Incels co cheekbones co-Joined Nov 8, 2017 Posts 5,437. Indians also tend to have more bulbous noses in general. While at the same time, I’ve known overweight guys with defined Sep 10, 2018 · do you think their face improved after 15 years of anabolic steroids? Nov 29, 2017 · Welcome to Incels. Out of the hundreds of likes I've had in a few hours, only 34 messaged me - they presumably were paying for subscription to initiate Jul 11, 2019 · Welcome to Incels. More cheekbone lateral prominence would boost me quite a bit. Jaw/Chin This includes the gonial angle, jaw width, chin forwardness and jawline definition. It's all about your fucking bones. While females can benefit from low set full looking cheeks, males who don’t have high set chiseled cheekbones are just doomed. Apr 28, 2018 · Welcome to Incels. You'll just be getting your jaw rounder Sep 14, 2024 · This is a defining characteristic of a trucel and mental health in general, the absence of any perceivable joyful emotion. I also have a narrow palate and I heard widening it would make my face more forward, cheekbones wider and more prominent. On the other hand he has god-tier cheekbones and that's what makes him very attractive. is - Involuntary Celibate Forum Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Indians that don't have droopy eye area by their 40s or that have strong cheekbones are rare. That's why even most white models usually, don't have them. Fucking pisses me off, I lost 95lbs, and I seriously get the urge to pull out my switchblade and cut that fat all off myself. Is their surgery that can get you hunter eyes? If I could get hunter eyes, i'd literally go from a 2/10 to a 5-6/10 . Failed normies here in some examples of this mentality say shit like I "don't have any friends" even though they go out on the weekends, aren't failing any major portions of their Jul 3, 2018 · Been mewing for about 6 months. What do you all think? Feb 14, 2018 · A long midface is unfixable and will stay that way for the whole 21st century. Jun 21, 2020 · One said I looked 31, one said I looked 39. Mar 7, 2022 · All cheek implants look roundish and end up making your face more bloated. Jul 4, 2018 · Welcome to Incels. Dec 30, 2024 · Incels. Jul 22, 2024 · Welcome to Incels. Kevin levrone worked extremely hard for his physique, but he could never win because his poor genetics. One said I have high cheekbones at 30%, one said I had weak cheekbones at 80%. To have hallow cheeks you need high set, or medium set protruding cheekbones. is - Involuntary Celibate Forum outnumbered KHHV minority of sexhavers. Mar 11, 2019 · Welcome to Incels. is is a community for men that struggle with or are unable to get into romantic relationships with women despite trying. Ie. No implants can ever help you obtain that defined look. Like, somebody who knows you irl, like maybe even your boss, clicking a few buttons in a program and seeing all you ever posted. I think they haven't changed but I will only be sure after I go sub10% bodyfat since they are flat. Mar 9, 2022 · every loosksmaxxer knows the two most important things when it comes to having a good facial structure is the jaw and the eyes thats why we say Jaw is Law because if you have all the good facial features of a chad such as hunter eyes nose, high cheekbones, skull structure, brow ridge but you Jun 30, 2021 · I used to be very skinny, but still looked like shit, no cheekbones were there and weak lower third. Almost every incel has bad eye area due to unpronounced low set cheekbones. Literally all models have high cheekbones, if someone has these they are set for life. Aug 31, 2024 · Incels. org and incels. But too many people don't realize that the "hollow" look is unimportant and overrated. Sep 17, 2019 · 1. May 2, 2024 · It's very rare. Genetics + your Jun 1, 2019 · This man who's rare medical condition made his face look a bit like a lion's has been give a new lease on life after plastic surgeons rebuilt his jaw. (Interesting part starts at 1:00) Just brutal to see how a Jan 21, 2020 · JFL if you think the blackpill is sprading. To be fair, he's almost recessed. There are surgeries for nearly everything, even box Mar 5, 2024 · - Fat and puffy cheeks that hide what little cheekbones I have - Weak cheekbones that are poorly defined - Gigantic Anglo nose with a bump on it, huge nostrils, and a bulbous nose tip - Receded, weak, and short chin - Narrow, thin, and weak jawline that is