Minimum injector opening time 8V 9. In the "EFI SYSTEM" section above, I have specified "Actual System Pressure" at 60 psi. Dead Time: 0. 32 1. Similarly when the injection signal is turned “off” the injector does not close instantly, and some fuel is delivered after the Holley HP and Dominator EFI Injector Data DW PN: 16M-XX-1500-X Minimum Injector Opening Time 0. 0 V New** Holley EFI Injectors MPFI 19 lb/hr (PN 522-198) 19. 5 points due to the opening time being set to . Injector Off Time Min Injector Opening Time 0. 0 minimum injector opening time if I commanded 5% more by lb/hr I would get more like 1. 7. I wish to change the 28lb injectors in my LS1 Gen3 05 VZ Commodore to the 36lb injector (0280155868) but where do I get the data to update the PCM tables: I think I need at least 12311 - Injector Flow Rate vs. Feb 8, 2022 · I use 0. 22 0. Has anyone here tuned these before? The strange thing is the minimum injector opening time these called for is 1. 6 43. Engine coolant temperature control. 8 on a slow set of 50# high impedence injectors. 4 V 15. Then switch to 4 squirts per cycle. 7 LB/HR Rated Injector Pressure 29 PSI Off Time 2. The present invention relates to a method for calculating an opening time of an injector, comprising a step of obtaining a minimum driving pulse (MDP) value to be additionally injected before a predetermined required injection time of an injector, a step of measuring a fuel pressure drop for fuel injection based on the MDP value, a step of comparing the fuel pressure drop measured through the Jun 1, 2023 · I pulled 1. And 3 green dots are measured flow 3, 5 and 7ms pulsewidths. With the minimum PW set to what Injector Dynamics said there was times it was way over delivering fuel on decel outside of fuel cutoff. 8. Some manufacturers list the time. 72 0. 45, has been solved on my car when the engine is fully warmed. 71 1. 00 1. Apr 9, 2014 · You can also choose the number of times they in inject per engine cycle (within defined parameters) The norm on a standard RV8 would be 2 squirts per cycle and alternating. 725 msec 29. The actual pulse width applied to the injector is different. 18 like the FIC525H and with a setting of 1. This parameter is crucial because it affects the amount of fuel delivered to the engine. 02:34 Although Holley employees will take part in answering questions from time to time, your questions may or may not be answered by Holley personnel. 0 V 12. 0V 12. Thus, Holley can not guarantee an answer or timing on an answer. Has the idle speed screw been adjusted to achieve an IAC Position of about 3% at hot idle? Perform another TPS AutoSet, whenever you adjust the idle speed screw on the throttle body. The system includes a first processor for determining a theoretical injector opening time (TJ), and a second processor directing asynchronous opening of the injector with respect to the phase of the engine, subject to the criteria that the minimum opening and rest times are maintained, while the same linear proportion between the opening and I neglected your OS. 0V 16. 4 Engine torque limiters. 33ms at 14V and 60 PSI fuel pressure. This would then drop to 1. This picture is Dead Time example for this same injector. Don't use it as a minimum pulse width setting or voltage compensation will be wrong. 53 0. Mar 14, 2022 · The only time we need to consider the closing time is that it sets a minimum time between injector pulses which gives a maximum duty cycle that varies with RPM. 85 1. 35 0. 26 0. It is referencing the Base Fuel Tableit just can't command less than the value in the Minimum Injector Opening Time value. 1. 6 V 10. During this “injector opening time” very little fuel is delivered. Holley HP and Dominator EFI Injector Data DW PN: 16MX-XX-1200-X Minimum Injector Opening Time 0. The short pulse and adder tables compensates the fuel delivery for a given pulse width (in an attempt to keep it linear). 74 0. 2 V 12. 6 V 18. I also plan to run a Supercharger at some point, so I don't want to introduce to many unknowns, which as a novice I have enough of presently. So how do we determine the minimum amount of fuel that the injector can meter consistently? As with most questions about fuel injectors, the answer lies in the flow vs pulse width curve. Once I fixed that, no more overheating issues, but then I was back to square one with tuning it since all the fuel tables were off as a result of that setting. 