Refresh fragment android. getName(); Fragment fragment=fragMgr.

Refresh fragment android Fragment Feb 20, 2018 · How to refresh/reload a Fragment in android? 0. Any one help me to refresh the home fragment. How to refresh a fragment after onbackpressed from activity with kotlin. * * This causes [Fragment. Here is method: Sep 19, 2017 · I am trying to refresh my incomefrag and expenditurefrag when a date is selected. To draw a UI for your fragment, you must return a View from this method that is the root of your fragment's layout. BTW, I have initialized the adapter in onCreate() because I need the adapter to maintain loaded data across screen transitions. v4. Hot Network Questions Sep 12, 2016 · How can I refresh my fragment (chart-fragment) in parent fragment? I tried doing it like this, but it doesn't work. Like as @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. Fragment retaining old information (not updating properly) 0. the dialog is show when the method showDialog is called: mi fragment is android. This method removes item form list, and now I want to refresh fragment, so removed item isn't on the list anymore. Jul 24, 2015 · As per me there is simple to refresh the fragment when come back from other fragment, We just have to override the onActivityCreated Method for refresh fragment. Android - Reload a Fragment that is Part of ViewPager. Refresh/Reload/Re instantiate a Fragment in an android tab system. Dec 5, 2017 · Android refresh a ViewPager inside a fragment. Edit 1: There are three fragments, which are attached with the main activity: Apr 21, 2015 · In my Android Application, I have two Fragments in my Activity, A and B. Please help me to solve this. I include this in fragment class: Jun 25, 2019 · I have a tab layout with 2 fragment and I have a toolbar with different options that belong to the activity which hosts the view pager. E. Aug 31, 2016 · The spinner position is on the toolbar. Declare ViewPager2 in xml. Refresh fragment when coming back on it in viewpager. id Jul 27, 2017 · So after taking the photo from the Camera Intent, I have to go back to another fragment and come back to see my photo refreshed in the GridView. How do i make new Fragment onTabSelected to refresh my content? 2. And with Jul 16, 2014 · How to refresh fragment activity in android. findFragmentById(R. I want to when the switch button Changed to true,text of a textview that is on the fragment,changed Mar 24, 2012 · I tried @Gazer answer, it doesn't work for me, I am using different fragment class. Here is what I did. Mar 26, 2014 · Android ViewPager Refresh fragment. I didn't found a answer which fits to my code. If Apr 17, 2020 · After initialising the ExampleDialog object, you can set a target fragment to pass data to (as long as they are attached to the same activity) via an intent by using Fragment class inherited function; exampleDialog. addFlags(Intent. BackStackEntry latestEntry=fragMgr. Dec 10, 2016 · Being a developer we face many difficulties while developing. But I am really new in Android and ecspecially to Fragments and Viewpager. I have used a fragment transaction and replaced fragment “A” with fragment “B”. Apr 7, 2018 · The solution was not to work with list of apps but to refresh the fragment. My idea was to do notifyDataSetInvalidated() from refresh. Jan 29, 2017 · My app have a fragmentActivity with tabBar which control over the view pager and contain 3 fragments ,when i update my class User in fragmentB,i need to display him in fragmentC. public interface DataSavedListener { void onDataSaved(); } Second Fragment Aug 30, 2017 · and then when you want to refresh fragment A from B, you can call the following code: getTargetFragment(). what should I do to refresh fragment? Jan 5, 2019 · Refresh a fragment android. An Activity will always "know" everything about the Fragments it uses but Fragments should never "know" anything about any Activity they are attached to except for checking that the Activity implements the Fragment's own interface (where necessary). getName(); Fragment fragment=fragMgr. Fragment transaction method will prevent me from defining my fragment in the layout xml of my activity and I will have to programatically insert the fragment at the right position. Sep 27, 2016 · If profile is an activity, start it using startActivityforResult, and get new data in onActivityResult if fragment instance isn't null, call some method say update in that fragment. import android. Aug 9, 2013 · I've added a refresh button to the Fragment, the idea being that when you press it it retrieves any changes in the file and adds them to the view if necessary. Fragment One : download Image to my fragment two grideView. Sep 24, 2015 · In my app,i'm using a ViewPager with a PagerTabStrip,on the actionbar i have a switch button. Each adapter item is a fragment and in this fragment in its onCreatView each chess view is initialised. create the Handler and Runnable in the onCreate() and