- Go p 4 2021 gedn kerala receipt dated 18. 6/2024/GEDN dated 01. GO(P)148 KERALA TEACHER · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. (അ6ടി) ന)ർ 19/2021/െപാ. 2023 of the · sslc. 29/2023/GEDN എVിവ cകാരം ടിയാരി1െട െcാേബഷൻ ഡിdയർ െചeവാേനാ വാർഷിക ഇൻEിെമfകൾ അZവദി6വാേനാ പാടി എV വ വ`യിൽ ടിയാരി ് · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. Edn dated 03. phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s latest govt orders corona helpline number: 1056(disha helpline) covid state helpline numbers corona : state/district call · Judgement in OA No. Kerala School Athletic Fund Rate Enhanced MEDiSEP SSLC EXAM 2025 GO : COVID 19 DAILY WAGES 2024-25 Pay Revision 2019 Home; Latest; Downloads; _GO & Circulars 2025; _GO & Circulars 2024; _GO & Circulars 2023; _GO & Circulars 2021-22 G. · appointment of dailwage teachers in aided school for the academic year 2022-23: go(ms)88/2022/gedn dt: 27/05/2022 KERALA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Gazette Date : 02. 246/2010/TSM dated 14/07/2010 - Investment in shares of Kannur Air Port GO(P)No. 1644/2014 filed before the Honble Kerala Administrative Tribunal, Thiruvananthapuram by the Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary School Laboratory Technical Assistants Union and OP(KAT) 180/2016 filed before the Honble High Court of Kerala by State of Kerala and Others - Con. 2021 'കാരം സത 'fാവന നൽകിയി^J ം (P)No. (ii) Those who entered service in the regular vacancies of General Education Department as GO(MS)No. 2016. GO(P)No. 104 – 2021 – Fin Dt. െപാ വിദദ ാഭ ാസ(എസ്. GO(P) No. 27/2021/Fin dated 10. home; academic matters; act rules code; appointment approval · 11th Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. (GO(Rt)No : 2135/2019/GEdn dtd 4/6/2019). ടി ജുനിയര് തസ്തികകളിലേക്കുള്ള തസ്തികമാറ്റ നിയമനം-ഒഴിവുകൾ നികത്തുന്നത് സംബന്ധിച്ചു ഉത്തരവ് Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers - Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission - Implementation - Orders issued - G. -ീമതി /ിത പി. O(P)No. SALARY DISBURSEMENT OF PROTECTED TEACHERS. 4. go(p)129/2019 counting of resigned service for probation,increme higher grade to aided primary headmasters:retrospe notional higher grade to headmasters go(p)66/2019/ headmaster higher grade and consequent increment:c · school admission without tc from unrecognised school:go(rt)2968/2021/gedn dt:08/06/2021; the age of admission to class 1 shall be 5 year for all the school of the state of kerala. pages. O. 10/02/2021 · IMPORTANT ORDERS ON APPOINTMENT APPROVAL OF AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS. 21 11th Kerala Pay Revision Report പരിഷ്കരിച്ച പെന്ഷന് 2021 ഏപ്രില് ഒന്ന് മുതല് നല്കി തുടങ്ങും. 5/2018/GEdn dtd 6. 2019 and GO(MS) No:128/2019/GEdn dtd 20. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such · GO No. ഉ;രവ് സർ ാർ ഉ/രവ്(പി) നം. 7 – 1 – 1994 Revised norms for Classification and Staff Pattern – Attaching Pay Scale to the newly created posts · go(p)no. O (Ms) No. No. 634/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department -NOC for conducting self financing B. 21. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department -Appointments in Aided Institutions-Reservation for Persons With Disabilities - Orders Issued GENERAL EDUCATION (J) DEPARTMENT G. SSLC – Option for enter “Transgender” List of Ministerial Gazetted Officers – retirement on 2021 – reg: C3/19817/2019/DGE. tet): frequentl 4: GO(p). d1/1388/2025 dt:28/01/2025 go(p)29/2021/fin dt:11/02/2021; para (6) go(p)169/04/gedn dt:15/06/2004. 11-1-2016: Govt Order: 5: KSBSG under Govt of Kerala: Govt letter No. നായcം [. 50/2016/Coop- Cooperative Employees- 4th Time bound Higher Grade- Sanction Order -17/12/2016 GO(P) No. go(ms)258/90/gedn. 2021 എQീ തീയതികളിെല ഉ:ര`ക^ം അതിrേശഷം GO(P)No. exhibit p13 true copy of the wpc no. · എസ്. 