Ltspice graph cursor. Next tutorial will focus on DC circuit analysis.
Ltspice graph cursor I wanted to get the information of the curve a 160 Hz. Just click on the V1 while cursor in current probe mode to run the simulation. Cursor width: Thickness of the attached cursor and zoom rectangle dithered lines. LTspice IV: Using the . Nov 24, 2008 · Windows/Tile Vertically and then grab the bottom right hand corner of the displayed window/s with your cursor mouse and drag to the required size. When it is invalid, the angle unit is displayed in rad (radian). Saving LTspice graphs limits the achievable quality especially for professional reports. For example, if the background is Menu Cursors > Hide/Show > All has a toggle action and will hide all cursors if all cursors are currently displayed and vice-versa. Interpolation requires mouse-dragging the cursor between the points. Plot settings -> Notes & Annotations -> Label Curs. Axes' hover over the plot towards the x-axis of the upper pane until the cursor changes; right click and change 'Quantity Plotted:' to V(DC) 当記事では、LTspiceの波形ビューワ(Waveform Viewer)の使い方について詳しく説明します。 波形ビューワ(Waveform Viewer)はLTspiceで実行したシミュレーション結果をグラフとして表示する機能です。 Apr 1, 2022 · You can also LClick on the trace's label to bring up the cursors and then use Up or Dn arrow keys to select the steps. This just scratches the surface of LTspice capability and a good starting point to get familiarize with some basic commands. In a single pane single waveform setting, the Legend color works correctly. When asking about a LTspice sim, *PLEASE* post your . Look at the bottom left of the LTS window at the Status bar, it will display the values under the cursor pointer as you move the cursor. To create new themes, you make one with LTspice built-it palette. jpg" (without the quotes). Horiz. 4d) Right-click on "rMzGVVv. How to Manually Enter/Edit Functions in the LTspice WaveForm Viewer The LTspice WaveForm Viewer is able to utilize a host of built in mathematical functions for plotting. To put x-axis in log scale, right click on the x-axis, and select Manual Limits. Add a cursor by left-clicking on the trace name, above the plot. Feb 22, 2012 · You can also open two LTspice and open the same file. In LTspice these graphical annotations are available under Draw in the Edit menu. Python plots, on the other hand, can be saved in a range of high qua Oct 22, 2003 · To measure exactly, use an attached data cursor. Use the "click here to email comments and bug reports" item for feature Nov 3, 2024 · In keeping with QSPICE’s avoidance of dialogue boxes, the LTspice cursor window has been replaced with cursor data that appears within the plot window itself. In figure 5 I have attached the 1st cursor to V(n001). I set Labels on the Graph Plot by AdobePhotoshop. It is not as accurate as using the actual cursors (or using . 5 V) and record the Difference in the Horizontal value in the Cursor pop-up window. Note: LTspice uses a dark background for the default plot pane, which makes it hard to see some visible trace colors, such as dark blue. Nov 3, 2022 · A simple tutorial where we show how to do plotting in the free electronics simulation software called LTSpice Jun 11, 2018 · Hallo zusammen, ich habe bei LTSpice eine Schaltung simuliert, aber kenn den Cursor nicht anzeigen, das Feld ist ausgegraut. Use “XOR” type cross hair cursor[*] Hover the cursor over wires — if the voltage can be plotted, you'll see the cursor change to a voltage probe cursor. You can add two cursors measure (x 1,y 1), (x 2,y 2), and (∆x,∆y). The cursor changes to a current clamp (see left) with a red arrow pointing in the current direction. And how much 10 Kiloherz (treble) is down. Nov 26, 2006 · brings up the cursor immediately whereas right mouse clicking presents a dialog box which includes (among other things) a drop down menu that allows selecting either of two cursors or both Jul 26, 2023 · You can also put a cursor on a trace (click the trace name at the top of the plot pane) and move it to a point on the trace, then click F4 (or use the menu item under Plot Settings / Notes & Annotations) to label the cursor position with the values at that point. Is there a way to jump to e. 5 . 99. Still need to drag the cursor though. Hover over a circuit element (e. So the next questions: To activate "Label Curs. txt as you wish, and you just call it with the theme name. You can also use this technique to make vertical measurements as well. Electronics: How to plot two graphs on ltspice on the same y scale?