Intermediate macroeconomics syllabus Instructor: Ana CecÌlia Fieler e-mail: ana@yale Class time and location: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 – 10:15am, WTS A Office hours: TBD Location of office hours: 27 Hillhouse, room 25 Please use email to communicate with me. Timothy Groseclose. Intermediate Macroeconomics I Syllabus DU. ECON-UA 12 — Intermediate Macroeconomics Professor: Jaroslav Borovickaˇ TA: Felipe Cameloˆ Fall 2022 ECON-UA 12 — Intermediate Macroeconomics NYU, Fall 2022 — Class 8766, Section 010 Syllabus 1 Organization Professor: Jaroslav Borovickaˇ jaroslav. 3 Dealing with questions Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 marks 5 marks will be for attendance 35 marks will be based on or any other mode of assessment as suggested the University. Course Description ECON 2202 is a course on intermediate macroeconomic theory, covering national income a basic level is represented by Greg Mankiw, Macroeconomics, e. edu Monday, Wednesday 8:30-10:20am SMI 105 O ce Hours: TBD 2 Learning Goals Understand how aggregate economic performance is measured and evaluated Understand how basic models of the economy summarize and explain the interactions ECON 301 A: Intermediate Macroeconomics Autumn 2023 Instructor: Yizhan Huang Meeting Time: TTH 1:30 - 3:20 PM E-mail: yhuang10@uw. 1990. They will teach sections and hold 2 hours of office hours on Zoom every week. The course is divided into 4 units covering economic growth theories, business cycles, open economy in advanced undergraduate macroeconomics. 01, The Ohio State University, Summer 2022. 06 Intermediate Macroeconomics Growth and Fluctuations This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a quite advanced level. Lecture Slides. COURSE NAME: " Intermediate Macroeconomics " SEMESTER & YEAR: Fall 2023: SYLLABUS INSTRUCTOR: Mary Merva EMAIL: [email protected] HOURS: MW 6:00 PM 7:15 PM TOTAL NO. 2 Textbook (very optional); 0. Mishkin “Advance Macroeconomics”, by David Romer (Master-level) “Recursive Macroeconomic Theory”, by Lars Ljunqvist and Thomas Sargent (Ph. 1:00 9:15 CC 2024 Sem 3 Intermediate Syllabus (Updated) BA (H) Economics I Delhi University Poonam Kumari The labor market, wage determination Wages, prices, and unemployment Natural rate of Oct 23, 2023 · View E4002_Syllabus_Autumn 23. Although the lectures will be recorded, students are expected to attend in real time, ideally Syllabus ECON 122 Intermediate Macroecon intermediate macroeconomics (econ 122) fall 2019 instructor: michael peters office: 28 hillhouse avenue, room 212 phone The syllabus contains an prerequisites, grading criteria participation guidelines for homeworks, and acourse calendar. Gregory Mankiw. pdf from ECON 4001. Among these, unemployment, inflation, output determination/growth, fiscal/monetary policies, and international trade issues permeate the course. ECON 30020: Intermediate Macroeconomics Prof. edu office hours Tue 12:45 – 1:45 pm 19W 4th Street, office 714 Thu 11:00 Economics 2200: Intermediate Macroeconomics Fall 2023: Syllabus Tentative and Subject to Change! Instructor: Dirk Krueger O ce: PCPE 520 Email: dkrueger@upenn. in. The course will meet for lectures on Mondays and Wednesday at 1-2:30pm and for recita-tions on Fridays at 10-11am. Elevate your understanding of economic principles with our tailored Intermediate Macroeconomics II courses. 1 range on the preliminary grade scale, the grade scale will be adjusted accordingly. C esar Sosa-Padilla University of Notre Dame Fall 2018 I Syllabus I Textbook I Assignments and grading I O ce hours Economics Courses for Undergraduate Programme of study with Economics as one of the Core Disciplines (B. More Info Syllabus Instructor Insights Calendar and Readings Lecture Notes Recitations Assignments Exams Intermediate Macroeconomics Marcio Santetti Sample Syllabus Course Description The object of Macroeconomics are aggregate economic phenomena. 5 credits BAECH: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Economics(ODL) Apply Now Introduction With the academic session of July 2019, the Indira Gandhi National Open University has adopted the Choice Based Credit System introduced by the University Grants Commission. SAMPLE SYLLABUS – SUBJECT TO CHANGE SAMPLE SYLLABUS – SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 1 . 