Plato criticism slideshare Nov 11, 2014 · - Marxist criticism, which sees literature as a reflection of class struggle between the ruling and working classes. Mimetic theory developed “Golden Age” of Greece by Plato and Aristotle from that base comes the Pragmatic and ExpressiveTheory. Aug 30, 2015 · Plato 100621125620-phpapp02. Key concepts of New Criticism included ambiguity, the intentional fallacy which rejected authorial intent, and the affective fallacy which rejected reader reaction. Nov 3, 2013 · Sir Philip Sidney wrote "An Apology for Poetry" in 1579 to defend poetry against criticism from Stephen Gossen's "School of Abuse. Jun 30, 2015 · Literary criticism is the study, discussion, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. Aug 3, 2023 · Plato had a complex view of literature that combined admiration and criticism. Nidhi Kunvrani Feb 27, 2020 · Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived from approximately 428/427 BC to 348/347 BC. Legislative Criticism chu thuziak ha leh ropui, hmanlai Greek leh Latin literature te tehfunga hmanga lehkhabu ha ziah dan kawhhmuhna a ni a. Feb 21, 2022 · The document discusses different approaches to literary criticism including formalist criticism, which examines the internal elements of a work like form and structure, deconstructionist criticism, which argues that language is unstable and meaning depends on opposition, and reader-response criticism, which views meaning as constructed through the interaction between reader and text rather Mar 5, 2015 · Criticism - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Jul 14, 2023 · Plato also developed metaphysics through his exploration of concepts like ontology and epistemology. Nov 6, 2020 · This document outlines Plato's views on art and his criticism of poetry. Oct 13, 2019 · Plato was a Greek philosopher who lived from 427 BC to 348 BC. Jul 31, 2013 · Plato and Aristotle were two of the most influential ancient Greek philosophers. He believed that poetry was just an imitation of reality, not reality itself, since poets were inspired by gods rather than rational thought. Criticism can be broken down into two broad categories: evaluative and interpretive (Gardner 1287). Horace said art should be both sweet and Dec 4, 2014 · According to Plato's theory, a painter's depiction of a chair is twice removed from the truth since it is an imitation of the carpenter's physical chair, which itself is an imitation of the ideal "chair" form. Early critics like Plato and Aristotle focused on morality and structure. Pragmatic means the spirit or act of being practical, or calmly accepting the facts. According to Plato, the physical world that we perceive with our senses is merely a reflection or imperfect copy of an ideal, eternal realm of Forms. Although Aristotle revered his teacher, his philosophy eventually Feb 11, 2017 · Plato was a classical Greek philosopher born in 427 BC who founded the Academy in Athens. Key points include: Plato viewed art as inferior copies of ideal forms and a threat to social order. It discusses his theory that ideas are the ultimate reality, and copies of ideas are one step removed from reality. May 14, 2017 · Plato and the Pre-Socratic philosophers attempted to explain reality through reason alone, without reference to myth or religion. Jesinthal Mary About Support Terms Privacy Copyright Cookie Preferences Do not sell or share my personal information Everand Nov 10, 2015 · Plato was an influential ancient Greek philosopher who criticized poetry and the arts. Oct 19, 2017 · This document outlines Plato's views on art and his criticism of poetry. He criticized imitative poetry that focused on emotions over reason, believing it could encourage irrationality. It has existed for as long as literature itself, with important early examples found in the works of Aristotle and Plato from ancient Greece. D. Jul 20, 2013 · While related, critics do not always use theory in their analysis. Stylistic criticism performs a close reading focusing on formal literary elements, and Metaphorical criticism analyzes the effectiveness of metaphors used in a text. It provides context on the Classical period in Greek and Roman literature. Literary criticism functions to purge negative emotions from works according to Aristotle, while Plato believed works showing "bad mimesis" should be censored. from S. Oct 25, 2012 · This document discusses different critical approaches to defining and understanding the purpose of literature and poetry. Oct 24, 2015 · Mimetic & Pragmatic both are theoretical criticism. It then focuses on Plato, his life, works, and his famous charges against poetry. It then examines Plato's three main attacks on poetry: that poetic inspiration is not rational, that it appeals to emotions over intellect, and its lack of Aug 19, 2019 · Matthew Arnold (24 December 1822 – 15 April 1888) was an English poet and cultural critic who worked as an inspector of schools. Apr 5, 2016 · Archetypal Literary Criticism Essay In Literary Criticism, there is an idea that believes that Archetypes make up literature s meaning. Feb 7, 2010 · The main points then compare Aristotle and Plato's differing views on poetry and imitation. Oct 24, 2015 · According to Plato's theory, a painter's depiction of a chair is twice removed from the truth since it is an imitation of the carpenter's physical chair, which itself is an imitation of the ideal "chair" form. Oct 12, 2024 · Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Forms 1. He thought students should progress from concrete to abstract thinking, and those unable to think abstractly should enter military or business careers. Plato founded the Academy, one of the earliest known institutions of higher learning, and developed his theory of Forms which posited that the perceived world is merely a shadow of the ideal world of perfect Forms. Those who own property are men of reason (owning property is a virtue) Those having property prefer stability nothing (no Jan 2, 2010 · Plato was a famous Greek philosopher born in 428 BC in Athens. Johnson, Wordsworth, and Matthew Arnold. Jun 2, 2015 · Literary criticism involves analyzing and interpreting works of literature. It provides an overview of how moralism has been an important approach throughout history, from Plato emphasizing the moral attitude in works of art, to neo-humanists in the 20th century viewing literature as a criticism of life. Literary criticism serves two main purposes: evaluating quality and assessing cultural/moral values. Apr 29, 2016 · Matthew Arnold outlined key qualities of a literary critic in his essay "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time". He was a student of Socrates and founded his own school called the Academy. Plato attacked poetry on moral, intellectual, emotional and utilitarian grounds. After traveling for 12 years, Plato returned to Athens and taught subjects like astronomy, biology, mathematics, political theory, and philosophy. Sep 13, 2015 · Literary criticism involves analyzing and interpreting works of literature. Mar 23, 2018 · The New Criticism was a formalist style of literary criticism that emerged in the first half of the 20th century. It covers major critics like Plato, Aristotle, Sidney, Dryden, Pope, Johnson, Arnold, Eliot and theories like mimesis, poetic inspiration, the functions of poetry, unities of time and place, and romantic ideas of poetry. Plato's criticisms provided some of the earliest philosophical analysis of poetry and helped establish standards for evaluating artistic works. Jun 16, 2009 · This document provides an overview of literary criticism as a field of study. The concept of Archetypes in literature has been the subject of extensive examination in Literary Criticism. 2) Pragmatic criticism views a work as constructed to achieve effects on the audience and judges its value by its success in doing so. 3) Plato's analogy of the cave illustrates that most people are imprisoned by their limited perceptions, and the journey to truth is philosophical. Sidney tiam lovin Elizabethan critic te kalphung ber Nov 26, 2016 · The document discusses different approaches to literary criticism including formalist criticism, which examines the internal elements of a work like form and structure, deconstructionist criticism, which argues that language is unstable and meaning depends on opposition, and reader-response criticism, which views meaning as constructed through Nov 9, 2011 · New Criticism was a major literary theory movement of the mid-20th century that advocated for close reading of texts and rejection of biographical or historical context. It then examines Plato's three main attacks on poetry: that poetic inspiration is not rational, that it appeals to emotions over intellect, and its lack of literary criticism plato greek literature greek criticism criticism types of criticism art of criticism background to criticism greek master aristotle literary criticism aristotle aristotle observation on poetry observation on tragedy-aristotle poetics observation on epic-aristotle observation on style- asristotle observation on comedy - aristotle Plato and Aristotle's Views on Poetry by V. Specifically, it summarizes Plato's theory of mimesis and Aristotle's theory of catharsis. the last slide consist of criticism of enthomethodology Aug 15, 2019 · Aristotle's Poetics is considered the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and first systematic treatise on literary criticism. We all begin with common sense beliefs, opinions, we are lead further to ideas, and principles. Dec 20, 2022 · As noted in Book X, Plato banishes the poets from his city simply because he says that they are imitators who cannot spread wisdom due to falsity of their pieces of art. Feb 13, 2021 · Literary criticism involves analyzing and interpreting works of literature. Disparaging remarks about the Forms 2. Jul 23, 2015 · In contrast to Plato, who viewed imitation as twice removed from reality, Aristotle saw imitation as a creative process that can uplift morality. Nearly 20 years Aristotle was Plato’s student and colleague at the Academy in Athens, an institution for philosophical, scientific, and mathematical research and teaching founded by Plato in the 380s. Jan 24, 2015 · This document provides a summary of Classical Criticism from ancient Greek and Roman times. christinasusan2 Nov 26, 2012 · Literary criticism has existed since ancient Greece. Some see criticism as applying theory to specific works, while others argue over whether criticism and theory should be considered separate fields. Oct 20, 2017 · This document provides a summary of the historical development of literary criticism from antiquity to ancient Greek and Roman critics. GREEK SCHOOL OF CRITICISM Plato and Aristotle are generally regarded as the two greatest figures of Western philosophy. Oct 12, 2018 · This document discusses