrored folders. Similarly, you can use Hybrid Backup Sync to backup QNAP to QNAP. Aug 16, 2024 · Enable mobile backup and synchronize all images on your Android or iOS device to Synology NAS. Apr 3, 2024 · FAQs about Creating Synology Backup #1. 0. Jan 24, 2023 · Für die umfassende Datensicherung stellt Synology Unternehmen folgende Backup-Lösungen zur Verfügung: Lokales Backup aller Geräte auf Synology NAS mit Active Backup for Business (ABB) Offsite-Backup mit Hyper Backup und/oder Snapshot Replication. Having a multi-version local copy gives you the advantage of fast recovery in the event of data corruption or accidental file deletion since the data copy can be retrieved directly from your Synology NAS, but even when such measure is taken, RAID crash and hard drive failure might still cause disastrous data loss. As far as I know the photos themselves are contained inside the single . Optimize backup schedules to balance data protection and resource usage. I’m not completely comfortable in trusting an undefined behavior (however the Photos app selects which photos to sync) to allow me to back up all photos over time. Not trying to be rude, but it’s basically the difference between backup and sync. Whether you are a business or personal user, you can build up a safe and secure backup environment quickly and easily. As I only need to sync the data one-way from PC to NAS like once a day or week, I figured using backup task is better suited as compared to the always-active sync task. 2. Dec 11, 2024 · How can I free up space when Active Backup for Business is taking up used storage? How do I back up Active Backup for Business data to another Synology NAS/Server/USB flash drive/cloud service? PC/Mac & physical server backup issues. Go to More at the bottom navigation bar to create or manage backup/sync tasks, Focused Backup and Sync, and other app settings. Optional: Customize the destination path if you don’t want to back up to the default folder. Synology Drive offers photo backup and sync for mobile devices, enabling data protection and collaboration on the go. Shared Folder Sync is a one-way syncing solution that allows users to sync shared folders from one Synology NAS device (the source) to other Synology NAS devices (the destination) within the LAN or over the Internet. Back up to BeeFiles (one-way sync): Files in this folder are backed up to BeeFiles. As their is no official tool to backup a Synology NAS to ProtonDrive, I would like to know if someone manage to back up his NAS or if their is a known solution to do it with unofficial tool. May 30, 2022 · Eine Sicherung ist also nur durch das Durchführen von Backups gewährleistet. Go to Control Panel > Application Privileges. These features require Synology Drive Server 3. I've been using HyperBackup in the past and still do, but I'm slowly switching this over to a 3rd party solution (Duplicacy) that I'm running in a docker container. This keeps backup tasks running smoothly through background notifications, without showing in Notification Center. You can just choose OneDrive as the sync path in the foregoing guide. Additionally, the cloud sync apps let you transfer data to other cloud storage Jul 26, 2020 · Using GoodSync with Synology. Continuous backup: Back up files whenever changes are made to the selected backup source. To edit groups to back up: Select a backup task and click Edit > Group. It uses a bit of CPU power every time it does this. I've noticed that Drive Client tries to sync files with extensions that are set to be ignored, and it does it repeatedly. Cloud Sync back-uppen: Ga naar Hyper Backup > Maken > Gegevensback-uptaak om een back-uptaak te maken. Free up space on your device without losing content. Select the folder you want to back up or sync . Reply reply Gregoryxandrew Nov 3, 2022 · Notes: If you use Hyper Backup or Migration Assistant to duplicate the Synology Drive Server package to another NAS, and create a sync task between the source and the destination devices, you may encounter the message "You can only enter the IP or server name from another server". Dec 22, 2021 · Back up data to a public cloud. Synology Cloud Sync is widely used to backup OneDrive or other public cloud storage to Synology NAS to add an extra layer of the important data. Set Backup Destination: Choose Personal Space or Shared Space. Вам необходим пакет Synology Active Backup for Business, который можно установить из центра пакетов в DSM. Jul 4, 2023 · To resume backup tasks in Synology Drive Client, double-clicking on the Synology Drive Client icon from Windows system tray or Mac menu