onAttach() Jun 13, 2013 · after AlertDialog confirmation, I call method on DB. When I finish Activity, it should refresh the fragment. Jul 10, 2014 · In my FragmentActivity I have a fragment. Nov 23, 2016 · i got viewpager with 4 tabs . java: Sep 9, 2014 · SOLVED - in my comment below. In this activity I select the from and to dates. Refresh fragments after coming back from an activity. Create an action from that fragment to itself. Till now, I have used the following code: Intent intent = getIntent(); Intent. Sep 27, 2012 · I have a fragment activity that uses a ViewPager to display a set of fragments. If you want to send data to an activity, process the data and return the result, in your case you could do it by starting new activity for result by startForActivityResult and also set the result before finish the activity with setResult method in your booking activity. This code share only helping purpose who find solution. Create Adapter. getBackStackEntryCount()-1); String str=latestEntry. It does not change according to change in date but changes when another tab is selected. Fragment. Refreshing data display on a fragment. Dec 26, 2016 · My 4 fragments in ViewPager have one common button from parent activity that opens a dialog and should refresh ListViews in these 4 fragments. here are the steps. Apr 6, 2015 · I have 3 fragments with their 3 navigation tabs. toLong() } override fun createFragment(position: Int): Fragment { return Nov 24, 2016 · public class MyPageAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter { // fragments to instantiate in the viewpager private List<Fragment> fragments; // constructor public MyPageAdapter(FragmentManager fm,List<Fragment> fragments) { super(fm); this. So, How to refresh the Account Fragment after onbackpressed from activity ? Apr 7, 2017 · This server data depend upon fragment button click. getBackStackEntryAt(fragMgr. I update it in onResume() method and it works but only if I leave fragment and come back to it. navigate(fragmentId) Sep 10, 2013 · If you create your fragments like . The first one is the gridview of applications, the second one is a gridview for documents. May 6, 2015 · From your question it is clear you are able to get to work fine when loaded first time. If profile is another fragment in the main activity, then store the changes in SharedPreferenceManager. :(I have 4 fragment tabs (created dynamically) in my Main Activity. thanks for your collaboration Oct 12, 2013 · I have an Action Bar with Fragment as follow. Its is achievable by making an interface MainActivity. How to refresh a fragment in a viewpager? 12. onActivityResult( getTargetRequestCode(), Activity. Since the code is more than 200 lines pasting only imp parts. Pls have passion with me. How to refresh a fragment in a viewpager? 0. When I click the back button, listview appears but sometimes not all the elements appear; some of them appear in white. val fragmentId = findNavController(). now after i successfully Nov 17, 2013 · I'm quite new in android and i have a problem trying to develop an app. Jul 18, 2014 · Android refresh a ViewPager inside a fragment. Works perfectly fine for me. Here is my custom FragmentPagerAdapter (I used google's sample) I do have two fragments in my App . The snippet will call the onCreateView Method of the Fragment. I have back button in toolbar for Fragment to Activity communication. Mar 5, 2021 · As per this issue:. setTargetFragment(fragment, REQUEST CODE), then inside the DialogFragment (ExampleDialog class), call getTargetFragment(). All the other methods in it have to be static and its working ok, except now I need setPreferenceScreen(null); addPreferencesFromResource(R. When i realized this situation i tried bundle approach. onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent I have an activity with two fragments added to a tabAction. 6. I need the fragment to do it independently from the activity. commit (); Senario 2 : When we add fragment into backstack on the key basis like this; Why should I create a whole new fragment and replace my current fragment when all I need is to refresh the text on the views that my fragment contains. onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); //your code which you want to refresh loadItems(); } Jan 24, 2015 · class HomeViewPagerAdapter( fa: FragmentActivity ) : FragmentStateAdapter(fa) { lateinit var fragments: ArrayList<Fragments> override fun getItemCount(): Int { return fragments. The code must be placed inside the Fragment that needs to be updated. If i manually swipe from tabs 3 to tabs 2, it r Jan 21, 2020 · I'm trying to refresh the data in my fragment every time the user clicks on it in the Bottom Menu Navigation. Mar 18, 2017 · Thanks for this. 7. When i go to Fragment B and add a new user and hit done, i go back to Fragment A, now i should "Refresh" the users list. My objective is that I don't want to refresh my fragments never! How can I Mar 6, 2016 · Android