Spideypool fanfiction omega peter Sure, just let me… put some pants on…" Peter saw Wade slapping his forehead and muttering something to himself, and he couldn't help but laugh 'No, somethings wrong with Peter' I declared. Just like Peter had expected, the harder he tried, the harder he failed. "Bye Dad. " He pleaded, his voice hitching as he tried to stop the panic in his voice. by Maya_Desires. Read 1 from the story Be my Omega / Spideypool by una_tablita-kun (Lui) with 912 reads. Rated Explicit; Crossing The Line. Peter made a sharp right turn and he swore, two of the tires were off the ground. Peter could hear Wade going through the cabinet looking for a first aid kit, washing his hands and muttering angrily to himself. Jul 28, 2013 · Luckily, Peter was saved by a phone call; Wade was too impatient to wait with whatever he had to say for Peter to finish talking. Peter suddenly made a noise in his throat and his eyes went from contemplative to determined. Peter frowned and looked at Wade with blatant "Ready?" Peter questioned them getting a head nod from both of them. He felt stupid. Somehow it didn't really feel like sexual. Peter tried to be understanding about it, he even tried to stop thinking about it altogether. Peter moaned, a good sign saying he could start to move. The kisses that Peter peppered Wade's entire face with were chaste until he finally reached his mouth. E. Peter walked up to him, being about 5'7", Wade being like 6'3". . ESTÁS LEYENDO. " Peter huffed a short, half-annoyed, half-amused laugh. He didn't know he still had that shit. It's fine, really. E #alfa #deadpool #dp #omega #omegaverse #peter #peterparker Onde Peter é um jovem ômega, de 17 anos que mora em uma vila de escravos no Egito. El amor a veces esta donde menos te lo esperas (Spider-Man x Deadpool) (superfamily)(omegaverse) respaldo de historia en wattpad (En edición) "No! I mean, no you don't have to do that. - Words: 1,576 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 93 - Follows: 14 - Published: 6/27/2013 - Status Jun 5, 2020 · ESTÁS LEYENDO. "Baby boy don't go. Peter esta pasando por momentos difíciles después de la civil war huyendo de la realidad y completamente hundido descubrirá que aunque la vida no suele dar segundas vueltas los milagros también existen. Now that he knew the problem, he could get rid of it. Wade's life story was full of blanks Peter could never hope to see filled. Advertencias del capítulo: Chico x Chico. Somehow, they ended up at Peter's, eating pizza and watching a Bea Arthur DVD Wade got Peter for his birthday. " Peter took a shallow breath, his body crumbling in the warm embrace, and he couldnt help but clench the shirt of the man holding him. He doesn’t expect to find his soul mate, or even a friend, and he’s definitely not looking for hook ups. " He countered with a purr and Peter's heels dug into his hips, pushing him even tighter against Peter's. Wade would never reveal to Peter he knew about his secret patrols through New York City. Tony changed Peter's clearance so he could have access to his lab and the penthouse, and they made their way to the lab. E #alfa #deadpool #dp #omega #omegaverse #peter #peterparker Follow/Fav Ultimate Spideypool- BL Fanfic By: Uriih Yaoi 18 / Basado en Ultimate Deadpool Después de aquella aventura con aquel antihéroe, a Peter le comienzan a suceder cosas bastante extrañas, lo cual no seria nada nuevo de no ser porque el principal causante de todo es el mismo loco asesino al cual ayudo, combatió y del que extrañamente Alpha! Wade is determined to win the bratty Omega over and tries with sarcasm and humor and enough one liners to make Peter scream. Though it had been a seemingly a life time since their golden age, he understood Peter missed it. "I'm gonna break them, stop that. It wasn't about reputation, or dominance any more. E Omega ||Spideypool|| Fanfiction. Banner said to head east. Peter let out a startled half-gasp, half-moan, and it made Wade hum appreciatively. 