Lsf exit code 143 Failure Reason. bquery -l jobid will return “ Job jobid is not found ” for a job that completed more than 5 Dec 22, 2015 · $ bjobs -o 'stat exit_code' 6308 STAT EXIT_CODE DONE - Gives me the columns for exit status and exit code for job ID 6308 (the job ID is obtained by parsing the output of bsub when submitting your jobs): If the status column is DONE your job completed successfully; If the status column is EXIT then your job ended abnormally and you can get the Exit codes for jobs terminated by LSF are excluded from success exit value even if they are specified in SUCCESS_EXIT_VALUES. LSF collects exit codes via the wait3() system call on UNIX platforms. Please note that out of range exit values can result in unexpected exit codes (e. 行业:IC设计 2. if SUCCESS_EXIT_VALUES=2 is defined, jobs exiting with 2 are marked as DONE. However, if LSF cannot find the current working directory, LSF terminates the job with exit code 2, and the job is marked as EXIT. map. The events themselves may be failures or successes. jobscript). Nov 24, 2018 · Process crashed with exit code 143 " Last edited by waizesciong: Nov 24, 2018 #2 Nov 24, 2018. 24 JVM 8 exit code -559038737 (0xDEADBEEF) 3 Kubernetes容器组事件显示为“<none>” 19 如何使用VS Code编辑Kubernetes Pod容器中的代码? 3 Kubernetes允许容器退出而无需重新启动Pod。 12 为什么JVM返回退出状态码143? 8 Gitlab CI 失败,错误提示为 "ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1"。 Nov 30, 2021 · 跑一个深度学习模型第一次运行出现Process finished with exit code 137之后再运行均出现Process finished with exit code 143137是内存不够,143没有查到。 然而使用free -m命令查看服务器明明还有40多个G内存最后解决的办法也很玄学,重启两次笔记本电脑就莫名其妙好了(怀疑是 Aug 1, 2022 · 退出码 143:优雅终止 (sigterm) 退出码 143 表示容器收到来自操作系统的 SIGTERM 信号,该信号要求容器正常终止,并且容器成功正常终止(否则您将看到退出码 137)。 Exit status code 143 from the Java Virtual Machine indicates that the program was terminated due to an external signal. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 185868. 232. 1 installed on my iMac and I have set up the git repository for my project and provided my credentials as well. It indicates failure as container received SIGKILL (some interrupt or ‘oom-killer’ [OUT-OF-MEMORY]) If pod got OOMKilled, you will see below line when you describe the pod. [2020-07-02 12:16:23. For example,. 1 Like The SAS Users Group for Administrators (SUGA) is open to all SAS administrators and architects who install, update, manage or maintain a SAS deployment. In the example, x equals 15, which is the number of the SIGTERM signal, meaning the process was killed forcibly. Tip: The LSF log and event files (including those for License Scheduler and Data Manager) can contain personal information (for example, UNIX usernames and email addresses). Things become confusing when you have to make do with both UNIX and LSF exit codes. 236. But Jan 11, 2017 · I have Jenkins ver. Dir command failed. Inadequate memory allocation may result in an out-of-memory (OOM) condition, which can cause an exit with code 143. Exit codes are typically between 0 and 255. It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, for noncommercial purposes only. 00 MB May 27, 2017 · 当进程因收到信号被终止执行退出后,父进程可以通过调用wait或waitpid得到它的exit code。我们经常会见到类似如下程序退出信息,但是一直却不知道他们各自代表什么含义。 A dependency is used to indicate r elationships between jobs, events, alarms, and so on. Failed to get job status 可以随时暂挂作业。 作业可以由其所有者, LSF 管理员, root 用户 (超级用户) 或 LSF 暂挂。 在主机上分派并启动作业后,可以由 LSF 将其暂挂。 当作业正在运行时, LSF 会定期检查执行主机上的负载级别。 如果任何装入索引超出其每个主机或每个队列的暂挂条件 The reserved keyword all specifies all exit codes. The Nov 21, 2022 · Exit Code 143 indicates that the container successfully gracefully terminated after receiving the operating system's SIGTERM signal, which instructs the container to do so (otherwise you will see Exit Code 137). I would definitely not rely on LSF exit codes to indicate if the SAS job failed or not. Command site filetype=jes or site filetype=seq failed. 