Maine dep pfas. This list will be updated as it is anticipated to change.

Maine dep pfas PFAS Sampling Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Wastewater Treatment Systems Maine DEP September, 2022ugust 2021 1 1. Dec 23, 2024 · The Maine Department of Environmental Protection recently proposed rules that would gradually outlaw the sale of consumer goods with intentionally added per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. Bureau of Remediation & Waste Management. Although the site has a history of PFAS contamination, DEP continues to believe that the recently released material will not impact any nearby wells. Commissioner PFOS, PFOA and other PFAS Questions and Answers The PFAS Fund Advisory Committee was established by statute to make recommendations to the Department regarding the administration of the Fund to Address PFAS Contamination. 8/14/2023 Page . ch. Pond In and Pond Out were the sites of the initial sampling event, which took place on the day of the release. NOTE: 38 M. e. gov. Maine DEP assumes that levels greater than 1,000 ppt are the result of a source of PFAS and further Maine Department of Environmental Protection P. They have launched an interactive PFAS Investigation Map and published a report on Wastewater Effluent Monitoring, Outdoor apparel for severe wet conditions unless accompanied with a disclosure: "Made with PFAS chemicals. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) sampled 34 water supplies for PFAS in the identified target area along Coombs Road, and the Department is in receipt of most of the analysis results. PFAS Water Sampling for Homeowners. or technical effect within the product or its components. Maine has not established any standards for PFAS in surface water. Property owners have been contacted by DEP personnel to discuss their results, and they will be provided copies of the laboratory testing report. Susanne Miller, Director. Overview of Maine's PFAS Soil and Groundwater Evaluation of Sludge and Septage Sites The PFAS in Products Program was initially enacted in Public Law 2021, c. Bangor, ME 04401 Lewiston Studio 1450 Lisbon St. Earthstar Geographics | . If you have questions regarding PFAS in plants and vegetables, please forward DEP Presentation Overview • 3 presentations today relating to property valuation, use and function – Per- and Poly- fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Nov 15, 2023 · Approved by: _____ Date: November 2, 2023 Susanne Miller, Director Bureau of Remediation & Waste Management Executive Summary Maine Department of Environmental THE MAINE PFAS TRACKER . If you have general inquiries for DEP about PFAS or are located near a documented sludge or septage site and have questions, email pfas. PFAS Soil Sampling for Sep 6, 2024 · The state of Maine is currently undertaking several legislative and executive initiatives to monitor and manage PFAS: Maine DEP: PFAS Screening Levels: In December 2023, the Maine DEP updated its PFAS screening levels, which reflect its new Remedial Action Guidelines (RAGs) that became effective November 15, 2023. §1614(1). Under the direction of the Mills Administration and with bipartisan Legislative support, DACF has created a pioneering technical and financial assistance program that PFAS Sampling Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Wastewater Treatment Systems Maine DEP September, 2022ugust 2021 1 1. Maine DEP: The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has been monitoring PFAS contamination in sludge, septage, leachate, and remediation sites across the state. September 26, 2024. Aug 26, 2024 · "The Maine DEP and the Environmental Protection Agency have been studying the former Brunswick Naval Air Station for 30 years and are familiar with hydrogeology on the site. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) continues to investigate the Fairfield area for the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment. The Department has received 17 sets of sample results since the August 19th AFFF release with the most recent data collected on December 12, 2024. 2 ng/L (parts per trillion) (for sum of six PFAS in Maine's interim drinking water standard) obtained in 2022 and 2023 prior to the spill. 2 days ago · Maine DEP recently tested the well at the Mere Creek Golf Course, which is just south of the former naval air station. Maine PFAS data (2007-2022) as of November 2023. 1 to report intentionally-added PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals," to the state's Department of Environmental Protection. Nov 15, 2023 · 1 Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Maine DEP), Maine Remedial Action Guidelines (RAGs) for Contaminated Sites, effective November 15, 2023. Maine PFAS Investigation Preliminary Private Drinking Water Well Results by Town Associated With All Residential Samples Collected State-wide * As of February 5, 2025 * This table includes all PFAS residential groundwater data collected by the Department or their contractors across Outdoor apparel for severe wet conditions unless accompanied with a disclosure: "Made with PFAS chemicals. Please direct any feedback to pfas. Nov 7, 2022 · Multiple State agencies including Maine’s DEP, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF), and Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIF&W), are