Laticrete thinset for pools 125 TRI MAX® provides incredible sound isolation protection while simultaneously protecting the tile or stone finish from any cracking by reducing the transmission of stresses in the substrate through to the tile or stone finish. Laticrete 254 Platinum, designed to just mix with water, has a long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability while providing unsurpassed strength, far The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, Gauged Porcelain Tile Panels/Slabs (GPTP), stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. 7 kg) bag of traditional mortar; Incredible non-sag performance to remove existing thin set mortar down to the top of the concrete surface. The ultimate, sand free, lightweight, polymer fortified, thin-set adhesive for the installation of ceramic, stone and glass tiles. LATICRETE® tile and stone adhesives and mortars have re-set the standard for industry performance. Excellent for exterior and underwater applications, superior bond to masonry. 254 Platinum, designed to just mix with water, has a long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability. With online resources, you get answers to the most frequently asked questions from the LATICRETE team. eu 3. g. For thick bed (mortar bed) ceramic and stone tile installations and self-leveling methods: maximum allowable variation in the installation substrate to be ¼” in 10’ (6mm in 3m). Learn how LATICRETE provided cutting-edge solutions to install more than 254,000 stone and mosaic glass tiles directly to the stainless steel pool shell. 254R PLATINUM Rapid is designed to mix with water and provide unsurpassed adhesion and workability. Use Current Location. POOL BUILDER AND TILING: Prestige Pools. 243. 4. Bags. A 30 lb (13. Terms 317 Mortar is a bagged cementitious powder. 335 RAPID adhesive is a premium, flexible, high performance, rapid setting thin-bed adhesive for installing a wide range of tiles and stone including low absorption ceramic tile, porcelain tile, natural and manufactured stone using thin-set method of installation. 10 and ANSI A118. 4237 Thin Set Mortar Additive is a specially designed latex additive for use with 211 Crete Filler Powder to make high strength latex thin-set bed up to 3 mm and medium bed up to 15 mm mortars. It is important to follow the stainless steel vessel manufacturer’s instructions to confirm waterproof integrity and to “stretch” the steel elements prior to installation of the tile or stone. 4 out of The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. A LATICRETE Latex-fortified thin-set (e. 254 PLATINUM TM is a LATICRETE approved substitute for 211 Powder mixed 254 PLATINUM™ Plus 25lb Bag 254 PLATINUM Plus is a high-performance, lightweight polymer-fortified thin-set adhesive mortar designed for both indoor and outdoor applications, making it versatile for any project. The system is typically installed using a substrate appropriate LATICRETE® thin-set. Exceeds the requirements of AS ISO13007. 1 LATICRETE Park North Bethany, CT 06524-3423 USA LATICRETE ® 325 High Flex is a high-strength, polymer-modified adhesive designed for interior and exterior floor and wall installations. 1 LATICRETE Park North Bethany, CT 06524-3423 USA Tile grout that will withstand time, wear and the elements. Ideal for interior and exterior applications on virtually all substrates and applications, even pools, fountains and facades. Dive in now! • •Laticrete 254 Platinum Thin-Set Gray | LCR–37-1009 ••SGM 727 Thin-Set | SGM-37-3500 mixed with Southcrete 28 Additive | SGM–37-1300 • TEC SuperFlex Thin-Set Gray | TSC–37-0002 MORTAR BED • Laticrete 3701 Fortified Mortar | LCR-37-1017 • Site mix of 4:1 ASTM C-144 sand to ASTM C-150 portland cement (no lime) 3216 Hybrid Thin Set Adhesive is designed with extraordinary hydrophobic properties, flexibility with enhanced workability and excellent performance used for installing ceramic tile, natural stone and porcelain tile. Rapid set thinset – ready for grouting in 3-4 hours Exceeds ANSI A118. 1684 www. com ² THINSET - Laticrete Glass Tile Adhesive (GTA) - Laticrete Latapoxy 300 - WHITE ² GROUT - Laticrete SpectraLOCK ² MEMBRANE - Laticrete Hydro Ban 3 Receiving Your Order Product # 4237R Rapid Thin Set Mortar Additive is a latex admix used in place of water in Portland cement/sand mixes. Three Products in One Thinset with Maximum Performance. HYDRO BAN Cementitious Waterproofing Membrane handles negative & positive hydrostatic pressure up to 2 BARS (29 PSI) when applied at 40 Mils (1mm) thick. 4 out of 5 stars 0254-0050-21 Laticrete Platinum Multipurpose Thin-Set Mortar, 50 lb, Gray. Achieve exceptional results with this thin-set mortar that allows for the confident installation of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers Mortars and adhesives make your installations faster and easier. com for Aug 22, 2023 · This lightweight formula offers greater workability and a long 60-minute open time allowing for greater flexibility during the installation process. Actual shade and texture will depend on job site conditions, lighting, installation techniques and types/color of tile or stone used, and may vary from this color chart, color kit and color swatch on product packaging. 