Outboard sputters at high rpm Jun 12, 2016 · The only way for me to get it to go back down was to shut the motor off put it in neutral and start the motor back up again. Oct 3, 2010 · After two hours of operation, my OX66 250HP will occasionally stall at 1500-1900 RPM, sputters then stalls. Took boat out on Memorial Day weekend twice and it ran perfectly. Feb 10, 2023 · Once the engine rpm got to 2500, it started sputtering and knocking and vibrating the whole boat. I have cleaned the tank, replaced the water separating fuel filter, low pressure fuel filter and high pressure fuel filter and cleaned the VST tank. I checked the 10 micron water separator and the gas looked good. As for the impeller in your jet outboard, even minor wear or damage could affect performance, particularly at high RPMs. Replaced the fuel tank with a brand new tank. Replaced the racor filter. <br /><br />The motor sputters a bit at idle but runs good and always starts. I throttle back and run at idle for about a half mile and then all of a sudden I can throttle Outboard Runs Poorly When Idling. I get impatient, so I typically will kick my motor up to 4800 or down to under 4400, and the problem goes Jul 25, 2009 · This Started The End Of Last Season. See link to two different videos. Service during regularly scheduled annual checkups or every 100 hours of operation is recommended for outboards in normal recreational usage, annually or 500 hours for fishing guides or multiple-trip-per-week recreational fishermen. May 21, 2017 · Thank you Rodbolt! The engine starts up at about 1100 or so rpm and aft about a minute and a half of so it will start to slow down rpm's and settle at about 700 or 800, I can then throttle it up to about 1100 and no surging occurs, if it I get it to about 1300 then the surging starts and it will stay surging to about 2200 or so Jun 24, 2008 · I recently purchased a 24 ft triple pontoon with a 2005 Mercury 115, 4-stroke. And it seemed to run better on some days than others. Jan 8, 2008 · Re: 1999 200HP Johnson: Sputtering? at high RPM's Check the proximity of the temp sensor wires to the plug wires, EMF can cause high RPM problems. Fuel filter and impeller replaced end of 2020. Fuel injector duration ranged from about 2-2. "OK I'll be cruising along "OK I'll be cruising along at 3400 rpm just fine and then the engine seems to lose it's brain. Ignition coils: https://amzn. What I have done so far: Changed low pressure fuel filter, changed water separator filter, and changed external fuel lines and primer squeeze bulb. Has new plugs, fuel filters have all been changed, everything looks great Jun 24, 2021 · But, when you increase RPM, the engine revs with little or no acceleration because the prop begins to spin. I just came into possession of a Sea Pro CC with a 2003, Yamaha, 150 HP outboard, 2 stroke oil injected engine. " My Mercury 175 pees fine at " My Mercury 175 pees fine at idle, but when it's under a load it doesn't pee a stream, it only sputters water out. I could easily restart it and keep going. May 30, 2020 · Engine seems to run okay (or at least better, but not great) when I first start it, but after a minute or two it will bog and sputter as soon as you give it gas - sometimes if you feather the throttle you can get it past that mid range and keep it revved up at the high end okay - or, sometimes it will just get there and die out. Thread starter louegee; Start date Jun 4, 2010; L. Mercury Parts, Mercury Outboards, Smartcraft & Accessories, Injector Service, TDR Reeds- BBC Sponsor Feb 14, 2025 · Reasons for a Rough Idle or High RPM. It is the starboard engine on a twin engine setup on a 1990 Boston Whaler Outrage 25 with WhalerDrive. Could it be plugs or air in the line? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Jun 7, 2020 · Df90 high rpm motor studder 06-07-2020, 10:06 AM 2008 DF 90Starts good, idles good, I can get the motor to around 2800 RPM, after that it starts studdering. Anyway<br /><br />Starts great, runs at low RPM's great but at full throttle will run fine then after a brief period (few minutes or so) will loss a 1000 RPM's, after another brief period returns to normal, and then again, back down, then back to normal. Jun 4, 2010 #1 Jun 5, 2024 · Many outboards—especially newer models—have a slew of onboard fuel filters that can become clogged and detrimentally affect performance. Will Run 5300 Rpm. Jul 1, 2016 · The high pressure pump in the VST has enough suction to pull gas and feed the motor at lower RPM but not at sustained higher RPM. If your boat is equipped with the ESA module and two switches on the port side of the motor (shift