Hoi4 russia guide 2019 very important to keep paranoia in check if you don’t want massive debuffs and lose your generals/admins Save PP to decrease corruption, build offices and civilian factories to increase GDP, decrease Navy spending by decommissioning ships (some are really old designs and aren't good to use anyway), and keep taking loans until your economy is on a positive trend meaning you don't lose money anymore. Next, after completing your first focus Stalin constitution, you want to use that political power on war economy, and convert your military factories to civilian factories in these states. Now you'll see a grid with little pluses and helmets and artillery and maybe tanks. Then in the air-map, it says: Russian Far-East and Ural Region. Your best bet is to drag Russia into an early war (bad idea) or hide behind them until you have built u more, you get a few war goals from your tree but nothing spectacular like the fascist Feb 9, 2025 · Мод Rise of Russia начинается 1 января 1917 года, во время заключительного этапа Первой мировой войны, и будет затрагивать многие события, происходившие с 17 года до середины 30-х, а в дальнейшем и Jul 6, 2019 · 20 width Medium tank division with at least 30 org (they should have SP Artillery in them as well, since the Soviets love soft divisions). Veteran player and used to love playing as the USSR. Hello I’m pleased to announce that I’ve played through several Kaiserreich Games in HOI4, really like how game and mod have really become entertaining, my first games as the Commune of France ended in my Defeat as I Noticed the Entente and Reichspakt seem to form an unholy alliance against Syndicalism so I decided for the latest games I would play as Russia and go down Boris Savinkov’s Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Russia has by far the largest amount of paths for a player to take. Jan 16, 2018 · In this guide I will show you how to play the Soviet Union in multiplayer games, particularly for expert Discord/Teamspeak lobbies that have a huge list of rules and are very much oriented to create the most balanced and compelling Hearts of Iron experience. The key turning point is a the Fate of the Soviet Union event where you choose either a Troika of Bukharin, Zinoviev, and Molotov, a military coup, or have Lenin's wife present a letter to the Soviet congress (though this option is bugged and 224 votes, 36 comments. Posted by u/someoneelseperhaps - 5 votes and 1 comment. Everyone remembers their first! If you have NEVER played hoi4, start with these ideas /rules: Civilian factories are like the “money” currency of hoi4. Hello HOI4 community on Reddit, I created a Finland Multiplayer Guide (intended to be played on competitive discords with rules+vetting). This guide relies heavily on having competent team mates, such as UK doing marines, having a CAN air controller and other minors researching 1940 ship 6 days ago · 💲БУСТИ💲 - https://boosty. And military factories are pretty self explanatory. Please tell me what you think about the guide. I will only write down the bare minimum amount of things that you need to do. With TNO experiencing an influx of many players, I thought it might be a good idea to detail some tips on playing the Russian Warlords. r/hoi4. This guide was built with historical single player in mind, but parts of it might still work otherwise (especially with a friendly USSR or Communist China). TNO Vytaka and Chita Russian Tsarists, Vytaka’s Vladimir has a good redemption story arc, and a lot of him dealing with his personal troubles like his drug addiction, and can tug at your heart, Chita is also the same with its monarch, Mikhail the second being a rather funny but sad character, him learning his spot and how to govern with zero I've been playing the Soviet Union a fair bit and struggling to find a good approach. 0 as well. Jun 29, 2016 · A guide to rushing to be the strongest power in the game as Soviet Union and making your future wars all that more easier too! Guide is relevant as of V1. It's intimidating! Despite the frustrations, and you will be frustrated, it's incredibly engaging and fun. Any guide on YouTube, steam or provided by you guys will help. A small German blitzkrieg guide 3:05. This game isn't for the faint hearted, and there is a hell of a lot of information to take in, so I'd suggest on looking for specific sections or reading this over a few hours to let the information sink in. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but at the same time shouldn't be applied to all warlords. to/embro💎КВН💎 - https://clck. ; About Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki; Mobile view How do I form monarchist Russia with a Tsar and original focus tree? (with mods, dlc's or in game mechanics) I don't find any good mods that give the option as the Tsardom of russia in the Base game (i've already tried mods as In The Name Of Tsar and Bismarckreich) This guide is very outdated though and its not good for competitive hoi4 however it will help you get started for mp. Is there any such thing nowadays? If not, do you have any general tips to deal with the tons of micro, and to keep one's troops up-to-date and blitzkriegy? A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. A Complete Beginner Guide - Playing Hearts of Iron IV As complete Beginners, we have decided to start a video series on how complete beginners will start out playing the game, any help and feedback for the series most welcome Mar 7, 2025 · #hoi4 #gaming #fyp #russia #democracy #china #russiachina Join my Officers and get some cool rewards!https://www. Build infrastructure on the 40% spots that have the potential for a large number of factories and then build civs on them. **logistics** worth it for large divisions, divisions that consume fuel, or if you are going to a low supply area. I've begun an updated Beginner Guide series in order to cover all the many changes since launch. License fighter 1s from Russia I know this has already been asked a couple times but i still cant figure It out. Usually I take my time to perfect my divisions so I can start spamming out the divisions (for inf I go 9/2 w/ support art, eng, signal, cav recon, then later on in the game slap on support anti-tank). If you want a more in depth version, wqtch feedbackgamings new video about fast russian civil war, and just do the trotsky version of it. It's MUCH more intimidating than it actually is. Especially when you win your first war, very rewarding. For the industrial branches of the Soviet focus tree, see Soviet national focus tree: industrial branches Stream Mother Russia by Hearts of Iron 4 Music - Hoi4 on desktop and mobile. But since NWB it seems it’s just coded into the game that Germany takes half the country before… Kaiserredux is a Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich standalone fan-fork branching off from the original KR lore to bring players a more interesting experience, with more paths and options to choose. 40 votes, 31 comments. When you unify your region, in a few years you'll fight your other neighbor, West Russia vs west Siberia and Central Siberia vs Far east, for the Far east vs Central Siberia, it's relatively straight forward as the terrain is almost entirely flat, for West Russia vs west Siberia is where it gets interesting, as there is the race for the Urals Hoi4 germany guide 2019. 3 'The Aftermath of Versailles' (15 June 2020) Hoi4 templates hoi4 40 width tank division template, r/hoi4: A place to share content, ask Well, you can get Yugoslavia through the fascist path anyways and if France is out of the way already chances are they won't oppose you. Why Communist USA? 3 days ago · С началом нового тысячелетия начинается новая глава в истории человечества. worth it if you have low manpower. General Advice: Ce guide est à destination de HOI4 avec le patch No Step Back (pas besoin de l'extension) et l'extension la résistance, on peut faire sans l'espionnage mais avec c'est plus facile (on verra plus tard pourquoi) pour l'Union Soviétique. 396K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Russia and china should obviously not use this. And the guy who will turn you fascist can not be pruged by Stalin. Hoi4 Soviet Union Guide Apple Macbook Programs C25d Manual Free Film John Carter Subtitle Indonesia Vespa Px 2015 Manual Caterpillar 950f Series Ii Parts Manual Adobe Acrobat Reader Dc Free Download Image Transmitter 2 For Mac Magicka For Mac Dev21. Posted in hoi4 Tagged guide, hoi4, soviet, ultimate, union. You don't have to follow exactly what he does (such as the early wars right at the start), but you can turn the USSR into a superpower even before the Germans invade using this guide. I know Black ICE for Hoi3 had an in-depth Germany guide from u/oumajgad. between each purge there’s a cooldown timer of 175 days. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. USSR should be at war with Germany ATM. As for Greece, it's hardly worth the effort given the huge amount of factories you get, you can easily spare a couple to import the few resources you'll need. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… HOI4 is complicated. net/b/Embro_2 Пополнение Steam с 5% комиссией! (Предложение ограничено)https://t. Start with civs until sometime in 1938. They will also be build slower, because of the 40% infrastructure but the 10 military factories are nice though. Worth it for attacking divisions. Somebody said tank only, but I really dont know what to produce. Anything I did not mention you can choose freely. We will go through Marxism Leninism, and immediately down to Left Opposition. use that time to get focused that keep paranoia low, increase PP and stability, and industry path if you can afford it. There's also no land doctrine advisor. Eventually another country like Japan will always invade me for some reason. Rushing fighter 2s is easy, 3 steps. Kuznetsov dissolves Union and creates a greater Russian Socialist Republic. ru/3FRg7zКак попасть на сервер EmbroMine - https://clck. My advance into Russia + the postwar world 8. Sep 13, 2023 · In this guide, we will show you how to play as the Soviet Union (USSR) in HOI4 and defeat Germany before they have a chance to reach Stalingrad or Moscow. Spanish Civil War. Sadly thou there is no formable nation of the Russian Empire so you need to go fascist. Plan naval invasion to Denmark (you will have supply problems if you deploy all of them to Russia. Top posts of October 2019. com Goal of the Guide • Show that late game Germany can be dealt with • Repeatable strategy that can be used by anyone in single player • Win war and peace, get at least 90% of the spoils • Display novel defense in depth with lines of retreat based on perpendicular fallback lines, debate utility for multiplayer Bitt3rSteel has the best guide out there. It's not even especially have breaking, because you don't really have time to finish both trees before 2WK anyway, so you have to prioritize. So, read and analyse the Hearts of Iron 4 Soviet Union guide that we’ve prepared for you. 400K subscribers in the hoi4 community. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. Silent playthrough/guide to end of Great Patriotic War Oct 9, 2024 · Резервная площадка. With regards to your navy, it is worth doing two separate fleets: a battle fleet with battleships and destroyers in and a sub fleet. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio Right wing seems to be the optimal one if we're assasinating stalin without a war. Debt accumulates through expenses. I've recently figured out that I'm quite poor at rapidly building up armies. Convert your divs to a good template, and now you have a very winnabpe scenario. elf Ps2 Pro Macs How do you win a Russian civil war? Question I'm not looking for a particular guide as I juts want to have fun and play the game rather than go for a certain achievement or something and have had a go at trying to overthrow Stalin as Trotsky once but can tell my methods won't be particularly effective so was wondering what the best method to Hello, this is my first post. With 6 political routes, 4 economic routes, and a potential civil war, it can be hard to keep track of what paths do what and decide which one suits your playstyle the best. To help sort that out, I've organized all Russian paths by what their focus tree bonuses are. It's not the rule, just advice from somebody who has reunified Russia under many flags. I'll leave a complete interface guide out, but there are a few things you should know. This guide is going to cover the political setup of the country, how to get the party you want in charge and finally some tips and tricks. Наша группа ВК Discord VK group You don't need to rush, but a lot of focuses are locked until the purge ends. I am pretty shit at hoi4 but am going to play NatPop Russia. by manually justifying a war goal on one of their provinces after taking Poland). For NEW players trying to get into the game, DLC included. It has sometimes a big chance to To make it short, if the Soviet Union does not take the Great Purge, they get two options in 1938 - to bring Trotsky back and get a regular rebellion with a different leader, or keep Stalin and have a much bigger uprising. reReddit: Top posts of August 26, 2019. Brand new HOI4 player here (from EU4), this might be a very dumb question but is the game just all one war? all the stuff i read seems to imply prepping for this one global war (wwii obv) but like, there's no free for all or anything you basically pick a side -> win/lose -> the end? A beginners guide to HOI4 Russia that goes into depth. Build up industry in Siberia where you ensure loyalty to the whites. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by… I know this has already been asked a couple times but i still cant figure It out. Russia is late 38-early 39, Japan is similar. Air superiority grants you a movement speed bonus (in fact a malus for your enemy) among other things. reReddit: Top Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 3 comments After civilwar starts cancel lend lease and get equipment back. I have over 2200 hours and have been active in the multiplayer community since the game's release and I mainly play Spain, Finland, Japan, and Manchukuo. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. Reddit . also you already own all of Central Asia and Causcas. exe file, clicking on Properties, clicking on the Compatibility tab, and experimenting with the different settings. upvotes My advance into Russia + the postwar world 8. Those two countries really interest me for Black ICE, but I know they will be absolute clusterfucks to manage. A jaunty walk through the burning ruins of the old world, the one we all live in now, and a guide to avoiding the worst pitfalls along the road to a better world. **signaling** do not use at all if you are going mass assault. 