bar, click Backup Task, and click Resume. Follow the Backup Wizard instructions, and choose Cloud Sync when you are prompted to select applications to back up. Jan 6, 2025 · It provides multiple ways to back up Synology NAS to WebDAV, like cloud-to-cloud backup, sync, transfer, copy, share, etc. Never had any problems with it. Click Next. Das Synology NAS OneDrive Backup ist eine praktische Lösung um deine wichtigen Daten zu sichern. Select a local and remote path. To restore Cloud Sync: Go to Hyper Backup Oct 10, 2024 · Das kannst du in den Einstellungen der Cloud Sync-App festlegen. May 26, 2023 · Here you will find the pros and cons of the two Synology backup software: Synology Cloud Sync vs Hyper Backup, and you will have a clue to determine which is better for you as the Synology backup solution. Can I scan files directly into Synology Drive? The Synology Drive mobile app features Optical Character Recognition (OCR). To restore Cloud Sync: Go to Hyper Backup Datastore-level protection (iSCSI, NFS) Create backup plans for iSCSI LUNs or shared folders to meet your RTO/RPO requirements. Volg de back-upwizardinstructies en selecteer Cloud Sync wanneer u gevraagd wordt om de te back-uppen toepassingen te selecteren. Jan 20, 2025 · The “cloud sync” app, similar to the hyper backup, lets you connect to your Synology C2 object storage account. Then, follow the instructions to finish creating your backup task. Il est Jan 13, 2022 · Within the interface, you will see a list of all tasks from all NAS devices performing backup to the same destination. How do I back up only selected folders/files on PC using Active Backup for Business? Jul 14, 2018 · Synology Drive PC sync, and C2 Hyper Backup have the basic functionality needed, but Drive cannot handle open . Oct 26, 2024 · Sync with BeeFiles (two-way sync): File changes will be synced to both your computer and BeeFiles. To back up NAS to iCloud, you can rely on a free third-party solution like AOMEI Backupper Standard. Download and install from Package Center in the operating system DSM (DiskStation Manager). 4. Click on the Synced folders tab, select the shared folder whose privilege setting you wish to modify, and click Edit. If you are using Synology Hyper Backup or Cloud Sync to backup Synology NAS to Backblaze B2, it probably encounters sync errors and connection problems while backing up, let’s find out the solutions for reference: Check Network Connectivity – Ensure your NAS has a stable internet May 7, 2023 · To increase the sync and backup performance, open the Synology Cloud Sync app and then click the “Settings” button as shown in the figure below. To sync your Synology files to Wasabi, use the following steps: Aug 27, 2023 · Hyper Backup allows you to back up data to Synology's cloud service Synology C2 Storage, as well as other public cloud services. Sie führen beispielsweise auch virtuelle Maschinen oder eigene DNS-, Mail- oder VPN-Server aus. 8 for HyperBackup and 2. Oct 28, 2024 · If you are using Synology NAS and want to mirror it to another Synology, you could consider downloading specialized tools from Synology Download Center to do a Synology mirror backup, Synology Drive Server is an example. The first time a sync task runs, Shared Folder Sync will perform a full sync of the selected shared folders. But you may find Synology Cloud Sync not working even up to date. 2 for DSM. Third-party apps. At this time, you choose to use another backup software, it’s AOMEI Backupper Cloud Sync (one way sync option) -> AWS S3 Bucket -> Glacier Deep (via 1 day lifecycle rule) But here is my question: If the data in the AWS S3 Bucket is lifecycled to Glacier Deep, won't the Synology Cloud Sync keep on writing the same files over and over again to the S3 Bucket, because the files previously uploaded are not there anymore? For models with package architectures 88f628x or Qoriq, you can sync up to 100,000 shared folders (including subfolders) using Shared Folder Sync. 3. 2 or above. To speed up automatic photo backup: Go to the More tab and tap the backup status to enable Focused Backup. Jul 28, 2021 · These steps will work on all Synology NAS models running the latest version of DSM 7. 1) You can setup a ftp connection from within FileStation (google "synology ftp client"). 2. VM starts at 2am and shuts down at 3am with the help of the task scheduler and a "user-defined script" to save resources. Installation and Setup. Possible but requires manual work. Works but application must remain open to keep uploading. miwkhic vryfs hpgqkho gwcmk tajp vuaj ofgo gadmf njb plhein uxvd pzpki twrruco kvsdgzurr jquj