Mmi ethical scenarios. uk/ai-for-medicine-interviews.
Mmi ethical scenarios Feb 10, 2025 · This step-by-step guide will outline the process of answering any MMI question that you may face in your interview. Explain to her the results Oct 22, 2024 · Moral and Ethical Scenarios. Ethical Dilemmas Data Analysis Calculation Tasks Prioritisation Tasks Scientific/Medical Topics Role Play Scenarios Observation Tasks Teamwork Tasks Communication Stations Jul 3, 2024 · The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) format is a popular method for assessing candidates applying to dental schools. The purpose of MMI interviews is to evaluate your oral communication, non-verbal skills, critical thinking, and teamwork. These are some of the most challenging medical school interview questions out there and you must have a solid strategy to tackle them. How do you counsel your friend?, Discuss one of your pastimes outside of school and how the skills MMI sample questions and answers How to prepare for MMIs? MMI Interview Courses MMI Question Bank 300+ Medical School Interview Questions 100+ MMI Ethical Scenarios MMI Role Play Questions & Scenarios MMI Communication Questions & Scenarios Quizlet has study tools to help you learn anything. Often, the medical ethical terms are also transferred to the non-medical world and adapted to challenging non-medical ethical scenarios. Not only will we give a detailed guideline for how to approach MMI questions and other common medical school interview questions, but we will also provide a sample question and expert answer with a detailed analysis! Applying MMI Ethical Scenarios to RACGP and ACRRM Core Domain Competencies IntroductionIn the process of becoming a General Practitioner (GP) in Australia, candidates must demonstrate competence across various core domains, as outlined by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and 100 Medical School MMI Interview Ethical Questions Scenarios We have compiled a. MMI interview stations are the distinct segments of the MMI format, each designed to assess a specific competency. This video covers various ethical scenarios you might encounter during your MMI. Instead of a broad range of questions, Macquarie focuses on one style of question, that being ethical scenarios. How do you counsel your friend?, Discuss one of your pastimes outside of school and how the skills Jan 17, 2025 · Practice with an MMI ethical scenario question and expert response! In today's episode we'll cover a sample MMI scenario, our expert response, and our top tips Podcast Episode · BeMo Admissions Experts Podcast · 2025-01-17 · 11m Whether your MMI interview scenario is an ethical dilemma or a difficult situation, being able to incorporate your personal experiences will make you stand out and get remembered. MMIs are used by several UK vet schools as part of the admissions process and involve rotating round a circuit of 5-10 minute interview stations, each with a I recently took an MMI and here’s what I would personally recommend but I’m just a dumb premed so I could be wrong: Firstly, all MMIs are different based on time allotted, number of stations, and even the types of questions. Is the MMI Question Generator customizable? Yes, the MMI Question Generator can be tailored to create scenarios that match specific needs and preferences, enhancing the practice experience. Please enter the break room. It is also helpful to practice analyzing ethical dilemmas and formulating well-reasoned responses. For additional MMI Interview Scenarios and model answers, review our Medical School Interviewer Approved MMI Question Bank . These are designed to assess how you think through complex, morally challenging situations. Feb 28, 2025 · Ethical Scenarios. Practicing questions and scenarios with a friend or a loved one can give you a great experience and the chance to have someone evaluate your response from their perspective. Once a year, an IT security professional discusses changes to the IT security system and trains hospital staff in making use of any new system features. But familiarizing yourself with the various types of MMI questions and practicing responses will help you make cogent statements that express desirab Feb 11, 2025 · Ethical scenarios and questions can be incorporated as different types of MMI questions, including acting stations and collaborative stations, panel and traditional questions, MPI questions, and more. Biomedical Ethics This domain ensures that research practices honor the respect and dignity of all participants, focusing on the moral implications of conducting research. First talk to linda privacy to understand what info is known to her and her family which I see resulting in 3 scenarios: 1. MMI scenarios may include discussions on hot healthcare topics, and being up-to-date in these areas will give you an advantage. Sep 16, 2019 · Learn how to answer popular medical school MMI questions with Drs. After responding, a candidate will be given 4-5 follow up questions. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like You are a consultant at a hospital. Explore the Categories: The questions are categorized into themes such as ethical decision-making, critical thinking, and communication. Jul 29, 2024 · If you’re prepping for your Multiple Mini Interview (MMI), you’ll likely encounter some tricky ethical scenario-based questions. You must leave work as soon as you are done seeing these patients, as your spouse will be leaving for their work shift and you need to be at home with your children. MMI Station 2 - Ethical Scenario A scenario is presented to the candidate to which appropriate ethical principles need to be applied and explained. A family conference is scheduled for later that afternoon", Complementary & Alternative Medicine Case Study: A young mother has been informed that her 2 yo son has leukemia Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You are a third-year medical student doing your rotation in OBGYN. ⚠️ At 11:37 I should have said the “41-year-old”⚠️ At 12:16 the ‘2’ should be a ‘0’! Apologies😆 Hey guys, here’s a classic ethical scenario that could co Part of the game is knowing what you’ll be asked. Role-play Station This type of MMI station is also called the MMI acting station where you have to take on the role of one of the individuals in a given scenario such as; breaking bad news, explaining test Although the exact nature of this station is harder to predict, an ability to think logically and apply the pillars of medical ethics, as well as consent, capacity and confidentiality, are key to success. If you’re an aspiring medical student, read Doing Right, by Philip Herbert, and be prepared to draw upon the terminology in framing your responses. Below are some example character development questions: Role-play : You are working in a busy hospital and have multiple urgent cases that require your attention simultaneously. MMI Question 1. . Marinelli and Flick. For instance, deciding between two patients who need a liver transplant The MMI Question Generator creates a wide range of realistic scenarios, including ethical dilemmas, communication tasks, and situational judgment tests. Types of MMI Questions. When dealing with medical ethics interview questions, always try to apply the four pillars of ethics: Patient autonomy — Does it show respect for the patient and their right to make decisions? Non-maleficence — Does it harm the patient? See full list on prospectivedoctor. These scenarios test your critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making abilities. uk/mmi-interview-courses. What do you do?) Oct 7, 2024 · “Our applicants struggled with one scenario we presented in the past in which a patient in a coma requires a blood transfusion,” shares one admissions team member. Many MMI questions—especially the ones about morals and ethics—may omit details you might've considered when contemplating your answer. Ethical scenarios are tough to face. One of the most common types of questions you’ll encounter in an MMI are ethical scenarios. Don’t sweat it! One area that often makes candidates nervous is answering ethical scenario MMI type questions. Nov 21, 2024 · Specifically, applicants must know seven ethical terms to ace the biomedical ethics stations of their MMI. We’ll review common pitfalls and discuss how you should approach MMI interview prep. Apr 20, 2022 · In the above scenario it can sometimes be appropriate to break confidentiality in the best interests of the patient. Example 1: If you’ve seen a similar ethical dilemma while shadowing or as an Emergency Room scribe, you can incorporate the experience and your reflections in your Most MMI medical school interviews consist of 6 to 10 brief, successive interview stations. There are MMI practice questions organized in the following categories: current events questions; ethical scenarios; team MMI questions; traditional interview questions; situational scenarios & patient care questions; leadership questions; and innovation & creative questions. linda knowns and dad does not. Understanding the Challenge. Memorizing a ton of sample questions isn’t the way to go. It includes questions and scenarios that reflect real-life situations and allows different interviewers to judge how you react to those scenarios. This involves being given a scenario that contains a complex ethical issue. Medical Ethics Interview Questions Guide & 100 MMI Ethics Questions 2025 | Why ask medical ethics questions? | What prior knowledge should I have about medical ethics? | Ultimate Guide | TheUKCATPeople Role Play – Situational MMI Questions MMI Questions test your communication skills, empathy and knowledge of ethical scenarios . Ethical scenario questions can be tricky because there isn’t necessarily a “right” or “wrong” answer. We have compiled a list of MMI Role Play Questions & Scenarios from MMI interviews at Medical Schools in the UK, US, Canada and Australia. Preparing for MMI ethics questions involves familiarizing yourself with ethical frameworks such as the four principles of medical ethics (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice) and understanding how they apply to different scenarios. Common MMI Interview Questions and Scenarios. Reflect on Personal Experiences: When presented with an ethical scenario, the candidate after gaining an overview must take the scenario through the four pillars above and expand on it. Esther, another