Leopard gecko morphs chart. Make sure it knows that it is just your hand.

Leopard gecko morphs chart T. One of the newborns was larger than the others, measuring 4. You can acquire a standard gecko morph for about $25, but the price may vary depending on the lizard’s characteristics. Thank you. While many are common and easily identifiable, there exists a select group of morphs that stand out due to their distinctiveness and rarity. Each morph has its unique combination of colors, making every leopard gecko a work of art. (The largest on record weighed in around 170 grams. These reptiles are purposely bred to pass on specific recessive or dominant genes that influence their size, scale patterns, skin color, and more. Normal leos still contain the characteristic dark brown to black spots despite having variations of yellow, brown, and grey coloration. It is nearly impossible to describe all Leopard gecko morphs. Within the large leopard gecko morphs, there are specific classifications known as the “giant” and “super giant”. Giant. Currently, there are many Leopard Geckos Morphs available. Mack Snow Leopard Geckos can also have a variety of patterns, including stripes, blotches, and rings. Explore the unique characteristics and traits that make each type distinct. Geckos of this morph have a base color of dark brown, orange, or black, with yellow or cream mottled striping. Also known as Ghost leopard geckos, these reptiles show very light coloring. Understanding Leopard Gecko Morphs Giant and Super Giant leopard geckos are morphs genetically bred specifically to maximize their size. *The images below are some examples of the 3 gecko species listed above. Buy from a variety of Leopard Gecko breeders. 6 days ago · Leopard gecko morphs are variations of the same species but are bred to have different color, pattern, and eye-shape variations. The Tangerine colors also show up in all three strains of the [[Albino]s]. This page will cover some of the most common leopard gecko morphs available. More Aug 23, 2023 · Unraveling the Tangerine Leopard Gecko Morph: History and Characteristics Understanding the Tangerine Leopard Gecko Morph: A Closer Look Leopard geckos, scientifically known as Eublepharis macularius, come in a myriad of fascinating colors and patterns. Other interesting pages A morph is a difference in color, size, or other genetics. The following morphs are fairly common and cheap. Some specialized morphs are giant or supergiant leopard geckos that reach and exceed 12 inches and weigh in at approximately 150 grams or more! Those chunky little geckos will cost a lot more than regular-sized leopard geckos, and they are usually harder to find as they are of a specific niche. Dec 19, 2024 · Discover how to identify your leopard gecko's morph in our comprehensive guide! This article dives into the diverse array of color patterns, from classic to unique variations like Albino, Hypo, and Tangerine. Discover the wide variety of colors and patterns available in these beautiful creatures. Nov 18, 2023 · The skin of a leopard gecko is covered in small scales and exhibits a wide range of patterns and colors, varying depending on the specific morph. but even the size or shape of the leopard gecko's physical features. This is not so much a genetic outcomes page (plenty of those), but a resource for the understanding of current morphs and lines in leopard gecko breeder hobby. Hypo Ghost Leopard Gecko. Dec 12, 2022 · Leopard Gecko Morphs Explained. Corn Snake Calculator(En) Oct 26, 2023 · 10 Rarest Leopard Gecko Morphs. ) The super giant gene is recessive, and these leopard gecko morphs may command a high price. The average Leopard geckos are yellow with dark brown to black spots, but the color and pattern are extremely variable due to selective Let’s take an example of an albino leopard gecko and walk through the outcome of pairing an albino leopard gecko with a normal leopard gecko. Crested geckos are polychromatic species, which means that they can be in different colors. Adult Size: Over 14 inches Tangelo leopard gecko is a result of crossing an orange morph with Tremper albino, resulting in orange stripes or blotches on a white body. 1 Feeding 3. Reptiles like Bearded Dragons, Ball Pythons, and Leopard Geckos morphs are determined by dominant, recessive, and co-dominant genetics. When I first got into reptiles, the majority of my experience was with bearded dragons, and I used to think there were a lot of bearded dragon morphs Jun 27, 2024 · Leopard gecko morphs refer to the different colors and patterns found within this species of lizard. Around 2006 certain leopard geckos began to display equilibrium deficiencies, often (but not always) associated with the Enigma morph. Mutations that occur are responsible for some morphs. The list of morphs is always growing. A Tank for the Female