receded so my cheeks protrude past it - Rosacea on the lower part of my cheeks Jan 6, 2023 · - very little upper eyelid exposure - decent jawline and chin - you’re white - non brown eyes - have noticeable cheekbones - have a wide mouth - decent forward growth from your side profile - decent forehead and eyebrow ridge projection - non hooked nose (like if you have an upturned or button nose) Mar 3, 2018 · Every incel has something good about his face for example a good sized nose good eye area good chin but is fucked up on other parts which made him an Incel what good/normal about your face? For me I have a normal nose. I started eating way more over multiple years, now it’s 23, still the same face. Jan 19, 2019 · Serious I need less eyelid exposure, better cheekbones and a better chin, and I can be a 6/10 I think Nov 28, 2019 · Congratulations, this massive cope incels dogmatically spread is now being co-opted by "blackpilled" women who justify their insane preferences on supposedly "natural" biological grounds. I will do my best @ICanOnlyFapToBDSM @Indari @Void @Zesto @NEETAndTidy @StormlitAqua @IronMike @Spite @knajjd @Raiden @uninstall @Anger May 1, 2022 · Incels. Welcome to Incels. 5/10 Cousin 3: Bald, but hypermasculine jawline and beard Jan 2, 2018 · Very very very little guys can pull off that wide jaw look. Very low set, known for his good cheekbones. How are the surgeons gonna fix a long midface? Just cut the middle of the skull without somehow killing you? I really don’t see how that surgery would go. Nose and eye area are 0/10 Dec 14, 2017 · Seems that that now everyone and their dog have either prominent cheekbones, height or wide frame. This guy has chad facial structure, but his eye area is abysmal. Cheekbones support your eye area and in evolutionary term, protects it (as its near the eyes), a high cheekbones makes the face look leaner and gives possiblity to the Jun 3, 2018 · It’s impossible!! Having a good cheekbones=normie at worst case Prove me wrong if you could. They form the ogee curve around your nose (low set) or below eyes (high set) All you need is a mirror. These are just from the top of my head. Jawline and Chin. All the comments on . These guys are so bluepilled they think they have a chance with a 10/10 gigastacey. 1. Jun 18, 2019 · Are you one flaw away from Simon Nessman tier looks? Two? Are your cheekbones and maxilla good you just have a big nose and receding hairline? Etc etc Like, what combinations of things ruin it for you? Do you have any good facial assets? Or is your whole skull and jaw and brow ridge fucked May 14, 2019 · This is a quick blackpill on zygos aka cheekbones, both low and high. Suresh, from Tamil Nadu in India, developed lion face syndrome when he was 18. Apr 1, 2020 · This is partly why I support . Win-Win. Feb 18, 2018 · Legit never saw low cheekbones in person, ive seen tons of receeded cheekbones but theyre never low Feb 18, 2018 · My mom-34 y/o, said that she finds the shadow that cheekbones make the most attractive features in a man. More height qould make me stand out. We welcome men from all walks of life, and from all cultural and racial backgrounds, as long as you are an incel. That's why when you get retards getting jaw implants you just lol irl. People usually talk down to me because they assume I'm younger than I actually am. Start Apr 13, 2019 · "It's just her genetics" is cope You Need a shit ton of androgen receptors to have such a extreme Long and wide ramus Her Zygomatic arch is extremely high set, thats also a very masculine trait since men usually have high cheekbones there are dozen of women who have prominent cheekbones Nov 10, 2018 · Now I have 12% body fat and my face is already bloated as shit:feelscry: I fucking envy males who can get such hollow cheek by simply reducing their body fat to round 12%. I just cant stop looking at the mirror, analysing my subhuman features and thinking of the best May 21, 2023 · Incels. Damo the incel Women crave a sharp jawline and high cheekbones 3. Perfected my oral posture about 1 month ago. If the face is ugly then getting a Chad haircut is like putting seasoning on a turd Feb 21, 2018 · Incels. Im in mid 20s and I know that even though I have above average T, I know I look young still even compared to other people around my age. Normies laugh out loud all the time, they find the dumbest shit hilarious. Ending undeserved Chadliness while I benefit from it. No bones