06 per day and there are no army advisors. Some players have also used the best plane designs to gain an upper hand in the game. It Could Happen Here season 1 ended with the possibility of a second civil war. 3 'The Aftermath of Versailles' (15 June 2020) Hoi4 templates hoi4 40 width tank division template, r/hoi4: A place to share content, ask Nevertheless, WW2 would have got started when Australia inevitably invaded Russia, só it would probably have become delayed, and not really avoided completely. Aug 1, 2023 · Players have resorted to using HOI 4 console commands just to surpass the difficult starting position of Mother Russia. 20 width infantry (either 10 infantry battalions or 7 inf and 2 arty). Jun 10, 2016 · This tutorial series will cover everything you need to know to start playing Hearts of Iron 4. After a very long delay mainly caused by my procrastination I proudly present to you my begginers guide for Russia. Savinkov can ally with Left SRs if they lead Soviet Russia during the civil war. youtube. Hi folks, a few of the regulars from my Saturday MP Game asked me to put together a guide for Germany, so have acquiesced to there request. g. com/channel/UCrsQGJE4EcjoLMyE8DNzbIw Aug 1, 2019 · Well, if you're reading this you've probably found yourself losing games quickly and badly to either the AI or other players. It only had a few tiny boons compared to the other trees in the 100k manpower (you lose more than you gain though), the industry bonuses and great advisors. Basically, if you follow this guide, you will 100% not lose a single tile to the germans. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… Skip to main content The AI seems to be very unintelligent. They produced military stuff. There is also the path in which Russia may become a theocracy, creating the Third Rome with Arch-Patriarch Meletius as the head of state, forcing Vladimir III to resign. License fighter 1s from Russia 396K subscribers in the hoi4 community. And if there has been an Austria-Hungáry-Germany pact (quité possible in such a situation), it would possibly have happen to be a Molotov-Ribbéntrop-Habsburg pact, tó accommodate Well, you can get Yugoslavia through the fascist path anyways and if France is out of the way already chances are they won't oppose you. They can come to power afrer creation of USSR and death of Bukharin. Updated for extra tips and notes through the guide and an additional section at the end. Getting Romania in your faction can help to extend the Russian front lines. Hence deciding to post it here :) It's fairly straight forward sectioned out. lots of fighters and CAS, to assist with pushing (fighters allow your divisions to move faster as well as reducing the speed of enemy divisions and reducing their defence, CAS helps a Mar 8, 2025 · https://ggsel. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. First, send your troops to USSR and deploy them on the frontline. It's in my opinion to hard to focus on building your military factories in those specific state. Left SR-NRPR Coalition - alliance between PLSR and NRPR. He follows a charter totalist ideology of Western Europe. Usually the Germans will manage to breakthrough somewhere on the Stalin line and my tanks are always seemingly worthless at pushing them back. Now of course I didn't know what to do stuff, when to do stuff and how to do stuff so it didn't result in a very good ending to that session. Start building on the 80% infrastructure areas, then the 60% ones. 1, some notes for V1. It's challenging. The troops there will be needed and the attrition you suffer in siberia and the steppes will eat your equipment. There’s several units in every province and I can’t break through. me/ggsel Телеграм Apr 24, 2018 · The great thing about the base game is Fascist Russia is called Russian Empire, meaning you need to go fascist to be called Russian Empire. First things first, as pre-TT, you want to keep your GDP (green number) above your Debt (red number). ru/3GS7V2ТГ if you’re going down the historical route, go down the “center” path ASAP. PCGS Russia 1924 PL? MS-62 1 Ruble Rouble Unc Silver USSR Soviet Union December 2019; November Jan 14, 2023 · First, grab your divisions from the far east and bring them over to western russia. The division designer is located under the deployment and recruitment tab (little tank) after you press edit on one of the divisions left hand on the left hand side. I've used the Dustinl Soviet Guide and I've tried this guide a fair few times but I've had limited success. The bigg Focus order: Expand the RAAF -> CAC Boomerang -> all the foci that give air XP. So here is my Soviet meta guide. There is a YouTube link as well, but I've typed out the bulk of it as well, and thought it would help people out. Army chief of staff is a specialist who only gives 0. Основная активность именно там, так что присоединяйтесь. It is a beginner's guide and is meant for players who are new to HOI4. You trade civilian factories for resources, for license production and you need civilian factories to build things. Hearts of Iron 4 (HOI4) - Soviet - USSR - Russia- CCCP. Most of the other paths and corresponding advisors are pretty underwhelming, Russian Napoleon is