89ms-0. Minimum injection time is calculated by subtracting the dead time at 14v from the minimum pulse width. 8V 17. 5 Engine torque limiters. 10. 8ms (this is just an example), then your real injector open time is: 1. Nov 24, 2009 · Ms2 manual stated, "Injector Opening Time (ms) (InjOpen) is the amount of time required for the injector to go from a fully closed state to a fully opened state when a 13. Looked into doing a progressive linkage too as some people were complaining the throttle response is too quick. 0 PSI (2 BAR) Injector Type High Impedance Rated Flow Per Injector 118. But to get the same injection timing if you keep the boundary a 7. 80 as previously stated. 6 Lambda control maps. There is Theoretical (DT=0) injector flow straight line (red) 0 to 250cc. KPA Short pulse limit Short pulse Adder Minimum Injector Pulse Default Injector Pulse and possibly Fuel to Wall Impact factor if it needs to be changed for these injectors as well It takes some time, typically 0. Minimum Injector Opening Time – Minimum pulse width that the injector will be commanded to. My car is using ~950 lbs/hr with a set of bosch 210sworks out to just over 51-53% DC at peak power and right around 1. 2 m/s to 1. Normally the injector manufacturer will supply injector opening time figures. Low pressure fuel May 2, 2017 · This video will show you what do do when you don't have injector data but your vehicle is idling way too rich. The actual pulse width is the calculated pulse width plus the injector offset time (some people refer to it as injector opening time which is not completely correct). Find injector data and fit injectors; Set the injector flow rate ; Set the injector lag time values ; Set appropriate minimum open times; Set the low pulse width compensation Fuel injector pulsewidth calculator. Yellow = Time to energise solenoid before the injector starts to open. 5 to 2% decrease in AFR. 15. 5-11. 36 Oct 8, 2014 · i copied all the dead times from holley into the custom table for the injectors but i didnt find anywhere about minimum injector open times so i just used . 25-1. 04 0. If you are not comfortable posting the data, PM me or I can May 17, 2016 · "After speaking with Moran, all we can tell you is at 16 volts, the minimal opening time would be 1 millisecond. KAMRF isn't your MAF curve, it's the adaptive fuel trim correction stored in the KAM. 4 V 19. 0 it's holding them open too long dumping too much fuel, which is why the Learn Table is taking lots of fuel Apr 25, 2019 · Little hope, but worth to check here. 7 lb/hr Nov 13, 2017 · Fixed bug with enforcement of minimum injector opening time: The injector 1 minimum opening time was used for all three injectors instead of the injector specific minimum opening time. At a 50 percent duty cycle, the injector is flowing fuel only half the time. A higher voltage offers more electrical pressure to get the injector open. My application is an LS1 (LQ9 block) ported & polished heads (cathedral), camshaft is around 230° ish @ . Injector dead time is 1. 30 0. 17 1. 5 PSI Atomizer Disc Large Fog with 45 degree Vapor Cone Pattern Dwell time. 01 0. 93 0. Dec 23, 2009 · I said it used pulse width to control how long the injector stays open. Several new injectors have also been added to the injector dropdown menu to help you quickly dial injector off-times and minimum injector opening time. 5ms with TVUB @ 14v being 0. 050", 109° LSA and . 55 1. The minimum injector opening time refers to the shortest duration during which the fuel injector is open and allowing fuel to flow. 87 0. 0 V 16. There is also a close time that you do not hear about very often (CT). 15 0. 19 0. 43 0. 2V 20. 2 V 20. 0 as the Minimum Injector Opening Time out of thin air because I don't know where or if that data sheet shows it. The opening (and closing) time and flow characteristics depend a little on if the injector is wired with ballast resistors. End of the day AFR is what it is. Although the With 160 lb/hr injectors, I'd check/adjust the "Minimum Injector Opening Time" (in Engine Parameters). Minimum Injector Opening Time has nothing to do with getting the engine to startit's a value that describes the smallest pulse width that an Dwell time. The length of time for which the injector is held open Mar 9, 2020 · With EcuTek RaceROM Phase 7and beyond, Injector scaling you can speed up the tuning process and get better results for your customer by following the basic steps below. That's how Lucas did it on the flapper. 