interrupt and overthrow) then i would first check these out. The engines are 6 years old and have received all standard maintenance from a certified Honda tech Mechanic's Assistant: Sometimes boat issues seem like they'll be really Oct 5, 2018 · (Hesitation/Bogging On Applying Throttle) (Joe Reeves) This is a common problem and is usually caused by a sticking timer base under the flywheel or fouled, clogged carburetors, however… also check the carburetor linkages, compression, spark, and the timer base as follows. I have had the following work done on the engine: Oct 8, 2020 · 2021 24LXSR, V MAX 4. More sputtering at idle, but always ran perfectly at higher RPMs. if i leave it at 1600 rpms, its will fluctuate between 1600-2300 rpms. Jul 9, 2009 · Re: Engine missing/sputtering under high load/low rpms This sounds EXACTLY like what mine was doing last year. 5 hrs before the issue occurred. One such issue … Outboard Motor Nov 8, 2012 · There is nothing else to call it but 'sputter'. Dec 27, 2016 · Dirty SVT screen can cause that also. No more worrying about how to deal with a boat that is sputtering or losing power. I had a 13"x7" prop on and my top speed before the sputter was Jun 24, 2021 · The fuel used for your outboard motor can be one of the primary reasons why your outboard motor is bogging down. I have a 2008 df140 I have been slowly but surely trouble shooting. Jul 21, 2023 · If interested in purchasing this product, visit our Amazon affiliate link below. I had some water in the fuel system last fall so I thought that was the issue. It runs fine now except when I throttle up under load until I hit about 4500 rpms. Even at low RPMs I could hear engine noise gurgling VST pump inlet filter. Caused it to stall once on me May 26, 2021 · My 1998 Yamaha 25ELRW outboard runs rough at RPM below 2200. Apr 27, 2016 · Dual Mercury Master Technician- for Mercury Outboards, Mercruiser and Mercury Racing at European Marine in Greenville, SC. "I have a 2005 Yamaha 115 hp f "I have a 2005 Yamaha 115 hp four stroke that stutters mid-range between 2600 - 3000 rpm. It idles perfect, but when I give it throttle, it sputters and wants to die. This has been an ongoing problem, and intermittent in that sometimes the engine runs fine. Jul 13, 2017 · Normal max rpm is about 6000 for me. Diagnosing a Mercury Mariner 60hp 2-stroke outboard that won't rev out or accelerate Jun 1, 2020 · My yamaha 150hp 4 cycle idles well and runs well above 2000 rpm. Not unlike too high a gear ratio in a truck or taking off in second or third. Oct 7, 2007 · Re: Suzuki DF140 not going over 4,000 RPM Assume you know that water and or bad gas always settles to the bottom of the gas tank. You may need to make a few timing adjustments or replace a spark plug, or you may need serious mechanical inquiry. I changed gas lines and am running off a external From idle when i start to throttle up to get on plane, engine starts to stutter/sputter/stall at about 1600 rpms. All cylinders have 115 compression. Had in storage yard for the last 7 months (ever since Ivan!). I put the cap back on after puttering for 25 minutes at 1300 and the bulb got full again. It is not always easy to diagnose the cause because there are so many factors involved here. Still consider myself a "Marine Apprentice" after 48 years (learn something new every day). Or sometime when I'm at low idle speeds it will sputter and stall. It starts fine and take out at 3 to 4k rpms, its starts cutting out and eventually dies. The point where the ignition switches over in drawing power from one set to the other is not a "definate" point, but generally somewhere in the mid 2000 rpm range. Tried to accelerate again, and the same thing happenedaccelerated smoothly, but when it got up to the higher RPM range, it dumped back to the mid 1000's. means it drops 1 cyl at idle and two cylinders between about 1200 to about 2200 RPM. I am cruising between 4200-4500 rpm and increase throttle to wot. However, as with any mechanical equipment, sometimes issues can arise that can cause the motor to lose power or run inconsistently. When I reduce the rpms I feel a click in the controls at about 3000-2800 rpm. After the first two hrs of the break in the engine is running perfect. The VF115 SHO is one of the best outboard motors I've ever owned. The high pressure pump feeds the bottom of the injector rail. It needs at least 5000 at WOT. I have no clue what the problem is and could really use the advise. Jun 14, 2022 · Hoping for some guidance. My last 2 trips I have had a hard time getting up to 4000 rpm. If your 115 SHO is not reaching AT LEAST 6300 RPM at WOT with a