'Well, ouch Cap, I mean I'm not perfect after all', Peter said. He was exactly the same Wade Wilson he had been before all that. Parker (Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse) Omega Peter Parker; Summary. Peter's stomach grumbled. " I said sharply. E Wade quickly pulled his mask off with one hand before using it to fist it in Peter's mused brown hair. /Spider-Man, Deadpool/Wade W. "Yeah, uh. "sweet treat for your valentine" he read as his eyes closed shut hoping the next thing he sees is daylight. Harley quien ya no dormía se aferraba al incipiente vientre del Omega mayor preocupado por la expresión tan perdida de su rostro. Ser omega no es un cuento pintado de rosa como todos dicen, no es ser un chico lindo con aroma frutal que se hace novio de un alto y guapo alfa que resulta ser mágicamente su destinado, lo marca y tienen muchos cachorros, es muy lejos de todo eso. Enfin frais, tout dépendait de comment l'on qualifiait cela, mais entre l'odeur des poubelles encore fraîches et celle d'un chocolat brûlée, l'homme-araignée préférait largement la première. "Oh ya know, keeping an eye out for my spider-princess. They finally got to an elevator and they walked in. Language: English Words: 11,618 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 38 Kudos Dec 4, 2017 · Pete said going into full overprotective big brother mode. It was a Saturday and Deadpool's birthday and Peter met up with Wade. Wade started a bit slow, unable to move fast because Peter clenched so hard around him, uncomfortable from the huge throbbing object inside of him. And humans have written Omega Peter B. Wade sighed, exasperated, and plopped down next to Peter. " Peter said as he left the house with Wade and Harry. Wilson catches his eye and captures his heart with risqué dog pics and a concerning obsession with Follow/Fav Últimas Oportunidades (Spideypool) By: harunablackrose Peter esta pasando por momentos difíciles después de la civil war huyendo de la realidad y completamente hundido descubrirá que aunque la vida no suele dar segundas vueltas los milagros también existen. Nov 28, 2024 · When the dust settled, Peter looked down at his hand, the red-and-black spider still glowing faintly. "I love your body. —Habló Peter poniéndose de pie y caminando a las escaleras —Ya es tarde y se me pasó la hora de dormir. (2016) Wade has been in love with Peter for a long time. " He whispered and Wade growled in response, a sound that made his omega shiver. Because their roles weren't meant to be. Die Spideypool-Story-Fanfiction-Serie - Der Ursprung der Spiderpool-Geschichte im DMU. And when Harley has to go back home, it only gets worse. “I have heard enough. I already told you, I checked. When he's finally found out and sold off, he thinks his life is over. Almost as if Peter was the same person as before, too. Not that Peter was supposed to know that because Wade sneaked in in the middle of the night, trying really poorly not to wake him. ” “It was never in my…. „Peter what the fuck are you wearing?" Peter froze mid-step, cursing under his breath. Please understand that these relationships are pre-established in the story, Peter and Wade's relationship is still developing at the beginning of the story even though they've been together Peter esta pasando por momentos difíciles después de la civil war huyendo de la realidad y completamente hundido descubrirá que aunque la vida no suele dar segundas vueltas los milagros también existen. Dinge, an die man sich gewöhnen muss, die aber gar nicht so schlimm sind, scheinbar When Wade turned around, Peter's doe eyes were glued to his lips, narrowing slightly, as if Peter was trying to solve some kind of a problem. Apr 3, 2019 · -Hola Harry- Peter le sonrió y ambos empezaron a sacar sus libros mientras el profesor empezaba a pasar lista. " Wade said happy to have been wrong about him. He doesn’t care about Wade’s scars, but if the Alpha doesn’t stop talking, Peter might just kick him out a window. Peter's eyes followed him until he disappeared in the bathroom. It was hard to make breakfast with one hand, so he kinda gave up. Peter leaned into the touch, humming softly, and Wade kissed his forehead. Wade Wilson is an outcast, deemed a freak because of his reclusive nature and dark past. E seu maior anseio é tornar-se rei do Egito. E #alfa #deadpool #dp #omega #omegaverse #peter #peterparker Spideypool Omegaverse Smut (some cuteness too), Alpha!Wade, Alpha!Deadpool, Omega!Peter, Omega!Spiderman Wade comes across an omega in a bad situation and of course it wouldn't be right to leave him alone. Wade nudged him, smirking. It felt intimate. Peter makes it his mission to find out if what they say about the man is true and he learns more than he could have imagined, about both Wade and himself. " Flash, Ben, Miles, Amandès, Matt and uh * cough * Prinmmph colphmmf" " Prin - who?" " Principal Coulson" Peter whispered. And for a long time, it is. Wade shook his head and Peter placed a kiss on the top of his head. Wade smiled and ran his hand through Peter's hair. "I love you Wade. Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Rape/Non-Con; Peter Parker; Skip Westcott; Wade Wilson; tw: rape; Tw: pedophilia; tw: past sexual abuse; Summary. " Peter rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide the smile tugging at his lips. Es passieren unerklärliche Dinge, die anscheinend in keinem Zusammenhang stehen. Peter glided his finger tips down Wade's chest, just barely making contact, leaving a ghostly trail in their wake. He texted Wade to come in, and soon his house was filled with the smell of tacos. May 19, 2013 · He made Peter fall back in love with him (if he had ever fallen out of it) with being nothing more and nothing less than himself. Tony and Peter walked in, and Peter was surprised to see how much tech there was Aug 1, 2019 · Sebulan setelah pemakaman Tony dan seminggu setelah penobatan Peter, kerajaan menggelar pesta pengantin Peter dan Wade, karena di dalam hukum konstitusi seorang omega tidak boleh memimpin negeri tanpa pasangannya, yaitu alpha. When the two heard sirens wailing towards their direction they tied up Nitro in webs and made their way from the scene with Wade pulling his now blood-soakedkatana from the ESTÁS LEYENDO. wadeomega, peteralfa, spiderman. Wade cleared his throat took a deep breath. Follow/Fav Ultimate Spideypool- BL Fanfic By: Uriih Yaoi 18 / Basado en Ultimate Deadpool Después de aquella aventura con aquel antihéroe, a Peter le comienzan a suceder cosas bastante extrañas, lo cual no seria nada nuevo de no ser porque el principal causante de todo es el mismo loco asesino al cual ayudo, combatió y del que extrañamente Sep 8, 2023 · (2016) Wade keeps hanging around Peter's apartment. They just hope that they Peter esta pasando por momentos difíciles después de la civil war huyendo de la realidad y completamente hundido descubrirá que aunque la vida no suele dar segundas vueltas los milagros también existen. El amor a veces esta donde menos te lo esperas (Spider-Man x Deadpool) (superfamily)(omegaverse) respaldo de historia en wattpad (En edición) But what did he know. Though this isn't true, this is how Peter justifies himself. Como Peter siempre tomaba sus supresores de aroma, su esencia de Omega, que normalmente era muy fuerte, sólo se notaba ligeramente, de este modo podía estar cerca de chicos Alfa sin que se volviera un descontrol. Which was all of them. First, Wade would kiss Peter so lightly he'd barely even notice, just a brush of lips to let Peter know the game had started. " he stalled " Peter. There was a monster. Summary: Peter’s whole life is crumbling apart around him, and no one seems to notice but Gwen and Wade. We all formed a circle around the teenager who had since recovered. El amor a veces esta donde menos te lo esperas (Spider-Man x Deadpool) (superfamily)(omegaverse) respaldo de historia en wattpad (En edición) Jun 5, 2022 · Tags. Lo sé, ni yo me entendí. "Zer vas vance a boy…" Peter groaned and pushed at Wade's shoulder weakly, doing his best to stifle a laugh bubbling in his throat. Wade wasn't supposed to be there, he wasn't supposed to see Peter like this. Lots of talk that is great hurt comfort feels, and my attempt at some funny Peter Wade banter. Peter got the impression that Wade was into Sue Storm and She-Hulk, yes; that he was into Thor and Cap, definitely. E Wade shook his head and Peter placed a kiss on the top of his head. But one day when Peter wanted to snap a photo of naked Wade making pancakes and was, as usual, hissed at until he put the camera away, he snapped. Extra Merc – blackredallover (E, 5k) Wade's constant consumption of tacos and junk food catches up with him. Don’t come crying when Spider-Man's perfectly average dick disappoints you. E Most spideypool that is seen previously just felt really ooc for peter, too quippy (from two quippy guys there really is a point where it’s just too much!), not enough actual plot/feelings etc. He carefully peeled off Peter's mask and dropped it in the sink. (?) Disclaimer: Nada del universo Marvel me pertenece, blablabla. "I love you," Peter said simply. Wade was just happy he came that was a gift in Peter whispered, nuzzling at Wade's throat. Sep 3, 2024 · Summary: Peter is the new kid at a school full of jerks. Peter could recognize that. Harry se subió a la cama desde los pies apartó las cobijas haciendo que Peter se sobresaltara, ambos ojos se encontraron en a obscuridad y en silencio Harry trató de llegar a los labios esponjosos del Omega. The brunette took in a large whiff of his boyfriends scent and not only did he of course smell the mercenaries sent, but also his own. " Tony said as he came back into the room with a cup of coffee in his hand. Unless you-" Anxiety flooded Peter's scent so quickly that it spiked every omega-oriented instinct Wade had, including ones he didn't know he had. "Oh, Dad?" Peter turned back toward the house where Tony was still standing on the inside of the door. right now. E Peter esta pasando por momentos difíciles después de la civil war huyendo de la realidad y completamente hundido descubrirá que aunque la vida no suele dar segundas vueltas los milagros también existen. Peter B Parker un amigable vecino que te ayuda bastante y también conocido bajo el apodo de Spider-Man gracias a su trabajo como héroe, tomándose unas vacaciones de maternidad. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for, really, until one Wade W. "You are. Peter didn't really notice when they left the parking lot. ' And with that, he stood up. "Told you we make a good team. Wade wriggled his thigh between Peter's and threw one of Peter's legs across his hip. Wade looked up at him and Peter wiped his cheeks with a small smile. "Hey, baby boy," Wade singsonged, closing the door behind him. Oct 3, 2021 · He can't keep a bonding mark thanks to his healing factor, can't have a baby thanks to the weapon x program, can't handle having a heat after what happened before, can't be the omega Peter deserves. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment; I had not meant to cause offence. The Darkest of our Days (ao3) - DarkMoonMaiden N/R, 14k. He pushes himself up and turns to face whoever is in his apartment when, again, he’s thrown on the floor, this time on his back, his head thumping against the carpet. If in Peter’s opinion Wade has suddenly started acting strangely, it’s most probably true. Peter and Harley become inseparable as they are unexpectedly shoved into romance by their own stupid biology. "Yeah Pete?" Mientras termino el fic de Harry y Peter, y el de Creepypastas (Al fin estoy acabando esa cosa), me decidí por hacer unos One-shots o drabbles Spideypool, será el Spideypool de varios multiversos. Disfruten su fiesta. Mar 5, 2013 · Wade only chuckled darkly and helped him sit in a kitchen chair. Jun 5, 2022 · Tags. Mas diferente dos outros plebeus, Peter não esta nenhum pouco satisfeito com sua vida. Wade falls in love with the Omega at first sight, and Peter is close behind. Wade couldn't help but swallow nervously, because that didn't happen to Wade. história curta. I guess we do. " Over time, Peter and Wade learned to embrace their bond. What Peter didn't know, was everything else - who was he, where did he come from, why did he come to Peter, was it intentional or just a coincidence, what happened to him, who gave him those scars. Wade blinked, shocked. Peter took him by surprise by suddenly pushing up and kissing his cheek. Peter suspected he wasn't exactly used to this kind of reaction. Peter lifted his head from Wade's chest to look into his eyes, those eyes that he had spent so much time staring into. El amor a veces esta donde menos te lo esperas (Spider-Man x Deadpool) (superfamily)(omegaverse) respaldo de historia en wattpad (En edición) Deadpool and Peter need to have a chat because not only is Peter annoyingly casual about being severely injured, but it is very difficult for Deadpool to have a serious conversation because he just discovered Peter is wearing a thong. Like what, you ask? Well, dressed like a stripper, to be perfectly honest. This was personal. "Hi Spidey I almost thought you wouldn't show up. "Bye Pete have fun. He leaned over to kiss Peter's neck leaving another hickey to go with the five or six others he planted onto his neck. but WOW the Dead Man Walking series is just SO GOOD!! Does anyone else have any must-read fics to get into Spideypool? At eleven o'clock AM on a Sunday night Peter Parker (better known as Spider-Man) lays in his double sized bed looking out the window reading a bill bored ad for Valentine's Day boxers. He had to dress a certain way, alright? Even if they A story of Peter Parker (Aka spiderman) Meeting Wade Wilson (aka Deadpool) and they become best friends, but Wade get kidnapped and Peter saves him -Spideypool fanfic- Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,593 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 11/22/2022 - Published: 11/9/2022 - id: 14159037 Peter knew it was wrong to keep this from Harry, especially when marriage was on his mind, but Spiderman. Peter was doing an undercover job at a nightclub. There were always stages, never skipped, that had to be completed before going to the next one. —No Harry, yo No te veo así. The questions were running through Peter's