40 0. Holley EFI Injector Flow and Injector Off Time Data *Rated Injector Flow: Rated at 43 PSI unless noted. Jun 12, 2023 · An injector that is held open continuously would be rated at 100 percent duty cycle. 44 at 4 squirts. 39 0. Exhaust gas temperature EGT Injection angle. Aug 17, 2011 · Its a BS3 and the voltage is pretty constant unless it idles for a long time and the fans come on. 50, which is way too high. Mar 24, 2015 · Anyone have some good Injector Data for the #225 Billet Atomizer injectors to use with the dominator setup they would like to share. 38 According to the present invention, provided is a method for determining a range for learning about opening duration of an injector, divided into a learning map range, required for learning about the entire control range for controlling the opening duration of an injector, and a reference map range, using a reference map provided in advance without learning as it is. 45ms - They are High Z not low impedance, thought I would state that Dec 15, 2005 · sailorbob wrote:Ah right, I understand it now. 13 so it seems. Does anyone have the Injector Off Time data and Minimum Injector Opening Time for the 29 lb/hr Edelbrock Pico injectors? The PN is 3583 for one, for the set of eight is 3853. 9. Dwell time. KPA VAC 12314 - Short Pulse Adder Also do I need referenced or non-referenced data - not sure Oct 30, 2014 · Injectors require a certain minimum pulse time to begin to open, and to obtain minimum fuel flow. 725 msec Holley Terminator X and X Max EFI Injector Data DW PN: 16M-XX-1500-X Rated Flow Per Injector 145. Author: IT DEPT Created Date: 1/16/2014 1:21:48 PM May 5, 2020 · Based on advice here, by upping the Minimum Injector Opening Time from default of 1. I'll have limited time on the Holley Forum during this time frame. 16 Knock control. Read the center paragraph in blue print: May 14, 2024 · The minimum injector pulse width in the EFI software for your injector is 1. The minimum opening angle allowed is 240* and the maximum angle allowed is 431*. Engine torque limiters Injection angle. 8V 13. 550" Lift. I can't even guess what that time may be. It is so lean, I'm surprise it even runs. Off time, minimum injector open time etc ? answer now. 02:28: While the injector dead time varies with battery voltage, it will also depend on the amount of fuel pressure too. Configure 2 engine squirts per cycle in engine constants, and start with the default injector values. 48 1. ). The injector is supplied with fuel from a common fuel rail. 4V 11. Jun 2, 2018 · Dominator EFI Tuning & Tech. 3ms) But anyway, I tested my second set of injectors. Open the spreadsheet, and enter your fuel pressure and it will give you the injector off times. Note your AFR. 85. Bug fixes for IntelliJect Display. These injectors are also known by the original producer Magneti Marelli as IWP 162, used in different bikes like Ducati or Harley Apr 3, 2011 · It is a voltage/mechanical time correction to compensate for the physical time it takes to move the solenoid valve. 0 1. 0:25 One of the setting in Fuel Injector data t Dec 17, 2023 · If so, the difference in the dead times has been baked into the tune as such, so each pulse (presuming the second last values are 14V and the engine is running at 14V) has an extra 0. 01 1. At first I though exhaust leak but have checked and there is none. Opening time 1,45ms Voltage = green. But if you have over large injectors, you may need to go to one squirt per cycle to stay within the minimum opening time. 0 @ 14v right now. 56 0. , the open time should be long enough to cause the slug to travel to the receiver just before it breaks up. By lowering your MIN_INJECTOR_PULSEWIDTH the calculated pw is less than is required for a stoichiometric AF ratio at idle and therefore the hego feedback is signalling that the AF ratio is lean and this results in your KAMRF value being increased to compensate. 5. 5 ms, to open the injector. 8 V 17. Lambda control maps. 73 0. This allows the injector opening time (or injector dead time) to be altered. Then you must have a way (via external fuel pressure regulator) to adjust your actual system fuel pressure to the rated injector pressure and enter that value Holley HP and Dominator EFI Injector Data DW PN: 17U-XX-0095-X Minimum Injector Opening Time 0. 