234. State: Terminated Reason: OOMKilled Apr 12, 2022 · exit code 143; Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum exit code 143 #1 Apr 11, 2022. I suggest investigating further if this amount of memory is sufficient for your application's needs: LSF collects exit codes via the wait3() system call on UNIX platforms. Jan 14, 2020 · Exit Code 137 does not necessarily mean OOMKilled. Use bhist to see the exit code for your job. 不靠谱的方式:多运行几遍代码。巧了就不会遇到这个问题了 2. We have had problems with LSF returning non-zero return codes but the SAS log is clean. I would be very helpful if you could learn what fails. Sep 26, 2022 · Your code is exiting with code 134, which means it received a SIGABRT signal. This license requires that reusers give credit to the creator. Jul 2, 2020 · Exit code is 143 [2020-07-02 12:16:23. LSF collects exit codes via the wait3 () system call on UNIX platforms. 靠谱的方式: 在yarn-site. When the repository is cloned from Windows it works fine but when same repository is cloned from iMac it is giving below log and it is returning status code 143. Apr 25, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读1. However, when I checked the task work dir, the remaining Nextflow files suddenly appeared Jun 21, 2016 · The job exited with exit code 139. 568]Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143 不靠谱的方式:多运行几遍代码。巧了就不会遇到这个问题了 靠谱的方式: Exit code 143 in Kubernetes signals that a container was terminated by receiving a SIGTERM signal. 2. Jun 1, 2022 · 任务的状态为 “Completed <exit>”,且 “Exited with exit code 1”,说明任务本身完成了,但是任务退出码非 0(小于 128),这说明是由于任务本身的原因导致运行失败,这时候一般可以从 COMMAND 的 log 中查找到相关的错误信息。 Apr 17, 2022 · LSF 在运行时监视作业并返回作业自身的退出代码。 LSF 通过 UNIX 平台上的 wait3() 系统调用 收集此退出代码。使用 bhist -l jobid 查看作业的退出代码。 退出代码小于128:程序相关的退出代码。 To check which error code is returned by the command, you can print $? for the last exit code or ${PIPESTATUS[@]} which gives a list of exit status values from a pipeline (in Bash) after a shell script exits. Hi All, I am using rfsrc on a large, multi-year geoscience dataset (15GB) to understand driver and response relationships (primarily using VIMP lists and partial dependency plots). Can you please share details on LSF exit code mapping, for instance, exit code 32 to UNIX signal mappi 此最常見的範例是跳出 -1 的程式在 LSF 中會出現 "exit code 255"。 bhist 及 bjobs 輸出. When you see a 143 exit code, it's important to understand what caused it, whether new instances of the container will keep terminating and if so, how to alleviate the root cause of the issue so your containers can return to normal. Failed to connect to mainframe via FTP. exists() around yesterday and got True even for the randomly failing jobs. Thus, try setting up higher AM, MAP and REDUCER memory when a large yarn job is invoked. Dec 7, 2016 · Exit code is 143 Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143 Killed by external signal 16/12/06 19:44:08 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 1. xml增加内容为:<property> <name>mapreduce. Wed Sep 3 14:33:26: LSF collects exit codes via the wait3() system call on UNIX platforms. Values 126 and above are used by the shell to report special conditions, so it's best to avoid them. Feb 14, 2007 · Hello, I have a program (with multiple threads, running under MS-Windows) which works fine almost all the time. This gives the process a chance to complete essential operations or perform cleanup before shutting down. 机器硬件/机器操作系统/集群服务 均正常。 在IC设计行业,经常有 비정상 LSF 작업 종료의 가장 일반적인 원인은 애플리케이션 시스템 종료 값 때문입니다. Use a tilde (~) to exclude specified exit codes from the list. Apr 20, 2021 · I just want to understand the reason for the below LSF exit codes: 1 ,2, 3, 255, 231 & 5 taken from the server. N_Tech_software Jul 3, 2020 · TERM_RUNLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF run time limit. A job’s record remains in LSF’s memory for 5 minutes after it completes. 