Mhw elderseal vs element Attack Melody II gives you Purple-Red-Green, which is the same song list as the Bazel Valdi Rooksearer (Seething Bazelgeuse). Hi everyone, I am fully aware of what an elderseal does but what I do not know is the difference between a low, average and high elderseal. The set that might be interesting to compare to me is the safi aqauashot vs alatreon with fatalis lbgs. Decorations, is there a breakdown to help me choose. 1 Element VI, 3 Element V, and Attack Melody. Anjanath's bow. So I decided to give my Palico a high elderseal weapon and have him use the meowlotov cocktail while I soloed some tempered elders and I might be imagining it but it seems to have made the fights easier. And finally: If you find yourself unable to survive emnity or without a temporal mantle, try not to use a weapon with high elderseal. Still, elemental skills were a waste of time back then. Reply reply Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Lance for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Read on to learn more! AT velks elemental HZV go lower the higher its stage gets and iirc stage isn't affected by ice armor knockdown elderseal (reduces stage by 1 on proc) only procs about twice max per fight bc of resistance build up so that wouldn't be making too much of a difference (at least in my experience) elderseal affects sealing an elder dragon's powers dragon damage is for exploiting elemental weaknesses thats why there are typically weapons with high drag, low elderseal, med of both, and low drag, high eldereseal - if dragon damage also sealed, then there would be no reason not to go with high drag, low elderseal Apr 13, 2020 · Striking a Dragon element Kinsect yielded 2~3 Elderseal, which was the same value as striking with Alatreon Star, which has a low Elderseal. Hunting Horn probably gets the most out of Safi since they can choose the song list and status/elements they want. Read on to learn more! This means weapons that hit really fast will see the most usage out of elemental damage vs slower weapons. Fatalis has no Elderseal threshold, so Elderseal doesn't do anything. But sacrificing damage and preventing special attacks from Best bet is using the opposing start element and just breaking the horn locking him in it. Its not great, but does a good dent into his energy household. Jan 2, 2019 · The problem with Elderseal is that you effectively sacrifice damage (elder dragons are not weak to dragon damage, high elderseal weapons do lower damage than low elderseal which does lower damage than non-dragon weapons) in order for what is essentially a random chance to either make the fight easier or harder. Also, this value did not change as I change the weapon. Elder Dragons include Kirin, Teostra, Vaal Hazak, Kulve Taroth , and several other powerful enemies, so anything that gives you an edge against them is a good thing. Your 360 Ice damage is simply 36 base Ice. it can also stun and is not affected by monster hitzones. At mid level, Catastrophe’s Light has great damage and high elderseal. Each weapon's stats, slots, sharpness, and more are shown here. . Blast does 300 damage per proc, but the issue is, a monster's resistance to blast skyrockets after the first few procs, and it skyrockets even further for tempered monsters and add Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Insect Glaive for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. so nerg cb has decent raw, and the phial damage will be alright. So you are either using a high dragon elemental weapon on the Raths / behemoth and Elderseal is worthless or you are running high raw and elderseal for EDs and ignoring the Dragon element. I'm going with Fatalis, the raw alone is gonna dish out more damage than any of my fire IGs. However, Elderseal + dragon attack does do more damage to Safi than the other equivalent element builds, so Dragon element bows and blademaster weapons should fare better than other elements, since Safi is 2star weak to them all. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Bow for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. For the Monster Type, see Elder Dragon The Dragon Element is an Elemental Effect which can be utilized offensively by both hunters and monsters. Otherwise you will need a ton of element. for example, when facing furious rajang, one should use ice weapons. Jan 18, 2024 · You can increase the effectiveness of your Elderseal using the Elderseal Boost skill, which can be obtained through certain armor pieces or the Dragonseal Jewel 3. The Safi'jiiva, Kjarr, Alatreon and Fatalis weapons dominate each category with its potential in their respective element brackets. Elderseal Boost Effects and Equipment. It may depend on weapon type, Nergigante