different approaches to literary criticism, focusing on the moralistic approach. Nov 6, 2012 · Plato also criticized poetry for appealing to emotion over reason and for its lack of moral instruction. While Plato condemned most poetry, he acknowledged that forms focused on virtue and morality could be of benefit. Apr 4, 2017 · Marxist criticism examines the relationship between literature and social classes while New Historicism studies literature within both the author's historical context and the critic's. It viewed texts as self-contained and focused on analyzing elements within the text like irony, ambiguity, and paradox to discover implied themes. Main concepts: Shelley blends Plato’s concept of the Ideal Forms with his own understanding, and the result is that poetry is the best way to reach at these Forms and at the ultimate truth. It defines mimesis as the process of imitation or mimicry through which artists portray and interpret the world. This article will examine Plato’s literary criticism, paying particular attention to three main points: his criticism of creative imitation, the idea of artistic inspiration, and his criticism of certain literary genres. May 1, 2017 · Plato attacks poetry and poets for the following reasons: Poetry is twice removed from reality and it makes men believe in the imperfection. Key definitions from Aristotle are outlined, such as his definition of tragedy. He was a student of Socrates and wrote works such as The Republic, The Statesman, and The Laws. Mar 16, Plato- LITERARY CRITICISM . Jan 31, 2013 · Plato was an influential ancient Greek philosopher who criticized poetry and the arts. TYPES OF LITERARY CRITICISM • Formalism: Focuses on the form and structure of the text itself, analyzing literary devices, language, and style. Mar 24, 2023 · Plato also developed metaphysics through his exploration of concepts like ontology and epistemology. Plato 100621125620-phpapp02. Aug 15, 2019 · This document discusses different approaches to literary criticism, focusing on the moralistic approach. • Historical Criticism: Examines the historical context in which a work was produced and how it reflects or influences its time. Nov 21, 2013 · He felt that poetry could corrupt individuals and society. Extras Aristotle VS Plato. While criticism and theory are closely related, critics are not always theorists. Plato believed that literature could misguide society and corrupt youth, and thus wanted to ban poets from his republic. Vinicius Maier Slideshare Lição 12, CPAD, A Igreja Tem Uma Natureza Organizacional, 1Tr25, Com. T Women’s University in Mumbai and studied classical to 19th century criticism including works by Plato, Aristotle, Dr. Such critical analysis is often written by literary critics and is found in essays, articles and books. It is undeniable that Greek philosophers put forward significant contributions to the Jul 27, 2013 · This document discusses Plato's charges against poetry. Sep 20, 2018 · Plato believed education should be controlled by the state. He felt that poetry could corrupt individuals and society. It discusses how classical philosophers like Aristotle and Plato developed early philosophical theories of poetry. word krites meaning “judge” the study, analysis, evaluation and interpretation judges the value of a work aesthetic value, historical/cultural/social significance of the work, use of language, and insights and insights of the work Literary theory is the different frameworks used Oct 15, 2012 · This document provides an overview of literary criticism as a field of study. Human life always involves our Works of criticism: A Defence of Poetry (1821), as an answer to an attack on Romantic poetry. Jul 22, 2024 · 2. It summarizes Sidney's main points that poetry: (1) is the first form of education and instruction for humanity; (2) acts as a channel for divine inspiration; and (3) can teach virtue while delighting readers more effectively than history or philosophy. Feb 24, 2024 · Plato had a complex view of literature that combined admiration and criticism. In it, Aristotle defines poetry as a means of mimesis or imitation through language, rhythm, and harmony. The Third Man Argument 3. 3 The Antiquity Plato (c. Mar 23, 2011 · While related, critics do not always use theory in their analysis. Jan 26, 2015 · According to Plato's theory, a painter's depiction of a chair is twice removed from the truth since it is an imitation of the carpenter's physical chair, which itself is an imitation of the ideal "chair" form. Submit Search. It discusses the views of important classical critics like Plato and Aristotle. Plato saw art as inferior copies removed from truth, while Aristotle viewed art/poetry as pleasurable imitation that can provide knowledge. Mehta Drashti earned a B. May 18, 2023 · In this dialogue, Plato explores concepts such as the nature of reality, the nature of the soul, and the philosopher-king. - Reader-response theory, which argues that meaning is created by the reader rather than existing in the text itself. Plato's philosophy is characterized by his theory of Forms or Ideas. It examines the views of Plato, Aristotle, Sidney, Dryden, Pope, and Dr. Drashti Nagla • 7 years ago Literary theory and criticism. Jul 30, 2013 · Sidney's "Apology for Poetry" argues that poetry is a divine and socially useful art form. . Literary criticism focuses on estimating the value of works, while theory seeks to understand the nature and functions of literature. Jan 10, 2014 · Plato was a famous Greek philosopher born in 428 BC in Athens. May 23, 2015 · The document provides a history of literary criticism from ancient times through modern eras. THEORY AND CRITICISM Literary criticism is the study, evaluation and interpretation of literature. It includes novels, short stories, essays, plays and poetry. It discusses what literary criticism is, the role of a critic, and some of the major figures and theories in the development of literary criticism in the Western tradition. Mar 1, 2011 · Humanism in Literary Theory discusses various thinkers' perspectives on art and criticism from Plato to Matthew Arnold. 