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. Where can I find which color belongs to which settings of my potentiometer? Regards. Sep 21, 2011 · The instantaneous power dissipation will be plotted as an expression of voltages and currents. Right-click the empty Aug 15, 2022 · After running a stepped parameter simulation, the cursor can be moved between different runs using the up and down arrows. Use radian measure in waveform expressions[*] When it is valid, the unit of angle is displayed in degrees "°". The new image I uploaded shows this. E I already raised a request to the LTspice development team to correct this. mike Mar 1, 2016 · Is there a way to define the cursor placement more accurately than with a cursor drag? (E. V(out). May 12, 2014 · You may attach one of two cursors (1st, 2nd) or both to a waveform. Apr 22, 2023 · Using the keyboard cursor keys makes LTspice's waveform cursors only hit the data points themselves. at a peak or specific frequency) Attach a cursor to a plot a trace and move the cursor to the point of interest. at a peak or specific frequency) Sep 21, 2011 · When you move the mouse cursor beyond the data plotting region, the cursor turns into a ruler. The cursors also allow us to compare pulse widths, as shown in Figures 10 and 11. The data read-out pane for each cursor gives both horizontal and vertical co-ordinates of the intersection of cursor and trace. com, "C B" <bgdsux@> wrote: This is a silly question but I cant figure it out. It starts Dn with the 1st trace, going Up. Cursors can be used to evaluate values at different points along a simulations output while axis alt If you can't find the mouse cursor in LTSpice, go to the menu Tools - Settings - Cursor type[*]:, then choose Black, Auto, White, etc. com> writes: I am new here and have a newbie question. Aug 14, 2024 · A blank graph window will open in the LTspice window as shown in Figure 47. When you left click you can enter a dialog to manually enter that axis' range and the nature of the plot. 038 Hz. is this correct? No. Mainly Cursor does not want to go Up or Down along trajectory :-(How to subdue Cursor? Aug 30, 2017 · t1: time=0. Sep 21, 2011 · This dialog box also allows you to set the trace's color and allows you to attach a cursor to the waveform. This will produce a window with a logarithmic button. Apr 29, 2019 · for more information about LTspice software watch thishttps://youtu. The . Menu Cursors > Hide/Show > All has a toggle action and will hide all cursors if all cursors are currently displayed and vice-versa. Click on the wire with the voltage probe, and that voltage (referenced to ground) will be displayed in the waveform viewer. asc simulation file (and either provide or give details of where to get any non-standard models or symbols), and also, for anything involving multiple signals or complicated measurements, your . If you already have a . May 21, 2014 · Hello Sven, 1. But the value displayed by the cursors has all the resolution the simulation provides. Embedded. Then add the cursor readout on the plot with the command below. First, you need to enable it by clicking on the waveform name. You can also attach the 1st or 2nd cursor or both cursors to any trace by right clicking on that trace's label and using the Attached Cursor drop down box. Choose Place Cursor on Active Trace. Sven Jan 23, 2024 · This video offers an information-packed beginner tutorial for how to plot signals (multiple ways) in the free LTspice circuit simulator, how to save and retr Mar 9, 2009 · Place the cursor over the voltage source and right-click your mouse. Regards. Nov 11, 2019 · For me, the easier way to do this is to get a cursor on screen. " Also, when we attach a cursor to a response graph, do we always have to click twice? "You have not to click twice ! ??? If you have to look on step parameters graphs, it's another question. 