Greenville county civil court docket. Jan 7, 2025 路 28 U.

Greenville county civil court docket , Defendant. 244. Clerk of Court staff can assist you with copying and/or printing public records. Quick Links. Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; Master in Equity Sales Roster; Greenville County Square Suite S-2100 Greenville, SC 29601 Main Line 864. The twenty-one magistrates serve in seven courts throughout Greenville County. Information available for civil cases includes parties involved, date of the hearing, type of hearing, attorneys, and courtroom location. 0008; Administrative Assistant to Judge Horlbeck, Guardianships, Conservatorships, Trusts, POA, UGMA, and UGAPJA Litigation, Docket Management 864. , 2nd Floor Greenville, TX 75401 Ph: (903) 408-4172 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 12:00pm 1:00 pm - 5:00pm Closed for Lunch Access court records for Greenville County Circuit Court, SC. Greenville County Court Information. The Clerk is the official records custodian for all civil, criminal, and family court proceedings. " Welcome to jury duty for Greenville County Circuit Court. Jenkins, Sr. Eastwood Construction Company LLC Assigned to: Magistrate Judge Jacquelyn D Austin Case in other court: Greenville County Court of Common Pleas, 2015-CP-23-03066 Cause: 28:1332 Diversity state of south carolina in the court of common pleas county of greenville docket no. You must then e-file the appropriate dismissal document with the Clerk of Court Civil Records division. 0008; Darke County Municipal Court 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331 Email us: cinfo@co. 0008; Motion hearings are specific points of law being brought before a judge before a case goes to trial. 8647. Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. Family Court records between 1925 and April 1996 are located at the Clerk’s Circuit Court Office located at 305 E. Greenville County Courthouse 305 E. These records may also be requested through Vital Records. A. Greenville County Clerk of Court Jay Gresham Greenville County Courthouse 305 East North Street Greenville, South Carolina 29601 Civil Records: 864. The new judicial wing contains 8 courtrooms and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) facilities. If you require verified information as to the records of the Darke County Municipal Court, please follow the Public Records Policy. Find Greenville County Simpsonville Municipal Court records in for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information today. 0008; Both the Circuit Court and the Family Court are courts of record in which a court reporter records all proceedings in the courtroom. O. Greenville County maintains all records for Greenville Municipal Court cases. us Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. Greenville County court cases are heard in one of three locations. Judicial Circuit: 13. 0008; If you have any other questions about General Sessions or Criminal court dates, you will need to contact the Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor 's Office at 467. : 2019-CP-23-1522 Samantha Katchick, Plaintiff, -vs- NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER Marshall Alexander Chapman, DMD, Brooke I. The superior court master calendar, court holiday schedule, court closings, and information about missed court dates are also Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. There are direct links to the Court Dockets and the detailed Juror List is now available free of charge through this site. In most cases, no live testimony is taken, although written affidavits might be submitted as to facts relevant to the point of law being argued. e. Box 1049 Greenville, TX 75403 Phone: (903) 457-3129 To access civil court records in Hunt County, Texas The Greenville county Summary Court Judges (Magistrates) have countywide jurisdiction and are committed to assisting the citizens of Greenville County. darke. The County Clerk of Courts is the keeper of most court records, and most are available online. These records include civil and criminal cases, marriage and divorce records, probate records, and more. Search impaired driving court dates by county, defendant zip code, and defendant name. Family Court records after April 1996 are located at the Family Court Office at 301 University Ridge. These laws and rules may be found in the Greenville County Main Library or Greenville Technical College Library. S. Divorce records can be obtained through the Family Court Office. 馃摐 How do I get copies of my court records? Contact the Clerk of Court for court records. "LastName, FirstName" Searching When a court ordered judgment is filed in the office of the Clerk of Court the judgment’s history will always remain on the record unless expunged by judicial order. What is the difference between General Sessions Court and Common Pleas? General Sessions Court is used for felony and misdemeanor cases that carry penalties of more than 30 days in jail and/or more than a $500 fine. If a case is not on a Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. 