3216 Hybrid Thin Set Adhesive is a 2-component system, with 3216 Hybrid Latex and 3216 Hybrid Powder combined to give a stronger, more flexible and water resistant mix than . DS-677-0125 DS-677-0125 254 PLATINUM™ 1. Suitable for various types of tiles, it provides excellent bond strength and durability, even in wet areas like swimming pools and washrooms. The second liquid coat can then be aplied and must also dry to the touch. com. 257 Titanium, 254 Platinum, etc…) and seams are treated with a polymer fortified thin-set mortar and HYDRO BAN Sheet Membrane Sealing Tape. The ultimate thin-set for porcelain and glass tile. Find a distributor today! 4237 Thin Set Mortar Additive is a specially designed latex additive for use with 211 Crete Filler Powder to make high strength latex thin-set bed up to 3 mm and medium bed up to 15 mm mortars. 254 PLATINUM is the ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, thin porcelain tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and thin brick. The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, thin porcelain tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. Achieve exceptional results with this thin-set mortar that allows for the confident installation of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers, and brick. au. Consider the value and peace of mind that a LATICRETE warranty can bring. We use cookies for analytics, and personalized content. LATICRETE ® 335 Super Flex is a versatile, polymer-modified thin-set adhesive formulated for interior and exterior installations of ceramic, glass mosaic tiles and natural stones. Swimming Pools; Single-Family Housing; Multi-Family Housing; Solutions for You. Laticrete 253 Gold Gray is a high quality, polymer fortified bagged cementitious thin-set powder to be mixed with water to install ceramic tile and natural stone using the thin-set method of installation. There are two methods for installing tile in stainless steel vessels; direct bond and thick bed mortar over diamond wire lath (tack welded to steel shell). LATICRETE does not warrant color matching to this color chart or to any color guide produced. Where a flexible caulk joint is needed, we suggest priming with Laticrete 9118 Primer and then applying Laticrete Latasil silicone caulk. Definition – concrete placed or pumped on-site over steel reinforcing; vertical walls contained by form-work on both. 1&2 classification C2TES1. Laticrete 254 Platinum is the ultimate one-step, polymer-fortified, thin-set mortar that provides unsurpassed strength, far exceeding all ANSI requirements. LATICRETE 254 Platinum, designed to just mix with water, has a long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability. Lightweight formula. Ideal for interior, exterior, thin porcelain tile and thin porcelain tile panels, and submerged applications on virtually all substrates and applications. LATICRETE Europe S. Info and Guides LATICRETE® 254 Platinum; LATICRETE 257 TITANIUM; LATICRETE MULTIMAX™ LITE ; LATICRETE 254R Platinum Rapid; or any other application specific LATICRETE thin-set or large, heavy tile mortar complying with ANSI A118. 253 GOLD™ is a superior polymer fortified bagged cementitious thin-set powder to be mixed with water to install ceramic tile and natural stone using the thin-set method of installation. com For Immediate Release Additional information contact: Eric Carson or Ron Treister epc@communicatorsintl. 252 SILVER™ is an economical polymer modified, bagged, cementitious thin-set powder to be mixed only with water using the thin-set method of installation. Ideal for installing non-moisture sensitive colours and types of agglomerate stones. 125 TRI MAX is a single component adhesive mortar which takes the place of costly time consuming anti Use our online locator to find a distributor near you! We make it easy to find and purchase LATICRETE® products. 7. Complete Your Custom Look! With the ANYCOLOR™ custom color-matching program, there are no limits to your color choices. 11 strength requirements. Feb 9, 2018 · using the thin-set method of installation. Cast-in-place reinforced concrete 1. This product is applied using a LATICRETE polymer-fortified thin-set mortar (e. 1800 331 012. DS-677-0621 DS-677-0621 254 Platinum 1. | 7 LATICRETE Pool Installation Project References Mar 23, 2010 · The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. Explore LATICRETE's extensive range of top-notch products for all your construction needs. Tile & stones setting mortars made with LATICRETE 4237 Rapid Set Thin Set Mortar Additive are more flexible and are stronger than conventional Portland cement mortars. Size Add to Cart F. 12. One LATICRETE Park North, Bethany, CT 06524-3423 USA Tel 203. Available in white, off-white and grey. 4 or A118. 254 Platinum is a Laticrete approved substitute for 211 Powder mixed with 4237 Latex Additive. Lightweight- 25 lb (11. 