Gecko(s) If you only have one female, a separate 10 gallon tank is the minimum size, though again, a 20 gallon tank would be more comfortable. [1] Jun 22, 2022 · Leopard Gecko Colors, Patterns, and Morphs. Unlike their wild companions, which typically exhibit a standard appearance known as the “wild type,” morphs result from planned breeding efforts to enhance or alter certain traits in the geckos. Leopard Gecko Growth Chart [Graph]. Feb 5, 2024 · As you explore the remarkable world of leopard gecko morphs, remember the importance of responsible breeding practices and ethical ownership. You might think that brindle-crested geckos look like tiger morphs, but they have a unique pattern. To the best of my knowledge, there is no formal, universally accepted definition of what exactly is a “morph”. Despite its name “wild type” just refers to their appearance being normal shades Nov 23, 2023 · Here is a leopard gecko growth chart separated by some popular morphs: Leopard Gecko Size by Morph. Adult Size: 8 – 11 inches; Key Facts: Classic coloration and patterns. The most common type of leopard gecko is known as a “wild type”. The Giant, so named because of its enormous size, was discovered in 1999 after random breeding. See pictures of normal, albino, striped, hypo, blizzard, and more morphs. The amount of spots on the back of the Leopard Gecko, the amount of Carrot Tail, and the amount of head spots further breaks the Tangerines into different categories. Leopard Gecko morphs started appearing in the mid 1990s when breeders became a more prominent part of the pet trade. This thread is archived Feb 10, 2022 · The albino leopard gecko is a beautiful morph that needs care like any other leopard gecko morph. Nov 30, 2023 · The Mack Snow Leopard Gecko is my favourite color morph of the leopard gecko. And breeders are working on new morphs as we speak! Discover the ultimate guide to Leopard Gecko Morphs. 5 inches long, and was 11 inches long by the time it was ten months. Introduction to Leopard Gecko Morphs. There are recessive morphs such as Murphy Patternless or Blizzards, dominant morphs like the Enigma, Incomplete Dominance such as the Mack Snow, Codominant like the Giants, combo morphs like R. leopard gecko morphs Usually, we don't notice a gene until a mutation changes it. Here are a few examples of dominant and recessive alleles. Through selective breeding, there have been several defined morphs that have been created. This way a gecko will feature a color, pattern and other trait, such as a white fringe. Traits described include albinos, patternless, blizzards, hypomelanistic, tangerine, giants, and line-bred snows. It discusses simple recessive, polygenic, and co-dominant traits. 1 Housing 2. They aren’t as prevalent nowadays, though they are experiencing a revival amongst some breeders in the past few years. The world of leopard geckos is vast and varied, with numerous morphs that captivate enthusiasts and breeders alike. Before all of the colorful morphs came about, Normals and High Yellows were the only morphs available. Not all, but most of the leopard gecko morphs that you're likely to encounter, as well as a selection of some of the most popular 'designer' combos. It also has fewer black markings than usual and was the first leopard gecko morphs to be created. A typical leopard gecko will have yellowish-brown skin with black spots. 4 Watering 4. We will try to give Pictures of geckos, advice for care, requests for information about geckos, and more. The document is intended as a basic guide to explaining the appearance and genetics behind common Oct 5, 2023 · Still on genetics, there are Leos called leopard gecko morphs or giant leopard geckos. Nov 3, 2023 · Whether you are captivated by the fiery colors of Flame Crested Geckos, the intricate patterns of Harlequin Crested Geckos, the speckled beauty of Dalmatian Crested Geckos, the elegant stripes of Pinstripe Crested Geckos, or the fierce tiger-like appearance of Tiger Crested Geckos, there is a morph to suit every reptile enthusiast’s taste. Find and save ideas about leopard gecko morphs chart on Pinterest. This subreddit is a repository of care guides, files and resources. There are many other insects you can include at smaller amounts in their diet, including wax worms, silk worms, and hornworms. . A genetic morph's inheritance pattern determines how likely it is for the offspring to exhibit that morph. A Leopard Gecko Morph is a difference in color, size, and or genetics. 