light load, it's not propped as good as it should be. If you are experiencing a rough idle or your RPM is running high when idling, then there are a variety of reasons for why this could be happening. Now I am only able to go max 20 mph at about 4500 rpm and it begins to miss I am new to the forum and have a 2002 Yam 115 EFI 4 stroke on a 02 hurricane 19 ft deck boat. Spark plugs have been changed, fuel filters have been changed or cleaned, all obvious fuel lines have been tightened up, and I have put several cans of seafoam in to try to break up any junk in the system. In the water, the idle, due to back pressure, rpm will drop to normal. The Marine Mechanic I'm going to connect you with knows all the tricks and shortcuts. From the high pressure pump it goes through the high pressure filter, before it goes to the bottom of the injector rail. Jan 31, 2019 · Sputtering or losing power is a common issue many boaters face. My mechanic assured me the problem was the carb and rebuilt it, but I still had the same problem after he supposedly fixed it. Even a 2 stroke of this age, I find it hard to believe that this sputter, cough, sneeze, whatever, is normal. It works well, it primes for +- 2 seconds and after start Jan 23, 2011 · I just got this a few days ago and have taken it out twice now. The regulator is at the top of the rail. Sputter gies away and it runs fine. I drove at idle speed for about five minutes. Suddenly, your outboard motor sputters, loses power, and leaves you adrift. The spark plugs have been cleaned and re-gapped, and all the contacts have been cleaned. I want the motor to run at about 5800 RPM WOT and may need a 17 pitch prop to get there in the future, however after some research I am beginning to think that the HP fuel pump is not able to keep up a high RPM anymore. I earn from qualifying purchases. Typically it varies rpm's by 100 - 150 rpm, max. Jun 24, 2013 · Later in the fall, the engine showed further symptoms. Surges at high rpms above 5k. All fuel filters changed, high pressure pump registers 32PSI, after slowly building up from zero. It’s a scenario that every boater dreads – the frustration of an outboard motor that was running smoothly one moment and then inexplicably loses power the next. The first few times I took it out on the water, it ran great. The symptom was the motor idled fine and ran fine up until about 3000RPMs then it acted like it was missing and would sputter, not getting above 3500 RPMs at full throttle. Outboard Motors Forum. Learn what the cause could be and easy ways to fix the issue. Apr 17, 2013 · Re: 2001 90 Johnson will not go above 4000 RPM at WOT and sputters 4000 is WAY too low for that engine. Aug 19, 2019 · My motor suddenly started running rough one day at all speeds and idle. I have always had 2-strokes and would think fuel pump, but these motors seem a lot more complex. Reeves) Initial setting is: Slow speed = seat gently, then open 1-1/2 turns. Oil is good, filters are all new, plugs have been changed, even squeezing the fuel bulb doesn't affect this condition. once warmed up idle is at 600 rpm slow roll in the throttle still bogs and hesitates until it reaches 2700 rpm then in an instant it will jump up to 3800 rpms. It tends to straighten itself out after around 10 minutes of running at constant throttle. Idles fine, wot fine all other ranges fine. Shakes And Runs Rough Off Idle And Up Worst At Around 3000 Rpm. The engine runs perfect until it reaches about 4,000 RPMs then it starts to sputter and kick in and out. Sputtering after it gets warm and above about 2500 rpms. If I back off to 2500 RPM all is well. Some smaller or older outboards may not even have one. Smoother At High Rpm. Start engine and set the rpms to where it just stays running. When stated as 5-6k you aim for 6k as this gives better hole shot, a reserve for extra load and allows the engine to run a bit lighter. If your outboard engine is sputtering at any speed, idle or full throttle, it could be the result of several common malfunctions. Then when I go back slowly it will go up on plane with no issues most of the time. I have replaced the onboard fuel filter, also replaced all the fuel hose from tank to filter and in line filter assembly. It starts to sputter very bad. Will immediatly restart. While skiing ran at 4000 but dropped to 3000 WOT for minute or more then right back to 4000. But after a little more time happens more and have to keep backing down rpms. when I went to throttle up I could not get over 3600 RPM and it would sputter and the RPM would change probably 500 to 1000 RPM up and down,this went on for probably 10 minutes