anywhere to be seen and no i'm not fat :feelsrope: Sep 17, 2020 · But there is another concern. The only AI that can rate you are Jan 9, 2018 · It really is "Eye area>>>>>everything else". Mar 6, 2020 · It's Over This guy has the worst midface phenotype ever. 6, which is skeleton tier. I’d love to see incels with “good cheekbones” Apr 13, 2020 · The average incels. Even if its not by eating them, just being able to steal physical traits from people I deem do not deserve them would be great. So you need a lot of things going in your favour to have them. Of course there are guys with better cheekbones out there that are higher set, but his are good enough for normies to be mirin'. Then what? Oh, all the poor wahmen who agreed to have sex in front of Feb 12, 2025 · Facts about Kevin levrone: 1. co only allowing 18+ users because of the lack of self awareness in people under 18. Such a Chad trait tbh. Sep 30, 2020 · I don’t think you can actually be ugly if you have cheekbones like these. If your jaw is already round due to your bones, it's OVER. More buccal fat is also Sep 18, 2018 · Having high cheekbones also pushes up other corresponding facial bones providing a strong jawline. Im not gonna be posting studies as its a quick post. Feb 12, 2018 · What determines if you have chubby cheeks or not? tbh doesn't seem like lack of cheekbones (or lack or cheekbone protrusion) because usually the problem with these types of faces is that the cheeks don't get slimmer towards the bottom point of your face (lower jaw), and instead give a more O Dec 15, 2017 · Eat some Chad, gain his wide frame, or his laterally orominent cheekbones, or his 2 meter height. Aug 16, 2018 · There is an average ideal midface based on proportions, but the size of the jaw, chin, brow, and cheekbones are always directly proportional to your appeal as a man. Height placement is also important, but not necessary. JFL if you have a long midface like me. Notice how the shorter midface compliments his eye area, makes his jaw/chin stand out more, makes his neck look bigger and makes him look more dominant overall. Dec 23, 2020 · Welcome to Incels. Extremely powerful halo. Kevin levrone participated in 13 Mr Olympia's, he won 0 of them. Jun 8, 2019 · My face is a baby face. Sep 3, 2018 · Describe to me what you look like , and I will draw my interpretation of you in anime/manga form. Asians have high set cheekbones Oct 5, 2018 · - long philtrum - balding - zero angularity - no jaw - recessed chin - no cheekbones ( I have cheekbones now after surgery) - negative canthal tilt - major external epicanthus tilt - scelera show - ptosis - crooked nose - underbite/crossbite - small palate - arched eyebrows total looksrating: 2/10 Mar 30, 2023 · My worst problems with my face structure are my horseface, downward projection (lacking forward other than my mouth), big nose, and having no cheekbones. I cannot handle the pain of being born with boring droopy facial features. Dec 18, 2024 · Short for involuntary celibates, incels are men who believe a combination of their bad genes and modern feminism have left them romantically/sexually destitute. AUSCHWITZ SURVIVORS ARE SLAYERS. Good cheekbones automatically prevent you from being incel. Dec 6, 2018 · Just take a look at These trucels They have no cheekbones and they do legit look like absolute inbreds It is not only the zygomatic area which is heavily impacted by the prominence and shape of your cheekbones, but also the whole eye and midface area Having recessed cheekbones makes you look Oct 23, 2022 · Incels. Dec 29, 2018 · Things I can only wish I could have: - normal facial symmetry - normal IPD - normal jawline - normal bite alignment - noticeable cheekbones - nonsunken eyes - neutral or positive canthal tilt - healthy strong gums/bones - a wide and not narrow long alien head - better skin and eye color Dec 27, 2024 · Your height is determined by the length of your femur, tibia, fibula, and vertebrae. And of course, younger women give me no attention and don't Dec 12, 2019 · Welcome to Incels. Get a like every minute. co user needs a head transplant and a modified lefort 3 afterwards Click to expand It's legit for them but they are never going to be Chad's, you can never get jaw and cheekbones like meeks if you're not born with it. Nov 14, 2019 · My face is just a round blob. TheSecondComing This is why I have a job where I am surrounded by no women so there is no pain or visual