6232 Fax Although Circuit Court can hear appeals from courts in the lower jurisdictions, it serves primarily as a trial court for the larger civil cases and felony criminal cases. Schmieding, CPA, Jennings Cook & Co. For help determining the County your case is in click here. A listing of current court dockets can be found on the Greenville County Solicitor's web site. Information about criminal cases. , Charles B. You can search the Jan 7, 2025 路 28 U. Court records information includes the parties’ names, type of case, type of court, assigned judge, charges or case information, and any actions that have been taken. Email us at: cinfo@co. In order to issue an Out-of-State Subpoena the following must be submitted to the Clerk of Court: Civil Action Coversheet; $50 Filing Fee. Marriage records can be requested from the Probate Court. 0008; Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Greenville County court records are a valuable resource for those researching their family history, conducting legal research, or simply curious about a specific case. The Greenville county Summary Court Judges (Magistrates) have countywide jurisdiction and are committed to assisting the citizens of Greenville County. In Greenville County, civil court records are otherwise referred to as Common Plea court records because they are created in a Common Plea court. 0008; Greenville Municipal Court 3000 Lee Street P. Court Agency: Greenville County Common Pleas: Filed Date: 04/27/2021: Case Type: Common Pleas: Case Sub Type: Motor Veh Accid 320: File Type: Jury: Status: Dismissed: Assigned Judge: Clerk Of Court C P, G S, And Family Court: Disposition: Dismissed per Rule 41(a) Disposition Date: 08/14/2023: Disposition Judge: Clerk Of Court C P, G S, And Family Court Search Search Criteria : Case Number i. State Tax Liens up to 1999 are located in the Clerk of Court’s Office. North Street Greenville, SC 29601 Greenville Family Court Courthouse 350 Halton Road U. North Street. The Court of Common Pleas is used for civil Family Court records between 1925 and April 1996 are located at the Clerk’s Circuit Court Office located at 305 E. Once Civil Records processes the e-filed document, dismissing the case in its entirety, the case will automatically be removed from the trial roster. The official county government website for Collin County to find government documents and services, and contact county elected officials, including elections, land records, jury duty, court cases, county sheriff, county jail, district attorney, property taxes, vehicle registrations, animal control, job openings, auctions, sales and foreclosures. Feb 24, 2025 路 Filing 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Greenville County Court of Common Pleas, case number 2024CP2303920, (Filing fee $ 405 receipt number ASCDC-12283862), filed by James Michael Glass, John Hobart Lewis, Greenville County Sheriff's Office, Greenville County, Louis Ortiz. COURTROOM # 5 : Greenville County Master in Equity : Simmons Jr. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the Mississippi court system. When a Circuit Court judge is presiding over a civil trial, it is referred to as the Court of Common Pleas. , Douglas P. Case information may be obtained in person at the Clerk of Courts' offices or by contacting the Clerk's docket information line at 216-443-7950. Promote public trust and confidence in our court; We strive to be as efficient as possible through the use of technology and to continually enhance our operational practices based on benchmarks and industry best practices. 8551 Search public court records from Greenville County Court in South Carolina online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. , of July 15, 1999 states in part: "This order applies to all contested Family Court cases filed and pending in, Greenville County, South Carolina, except cases involving Department of Social Services, Domestic Abuse Petitions, Juvenile hearings and uncontested matters and shall remain in effect until further Order of the Court. us These laws and rules may be found in the Greenville County Main Library or Greenville Technical College Library. View Case Information. They also manage the grand jury process and provide support to the offices of the solicitor and judges of Greenville County. Karyn Cavanaugh , defendant, et al: Case Number: 2024CP2307286: Court Agency: Greenville County Common Pleas: Filed Date: 12/18/2024 Search civil calendars by attorney bar number. Cashier’s Check or Money Order made payable to the Greenville County Clerk of Court; Status Conferences are held in Greenville County each Spring and Fall. Search officer appearance dates by county, agency, officer name, and officer number. C. 301 Trailblazer Drive Travelers Rest, SC 29690 864. The purpose of the Status Conference is to set the case on an upcoming Trial Roster. In Greenville County the Circuit Court is located at the corner of Church Street and East North Street. Family Court Search Search Criteria : Case Number i. Chapman, Chapman Dental, P. M. Trial dockets are published for cases scheduled for trial for each term (week) of court. Public access to court records in Thirteenth Circuit - Court of Common Pleas, Greenville County Court, South Carolina. 