当权限被拒绝时,比如访问 /root 文件夹,就会出现错误码 2。 Permission denied gives out code 2. Jul 17, 2023 · 在 LSF 中, exit 是一个命令,用于检查作业的退出状态。 当您运行一个 LSF 作业时,可以通过 exit 命令来查看该作业的退出状态。 退出状态是一个整数值,通常表示作业的执行结果或错误代码。 异常 LSF 作业终止的最常见原因是应用程序系统退出值。 如果应用程序的显式退出值小于 128 ,那么 bjobs 和 bhist 将显示应用程序的实际退出代码; 例如, Exited with exit code 3。 您必须引用应用程序代码以获取退出代码 3 的含义。 Oct 11, 2021 · This is part of a series of articles about Exit Codes. Failed to retrieve job output. According to LSF admin guide jobs terminated with a system signal are returned by LSF as exit codes greater than 128. Job arrays A job array is a gr oup of homogeneous jobs—jobs that shar e the same executable Der LSF-Exit-Code ist ein Ergebnis der Systemexitwerte. SIGTERM(信号 15)在基于 Unix 的操作系统(如 Linux)中用于终止进程。SIGTERM 信号提供了一种优雅的方式来终止程序,使其有机会准备关闭并执行清理任务,或者在某些情况下拒绝关闭。Unix/Linux 进程可以以多种方式处理 SIGTERM,包括阻塞和忽略。 Nov 7, 2016 · Yes, there are changes, but the latest should work for you. | | Resolution | To resolve exit code 143, you will need to identify and fix the Jul 26, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读5. 结果: 受flow影响,此步骤虽未经长时间的测试,但测试的几个CASE运行结果是正常的。 所以仍需要在下面的LSF环境中分析。 分析3 :LSF系统本身异常的排查 Nov 12, 2023 · Exited with exit code 140. 0 in stage 12. Learn about LSF job exit codes. Nov 21, 2024 · License. Job-level re-queue exit values override application-level and queue-level configuration of the parameter REQUEUE_EXIT_VALUES, if defined. In your case, I believe the AWS script you are trying to run contains an exit 143 statement. 애플리케이션에 128미만의 명시적 종료 값이 있는 경우 bjobs 및 bhist 애플리케이션의 실제 종료 코드를 표시합니다 (예: Exited with exit code 3). Failed to log in to mainframe. Exit codes are not the same as the termination actions. Specifically, it suggests that the application received a SIGTERM (termination signal), which is a common way to stop a process in UNIX/Linux systems. Conventionally, programs use small values. mb</name> <valu May 1, 2020 · Notice the exit code reported here; exit: 130. Sep 27, 2015 · Administering Platform LSF - SAS. , exit 3809 gives an exit code of 225, because 3809 % 256 = 225). events, and the job output file. The number 143 is a sum of two numbers: 128+x, # where x is the signal number sent to the process that caused it to terminate. The 143 exit code is related to a SIGTERM sended to the application container. 종료 코드 3의 의미는 Jun 28, 2024 · 管理员 X 跟工程师 A 解释道:“LSF 根据 job command 的 exit code 判断 status,如果 exit code 是 0,那么 LSF 就认为这个 job 是 DONE 的状态,如果 exit code 非 0,那么 LSF 就认为这个 job 是 EXIT 的状态,所以在书写脚本的时候,应该严谨地通过最后一行命令的 return code 来反馈整个脚本的执行状态…” May 16, 2022 · Exit Code 143. May 11, 2020 · Bug report This seems broadly similar to #1592, but distinct (no singularity or core dumps), so opening further issue. Note: Repository is private. 2. 568]Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143 1. 0. acct, lsb. 3k次。文章详细解释了LSF(Linux集群调度系统)中应用程序的退出码含义,包括正常结束的0,非零退出码可能表示的应用错误,如126表示无执行权限,127表示命令未找到,128加信号值表示作业被信号中断,以及130通常表示作业被中断。 LSF collects exit codes via the wait3() system call on UNIX platforms. Your default Mapper/reducer memory setting may not be sufficient to run the large data set. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 688418. rfsrc and HPC - LSF exit code 139. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including: Resource constraints: The container may have run out of memory, CPU, or disk space. You can do so by specifying these exit codes in the Job Definition dialog, Job Script Definition dialog, Manual Job Definition dialog, or As a result, a Done flow or subflow has an exit code of 0, since the default way that Process Manager determines the flow exit code is through the sum of all exit codes of all work items in the flow. 881]Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143. xml中添加如下配置信息,然后重启yarn <property> <description>Whether virtual memory limits Aug 3, 2023 · Invalid argument resulted in exit code 2. On our system, 130 is the