consultant, does not want to attend the mandatory session, saying "It's the same stuff every year. Whilst it may seem unnatural for many to Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Breaking Bad News Case Study: " Jose is a 62 yo man whose biopsy produced pancreatic cancer. The MMI uses this variation to throw candidates of their game. A scenario- based discussion is the most typical type of MMI station, usually ethical in nature, and can involve every day scenarios, those that take place in a medical setting, or real-life medical or policy scenarios that present an ethical dilemma. It must ensure its beneficial whilst being non-maleficent and that actions are just. The most common MMI stations are: Role Plays – you should expect at least one role play. com These MMI practice questions are HIGH-YIELD, created by Dr. Excellent Candidate Response This dilemma can be viewed from a utilitarian and deontological perspective. Jan 24, 2022 · MMI ethical scenario You are a family physician working at a walk-in clinic. You should practice answering a variety of different ethical questions, and ensure that your response feels fitting. Step 1: Perspectives Framework for answering medical ethics interview questions: Name the ethical dilemma(s) – what is in tension? It is important NOT to repeat the scenario or question. Pharmacy Interview Question #4: Scenario - Ethical Sources of Funding Oct 23, 2024 · Over the next week, we will offer examples of the kinds of MMI questions a school might ask. Dental Ethics Interview MMI Scenario With Tips The MMI will focus on communication, problem-solving and ethics and offers are given to the highest-scoring individuals. Ethical scenarios are commonly asked in both panel interviews and the MMI. Rather, they want to see if you can articulate your thought process, show empathy for all stakeholders, and remain consistent with the core values you claim to hold. She tells you that she kept driving because she was scared and feels really guilty about this incident. Think through the more common ethical scenarios, such as those given below, and work out how best to communicate different view-points: Have a pick of the different free Medicine Mock interview MMI scenarios we have for you! If you're preparing for your Medicine Interview and you're worried about topics like COVID-19, Brexit, Ethical Dilemmas, Data Interpretation or Roleplay - Get to grips with our lovely Medicine MMI mocks on offer to help guide your revision! Sep 7, 2023 · Now, you’ve scored an interview, and the pressure is on. Station set up: The interviewer asks a question: What ethical principle of medicine would you consider to be most important? This station is simply testing your knowledge of the various ethical principles and checking that you appreciate their importance when making decisions. The MMIs themselves are notably different from other universities. Each post is led by a different proctor who poses different questions or ethical scenarios and rates your responses. The questions in MMIs can be categorized into several types: Ethical Dilemmas: These questions assess your ability to navigate complex moral situations. Jan 28, 2025 · Understanding these dimensions—Biomedical Ethics, Clinical Ethics, Professionalism, and Systems-Based Practice—is essential for navigating various MMI scenarios effectively. Free MMI Scenarios and Questions for you to practice for your Dentistry MMI Interview. Jun 10, 2024 · In this guide, we’ll explain what the MMI is, what types of MMI interview questions you might run into, and how to succeed in different scenarios. These scenarios are designed to test a candidate’s problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and ethical decision-making in a medical context. For example: Decide which of these two patients gets an organ transplant. uk/mmi-question- Jan 10, 2025 · When admissions committees pose ethical scenarios, they’re not necessarily looking for a single “correct” answer—ethics rarely boils down to a simple right or wrong. For example I had almost no ethical scenarios and only like 1 scenario-based station. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with how to tackle these scenarios and examples to help you shine. You notice that a fellow classmate, Michael, often shows up late or slightly hungover. This is, however, shadowed by the fact that they will likely relapse and the liver will go to waste. You decide that you want to talk to Michael about this. A focused guide on how to deliver bad news in an MMI scenario. Consider the competency of the patient. Mar 5, 2025 · The topics covered in the MMI include current issues in the medical field, real-life scenarios, collaboration, topics to assess your critical thinking and analytical skills, and your adherence to the ethics and values of the medical profession. Acting/Role-playing Stations: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A close friend in one of your university classes tells you that his mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I have an MMI interview in March (at a Canadian school) and I've been reading sample MMI questions and trying to figure out how I would answer them. Aug 7, 2023 · Stay