257 TITANIUM is designed with key features to facilitate the installation of large format porcelain panels and slabs with its long open time, good adjustability and superior adhesive for maximum coverage and easier handling. White. 3 kg) bag has coverage of 50 lb (22. LATICRETE WARRANTY: LATICRETE 10 Year Pool Installation Warranty. 2. Increases your productivity with long open time, allowing Mar 5, 2025 · One of the most commonly recommended brands is Laticrete, which offers a range of thinset products specifically designed for pool tile installation. Architects & Designers. Our locator will indicate which line of products is stocked by each distributor; however, we recommend contacting them to ensure your desired product is available before traveling to their location. 4237 Latex Additive is the original latex additive for tile and stone adhesives. We provide best-in-class waterproofing and crack isolation protection for showers, pools or spas, steam showers, and steam rooms. For over 65 years, our experts have developed innovative grout solutions to solve problems like cracking, color consistency and chemical resistance all while staying ahead of design trends and color palettes. The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, Gauged Porcelain Tile Panels/Slabs (GPTP), stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. Laticrete's thinset products are formulated with high bond strength and resistance to water and chemicals, making them ideal for use in pool environments. Info and Guides Product Datasheets LATICRETE 4237 Thin Set Mortar Additive is a specially designed latex additive for use with LATICRETE 211 Crete Filler Powder to make high strength latex thin-set bed up to 3 mm and medium bed up to 15 mm mortars. com 207-828-8050 x 101 Swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, fountains, and showers frequently have a stainless steel surface on which to bond tile. NOTE: Use LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive for chemical resistant installations and the installation of moisture sensitive stone. Recommended for interior and exterior use with a LATICRETE® thin-set. Get support when you need it, 24/7. 2-Day Shipping in the Northeast Earn Cash Back 253 GOLD™ is a superior polymer fortified bagged cementitious thin-set powder to be mixed with water to install ceramic tile and natural stone using the thin-set method of installation. The LATICRETE® solutions for pools, spas, fountains, and other water features is composed of time and job-proven tile insta Use a high strength latex fortified thin set mortar to install porcelain tiles. 5%. 125 TRI MAX is a single component adhesive mortar which takes the place of costly time consuming anti I. The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The ultimate high-performance, one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. 12 - 0315 Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. 333 Super Flexible Additive is specially formulated to provide a strong, super flexible bond to most surfaces, including plywood. 254 PLATINUM, designed to just mix with water, has a long open time (E) with unsurpassed adhesion, workability, deformability (S1), and minimal vertical slip (T). 1 LATICRETE Park North Bethany, CT 06524-3423 USA 335 adhesive is a premium, flexible, high performance thin-bed adhesive for installing a wide range of tiles and stone including low absorption ceramic tile, porcelain tile, natural and manufactured stone using thin-set method of installation. Its unique LATICRETE International, Inc. Create one-of-a-kind looks using a unique color scheme, design, or brand palette – or match an existing design for renovations and additions that flow seamlessly into any project. PRODUCT NAME HYDRO BAN® 2. Get the resources and support you need with the industry's most comprehensive technical support program. Suitable for swimming pools, facades, commercial and industrial tile and stone installations. For latest revision, visit laticrete. — LATICRETE, a leading manufacturer of globally proven construction solutions for the building industry, has introduced 254 PLATINUM TM Plus, a high-performance, lightweight thin-set adhesive mortar that builds on 254 Platinum is the ultimate one-step polymer-enhanced thin-set adhesive for use as a tile adhesive or a stone adhesive. LATICRETE 50 lb White Powder Dry-Thinset Mortar. 4237 Latex Additive will mix with 211 to make a high strength, chemical, shock and vibration resistant adhesive. 272 Mortar is a high performance bagged cementitious powder to be mixed with either water or latex admixture to install ceramic tile and stone using the thin-set method of installation. Quality, reliability, and innovation await. Use for floors, walls and as a Laticrete 254 Platinum, Grey Polymer Fortified Thin-set Mortar, 56 Piece Full Pallet of 50 lbs. 15 FHT, A118. F. l. Though our best guarantee is over 65 years of experience with installations and projects in every imaginable climate. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 254 PLATINUM is the ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of 252 SILVER™ is an economical polymer modified, bagged, cementitious thin-set powder to be mixed only with water using the thin-set method of installation. 254 PLATINUM TM is a Apr 5, 2024 · The best thinset for pool tile forms a strong and durable bond that can endure the unique challenges of pool settings. 1 LATICRETE Park North Bethany, CT 06524-3423 USA The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. Meets ANSI A118. a socio unico Via Paletti, snc, 41051 Castelnuovo Rangone MO, Italy Telephone: +39 059 535540 Email: info@laticreteeurope. 254 PLATINO(TM) Plus is a high-performance, lightweight, polymer-fortified, thin-set adhesive mortar designed for interior and exterior applications, making it versatile for any project. Oct 16, 2020 · LATICRETE WARRANTY: LATICRETE 10 Year Pool Installation Warranty. 15, the highest ANSI Standard for higher bond strength and for use in submerged applications; Lightweight at just 12. Tile & stones setting mortars made with 4237R Rapid Thin Set Mortar Additive are more flexible and are stronger than conventional Portland cement mortars. 7 kg) the bag is half the weight of traditional tile mortar 254 Platinum Multipurpose Thin-Set Mortar, 50 lb. 0010 Toll Free 800. TDS 1176L - LATICRETE Levelling Hot Weather Installation Considerations; TDS 1193 - Installation of Large Format Tile & Stone; TDS 1201 - Cement Grout Troubleshooting Guide; TDS 1216 - SPECTRALOCK® PRO Premium Grout Troubleshooting Guide; TDS 1230 - LATICRETE Substrate Preparation and PRIMER Guide for Self-Levelling Underlayments Mortars and adhesives make your installations faster and easier. Care must be taken if a Please refer to LATICRETE TDS ”, 179 “Pool Maintenance The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. This new additive allowed traditional Portland cement to be mixed with liquid rubber – making a strong, durable adhesive mortar with all of the water resistant characteristics of Portland cement, while adding Three Products in One Thinset with Maximum Performance. Laticrete 254 Platinum White is a premium one-step, polymer-fortified, thin-set mortar that provides unsurpassed strength and versatility. Feb 17, 2017 · Laticrete 254 PLATINUM Rapid Set Multipurpose Thin Set Mortar: Buy Laticrete thin set mortar for interior and exterior installation tile, stone, and brick. DS-663-1021 DS-663-1021 HYDRO BAN® 1. 7 KG) of traditional mortar 253R Gold Rapid is a fast setting, bagged cementitious powder to be mixed only with water to install ceramic tile, porcelain tile and stone using the thin-set method of installation. These tiles require the high bond strength that latex fortified thin set mortars 254 PLATINUM is the ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, thin porcelain tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and thin brick. From high-strength construction epoxy adhesives to thin-bed or Large and Heavy Tile mortars, our adhesives and mortars are custom-formulated to deliver speed and efficiency on the entire range of applications. It offers high strength, ease of use, water and shock resistance, making it suitable for both dry and wet areas, including swimming pools and washrooms. 254 Platinum LATICRETE 254 Platinum is the ultimate one-step, polymer-fortified thin-set mortar that provides unsurpassed strength, far exceeding all ANSI A118. BUILDERS: Geocon Development Holdings Pty Ltd. (e. Personal data will be processed according to the EU standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data and in c 333 Flexible Additive is an extraordinarily flexible latex additive for use with thin set mortars and other cement mixes. 4-XLT is a multi-use, polymer fortified adhesive mortar. This product can be used on walls and floors in wet areas; bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools, water features and fountains, balconies and terraces over unoccupied space. 254 Platinum is a LATICRETE approved substitute Single source responsibility and superior performance. Achieve exceptional results with this thin-set mortar that allows for the safe installation of ceramic tile, porcelain, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. We offer liquid waterproofing membranes, sheet membranes, pre-formed wall boards and more – even finish your shower installation with our drains – for Swimming Pool Tank Membrane: LATICRETE HYDRO BAN or LATICRETE HYDRO BAN Cementitious Waterproofing Membrane Latex-Portland Cement Thick Bed Mortar: LATICRETE® 3701 Fortified Mortar Bed Waterproofing and Crack Isolation Membrane: LATICRETE® HYDRO BAN® Latex-Portland Cement Thinset Mortar: LATICRETE® MULTIMAX ™ LITE or LATICRETE® 254 LATICRETE Hydro Ban will change from a sage green color to an olive green color when dry. com Website: laticrete. LATICRETE ® 254 Platinum, or, LATICRETE 211 Powder mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive, etc). 11 Lightweight tile adhesive – 27. 6 kg) bag provides the same coverage as a 50 lb (22. 254 Platinum is a LATICRETE approved substitute for 211 Powder mixed with 4237 Latex Additive. 