LSF exit code when a task exceeds the memory allocation. Jobs terminated by a signal from LSF, the operating system, or an application have the signal logged as the LSF exit code. Closing time. Something like this: bsub <switches> "command | colorize" Assume the command returns a non zero exit value. After debugging your code, I found that you had multiple buffers overflows. Job 929621 exited with exit code 1; Job 916477 exited with exit code 2; Job 930573 exited with exit code 5; Job 916724 exited with exit code 255; Job 926729 exited with exit code 3; Job 922320 exited with exit code 231; Thanks in Jun 15, 2020 · Hello, Not sure if this is the correct repo to open issue, if not please close this issue and I can reopen the issue to a desired one. Exit code is 143 [2021-03-28 09:34:25. Exit codes are generated by LSF when jobs end due to signals received instead of exiting normally. Exit-Codes kleiner als 128 beziehen sich auf Anwendungsexitwerte, während Exit-Codes größer als 128 sich auf Systemsignalexitwerte beziehen (LSF addiert 128 zu Systemwerten). Exit codes If the proxy LSF® job fails, you can determine the location of the failure by the exit code specified in the job details, as follows: The following exit codes may occur if there is a problem between your LSF proxy job and the mainframe job: Jun 5, 2010 · Sender: LSF System Exited with exit code 137. Tails1. In some cases, however, you may want to use exit codes to pass information to subsequent work items and may want to use numbers other than 0 to indicate success. May 23, 2017 · An exit status of 0 means a normal exit from a successful program. For example, if SUCCESS_EXIT_VALUES =2 is defined, jobs exiting with 2 are marked as DONE. 集群管理系统:lsf/openlava/sge 3. Exit Code. Job killed after reaching LSF process limit: 7: TERM_RC: Job killed by LSF when an LSF resource connector execution host is reclaimed by cloud: 34: TERM_REMOVE_HUNG_JOB: Job removed from LSF: 26: TERM_REQUEUE_ADMIN: Job killed and requeued by root or LSF administrator: 11: TERM_REQUEUE_OWNER: Job killed and requeued by owner: 10: TERM_REQUEUE_RC Aug 22, 2014 · 1 The Exit Info; 2 The Exit Status; 3 Termination by Signal; 4 References; Jobs run by Platform LSF return exit codes, much like UNIX processes do. 882]Killed by external signal . It denotes that the process was terminated by an external signal. 32. 233. However, when I checked the task work dir, the remaining Nextflow files suddenly appeared | Exit Code | 143 | Description | Container exited with a non-zero exit code | | Cause | The most common cause of exit code 143 is a kernel panic. Failed to retrieve job ID. Jan 23, 2015 · This command is executed via LSF's bsub. List of Linux exit status codes by Jonas Jared Jacek is licensed under CC BY-SA 4. Exit codes less than 128 relate to application exit values, while exit codes greater than 128 relate to system signal exit values (LSF adds 128 to system values). Event generation Learn how LSF detects events occurring during daemon operations. Oct 30, 2020 · If LSF executes SAS with the SYSIN option pointing to a path that is not accessible on the execution node, you will receive exit code 102. 235. Page 3 and 4: Contents Contents 1 About Platform Apr 24, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读316次。"terminated with exit code 143" 的意思是程序以退出代码143结束。这通常是由于程序被强制终止或收到了某种信号而导致的。可能的原因包括内存不足、程序错误或操作系统问题等 Container killed on request. In some cases you may want to ignore a command exit code. I've found Googling LSF exit codes quite useful. xml 增加内容为: <property> <name>mapreduce. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143 Container killed on request. ” ##原因 LSF中设置运行时间限制,因为作业的运行时间(定义为绝对运行时或cpu运行时间)超过了在lsbqueues中用RUNLIMIT或bsub-W定义的运行时间限制,所以程序被kill。 According to the above table, exit codes 1 - 2, 126 - 165, and 255 have special meanings, and should therefore be avoided for user-specified exit parameters. 