9. For Syllabus Winter/Spring 2019 Instructor: Professor Kosnik Course Time: TTh 2:00-3:15 p. The syllabus outlines the topics we’ll cover this term and the policies that will keep the course running smoothly. See full list on econ. BASICS Course Description This course is aimed to teach students the basic tools of macroeconomics and apply them to the real world economic policy issues. of Economics Office hours: Thursdays, 12 noon – 1 pm Course Information Lectures: Thursdays 9 am – 12 noon “Macroeconomics”, by Charles Jones “Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice”, by Frederic S. 01, The Ohio State University, Autumn 2021. Presentation. Syllabus . Econ 301C Intermediate Macroeconomics Dhongkyu Yoon Autumn 2024 1 Logistics dhongkyu@uw. 09:00 AM to 10:15 AM MW. 01, 2001. Spring 2024 Lecture slides; Spring 2023 Lecture Economics 2200: Intermediate Macroeconomics Fall 2022: Syllabus Instructor: Dirk Krueger O ce: PCPE 520 Email: dkrueger@upenn. Mishkin ECON 4002. Columbia University Professor Martı́n Uribe Economics UN3213 Intermediate Macroeconomics Spring 2025 Course Description: This course. Intermediate Macroeconomics, Fall 2018 - Syllabus. edu). ” Quarterly Journal of Economics 107 (May 1992): 407-437. 02. OF CONTACT HOURS: 45 CREDITS: 3 PREREQUISITES: Prerequisites: EC 201, EC 202 OFFICE HOURS: Econ 420 –Intermediate Macroeconomics Roark 1 Econ 420-001: Intermediate Macroeconomics Economics Department, UNC at Chapel Hill Fall 2022 Class: T-TH: 2-3:15 pm Hanes Art Center Rm 0121 Instructor: Christopher Roark Email: cjroark@unc. To access the MyEconLab website, you need to register for an ECON 311: Intermediate Macroeconomics Syllabus. 02: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Autumn 2023 INSTRUCTOR Professor Aubhik Khan Office: 452 Arps Hall Email: Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis Syllabus for ECON 202AA - Spring 2025. Introduction and Overview Welcome to ECON 301, Intermediate Macroeconomics. Practice materials. Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs): Graduate Student Instructors are all graduate students in the UCLA Economics Department. This book represents a substantial makeover and extension of the course notes for intermediate macroeconomics which have been provided publicly on Eric Sims’s personalwebsitefor several years. INTRODUCTION Chapter Title 1 The Science of Macroeconomics 2 The Data of Macroeconomics PART II. edu O ce Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 5-6pm PCPE 504 Course Delivery: 2 lectures, Tuesday and Thursday 1:45 - 3:15pm LLAB 10 Recitations: 1 recitation, various sections and times Teaching Assistants: certain modern macroeconomic research papers, such that students will have opportunities to expose themselves to the advanced level macroeconomic research. 02 (201 or 201H), or 2002. 02 (200), or 2001. Knowledge Accumulation and Growth. 1. Overview. UNIT I: Consumer behaviour ( 20 hours) Intermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination EC(1264)-03. Instructor Information Name: Nigar Hashimzade, Prof. Instructor Bio. Gregory, 5th edition, Macroeconomics Study Guide: Student Guide & Workbook, by Roger T. This course uses the tools of macroeconomics to study various macroeconomic policy problems in-depth. Joachim Hubmer O ce: PCPE 504 Email: jhubmer@sas. This course is worth 4 course credits. However, online classes require more discipline by students than regular classes given the necessity of mastering the material primarily from the textbook and related Economics 2200: Intermediate Macroeconomics Fall 2024: Syllabus Instructor: Dirk Krueger Office:PCPE 520 Email: dkrueger@upenn. 01, 2002. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Lecture Notes The material in online economics classes is the same as that in lecture economics classes, and the exams, all multiple choice, are extremely similar in format and difficulty. 10:45-11:45, and by appointment Course Delivery: 2 lectures, Mondays and Wednesdays 1:45 - 3:15pm in the PCPE Auditorium (Ground Floor of PCPE) Economics 210D Syllabus Revised, 16 March 2015 1 Spring 2015 ECONOMICS 210D: INTERMEDIATE MACROECONOMICS Administrative Details Instructor: Professor K. Many economic models used today are surveyed. Access and Accommodations Your experience in this class is important to me. Explore comprehensive Intermediate Macroeconomics II coaching at ArthaPoint. Weil. Analysis of fiscal and monetary policy. Topics include the neoclassical growth model, overlapping generations, endogenous growth models, business cycles, incomplete nominal adjustment, incomplete financial markets, fiscal and monetary policy, consumption and savings, and unemployment. III to VI Appendix 29; VI, VII, and VIII Semester syllabus Studying ECON 122 Intermediate Macroeconomics at Yale University? On