623376 at 0. be/ieRMbUd73fo Mar 8, 2014 · After you have plotted the graphs, place your cursor on the crossing point on the graph. The list is similar to those of the BI and BV arbitrary sources, but with a few differences. The frequency response of a circuit can be simulated relatively easily with Dec 1, 2018 · One way is to do a Transient analysis, plot voltage across a component of interest, right-click the time axis of the plot, and edit the 'Quantity plotted' to read 'i(x)' instead of 'time', where x is the component. depending on what make Mar 1, 2016 · Is there a way to define the cursor placement more accurately than with a cursor drag? (E. Now I can visualize 6 graphs for each value of the WIPER of the potentiometer. Then see how much 100 Herz (bass) is down. This dialog box also allows you to set the trace's color and allows you to attach a cursor to the waveform. You may have to use the cursor on the LTSpice graph to obtain the actual values at the appropriate load resistor. The cursors are in between the max and min of the function where the plot is skewing between two points. With the graphs on the screen, how can I make cursor 1 and cursor 2 move through the graph that I want out of the 6 on the screen? For example, if I have 6 graphs per screen, how can I move cursor 1 and cursor 2 through graph number 3?-- Jan 25, 2013 · Up and down arrows to place the cursor on a line that resulted from another step. Bring up two cursors on the output by clicking V(out) twice. select ^Delete this Trace. 623376 frequency: 1/(t2-t1)=3. You can have as many themes in the LTspice-themes. Plotting results in LTspice is as easy as clicking on a node to show voltage, or a component to show current—the trace is then displayed in the waveform viewer. . I'll put in a request. How can I perform simple measurements such as measuring 3dB points, ma using a . Menu Cursors > Hide/Show > Select allows you to selectively hide or show some cursors. MEAS 3dB calculation disagree with the cursors on the plot? Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 months ago. 966 Hz to 160. The Cursor control is not friendly on Nyquist-Plot. This is handy for finding -3 dB location, Vgs threshold, etc. 1 Hz. Dec 12, 2024 · Figure 1: LTspice Circuit for Characterizing Diode Performance. To move cursors, use the left and right arrows, or LTspice: cant specify where you want the cursor to go on a plot LTspice: need to puke all your designs into one directory, so good luck trying to find a subcircuit when you want to instantiate it Cadence Virtuoso, ADE Explorer: cant parametrize any deeper than 2 layers, otherwise the sim bricks Mar 20, 2023 · This is an introduction to cursors and axis alterations. This video explains how the designated cursors in LTSPICE can be used to compute phase or phase difference in between two AC quantities to perform phasor ana Oct 7, 2013 · Figure 1. Move the mouse cursor near the waveform-crosshair. MEASURE directive. The first click will create one cursor, another click will create another cursor. 4. I don't see a way that you can, as the gain plot is gain/phase and you can only select "Gain" or add cursor to "Gain". Mar 21, 2024 · \$\begingroup\$ The slope will have units. A left click will graph the peak to peak current and the vertical axis changes to units of milliamps. Plot Settings -> Select Steps (Plot Cursor) カーソルが表示されていると、カーソル・ウインドウが表示され、各々のカーソルの値が表示されます。 (Cursor Window) カーソルが2つ表示されている場合は、各カーソルの値に加えて、差分や傾き等も表示されます。 →その他のLTspice関連情報 Cursor width: Thickness of the attached cursor and zoom rectangle dithered lines. 2. run 152 without plodding through the runs one by one? Jul 27, 2014 · I've made quite a lot of use of LTspice and haven't come across any automatic way to find the maximum of a plot. If you only see a small popup, click on "Advanced" to see a larger popup where you can enter the value. 2-cursor mode is mostly useless to me, and just a constant tripping hazard. Sliding the cursor along the waveform allows measurement of these values at any point of the curve. If you Dec 3, 2009 · FFT with unknown exact frequency Jim Hutchinson. 99 The . Cursors can be placed on the graph by clicking on the corresponding title. I agree it makes sense to offer cursors on phase. Leo. raw file already). If you move your mouse over the cursor, you should be presented with a "1" or a "2". Left-clicking will attach a cursor to the trace. Hover the cursor over a wire or terminal and the program shows a voltage probe icon. TRAN command on your page, right-click on it to change the mode from there. plt plot settings file. When in the Plot window, pressing CTRL-G will turn the grid on. Apr 7, 2018 · Enable two graph "cursors" by clicking the name of the waveform you want to measure (see below, circled in red). The other way to identify the waveform is to use the cursor. When you see the "1" then click the right mouse button. Click Don't plot the magnitude. Sep 4, 2013 · Adding informative comments to a schematic using text is very useful. Searching the LTspice help for “Viewer Overview” is Sep 21, 2009 · --- In LTspice@yahoogroups. Oct 29, 2015 · You can navigate your cursor to the next data point using the left and right arrow key on your keyboard. 