working together to monitor and evaluate opportunities to use new technologies for treatment, concentration, and destruction of PFAS. Pierce Atwood LLP offers this summary of Maine Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) standards . Where can I find more information? PFAS Laboratory Questions: Kelly Perkins, Chemist III - (207) 641-9150 or kelly. AUGUSTA, Maine - The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, in conjunction with the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC), is issuing a Do Not Eat Wildlife Consumption Advisory for two different areas in portions of Unity, Unity Township, Albion and Freedom. §1614(2)(A), as currently in affect. The Department is proposing a new rule, Chapter 90, to establish criteria for currently unavoidable uses of intentionally added PFAS in products and to implement the sales prohibitions and notification requirements for products containing intentionally added PFAS but determined to be a currently unavoidable use pursuant to the amended 38 M. 0 INTRODUCTION This guidance documents covers the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for MEPDES wastewater treatment facilities to sample their effluent for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) compounds. Information can be found at DEP's website. M. We update this Maine PFAS Tracker when there are Sep 12, 2024 · On Aug. 17 State House Station 28 Tyson Drive Augusta, Maine 04333-0017 Tel: 207-287-7688 Fax: 207-287-7826 the information to pfas. If your water has more than 20 ng/L for the sum of these six PFAS, it does not necessarily mean you will have health problems. June 1, 2024 – The Maine Department of Health and Human Services to promulgate a drinking water Maximum Contaminant Level for PFAS. Oct 17, 2022 · Maine DEP Issues Second Concept Draft of Proposed PFAS Regulation; Schedules Stakeholder Meeting Oct. The DEP continues to monitor the five established sample locations for PFAS in Merriconeag Stream and concentrations continue to decrease. Jan 20, 2025 · Bangor Studio/Membership Department 63 Texas Ave. For a closer approximation of where the investigation is or will be taking place, please visit Maine DEP PFAS Investigation Map (Formerly the “Septage and Sludge Map”). Outdoor apparel for severe wet conditions unless accompanied with a disclosure: "Made with PFAS chemicals. gov Jan 22, 2004 · Maine DEP’s Response to PFAS in the Environment Maine Water Environment Association (MeWEA) Spring Conference, Orono April 1, 2022 MAINE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) List of manufacturers with an approved extension of the January 1, 2023, PFAS in products reporting deadline set forth in 38 M. The testing is part of a years-long plan targeting sites where sludge, septic tank sewage and industrial waste was spread as fertilizer. PFAS Screening Levels December 2023. DEP Presentation Overview • 3 presentations today relating to property valuation, use and function – Per- and Poly- fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Jan 21, 2025 · Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently published a proposed rule prescribing procedures and criteria for determining Currently Unavoidable Uses (CUU) of intentionally added per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in products subject to Maine’s PFAS in Products law (38 M. The Advisory Committee met for the first time in November 2022. Lambrew, Ph. Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection (Maine DEP) issued a revised “Second Concept Draft” of proposed regulations for intentionally added PFAS in products in Maine, and has announced that it will hold another virtual meeting to discuss the revisions. of . The DEP will reimburse the cost of this testing up to a certain amount only if sampling was conducted in general accordance with the DEP's sampling guidance, a Maine-accredited and DEP-approved laboratory was used, you provide the laboratory results to the DEP for review, and the source of PFAS can be tied to a DEP-licensed sludge or septage land Systems that had tested for PFAS prior to June 21, 2021 are still required to re-test their water under this new legislation. MDIFW Creates Two New PFAS Do Not Eat Wildlife Consumption Advisory Areas. DACF is taking a leading role in responding to the chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in agriculture. Aetna Engineering . If the Department of Environmental Protection has found that the use of PFAS in a product is unavoidable, companies that manufacture those products must report on the amount of PFAS used in that product. AERCO International, Inc. The family of chemicals has been used in a wide array of industries for decades. Oct 24, 2024 · October 24, 2024. Other areas in Maine are also at risk of contamination. (Maine’s current interim drinking water standard is 20 parts per trillion for a sum of six PFAS compounds. The PFAS in Products Program was initially enacted in Public Law 2021, c. This statement must be made available to Maine DEP upon request. Jan 3, 2023 · Manufacturers who sell products in Maine had until Jan. 2021, ch. § 1614 requires notification of intentionally added PFAS by CAS number, The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) is committed to ensuring a safe food supply in Maine and supporting our vibrant agricultural community. Maine-Accredited PFAS Laboratories (PDF) For more information on labs and analytical methods, please contact Christine Blais: Email or phone (207) 287-3220. Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) List of manufacturers with an approved extension of the January 1, 2023, PFAS in products reporting deadline set forth in 38 M. gov General PFAS Inquiries: pfas. At the Community Environmental Health Lab, we have been sampling private wells on Mt. D. The investigation began after the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry detected perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) in an on-farm milk sample taken This is to protect individual landowner and homeowner privacy. Dec 31, 2022 · Yes. Details about particular licenses and amounts spread are Public Law 2021, Chapter 478 • Effective October 18, 2021 • Requires DEP to: – Conduct PFAS investigation for contamination derived from application of sludge & septage Where can I find more information? PFAS Laboratory Questions: Kelly Perkins, Chemist III - (207) 641-9150 or kelly. Sep 9, 2024 · The Maine Department of Environmental Protection says it will send representatives out to go door-to-door this week to speak with Brunswick homeowners that may have been affected by the spill of firefighting foam three weeks ago at the Brunswick Executive Airport. Sep 23, 2020 · Maine Department of Health and Human Services Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention 11 State House Station 286 Water Street Augusta, Maine 04333-0011 Tel; (207) 287-8016; Fax (207) 287-9058 TTY: Dial 711 (Maine Relay) Janet T. Mills Governor Jeanne M. Maine Rural Water Association (MRWA) is an appropriate resource for PFAS sampling assistance. Details about particular licenses and amounts spread are Aug 28, 2024 · Contact Information. 418, Appendix A, last amended July 8, 2018. Contact Information. gov Intentionally added PFAS. The DEP says it found a PFAS chemical at five times the safe level for Jul 7, 2021 · In June 2021, the Maine Legislature established a new interim State drinking water standard of 20 ng/L for the combined sum of six different PFAS: PFOA, PFOS, PFHpA, PFNA, PFDA, and PFHxS. 2. Maine Department of Environmental Protection P. Given those developments, Woodbury, from Defend our Health, said Viridi's plan to truck imported waste in and out near neighborhoods already scarred by a PFAS spill doesn't seem View In: ArcGIS JavaScript ArcGIS Online Map Viewer ArcGIS Earth ArcMap ArcGIS Pro View Footprint In: ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Service Description: Map Name: MaineDEP PFAS Investigation Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Layers Layers: PFAS Groundwater Results (0) Licensed Field (1) Installed Water Treatment System (2) Jan 21, 2025 · On December 20, 2024, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) published the final proposed text of the state’s PFAS regulation. Protecting Maine’s Air, Land and Water. Products containing intentionally added PFAS include products that consist solely of PFAS. ADVICS North America Inc. The Maine PFAS Task Force reviewed information from a variety of sources, including results of sampling submitted by DEP-licensed facilities and sampling conducted by State Contact Information. The purpose of the Task Force is to: identify the extent of PFAS exposure in Maine; examine the risks of PFAS to Maine residents and the environment Outdoor apparel for severe wet conditions unless accompanied with a disclosure: "Made with PFAS chemicals. For questions regarding this data, please email pfas. Lewiston, ME 04240 Portland Studio 323 Marginal Way December 31, 2023 – The Department completes 10-12 months of effluent sampling. Both the Federal Government, the State of Maine, multiple academic institutions, and private industry are researching new technologies and methods for treating, concentrating, and destroying PFAS. The DEP will reimburse the cost of this testing up to a certain amount only if sampling was conducted in general accordance with the DEP's sampling guidance, a Maine-accredited and DEP-approved laboratory was used, you provide the laboratory results to the DEP for review, and the source of PFAS can be tied to a DEP-licensed sludge or septage land MAINE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Affiliated Resources, Inc. November 12, 2024 - Three additional effluent sample results from the Brunswick Sewer District (BSD) have recently been added to the PFAS map. Potential Sample Contamination. A PFAS sample must be taken from every entry point to your distribution system. This is to protect individual landowner and homeowner privacy. The investigation began after the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry detected perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) in an on-farm milk sample taken Outdoor apparel for severe wet conditions unless accompanied with a disclosure: "Made with PFAS chemicals. In March 2019, Governor Janet Mills created the Maine PFAS Task Force by Executive Order (Appendix A) to review the extent of PFAS contamination in Maine and provide recommendations about how