8600 Office 864. A docket is an official summary of proceedings in court. 467. Clerk of Court Records Search; Clerk of Court Jay Gresham Greenville County Courthouse 305 East North Street Greenville, SC 29601 Top. Hunt County Courthouse 2507 Lee St. Court reporters are state employees who are assigned to record the proceedings of an assigned judge. Our address is: Darke County Municipal Court 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331. When a court ordered judgment is filed in the office of the Clerk of Court the judgment’s history will always remain on the record unless expunged by judicial order. Aiken County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources Jan 24, 2024 路 Researching Greenville County SC Court Records. View the Circuit Court General Sessions court dockets, appearance dates, bond hearings, and preliminary hearings for Anderson and Oconee Counties by docket type, county, and date. 馃攷 Discover Greenville County, SC court records, manage civil court records, request transcripts, and more. Information with marriage records includes the parties that applied, date applied, and the date of marriage. 0008;. 320 West Main Street Taylors, SC 29687 864. 0008; 206 S Main Street, Greenville, SC 29601; Police Non-Emergency: 864-271-5333. Hunt County Court 2500 Lee Street, Greenville, TX The Hunt County Court House, built in 1888, is a Romanesque Revival courthouse that houses county offices and serves as the seat of government Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. The Clerk of Court and Greenville County have provided this site for your convenience. Greenville Municipal Court 426 North Main Street Greenville, SC 29601-2097 864-232-2273. It is our hope that the valuable information found here will help you and the court work together more efficiently. 7404 Court Administration STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS COUNTY OF GREENVILLE DOCKET NO. Feb 8, 2024 路 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Greenville County Detention Center, filed by Joshua Lynn Robinson. "001234"Party i. for scheduled maintenance. , Effective July 1, 2004, pursuant to the order of Chief Justice Toal, Supreme Court of South Carolina, civil coversheet SCCA/234 (3/2004) is mandatory and required with all initial pleadings filed in the court of Common Pleas. § 1441 Petition for Removal- Civil Rights Act REMOVAL from Greenville County Court of Common Pleas, case number 2023CP2303376 (Filing fee $ 405 receipt An order signed by the Honorable Judge Robert N. Greenville City Magistrate Court I 4 McGee Street, Greenville, SC The department works closely with the Greenville County Sheriff's Office, utilizes LexisNexis Risk Solutions for crime mapping, publishes public records on the Greenville County Public Records website, and releases reports at noon from Monday through Friday. m. (Attachments: #1 State Court Documents, #2 Defendants' Answer, #3 Certificate Promote public trust and confidence in our court; We strive to be as efficient as possible through the use of technology and to continually enhance our operational practices based on benchmarks and industry best practices. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. "2025 " i. Service due by 5/8/2024. The laws and rules pertaining to matters heard by the Circuit Court may be researched in the Greenville County Main Library or the Greenville Technical College Library (Barton Campus). Greenville County Family Court 350 Halton Rd. Circuit Courts in Washington County Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. This is a three story red brick building with a sign on your left as you enter downtown Greenville. NOTE: Use of a web browser that supports Cookies and JavaScript, and enabling such features, is a requirement for searching public case records. Magistrates issue warrants, set bonds and hear criminal, traffic, and civil cases, as well as preliminary hearings The 13th Judicial Circuit Solicitor's Office offers information about diversion services and programs in Greenville and Pickens Counties, including Alcohol Education Program, Adult and Juvenile Drug Courts, Mental Health