refresh a ViewPager inside a fragment. UPDATE: I am Nov 29, 2012 · To refresh the contents of a fragment, you could keep a reference to the fragment, and call a public (for example) refresh() method in that fragment. But, I want it by refreshing the fragment. If any changes done in another fragment means it will update in home fragment. How to refresh fragment activity in android. public interface MyDialogListener { void OnCloseDialog(Object obj); //you can put any object here } Implement the interface class in the Parent Fragment Feb 20, 2016 · Then do one thing . Refresh Fragment View on Tab Change. But before deep into it, I would like to clarify the concept of Viewpager and when and why we should use it. But I have a problem, the problem is when i use FragmentTransaction to refresh my fragment, it returns an error; java. support. Sep 8, 2016 · How to refresh/reload a Fragment in android? 0. How to refresh/reload a Fragment in android? 3. After I update the user profile, when I click on BackPressed Button to Back to the Account Fragment,the Account Fragment didn't refrech and the new information didn't appear. java Sep 28, 2016 · Hello I'm implementing a dynamic TabLayout using a single fragment, i have manage to create the tabs so far but there is a problem using a single fragment. May I know how to get the current fragment and refresh the content. my question is how to refresh fragmentC every time when i add new User. How to refresh data in Sep 7, 2015 · Android refresh a ViewPager inside a fragment. Android Studio says that it must be static (inner fragment) and if its not it will crash (tested and happen'd). getPosition());// create a method viewpager. Here is my code to replace Fragment A with FragmentB. public class My extends Frag This is my dialog inside fragment it works fine, now I want that when i click "ok" button it reload the current fragment. 0. xml. setOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout. OnTabSelectedListener() { @Override public void onTabSelected(TabLayout. Jun 9, 2016 · To refresh the current Android Fragment you can use the snippet below. The problem is that if i'm on the first tab, and i click the third. The steps to follow are : Define an Interface in the fragment where you have implemented the onClickListener (let it be Fragment A) Jan 24, 2020 · Account is a fragment and when I click on the update Button I go to the UpdateProfile activity. onCreate]). onDestroy] followed by [Fragment. Go to your navigation graph and find the fragment you want to refresh. currentDestination?. Nov 24, 2013 · How to refresh/reload a Fragment in android? Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default To add a little bit to it, this happens in android versions 26 and above where reordering is allowed by default. TabsPagerAdapter. Create an interface class . I tried using static adapters but that didn't work. Unfortunately, nothing changes however when I reload the Fragment (for example, rotating the device) I can see the new data. There is also documentation how to communicate between fragments. A GridRow is just a row of checkedTextview representing a cell. RESULT_OK, new Intent() ); and refresh A fragment from the onActivityResult() method in your fragment A:. Here Fragement1 is added to View Pager inside Activity class. Jun 25, 2015 · I can also call a method on each on item selected change. Here is the structure. android reset/reload fragment data. So how to call them when the user is in the first fragment. tablayout. Also the listener for a cell is in the same fragment where I check for current states and new state and change the state accordingly. There are 3 fragments inside viewpager. How to refresh a fragment in a viewpager? 3. This is working as intended with the new state manager as mentioned in the Fragment 1. How can I make sure that the data is refreshed when I come back to the fragment? I'm using startActivityForResult() and catching the result with the code below but I still do not get a refresh of the fragment When the app load the fragment who has the YoutubePlayerView for first time, it works well, but when I move to other fragment and then back to the fragment the video can't be played. Everything works fine as expected, but one thing I can't figure out why it happens. Codes are written below: Interface public interface IFragmentOperation { public void refresh(); } Feb 28, 2015 · Got it by using FragmentManager to replace the obsolete fragment with a new one. Hope this helps. If i move to the home fragment means,the fragment should be refreshed. Sep 26, 2014 · So it is an issue with ExpandableListAdapter, when I click the button I now delete my child row and then call notifyDataSetChanged() and manually call my SwipeRefreshLayout to refresh, problem is that it deletes the row and then adds it back because the by the time the JSON call is done, the refresh is already done so if it could wait like 5 Mar 8, 2022 · But after I navigate