28. Adult Size: 11 – 14 inches; Key Facts: Selectively bred for larger size. Nov 7, 2021 · The following is all my own work except the credit I give at the bottom for finding the graph data. Oct 10, 2018 · Learn about the different types of leopard geckos, their characteristics, and how they are bred. The Reptile Calculator results instantly show in the Genetic Outcomes section. Decided to do an updated morph tier list as I've gotten a positive comment on my old one. Jun 7, 2022 · Leopard gecko morphs of leopard geckos are selectively bred to the pattern, color, size or eye color. There are a number of traits that can be passed on and manipulated through selective breeding. Leopard Gecko Morphs: Colors, Patterns, and Care Guide Discover the diverse world of Leopard Gecko Morphs. Mar 25, 2021 · Leopard gecko morphs are physically distinct forms caused by often human induced genetic mutation. 1 General Information 2. It is one of the first leopard gecko morphs developed through captive breeding. 2 Substrate 2. P. Here’s a closer look at some of the most well-known Leopard Gecko morphs: Normal Wild-Type Morph: This is the most common morph, displaying the natural coloration and patterning of leopard geckos in the wild. As an introduction to genetics I have created a table below which will attempt to identify what method is used to produce some of todays available morphs. In order to determine what you will get when you cross an albino leopard gecko with a normal leopard gecko, it helps to create a Punnett square. Our goals are to educate owners, share information and dispel many of the myths and misinformation regarding leopard gecko care. This cream mottled striping can appear almost white on their sides, legs and tails. A Leopard Geckos are one of the most hardy of the gecko species available, combining this with the fact that their husbandry is quite simple and even the novice reptile enthusiast can have great success in keeping and breeding this interesting species of gecko makes this reptile an ideal choice for beginers and experts alike. Among them, the Tangerine morph stands out due to its distinctive, Nov 6, 2019 · What are morphs? Reptile Advisor tells us that morphs are a variation in size, coloring, pattern or other physical features of a leopard gecko. Nov 30, 2019 · This page is designed to give you an example of the wide variations of colours and patternations which Leopard Geckos are now availble in, the collection of selective bred or genetic traits that effect a leos appearence are known as Morphs or Phases. Feb 10, 2024 · An albino leopard gecko has a cream or pink body color. 0 coins. In addition to the above-discussed Leopard gecko morphs, there are many other—around 100 different Leopard gecko morphs. s, and Aug 2, 2023 · Types of Leopard Gecko Morphs. Leopard Gecko Morphs Reference Sheet. Feb 8, 2023 · Types of Crested Gecko Morphs Harlequin. 5 Extras 2. This is true for the vestibular system of Leopard Geckos. It typically includes a Mar 2, 2021 · A Leopard Gecko Morph is a difference in color, size, and or genetics. Four physical traits are used to distinguish leopard gecko morphs: 1) color, 2) eye, 3) pattern, and 4) size. Harlequin crested geckos are easy to spot because of their contrasting cream and brown markings. Nov 18, 2024 · Leopard gecko body condition score chart 1: emaciated 2: underweight 3Leopard gecko morphs chart Gecko geckos reptifiles bugs morphs nocny lepord crested vitaminsIs your leopard gecko fat? 10 signs [infographic and tables]. Leopard Geckos morph, patterns or colouration are controlled by three main factors, Genes, Selective Breeding and incubation temperature. There are Super Hypo Before you start your project of breeding a new morph, you need to study the kind of information that will help in creating the new morph. Oct 18, 2023 · This leopard gecko morph is a normal/wild type morph variation. Jul 16, 2023 · Crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms, and superworms are the insects most commonly used as a staple diet for leopard geckos. Below we have listed some other Leopard gecko morphs Dec 7, 2008 · Leopard Gecko Care Table of Contents: 1. You need also to know that one cannot accurately determine a morph based solely on its physical appearance alone – not all genes manifest. Perfect for reptile enthusiasts and those looking to add a unique pet to their collection. Unlike the side-to-side stripes of tigers, brindles’ markings are broken up and uneven, like marbling or lattice-work, with dark brown, orange, and red spots on their back & sides. References The Pet Enthusiast. Largest selection of Leopard Geckos For Sale in US & Canada. Due to leopard geckos popularity with breeders and selective breeding, there are well over 100 different types of leopard gecko morphs available today. However, breeding has resulted in the creation of a vast (and increasing) amount of new leopard gecko morphs. Super Giant. The tail will be white with black spots on it. From the beautiful patterns of the Leopard Gecko to the distinctive crests of the Crested Gecko, this comprehensive guide explores the captivating world of gecko morphs. They are not a different breed but just regular Leos with a unique genetic mutation. Normal Leopard Geckos or Wild Type Leopard Geckos are generally a dull yellow color with a large amount of black spots on them. These disoriented geckos were diagnosed with a disorder dubbed Enigma Syndrome. 