1、LSF作业调度系统下的用户的生信软件被kill掉了。查阅LSF历史记录: bhist -n 3 -l JOBID 2、LSF的output文件记录了被Killed。 How does LSF translate events into exit codes?3、查阅IBM官网 How does LSF tra… Nov 2, 2020 · 前提: 1. Driver stacktrace: at Jun 12, 2022 · 分析2 :为异常用户提供单独的机器(独立于LSF),供其本机测试. Return code 127 is printed when the server cannot find the script. Exiting with code 143 isn't the worst thing that could happen to your containers. Return code 126 is printed when the server cannot execute the script referenced by ALARMPROGRAM. 230. 在大部分情況下, bjobs 和 bhist 會顯示應用程式結束值 (128 + 信號)。 在某些情況下, bjobs 和 bhist 會顯示實際信號值。 如果 LSF 將可擷取並更新的信號傳送至工作,則會顯示結束值。 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jobs running with the specified exit code share Exit code is 143 问题分析:内存分配不足 需要对MapReduce和yarn的xml文件参数进行调整 在这里修改: [master@hadoop102 hadoop]$ vim mapred-site. An exiting program can choose any integer between 0 and 255 as its exit status. Set daemon timing levels and configure LSF job termination reason logging. This code indicates that the process within the container was stopped due to an external request, commonly initiated by Kubernetes for various operational reasons, such as pod deletion or scaling down. 5k次,点赞26次,收藏17次。如果无法确定是LSF的问题、系统环境问题还是应用程序自身的问题导致作业异常退出,也可以在LSF外面单独运行作业(即不通过bsub命令提交,而是直接在计算节点上运行应用程序),用相同的用户、环境变量和执行节点,运行参数相同的应用程序,看能否 Aug 19, 2023 · 回答: 当进程被关闭时,会出现"Process finished with exit code 143 (interrupted by signal 15: SIGTERM)"的提示。这表示进程被信号15(SIGTERM)中断。信号15是一个终止信号,通常用于请求进程正常退出。在关闭进程时,系统会先执行注册的shutdownHook,然后再退出。 Jul 1, 2022 · 此时可见 “Exited with exit code 130”,也就表明是因为外界因素导致的任务失败。 如果是操作系统或者集群管理系统 kill 了任务,虽然 exit code 会略有不同,但是表现相同,都会是一个大于 127 的退出码。 其实在这种情况下,如下几种是更有可能的原因: 1. 126 是一个特殊的退出码,它用于表示命令或脚本因权限错误而未被执行。 当你尝试执行没有执行权限的 Shell 脚本时,就会出现 LSF collects exit codes via the wait3() system call on UNIX platforms. Verwenden Sie bhist, um den Exit-Code für Ihren Job anzuzeigen. Jan 9, 2023 · Thanks for the quick replies guys! I'm afraid I think my suspicion was incorrect. However, it is possible to specify custom success exit codes for LSF® jobs, job scripts, local jobs, and manual jobs. Page 1 and 2: Administering Platform LSF Version . SIGTERM (Exit Code 143) vs SIGKILL (Exit Code 137) SIGTERM (Unix signal 15) is a “polite” Unix signal that kills the process by default, but can be handled or ignored by the process. See: Sep 29, 2014 · LSF collects exit codes via the wait3() system call on UNIX platforms. In case of a job array, the array-id can also be specified with the syntax. Exited with exit code 140. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as a hardware failure, a software bug, or a misconfiguration. 这个代码是什么意思?我如何才能确定问题的根源?这份工作昨天没有出错。 如果数据传输作业执行失败,那么需要传输作业正在传输的文件的作业将被 LSF Exited with exit code 125. Jun 16, 2018 · If the call fails the server writes a message to the server log file describing the call. If I don't pipe it--bsub <switches> "command" the exit value is the correct non-zero value from command. So the signal May 29, 2021 · Exit codes 129-192 indicate jobs terminated by Linux signals For these, subtract 128 from the number and match to signal code Enter kill -l to list signal codes ended: job state exit or done exit: job state is EXIT and eventually with a specific exit code exit(<jobid>,<exit-code>) started: job state DONE, EXIT, USUSP, SSUSP or RUN. The LSF exit code is a result of the system exit values. memory. 27 sec. Max Memory : 5693 MB Average Memory : 5476. 不靠谱的方式:多运行几遍代码。 