0. I am running it with two separate values for the same component so as to produce two separate traces in the same pane. Visit Today To Learn More. Mar 1, 2021 · It is necessary to click on the waveform node title at the top of the graph. com, "avocado_baller" <avocado_baller@> wrote: Is there a way to 'trace' the curves in the graphs, to see what it's exact numbers are? thanks, ab ab, I don't think you can do what you asked for. I cannot find a way to attach a cursor to each of the traces so as to measure the static difference This video will show you how to change the background color of a plot/graph in LTspice to any color you want! Thanks for watching! Nov 18, 2024 · Although I chose not to reproduce the graph here, the pulse frequency for the latter circuit is 4. You can attach a cursor to a trace by left mouse clicking on the trace label. S. The analysis was from 16 to 1600 Hz using a decade sweep. Using the UP and DOWN arrow keys, you can shift between the different curves. The Graph has now 27 lines in different colors. You will now have an active cursor on the phase trace. LTspice will do a dimensional analysis of the expression and plot it against a vertical axis labeled with those units. com>, dated Wed, 21 May 2014, "1sailingbear@googlemail. 305055 at 0. However, there are times when adding a line, rectangle, circle or arc to a schematic can better illustrate a circuit. Cursor Step Information Cursor 1: Val=2 (Run: 3/5) There is also a selection in the Plot settings menu. Key Takeaways Feb 3, 2019 · A simplified Rseries and Rshunt model of solar cell is given below. step param c list . The mouse cursor turns into an icon that looks like a thermometer when it's pointing at a dissipation that can be plotted. When you move the mouse cursor to the node name on the graph pane, the mouse cursor changes to a finger mark, so "right click" of the mouse. step param b list . The keyboard cursor keys make it hop from one data point to the next for micro-positioning. ac analysis of my tube schematic shows 27 graphs as I run 3 potentiometer with a step directive:. Jan 27, 2008 · that the graph is done using a predetermined set of points, even though more detailed data is available. Add label to cursor position Mar 18, 2020 · LTspice的光标和示波器的类似,在波形查看器中可以添加两个光标,对波形进行测量。 单击波形名字便可添加一个光标,同时弹出光标的相关信息;按住光标左键不放可以拖动光标位置;再次单击波形名字可添加第二个光标,同时光标信息窗口会计算时间与电压差值,频率等信息;关闭这个小窗口就 Mar 1, 2014 · The cursors can be moved along the horizontal axis and the vertical value follows the curve. When ready, close LTspice. Philippe Basier. You can attach both cursors to a single trace by right clicking on the trace label and selecting "1st & 2nd". If some cursors are visible and some are hidden, you will be presented with an option to hide all cursors or show all cursors. Oct 10, 2021 · right click in the graph and select 'Add Plot Pane' right click in the new plot pane and select 'Add Traces', select also I(R1) right click again and uncheck 'Sync. That said, at least for FRA, you can right-click in the chart area, and choose Notes and Annotations > Annotate Phase (or Gain) Margin. In addition to the cursor an additional window will open displaying the values of time and voltage at the cursor's position. Pos. Use radian measure in waveform expressions: Determines where sin(90) is 1 or 0. 5. Right-clicking brings up a menu that allows you to change the attached cursor(s) or remove them. 8939966636005579. 11 LTSpiceXVII Show More How to attach cursor to graph In LTspice? LTSpice Tips – Graphs When viewing a graph, you can attach a cursor to a trace by clicking on the trace’s name: Attaching a cursor to a trace allows you to see the exact value of the graph at the cursor point. Remember that you can easily grab and move the cursors by clicking on the red cursor-position rectangles. Kann mir einer einen Tipp geben? Ich habe neu installiert, vieles probiert Apr 8, 2003 · Is there any email address or link to send suggestion for new versions of LTspice ? "Text identification of multiple traces in a plot" or "Mouseover identification of traces" will be my suggestion. LTspice. How do I fix this? Thanks! Hello, I don't really understand your problem. Mar 1, 2014 · The cursors can be moved along the horizontal axis and the vertical value follows the curve. It seems like it isnt an installed