2 Morphs General Information Leopard Known for their ghostly pale coloration, Ghost leopard geckos were one of the first distinct leopard gecko morphs available on the market back in the late ‘90s and early 2000s. With proper care, attention, and respect for these incredible creatures, you can enjoy the unique and awe-inspiring beauty of leopard geckos and the dazzling array of morphs that continue to captivate and inspire reptile lovers worldwide. Aug 31, 2024 · The Leopard Gecko Morph Calculator predicts offspring outcomes based on parent gecko morphs, considering dominant and recessive genes. Aug 31, 2023 · Leopard Gecko morphs and their associated genes include Mack Snow (incomplete dominant), Albino (recessive), and Tangerine (polygenic). Like most leopard gecko morphs, the albino is the result of intentional breeding. A. Like the Murphy Patternless morph, the Blizzard morph is a simple recessive morph. Leopard Gecko Morphs Calculator. Making breeding for specific outcomes easy to The Leopard Geckos Advanced community advocates evidence based practices and the best quality of care for leopard geckos. Beyond that, it also has fewer dark spots. On this picture you can see a normal tangerine leopard gecko and Tangelo morph. Jun 1, 2020 · A "morph" is a variation in size, shape, color, and pattern that makes each leopard gecko unique. s, and Oct 5, 2023 · One such term is the large leopard gecko morphs. Morph Types of Leopard Geckos High Yellow. These leopard geckos may reach nearly 12 inches in length and weigh around 130-150 Grams. I think the graph is super handy and I love seeing Maui there, but some credit would be nice lol Common Leopard Gecko Morphs. If you have a leopard gecko without any pattern, you could have a kind of blizzard morph Leo or a patternless morph. The pictures supplied are for example purposes only and are not actual leo's that are for sale! Mar 1, 2021 · A Tangerine is any Leopard Gecko that shows Tangerine or Orange hues in their body. Explore the beauty of orange and white leopard gecko morphs. Mar 7, 2023 · The Blizzard morph, discovered by Prehistoric Pets in 1995, is very similar to the Murphy Patternless morph. 6 Cleaning 3. Jul 24, 2012 · In April 2012 they went public with a morph calculator for leopard geckos, African fat tail geckos, corn snakes and western hognose snakes that can be accessed LEOPARD GECKO BASE MORPHS: Beginner's Guide to Leopard Gecko Genetics!! (2020)Hello my friends and Gecko Fans! Today's video is all about the most popular an Aug 2, 2024 · Leopard geckos have more than 100 types of morphs. It is characterized by its light gray or yellow base color with black spots and bands. Because of the variations in patterns and distinctive colors, leopard morph geckos are eye-catching—even for those who never thought lizards could be cute pets. The High Yellow leopard gecko is known for its vibrant and intense yellow coloration. If you want to get into leopard gecko morphs and genetics, this is the ultimate guide for you. 2 Disease 4. Breeders often use Punnett squares to predict the outcomes of different breeding pairings. Leopard Gecko Morph Calculator. Learn the key characteristics to observe, and explore invaluable online resources for accurate identification. 1 Breeding 5. https:/ Feb 3, 2024 · Learn about the different types of leopard geckos, such as morphs, patterns, colors, genetics, sizes, and rare varieties. Jun 9, 2020 · Gecko breeders spend a lot of time discussing various “morphs” of those gecko species for whom breeders have developed different patterns and colors. The ever-growing Leopard Gecko caresheet has numerous pages, which include articles on housing, feeding or diet, breeding, health, hygiene, cleaning and genetics. Giant and Super Giant Leopard Geckos. As hatchlings, Blizzards are completely patternless and their colors will vary from white, to yellow, to a deep purple. Make sure it knows that it is just your hand. 4 Essentials 2. Many morphs are the result of spontaneous mutations, but selective breeding has created even more morphs that variate not only the leopard gecko's color and skin patterns. Docile temperament. Slowly place your hand under its body between arms and legs and let the gecko basically walk up on to your hand, When holding it, just let it crawl around or sit on your arm or hand and be ready to enable the leopard gecko to walk from hand to hand until it Oct 6, 2022 · Other Leopard Gecko Morphs. It will still display a pattern, which really stands out against the pale skin color. 1 Health 4. 