it seem to clear after I shifted to neutral and brought the RPMs up and down a couple of On rough water at about 3000 -3400 rpm the boat looses thrust power and the rpms increase to about 4000. When on the trailer I hook a hose and able to replicate this by just ramping the rpms up with no load. As a rule of thumb one inch less in picth raises the rpm at wot by 200. View All; Fishing Boat Seats Engine misfires/sputters at high RPM. If I stop, pull the pin and rev in neutral, same thing Apr 26, 2002 · " I have a 1984 40hp merc OB t " I have a 1984 40hp merc OB that has had this issue for years. Nov 21, 2022 · All right! That's the way a 115 SHO likes to be run. I put it on muffs and it goes up to 6000 no problems in gear. F225, F200, and F250 Yamaha or Mercury's that were made by Yamaha four strokes tend to start to develop what appears to be a miss or a sputter that won't all Aug 7, 2012 · I have since put it in water for a test run, results as follows. If you think a spun prop is the reason your outboard motor is losing power, and your boat is unable to produce top speed, it is time you head to local marine mechanic for repair. to/3OfW Sep 20, 2009 · I have a 2005 Yamaha 115 four stroke that sputters in the mid range band of 2600 - 3000 rpm. If it is actually "missing" you could have an ignition issue. Sep 19, 2023 · Picture this: you’re out on the water, the sun is shining, and you’re enjoying a perfect day of boating. Couldn't get rid of it. I have changed plugs, fuel filter, fuel injectors and tested compression (all around 100 psi) with no change. from there i can back off The normal V-Tec surging on the 225, if it occurs at all, starts in at around the 4400 to 4700 rpm. I don't know. I took the cap off and got the engine to start, but could only manage 1300 rpms. Neutral is okay but it does a weird sneeze backfiring sound once in a while. Taking a long time to turn over when engine hot. -- When going WOT, after 10 to 30 seconds, it You say "sputtering". It is 2005-06 f250, very low hours. <br />I'm thinking I have a fuel restriction - when I pump the ball or press choke the problem gets better and/or goes away. Starts great and runs fine at max speed for about 300 yards at which time the engine starts to sputter. Mechanic's Assistant: Sometimes boat issues seem like they'll be really complicated, but end up being easy to fix. My engine had a similar problem last month where it would sputter at mid to high rpms randomly. It will remain sputtering so to speak until I pull back off the throttle. Otherwise your "lugging" it. Nov 11, 2012 · i have a 1978 Johnson 85hp motor that has a slight hickup/misfire while at idle speed, but I can throttle up and while driving it will never show itself, but once it's back down to the low rpms of idling it has a hickup where it's a momentary non fire or mis-fire. Upon rapid acceleration it will act like it is starving for fuel. I tried jetting it out, cleaning the carb, checked the timing, compression, new reeds, everything. If I do not Jul 5, 2014 · The small cone filter is located at the bottom of the vst - inline, this supplies fuel to the high pressure fuel pump. Sep 14, 2020 · Hi all, I'm having an issue with my 4-stoke its sputtering for about 15 minutes, wont let me know get over 3100 RPM. Prop Good, Carbs Rebuilt, Fuel Pump Rebuilt. Any or all of these need to be checked out, found and corrected before you lean the motor out and melt a piston. On the simplest of outboard engines these are easily replaceable, often installed inline between the fuel inlet and the carburetor. This is driving Mar 17, 2019 · Hoping one of you here know what is going on. Jun 7, 2012 · Things to check would be fuel pump diaphragm, plugged fuel filter, make sure the gas tank vent is open. starts to stall and sputter. Then comes the sputter. The boat had been sitting for well over a year. louegee New member. Exterior: smokey granite textured panel, rossa red smooth accent panel, stainless housing docking lights, heavy duty rub rail, rub rail protectors, pop up cleats, and a Turbo Swing. And this is most likely caused by the ethanol content of the gas . NOT 15". Outboards have for over a century largely used the two-stroke design. 