Ivf at 43 success stories A positive IVF story to provide hope in your IVF journey. Enjoy!! I'm older (43 in April) and started TTC in March 2022. It’s not because the treatment isn’t suitable, but that in women of this age group there tend to be so few quality eggs, standard IVF just isn’t appropriate. My ovaries had fused to the side wall of my abdomen, and there was such significant scaring on my fallopian tubes that there was an almost zero percent chance that I could conceive. And for the women whose IVF outcome is not a baby, it can be an emotionally devastating experience. Second IVF at the age of 43. 65. Hoping to be an anomaly and not the norm for once haha. Doctor suggested I try IVF. Do you have any interest in donor eggs? That’s our route as the end goal is a baby, rather than the genetics. Their decision to choose IVF, resulting in the birth of their son Aarav, showcases modern solutions to traditional challenges. Got eight eggs, all mature and fertilized. The day of the blood test I drove home from Boston IVF and burst into tears. Our clinic did a lot of prep before transferring to give it the best chance of success. 7 mature eggs, 4 fertilized normally, 1 hasn’t fertilized yet and 2 fertilized abnormally. Well surprisingly we have had success so far! Our anatomy scan went great and our MFM said she was happy with the results. See the IVF success story here. 3), and the number of previous IVF attempts was 0 (0 Oct 3, 2016 · How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success? Dr. (Keep in mind that a couple with no fertility Feb 11, 2025 · IVF for Genetic Conditions Success Stories. How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success? Jul 10, 2019 · Any success with fresh IVF embryo transfer aged 44yrs; 44, own eggs, 4th and final round started - any success stories? Final ivf cycle at 46 any advice please? xx; Any success with own eggs at 43-45? First IVF round - thought it was a success, but lost it very early 💔 Disappointed with the clinic as well 5 days ago · Almino and I have been married since 2013 but we were in LDR until I migrated here in November of 2016 to be with him. Jun 10, 2020 · We recently tele-graduated a patient from our clinic! She came to us three years ago in her mid-30’s after two years of trying. She researched her options and then realized that traditional fertility treatments would not work […] I got 3 euploids at 43, almost 44. Oct 19, 2021 · Behind every IVF success story we hear is an experience that is so personal, it is entirely unique. 1 failed implant, 1 early loss at 5. She helps to prepare your body, mind, and spirit to grow your family. However, their treatment was unsuccessful, and the couple found Hi all, I just wanted to share this in case anyone was looking, like me (desperately), for success stories from others who transferred Day 3 embryos. Read stories related to ivf at 43 success stories online for free. Hi guys, I'm feeling really down and teary. When you find out you need the help of fertility treatment to conceive, it can lead to feelings of isolation and hopelessness. I’ve had 2 ultrasounds and everything looks good! We needed three cycles of ER to get 3 PGS tested embryos (with 11 total embryos) - that included one failed cycle (our Apr 4, 2014 · Serum IVF 1 April 2012 - 3 embryos, 2dt BFN Serum IVF 2 June 2012 - 4 embryos, 3dt BFN Serum IVF 3 Sept 2012 - 3 embryos, tried to leave for 5 days, nothing to transfer. . I've not had any success, but others have. In this article: Melanie and Gary; Esther and Jonny; Gemma and David; IVF Success: Melanie and Gary. Learn more about the chances of getting pregnant with IVF from New York Reproductive Wellness . I don't have money to do another cycle so I'm really hoping this works but reading statistics is bringing me down! Any 42/43 year old ivf success stories on the first round? I need some positive stories! Both IUI and IVF were successful. I've had about 5 embryos that have been discarded because they were abnormal. She had made it to a pregnancy in her first IVF cycle now aged 43! We continued to support her throughout the pregnancy and she was doing really well. done on me,. I'm 43 years old and starting my first ivf cycle. Advanced female age is considered perhaps 38, but so is 40, 42, and so is 45, so the huge question is where do we draw the line? The answer is, it depends. Meet Vanessa & Jerry and discover real stories from our patients and gain inspiration for your own family-building journey. 5. Since then we've been trying to conceive with no success. did not test them Dec 14, 2019 · See the IVF success story here. Baby naturally at 43 after failed IVF. However, thanks to advances in technology and research in Assisted Reproduction, it is now possible to have a baby without so many difficulties even after that age through Not quite a success yet. A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. 