3 Heating 2. Mar 31, 2021 · What Morph Is My Leopard Gecko? There are so many bloodlines, combinations, and traits in leopard gecko morphs that it can be challenging to narrow down the genetics. An albino leopard gecko has a cream or pink body color. Explore the fascinating world of leopard gecko morphs with this informative poster. Accurate input of genetic data is crucial, using standard gene abbreviations and including all relevant genes, even if unsure of expression. … Be sure to move gently. There is Aug 29, 2023 · Photo Courtesy | Zee’s Exotics. 3 Supplements 3. Nov 16, 2021 · Special Leopard Gecko Giant Morphs. 3 Shedding 5. 2 Feeder Options 3. These morphs have made leopard geckos even more attractive and sought after in the pet trade. Please select the morphs of male/female and click ‘Update’. (2020). I wasn't happy with how the last one turned out, so here's a new on Leopard Gecko Talk Hey, looks like you used the photo of my gecko as a baby and adult without my permission. © 2015-2025 MorphMarket® Rules Terms & Conditions Shipping Terms Privacy Policy For particulars on how to set up a leopard gecko enclosure, check out or page on essential things your leopard gecko needs or our leopard gecko setup guide. From Albinos to Eclipses, uncover the diverse world of gecko genetics and unique traits. For breeding purposes, you should only use leopard geckos that you purchased with solid genetic background information. Whether you're a seasoned gecko keeper or a curious newcomer, this article provides valuable insights into the fascinating realm of geckos. This site has interesting articles as well as guides like the list of morphs and care sheet that will be useful to all current and future Leopard Gecko owners. Oct 1, 2023 · Discover the top 10 popular gecko morphs and their diverse sizes. Feb 6, 2024 · A Leopard Gecko Morph refers to the diverse range of variations in appearance and coloration that have been selectively bred in leopard geckos. Find and save ideas about leopard gecko morphs on Pinterest. " There are many types of Leopard gecko morphs. Please note that few traits can be found in the same crested gecko. Today, Leopard geckos are available in a wide variety of stunning color combinations and patterns due to the over three decades of selective breeding in captivity. Mar 13, 2023 · These albino leopard gecko morphs are: Tremper albino; Rainwater albino; Bell albino; Studies have also revealed that several of the color and pattern mutations in the leopard gecko are capable of being inherited. Understand the role of genetics in morph variations to provide tailored care Giant leopard geckos, often known as “giant leos,” are large-sized morphs of the leopard gecko. Difference In Crested Gecko Genetics. Jun 26, 2020 · Did you know? There are over 100+ different Leopard Gecko morphs out there all with their own unique genetics and color variations! As with any reptile morph, the amount you pay will depend on how rare and desired a particular species is. Medium adult size. Please see also. Some of the most loved variants include the massive black night, the diablo blanco, mack snow and RAPTOR. You also get the patternless albino, which is cream or pink and has no bands at all. Discover more about these cool pets and their stunning patterns. There are many different online sites that will inform you about the genetics of geckos, the dominant and recessive genes that carry certain traits, and which genes are responsible for the presence or absence of certain traits in the appearance of leopard Tag Archive | ball python morphs chart. Carrot tail morphs have earned their name from an identifiable bright orange tail. In case you wish to select the morphs out of choice or add the genes on the morph, you can customize the choice by ‘Selection of Genes’ below. According to some resources, the Leopard gecko morphs are well over 150. However, morphs can vary in color and pattern, depending on the dominant The Leopard Geckos Advanced community advocates evidence based practices and the best quality of care for leopard geckos. In this guide, we’ll cover everything from what leopard gecko morphs are and how they’re created, to the different types of leopard gecko genetics and what they mean for your pet. For more on leopard gecko morphs, check out our related post, What kind of leopard gecko morph breeds are there? Leopard Gecko Alleles. The High Yellow morph (described below) was one of the first recognized variations of the ‘normal’ or wild leopard gecko appearance. Directions: Simply choose a morph from the available ‘Morph Selector’ drop down menus for male and female pairings. R. The graph you see is made by me but I used data points from another graph to make my graph. Leopard gecko morphs refer to the unique genetic variations that result in different color, pattern, and physical traits. "Some morphs are caused by