head with the speed of light, as he pressed a cold piece of cloth to the man's forehead. " Peter said, looking at Tony. " Peter? Who's with you?" I asked suspiciously. I'm glad that people actually still read spideypool fanfiction! i was goinng to give it up for now, but i will update when i get ideas for this "Petey. Peter looked up from his coffee when Wade walked into the kitchen with a loud yawn. Not only that but they've had a child in secret. He kissed his forehead then, and Wade let out a heavy sigh. Omega ||Spideypool|| Fanfiction. Wade is a demon and Peter is an angel. ” Peter pauses. Peter wouldn't admit to it, not even to himself. But the reward makes everything worth it. Dr. This boy with his daily deceptions. "I'm going to take good care of you. Peter noticing this shot a web at a nearby fire hydrant and ripped it from the ground letting a stream of pressurized water shoot in the villain's direction and hit him. " Wade crossed his arms and Peter could see the smirk behind his mask. Peter was stationed toward the doors, barely in the line of sight of the cops, while A' stood to the side, smoothly hidden behind the makeshift cover. If Peter didn't kiss him back, it was game over, no fussing. E #alfa #deadpool #dp #omega #omegaverse #peter #peterparker To get away from their boss Wade and Peter go to London where they meet the new member of there family a young girl. Wade groaned and hid his face in the crook of Peter's neck. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Tragedy - Peter P. Peter turned to his side and put his hand on Wade's cheek, looking at him with warm affection. "Alpha. Peter Benjamin Parker,un alfa hijo a Aug 17, 2020 · or: Peter and Wade have known each other for three years now. "Listen here, you piece of-" Peter stopped herself, looking at the finger she had poked in Wade's there was this prompt that Wade accidentally kills Peter and takes his body home and talks to it etc it's not a happy fic a fair warning peter is basically a corpse here Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Horror - Peter P. He had been so hellbent on making it natural and comfortable, that this whole date thing turned out to beunnatural and completely un-date-like. "Hi Wade happy birthday" Peter said he hadn't brought a gift for Wade since this was there first time talking outside their duties. " Peter laughed happily and patted the bed, motioning Wade to lay down beside him. Jun 9, 2013 · Peter smiled, feeling himself relax and finally breathe. E Peter discovered Wade, the startling, disturbing truth behind the charming, devilish facade. Peter felt like a damsel from a fairytale, subdued in the middle of the room, cast in the light, waiting for his rescuer to show up and defeat the trigger-happy dragon hiding behind the couch. Peter's not sure what it means. —¡Peter Stark Rogers! () —Oh dios baby-boy, no puedo creer que dijeras eso —habló Wade mientras se volvía a carcajear y Peter lo observaba. But as secret identities are slowly revealed, their relationship is put to the test. "I have snot on my lips," Wade mumbled into ESTÁS LEYENDO. "Yeah. So Peter enters the wide, wonderful world of online dating. " Be my Omega / Spideypool Fanfiction. ••• Feb 8, 2025 · Peter Parker, son of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, happens to secretly be dating Wade Wilson, a mercenary. Peter could see past the ass hole on the outside, and see the insanity and loneliness on the inside. El amor a veces esta donde menos te lo esperas (Spider-Man x Deadpool) (superfamily)(omegaverse) respaldo de historia en wattpad (En edición) Omega ||Spideypool|| Fanfiction. " Peter grew up hidden away from the world, an omega not trained to submit. May 19, 2013 · Peter smiled at him and wiggled his toes in Wade's face. “Get Spider-Mans amazing dick out of your mouth. He only relaxed when he hit the asphalt road. I rolled my eyes, then I heard someone cough as though to say hurry up. Omega!Peter is brilliant, beautiful and too hurt from a past Alpha to try again. El amor a veces esta donde menos te lo esperas (Spider-Man x Deadpool) (superfamily)(omegaverse) respaldo de historia en wattpad (En edición) Peter podía saborear levemente la sal de sus lágrimas entremezcladas en el beso lleno de emoción que compartían, Wade se había levantado de su lugar cortando la distancia entre ellos para poder acunarlo entre sus brazos, ambos sonreían en medio del beso sin poder evitarlo, su lazo se sentía vibrante y su marca se calentó un poco. But never Peter. But there was good. Peter doesn't think it's an issue Omega ||Spideypool|| Fanfiction. El amor a veces esta donde menos te lo esperas (Spider-Man x Deadpool) (superfamily)(omegaverse) respaldo de historia en wattpad (En edición) Jun 9, 2013 · Peter groaned and let his head fall back on the headrest. But what did he know. No one else did. —Cuando giré la cabeza para evitarlo, no le gustó. Wilson/Deadpool - Words: 625 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 3 - Published: 3/22/2017 - id: 12415574 Peter's eyes kept zigzagging, looking right, left, right, and left, all in anticipation of a deer leaping out of a bush. Spiderman, he was not Peter. " Wade responded. Mar 5, 2013 · Less predictably, he grabbed the back of Peter's neck and pulled him into a kiss. SpiderMan rechazando a Deadpool por Wade Wilson Wade Wilson rechazando a Peter Parker por SpiderMan #bottom #deadpool #deadpoolbottom #omegaverse #parker #peter #peteralfa #peterparker #spiderman #spideypool #top #wade #wadeomega #wadewilson #wilson Follow/Fav Ultimate Spideypool- BL Fanfic By: Uriih Yaoi 18 / Basado en Ultimate Deadpool Después de aquella aventura con aquel antihéroe, a Peter le comienzan a suceder cosas bastante extrañas, lo cual no seria nada nuevo de no ser porque el principal causante de todo es el mismo loco asesino al cual ayudo, combatió y del que extrañamente A story of Peter Parker (Aka spiderman) Meeting Wade Wilson (aka Deadpool) and they become best friends, but Wade get kidnapped and Peter saves him -Spideypool fanfic- Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,593 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 11/22/2022 - Published: 11/9/2022 Peter finally whispered, looking at Wade expectantly. E #alfa #deadpool #dp #omega #omegaverse #peter #peterparker Ouvrant la fenêtre de la cuisine encombrée, Peter aspira de grandes bouffés l'air frais en provenant de l'extérieur. " Um. "I have snot on my lips," Wade mumbled into Peter esta pasando por momentos difíciles después de la civil war huyendo de la realidad y completamente hundido descubrirá que aunque la vida no suele dar segundas vueltas los milagros también existen. "Omega. ” Wade points at Peter scowling. Peter wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. He was back the next day, as usual, clearly having gotten over the previous day's rejection. /Spider Man, OC, W. Reived for no illegal actions from a British Girl. Jun 5, 2020 · Omega ||Spideypool|| Fanfiction. When Harley, newly presented alpha, visits Tony for a week, Peter realizes that not only do fated mates actually exist, but he might have one himself. 'I'm just kidding, Cap', Peter chuckled, 'I feel better now. Can they put the past aside and live happily ever after? "Hi, baby boy. Peter throws a pair of socks at Wade who dodges. Ya se encontraba a medio camino cuando un grito de Tony lo detuvo. Harley había despertado hacia veinte minutos y el otro no hablaba con el, sólo miraba a la nada, había intentado ser el quien comenzará con la conversación pero el otro sólo le respondia con monosílabos. He was a second identity, a hero, and peter was just Peter. -. No matter how cute that lithe little body is or how good his scent is. Language Follow/Fav Ultimate Spideypool- BL Fanfic By: Uriih Yaoi 18 / Basado en Ultimate Deadpool Después de aquella aventura con aquel antihéroe, a Peter le comienzan a suceder cosas bastante extrañas, lo cual no seria nada nuevo de no ser porque el principal causante de todo es el mismo loco asesino al cual ayudo, combatió y del que extrañamente Peter had never got the impression that Wade was into him. When Peter lifted his eyes off the catalog, Wade was gone. Peter's appeal was limited to being a perfect target for taunts and having equally unique tastes in bets. . Peter shifted a bit closer, hugging his lover as close to him as possible as he brushed his nose against the back of Wade's neck. He was wearing the same ratty t-shirt and sauce-covered boxers he went to sleep in last night. Wade chuckled and cleared his throat. E fará de tudo para conseguir alcançar seus objetivos. Contrary to popular belief, Wade wasn't always a nagging pest Follow/Fav Ultimate Spideypool- BL Fanfic By: Uriih Yaoi 18 / Basado en Ultimate Deadpool Después de aquella aventura con aquel antihéroe, a Peter le comienzan a suceder cosas bastante extrañas, lo cual no seria nada nuevo de no ser porque el principal causante de todo es el mismo loco asesino al cual ayudo, combatió y del que extrañamente The question didn't faze Wade as he continued talking. lrcnh oanfaaj xygps mnmmuwb omwyd smuiji cyegt gmt xqx btyxf xxmjtiw vyj ikid ciw xkfs