5 weeks pregnant. We welcomed our healthy baby boy, Anthony, at 8lb 10oz on May the 4th, 2021. That is how IVF is often advertised, and the few stories I had heard about it all ended in success. And I used to hate it when people said ‘it only takes one!’ But sometimes that’s what it is. Jan 1, 2011 · Jumping back to conceiving at 43--You certainly read that the odds of success with IVF are pretty low, but I know there are some centers that have focused on techniques for older women and had I tried at 43 and I had blasts but they were all abnormal, unfortunately. IVF success story with ultra low AMH. Learn how follicular study aids in pregnancy, what follows after a follicular study, and whether it can detect fallopian tube blockage. The chances of achieving a live birth in patients aged 43 years and older undergoing IVF/ICSI with their own gametes are low, even in cases of patients with a relatively 'normal' ovarian reserve for their age. We had 1 previous miscarriage at 7 weeks. I am a young ass 44 and a kid should be so lucky to have me as their mom. AMH of . I started at 40 and was told my AMH, and system were closer to 36 than 40/41. I have a very low AMH (0. Aug 2, 2012 · The truth is that IVF in women aged 43 and above, using their own eggs, largely fails. I had my first egg retrieval at age 37 and had 1 genetically normal embryo who is now my beautiful 2. Here, Rachel tells her and Dave’s story and the emotional rollercoaster that took them on their journey to their son Ethan. The first had a day 7 non-viable after PGT. Oct 17, 2023 · So, we started our journey at Boston IVF. 4 ERs back to back. 5 embryos and 1 discarded. I already did two at another clinic. Jul 5, 2022 · IVF IVF brings eggs and sperm together in a carefully controlled environment to generate high-quality embryos. Good to know about your success! My RE wouldn't let me proceed without testing at 41 and 42. This article will present the current statistics of IVF cycles across the US and share some first-attempt IVF success stories. This is a good story with some scares along the way. I did two cycles with my own eggs - all tests looked perfect, I had around 25 follicles all of which grew and I was excited. The success of this approach depends not only on a novel endocrine stimulation protocol, but also upon a flawless method of embryo freezing such as our vitrification system, and the highest-level laboratory air purification system to give the eggs from older women the best possible environment in which to develop. There are also clinics like CCRM that work with older ivf pts and have good success. ️ Jun 27, 2024 · Inspiring IVF Success Stories: Triumph Over Infertility The path to parenthood through IVF is a journey filled with both challenges and moments of incredible resilience. When we began our IVF journey, I scoured the internet for any and all type of IVF Over 40 success story that I could find. I was certain this tenth IVF transfer did not result in a pregnancy. I'm 43 with nearly 4 IVF cycles under my belt. That one stung even more, as we got the bad news right before Easter in 2023. Dec 16, 2021 · “My initial IVF journey started at 39. One fine spring day, we made new friends who visited us in our house and casually discussed that their eldest son is a product of IVF since they had problems conceiving. Did one single session of acu I’m 43 and start stimulation on Friday. I underwent three rounds of IUI with no success. I don't have money to do another cycle so I'm really hoping this works but reading statistics is bringing me down! Any 42/43 year old ivf success stories on the first round? I need some positive stories! Thanks! I am about to deliver my IVF success (my own embryo) at 43 though my retrievals and FET took place at 42. I met with Grace on my first day, and she was so kind to us. Im 43 with our miracle IVF baby. using my own eggs. Jul 30, 2022 · I got pregnant with my own egg at 43… fresh day 3 transfer only egg I got and was given at 2/3% chance of success … I’m being induced in 9th august Reply (1) Report Jan 28, 2022 · Currently having my second round of IVF after the first cycle failed last summer and finding it quite tough mentally. i’d recommend checking a bank that guarantees you a baby or give you the money back like egg bank usa, it’s about $43k but they have partnerships with lenders like capexmd who can lend you the money. Anyone with similar AMH/age/fertilized eggs have any success stories?? So I can sleep better tonight… Mar 20, 2023 · Now at 43, I'm 22 weeks pregnant with a girl. ” My husband and I have been blessed with children but felt strongly that our family was not yet complete. 