to some fragment and get back to the same screen, clicking on refresh only handles click event but does not refresh the adapter. Apr 7, 2020 · Fragment #2 is to Insert or Update operations (Transactions). In “A” Fragment I have developed one form and in that form some data is coming from a database. I enter an amount from a prompt in Main Activity and save it to database. I saw a lot of example using getFragmentByTag() but my fragment is created dynamically. I created an int Oct 2, 2015 · How to refresh a Fragment in android. On the fragment activity I have a button that when clicked, it sends a message to the current fragment to refresh its contents. in each tab there is a fragment. beginTransaction(); fragmentTransaction. When I rotate the tablet my fragments are not up to date. How to update-refresh Fragment in ViewPager by Main Activity programmatically. I also added the popular PullToRefresh library. Android Fragment refresh doesn't work. If I click the second tab (in the middle) and I click the first, it doesn't reload. use the Activities onResume Method in which you are showing the Fragment and then from within this Activity's OnResume call the Fragment' Function where you want to refresh the Fragment. 3. size } override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long { return fragments[position]. But, your backstack and tab switching remain intact. Sep 25, 2012 · But the Fragment that it comes back to shows that information and it's not refreshing when the activity is finished. So how to do refresh current fragment when I resume an activity? My fragment page contains listviews, hence it should be updated, when i finish activity. I have a fragment called GalleryHomeFragment, from which I click a button and go to in your Activity. In my fragment activity, I have to choose from that spinner and on item select, I will get the id and send that id to async task in fragment activity and get the JSON data and show the data in the fragment. lang. my first tab is a fragment with a form (for example Users) after i click save, the data is inserted in the database. Jul 9, 2014 · Now I need to reflect the updated data. ordinal. Now you can call that action inside that fragment like so. Nov 2, 2013 · How to update-refresh Fragment in View Pager by Main Activity programmatically after long struggle I have found proper solution. When the work completes * the fragment view model is set to indicate the data is available, and this triggers a different layout to be inflated. Everything works ok (activity / current fragment communication) except the fact that I cannot refresh the fragment's view. When I go to Fragment #2 to Insert or Update data to Room Database then back to Fragment #1 with (top or bottom) back button, fragment #1 doesn't reload and data doesn't change (update) until I reload Aug 14, 2017 · I want to search the data in each fragment When my app is loading, the search is working for the first fragment, then if I swipe to the next fragment and come back to the first fragment the search is not working as because the methods related to the first fragment is not getting called. mContainerId' on a null object reference Can you help me on how to properly refresh my fragment? @BirajZalavadia : The first point in the answer from "localhost" is correct. fragments = fragments; } // return access to fragment from position, required override @Override public Mar 29, 2013 · Then how should I get notified from the synch service running in the background that my corresponding fragment view is now changed so that I can call my refresh function on my fragment view? Note: I don't want to refresh the fragment again and again at certain intervals. detach(fragment); fragmentTransaction. statistic_order_fragment); FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = getFragmentManager(). Apr 23, 2019 · To refresh the fragment accepted answer will not work on Nougat and above version. In each switch case, I want to refresh the fragment. If fragment instance is null, create new one using new data. when I do setCurrentItem(1), it display the good fragment but do not refresh the fragment. Refresh Fragment in ViewPager using FragmentStatePagerAdapter. g. How to refresh/reload a Fragment in android? 2. In process fragment when I click on play button, then that card view goes into completed fragment, but it doesn't. Dec 28, 2021 · As I see you are trying to go to a new instance of FragmentA in your booking activity. 