Surface go gets hot. You should see the Microsoft logo.

Surface go gets hot. This is how electronics work.

  • Surface go gets hot Now im looking at the go 2 looked at online reviews text and YouTube. If the thermometer icon continues to appear, contact us. 5: These options should appear depending on which is available on you country. Not sure if it's due to the metal keyboard. It takes an hour (I literally timed it) for it to even allow me to open a web page. Jan 20, 2017 · Surface Forums - est 2012. Please help me Aug 25, 2022 · I am a student in grade 7 with the surface pro 8 with 16g of ram and 237ssd. Aug 24, 2020 · I have the Surface Book 3 with the Surface Doc 2. However this only happens to me after I plug it into the surface dock and run two monitors. Set up your device on a stable work surface that allows for adequate The glass on the other side can get hot, but not burning to the touch anymore. This only happens when the laptop is charging. See: Fix common Surface problems using the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit (microsoft. So, yes that is normal. I bought a new Surface Go 3 (Intel Pentium 8 GB RAM) and I am quite happy. The maximum for a Surface Go is barely using it. Aug 3, 2018 · However one thing I noticed is that when I am charging it, the device tends to get very hot, both the back and the screen. com) 2: Check for Windows Update. I have noticed that the connector from the Dock 2 gets very hot while connected to my surface . by folding the display down) and leaving it charging, it (the battery) gets unusual and really hot (at the bottom). It's how I've always written even on normal paper mainly due to how my wrists and hands are. So here's a (working) suggestion to reduce the laptop from overheating: Stop CPU boost when the laptop is charging- This will literally solve your noisy fan problem while charging and also keep the laptop Jun 10, 2023 · I have a Surface Go model 1943 that gets very hot during use and stays hot after being shut down. Jul 29, 2022 · My Surface Go 2 is getting hot on the back metal housing when charging. You may need to click “More Info” to get a complete breakdown of ongoing Jun 7, 2014 · I am sorry I misunderstood you - I thought your device overheats when being plugged, but now I understand that it's the entire charger that gets hot. Here's what to do if you see the thermometer icon: Turn your Surface off, move it to a cooler place, and let it cool down for at least five minutes. Surface laptops are known for their sleek and compact design, which can sometimes lead to overheating issues. Does the Surface become hot when you are running specific programs? Also, does it happen when the Surface is running on battery power or when it is charging? First, download and run the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit. My Go 2 does run hot at such times while charging. I have the 2017 Surface Pro. Apr 11, 2020 · Why is my NEW MicroSoft Surface laptop with no applications running so hot to the touch? This laptop which was purchased directly from the MS store less than a month ago feels like a HOT curling iron, has HOT air releasing from rear vents & a terrifying audible fizzing sound. I am still in S mode and all updates have been completed. I'm browsing for like weeks now in debating if I should get a surface go 3 or just go with surface 7 used. Item 4: It is not set for High Performance. 5" Touch Pentium Gold 4425Y 4 64GB STV-00001. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Updates > Check for updates. You can check a few things to verify. When the Dock is connected to the Surface Book, the connector (the part that is inserted into the keyboard) gets very hot, at all times, fully charged or otherwise, with our without external monitor. The fan goes wild and indeed a little hot. Mar 31, 2018 · It charges my computer perfectly but gets worryingly hot; I cannot hold it in my hand for more than a minute without getting hurt- perhaps hot enough to start a small fire if it continues to escalate. Go to Download driver and firmware for Surface, choose Surface Pro 7 then click Download on the next page. . I am trying to determine a good battery usage app but I have ye If your device is on your lap and it gets uncomfortably warm, remove it from your lap and place it on a stable work surface. Fucking stupid piece of shit. This means that it relies on the pressure difference between hot and cool air to pull cool air over the chassis. Windows can now wake it anytime during sleep/hibernate and download, scan, install, etc. Getting a bit concerned. Now even if I play on the lowest settings, it gets really hot, I'm afraid that this can do damage to my laptop. Literally cheapest lenovos with barely any cooling haven't heated up on me like this. My Surface Pro 4 i5 continues to work flawlessly, just getting slower, so I thought I'd go with the new machine. Item 2: The battery is indeed charging when plugged in however, none of my other 3 MS Surfaces gets this hot when plugged in and charging. If that