informed about recent developments in healthcare and relevant trending ethical issues. These will include ethical and communication discussions, practical tasks, and small online evaluations. The unpredictability can throw students so having a pre-formed answer is a recipe for disaster. blackstonetutors. Oct 5, 2015 · Today, I want to talk to you about strategies you can use in the ethical discussion scenarios. The MMI Interview Scenario Station. In order to answer, you must understand why patients might decline blood transfusions due to their faith. -----MMI Question #1 A 14-year-old patient requests birth control pills from you and asks that you not tell her parents. Prep for the MMI with our most popular MMI Prep Course! Class 1 – 2023 – Ethical and Policy Scenarios Class 2 – 2023 – Role-Playing Scenarios 5. Reflect and Practice: Read each scenario carefully, identify the key issues, and practice framing structured, empathetic, and well-reasoned responses. The interviewer will consider your answer through the following lenses: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A close friend in one of your university classes tells you that his mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. There may be a rest station, or two rest stations, in between the other stations. Acting/Role-playing Stations: Jun 24, 2022 · #MMIethicalquestions #MMIinterview #MMI #BeMo #BeMoreMMI Ethical scenario examples are a great way to familiarize yourself with this MMI question type. theaspiringmedics. First things first: What are ethical scenario questions? Mar 4, 2025 · The MMI often involves ethical questions, so you must know ethical principles and the legal framework for controversial issues. An example could be deciding whether to disclose a patient’s medical condition to family members against their wishes. , The night after college graduation, you . Summarise the key issues - show your thinking to the Admissions Tutor so they can understand how you have approached this question. The best way to approach an ethical scenario is by considering the four pillars of ethics. You are asked to instruct the interviewer on how to unwrap and open the box, without helping them or using your hands. Sep 30, 2024 · Today, we’re diving into a common yet complex MMI scenario that forces you to balance empathy, legal obligations, and ethical considerations. How to answer this MMI question: With the first few interview offers trickling in, some of you may have heard of a little thing called the MMI (or a MMI, or an MMI, not really sure about the grammatical article). Jan 24, 2025 · Types of MMI Questions Ethical Scenario Questions. MMI Questions test your communication skills, empathy and knowledge of ethical scenarios . Ethical scenario: you’re given some sort of ethical dilemma (ex. On one hand, from a utilitarian perspective, by diverting the train I would be saving five lives at the cost of one life, and thus create the maximum benefit for the majority of the people involved. One day you find him in the break room alone. Our goal is to give you a framework you can use for ANY prompt, and to illustrate that framework through an example: In addition to practice, MMI Ethical Scenarios require a strong knowledge base of key ethical topics and principles. Mar 1, 2025 · Common Types of MMI Scenarios Ethical Dilemmas. MMI Question Bank. Use online resources, MMI prep books, or mock interviews to expose yourself to a variety of scenarios. These questions are designed to see how you handle complex situations where morals and values are at stake. Station 2: Aspartame (Critical Thinking) A message that recently appeared on the Web warned readers of the dangers of aspartame (artificial sweetener – Nutrasweet, Equal) as a cause of an epidemic of multiple sclerosis (a Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Your best friend confesses to you that she hit a person a month ago while driving under the influence. Healthcare professionals use ethical frameworks such as the four principles of medical ethics (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice) and the virtue-based approach to analyze ethical dilemmas and make decisions that are in the best interests of patients while respecting their autonomy and dignity. For additional MMI Interview Scenarios and model answers, review our Medical School Interviewer Approved MMI Question Bank. Click Here 7. You can deal with conflicting moral dilemmas and extremely stressful situations. This structured interview format presents applicants with a series of stations, each containing a scenario or question designed to evaluate various skills and attributes relevant to a career in dentistry. Consider the ethical problems that Dr Cheung's behaviour might pose. Your ability to navigate ethical dilemmas is heavily tested in medical school interviews, particularly in Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs). However, below is a general overview of the MMI categories students can expect to encounter. Dec 4, 2024 · Think about ethical principles and which of these apply to the scenario - and how. These include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Harper and Keele School: Harper & Keele conducts MMI interviews across eight stations. Lacking dental ethics knowledge; Dentistry interviews often include questions related to ethical scenarios. Considerations: The 20-year old drug addict likely has more years ahead of them, compared to the elderly member. They feel so high stakes. Discuss these issues with the interviewer. You should expect an MMI to have between five and ten different stations, with each station normally taking between 5 to 7 minutes. The MMI Scenarios will vary from course to course and year to year. How would your respond?, You witness two girls hitting a homeless woman and taking items that belong to her. 4. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like you are a junior doctor and are taking care of a patient who has made a number of rude personal comments to you and about you?how would you react?, 2 things you should always do as a doctor in ethical scenario?, a key quality needed when dealing with people with disability or elderly and more. A huge range of MMI ethical questions, compiled by admissions specialists, drawn from top universities. 100 Mmi Questions. You’re a physician and a young patient has come to you asking for an abortion. co. Click Here 6. The types of questions are from the following: ethical scenarios, personal reflections, collaboration stations, and even role play. Ethics-based NHS interview questions will involve specific situations that occur in hospital settings. But worry not – we’ve got your back. We have compiled a list of 100 ethical scenarios and questions from MMI interviews at Medical Schools in the UK, US, Canada and Australia. Dentistry Interview Ethical Scenarios – Tips Jan 30, 2024 · Commonly, candidates jump from one thought to another causing their answer to be incoherent and lack structure – so make sure you’re prepared to talk about both sides of an ethical scenario. Consider the wider implications - this is a good way to test out the validity of your ethical view point. Ethics Knowledge. 100 Mmi Questions interviews. These The more MMI practice you do the better you’ll get at applying ethical standards and using the correct approach to a given scenario. His brother begs you not to tell him as it would devastate him. The good news is that your interviewer cares far more about how you respond than what your response is. “Breaking Bad News – MMI Interview Question” by Shemmassian Academic Consulting. Practicing various sample MMI scenarios is an essential part of preparing for the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI). Scenario Description: You are a medical student and overhear a conversation in a public place where two doctors are discussing a patient by name and details of their condition. As such, in addition to viewing the video tutorial and practising MMI Ethical Scenarios regularly, we would also recommend that you have a firm understanding of the 4 Pillars of Medical Ethics, as well as common ethical topics such as euthanasia, abortion, organ donation and Jan 1, 2025 · It’s important to review potential ethical questions and MMI sample questions so that you’re well aware of what types of scenarios your prompts may present to you. Rachel Rizal. " How do you respond?, Why 🤖 Sign up for the world's FIRST AI Medicine Interview Platform "AVA" for only £30 per month - https://www. Station set up: The interviewer is sitting across from you, on the table there is a wrapped up box. EXAMPLE: Scenario to be discussed with evaluator: In 2007, the American Family Physician Journal published an article exploring the issue of physicians as role models, using a scenario in which an obese physician is offering nutrition advice to his MMI Interview Course: https://www. You are almost at the end of a busy 10-hour shift and still have 3 patients to see. Geez Louise. Use the feedback or answers provided by MMI GPT to reflect on and refine your understanding and responses to potential MMI questions. Jan 1, 2025 · These scenarios often deal with ethical dilemmas or difficult decision-making, where gathering the right information, focusing on harm reduction, offering support or resources, and ensuring proper documentation and follow-up are essential. Have a pick of the different free Dentistry MMI Mocks we have for you! If you're preparing for your Dentistry Interview and you're worried about topics like the NHS Traffic Light System, Fluoridation of Water or the Banding System - Get to grips with our Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A close friend in one of your university classes tells you that his mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. “The patient is a Jehovah’s Witness, and some members—including this patient’s outspoken family—believe their religion forbids blood transfusions. What would you do? MMI Question # 2 Preparation is key for the MMI process because you can expect traditional interview questions, role-playing situations, ethical scenarios, and essay-writing stations. Ethical scenarios are a major part of the MMI format. Improve your grades and reach your goals with flashcards, practice tests and expert-written solutions today. htmlMMI Online Question Bank: https://www. You can input these directly into the chat interface. MMI