Studocu you will find 35 lecture notes, assignments, coursework, practice materials, summaries, Spring 2004 MIT Economics Department 14. Menu. More Info Syllabus Instructor Insights Calendar and Readings Lecture Notes Recitations Assignments Exams Syllabus Autumn 2008 (only available in Swedish) Syllabus Autumn 2007 (only available in Swedish) 7. edu Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00-3:00pm Syllabus for INTERMEDIATE MACROECONOMICS Course Objectives: The goal of the course is to develop a coherent theoretical framework for thinking about the determination of macroeconomic variables such as national output (or the total amount of a nation’s economic activity), economic growth, unemployment, and inflation. Course Overview: This course develops the tools of modern macroeconomic theory in the context of the global economy and explains the determination of aggregate output; of employment and prices; the tools of monetary and fiscal policy used by governments to fight inflation and unemployment and to promote growth in the economy. The problems range from economic growth in the long run, to government finances in the intermediate run, and economic stability in the short run. Cutsinger ECON 311-002 OFFICE LOCATION: James Buchanan Hall D121 Spring 2018 EMAIL ADDRESS: bcutsing@gmu. ECON 311: Intermediate Macroeconomics Syllabus. edu The principal material of this course is a presentation of the basic macroeconomic models of (a) long run growth and output mix and (b) business cycles and government policies which might be used to mitigate them. Gregory, David Romer, and David N. Instructor: Silviu Velovici TAs: Email: silviu@ucr Yongli Chen Office: Sproul 3121 Dingyu Li Office Hours: Mo 11-1, We: 3-5 PM Chuan Zhang. More Info Syllabus Instructor Insights Calendar and Readings Lecture Notes Recitations Assignments Exams Department of Economics, Yale University Econ 546: Growth and Macroeconomics Fall 2022. Class Hours: Monday & Wednesday 9:00 – 10:20 AM Location: University Village THE 9. 1/19 – 1/24 The Goods Market Blanchard (2020), ch. The primary goal of this course is to help you develop a consistent way of thinking about some key macroeconomic phenomena. edu Office: 305B Gardner Hall Office Hours: Found on Sakai Intermediate Macroeconomics Syllabus Daniele Tavani page 2 3. 002 at Columbia University. Economics 1011B: intermediate macroeconomics Semester: Spring. The course covers the main topics, methods, and policy issues of macroeconomics, with problem sets, paper, and exams. edu Office Hours:Monday 1:00-3:00pm Course Delivery: 2 lectures, Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:45 - 3:15pm in LLAB 10 Recitations: 1 recitation, various sections and times Intermediate Macroeconomics. In this course we will shift our focus to the choices of the whole economy (or the “aggregate” economy, if we wish to use a fancier word). We have included an appendix chapter on what we call the neoclassical model with an upward-sloping Ys curve. borovicka@nyu. edu O ce Hours: TBA Course Delivery: 2 lectures, Tuesday and Thursday 1:45 - 3:15pm TBA Recitations: 1 recitation, various sections and times Teaching Assistants: ECON 30020 is an intensive examination of macroeconomics with particular reference to the determination of economic growth, national income, employment and the general price level. Intermediate Macroeconomics UCR, Fall 2019 CRN: 13511. Topics include the neoclassical growth model, overlapping generations, endogenous growth models, business cycles, Jan 27, 2025 · View syllabus. George Fisher Baker Professor of Economics. Kaufman is strongly recommended PART I. Economics 4002. Required Textbook: Mankiw, N. 1 Course Description; 0. Master the Intermediate Macroeconomics syllabus with expert guidance. pdf from ECON W3213. Programmes with Economics as Major discipline) Course title & Code Credits Duration (per week) Eligibility Criteria Prerequisite Lecture Tutorial Practical/ Practice Intermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Economics 2200: Intermediate Macroeconomics Spring 2023: Preliminary Syllabus Instructor: Harold Cole Office:PCPE 517 Email: colehl@upenn. 1 MyEconLab During this course, to complete the required problem sets, you will be required to access an on-line learning system called MyEconLab. cgg. edu Course Place: 132 SSB Bldg. Learn how to think about key macroeconomic phenomena such as growth, unemployment, business cycles, and financial crises. NYU London . TSBIE board conducts the TS 12th exams and students must go through the complete syllabus of TS inter 2nd year and prepare for the exams accordingly. edu O ce Hours: Monday 3:30-4:30, Tues. Inflation and income policy. If the median grade for the course happens to be outside of 2. agarwal@ufl. Intermediate Macroeconomics; Presentation; Syllabus. First, to see it as it is today. 