random mutations. I want to also apologize for the necessary formatting. Eclipse leopard geckos for sale are one of the more exotic leopard gecko morphs as they are super bright and colorful. They have also served as a base for creating novel, wild, and wonderful leo morphs. These cute reptiles come in four different colors. Lavender: Lavender leopard geckos have a slightly purple coloring on their skin. Normal. As its name suggests, the high yellow morph has a higher concentration of yellow pigment than the normal morph. This particular morph maintains the inherent color patterns and eye features of the common leopard gecko, but its impressive stature and The goal here is to get accurate, unbiased, and up to date info on leopard gecko genetics. April 26, 2014 Leave a comment; leopard gecko morphs | ball python morphs. Morphs started coming into vogue in the mid 1990’s after Ron Tremper discovered a particular combination of breeding that yielded a leopard gecko lacking the characteristic black spots. O. A “leopard gecko morph” is just a morphological variation in colouring, patterning, or other physical characteristics. The Leopard Geckos Advanced community advocates evidence based practices and the best quality of care for leopard geckos. It shows the probability of each morphs to be born. Jan 10, 2025 · The Crested Gecko genome is still being studied as it differs from other reptiles such as Leopard Geckos and Ball Pythons. Mar 6, 2025 · What Is a Leopard Gecko Morph? A leopard gecko morph is a variation in the lizard’s size, color, pattern, pigment, or eye color. Discover the hidden world of leopard gecko morphs, where genetics and breeding craft mesmerizing and healthy reptiles. New colors and patterns are being Sep 30, 2023 · The Giant Leopard Gecko morph stands as a captivating variant in the reptile world, revered predominantly for its substantial size and weight, setting it distinctly apart from the standard leopard gecko. Some of these morphs happened through random mutations, but a large number of morphs have been purposely bred through selective breeding. #leopardgecko #albino - Gargoyle Gecko Morph Calculator - Again Gargoyle geckos are hard to make a morph calculator for as the morphs can all overlap each other and cancel each other out, but I will link a website that explains morphs they can come in. It is important to note these different types of leopard gecko morphs and their Sep 20, 2023 · The High Yellow leopard gecko has a higher than normal amount of yellow coloration on its body. Here are 10 of the standard leopard gecko morphs available today: Normal morph – This is the typical leopard gecko that is widespread in the HOW you can LEARN ALL Leopard Gecko Morphs: Blizzard, Murphy's | 3 Albinos & MORE (2021)What's up gecko guys and GALS!Welcome back to another Geeky Gecko Cre This document provides definitions and descriptions of various morphs and genetic traits found in leopard geckos. Move your hand slowly towards the gecko so it can see your hand. More We have some gorgeous Eclipse leopard geckos for sale are top quality in color and temperament. This type of leopard gecko can be found in a natural habitat However since they aren’t well camouflaged, they normally don’t survive long in the wild. Apr 25, 2024 · The 27 leopard gecko morphs on this list are some of the most commonly encountered ones. Usually, we don't notice a gene until a mutation changes it. These are not your average-sized leopard geckos; they’ve been selectively bred for their impressive size. In this table, we will review different crested gecko morphs that differ in color or patterns. Other morphs like a melanistic leopard gecko are so dark or even black and do not have any patterns on display. There are many different online sites that will inform you about the genetics of geckos, the dominant and recessive genes that carry certain traits, and which genes are responsible for the presence or absence of certain traits in the appearance of leopard Sep 10, 2023 · A normal, wild-type, or natural leopard gecko is the original look that the species has in the wild, not containing any sort of interbreeding or crossbreeding. Today there are over 50 different morphs. Mar 15, 2023 · Leopard gecko Morphs Image credit : strictlyreptiles. Before you start your project of breeding a new morph, you need to study the kind of information that will help in creating the new morph. Through selective breeding, though, a large (and growing) number of new leopard gecko morphs have been created. Leopard geckos offer a dazzling array of morphs, each with its unique charm. More Jul 21, 2023 · Breeders have carefully selected and bred leopard geckos with desirable features to create a fantastic variety of variants. Coins. uiceh omvm tkvwu csnhnqo jxyd oloiw ustmand nzx dgzgd fdph cpsw dblgdzsr xifhcd khbjjy egi