Ethical Scenario Hi all, not sure if I should be posting this here or if it's already been asked but a quick google search didn't come up with anything. “Medical School Interview Tips: MMI Ethical Scenarios” by Medic Mind. Begin by asking specific questions related to medical ethics, patient communication, or policy discussions to practice MMI scenarios. both linda and dad are aware of non paternity: give family basic info on genetics/inheritance and ensure that they know future child wont be at risk for mutation 2. Today, we’re diving into a common yet complex MMI scenario that forces you to balance empathy, legal obligations, and ethical considerations. How do you counsel your friend?, Discuss one of your pastimes outside of school and how the skills 3 days ago · MMI Questions: Scenario-----Would you like to have all 300 of these MMI questions at hand so you can practice any time? Download the MMI questions here. Autonomy involves respecting the patient’s right to make decisions. In this article, we explore common types of We provide 250 MMI practice questions down below, but in general, there are several categories of MMI questions to expect: Ethical Dilemma Stations: Hypothetical scenarios (clinical and otherwise) where applicants are expected to make a decision and explain their reasoning behind it. Oct 25, 2021 · We provide 250 MMI practice questions down below, but in general, there are several categories of MMI questions to expect: Ethical Dilemma Stations: Hypothetical scenarios (clinical and otherwise) where applicants are expected to make a decision and explain their reasoning behind it. Candidates may make the mistake of not Understand ethics in Dentistry and different ethical scenarios that could come up; Familiarise yourself with General Dental Council (GDC) standards and guidelines; Research some common dental conditions so that you have some basic knowledge of them; If necessary, practise tasks that demonstrate your manual dexterity skills I’ve found there will likely be fewer character questions than there are ethical questions during the course of MMI scenarios you encounter. 200+ Interview Questions, Model Answers with Expert Techniques & Simulated Interview Circuits. Scenario 7: Ethical Scenario – Confidentiality Breach. He feels overwhelmed by his studies and is considering dropping his courses to spend more time with his mother. Understanding Ethical Scenario Questions. The interviewer has already read the questions more times than you have! So, name the tension, difficult decision, or the context around the difficult situation in the ethical hey everyone! im trying to prep for mmi ethical scenario style questions but im absolutely terrible at outlining all the options and implications clearly and methodically , of course typing out responses is easier but since its an interview of course, ive been trying to practice by voice recording, but my answers are never smooth and i feel like they miss alot of points (i’m also not the Jul 15, 2021 · How do you approach ethical dilemma scenarios or questions during the med school interview or MMI? For example, you might be asked questions such as the use of blood transfusions in a Jehovah's Witness patient. uk/ai-for-medicine-interviews Familiarize yourself with common MMI scenarios: Practice responding to ethical dilemmas, problem-solving tasks, and teamwork challenges. These may involve situations where applicants must balance patient rights, confidentiality, or professional responsibilities. However, there may be scenarios where you are obliged to disclose confidential information. Ultimately, the patient will have autonomy on their information. Station Instructions: You have 2 minutes to read the scenario and think about your response. The victim's Jan 1, 2025 · The MMI is a situational judgment test that includes 8–12 stations, along with 1 or 2 rest stations. One liver transplant has been made available and there are two suitable patients who require the transplant. Every ethical case must ensure the patient’s autonomy is not affected as much as possible. Feb 18, 2023 · What is an Ethical Scenario? An ethical scenario is a clinical situation where hospital staff must make a difficult decision regarding ethics, often concerning a patient. In this MMI question, a man has been responsible for taking care of h How to Use This Guide. 5 MMI stations may includes scenarios to assess ethical decision-making, problem-solving, working as a team, integrity and motivational, etc. Feb 4, 2021 · Make sure to always have the Medical Ethics Guidelines in the back of your mind when approaching these scenarios (Autonomy, Justice, Beneficence, Non-Maleficence). Covering all the areas you will need to be ready for in your Medicine interviews. Aug 13, 2024 · Essay questions may cover ethical dilemmas, healthcare policies, or your personal motivations. Candidates rotate through these stations, encountering various scenarios that may include role-playing, ethical dilemmas, or questions about teamwork. Nov 21, 2024 · Sample MMI scenarios and practice questions. These prompts are the ones that terrify applicants. veessgw dveaxl sfjzmx lwk ncki nltwx vtkxbgx hflcff eprga zivdtpr cvimd bcxi msa mytzz yzclk