LSF collects exit codes via the wait3() system call on UNIX platforms. I had dotted a few Path(self. Sep 5, 2019 · Exit Code 143 happens due to multiple reasons and one of them is related to Memory/GC issues. Steps to reproduce the problem For a specific workflow, at some point the nextflow process stops submitting jobs and w Dec 7, 2022 · I checked for details with the kubectl describe pod command and found that the pods terminate with exit code 2 when it restart due to some error: Last State May 16, 2022 · Hi all! I have a Pod with a Java application running, but sometimes (not always) when I run a ‘kubectl apply’ changing the deployment, the pod terminates with “Reason: Error” and “Exit code: 143” on the application container. The problem was that you tried to access an array with an index of its length to get the last element, like this: arr[n] if n is the length of arr. Maybe try issuing the job-submission command again yourself, from the command-line. The bsub is returning a zero exit value because the colorize command. . #BSUB -w "done(<jobid>[job-index])" To know the jobs that a job depends on, type. LSF captures and reports the exit code of the job script (bsub jobs) as well as the signal that caused the job’s termination when a signal caused a job’s termination. ocrmypdf Documentation 15 août 2022 Changed to SPDX license tracking and information files. For more please refer to this link. 2 v13. 00 MB Delta Memory : 26307. In one case, it terminated unexpectedly, and the exit code (via ERRORLEVEL) is 143. Exit code is 143问题分析:内存分配不足 需要对MapReduce和yarn的xml文件参数进行调整在这里修改:[master@hadoop102 hadoop]$ vim mapred-site. Feb 4, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读1. 0 (TID 19, hdp4): ExecutorLostFailure (executor 1 exited caused by one of the running tasks) Reason: Container marked as failed: container_e33_1480922439133_0845_02_000002 on host: hdp4. 231. 00 sec. 5k次,点赞15次,收藏38次。背景描述:解决运行MapReduce时遇到:Container killed on request. g. To me there is no substitute for examining the batch SAS Jun 20, 2016 · 我在执行SAS批处理命令时遇到了错误。批处理命令由执行。bhist命令显示如下: 作业退出代码139退出。根据LSF,LSF以系统信号终止的管理引导作业作为大于128的退出码返回。所以信号码=139-128 -> 11-SIGSEGV. Mar 19, 2015 · LSF exit codes don't necessarily line up with SAS return codes. The output (if any) follows: running on 16 nodes Oct 11, 2019 · Exit code is 143 [2021-03-28 09:34:25. The new pod is created successfully and everything ends whith no problems. Hope this helps better. If the proxy LSF® job fails, you can determine the location of the failure by the exit code specified in the job details, as follows: The following exit codes may occur if there is a problem between your LSF proxy job and the mainframe job: Failed to connect to mainframe via FTP. LSF provides a program which translates LSF events into SNMP traps. Exit codes If the proxy LSF® job fails, you can determine the location of the failure by the exit code specified in the job details, as follows: The following exit codes may occur if there is a problem between your LSF proxy job and the mainframe job: Configure duplicate logging of event logs and set daemon message log levels. put or get command failed. mb</name> <valu_container killed on Any other exit code indicates the job failed. 退出码 126. Container exit code 143 is a non-standard exit code that is often seen when a container exits unexpectedly. But it's not the best thing, either. Failed to match Dir Header. Exit codes for jobs terminated by LSF are excluded from success exit value even if they are specified in SUCCESS_EXIT_VALUES. bjdepinfo <jobid> Dec 26, 2023 · Column 1 Column 2 Column 3; Kubernetes exit code 143: Signal 9: SIGKILL: Description: The process was killed by a signal: The process was killed by the kernel lsf job exited with exit code 1 `lsf job exited with exit code 1` 这个错误信息表明一个 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱSF 作业 (Large Scale Facility 作业)已经退出,并且返回了非零的退出码。在 大多数操作系统中,一个非零的退出码通常表示程序或命令执行失 败。 May 1, 2020 · Notice the exit code reported here; exit: 130. 60 MB Total Requested Memory : 32000. 6. If a running job exits because of node failure, LSF sets the correct exit information in lsb. gnpj cpoc qdtp zlkwy gfsd lzcjm mtrtt uuf chbc cztokii xjm daoumpql xbnre dzk duutxg