427 – 347 BCE) Works of criticism: Among others, in Ion, Crito and The Republic he expressed his ideas that “laid the foundation for many […] of the pivotal issues of philosophy and literature, including concepts of truth, beauty, and goodness; the nature of reality; the structure of society; the nature and relations of being (ontology); questions about how we Aug 19, 2013 · Literary criticism is the study and interpretation of literature, often informed by literary theory. He wanted to develop leaders among future rulers and competent workers. Nov 3, 2020 · this powerpoint presentation is for better understanding of Ethnomethodology. Oct 29, 2017 · 1. Plato believed justice could be achieved through education by developing both the mind and soul. Aristotle defined three ways of imitation: medium, which is the means of creation; object, such as whether tragedy depicts humans as better than reality; and manner, like whether narration is used. Aristotle saw art as conveying truth through concrete examples and changing forms. Nov 18, 2017 · This document outlines Plato's views on art and his criticism of poetry. Forms like justice exist beyond normal perception in the perfect world. May 5, 2014 · Humanism in Literary Theory discusses various thinkers' perspectives on art and criticism from Plato to Matthew Arnold. " In his defense of poetry, Sidney draws heavily from classical works, citing Plato, Aristotle, and Horace. He believed that art was merely an imitation of reality and therefore further removed from truth. Other major concepts from "The Poetics" are briefly explained, like catharsis, types of plots, characteristics, and the dramatic unities of time and place. He believed a critic should: 1) Disseminate ideas in a disinterested manner, judging works based only on their own merits rather than outside factors. In his works, Plato was highly critical of poetry and art. Jul 16, 2011 · This document provides a summary of Classical Criticism from ancient Greek and Roman times. He was a student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, two other renowned philosophers. Aristotle’s escape: the Theory of Categories 4. Aug 17, 2018 · Plato was a Greek philosopher who lived from 427 BC to 348 BC. Plato is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in the development of Western philosophy. Dec 19, 2020 · This document provides an overview of literary criticism as a field of study. Aug 20, 2020 · Wordsworth outlines three principles in the preface to the Lyrical Ballads: 1) the poetry concerns nature and country life, 2) it emphasizes poetry as an art form to enlighten readers on human emotion, and 3) clean, simple lines best capture the imagination rather than overly complicated styles. Aug 3, 2023 · Alexander Pope was an 18th century English poet best known for his satirical verse and translation of Homer's works. He was the son of Thomas Arnold, the famed headmaster of Rugby School, and brother to both Tom Arnold, literary professor, and William Delafield Arnold, novelist and colonial administrator. Jul 23, 2015 · Literary criticism has existed since ancient Greece. gives sense of achievement. It discusses key LET competencies and surveys various literary theories and approaches that can be applied when analyzing literature, including classical, historical-biographical, romantic, new criticism, psychoanalytical, archetypal, structuralist, deconstructionist, and Russian formalist theories. Later critics examined additional elements like language, social context, and reader response. A. The poet writes a poem not because he thought for a long time but because he is inspired suddenly. Feb 4, 2025 · Literary criticism has existed since ancient Greece. Mar 17, 2010 · Plato believed in two worlds, the physical and perfect worlds, and that we perceive shadows of true forms. Aug 10, 2012 · Plato and Aristotle were two of the most influential ancient Greek philosophers. There are several approaches to literary criticism, including formalist, which focuses on elements like structure and symbolism within the text; biographical, which examines the influence of the author's life; and psychological, which applies theories like Freudian concepts to understand characters. Aristotle established principles of literary criticism in his Poetics. Literary criticism developed further during the Renaissance and was heavily influenced by Aristotle's Poetics. Oct 6, 2010 · The document discusses different types of literary criticism: 1) Mimetic criticism focuses on how accurately a work depicts reality and judges its quality based on verisimilitude. Apr 8, 2016 · This document provides an overview of the majorship in English Literary Criticism. Born in 1688 to a Catholic family, Pope suffered from tuberculosis from a young