Charge Blade seems to knock Kirin out of its ascended state quicker than the Dragonbone Blade III. However, for those without Fatalis gear, most of the pre-Fatalis elderseal weapons don't have very good damage output. Elderseal inflicts sorta like a status in a way, easiest way to understand it, and after a certain damage cap it will nullify a EDs special aura. How do Power Elemental Phials work vs Impact Phials? How do you maximize the damage they deal? We got you. hunter notes does not explain how much the monster is weak to a specific element,if you want to have an idea of Monsters weakness open kiranico website. Needless to say, you’ll probably High Elderseal is only truly effective on Safi'jiiva in lowering his energy levels as far as I know. It's only on Dragon Elemental weapons, except, AFAIK, RuiNerg and Xeno are the only ones that aren't ultra resistant to Dragon. Maybe for later monsters somewhere down the line, but the 3 anti-whatever and flash pods has been enough for me thus far. Light & Heavy Bowguns Can Equip Dragon Ammo Bowguns do not have the Elderseal feature but are capable of equipping Dragon Ammo - a type of ammo that deals Dragon Damage and can activate Elderseal. c. Dragon just has the added benefit of elderseal. Oct 1, 2020 · use dragon(3stars, doesnt matter the elderseal level) or fire (2stars), I'd go with dragon and a part breaker jewel, you HAVE to break his horn on the 2nd phase or you'll get one shotted by his fire attacks on the third phase. 8 the weapon dmg you have on your character info panel 17 votes, 34 comments. the bow isnt bad the db's too. On top of that, it's hard to proc and it's even harder to see what the hell it's doing when it does proc. It uses a strange and unknown power to cause additional damage. Oct 17, 2017 · Dragon Element is an Elemental Damage type in Monster Hunter World (MHW). each individual attack has a modfier which can increase or reduce so lets say x1. Mar 4, 2019 · Dragon element is sub-optimal on Elder Dragons. -Elderseal is also terrible in general. Feb 3, 2024 · Elderseal is a Weapon Mechanic introduced in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Reply reply Astralicman • Dragon is worth running against him. As you attack an Elder Dragon with an Elder Seal weapon the Seal builds, until eventually it causes the Elder Dragon to stagger, and lose its special effects, Kirin loses it Thunder Aura, Kushaldora loses its Wind Buffer, Teostra loses his Flame Wreath, Nergigante has his Black Spike Regen time increased, and Vaal Hazak loses If you like bow. Safi LS, any element x1 VI Sharpness, x4 V Element Or x1 VI Element, x2 V Element, x2 V Sharpness Augments are up to you but health regen is always nice to have to stay in the fight Silver Rath head, chest, hands, waist Yian Garuga legs Lv5 elemental charm Fit handicraft where you can to offset sharpness loss, WEX, crit boost and HB3. Mar 15, 2019 · 2) Dragon element is element that is also an Ailment because of elderseal How does elderseal work? Just like exhaust When elder dragon has an active aura you can drain it by using weapon with dragon element just like exhaust drains hidden stamina bar 200 dragon = 20 points of elderseal just like exhaust/poison/blast e. t. This article is about the Element. the big difference though, is that the jho CB is a power element phial charge blade vs the nerg cb which is an impact charge blade. In this video we not only explain what the highest Setting aside the raw vs. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Dual Blades for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Elemental Attack in MHW Iceborne works basically exactly the same as it d Occasionally KT Ice glaive vs. True Element Acceleration Effect. To explain it a bit further (talking about melee weapons not ranged). About the element vs raw to put it as simple as short as possible element=better with fast weapons raw=better with slow weapons. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Hunting Horn for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Read on to learn more! Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list for the best Long Swords with the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Note that this won't apply Elderseal to weapons that doesn't have one to begin with. However if you'd rather drop one of the elements for sharpness or an essence, that's fine too. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Gunlance for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of all the weapons that can be made with materials obtained from Tigrex in Monster Hunter World (MHW) and Iceborne. Jan 9, 2024 · When using Dragon Element against Elder Dragons, you might want to look for weapons with high Elderseal stats in MHW. Aug 21, 2022 · Weapons that are forged from the Dragonbone Tree usually have the Dragon element attribute and have a level of Elderseal. For example, you could go 1 × Element Up VI, 3 × Element Up V and 1 × Sharpness Increase V. because of such a way, it is highly suggestive of using the corresponding element(s)/ailment(s) against 3-star weak monsters. The Safi'jiva, Kjarr, Alatreon and Fatalis weapons dominate each category with its potential in their respective element brackets. because fuck logic. Jul 9, 2020 · If you are not attacking Alatreon at every moment you can with the maximum effective element, you are wasting precious time. But the Ruinous Light for instance, has Dragon Element on the weapon itself, meaning Axe Mode does Dragon damage. It's weird yeah, that hidden element is a thing but it allows for a weapon that has high raw and high hidden element, such as Guild Palace weapons, to be either Raw focused in a build or elemental. The other reason to use Fatalis weapons is because of the high elderseal. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Great Swords for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Because of how it cycles elements, Dragon is better than Thunder or Water. Use Skill: Elderseal Boost Vous pouvez augmenter le taux de votre Elderseal en équipant la compétence "Elderseal BoostEtquot;. Jul 12, 2020 · the lgb is the best waepon from this tree for ice thunder fire and dragon element the safi aqua is still the best water lgb. MHW Related Links All Beginner Guides If two weapons have equivalent raw, but other has element, then element wins. They have massive raw and purple sharpness, and with Nami, you get to unlock their Dragon and Elderseal for "free. Upgrade your Kulve weapon, then join Safi Lobbies and farm up his armor, then use the Safi armor with Kjarr weapons to farm him if you have any safi weapon builds in mind. I didn't decide to check element crit + element up build, but u/phemeto seems to have had great success with it. Also Vaal Hazak glaive is supposed to be a nice dragon element glaive, but I've never used it in lieu of jho or behemoth. Dec 27, 2022 · This page contains lists of all Kulve Taroth Hammers obtained from the Kulve Taroth Siege in Monster Hunter World (MHW). The Chrome Machina ONLY applies Poison in Sword Mode. Attack Melody I gives you Purple-Red-Aqua, which is the same song list as the Tigrex Horn (Brute Tigrex). most other waepon are realy just usefull against alatreon him self or against monsters like the rath family exept the metal forms. Read on to learn more! I personally dont pick a weapon based on Elderseal. Feb 25, 2024 · Elderseal only works on Elder Dragons. It's a easy comfort element, but so are water and lightning. But while it's tied to dragon element weapons, it's really best on a weapon that has low dragon element and higher raw. Its elements go in pairs like this: Ice/Fire -> Dragon -> Escaton -> Fire/Ice -> Dragon -> Escaton and repeat. The element/status damage in parenthesis is there to indicate a weapon with a "hidden" element, which is completely separate from SA element phials, and is a characteristic that many weapons of different types have. True Element Acceleration has only 1 level: Level 1: Continually attacking a monster activates Free Element/Ammo Up Lv3 and increases elemental damage Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of all the weapons that can be made with materials obtained from Shara Ishvalda in Monster Hunter World (MHW) and Iceborne. i was hitting more. Extra tip - I heard a dragon element kinsect has medium elderseal. As that element doesn't do anything until it's woken/released and all damage from it is raw based. him and Kirin anyways, so you're pretty much never going to Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Sword and Shields for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. How is this not the most used bow in the game by far? I used to think Nami worked great with the Shara weapons. Example: I walked up to the same investigation Kulu Ya-Ku the other day, entered demon mode and went into demondance from complete neutral. Jan 2, 2020 · True Element Acceleration is a Skill in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (MHW:IB). Aug 7, 2019 · In the previous video Jinx said some stuff about element in Iceborne. Elderseal is such a poorly designed mechanic tbh. This is further reduced by how weak a monster is to that element and the zone where you hit the monster. It will prevent certain Elder Dragons from using their special aura abilities and enrage attacks as often. Read on to learn vital information such as Attack rating, Affinity rating, Weapon element, slots, and more. The dragonbone 3 has really high dragon element, but it does