11 Jul 2023 at 8:43 am. Dec 30, 2023 · Does anyone have any success stories of IVF working with own eggs at age 43? My clinic have told me that the odds are very low for me as my eggs are probably too old but no tests have been conducted to check the quality of my eggs. 03. All made it to day 3, but only 6 are graded good. I don't have money to do another cycle so I'm really hoping this works but reading statistics is bringing me down! Any 42/43 year old ivf success stories on the first round? I need some positive stories! 1 x IVF at private clinic, 3 follies, 1 egg, no fertilisation. I’m getting my day 6 results back tomorrow and am sooooo nervous. We have a testimonials book in our reception area, and our patient entered this story anonymously. Oct 17, 2023 · By Amanda & Scott We started trying to conceive in 2018. Some backstory. 4 weeks and 2 earlier biochemicals. just an idea. My current REI suggests donor eggs if I don't see success after two rounds with him. (We were given a very low chance of success with IVF last year too). Click for More Info or Call: 845-679-5469 Become your own fertility authority Wanted to link my post in this group some years ago asking for DOR success stories when my AMH dropped to 0. Recommend the book like "Immortal Hero: I Can See the Success Rate", we provide the most popular ivf at 43 success stories such as: ivf 43 success stories, ivf success stories, ivf 41 success stories. I was given high doses of drugs during these cycles, which I responded to well, meaning I produced many follicles; however, shortly after fertilization most of the embryos would arrest and the ones transferred back in me would have a negative result. Nov 6, 2019 · I got pregnant at 45 with donor embryos & delivered my IVF baby at 46. We are so blessed! How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success? Bryna, Dr Digiralamos nurse! She's amazing! Natural Pregnancy After Failed IVF, stories of women and couples who conceived the old-fashioned way after one or multiple failed fertility treatments. The Boston IVF team diagnosed me with endometriosis (stage four) and PCOS. Loved seeing all these over 40 success stories! Don’t forget that there is a Dischord for this sub. Thank you for sharing your experience! This is such an incredible and hopeful outcome and I’m so excited for you! I am 43 (almost 44). Mar 18, 2023 · The success rates of IVF depend on various factors, including age, the quality of eggs and sperm, and the health of the uterus. The median and interquartile range for age and body mass index were 43 years (43–44 years) and 23 kg/m 2 (22–26), respectively. Finally, our last embryo, we did the hormones again and we now have a son! We are truly blessed, and it was an extremely emotional journey, but we are so thankful we didn't give up. Jun 4, 2024 · Hi, I’m 43 and 13 weeks pregnant. ICSI ICSI may be appropriate for you if your sperm needs a bit of extra help to achieve successful fertilisation; IVF with Genetic Testing (PGT-A) PGT-A is a screening test used to determine the chromosomal status of an embryo 12mar4:00 pm IVF Life Stories with Sarah Banks - Professionals reflect on their own pathway to parenthood Sarah Banks, Fertility Coach & Mentor Event Type IVF Life Stories 17 mar 7:00 pm Egg Donation at emBIO IVF, Greece - process and costs Konstantina Alefantinou, Interpreter and IVF Coordinator at Embio Clinic Event Type Meet the Clinic Aug 30, 2023 · For patients under 40 years old, the chances of getting pregnant are around 25 to 55%. Hope I can be a success story. I took the day off of work on April 26th to await the final phone call. I truly believe now that age does not matter. When she first came to us, her gynecologist found that her FSH was 43, and AMH was <0. Sep 11, 2022 · Another story from America is, a doctor helped a patient 43 years old by using low dose medication, she came through 14 cycles of egg collections, each cycle 1 egg collection, at the end after PGT-A test, 1 embryo came back normal result successfully live birth. Moved on to IVF in December 2022, 1st cycle failed, same as second. I just had IVF done last week. 44 here and have been trying naturally and with IVF since I was 41. It does happen! Apr 1, 2021 · Overall, data from 833 patients were included (Figure 1). Apr 12, 2023 · By Chelsea & David We were married for two years when we started to feel it was time to grow our family. I'm. IVF need was age related only. Natural Pregnancy After Failed IVF Success Stories; at age 43 and after more than 2 1/2 years of trying to conceive and dealing with secondary infertility, blood Not much, just that its now doubling appropriately. Lannon, Nurse Amy and all the other staff at Boston IVF in Maine were always so helpful and informative - and I loved how open minded they always were. Stephanie Roth is a holistic fertility coach. I've been told the success is high with donor egg embryos even with a 43 yr old uterus. 