we can protect Maine residents from exposure. A system may choose to use a Maine lab that is not accredited for PFAS analysis for the convenience of their drop‐off locations/courier and/or a sense of familiarity, as long as it is a Maine‐ accredited lab that subcontracts to another lab that is Maine‐accredited for PFAS analysis (i. Maine’s bill regulating the selling of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or “forever chemicals,” in the state of Maine was signed into law on April 16, 2024 , and comes into effect in BRWM Activities Then - six months ago… •DEP was following the EPA Health Advisory of 70 ppt for PFOA, PFOS, and PFOA + PFOS •We had identified multiple pathways for PFAS The Maine DEP PFAS Investigation Map* may help you locate what fields and licenses were recorded. NOTE: Intentionally added PFAS includes degradation by-products serving a functional purpose . as a convenience in evaluating PFAS and tracking Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulatory and Maine legislative developments. Contact Maine DEP 17 State House Station Augusta, ME, 04333-0017 (207) 215-7688 Phone Order (Appendix A) to review the extent of PFAS contamination in Maine and provide recommendations about how we can protect Maine residents from exposure. 17 State House Station 28 Tyson Drive Augusta, Maine 04333-0017 Tel: 207-287-7688 Fax: 207-287-7826 The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) continues to investigate the Fairfield area for the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment. Maine PFAS Investigation Preliminary Private Drinking Water Well Results by Town Associated With All Residential Samples Collected State-wide * As of February 5, 2025 * This table includes all PFAS residential groundwater data collected by the Department or their contractors across Jan 17, 2025 · LD 1537, which was enacted unanimously by the Legislature last April, will phase out the sale of products containing PFAS in Maine. Desert Island and sending samples to Maine Laboratories for analysis of This is to protect individual landowner and homeowner privacy. S In locations where it is determined that concentrations of PFAS in private drinking water wells exceed Maine’s interim drinking water standard for the sum of 6 PFAS (PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, PFHxS, PFHpA, and PFDA), and contamination can be tied to a DEP-licensed sludge or septage land application site or other remediation-type sites, DEP will work If Maine DEP determines after a step out investigation that there is a source of PFAS, the Maine DEP will cover costs of bottled water, filter system installations, maintenance, and any ongoing samplingas long as funding is available. 641, Wastewater Effluent Monitoring for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) DEP is currently investigating soil and groundwater for PFAS at locations licensed to land apply sludge or septage prior to 2019. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) began testing private water supplies for PFAS in the identified target area along Coombs Road. dep@maine. Zoom to Results to date indicate levels of PFAS significantly higher than the BSD long term historical average of 34. Feb 12, 2025 · The Maine Department of Environmental Protection has also floated a $50 million bond to aid wastewater treatment plants install equipment to treat and manage sludge. L. If you have questions regarding PFAS in plants and vegetables, please forward The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is mitigating PFAS by installing filtration systems in homes in these areas. 17 State House Station 28 Tyson Drive Augusta, Maine 04333-0017 Tel: 207-287-7688 Fax: 207-287-7826 distributed for sale in the State of Maine which contains intentionally added PFAS must be reported to the Department regardless of whether the substance is found on any list. S. Maine experienced its largest PFAs foam spill disaster in the state’s history this past August, when a hangar Sep 7, 2024 · Nine PFAS surface water system sampling events have been taken by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) personnel since the August 19, 2024, AFFF release. 477, An Act To Stop Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Pollution (LD 1503, 130th Legislature). gov and you may also call Tracy Kelly at 207-480-0583. 27. This list will be updated as it is anticipated to change. Most of the results were received this week. , on the Maine laboratory accreditation list). A Governor's Task Force has been established on the Threats of PFAS Contamination to Public Health and the Environment by Executive Order 5 FY 19/20. Staff assist impacted farms by conducting comprehensive testing to determine sources of exposure and the levels of PFAS in soil, water, forage, compost If you have questions about blood testing or health effects from PFAS, please contact the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and ask to speak to a toxicologist at 866-292-3474 (toll-free in Maine), 207-287-4311, or Maine Relay 711. R. 641, Wastewater Effluent Monitoring for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Systems that had tested for PFAS prior to June 21, 2021 are still required to re-test their water under this new legislation. In locations where it is determined that concentrations of PFAS in private drinking water wells exceed Maine’s interim drinking water standard for the sum of 6 PFAS (PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, PFHxS, PFHpA, and PFDA), and contamination can be tied to a DEP-licensed sludge or septage land application site or other remediation-type sites, DEP will work Outdoor apparel for severe wet conditions unless accompanied with a disclosure: "Made with PFAS chemicals. 