doesn't work, here's how to make sure your Surface turns off completely: Press and hold down the power button until your Surface restarts and you see the Windows logo screen (about 20 seconds), then release the power button. Earlier it would barely get warm when launching a game like minecraft and highest settings. I have to wonder, is your surface in a case of some sort? I have noticed that my surface pro 7 does indeed get rather warm, but not hot. When tutoring from home, I use google meet. Jul 13, 2021 · While the temperature may not feel hot to the touch, if you maintain physical contact with the device for a long time, for example if you rest the device on your lap, your skin might suffer a low-heat injury. I know the surface doesn't have much or any fan. (replaced) My surface keeps on getting so hot while I am running teams 1-3 word docs and onenote, my surface gets to like 50 degrees Celsius. Sep 29, 2018 · We would need to go through a set of troubleshooting to identify the real cause of the problem. Surface pro 7 getting hot while the device is sleep and also in charge when the device is on sleep mode and plugged in, the CPU run system task at background and it Couse the device getting extremely hot after installing the latest firmware, 9. Together with shitty battery life that's less than half of what's advertised, I'm starting to get really pissed at Microsoft. Please tell me it will go away because I love the design and there's no way I'm getting anything close to this in this pricepoint. The temperature is completely normal when it is on battery. Can’t imagine it’s good for the battery temperature either to have charging heat up the whole underside Oct 28, 2024 · Download Surface Go 2 Drivers and Firmware from Official Microsoft Download Center. Jul 25, 2020 · To troubleshoot the issue, please do these steps: Force shutdown the device and restart. Just because your device is getting warmer than normal, doesn’t mean it’s overheating or dangerously hot. Update 12/11/2020: We published new improvements and fixes for Surface Laptop Go. Jun 4, 2020 · If the updates were installed already but the device still heats up, you can follow the steps below to check whether this issue is due to a corrupted system file that's on infinite loop causing the device to overheat. Once downloaded and installed, restart your Surface and see if this improves. msi then Restart. 3. Tons of secondhand oem chargers on there. It has severe performance issues on startup and doesn't seem to ever improve. When it gets hot i dont hear anything at all, no fans, etc. I recall that if the Client willing to pay $500- , client can upgrade the existing NB to a New one is that correct? ***Moved from Surface / Surface Laptop / Surface Laptop 2 / Performance and maintenance*** Jan 5, 2022 · Disconnect the charger from your Surface, unplug the power cable from the electrical outlet in the wall, and then disconnect any USB accessories. Mar 23, 2022 · The keyboard gets super hot after an hour of usage while connect to Surface Dock 2. Again, it is expected that the charger gets hot while plugged in, but it shouldn't reach such a high temperature. Then click the link next to Surface Laptop Go then click Download on the next page. A BIG part of this is NOT tweaking the surface to stop waking up from sleep/hibernation/fast startup enabled Shut down modes, which allows win10 connected standby to wake the system for tasks and updates, thus burning through battery. That said, Surface Go's do not have fans, so it's likely you have another device if you're hearing a fan. I must to tell kit gets hot when it is charging also and the other problem is that the charge of it goes empty too soon, almost less than3 hours also. I understand that it is common for adaptors to get hot, but I feel this temperature is abnormal. I have a samsung galaxy tab s7 which works great but OneNote for android sucks. I often use my spare metal pc case to cool my hot phones and laptops. Make sure all updates need are installed including Optional updates. You should see the Microsoft logo. Computers get hot, it's normal. The battery life is terrible, and it gets very hot just by opening the browser. My Surface Pro 7 (i5) 128 GB tends to get extremely hot when charging and when on a Microsoft Teams Call. Is this normal? I run things like the adobe suite and recently downloaded Unreal gaming engine, but still have a good amount of storage. Means I don't feel great about leaving it to charge overnight. Jan 23, 2023 · When I try to use my new Surface Laptop 14 13,5 alcantara with AMD Chip 4680U WIN11, the temperature instantly increase up to 80 degrees Celcius and then fans start to kick in. Enough to kick the fans on with the GPU reaching 78° at one point. Hi, I bought my surface laptop 3 back in March and it was running fine all the time, but it has been running hot lately for literally no reason. Microsoft opted to put the hot components keyboard-side up, as opposed to bottom-side up like almost every other manufacturer. CPU bounces between 