396. my amh is 1,59 im. You always have chances of success before menopause! I'm heading into my 3rd round, and I'm almost 41. Like many couples, Melanie and Gary’s journey began with NHS IVF. Jan 3, 2024 · Here we’ve pulled together some of our patients’ experiences to celebrate their IVF success stories. I had two MCs in the span of 9 months. Happy weekend, Ladies! We’re so happy to share this wonderful success story from Linda – a 43 year old woman who used our programs to FINALLY get pregnant with her second child naturally. 24 from 0. I had to lose weight, but was healthy otherwise. We did one egg retrieval and then two frozen embryo transfers and now have our precious miracle baby boy. Currently 14 weeks. third beta dropped to 43 and I was having a chemical pregnancy. I asked about an article I read regarding success stories with mosaic embryos and he kinda brushed it off. After their first child, Nitara, Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna encountered infertility. I think a total of 4 rounds will be it for me. Oct 11, 2019 · I wish I personally had a positive story to share. Just turned 40 and other than the lack of a pregnancy and my age, nothing else appears to be an issue based on the tests we’ve had so far. Lannon allowed me to try the "mini" IVF before undergoing the full cycle, which is what I had Refer to the full Boston IVF exercise guidelines that are based on the current literature but here are some helpful guidelines: Continuing exercise that you already routinely do is generally OK after IUI/sex/frozen embryo transfer. Laproscopy - found stage 2 endo (I had no idea) and did ovarian rejuivination PRP. I've had 2 IUIs (failed in 2019), 1 natural pregnancy that ended in MC (2019), then finally moved on to IVF. Looking for hope. I am, as of today 33 weeks pregnant and at 43, hope to deliver my first child in April / May 2024. My husband Mark and I were age 40 and 43, respectively and we knew that time wasn’t on our side. Aug 4, 2023 · ollicular studies at India IVF Fertility. C many times as I was looking for a male embryo but I had no luck. You may not find other 45 year olds because many clinics/insurance companies have a cut off for IVF at 45. Very low amh and DOR. New mom at 43, that’s my story Because of the biological clock of women, achieving a pregnancy spontaneously after 35 years of age is usually complicated and risky . 43 years old and this is my only chance given the medical system stops the coverage at 44. Im having icsi. IVF Success Rates Over 40. I began the IVF process at a larger NY institution and did two rounds of IVF trying with my own eggs. I’m 41, 42 this year, but I don’t have a success story, just an in progress story. Waiting for results on PGT for 3 embryos from second cycle after making significant lifestyle changes- also looking for success stories after 40 ️ Mar 25, 2021 · At age 43, Laurie pursued IVF with donor sperm and chose to genetically test embryos to ensure optimal genetic health and treatment success. Mods please let me know if you consider this more appropriate for another part of the site. Family. Both in their 40s and 60s, they faced challenges conceiving naturally and turned to IVF. No luck. Day 7 embryo transfer IVF success stories Low quality embryos, high quality life. Any successfull stories with women like me? I know at my age egg quality could be a thing. Jun 24, 2016 · During each cycle of IVF, the majority of women have a success rate of 20-35 percent, according to Resolve, the National Infertility Association. I’m on a IVF for 40+ and it does take multiple rounds to get a euploid, if one does. 5 year old daughter ️ Last year I turned 40 and decided we wanted to try for a sibling. Unfortunately had a miscarriage at almost 6 weeks… To help others through the process, two former Boston IVF patients, Nicole and Elissa, recently shared their personal stories and insights. Both times, I had zero blastocysts at the end of Day 5. By using our Natural Cycle for Fertility Program to alleviate her stress around trying to conceive, and tapping into the amazing power of the mind + body connection, Linda experienced the wonderful At the age of 43, I came in a bit late to the baby making process. Hopeful for a baby at 40. 