distractions 2. David Gandy is scientifically the most attractive man in the world and his cheeks are normal. That's why there's hollow cheeks are so common for square jawed people. Protruding Zygomatic (cheekbones) BOTH in forward projection and width. Is it cope? Will it Dec 6, 2017 · Nick Bateman: Compact midface morph: He went from above average to slayer tier. This lonely japanese guy approaches girls and watch what he experiences. Unless we are talking about severe deformities or diseases; What would make a perfectly healthy Curry manlet Oct 27, 2024 · - bimax for my recessed mandible and lf1 area - genio to get chin projection - implants in the malar region with lateral and anterior cheekbones projection to fix flat and receded midface - infras for giga brutal under eye support - some eye surgery to fix brutal asf levels of uee all of this Feb 20, 2020 · I saw this thread on the fashion board of 4chan. May 20, 2019 · In my eyes a sharp jawline, being ripped, a tall height and a talent for a kind of sport are the features of a chad in my opinion. Mar 8, 2019 · A zygo or more commonly known as cheekbones are the side bones on your face. Dec 24, 2020 #53 cheekbones, and Jul 19, 2020 · Rivalry between looksmax. In short, they consider themselves Jun 26, 2018 · High, forward-projecting cheekbones can be a particular point of fixation in the incel world. They can change the way your eyes look and eyes are also one of the most important features. The the wider is your mandible, the better, the lower your gonial angle is, the more hollow you can get. Cousin 1: 10/10 White Aryan Gigachad Cousin 2: 6’6 skinny fuck bit beautiful cheekbones and eye area, at least 8. is - Involuntary Celibate Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. One said I had straight hair, one said I didn't. These are the ideal cheekbones for 2018 Thread starter sadricecel; Start date Feb 21, 2018; sadricecel Banned-Joined Feb 20, 2018 Posts Mar 10, 2024 · Welcome to Incels. 9-9. Jan 17, 2019 · Obviously, exaggerated facial bloat brings you down points, just look at @itsOVER. Jan 18, 2018 · Even if you can't get high cheekbones, a pair of nice cheekbones, even if they are low set, will always look good. Jan 2, 2019 · Like will this shit eventually go away? I have a fat pad that takes away . Feb 4, 2019 · Brother: 9/10 only slightly flawed Jorge Del Rio tier Chad Father: 8. Not sure about cheekbones. . Jun 28, 2018 · I haven't seen cheekbones being discussed that much in PSLI community and I've realized the importance of them just recently . Jul 25, 2019 · We can't even expect chads not to be larpers. Sep 10, 2018 · I weighed myself in today, and apparently I'm 140 pounds, which is pretty much borderline anorexic for my height. Sep 18, 2018 · Welcome to Incels. PSL: This stands for PUASluthateLookism, an umbrella term for various subsets of incel-related Sep 10, 2020 · Incels, or involuntary celibates, are probably the most infamous segment of the “manosphere” – the online morass of misogyny that includes incels, Pick Up Artists (PUAs), MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way) and Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs). They were clearly from the same original image as well. Shorter faces vertically in general. Any improvement of frame would be insane Oct 31, 2024 · I 24/7 obsess over all my facial failos, whether its my thin and flat hair, my recessed chin, my lack of cheekbones, my poor infraorbitals, my UEE, my NCT, my lack of browridge and my huge forehead. Eye area, nose, cheekbones, jawline, symmetry, how long distance between certain features and how well they all fit together. Mar 13, 2019 · From my autistic observation, looking at people and their ogee curve, I've concluded that most people either have high cheekbones, but they have trash lower third (mostly the jaw) OR they have low cheekbones, but decent lower third jaw. It caused his face to swell to an agonising size, and for years Sep 26, 2018 · anyone tried bone smashing i've been punching my cheekbones 50 times each side daily for half a year now and i can notice a big difference also it improved my fist lately i've been smashing my jaw but it hurt my hand so i should go easier Assuming lets say boomer radfems actually got into power and banned all porn on Earth. Imagine an average person having easy access to tools that could reveal almost anything you every did on the internet. co users go to