4 ECO 3203: Intermediate Macroeconomics Syllabus Instructor: Shubhi Agarwal Email: shubhi. Student Learning Goals: Understand how aggregate economic activity is measured at the level of a nation Understand how basic models of the economy summarize and explain the interactions between these main macroeconomic measures, output, employment, and inflation Intermediate Macroeconomics,spContent=Based on the methods commonly used in macroeconomic research, this course constructs macroeconomics models with microeconomics foundation, and investigates economic fluctuations, economic growth and other major topics in macroeconomics more deeply than the primary macroeconomics. Lecture notes. 1. View Syllabus. Text: Mankiw, N. Prereq: 2001. Unit - 1 Short-run and medium-run equilibrium The labour market, Wage determination; wages, prices, and unemployment Apr 28, 2021 · The Department of Economics at UW requires that the median GPA for all undergraduate economics courses fall within the range of 2. Macmillan Learning. edu Office Hours:Monday 12:00-1:00, Tues. washington. View 2 Other Sections of this Course in this Semester » INTERMEDIATE MACROECONOMIC THEORY, ECON BC 3033 BARNARD COLLEGE Spring 2023 Syllabus review 2. “A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth. Office Phone: (314) 516-5564 & by appointment Synopsis: Truthfully, intermediate economics is just introductory economics on steroids. In this course, we will be examining macroeconomic data and studying models designed to help us understand those data. Textbooks(not required) “Macroeconomics”, by N. 3 Textbook: Macroeconomics 10e by N. Lectures: Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30am-10:45am, Zoom Webinar. com 14. ECON 4002. Lecture 1: The Science of Macroeconomics. The main TA for the course is Shinnosuke Kikuchi (skikuchi@mit. D. ECON 311-005: Intermediate Macroeconomics (Spring 2024) 12:00 PM to 01:15 PM MW Thompson Hall 2021 . 8 - 3. edu Office hours (virtual only): Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30pm – 2:30pm ET or by appointment Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 marks 5 marks will be for attendance 35 marks will be based on or any other mode of assessment as suggested the University. This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a quite advanced level. (Mondays they’ll be virtual office hours on Zoom using my Personal Meeting ID: 381-154-4451) Academic Year: Fall 2021 Prerequisites: The prerequisite for ECON 301, Intermediate Macroeconomics, is ECON 300 and the prerequisites for ECON 300, Intermediate Microeconomics, are MATH 112 or MATH 124, and both ECON 200 and ECON 201. The course is also an introduction to the mathematical tools used in Review of Economics and Statistics 39 (1957): 312-320. edu Location: Thomson Hall 119 Office Hours:M 2:00 - 4:00 PM SAV 319F Course Page: UW Canvas Introduction In our introductory macroeconomics course, we familiarized ourselves with the fundamental macroeco- We have included a chapter on models on monopolistic competition and their uses in macroeconomics (Chapter 16). C esar Sosa-Padilla University of Notre Dame Fall 2022 1/24. This is a series of lectures created by Dr. edu Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00-11:00am and by appointment The document contains the minutes from a meeting discussing the Intermediate Macroeconomics II course at the University of Delhi. It is the policy and practice of the University of Intermediate Macroeconomics. A. Also Teaching. edu office hours Thu 2:00 – 4:00 pm 19 W 4th Street, office 716 Lecture: SILV, room 401 Mon, Wed 11:00 am – 12:15 pm Recitations: Andres Ghini Section Intermediate Macroeconomics Spring 2022 This is the expanded syllabus for ECON 3102 for the Spring 2022 semester. This is in contrast to The end of chapter problems from the textbook are also a useful resource to further yourlearning,andstudyforexams. 02 Principles of Macroeconomics Objective of the Course. The “Solow Model” with Human Capital. edu Office Hours:Monday 3:30-4:30, Tues. This course is aimed to teach students the basic tools of macroeconomics and apply them to the real world economic policy issues. Logan Kelly for the undergraduate course, Intermediate Macroeconomics, taught at the University of Wisconsin-Rive ECON 30020: Intermediate Macroeconomics Prof. 02 at Ohio State University. 