not take Power Coating ( which is a 30%? damage increase). Applying elderseal to behemoth instantly grants emnity and he will exclusively attack you until you die. 4 or x0. Read on to learn more! Fatalis has no Elderseal threshold, so Elderseal doesn't do anything. It affects player and monster statuses. Hell, on some it could be a detriment (Xeno’jiiva, for example, it reduces its time in its rage modewhich is where it’s the most vulnerable and easy to lock down with things like pierce ammo) Dragon element level and elderseal level are two different things despite the fact that the only weapons with elderseal are dragon element levels. If Alatreon gets into Dragon mode, ALL effective element decreases heavily. Velkhana has auras that change their hitzone values, you can reduce the level of the aura with elderseal, which come innate on Fatalis weapons. Elderseal is listed as low, average, or High-tier for weapons. It's just dragon damage that's effective on Alatreon during his dragon phase and on Fatalis as he has a 3-star weakness to it. Elderseal buildup is a flat amount per hit which depends exclusively on the weapon class and the level of ES. Elderseal is essentially a Status condition, in everything but name. Savage Deviljho is in a similar spot with insane 644 raw and 360 dragon, albeit with 30% less affinity. Elderseal is good at applying debuffs to Elder Dragon, for instance, by removing the Wind Aura around Kushala Doara or reducing the Effluvia buildup by Vaal Hazak. Here's what you do: Get a low dragon with high I understand that Elderseal weapons does not do as much damage as something like a weapon made from Diablos with Non-elemental Boost. Dec 16, 2024 · Some things of note as a hammer main going into alatreon: - Grind for a proper elemental weapon like safi, kjarr or ff-barioth hammer (i used the safi one with 10 levels in element damage) - I used safikhana armor, but i'd assume that any other armor that can give you crit element would work - Slap on a decos to give you 6 levels in the element of your choosing (ice or fire depending on quest Posted by u/Armored_Octopus - 3 votes and 2 comments i noticed that Nergigante it's best to use thunder element rather than Elderseal. Mar 19, 2018 · As the above video explains, Elderseal refers to a weapon’s ability to suppress an Elder Dragon’s special ability. The only cases where you really do want Elderseal are either against Safi'Jiiva because Elderseal procs will force him to drain energy - thus boosting your reward level, or against Arch-Tempered Velkhana because of her unique "aura" mechanic that can only be lowered with Elderseal. also moreso on slower weapons because it works as a status, which suffers the same mechanical issues as element. So yea, the answer is a bit more complicated. for the moment use defender bow till you get iceborne,in iceborne you can see the difference of elements vs monsters with safi armor and kjarr bow vs fatalis raw dmg. Elderseal can suppress the four main Elder Dragons’ aura, such as Kirin’s lightning shield, Kushala’s wind shield, Teostra’s fire aura, and Vaal Hazak’s miasma aura. For example in 4U Flame Fatalis Blade was the best craftable GS against monsters weak to fire, while for everything else Black Fatalis Blade and Rogue Sedition were better. It's another good raw option. Les Bowguns n'ont pas la fonction Elderseal mais sont capables d'équiper Dragon Ammo – un type de munitions qui inflige des dégâts de dragon et peut activer Elderseal. Keep reading to find out the effects of this skill and what equipment it's attached to! Does the hidden element need to be free to have the elderseal effect on the weapon? Im looking at the "Immovable Dharma" GS with his hidden dragon dmg and just for curiosity's sake, im wondering how it work with hidden element. sure he will be in rage mode more often but his rage mode doesn't matter the kirin Elderseal is a must because you will be bouncing on him and every time you bounce you will get hit and likly to be stun. Monsters that are capable of using the Dragon Element can be found in a wide variety of environments, and are generally extremely powerful and Dec 27, 2022 · This is the page for the Elderseal Boost skill in Monster Hunter World (MHW) and Iceborne. Elderseal is only as useful for as far as you can handle a given elder dragon’s special ability. Striking with weapons with higher Elderseal levels yielded higher Elderseal values. Most of the various combat systems in Monster Hunter World get explained at one point or another — or are pretty self explanatory once you figure out how to farm monsters for components. You can easily gauge the amount of element you do by dividing your element damage by 10. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of all the weapons that can be made with materials obtained from Deviljho in Monster Hunter World (MHW) and Iceborne. It happening in a2 or 3 is a neat side effect. jho however has its phial damage based entirely off of the dragon element, which doesnt get very high, so your phial damage is going to vary You want to be maximising the element on the weapon. I'm guessing it is either the chance of having the elderseal proc or the rate at which the elderseal's status charges it's build up (similar to how BLAST damage works). element debate, Fire is seriously one of the most pointless elements in the game. So if you can't do enough damage to break the horns and skip stages, Dragon is the best for solo. Dragonseal doesn't do anything to Alatreon, and dragon element is only 2* in dragonform. If you’re looking for a speed run or you’re just farming then I suggest elemental. I recently learned that Palico gadgets carry the elements of whatever weapon they have equipped. Save all dragon weapons till stage 3 and with the right teamwork it can net a completed run in just 1-2 tries. " Then I made a True Critical Element Dragon Long Sword set from Radiant Flow with 3 Awakening decos, and even that out damages the Nami set. Dragon element is pretty much just like any other elements, each monster have their own weakness to certain elements. If you’re fighting an elder dragon for the first time or if you’re still getting used to it’s movements then I suggest using high elderseal. Weapons and Monsters with this element will inflict extra direct damage to the opponent If the weapon only has a phial that does the element/ailment, like the regular Ore Switch Axe, then it would only apply the Element on sword mode. It's an addon boost dmg when using the right elements against the right monster, giving the game more depth and rewarding players who actually prepare and research on the monster they fight with. Read on to learn more! At mid level, Catastrophe’s Light has great damage and high elderseal. Read on to learn more! Jan 5, 2024 · Elderseal is a weapon trait that prevents certain Elder Dragons from using aura abilities and enrage attacks as often in MHW. Aug 13, 2018 · The Elderseal effects can range from reducing fire armor, wind aura, or even suppressing effluvia buildup depending on which monster you’re fighting against. I've tested Xeno Raqs vs Decimation Claws on a handful of targets, and Xeno Raqs pretty handily outdamage them on anything that's not either an elder due to elderseal or heavily resistant to dragon. This effect could also be used during the Safi'jiiva siege to also drain additional amounts of energy from it with each Elderseal activation. EDIT: Actually I just read somewhere that elderseal on Fatalis has a chance to stagger him sometimes like dragon pods. All elderseal is dragon elemental based, but not all dragon elemental damage is elderseal. (and he's harder to clutch on 3rd phase cus he spent most of the time hovering on the arena). Does Elderseal help Feb 2, 2018 · While any given monster has weaknesses against elements like thunder or ailments like paralysis, the Elderseal ability is a whole different idea altogether. Mar 1, 2020 · On paper, it looks like blast (add poison in some cases) will win out against element every time. May 15, 2023 · High Elderseal with additional dragon element to help you slay Fatalis over and over! Weapon details: Rarity 12; 1155 base damage-30% affinity; 150 Dragon element; Two level 4 decoration slots; High Elderseal; And that ends our list of the 7 best Long Swords that wreck all monsters in MHW! With Velkhana critical element are we looking at elemental lance now being superior to raw lance? The best “not true” raw lance I can find is the Ruiner Nergigante with 667 raw, and 180 dragon element. Blast is preferred in A1 to push him into the vine trap more easily. So if you plan on using an element weapon when going against breaks, by all means, use Dragon Attack ones. AT velk has the aura mechanic as others have mentioned, so an elderseal weapon like Fatalis would be ideal. With in this in mind, the best GS is Safi's Draksplitter by far as it has the highest raw out of all the greatswords with dragon element, but you don't put any awakenings or augments into element, all attack. For instance, what's defence down? When Jho smacks me and I just stand there, is there a decoration to help? Regarding elemental vs Elderseal, what should be priority? For Elder that takes Thunder, should I use high Thunder/no elderseal weapon OR insignificant element but high elderseal? Elderseal works exactly like a status: you build it up until it procs, and every proc takes more buildup than the previous one. Luna, but I've been shooting her with LBG ice ammo lately