07 df 115 high rpm Nov 23, 2016 · If I stop the boat with engine at idle for a bit i can repeat this process. Jun 16, 2011 · My 150 starts and idles great. Over time, the inside of a carburetor gets coated in deposits left over by the Jun 25, 2020 · When I reduse the RPM to below 3000 it will keep running rough - but runns smooth if I stop and start it again. It starts and runs great but if you go past about 2/3 throttle it starts to sputter and cut out. Motor doesn't sputter or quit just surges and idles down at high rpms under load. what i did was to install a fuel pump relay that is controlled by the ecu constant power to relay coil and switches through ecu ground, my thought behind this , is my suspicion of the fuel pump driver on the ecu beeing either intermittently faulty or cutting out when heat build up inside cowling. If I pick up on the throttle lever 1/16" it picks back up to 5900. The carburetors have been cleaned and the fuel pump was rebuilt. Dec 31, 2016 · [QUOTE=Jason2tpa;130763]Appreciate you taking a listen. Engine would die when going from "1st notch gear" into higher RPMs (same with reverse gear). Back Boat Seats. Max speed was about 27 mph, can't remember exactly, but over 5000 rpms. Thread starter ericgormley713 Apr 10, 2005 · 2002 Suzuki DF140 4-stroke. 140-145 Compression In All 4. Took out again this past weekend and ran rough. When it ends, boat goes right back to smooth full power. The motor starts and runs perfectly at low speeds. Right now the problem is in the water it will not get over 4000 rpm's mostly stays around 3000. It goes from idle, through the gears and runs strong until it reaches the upper RPM range. The motor starts to miss and drop Rpm's. Then after 15 minutes is works fine and runs fine all day. Should the VST be full of fuel? Dec 1, 2013 · My 2004 F115 is sputtering or surging when accelerating and not getting above 2500 to 3500 RPMs. Sep 3, 2020 · Ran the boat for 20 minutes and it ran well. It would run 4000 RPM all day, but anything over that would kill the motor. Customer: My 70 hp outboard runs OK up to 2500 rpm and then if you try to push it over that it sputters at 3000 and then will run up to 4500 for a second or two and then back down to 3000. Does not sputter or spit. I suppected water in fuel filter as this happened before drained and Jul 28, 2016 · 20" shaft = 1000 rpm. Then when you slow down it catches back up and fills the VST and you're able to run at WOT until the gas in the VST is depleted again. I can run several miles without it happening. I had a 100 hr service done by suzuki tech. Your model has both high and low speed stator windings. At 4800 rpms the engine sputtered and the bulb went flat. After the second trip to the shop, it has started again and is getting progressively worse. Had the motor running great at all rpm's in the back yard. When I fully open the throttle it runs perfectly for about 10 - 11 minutes and then the rpm's drop from 5900 to around 52-5400. Above that it runs smooth and has plenty of pep, gets right up on plane. Sometimes this can be managed by easing the throttle off Occasionally at high rpm it sputters. The time between running fine and sputtering has gotten worse and duration of sputtering has gotten longer. It has gotten worse and will no longer plane out and sounds like it is missing at high RPM, under load. The compression is 90 lbs in both cylinders. Aug 27, 2017 · Just bought a 2018 Bennington 21slx on Friday. When I tried to drain the VST this time nothing came out. Here’s the weird part: I decided to put the boat in gear and slowly motored out to the MPH5 marker. When it acts up it’s as if the motor isn’t getting gas and it sputters violently. I spent a month getting ready for fishing season. Throttle position sensor could be checked. May 15, 2017 · with the TPS disconnected it defaults ign timing,stops CCS and top speed cannot be reached and the idle goes to about 1100 RPM. New plugs, thermostat, and fuel/water Thanks for the reply Alan,appreciate it. I ran Sea Foam and the ethonal sta-bil in for about an hour, i seemed that it became more alive at the 3000 rpm, and when i got to 3500 rpm, well sputter again. All carbs have been rebuilt, distributor is new, all spark plugs are new, fuel filter is clean, and is in relatively good working order except for this one issue. Using gasoline that is more than 10% ethanol can lead to poor combustion due to drawing water into the fuel system - and it might even void the warranty of your engine. Oct 6, 2011 · My 2007 Yamaha F115 has developed a problem running at high RPMs. Engine runs like a champ. Starts And Idles Okay. When I pull back to idle it starts peeing a stream again after a few secondsShould the engine pee a steady stream regardless of the speed and When I set the throttle to 3000 rpm it fluctuates from 27000 - 3300 rpm. If I gradually increase rpm, she will maintain, but not achieve full throttle. Jul 27, 2020 · I have a 2019 DF20A which is 1 year old and about 75 hours on it. Motor ran fine but now does not Bogging down. However, there's one more thing you can do to troubleshoot an outboard that runs poorly at idle: Clean the Carburetor . Then the motor starts surging and idling down to idle. May 20, 2018 · Recently had a fuel tank issue, started smelling fuel, water in fuel and in the racor. 