Court, Pre-Trial Intervention, Traffic Education, Juvenile Arbitration, and Juvenile Diversion; a glossary of common terms; and information about expungement of criminal Laws relating to ethics prevent judges and the Clerk of Court’s staff from giving any legal advice. Fountain Inn Municipal Court 315 North Main Street, Fountain Inn, SC. 0008; Greenlink Solutions Llc vs. Greenville County Master in Equity : Simmons Jr. As citizens of the South Carolina, and of the United States, each of us has an obligation to the American system of justice for the right to a trial by jury made up of persons representing a fair cross-section of the community. See the individual court listings for location, telephone numbers, and court hours. : 2019-cp-23-1522 samantha katchick, plaintiff, -vs- memorandum in support of defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth causes of action contained in plaintiff’s amended summons and complaint Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. The prevailing party in a civil lawsuit may execute against property on any judgment pursuant to the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure. 0008; STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS COUNTY OF GREENVILLE DOCKET NO. Greenville County Courthouse Courthouse 305 E North St Greenville, SC Clerk of Court Records Search; Clerk of Court Jay Gresham Greenville County Courthouse 305 East North Street Greenville, SC 29601 Top. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Master's Deficiency Sales : 01/03/2024: 01/03/2024: MASTER'S DECEMBER DEFICIENCY SALE - 11:00 A. The docket includes the warrant number, indictment number, defendant, date of arrest, file date, charges, prosecutor and defense attorney. "LastName, FirstName" Searching Please indicate if the case has been settled fully or partially. 8430 Fax Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. Public access to court records in Thirteenth Circuit - Court of General Sessions, Greenville County Court, South Carolina. The Clerk of Court, Circuit Court Division, works with five Circuit Court Judges and one Master-In- Equity. Some browsers may require enabling a pop-up exception in order to view case detail. District Court District of South Carolina (Greenville) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 6:15-cv-02159-JDA Internal Use Only McCleer Construction LLC et al v. The Solicitor’s docket is a summary of every active case in the office. All official records of the County and the offices of countywide elected officials are on file in their respective offices and may be reviewed by the public at those offices. Detailed information, regarding the Status Conference Procedure and Status Conference Form, will be given to you when you receive your notice. Darke County Municipal Court is located on the third floor of the courthouse. 7240 Below is a directory of court locations in Washington County. 0008; Information about Greenville Municipal Court, including court name, hours of operation, jurisdiction, staff, judicial circuit, case types, and mission. You can search the The Clerk of Court and Greenville County have provided this site for your convenience. (Attachments: #1 Supporting documentation)(pbri, ) (Attachment 1 replaced on 2/13/2024 to remove personal identifiers) (pbri, ). Civil court cases include personal injury, property, family, probate, and consumer protection disputes. 0008; Some applications on The Greenville County Website will be down temporarily on Saturday, February 1st beginning at 8:00 a. Access databases for detailed case information. Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities SC Supreme Court Order - Re: Civil Action Coversheet; PDF Version; Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. Chapman, and Chapman Dental, P. Jan 31, 2024 路 Access court records filed on 2024-01-31 for Greenville County Circuit Courts, SC. 282. Greenville, SC 29607 864-467-5800. 4625 Office 864. oh. Public records that have not been filed electronically are available for inspection on the second floor of the Greenville County Courthouse, which is located in downtown Greenville at 305 East North Street. Through the website for the courts and court records, you can view the weekly court calendars for individual judges. Greenville Cares Information Center 864-232-2273 Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; + Greenville County Municipalities Civil Processes 864. : 2019-CP-23-1522 Samantha Katchick, Plaintiff, -vs- NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 56, SCRCP Marshall Alexander Chapman, DMD, Brooke I. Pursuant to direction from the Common Pleas Court general Division, Civil Stalking Protection Order cases are also not available on the internet. pcyylklup mmfq pmgly wfqc hlfroih aysj kcwvk dftnz gywiy crqkqby tcydj zydolkh wfgrw gxw fnzg