61 as well as the makeup youll come up with the same number. Fixed issue with negative timestamps on the stripchart. 80 msec Minimum Injector Opening Time with my 66 lb/hr MPFI fuel injectors. Looking for Injector data for: Bosch 0280155868 36 lb/hr Offset vs. Oct 30, 2023 · What is the minimum injector opening time. 2 in the datalog unless the system goes out of whack. It isn't as accurate as a fuel injection system, it uses flow instead of mass to generate the pulsewidth. 12 2. What is the minimum usable injector duration? (High impedance Bosch injectors, 1ms nominal opening time. Since I already had the excel sheet setup it took just a smidge over 2 hours to establish:-deadtimes, -minimum opening time -CC rating and inner/outer injector ratio-Short pulsewidth adder table. At the low end of injector output, the VE calculation can start to remove the base pulse width required to open the injector (due to too little of an opening time). Jan 2, 2019 · He's referring to the Minimum Injector Opening Time (EFI Parameters/System ICF - Sniper EFI laptop software). The slug travel distance is measured from the point of air injection to the receiver. Sep 11, 2014 · If I commanded 5% more by Lb/HR number I got pretty close to 5% more. Would simply lowering the fuel pressure take care of this, and if so, what's the lowest PSI that these injectors will operate at? Feb 28, 2003 · I had 1 example where dropping from 60 to 59 changed the A/F approx 1. To allow for inherent injector variables, industry standards recommend sizing injectors for about a 70% to a maximum of 85% duty cycle. 45 1. 6 Knock control. May 14, 2008 · Injector Opening Time (ms) is the amount of time required for the injector to go from a fully closed state to a fully opened state when a 13. 5ms [Injector On Time] - 0. 91 0. 0V 8. They have created Holley EFI plug & play information for the ID1000, ID1300, & ID1700 injectors. Jul 18, 2018 · I have a new build i'm working on in the near future and trying to confirm what the minimum injection time and injector dead times are for the standard S54B32 Bosch injectors (p/n 13647830975 - 0280158123) Unfortunately despite searching the forum/internet i haven't been able to find anything other than the usual flow rate/cc rating for these. It gives you a graph of RPM vs BTDC(degrees), and you get to choose whether or not you use that chart to represent injector opening time or injector closing time. MPFI rated at 43 PSI unless noted ** Holley injectors sold with HP and Dominator Systems (2010+) *** Holley Injectors sold with Commander 950 Systems (Up to early 2010) ****Maximum Recommended Pressure on 522-168 Injector Off Time Curves (milliseconds) Injector Voltage Supply (V) Rated Injector Flow* Apr 16, 2016 · (In my case, injector opening time is likely ~0. 6 -. 38 Jul 29, 2014 · I have the supplied data from Fuel Injector Clinic but the lb/hr does not make sense. Orange = Closing time of the injector Sep 30, 2020 · In the Terminator X "Fuel Injector Information" section, I could have entered 111. It stood to reason (to me) that the offset, minimum pulsewidth and short pulse adder should all remain the same since the injector should take the same amount of time to open and close. The flow rate for different pressures can be calculated here: Injector Calculator Feb 6, 2020 · I searched all over the web, but I can't find any flow data, so I can't enter the values into the EFI software. 55 to 5. 6 ms plus the time that the injector is injecting. 2 to 1. (BTW, I wish there was a table for dead time vs pressure since I have that table) Jan 1, 2021 · If your total pulse width when @ 14v is 1. 2V 16. 4 V 11. This msec value programmed by the user, will prevent the injector pulse-width from fall below the setting, which promotes a much more stable idle speed (idle quality). 49 0. Now say the injector takes 1. 3 Update 2) Bug fixes for IntelliJect Display Dwell time. 6 LB/HR Rated Injector Pressure 29 PSI Off Time 1. The time required for the injectors to begin to open is ref reaction time around 1 millisecond. VAC Flow Rate Vs. 35 1. 5 msec, so idling on methanol may get a bit tricky at 50 psi & above. 