1) Bad Feb 3, 2018 · It is MY opinion that if lutherdog can run on plane but sputters and surges thru the lower RPMs it isnt the MAP sensor. Jul 8, 2012 · I have a 60 HP 1969 Johnson Hydroelectric Outboard 3 Stroke Motor. Yesterday when I had it out, about half the time when I went pushed it past 2/3 throttle nothing would happen, the revs would stay the Sep 24, 2023 · This resulted in a very small fuel leak that wasn't easily detectable. I would expect a prop in the range of 13 1/4 X 11". I have had the boat for about 4 years and it has never idled quite right (stalls when coming off high RPM) Recently it began to loose RPM and surge. Now instead of fishing I'm wondering what went wrong. Jun 1, 2023 · Outboard motors are a popular choice for many boat owners due to their efficiency, reliability, and ease of maintenance. Runs fine above and below this range otherwise, but just goes to pot in the mid-range band. Also when accelerating quickly (over 5000 RPM) it will run for 5 seconds and then quit. So i tried it in reverse at 3000 rpm and it did not sputter. A weak low pressure pump will not be able to supply vst enough fuel for the flow of Elec pump thus starving for fuel and drop off. (Carburetor Adjustment - Single S/S Adjustable Needle Valve) (J. I get out on lake and it runs great at low rpm's but when I give it the gas it just sputters. Typically a dirty VST filter will limit and reduce rpm, but stay sustained. Guess it is a lesser of a load and that is why it didn't. Thank you in advance Apr 19, 2009 · My 2004 Suzuki DF140 starts sputtering and surging when I get it over 3000 rpms. Jun 11, 2018 · Dual Mercury Master Technician- for Mercury Outboards, Mercruiser and Mercury Racing at European Marine in Greenville, SC. What's happening Aug 4, 2003 · I just found the problem with my 2000 90HP Johnson outboard motor. Mercury Parts, Mercury Outboards, Smartcraft & Accessories, Injector Service, TDR Reeds- BBC Sponsor Cleaning the injectors is a good next step given your fuel system is already well-maintained. Adding more gas wont stop the bad gas/water on bottom from being sucked thru the fuel line pick up (which is the tube inside of the gas tanks that extends near the bottom of the tank) and onto the fuel filter and pump. I Kill Each Cylinder Individually And It Runs Worse Equally So I Know All 4 Are Firing. And it was not, still sputter after 3000 RPM's. Below are the top causes that a mechanic would look for. If anyone has any input it would be appreciated. Just maxes out at 4000. Anything above 2500 and it sputters again. I ran the motor at 2900-3100RPMs for 1. Still consider myself a "Marine Apprentice" after 47 years (learn something new every day). I initially thought mis-fire but found good spark on all 4. Currently am breaking in the 115 hp mercury. Quinn, Got the boat out about today the motor started up fine it idled just fine. I have a new Low and high pressure pump I'm new to this forum and as a boat owner. 25" shaft = 1200 rpm. Around 1400 rpm to 1800 rpm it hesitates or runs rough until above 1800 rpm. . Aug 16, 2011 · If you do not reach at least 5k your engine is lugging and that is bad - worse than high rpm. When running at 5400 rpms for around 5 min. Customer: 2002 60 hp johnson outboard sputters at high speed. that engine uses CCS. After the click I can throttle back up with power until around 3200 rpm when again it will rev back up to 4000 rpm with a reduction in thrust. Usually the first several outings are great but with more use it starts to act up, usually at higher speeds. An impaired impeller might not be effectively converting engine power into thrust, which could manifest as sputtering at high speeds. <br /><br />Any throughts out there on what the Jul 17, 2019 · My outboard has 800 hours. I would shut the motor down put it in neutral only to start the motor back up and it would take off at high RPMs still in neutral. If squeezing the primer bulb has no affect, check for loose bolts or air leaks around the carburetor adapter plate, make sure the gasket is in good shape. And, you should take it to WOT for about 20 seconds near the end of every day it's run to clean out the crud. MAP works constantly and if it was failing, power loss and fuel mixture scheduling would likely be more random, low/high rpm but anything is possible. I backed off on the throttle and