age which stunted his growth and limited his formal education, though he was a prolific self-learner. William James and John Dewey were known as the father of Pragmatic. - Feminist criticism, concerned with how gender impacts writing and reading and the portrayal of women. Aug 6, 2024 · 8. Mar 30, 2022 · Literary Criticism tlang hriat, thuziak bihchian lamah hian chi thum, Legislative criticism, Aesthetic criticism leh Descriptive criticism te a awm a. Plato had a significant legacy and influenced later philosophers and the development of Western thought. It then examines Plato's three main attacks on poetry: that poetic inspiration is not rational, that it appeals to emotions over intellect, and its lack of Aug 12, 2020 · It provides an overview of how moralism has been an important approach throughout history, from Plato emphasizing the moral attitude in works of art, to neo-humanists in the 20th century viewing literature as a criticism of life. It then examines Plato's three main attacks on poetry: that poetic inspiration is not rational, that it appeals to emotions over intellect, and its lack of Aug 3, 2019 · This document provides an overview of the majorship in English Literary Criticism. The document then discusses the origins and evolution of mimesis, including Plato's and Aristotle's differing views. They debated questions about the fundamental nature of reality and whether it is one or many. Plato's highest goal for education was developing good character. It notes key developments in literary criticism during the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Romantic periods. Jun 6, 2020 · This document outlines Plato's views on art and his criticism of poetry. Plato Republic 1& 2. The document summarizes various periods and theorists of literary criticism from Classical Greek to Modern criticism. It then examines Plato's three main attacks on poetry: that poetic inspiration is not rational, that it appeals to emotions over intellect, and its lack of Jul 8, 2015 · The document provides a history of literary criticism from ancient times through modern eras. the criticism of mainstream sociology by ethnomethodologist is also a part of the presentation. Nov 26, 2016 · The key differences between Plato and Aristotle's philosophies are that Plato believed concepts had a perfect, universal ideal form, whereas Aristotle believed universal forms were not necessarily attached to each object; and that Plato viewed wisdom as unifying all virtues, whereas Aristotle saw virtue as not being automatic or unifying. Plato also believed the state should censor literature to ensure it conveyed the right moral messages. Mar 16, 2016 · Plato Republic 1& 2 - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Dec 19, 2012 · While related, critics do not always use theory in their analysis. Oct 25, 2015 · Plato also criticized poetry for appealing to emotion over reason and for its lack of moral instruction. Greek School of Criticism Literary Criticism is an analysis, interpretation and evaluation of authors and their works of literature. It discusses how Plato and Aristotle were early critics who debated the purpose and social value of literature. From Gk. Johnson on whether poetry should imitate reality, instruct morality, or represent universal human nature. May 7, 2023 · It provides an overview of how moralism has been an important approach throughout history, from Plato emphasizing the moral attitude in works of art, to neo-humanists in the 20th century viewing literature as a criticism of life. Horace said art should be both sweet and Aug 5, 2021 · This document outlines Plato's views on art and his criticism of poetry. Jan 22, 2016 · Aristotle's Poetics is considered the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and first systematic treatise on literary criticism. Plato believed in eternal "Forms" that were the perfect essence of things in the world, which were imperfect copies. Jan 15, 2010 · New Criticism was a major literary theory movement of the mid-20th century that advocated for close reading of texts and rejection of biographical or historical context. Oct 11, 2019 · This document provides an overview of mimesis criticism in literary theory. Apr 4, 2023 · 6. Plato was unlike his ancient Greek counterparts who thought that drama, poetry, and other forms of fine art were imitations of reality, a reality that could be actual or potential. Oct 27, 2009 · The New Criticism was a formalist style of literary criticism that emerged in the first half of the 20th century. Jun 28, 2020 · Literary criticism is the study, discussion, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. Plato charged that poetry is false and imitative by being thrice removed from reality. In this presentation ethnomethodology is compared with phenomenology and mainstream social science . Jan 14, 2025 · ARISTOTLE CRITICISM (OF PLATO’S COMMUNISM) 1) Criticism of Communism of Property Property led to corruption but it also has many constructive implications:- property is a source of motivation. He was a student of Socrates and wrote philosophical dialogues. One of Plato's most famous works is the Allegory of the Cave, which uses a metaphor to illustrate different levels of understanding. Is the Theory of Categories coherent? Plato was the first to unify a system of thought in Western society. N. hmvpo cxnicv ydtzpu uxprc hoapq tnpzb izehov wmeswjos kshdra wogpkgp dvxci nurecq scu empk kbtv