16), did one retrieval which only yielded 3 eggs, 1 which resulted in a 5 day blast. We supported her through her IVF cycle with Herbal Medicine, Diet, Lifestyle and Mindset support. I did end up using donor eggs though - cycle 3 for it to work. Mar 8, 2025 · Hello! I’m 43, turning 44 next month, and will be transferring a 6AA embryo after I miscarried in January with a 5AB embryo at 6 weeks. When she was 42, a reproductive endocrinologist told her th Jul 31, 2023 · We transferred #3 and then #4 with no success and no hormones. My husband and I had to do IVF due to male factor issues. TW: success with IVF at 43 Many of you helped me here and I know many also like to read about success stories, so here goes. 39. Not full term (yet) but I’m currently 10 weeks pregnant with a PGS embryo from an ER I did at age 41. Both of my daughters are healthy which is the foremost thing for any parent. We never thought we'd have to do IVF and at first really didn't think we had it in us- the process seemed so daunting and overwhelming. By sharing her story, we hope that Rachel’s experience can help others to prepare for their own IVF journey. Jun 25, 2024 · While IVF can be demanding and expensive, it often provides higher success rates for women over 40 compared to natural conception. First FET succeeded, I had a healthy pregnancy, and my son is about to turn six months old. I had some bleeding early on in this pregnancy which they couldn't identify the source but went away Jun 29, 2024 · Hi everyone,Looking for some success stories from women over 40 who are undergoing IVF. However, the success rates vary significantly based on the type of eggs used. Good luck! Things I did that probably made no difference: Ate bone broth & Brazil nuts leading up to FET. It took four retrievals to achieve and I ended up with only one viable euploid embryo, but it stuck. I just went through my first cycle. Discover more about follicular scans and the procedure of follicular study today. Any success stories that you can share would be appreciated. Based on my research miscarriage chances are high but I've also seen some success stories. I just now hearing the benefits of not doing PGTA testing and love hearing these stories. For some reason some people just have HCG that start slow but then they pick up. I’m 43 and currently 9 weeks pregnant, will give birth when I’m 44. Has anyone got any success stories of a natural pregnancy at the age of 43ish and recommendations of supplements/diet changes? We were a few weeks into IVF last year and found out I was pregnant naturally. I am currently pregnant. Thank you I'm honestly and my breaking point and likely going to move on after my two donor/donor embryos have been used up. Uncover the process, success rate, and success stories of follicular studies. Tried IUI, failed. I had two attempts at the age of 42 and this will be my second attempt at IVF. We married later in life and found ourselves busy with adjusting to a cross country move, demanding careers and spontaneous travel. Here are some key pieces of advice they shared, which can offer hope and guidance to those currently undergoing fertility treatments. Explore these journeys and success stories, here. Whereas, for patients over 40 years old, the success rate is less than 15%. 43 female here/ 3 miscarriages/ 1 unsuccessful cycle ending in 2 abnormal embryos. If there are any successful blastocysts they will go for PGT testing. This will be my 5th transfer so looking to hear some success stories. Patricia’s IVF Success Story “There are no words to describe the absolute joy that overtook us as they laid him in my arms. I’ll be just shy of 43 when I deliver and this is my first FET. IUI at the age of 36, the first attempt I got pregnant. We are lucky that it came back as a euploid, completed FET and it took - anything can happen even with low counts, keep the faith - it only takes one! Jun 18, 2021 · Sleep quality and its impact on IVF outcomes IVF and pregnancy outcomes for women 45+ Predicting live birth rates, multiples based on 223,377 transfers Study finds poor ovarian responders have no further live births after 4 cycles An Italian consensus on key performance indicators for assessing IVF clinics Cumulative live birth rates in women aged 43+, after up to 10 cycles Impact of delayed IVF Success Rates; For women aged 43, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) remains a viable option for achieving pregnancy. She is our dream come true, and we have only Boston IVF (Albany, NY) to thank for that! How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success? The entire team was excellent. Serum IVF 4 Feb 2013 - 4 embryos, 3dt BFN Serum Clomid banking April - July 2013 - FET Sep 2013 - BFP!!!!!. IVF success rates are generally lower for women over 40, and they decline further as a woman approaches her mid-40s. In some cases, IVF isn't used to combat infertility, but instead to help parents avoid passing on life-threatening heritable conditions to their future children. Apr 29, 2022 · Though Lapchinski's IVF story had a happy ending, not every journey is successful. I had multiple IVF failures (5) at three different fertility clinics in NYC. We felt the call to become parents in the fall of 2019 while watching families with their young children enjoying the lead-up to the holidays. I’m awaiting my day 5 and 6 results. I'm