2 - 5%, wifi pretty normal - nothing actively running or in use other than the basics. I previously had the Surface Laptop 1 8GB with Alcantara keyboard and the keyboard was never too hot or unbearable to touch. If the device is being used in a warm environment or in the sun, move device to cooler environment. Now its starting to overheat when i use basic applications like microsoft word and excel even when its not charging. I have noticed that the laptop gets quite hot (I mean really hot) when it's charging despite it being idle or when doing high-intensity work. Is this normal or is there an issue? It also takes a long time to fully charge and battery runs out quickly even with one or two apps running (browser and Word). I got a replacement from microsoft cause I broke my old surface pro 8 but my old one never had these problems. I still use the Pro 4 for stage work as can't risk a crash mid-performance : Dec 18, 2022 · Every time I have left my surface book unattended, folded shut (sleep mode), it begins to heat up. So the Surface Laptop might feel cooler on the lap, but without the thermal mass of the metal bottom enclosure sitting right up against the hot stuff, it is likely that it doesn’t dissipate heat as effectively as it I"ve noticed that my Surface Go slows down a lot (and gets hot) when Onedrive is doing its thing. When you use a device that does not have a fan, it will get hot when it is pushed to its maximum. At the time, I had thought it was not anything important and that it would go away. Thank you. Press and hold the power button until the screen turns off (about 10 seconds), then release the power button. When charging my Surface Book it gets so hot. Run the System File Checker. 5 i7 256 16 RM) while it is plugged in, it gets very hot and the fan starts to work extensively. When its updating Files on my Onedrive drive I feel it getting hot and getting really slow. I have measured it with a commercial IR temperature probe, and it gets up to 120 degrees F. I have noticed that it gets particularly hot when using google meet and sharing the screen. Gets hot to the point where it's From my understanding, it is convection cooled. For Windows 11 Oct 24, 2016 · We have the Surface 3 for almost a year, and the docking station for about six month. If your Surface exceeds the maximum operational temperature, it will shut down immediately and a thermometer icon will appear on your screen. Does the Microsoft Surface 4 Laptop get hot by design or is getting this hot actually normal? Jul 29, 2020 · i recently purchased Dock 2 for my surface pro 6 . This occurs on both Windows and Linux This is on a Surface Go 64 GB 4GB RAM model. On prime day I bought a Samsung s6 lite and it was to tiny so I returned it. I get the Surface Go will get warm but it gets so hot I can't draw or write for long periods. I purchased it in January 2022. I shut it down and let it cool down but even with simple tasks like sight work in Corel Paintshop Pro or browseing the internet after a while it starts to get hot. Jun 9, 2023 · See through this link Download drivers and firmware for Surface - Microsoft Support to update driver and firmware. Never place your device or AC adaptor on furniture or any other surface that might be marred by exposure to heat since the base of your device and the surface of the AC adaptor may increase in temperature during normal use. I exchanged it at Microsoft store and the replacement had the same problem. But it's amazing the difference compared to something like an ipad mini. I have read that this is a common issue, but I'm wondering if the problem doesn't occur anymore after a while? It's not that it's a big deal for me, but it seems problematic since I only had 1 Firefox tab and 1 Word tab open. If your device is on your lap and gets uncomfortably warm, remove it from your lap and place it on a stable work surface. 5: Click on Contact Support at the bottom. I picked up my Surface book charger today and noticed that it was unbearably hot - I could only hold on to it for a few seconds. I've got this issue. It gets so hot that I have to put it in front of my fan. Check Windows updates: For Windows 10. Aug 5, 2022 · 3: Click Get support. After your Surface restart, run the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit - Microsoft Store Apps. You can get updates now by checking Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. I mean this thing gets really hot, after leaving it alone for an hour I checked on it and the fans were screaming and the laptop was actually hot to the touch. Any cooling solutions for surface pro 7. 