feature or something. using a . Rubens---In Ltspice open the "Help" menu and select "About LTspice IV". Right-click. For example, the location where volts/hour is -1 will be different from the location where volts/second is -1. After running the simulation, Click on the opened window, go to Plot Settings Add trace, and select the waveforms I(D1) and I(D2) for display. Feb 1, 2016 · xl97: so I want to 'measure' (or only care about) the plotted line on the graph from between 10kHz and the 20kHz mark. com Explores How To Make a Bode Plot With LTspice, Frequency Responses, and AC Analysis. Andy Mar 1, 2014 · The cursors can be moved along the horizontal axis and the vertical value follows the curve. The documentation for the WaveForm Viewer built in to LTspice is quite good. When I used the cursor to look at the data, I could only get the information at exactly 160 Hz after I had magnified the curve to show the frequencies from 159. Once LTSpice has finished the simulation a blank graph will pop-up ready to display traces of voltage and current. 5 Cursors The default viewer in LTspice can be somewhat difficult to read, so we use cursors to read precise numbers. The legend would identify which color of line corresponds to each value of the parameter being swept Sep 21, 2011 · You can attach a cursor to a trace by left mouse clicking on the trace label. Depending on the units you want, the location of "-1" will be different. All waveforms in a plotting pane with the same units are plotted on the same axis. It will be plotted on its own scale with the units of Watts. Select the line thickness of the waveform graph. Next tutorial will focus on DC circuit analysis. 4e) Open a 2nd file browser, then copy/paste " %USERPROFILE% " (without the quotes) into the directory field at the top of the screen then press "Enter" key. Jan 20, 2020 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Feb 9, 2025 · I've been annoyed by this, ever since the feature was introduced. Use the up/down arrow key of he keyboard to jump to the waveform you are interested. Cursor width[*] Selects the thickness of the cursor in the waveform graph. To move a window around the LTS screen grab the top bar of the window/s and move the grabbed window. Subject: Re: [LTspice] Plot graph mark-ups ? Is there a way to define the cursor placement more accurately than with a cursor drag? (E. measure statements), but it is quite easy once you get a hang of it. A classic example is highlighting a transformer core using two lines. op button to place a custom directive on the schematic) 1. Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering University of Pretoria 2024 - Semester 1 Practical Guidelines, Page 26 of 50 EBN 111 Figure 47: LTspice window after DC sweep simulation. Apr 12, 2024 · i have the last version of ltspice and on my asus vivobook go i cant see the cursor i tried unistalling and reinstallig, installing old version but i cant see the cursor anyway please is important Tags: software LTSPICE XVII LTspice LT Spice 24. Also, there's one other thing you could do: use custom colours for traces and remember them (e. If you just want to determine a maximum value, you can use a . Aug 25, 2021 · When LTspice is closed, you run LTspice-themes <theme name> in PowerShell and it replaces [Colors] section in the LTspice ini file. This time, use the cursor to measure the waveform of V(OUTPUT), so "right click" of the mouse with the node name of V(OUTPUT). Not the 10KHz to 20KHz area. Attach a cursor to e. This tries to indicate that you are pointing at that axis' attributes. Modified 5 years, 3 months ago. a resistor) or a tap for an element and the program shows a current clamp In message <llj19s+16o17n9@YahooGroups. Also it gives you the "probe" pointer when hovering over traces (which also depends on LTspice knowing that there is a . Apr 12, 2015 · I am modeling different circuits in LTSpice and I cannot for the life of me find ways to annotate the plots with measurements. Once you have the bode plot, place the mouse cursor over the magnitude (left) axis markings, it should turn to a ruler pointer. If the above doesn't fix it with one schematic, then try another. What I've been doing instead is using the ability to zoom in on sections of the plot to magnify the area of interest, making finding the maximum (or minimum) easier. Pulse width for the workaround circuit. I did it. 305055 t2: time=0. 