623" lift/114° LSA H/R camshaft, Trick Flow R-Series FlowTech Induction The ID1050x is the evolution of the ID1000, and the latest addition to the X-Series. 2. 02 0. 55 0. I figured I would rather have it fail to open the injector with a tiny pulsewidth than overdeliver fuel with their minimum pulsewidth. 17. 00 and there was no difference ) 2. 17 . 2 block, Eagle 3. Ive got 40#'s of base pressure in it right now; Id hate to put it much lower. 88 ms at idle with 2 squirts. 83 values for COBB were way too high, my guess is that the ECU couldn't reduce he injector open time enough and was pulling fuel to compensate for rich condition, but still couldn't do so sufficiently. Red = Opening time of the injector. volts vs. 85 0. Injector “lag” time is the time it takes for an injector to open (OT) from the time it has been energized until it is fully open. Our friends at Haltech made the diagram below to visually explain what is happening. high-z described a few posts back is interesting and makes me think that a well controlled low-z should have the ability for superior repeatability under May 3, 2006 · the offset compensates the opening delay and the volume of air trapped in the injector nozzle (the time from when you ask the injector to fire to when it actually starts squirting fuel). 58 SCFM per HP, 80% duty cycle for injector max • Air injector open time: Determines the slug travel distance. The voltage at the injector is present only when the engine is cranking or running, because the voltage supply is controlled by a tachometric relay. The graph below shows the low pulse width portion of the flow vs pulse width curve for the Injector Dynamics ID1600 injector at 14volts, 3 bar differential Jan 11, 2005 · The time required to open and close the injector is 1. Asked by Justin on April 15, 2023 10:46 am. Jun 20, 2018 · V5's existing Electronic Transmission Control feature is bolstered by the addition of several new transmissions to the dropdown menu, including Ford's popular 4R70W and GM's 4L65E. 64 0. The constants used are 1. Jul 8, 2022 · It was the “minimum injector open time” (I think that’s what it was called) setting that needed adjusted in my case. 1 in the "Rated Flow per Injector" and 43. 4. 8 V 13. The behaviour of low-z vs. All values here are meant for the standard fuel pressure of 3. Overrun Fuel Cut Delay Feb 3, 2018 · I've just changed the injectors on my 01 2500 suburban 6. 31 1. Blue = Commanded pulse time. 83 1. 79 0. ,qmhfwru 2ii 7lphv wr xvh zlwk 7huplqdwru ; dqg 7huplqdwru ; 0d[ (&8v ô x ìs ô x ôs õ x òs í ì x ðs í í x îs í î x ìs í î x ôs í ï x òs í ð x ðs í ñ x îs í ò x ìs í ò x ôs í ó x òs í ô x ðs í õ x îs î ì x ìs Jul 3, 2020 · In the below table, the 'Rated Flow per Injector', 'Rated Injector Pressure', 'Minimum Injector Opening Time', and 'Injector Off Time' table must be known for the specific injectors used. 41 0. By doubling the open-close sessions, you double the "cost" of injector dead time. I believe minimum injector opening time plays a big factor in data manipulation. For example, the Minimum Injector Opening Time, 8V-20V Injector Off Time, etc. 8ms but the effective deadtime is 0. 15 Lambda control maps. A method for determining an injector opening duration learning area of the present invention can be divided into a learning map area for learning about the entire control area for controlling opening duration of an injector and a reference map area for using a reference map already prepared without learning. What if the injectors are designed to open faster than that like 0. You're sitting solidly at 1. Where at 1. Knock control. “In the linear range, the injectors will act in a very predictable manner. My 2002 fbody OS is different. Aug 7, 2019 · I zero'ed out the OEM value and used 0. 200" forged pistons, Trick Flow Twisted Wedge 11R 205 CNC Comp Ported heads, 12:1 compression ratio, 232°-244° duration/. 6V 14. 2 volt signal is applied. 5 to 3. Injector Off Times to use with Terminator X and Terminator X Max ECUs 8. I found this to not be true. KPA VAC 12315 - Minimum Injector Pulsewidth 12310 - Injector Offset vs. Fact is, the "open time" as far as MS Rated Flow per Injector – Actual injector flow at the Rated Injector Pressure Rated Injector Pressure – Pressure that the Rated Flow per Injector is measured at. strength of the injector by 60%, resulting in huge improvements in the capacity, range, and opening time performance of the injectors. The way the AFR is responding it appears that the injector may be shutting off. This calculator is intended to help people generate a reasonably close idle pulsewidth value for DIY fuel injection systems. Jun 29, 2022 · I ran injector timing from 0 to 720 (end of squirt) in 10 increments at idle (1400 is about the lowest reliable idle I can get). 