61. Because PFAS can be found in many household, commercial and industrial items, care should be taken to prevent PFAS cross-contamination when collecting samples. The Maine DEP PFAS Investigation Map* may help you locate what fields and licenses were recorded. The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) is dedicated to assisting farms impacted by PFAS contamination. Those RAGs provide a DEP If you have questions about blood testing or health effects from PFAS, please contact the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and ask to speak to a toxicologist at 866-292-3474 (toll-free in Maine), 207-287-4311, or Maine Relay 711. Oct 22, 2021 · The Maine Department of Environmental Protection on Friday released a list of 34 towns where staff will soon start looking for contamination with so-called PFAS chemicals. ) Dec 20, 2024 · The Maine DEP provides exemptions for any products “for which it has determined the use of PFAS in the product is a currently unavoidable use (CUU)” meaning it is “essential for health, safety or the functioning of society and for which alternatives are not reasonably available. PFAS in Food Packaging Maine law 32 MRS §1733 (3-B) directs the Department to initiate major substantive rulemaking to prohibit the use of PFAS in food packaging after making the determination that safer alternatives to the use of PFAS in specific applications of food packaging How does the PFAS Fund intersect with the Department’s other PFAS response efforts? DACF’s PFAS Response Program has been at the forefront of the Department’s response to the PFAS crisis. “Intentionally added PFAS” is defined at 38 M. The PFAS Investigation Map provides data tables with concentrations of PFOS and other kinds PFAS in milligrams per liter (mg/L), which is equivalent to parts per million (ppm). 21 news release. Feb 26, 2025 · Today the Maine legislature’s committee on environment and natural resources heard public testimony on a series of three bills aimed at tracking and removing AFFF foam, the firefighting foam containing toxic PFAs forever chemicals. It is anticipated that options will be evolving rapidly over the next few years. Maine has given hundreds of companies more time to report PFAS in products | Maine Public Jul 7, 2021 · Contact one of our toxicologists if you are concerned about PFAS and your health at 866-292-3474 (toll-free in Maine), 207-287-4311, or Maine Relay 711. perkins@maine. Public Law 2021, Chapter 478 • Effective October 18, 2021 • Requires DEP to: – Conduct PFAS soil & water investigation for contamination derived from application of sludge & septage Update 11: DEP continues to evaluate Brunswick's soil and water sample results. The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) is committed to ensuring a safe food supply in Maine and supporting our vibrant agricultural community. What do you do if you have too much PFAS in your water? What you do depends on how much PFAS is in your water, how much water you use, and who is using the water. 19, approximately 1,450 gallons of aqueous film-forming foam mixed with 50,000 gallons of water was released at the Brunswick Executive Airport from Hangar 4, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) said in an Aug. " January 1, 2032: Any products containing intentionally added PFAS sold in Maine unless the use of PFAS in the product is a currently unavoidable use. BRWM Activities Then - six months ago… •DEP was following the EPA Health Advisory of 70 ppt for PFOA, PFOS, and PFOA + PFOS •We had identified multiple pathways for PFAS Aug 28, 2024 · The Brunswick Naval Air Station is an active remediation site under the Superfund program that is administered by the US EPA, Department of the Navy, and Maine DEP. 82, In locations where it is determined that concentrations of PFAS in private drinking water wells exceed Maine’s interim drinking water standard for the sum of 6 PFAS (PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, PFHxS, PFHpA, and PFDA), and contamination can be tied to a DEP-licensed sludge or septage land application site or other remediation-type sites, DEP will work the information to pfas. 3 Resolve 2021, ch. Maine DEP PFAS Investigation Map (Formerly the “Septage and Sludge Map”). § 1614). 2 Maine DEP, Maine Solid Waste Management Rules: Beneficial Use of Solid Wastes, 06-096 C. This legislation also created a number of new sales prohibitions for products with intentionally added PFAS with varying effective dates, created some specific exemptions to the prohibitions, and established a new reporting program for those product categories that receive a Currently Unavoidable Use (CUU) determination from the Department. Maine DEP PFAS Information. koomk qjarmy bqvhq oaq szno ksja kfwvd ohk nuzhic odd zrfprh bfxdgo sxkqbuqt vuk wduxk