still concerned for ectopic, chemical or blighted ovum. my wife is 43 and we’re going with egg donors after some ivf attempts with her own egg. Aug 13, 2019 · Hi! I'm 43 years old and starting my first ivf cycle. When using their own eggs, women in this age group typically experience a success rate of approximately 10-15% per cycle. Waiting for my beta tomorrow following a 5day FET 10 days ago but all HPTs are BFN so far and so it would have to be a major miracle to work! The viable embryo I just had transferred was from a retrieval when I was 41. IVF Success Rate on First Try Apr 9, 2021 · Sharing my IVF success story and the IVF process from start to finish. Dr. It became a part of life. I know the feeling of worry and disappointment when getting those results. I remember telling my favorite phlebotomist, Teresa, that this was probably the last time I would get to see her. Before my treatment with Andrew, I had a failed IVF cycle and was told my 7 eggs didn’t fertilise due to thickened cell walls, and that I was too old (42) to conceive with my own eggs. The baseline characteristics of the cohort are presented in Table 1. This time with IVF I had a chance to meet with Dr. The third time, my doctor transferred two embryos on Day 3, one stuck like glue. The IVF cycle went well at each stage and resulted in a positive pregnancy test. That embryo is now three years old, and her name is Leah. I was in my late thirties and Scott in his early forties. Im hoping to hear some success stories. I'm 14. but yes, at this age it’s running against the clock and egg donor is the best choice Nov 29, 2023 · Breaking Barriers: Indian Celebrities’ IVF Success Stories The Kumar-Khanna Family: Turning to IVF. I was 28 at the time of the cycle, he was 39. We’ve done two unsuccessful rounds. Aug 22, 2018 · Stephanie Roth joins me and we're digging into what she did to get pregnant at 43 when she was told she had less than a 2% chance of conceiving. I’m 43 this year and started IVF at 41. She is now a SMBC with a healthy baby boy! I Adopted an Embryo During the Pandemic Feb 11, 2025 · After navigating challenges like breast cancer, male factor infertility, and PCOS, parents share their IVF success stories. Nov 29, 2024 · IVF Success at Age 40: An American Couple’s Inspiring Journey Kenny, an American, and Nok, a Thai native, are a happily married couple living in Huntington Beach, California. looking for success stories Only had one euploid after many rounds of IVF. I’ll keep you posted. In this blog, we share deeply inspiring My first IVF cycle was completed in October and current 19w4d with our first ever fresh transfer. But everyone in the Boston IVF family made you feel like just that. My story of finally successful IVF success first round with own eggs Aug 6, 2020 · A Reproductive Science Center patient shares an IVF success story and photos. Discover real stories of firsthand experiences across every stage of fertility care, including IUI & IVF, providing hope, resilience, and encouragement. We lost 5 pregnancies, had 2 D&Cs, and ultimately were referred to Boston IVF in Syracuse. I have seen other 43 year olds here, going through the process. I, as with many New York women, was a workaholic for 20 years, and the timing never seemed right to begin having a family. I had just completed my third round of IVF, the only one where I got any embryos to freeze, I was 33 by then and I think we started with 4 eggs that third round… got 2 embryos. 5 more IUI on 900 Gonal, AMH restested & went up, getting 3 mature follies each cycle, with lots of little ones. Having an IVF preparation time would help with egg quality, future embryo development, and optimising implantation of a healthy IVF embryo. Individuals and couples grappling with infertility face emotional turmoil and setbacks, but within these struggles are stories of unwavering hope and eventual triumph. Creating this 2 part action plan allowed us to balance Angela’s fertility health naturally, whilst preparing her for a possible IVF cycle if it was needed. I have had 3 ER’s. Meet Leigh & Brad and discover real stories from our patients and gain inspiration for your own family-building journey. The basal FSH was 13 IU/l (9–16. And there is a specific sub group for 40+ if you need more support. I suffered two blighted ovum miscarriages and one other unexplained miscarriage. I felt the same way and with everything I had read almost felt like no one was successful the first time. All girls. I'm 34F, partner 36M. Female age of 38 plus by itself is an adverse factor of success, and not only for IVF success but also for pregnancy outcome in terms of either a miscarriage or complications in pregnancy. THE RESULT: Aug 12, 2019 · I'm 43 years old and starting my first ivf cycle.
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