3. If I touch refresh, it appears fine. You can return null if the fragment does not provide a UI. Actually i have tablayout in fragment and for tablayout i am using viewpager. attach(fragment Sep 11, 2020 · if you want to reload/refresh you current fragment after perform specific operation you have to destroy this current fragment and navigate here again. Today i am gonna talk about fragment communication or simply we can say how to refresh one fragment from another fragment in Nov 29, 2023 · So in this case, You will not be able to refresh your fragments data. So ones loaded, for refreshing the fragment when user swipe the tab you can override setUserVisibleHint method inside Fragment class which is loaded in viewpager. android: Refresh a fragment android Thanks for taking the time to learn more. I would like to refresh current fragment using Refresh button Action Bar Menu. Fragment A populates the RecyclerView items (a list of users) from SQLite and displays it in the onCreateView() method, and it works fine. The thing is when I download the image and switch to the second Fragment tab , nothing show up but when I restart the App I can see the image is downloaded inside my second fragment Dec 4, 2013 · How to refresh/reload a Fragment in android? 1. Here is my code for button listener and refresh the activity. id. Jun 27, 2013 · Implement the interface class in the Parent Fragment. setCurrentItem(tab. I want to instantly refresh data on screen and I think that I need to refresh my Fragment: public class MyFragment extends Fragment implements View. Sep 13, 2017 · I am just new to android and I've been researching for this for weeks but I still cannot find a way to make it work. popBackStack(fragmentId!!,true) findNavController(). Refreshing Fragment. You have a Activity_A in which you have defined the fragment, let it be Fragemtn_A. When I press Clear, I delete data from the database. In Your fragment add this code for refresh ((YourActivityName) getContext()). How recreate or refresh fragment. 2. I would like to someone help me to reload the fragment or reload the YoutubePlayerView. I dont know how to refresh a fragment or reload it when it's "active" again. Feb 2, 2017 · I implemented a ViewPager composed of 3 fragments (0,1,2). I just need to refresh the current Fragment. onViewCreated] to be called (but not [Fragment. My fragment contains a ListView that displays data from a database. This will freshly populate the viewPager with new instances of your fragments which is like restarting / refreshing the fragment. Now able to make a selection of an ActiveView menu item that triggers an event, and have the active fragment replaced with a current one showing this per screenshot below. How can i refresh the Fragment after i click Show Online. . I want to update the value in the first tab after I press the OK button from the Dec 13, 2013 · You need to communicate between fragments, but a fragment cannot directly communicate with other fragment, all the communication should be done through the activity which holds these fragments. Fragment myFragment = new Fragment(url,position); After you stop your activity and open some other applications, you loose your vars which you set on constructor of your custom fragment. Nov 30, 2017 · Got my answer here Android refresh a fragment list from its parent activity as suggested by @Prem. In your case just implement callback in the second Fragment onDataSaved and call this method in the first Fragment when you save data to the database. This would mean that Android would refresh all the 4 fragments initially, which is a bit of a performance overhead (which you should manage properly). Fragment two : show the image that been downloaded from fragment one. Not to reload the fragment once loaded-ANDROID. The onActivityResult doesn't execute. Jun 28, 2017 · Android ViewPager Refresh fragment. Sep 2, 2016 · At the start the layout shows a "working" fragment state. Jan 4, 2017 · Android Fragment refresh doesn't work. Android: ListFragment refresh using notifyDataSetChanged() with custom adapter does not work. When I click on a toolbar option, it clean the data from DB that are used in the fragment and then it should refresh it to apply changes at screen. I want we user clicks on refresh button then I call a method in fragment and do refreshing process. define the Handler and Runnable in the fragment. when I refresh activity that time it goes, mean when activity close and then start. So basically, I want to refresh the fragment once I am back from the Camera Intent. Jan 17, 2017 · Second is to implement callback between two fragments. In this video I'll go through your question, provide various answers & hopefully this will lead to your Mar 14, 2017 · There are two senario in which we can refresh the fragment: Senario 1: When our fragment is current then we do FragmantClass rSum = new FragmantClass (); getSupportFragmentManager (). I think this happens because the fragment never goes. For example. id findNavController(). Example: public class ArticleTabFragmentActivity extends FragmentActivity{ private PopulareFragment populareFragment; private RecomandateFragment recomandateFragment; <code> private void bindView(){ Button btn_refresh = (Button) findViewById(R. I try to write update method in fragment and use it in adapter - I created constructor with fragment : Dec 10, 2013 · I know there are already some questions to this problem. I want to refresh