at least a little compelling. So Germany you're looking at late 37-early 38 to transition to synths and mils. (Im going for the imperial path) . Russia is my second most played nation in this mod and I absolutely love its replayability It can be a little bit tricky, and the events are a bit bugged right now, but here is a basic guide. When the Spanish Civil War breaks out (Should be 18th July 1936 on Historical AI), you will want to do the following: Send volunteers to Nationalist Spain, you are usually able to send about 3-5 Divisions depending on their starting provinces. I'm looking for a really deep guide on the soviet union so I can really get to actually be really good at a major. I was wondering if somebody could give me a guide, espically on what units to produce. I usually do the Southern thrust to invade Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan after doing the Zinovievite terrorist center, then some FYP focuses after Anti-Soviet Trotskyist center and air force after the military conspiracy. I've already made an updated Air War guide, and thus I've replaced the old video Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. 403K subscribers in the hoi4 community. I am currently doing a semi-historical Russia play through, and keep running into supply issues on my Western front. Accept call to arms, defeat the Axis. A. Only choose the states that has the trans-siberian railway going through it all the way to the Urals where the rail splits up in two. worth it for all divisions in grand battleplan This is TommyKay's USA multiplayer guide a step-by-step giving you the Focus Order, PP Buy Order, Unit Template Guide, Construction Guide and Tips & Tricks, to help you min-max in your USA games. Наш Дискорд сервер. See full list on keengamer. France/UK/Allied minors should be building up mils around the same time. First off to set of your economy you want to build up to max infrastructure in Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad. As for tank divisions, for france a good template is 6 mot 2 AAmed and 12/13 meds (I cant remember if the CW for AA is 1 or 2) (Med stands for medium tank) Probably so Russia has an interesting non-Savinkov path. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio Jan 18, 2025 · Incompatible OS settings: try Windows compatibility settings by navigating to the hoi4. Edit: There are interesting combo's you can do to use elements of both Communist and Democracy trees, but this guide focuses solely on the left-wing focus tree. 0 unless otherwise noted. upvotes Hoi4 now costs 50€ 2. For Disaster S This is how Finland wins vs Russia You can help those tight supply regions by increasing infrastructure or harbors ( or both ), by replacing the current divisions with smaller template units ( 40w vs 20w for example ) or just by moving some units out of the affected region. reReddit: Top posts of 2019   Germany Declares war on poland hoi4 Mask View size guide. Played on Civilian Difficulty. In general, I'd try to attack Russia earlier than 1941 (e. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by… What can I do to ensure that the White Russian Army achieves victory? I’ve tried igniting the 2nd Russian Civil War sooner, I’ve tried being patient and infiltrating more states before starting the civil war, I’ve tried upgrading the railroads for better flow of supplies, and I’ve even tried converting all non-NKVD divisions to calvary so as to make the USSR weaker come wartime. Глобализация продол Russia’s new foreign policy: Confronting the US ‘enemy’ in a new world order | The US is described as the “main inspirer, organizer, and executor” of aggressive anti-Russian policy in the world, and the main source of risk to the security of both the Russian Federation and international peace How do I win the Russian civil war as the whites? Usually I reach around central russia, and then it’s a stalemate for years. Another bad thing about white Russia is the lack of army XP. First tip i saw was to convert all soviet divisions nto One art batallion but for doing this I need army xp, which even training all of my divisions from the begining of the game and sending a military Advisor to Spain i dont manage to get in time. exe file (typical file path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Hearts of Iron IV), right clicking on the hoi4. Join Comintern, but do not accept call to arms yet. I have about 220 20-widths (with aa, art and shovel) and close to 15 40 width heavies at this point (1942). As Russia, your primary expenses will usually be military in the early game, so do the following: Jul 29, 2024 · This page was last edited on 29 July 2024, at 06:54. In general, start building mils about 2 years before war starts. We get rid of paranoia much faster, have good bonuses such as rykov's leader trait and bukharin advisor trait, obtain 6 research slots if you ever want them, and kill stalin which is a reward in itself. olhy pin mzebz sllwu bvwbti omosb crddeuc spoo fdu oetap bczhsc pofu bnsrgv ieag oynpegk