put it back to the center position and it idled just fine again. May 8, 2010 · The symptoms you describe are typical of a reduced fuel flow, any one or more of the following could be a cause, dirty filter, weakening fuel pump, restricted hose/fitting/pickup tube in tank, air sucking INTO the hose somewhere. This time, I didn't pull the stick back, and it shot straight back up to the high RPM's after a half second or so, and then back down, then back up, back down, like a bucking bronco. To avoid it, I have to bring down the speed really slow. Aug 26, 2023 · Hi all, I'm wondering if any of this seems familiar to anyone or any recommendations on places to start looking or a direction to look in -- 2001 SX250HP OX66. (Shown in video) then I bumped the RPM up to 3500-3600 for about 5-10Mins then up to 4700 RPM for another 30 min and this issue never came back even after returning to 2900-3100 for 15-20min. 2700 rpms every time, like that is the spot to transition from low power to running perfect. Motor was winterized end of last year. The problem is intermittent. May 3, 2016 · Big Jon Honda 5hp Outboard Shop Outboards. I did Jul 20, 2018 · Hi I have a 2001 mercury 125 outboard and it’s been giving me grief on and off for years. 5 ms at lower rpm to 5-6 ms above 4000 rpm. I have a 2014 F115 Yamaha on a 25' Avalon Pontoon. My boat would run great for 30 seconds, then the motor would shut off. Learn some great prevention methods so you can avoid the issue in the future. 2000 F 100hp Yamaha Sputters at high RPM. Dec 29, 2019 · While the engine was running rough between about 4300 rpm and 4600 rpm, timing fluctuated between 19-21 BTDC. Anything more than that it died. After I have been running at around 5500 RPMs or higher, the RPMs quickly drop to 4500, and then the boat takes off like a scalded cat. 2L 200 hp V6 Yamaha with power steering, Sea Legs, SPS package with sealed lifting strakes, and Sharkhide protectant. Check the correct Champions plugs are installed, NGK's work on most but not ALL J/E's and can cause this problem also. If I back down to 4000 rpms, runs okay. Thanks! Mar 30, 2024 · It quit running so a local mechanic replaced both the high and low pressure fuel pumps. I rebuilt carb and put new fuel pump on. Turned out that. Problem: -- Can run all day long at mid 3,000RPM to low 4,000 RPM range with no issues. Sometimes it would sputter back to idle, but most times it would just die. I also did the active IAC test at idle, rpm increased when IAC opened to 100% and I could hear the clatter when it closed and rpm came down. when i continue to power up the engine "kicks in" and runs completely normal. A spun hub feels like a loss of power with excessive RPM. The engine has been babied and only has 390 hours on it. When working correctly, these engines provide an enjoyable and hassle-free boating experience. As a result, since the late 1990s most outboards have either been of the four-stroke variety (like your car), or a newer technology called DFI two stroke – direct fuel injection adapted to traditional two-stroke outboard engines. I replaced fuel filters and added 12oz of fuel injector cleaner and ran it wide open for a while, then at different speeds, and accelerating and decelerating and it made a remarkable improvement at high speeds, but at lower speeds it intermittently runs rough, and Feb 18, 2006 · 1995 200 JohnsonYou guys have been great helping me with this motor so, I thought I would run this by you. Mar 17, 2011 · I have a 2002 Mercury Outboard 115 EFI 4-stroke that sputters and stalls when I bring the throttle from high to low/idle rpms. Jul 31, 2010 · Re: '93 115HP Mercury - Sputtering at mid RPM You might want to check all your grounds. It starts right up but idles rough and shakes until the RPM rises above 2200. This happened even from a cold start. Ask the experts on our Suzuki Outboard Forum for repair issues, diagnosing problems, links to diagrams, suggestions on buying parts and more. I have an 86 force 85 hp that idled perfect and runs great at low rpms but sputters at high rpms. Customer: It idles good and runs smooth at mid throttle but sputter at higher rpm’s. Mar 17, 2024 · Hi all, I recently acquired a pontoon boat with a 90hp outboard. Boat starts fine. 2003 115h. I had the same problem last September and I drained the fuel rail and VST and it solved the problem. The checklist for an outboard that remains running poorly at idle is the same as for when it stalls while idling. Now today the RPM’s would not go back down at all. No water in fuel. ppnpg hokvdog yzyr ufqr miky gquvx vgnaahe jzq aruc iewli rkpby jkowiz izzje hrqha gklplx