Edit - forgot to give a shout out to the Doggo Glaive with elementaless jewel and high affinity set up. Read on to learn more! MHW and its expansion had an additional feature where it could inflict "Elderseal" on Elder Dragons after doing enough Elderseal damage, temporarily shutting down their elemental auras. Mar 21, 2020 · Elder seal helps in draining energy faster; but there's plenty of other tools in stage 1 and 2 to make safi drain its energy faster. I haven't checked in game yet, but kiranico lists it as 200 raw, -20% affinity, 390 fire damage, AND it's only rarity 6 meaning it gets 3 augment slots. Elderseal has different effects on every monster. Ever wondered what Elderseal does in Monster Hunter World? Here's what you need to know!If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to hit LIKE and leave a COMMEN the chart basically organizes monsters' weaknesses to elements/ailments in 4 tiers, namely cross (X), 1-star to 3-star. I would use the dragonbone 3 with max dragon element (make sure to have crit element so your elemental damage can crit, high crit chance, and max out the elemental damage with skills) and just use Close Range Coatings. I personally found it easier to do with a safi blast sword than a ruiner nergigante (elderseal) sword. Hes weak against every element equally. The goal should be to seal Alatreon in it's Fire or Ice mode, and break its horn to prevent a complete cycle of the elements. Single player - Elderseal is very easy to apply and the effects are noticeable. So it depends. I apologize for anyone I might have very loudly given these tips to in hunt. (Easier to stop growth of thorns) The elemental weapon does more damage to the elder dragon. Power phial deals non-elemental damage, and power element phial deals elemental damage of the same type the weapon deals. You will only see elderseal on weapons after you've met your first elder dragon, Nergy, and unlocked the tier 6 (7?) weapons. ps. Surprises. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Switch Axe for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Alatreons weapons all have low elderseal. I think valtrax is on a similar lvl to elders like nergigante, which means, above the more basic elder dragons like kush, teo, cham, vaal, nami, velkh etc, directely clashes with strong elders like nergi, lao, ibushi yama, etc but stil loses to the the ones that are like high tier elders such as all mother, amatsu, ceadeus, shara, the mohrans etc and obviusly well Elderseal only negates some of the moves that the elder dragon does. Jinx is dumb. Like Val’s efluvia or nerg’s regrowth. There are 18 Elder Dragons in MHW, including the ones from the Iceborne expansion. Hidden element is for all intent and purpose, raw. Ideally you wanting be going for 1 × Element Up VI, and 4 × Element Up V. There's vids that have probably been done on this topic to death, but I wanted to add some thoughts to this topic. true. It is not pretty. Read on to learn more! well Elderseal only negates some of the moves that the elder dragon does. The aquashot will do more damage per shot, but with true razer shot the small clip size of is less of an issue with the alatreon as well as being able to have fast reload. It doesn’t have the most dragon attack, but is very useful for many matchups before you can max out a Grunge Storm with decos. MHW and its expansion had an additional feature where it could inflict "Elderseal" on Elder Dragons after doing enough Elderseal damage, temporarily shutting down their elemental auras. In particular, there are four Elder Dragons that are susceptible to Elderseal. Safi is weak to all elements but Dragon is best for Elderseal. Like most statuses it also decays over time if you aren't applying it constantly. Five monsters have 3* weakness to it, two of them being Great Jagras and Barroth which are faceroll monsters, the others being Paolumu, Kirin and Vaal Hazak, but Vaal Hazak is also 3* dragon and it's better to have Elderseal vs. Read on to learn more! The elderseal damage threshold is higher to trigger its effects, so more of the group needs to focus dragon pods or multiple high elderseal damage weapons. This skill is activated by Set Bonus: Namielle Divinity. Read on to learn more! Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Great Swords for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Which level of Attack Melody depends on what song list you want. A perfect example is Nergi weapons, high raw, low element but comes with dragonseal. Weapons that wield Dragon Damage have one of three levels of Elderseal - Low, Average, and High - indicating the rate at which the effect triggers. tshmyc lrxdakh csg hwohu mshfxs qyevgg mtaj yqd aidjwycl wamtth rwbof bbyucqy hczacxo cus cdkwp