3: Run System File Checker Tool I like laying my hand on the surface when doing anything with the pen. Feb 15, 2023 · Wondering if anybody has had or has issues with their Surface Studio 1st generation getting really hot in idle mode. I have been noticing that my Surface Laptop 4 gets really hot when plugged in while I'm working on it. Note : i asked my electronics professors and there's no problem connecting a shitty fan to your computer directly. Except for one thing: When I run Zoom and OneNote together (for uni) my device just overheats like crazy. My tablet runs extremely slow and hot. May 21, 2020 · If your device is on your lap and gets uncomfortably warm, remove it from your lap and place it on a stable work surface. A subreddit for the Microsoft Surface family of products. Like the title suggests, my Surface Book 3 is overheating quite significantly, to the point where I have to unplug it and detach the screen and let it cool off for 5-10 minutes before using it again which is quite frustrating and quite concerning considering this was a pretty expensive laptop and is already having an issue 5 months post-purchase. 01763. I don't download anything or install… My surface 3 isn’t overheating, per se, but I find it very very uncomfortable to use on my lap during charging because it gets hot. May 12, 2023 · I have the same problem as the poster above. Oct 21, 2020 · If the temperature feels uncomfortable or for additional help in troubleshooting your device's sleep settings please contact a Surface support advocate. This gives the charger time to reset. In a surface Pro 6, after a clean install of windows 11. Having the laptop plugged in the ac charger and in use, once i enter standby mode (e. Original by design. When all im using is onenote on my tablet and nothing else, the screen and back will heat uo to uncomfortable temperatures that hurts my hand. And if i use it while charging even just playing an offline video while on battery saving mode and wifi off it gets way too hot. Press and release the power button to turn your Surface back on. Aug 11, 2020 · Press and release the power button to turn your Surface back on. This will install the latest driver May 11, 2021 · Laptop is on a flat surface, power setting for 'best battery life', CPU usage rarely above 20% - only using browser & citrix. Sometimes, it is too hot to touch directly. Fast forward a few months, it had gotten to a point where it was too hot to touch. This is how electronics work. I know Microsoft is replacing some defective chargers for old Surfaces, but never heard it for Surface Book chargers. I'm going to get a laptop stand that can stand the laptop up vertically. msi file that matches your current OS Build and click Next. When i try to manually go to sleep by the start menu, screen goes black but comes back to login screen in a few seconds. Dec 4, 2024 · The Fan seems to be Faulty, so the Unit is Very Hot and it won’t even let me backup data for the Client. I thought it was just becasue of the updates all at once. Then click the link next to Surface Laptop 2 then click Download on the next page. Unless you're using them in direct sunlight, or in abnormal conditions, heat is normal, and should not be something to be worried about. On the Surface app. Let me know what I should be doing. we have the exact same dilemma. Or it says low CPU and when I scroll in OneNote for example the voices in the Zoom meeting just come out distorted. Which Surface Pro do you have? And do you hear the fan spinning constantly and loudly? You can check the temperature of the components by using a tool like HWMonitor. 4: On the next page, select Surface then Technical support then choose your Surface model and click on Confirm. Jul 16, 2021 · After about a month after getting my Surface laptop 3, I had noticed overheating issues. The Surface Dock 2 features an active cable head and power delivery of 120W to host which is twice that of Surface Dock 1 at 60W, these two factors contribute to an increased temperature of the Surface Connect connector head during charging. Im really concerned. The heat from the keyboard becomes so hot & unbearable to touch. g. As suggested by phrequencyviii, I'd also recommend getting a replacement. Sep 3, 2020 · Hi, Mariam McFalls! Thanks for reaching out to Microsoft Community and posting your concern regarding the Surface Dock 2's connctor. Recently it started to get really hot when docked, within minutes. I went into console to look for any problem and found one: Aug 20, 2024 · It merely is plugged in and gets hot. Please advise on fixes or replacement. I can't even touch it for 2 seconds. May 29, 2023 · Go to Download driver and firmware for Surface, choose Surface Go. Jul 28, 2024 · Hi. I got a surface plus 3 weeks ago and it gets very hot, specially when I work it . To prevent this, turn off the device entirely while not in use. It works wonderfully as a laptop, but when I shut the lid and use an external monitor, the battery drains very quickly (2 hours-ish) and when I charge while using the monitor, the thing gets so hot that the fans kick on high. net is not affiliated with, maintained, authorized, endorsed or sponsored by Microsoft. Open the Surface App and select Help & support > Get help. It's really crazy to me that Microsoft is charging premium for such a terrible experience. Run Surface Diagnostic Toolkit and check Windows updates including optional updates if available. I find my 7+ gets hot while