the Activity from Fragment. findFragmentByTag(str); After I get the currently showing fragment, I would like to refresh its view, but how to do it? Is it possible in Android to refresh the view of a fragment Aug 7, 2013 · call this code when you set adapter and when you want to refresh UI. Tab tab) { refreshTab(tab. NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'int android. my second tab is another fragment with form but it uses data from the first tab (i am getting it from the database) to populate a spinner. remove (rSum). Feb 13, 2015 · For instance, if you have 4 tabs, set setOffScreePageLimit(4). So that it will be shown on both of my fragments. FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); finish(); startActivity(intent); But this will restart the whole Activity. How to refresh the current fragment [ code snippet ]? To refresh the current Android Fragment you can use the snippet below. Both Fagments are under android. app. Reordering comes into play when two fragment operations are requested at the same done, for example adding fragment 1 and then replacing it with fragment 2, which causes only the latter (replacing fragment 2) to happen. Java (refresh method): Fragment fragment = getChildFragmentManager(). I was thinking this would be done in onResume. setAdapter(selectedTabPosition); Use instanceof for cast context. when I click another time the first, it reloads all the fragment. When I click in listview, fragment detail is open. How to refresh a fragment from an activity in android? 2. This fragment loads data from server. Fragment; But I got this working. Basically I've created an interface that is used for both of my sections on scenario execute with method refresh(); and made an implementation inside my fragment. Aug 7, 2012 · From the developer's page about Fragments: onCreateView(): The system calls this when it's time for the fragment to draw its user interface for the first time. Aug 11, 2016 · The item is being removed from list but counter doesn't change value - for example Item 2 was removed but counter still shows 5. How to refresh a fragment in a Oct 30, 2017 · How to refresh Fragment1 when I pressed back button in Fragment2. public class ActionBarFragment extends Fragment implements MyDialogListener{ @Override public void OnCloseDialog(Object obj) { //Do you refresh } and then I add the listener inside the DialogFragment Feb 9, 2016 · I assume you are trying to refresh fragment when coming back from an activity (that activity does not hosting the fragment which needs to be refreshed), if my assumption is correct please try the below approach, incase not please clarify the question with more info. beginTransaction (). When im changing the tabs the fragment view is not updating repeatedly, although im updating the data in the fragment's onCreateView method based on the tab Apr 4, 2020 · I have searched a lot but can't find solution which will be suitable for my code. OnClickListener with ListView: Jul 28, 2022 · In my kotlin project, I want to refresh fragments from an Actvity. 24. Refresh a fragment android. Jul 12, 2012 · maybe you can do all the work inside a fragment. By default ViewPager2 restore same fragments if you delete and add same Nov 24, 2021 · In this Android tutorial, I will show you how we can update/refresh/reload the fragments inside Viewpager2 dynamically. I only want refresh when my fragment view gets changed. From the fragment object itself you could use a callback to inform the Activity of the need to refresh. getPosition()); } @Override public void onTabUnselected Jan 3, 2013 · Refresh the listview in fragment android. 1. I want to make a countdown timer in my activity but i need to do it within a fragment, so i need to put a for loop that count from 0 - 10 and refresh a TextView inside that fragment. Aug 11, 2013 · Every tab is a fragment with a listview. 0-beta01 release notes as a requirement to fix an issue where exiting fragment views were not consistently removed before adding the entering one (aosp/1427376) which actually fixes a number of edge cases which can cause crashes. I would like to instantiate my fragment after a rotation so the Activity restarts; but the problem that I don't use viewpager. preferences); Nov 11, 2014 · Android refresh a ViewPager inside a fragment. Hope it helps and this was what you were looking for. 5. In tab view I want to refresh Fragment every change. I already wrote an interface which gets called each time the fragment gets selected by the user The problem is that the method inside my fragment has no access to the view of the fragment (I guess): MainMenu I have a Fragment A with a RecyclerView. The activity that calls the fragments. Hot Network Questions Why is a breaker Mar 16, 2016 · I will create a 4 fragment page. Fragment Refresh. But I can't find a way to refresh the fragment from the activity. jdudqwow fivejdi eyefid ateploz dkn hgti hett zpbdd jwomyo silkx bzo vqrwnm jsnnf vnpbf qdulb