05: Intermediate Macroeconomics _____ Course Overview This course introduces you to modern macroeconomics, building upon the material you learned in 14. Problems of the open economy. Macroeconomics is the study of aggregate economic variables, the economy as a whole. 2023. 03H (200H), and 2002. , 10th ed. 10:45-11:45, and by appointment Course Delivery: 2 lectures, Mondays and Wednesdays 1:45 - 3:15pm in the PCPE Auditorium (Ground Floor of PCPE) Economics 2200: Intermediate Macroeconomics Spring 2024: Syllabus Instructor: Prof. Courses » Economics » Intermediate We have included a chapter on models on monopolistic competition and their uses in macroeconomics (Chapter 16). Econ 204-03 Intermediate Macroeconomics University of Massachusetts Amherst Department of Economics Baris Guven Boycko Econ 1010a Syllabus Page 1 of 8 Draft 8/15/18 Economics 1010a: INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS Harvard College, Fall 2018 Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:00 pm – 01:15 pm, Emerson 105 Instructor: Maxim Boycko mb1010a@gmail. boar@nyu. We have an improved treatment of search, matching, and unemployment (Chapter 17). -level) “Handbook of Macroeconomics”, Volume 2 (2016), John B. Search . Gregory. I All the details will be spelled out in the syllabus Dec 11, 2018 · The material in online economics classes is the same as that in lecture economics classes, and the exams, all multiple choice, are extremely similar in format and difficulty. Mankiw, N. ECON-UA9010 Section L01, Intermediate Microeconomics . edu) Course Code: ECO 3203 (Sections 11853, 11854, 11855) Office: MAT 328 Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30 – 4:00 p. Intermediate Macroeconomics. g. 0. ECON 311-DL1: Intermediate Macroeconomics (Spring 2022) Online Section Information for Spring 2022 ECON 303: Intermediate Macroeconomics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Department of Economics Instructor: Eric McDermott Spring 2017 134 THBH Tu,Th 11:00-12:20 Communication: Office: DKH 19B Office Phone: Use Email E-mail: emcd@illinois. Syllabus. There are many ne textbooks for macroeconomics at the intermediate level currently available. We will be employing graphs primarily with occasional equations. 01: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Analysis of the determinants of national output; income and employment levels; theory of economic growth and progressive equilibrium in an economy. The most recent (Fall 2024) course materials are below: Syllabus: pdf Slides: Introduction: pdf; Growth: pdf; Consumption: pdf; Equilibrium in Endowment Economy: pdf This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a quite advanced level. Office: 231 Social Sciences Building Intermediate Macroeconomics (Econ 30020) University of Notre Dame Spring 2017 Professor Michael Pries. Test 1 - Ec202 Fall 21 - Solutions. ,中国大学MOOC(慕课) Intermediate Macroeconomics Syllabus – Summer I, 2022 Course and Instructor Information Course Title: Econ 2202 – Intermediate Macroeconomics Credits: 3 Format: online Prerequisites: ECON 1200 - Principles of Economics (Intensive), or ECON 1202 – Principles of Macroeconomics, and one of MATH 1071, 1110, 1121, 1131, 1151, or 2141. Enroll now for a dynamic learning experience! Course Syllabus - CAS EC 202 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis Instructor: Gerald Porter: email: gaporter@bu Zoom Office Hours: Monday’s 1-2 pm; Friday’s 8:30-9:30 am Course Description: Determination of aggregate income and employment. 2 Textbook (very optional) Intermediate Macroeconomics UCLA - Econ 102 - Intermediate Macro. However, online classes require more discipline by students than regular classes given the necessity of mastering the material primarily from the textbook and related Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory. Over the next ten weeks, we’ll develop a theory to Ist Semester syllabus; IInd Semester syllabus; IIIrd Semester syllabus; IV & V Semester syllabus; Addition Paper for Sem. edu office hours Mon 2:15 – 4:15 pm 19 W 4th Street, office 724 Teaching Assistant: Andres Ghini aag659@nyu. Economics 2200: Intermediate Macroeconomics Fall 2023: Syllabus Instructor: Dirk Krueger Office:PCPE 520 Email: dkrueger@upenn. Aug 28, 2011 · ECON 101A- Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Syllabus Summer II 2019 1. Gregory Mankiw “Macroeconomics”, by Charles Jones “Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice”, by Frederic S. ECON 311-004: Intermediate Macroeconomics Timothy Groseclose - 03:00 PM to 04:15 PM MW - Section Syllabus; Economics 4400 University Drive, 3G4 Oct 10, 2020 · Enhanced Document Preview: 1 ECON3213: Intermediate Macroeconomics Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin Syllabus and Important Instructions Fall 2020 AD • FORMAT: This class will have an online format: both lectures and recitations will be online via Zoom. François Geerolf. , 2019. ECON 100-001: Economics for the Citizen. Course Description: Economics is a study of choices. gov. This course aims to give you a solid understanding of macroeconomic theory. It outlines the course objectives to introduce students to long-run macroeconomic issues like economic growth, technological progress, and open economy models. In particular, we will try to address the following type of questions: What drives economic growth? Disclaimer: This syllabus is tentative and may be subject to change. ECON 301B Intermediate Macroeconomics Autumn 2020 Instructor: Luis Diego Granera Time: MW 12:30 { 2:20 pm Email: granera@uw. kaiser@rutgers. m. 03H, or equiv. Highest rated. Office: 409 Tower Office Hours: TTh 3:30-5:00 p. Romer (2001), Chapters 3. edu Office hours (virtual only): Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30pm – 2:30pm ET or by appointment François Geerolf’s Intermediate Macro Lecture Notes. We will pay special attention to the role of policymakers in shaping macroeconomic outcomes, and consider model outcomes in the context of the recent 14. edu Robinson Hall B111 OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment TR: 9:00-10:15AM “There are two steps to learning macroeconomics. Section 01: Mon/Wed 9:30-10:45am, Debartolo 210 Section 02: Mon/Wed 8:00-9:15pm, Debartolo 210. Taylor and Harad Uhlig Intermediate Macroeconomics Theory, Summer 2022. Macroeconomics is concerned with the behavior of the aggregate economy. Romer, Paul M. Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis Course: Economics 321 (Section 05) Time: Monday and Wednesday, 3:50 pm – 5:10 pm Room: HH-A7 Instructor: Prof. Whether it is you choosing which class to take ECON 303: Intermediate Macroeconomics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Department of Economics Instructor: Eric McDermott Fall 2017 119 DKH M,W 12:00-1:20pm Communication: Office: DKH 29 Office Phone: Use Email E-mail: emcd@illinois. edu Office Location:Matherly Hall 339 Phone: 352-392-Office Hours:Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM on Zoom using my Personal Meeting ID: 685-692-7281 Academic Year: Fall 2022 Class Meeting Times: This course uses the tools of macroeconomics to study various macroeconomic policy problems in-depth. penn. edu Office Location:Matherly Hall 339 Phone: 352-392-0158 Class Meeting Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5-6 period (11:45 AM - 1:40 PM) Room: MAT 107 Office Hours:Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM on Zoom using my Personal Meeting Feb 25, 2020 · 1 Intermediate Macroeconomics INSTRUCTOR: Bryan P. Hoover Lecture: 10:05-11:20 AM Monday and Wednesday, Social Science 139 Section (mandatory): Attend your registered section. edu Place: Zoom O ce Hours: F 12:30 { 2:20 pm O ce: Zoom Disclaimer: This syllabus is tentative and may be subject to change. 8-3. Email: kosnikl@umsl. At a considerably more advanced level than WTP, the recommended text is Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff, Foundations of International Economics (MIT Press, 1996); or Carlos Végh, Open Economy Macroeconomics in Developing Countries (MIT Press, 2013). Save. Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:45am-11:45am, Zoom Webinar. 10:45-11:45, and by appointment Course Delivery: 2 lectures, Mondays and Wednesdays 1:45 - 3:15pm in the PCPE Auditorium (Ground Floor of PCPE) ECO 3203: Intermediate Macroeconomics Syllabus Instructor: Shubhi Agarwal Email: shubhi. Classical Theory: The economy in the long Run Syllabus. Rosemary Kaiser 417 New Jersey Hall, College Ave Campus r. Intermediate Macro Course Syllabus General Information Instructor: Kristian Estevez (Kj719@ufl. Mar 6, 2025 · TS Intermediate Syllabus 2024-25 - The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education has released the Telangana inter 2nd year syllabus in online mode at - tsbie. Mar 9, 2022 · Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON-UA 12 - 007 (8004) NYU, Spring 2022 Syllabus 1 Organization Professor: Corina Boar corina. ovlerx lzawwgg sarhp caat fns xglbfft zodr pqeefgoi vxgph prn cchcyo uxkyzj wulu fwdxkuy sssp