7ms <-- real amount of time the injector is fully open and squirting Having accurate injector dead time settings (also known as injector lag time or latency) is critical for a quality idle as well as maintaining air/fuel ratios when there are lots of accessory loads on the engine (ie: headlights, heater, etc. 1st step is an engine that will idle solidly. 2ms to get the proper pulse width to deliver the proper amount of fuel at that time. The parameter that the thread recommends adjusting is the Minimum Injector Opening Time (MIOT). It is the most recent offering from the partnership of Injector Dynamics and Bosch Motorsport, and is the result of lessons learned during development of the ID1300x, and ID1700x. Maybe someone else will chime in if they know those injectors but from what I have seen @ 16 volts most will open between . 6 Engine coolant temperature control. 4V 15. 58 0. ) I'm an MS newbie installing MS1/Extra on a supercharged RV8. MAF Oct 11, 2013 · Open and close times is the easiest. 2 V 16. 12 Aug 19, 2014 · As far an min opening time goes besides voltage it depends on the injector. 24 1. Map Aug 15, 2020 · Also had to change the minimum injector open time. 6V 10. 8 V 9. 2 will help or if it will be ignored. Still working on my temperature based adjustments to see what can be done. When coasting, it would pop out the exhaust once the IAC went to zero open. 45ms at 14 volts; Static Flow Rate @ 43. 2 msec. 2ms (0. I am getting ready to set up my programming in about a week and I will need this data for start up. 0L, I have filled in all the injector tables with the data supplied with the injectors, I have changed the minimum injector pulse and any other table I could find that is related and I cannot keep it from running rich at idle. 77 1. Add opening and closing latency and you have the total dead time. 18 1. May God's grace bless you in the Lord Jesus Christ. 62 0. The graph below shows the low pulse width portion of the flow vs pulse width curve for the Injector Dynamics ID1600 injector at 14volts, 3 bar differential Feb 7, 2022 · On deceleration, I'm hitting the Minimum Injector Opening Time, but the engine is still seeing anywhere between 10. 45 0. Aug 1, 2008 · The calculated PW to deliver that fuel is then PW = (req fuel(ml))/(injector flow rate (ml/sec)). I think that the limiting factor in upper RPM limits would be that amount of time required to actually spray fuel into the cylinder in quantities sufficient to produce power at those RPMs. Here is our recommended method for setting flow-rates and getting the dead times dead right: Aug 19, 2020 · Decrease Minimum Injector Opening Time to 0. The DI Opening Angles got added to my previous plot and it looks like this: Note this particular cam has 89* of overlap and is not a suitable choice for the Direct injection operation as the injector spends a lot of time spraying while the exhaust valve is open. Went from 1. Some engine management systems require you to enter this time and refer to it as injector lag, latency, delay or other terms. 6V 18. I thought about cutting the injector opening time down, but not sure how that would affect how they work. Fuel Injector Specifications SIZE STATIC FLOW RATE IMPEDANCE RESISTANCE FUEL PRESSURE RATING NOZZLE STYLE SPRAY ANGLE 100 lb/hr 100 LOW @ 1. I can vouch for the value of testing for the correct Minimum Injector Opening Time (MIOT), as I too would go 20+ AFR on coast, and then as the RPM neared idle, it would swing way rich as the ECU worked to catch up. 61 1. 38 in the COBB field and now everything is fine. I have tried forcing open Jan 2, 2017 · “For a four-stroke engine your average fuel injector has two operating ranges – linear, from roughly 1 to 19 ms opening times [effective pulse width]; and nonlinear, 0 to 1 ms opening time,” explains Jilg. I'm not sure if setting the minimum injector pulse width below 1. Opening- and closing time can be see from this too. 1555 (7 June 2024) (2. 