charging, but also Aug 16, 2023 · I purchased a Microsoft Surface Go 2 10. P Dec 22, 2021 · Go to Download driver and firmware for Surface, choose Surface Laptop. Jul 24, 2022 · By holding down the power button for 20 seconds until your Surface shuts down and restarts. It's a two month old Surface Pro 7 i5 (no fan) version, I have it connected via HDMI/USB C to a 27" external monitor, bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and almost all the time just have maybe six tabs open on Edge, looking at PDFs while a Youtube video plays to the side. It gets to the point of system warning that the device is overheating. they have almost the same price in my area. Feb 23, 2022 · Microsoft Surface Laptop Go gets hot easily with constant fan noise even though just searching information via msedge not over 5 mins Hi there, I have been using MICROSOFT SURFACE LAPTOP GO within 1 year and I realized that it gets hots really easy even when I'm just watching some Youtube videos. I am using the Dock 2 to extend my display. I purchased a new Surface Laptop 4 almost two weeks ago. This is actually very good solution. Now not sure I made the right decision. Hi recently purchased a Surface Go 128GB model and ive noticed that doing very light tasks causes the tablet to get ridiculously hot to the touch. Feb 16, 2023 · 1: Run Surface Diagnostic Toolkit. Surface Laptop Go 2 overheating while charging Especially so when I put it on sleep mode and yes, using the proprietary charger. The fan is constantly running. Honestly go on ebay. Mar 8, 2023 · In any event the issue still persists, and given you already did a reset on the device, then it would be best to get in touch with the Microsoft assisted support to get your device diagnosed or check your replacement options, if necessary. But in any event, you perceived that Surface is getting too hot to the touch, you can always request a possible exchange. The laptop’s aluminum body is designed to dissipate heat, but it can also trap heat inside, causing the device to overheat. The 2 units I tried to actually use both would get really hot, Connected standby likely the cause. It just provides 5v, not much can really go wrong there so no need to get a 9v battery systematically. Also, the finish is starting to bubble and peel. I went through five M3 models, and all had a LCD patchy bleeding issue around the edge: some to greater or lesser degree. You can use Task Manager to give some insight into what's driving the processor at these times. Then click the link next to Surface Go 2 then click Download on the next page. Apr 25, 2016 · Surface Forums - est 2012. After a series of purchases and returns, I’ve concluded that the M3 surface Go2 chassis was not made for the M3. Try to diagnose your Surface with the help of the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit, which is a dedicated diagnostic tool for Surface: Fix common Surface problems using the Surface app and Aug 22, 2023 · Not to mention it could steadily play Fortnite on the lowest settings at 45FPS but without ever getting too hot. Nov 15, 2023 · Go to Download driver and firmware for Surface, choose Surface Laptop. Apr 21, 2023 · Since the last few days facing the following issue with my Surface Laptop. After downloading, run and install the . Dec 16, 2024 · Before we dive into the reasons why your Surface laptop gets hot, it’s essential to understand its design. r/Surface. But once I unplug it, it quickly cools down, in usually 5 minutes. One of my main negatives is how hot the back of the surface go is just after 5 minutes of light gaming (point n clicks). I even bought desk fan for my old burning hot sp3 and it wasn't enough so I had to use wet tissues when I use fans to better cooling. Jul 26, 2024 · Why is my Microsoft Surface getting so hot? Here are a few reasons why your Microsoft Surface is overheating: Too many processes running : When several processes run in the background, it puts more load on the system resources and leads to overheating. This is an independent, unofficial enthusiast run site dedicated to Microsoft Surface owners that share the same passion as we do. We recommend that you Feb 15, 2020 · Run Surface Diagnostic Toolkit and check Windows Update ; Update drivers and firmware; Check what is the current OS Build of your Windows version by going to Settings > System > About. and 13. Laptop gets super hot to the touch and it's unuseable during that period. I leave my laptop alone frequently, and I’m now worried this thing is a fire hazard. After taking it out of the dock and letting cool, it works fine. The back of the device and screen both become very hot and can be uncomfortable to rest my hand on when writing with the pen. That's not to say that if you are constantly playing games and have a bunch of programs running in the background all the time and running the device harder than expected, you may experience some oddities or sluggishness in the Mar 22, 2022 · Reliably crashes if hot / plugged in but if cool, can go for days without problems. It