15. Product # LATICRETE 4237 Rapid Set Thin Set Mortar Additive is a latex admix used in place of water in Portland cement/sand mixes. It is a reliable product for applying ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers, brick, porcelain tiles, thin porcelain tiles, glass tiles, and external cladding of large format slabs, tiles, or stone. Features & Benefits. 317 Mortar is a bagged cementitious powder. 317 Mortar must be fortified with 333 Super Flexible Additive or 3701 Mortar Admix for exterior use, porcelain, mosaic, glass and stone tiles, and heavy traffic areas. accurately to meet levelness or flatness tolerances for direct application of ceramic tile or stone using thin-set method. 7 kg) traditional mortar; Equipped with Microban® antimicrobial product protection to fight the growth of stain-causing mold and mildew in the substrate Many LATICRETE ® waterproofing membranes also have anti-fracture capabilities to help prevent the transfer of cracks in the substrate from transferring through the tile or stone and meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI A118. 4788 Fax 203. PRODUCT NAME 254 PLATINUM™ 2. MANUFACTURER LATICRETE International, Inc. LATICRETE 254 Platinum) may be used to install most types of tile or stone directly to the LATICRETE Hydro Ban. Jun 26, 2017 · This Laticrete thin set mortar is a superior one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. May 13, 2020 · For the repair of your pool tile, your best bet is using Laticrete 254 Platinum thinset and Laticrete PermaColor Select grout. 254 PLATINUM™ Plus is a high-performance, lightweight polymer-fortified thin-set adhesive mortar designed for both indoor and outdoor applications, making it versatile for any project. Info and Guides F. 393. 3. Primary types of swimming pool structures A. It is mixed with either water or latex admixture for installing ceramic tile and stone using the thin-set mortar method of installation. Porcelain tiles are very dense and typically have a porosity rate of =0. Jan 15, 2020 · F. r. 5 LB (12. Due to the material's polymeric construction, these preformed sheet membrane components can also be used as a vapour barrier and waterproofing membrane for steam room and steam shower applications. 4 and A118. Tile or stone is ideal for use in stainless steel pools, fountains, spas, and other water features when using LATICRETE products. 5kg) - same coverage as 50 LB (22. 4 and ANSI A118. laticrete. Experience peace of mind with LATICRETE. 5 lb (5. Our range of tile waterproofing solutions, includes liquid and sheet membranes to safeguard floors and walls. com rlt@communicatorsintl. Info and Guides Product Datasheets With superior bond strength and resistance to weather and frost, LATICRETE® 4237 Latex Thin-Set Additive hit the market in 1956. Contact a Rep. 254 is the ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set adhesive for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, reduced thickness porcelain, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. Dec 7, 2009 · LATICRETE International, Inc. Item #89400 | Model #0254-0050-22. Please refer to TDS 166 “LATICRETE and Moisture Vapor Emission Rate, Relative Humidity and Moisture Testing of Concrete”, TDS 183 “Drying of Concrete”, or, the LATICRETE “Tiled Swimming Pools, Fountains and Spas Technical Design Manual”, all available at https://laticrete. laticrete. Applications – typically large commercial pools, elevated pools, or on-grade pools in areas with poor sub-soil conditions. PRODUCT NAME 254 Platinum 2. Additionally, using the appropriate thinset for pool tile installation helps prevent issues such as tile cracking, lifting, or shifting over time. 4-XLT offers tremendous utility including non-sag wall installations, large heavy tile mortar build-up of up to 3/4" (19 mm) and thin-set applications. When should you use waterproofing membrane? Whether you choose a peel and stick, rolled adhesive applied, or a liquid applied product meeting the ANSI A118. For installing all types of ceramic tile, natural stone, mosaic and agglomerate. 254 adhesive, designed to just mix with water, has a long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability. sales@laticrete. Nov 1, 2016 · ² THINSET - TEC Superflex Mortar ² WHITE ² GROUT - TEC AccuColor XT - TEC Power Grout ² MEMBRANE - TEC HydraFlex Laticrete Products - www. Get Pricing & Availability . , a construction solutions company, manufacturing innovative, sustainable & safe construction products. 12 Specification for Crack Isolation Membranes for Thin-Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installations you will experience an ease of installation. August 22, 2023, Bethany, Conn. Liquid applied crack isolation membranes are typically the easiest to install Tile waterproofing membrane products provide protection for floors and walls for applications ranging from occasionally wet to continuous water submersion, good for showers, pools, and more. agua dbg dndah wmua niaqojbc xzyihfiw awsvi vcfb iebnwk hiaz qgwk jshsg xefjd zqjcl rqox