looksmax. Jun 20, 2020 · Which of these features are in your top 3? Midface ratio Eye area Jawline Height Nose Frame Voice Hair Mouth Cheekbones if you have any other features, feel free to add them to your top 3 ranking list. Incel (/ ˈ ɪ n s ɛ l / ⓘ IN-sel; a portmanteau of "involuntary celibate" [1]) is a term associated with a mostly online subculture of people (racially diverse, but mostly white, [2] male and heterosexual [3]), who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, and who may blame, objectify and denigrate women and girls as a result. Feb 19, 2018 · What's new. From all knowledge we have, Kevin levrone never had a Jul 13, 2018 · Indians often have lower hairlines and shorter midfaces. 75" of my dick, and I also have no hollow cheekbones, but I'm 6'3 and 140 pounds. I was expecting a bluepilled response from my mom as she always goes Sep 16, 2024 · Incels. Oct 25, 2020 · As you can see he has a subpar Neurocranium/Splanchnocranium ratio so he's far from having that highly attractive warrior skull. My jaw is wider and my maxilla went a tiny bit forward. 2/10 chad, modelled at university with Stacies. this shit works. And a wide jaw, with good facial fat genetics. I had a BMI of 16. Its like the universe wants to remind me what I lack. The shape and size of your skull, including the zygomatic bones (cheekbones), maxilla, mandible (jawbone), and frontal bone, determine the width and structure of your face. 2. They go from incel to incel. Yet even with that, I still have visible fat on my face. They look so aesthetic and exotic when light shines on them. Incels. Jul 2, 2018 · Welcome to Incels. I will let you know when I finish drawing you . Zygos (Cheekbones) This includes the forwardness of the zygos and the width Apr 7, 2020 · 1. Indians tend to have weak undereye support and cheekbones. The more dimorphic bone growth you have, the hotter you are. Menu Log in May 18, 2020 · I'd go 1)hunter eyes 2)good nose 3)defined jaw 4)high cheekbones Apr 9, 2019 · Srs I got curious about the facial effects of a person on extremely low BF (without muscles ofc) and the results are clear. Menu Log in Nov 8, 2017 · Incels. Everyone. Jul 27, 2020 · Welcome to Incels. Jan 1, 2020 · Welcome to Incels. Don’t know if you can add options to polls after posting, but feel free to name a bone not on the list and I will try and add it. Just check this out. Inceldom Discussion. But I wonder if they cheated with fat dissolving-injection tbh. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you. (Sums up incel life as a whole) 3. org afterward you can't really be that shocked. Feb 16, 2021 · Welcome to Incels. Now, imagine they reverse doxx you. Combo them with hunter eyes, and you’re gigachad May 7, 2022 · Welcome to Incels. mentally lost cel 1 A Ghost in Istanbul Jun 19, 2018 · What's new. co, 4chan Sep 6, 2018 · Generally if you have a good jaw and zygos you will have a good midface because of the maxilla being forwardly grown. I'm physically incapable of pure unadulterated laughter, even cracking a smile feels like my cheekbones are fighting with my frownful complexion. AKA zygos projection/hollow cheeks My sister-15 y/o, said that she finds pretty eyes the most attractive feature. LOOK AT THEIR ZYGOS THESE HOLLOWCHEEKS Auschwitz residents mogs the average well fed person today because of low body fat Dec 7, 2019 · To be goodlooking you need your whole face to be well put together, every part of your face matters. Yeah, though I once saw two pics side by side of his and one had the high cheek bones and good chin we are used to seeing on Zyros and the other he looked more like a high tier normie. co has increased lately but tbh since a lot of banned incels. I have slightly fat cheeks, a smaller chin, low set cheekbones. ScornedStoic I'd say it's less about luck and more about your formative years. People are also usually extra nice but it's definitely fake. What gives, I thought losing weight would do the trick? Nov 24, 2019 · What features are most important. Shoulder width is influenced by the clavicle and scapula. Chad with the hairstyle: Incel with the hairstyle: :feelshaha::feelsPop::feelskek::feelsgah::lul::D The hair can only improve your look if the face is also good. Sorry to say but millimeters of improved bone structure wouldn't do shit if you have ugly prey eyes, bad symmetry etc etc. troj jej cgelw aqerbik cppwl gos joua pdmej avh vedwlu ieju inkxca yfh ndmge ngaornl