1 . This is impractical for a large number of runs. Please tell step by step what key you press in which Aug 29, 2011 · If you look to the lower left corner of the ltspice window, you will see the vertical and horizontal differences being reported. My question is with the cursors. You can step up/down with the cursor keys. STEP Command to Perform Repeated Analysis. (Use the . Aug 26, 2020 · That action loads the . When you see that, right click, and it will tell you which curve you are currently looking at. Nov 21, 2019 · LTSpice: why does my . My "label cursor position" on the graph doesn't work. All Messages By This Member #31639 Oct 26, 2019 · I have a simple simulation which is working perfectly. Nov 26, 2006 · --- In LTspice@yahoogroups. In the plot pane, right-click anywhere. Take ~1khz (about the middle of the graph) as the reference level. Conclusion. Either left mouse click on the label of the trace or right mouse click on the label and select a cursor next to the label, "Attached Cursor:" Then drag it to the point you want to measure. A small status window appear. resistor codes). Once you run and view your simulation results in the waveform pane you can review the step information of a particular trace by attaching a cursor (click onto the trace label), using the up and down arrow keys to navigate the steps and then right-clicking onto the cursor to view the step information. raw file into LTspice and associates it with the schematic, and now the plot window should appear. com/roelvandepaa Attaching a cursor to a trace allows you to see the exact value of the graph at the cursor point. Is there a way to move the cursor along the vertical axis?It does not seem to be necessary. asc. 14148 P. There are up to two attached cursors available. May 24, 2010 · So far I do not know about this LTspice powerful property. com [LTspice]" <LTspice@yahoogroups. Electronics: How to position precisely the cursor in a bode diagram with LtSpice?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. Use "XOR" type cross hair cursor: The XOR cursor is a cross hair that is visible no matter what screen color is behind the cursor. In the plot view, I always myself clicking on the wrong thing or wrong place and end up with two cursors, invariably with the wrong one active. If it is truly "too far" when using the arrow keys, then perhaps the time points are not close enough together and you need to use a smaller Maximum Timestep (and of course Mar 31, 2008 · Now you have a cursor attached to the curve. " it needs to activate Cursor. g. meas command. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & Cursors can be placed on the graph by clicking on the corresponding title. patreon. 3. 6. Note that if you don't move the first one, the second will be created on top of the first (not an issue). In transient analysis, the horizontal axis defaults to showing time, but you can always change the horizontal axis to show other quantities (such as current) to validate model parameters. Multiple graphs can be plotted, the supply current I(V1) shown in purple and I(C1) shown in red can be seen on the right. If you double-click, you will get two cursors that will give the absolute value at each cursor position and the difference between the two cursor positions in a separate window. Best regards, Esteban--- In LTspice@, "allwires@" wrote: Hi, I was wondering if there is any way to add a legend for on the graph when you do a parameter sweep. step param a list . Move the cursor near the cross hair. Measure the Decay time by placing one cursor at the start of the decay and the other cursor halfway (2. will create a more readable graph. But you can expand a portion of the output data plot by putting you cursor over the plot, Cursors can be placed on the graph by clicking on the corresponding title. It works perfectly. Individual cursor positions are displayed along the horizontal and vertical axes; information related to the difference between cursor positions is displayed below the graph. For example, if the background is When viewing a graph, you can attach a cursor to a trace by clicking on the trace’s name: Attaching a cursor to a trace allows you to see the exact value of the graph at the cursor point. Oct 1, 2024 · Great question. Then right click on either the cursor's vertical or horizontal lines. jpeg" file name, then choose "Rename" and change it to "LTspice. solar_iv. ECE343 SP18 LTspice Reference Page 13 4. Figure 10. edj leuvgkc wmiov macosm lsjvdo wittwd pthfi ahfne ycdwlsm xmol rgm hedoch dsvlgf qxrae aof