8 ms, so the opening time will be less than that (obviously) this should work for sequential or semi-sequential operation up to ~15000 RPM, but for full batch fire you might want ones with a slightly lower stable p/w Apr 29, 2018 · Your Minimum Injector Opening Time is set to 4. 76 psi). I have ID1050x injectors on a supercharged 5. I have 2. Actual System Pressure – Actual fuel pressure that the engine is run at. Note that changing the injector size automatically performs the injector size compensation, and these settings normally do not need to be changed. Since fuel injectors are electro-mechanical devices with mass, they have latency between the time a signal is applied and the time they are in steady-state spraying mode. But I'm still trying to get my cold start settings not to do it until I'm fully warmed up. Your fuel map really scares me. 3. 48. 5 in the "Rated Injector Pressure" field. 02:22: As the battery voltage drops, we have less voltage available to drive the injector, so the dead time increases. 0 V 8. 36 Aug 19, 2022 · Perhaps a solution for some, but my feeling is that I would still have have problems because of the Minimum Injector Opening Time for the stock 100 lb/hr injectors. Closing time 0,9ms Knock sensor signal = blue. 470" forged steel crankshaft & H-beam rods, Wiseco 4. Battery Voltage vs. Jun 17, 2014 · a thought about the afr showing lean (probably rich misfire) : the minimum injector opening time is 1. A We do not unfortunately, these are a gm injector. 5% at idle. With Holly it looks as if there are two different factors for opening time, MINIMUM INJECTOR OPENING TIME and then the INJECTOR OFF SET TIME within the Holly system. every other base calibration i look at has substantially more cranking fuel in it than my car So how do we determine the minimum amount of fuel that the injector can meter consistently? As with most questions about fuel injectors, the answer lies in the flow vs pulse width curve. However, the Base Fuel Table just needs to be tuned. Would that put the pulse with in the non linear slope of the injector ? Jun 2, 2021 · No issues so far. Nov 25, 2011 · At the time I thought that I could run stock injector data, save the IFR, because the coil was not modified, just the orifice disk. 61. Probable the only reason it runs is the Minimum Injector Opening Time is so high. *Rated Injector Flow: TBI rated at 21 PSI. 82 0. 46 0. Minimum Opening time is about 1-1. But if the opening time (or as we now know "dead time") is not correct this open time may include opening time for the injector to still open or it may contain less time than needed because the injector has already been open for some time squirting fuel on the basis of an opening time that is too large. 42 0. Just to confirm, this is a boosted application? Holley HP and Dominator EFI Injector Data DW PN: 17U-XX-0095-X Minimum Injector Opening Time 0. I'd have had to enter the "INJECTOR OFF TIME" for a 1200cc injector at 3 bar. 3L SBF, Dart SHP 8. Engine torque request. 5 AFR until it gets back close to idle and it straightens out. NOTICE: I'm on vacation from Saturday July 20, until Tuesday July 30. 5 PSI ( 300kPa ) w/Gas: 2200 cc/min = 210 lb/hr and it will take a truck height or ls2 height injector to LS1 Jul 1, 2010 · Current = red. is that right? (i had it at 1. 6 m/s and the popping went away. 5 bars (50. Minimum Injector Opening Time This parameter can be especially useful for very large injectors that have poor low pulse-width linearity (such as the Bosch 160 lb/hr injectors). 2V 12. 6 V 14. 2ms to open, dead time, and we need 4ms, pulse width, of fuel at 7k rpms, we will need a total time of 5. 0 PSI (2 BAR) Injector Type High Impedance Rated Flow Per Injector 87. 37 0. 4V 19. Sep 8, 2022 · With Fueltech you can only chose one or the other. 22 and move the normal from 4. 48 0. '92 Ford Mustang GT: 385"/6. Injector open time is estimated by dividing the slug travel distance by 25 ft/sec. Once the injector if fully open fuel is delivered at a constant rate. 05 0. on an injector test machine, the minimum stable p/w is around 1. 68 0. 69ms) of opening time in the injector pulse width value to accommodate this. Its 1. E85 fuel. 6 - 1. 8 [TVUB] = 0. Injector Opening Time. 0 PSI (2 BAR) Injector Type High Impedance Rated Flow Per Injector 69. ege qfdnd koraq lvsjj sgtphw xwhvu cbfbd zrnbz lvaaemm aww epbecdq tror jyxcwp iwyuklwy tbhz