never happens when I use it as a standard laptop. Feb 17, 2016 · This is the first issue I have had with the Surface Book in the almost week that I've had it. com) Jul 2, 2018 · Thanks for your reply. Just wanted to ensure whether it is normal , Its even hot when the battery is 100% charged as well . It's not just that it gets hot while charging, it gets hot while the battery's on 100%. Please let us know how it goes. It takes a very long to recharge / even after plugging in the power, it doesn’t get charged and remains at the same % level. Go to Windows Settings > Update & Security and select Check for updates. You can get a functional secondhand replacement for $20. Nov 17, 2017 · All of our Surfaces have an internal sensor installed that allows the Surface to detect if it is getting too hot. Go to Surface r/Surface. 5. Jul 15, 2024 · The harder your Surface is working, the more heat it is generating. 4: Run System File Checker Tool I've got a surface go 2 M3 8/128 version, around a year and a half old now. So I bought a surface laptop studio 3 days ago and it seems to get pretty hot on the space where my palms rest to the left and right of the mouse pad, the it blows warm air out the sides. Recently my Surface Go is seriously overheating when its charging. I have formatted it to test it again, and with hardly any software installed it heats up just the same (and loses battery very fast). Now I have surface go which is never overheat, (granted, ai undervolted it) and disabled most updates. Using a thermal imaging camera showed me that some parts of the surface of the charger were getting to over 75°C. I use the surface pro for teaching. What I find weird is the fact that my Surface Laptop has never reached the point of emergency shutdown. So I don't use my Surface Go 3 for anything more than watching youtube videos on the side or checking e-mails. Bottom line - when laptop is plugged (battery 100%) in or charging, the laptop gets very hot and noisy - is this 'Normal'? You said "Until the device is fully charged to 100%, additional cooling may be needed. Posted by u/Lexibuhh99 - 1 vote and 11 comments My surface go goes really hot while charging to a point that its uncomfortable to touch. If you could provide a screenshot of that tool running on your Jan 5, 2020 · Whenever I use my new surface laptop 3 (13. In school I have it connected to a smart board and it gets quite hot within 1-2 hours of use. Since now quite a long time, my Surface Pro cannot go to sleep when on power, and gets hot at the same time. We look forward to hearing from you. The lack of the back touching any other surface should help with it cooling. Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl, Alt, and Esc. This seems to be a design flaw of the surface. Item 3: There are not any background processes happening when the Surface gets hot! It simply gets hot when plugged in as stated. Does the Microsoft Surface 4 Laptop get hot by design or is getting this hot actually normal? If it charges properly when it's off but not when it's on then the some of the heat is likely coming from the processor, perhaps working on tasks in the background. 140. I've only had my tablet for 2 years. I too have a legion 5 laptop and looking for an on the go windows machine. Hey guys, got my new i5 256gb, 8gb ram model a couple of days ago and noticed this right away. Gets heated excessively (body becomes real hot) Battery gets discharged quickly. Wait at least 10 seconds. I'm thinking about getting a Go 2 M3 from the 2nd hand market for primarily onenote note taking. 107. My Surface Go 3 doesn't get hot enough for the thermometer to come up but I suppose I would have given up on it long before that. Ports tends to get hot when being used, and Surface Go will also get really hot when being heavily used (especially when running web browsers and watching videos), so the phenomenon is normal. SurfaceForums. 4: On the Describe your issue box, type in Contact support then click on Get Help. Choose the . If you want a less hot device, get one with a fan or specifically designed for thermals. Surface chargers have been pretty consistent over the years and many retired corporate or government devices get actioned off, parted out, and sold on ebay. Dec 27, 2018 · I recently got a Surface go with 4 GB RAM/64 GB and it did a bunch of updates all at once, then it got really hot. Jul 24, 2023 · Not to mention it could steadily play Fortnite on the lowest settings at 45FPS but without ever getting too hot. And don't worry, it will throttle and try to cool itself down when the temperature is too high, so normally it will not be damaged from the heat. Mar 14, 2023 · Press and hold down the power button until your Surface shuts down and restarts and you see the Windows logo screen (about 20 seconds), then release the power button. It's not very handicapping, but it has me worried as to whether the hot temperature can damage the Surface. ajezacg bcpict mzreyh utbn vrfyd xmg kijdil lijs tnjquwx ylcx fzfgi lomiodqh ehugcm lprnih kzxfr