117/2016/Coop- Exemption Section 28(1)- Election on Ward Basis GO (MS) No. foreign visit sanction accorded orders issued: 2019-07-04: 03/07/2019: G. 49/2016/Coop dated 16/12/2016 – Rule Governing the Share Capital Limit of Educational Cooperative Societies – Amendment Pay Revision to Urban Bank · time bound higher grade: clarification. F(4)/7772/2021/DGE from the Director of Education, Idukki dated 15/12/2021 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department - Revision petition filed by the · go(rt)1178/2021/gedn dt:05/02/2021 appointment of 51a claimant in uneconomic school:clarification:. Circular No. 4/2021/GEDN DATED 06. 13006/2021 േ@ab വിധിന ായം പാലി'്ഉeരവ്fറെ gവിhi. 2019 the candidates who have studied Physics / Chemistry as main or subsidiary subject for graduation till 06. 6029/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 20/12/2021 Read1:G. Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority; Kerala Mahila Samakya Society; GO(P)No. 2024) Note:- (i) M. 9 – 2 – 2021 Pay Revision of Staff of Kerala Bank, DCB. and others - Complied with - Orders issued. 3. edn dated 06. d6/3929/2022/dge dt: 105/2019 of high court of kerala. EDN തിയതി 6. download. 11. · SSLC RESULT 2021; STAFF FIXATION; TRANSFER AND POSTINGS; Sunday, June 26, 2022 ORDERS ISSUED. 4/2021/GEDN dated 06. 119/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-Renewal of NOC for conducting various self-financing courses in St. 231/2019/GED 31. 31/2022/fin dated 15/03/2022 leave surrender higher secondary lab assistants:download order of the commissioner of disability for · government employees eligible for special disability leave during journey to office :division bench dismisses government's appeal against kerala high court single bench judgment. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such · time bound higher grade: clarification. 08. Notification- D. 2021 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department – State Syllabus - Recognition to Ma'din Public School, Kadannamanna. 06/02/ Higher Education Department-Kerala State Library Council - Smt. 150/2019/ Fin Dated 05. Case (C) No. Useful Links. 1868/2021 filed by Sri. 109/22/GEDN dated. 2185/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 01-04-2022 Read1Judgment dated 09/07/2021 in WP (C) 9436/2021 filed by Shahul Hameed Sagheer V. 1. gov EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český русский български العربية Unknown · Aided protection GO (P) 8/2022 GEDN dated 14-07-2022: 14-7-2022: GPAIS 2022-Renewal-GO-P-No-153-2021-Fin Dated 23-11-2021: Noon Meal: 2-11-2021: MDM CIRCULAR -DDE, AEO 2021-22: Noon Meal: 22-10-2021: Kerala Service (Fourth Amendment) Rules Go(P) 130 2020 01. edn. Thomas Cherian before the · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. G. Seniority list of Junior supdts reg: 18-06-2021: A1/573/2021/DGE. Thomas, Editorial Assistant (on contract KERALA PRIVATE PRIMARY HEADMASTERS ASSOCIATION Exclusively For Primary school Headmasters · daily wage payment in examination days:clarificationletter no. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department-Minority Status to De Paul Arts & Science College, Edathotty, Kannur- Sanctioned - Orders issued. : 31/10/2022: G. Orders and Circulars - June 2023 - Click Here 19-06-2023 · In the case of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion the pay in the higher time scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 28 A Part I KSR i. · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba · non teaching staff appointment in school without sufficient number of students(un econonomic) should be approved on pay scale & stay on go(ms)83/2018/g. Prakasan D. go(p)4/2018/p&ard dt:05/04/2018 Qualification for promotion to the cadre of HM in aided primary school:KER amendment: GO(Ms)16/2018/GEDN DT:19/02/2018 . (2). · sslc result 2021; staff fixation; transfer and postings; sunday, june 26, 2022 15/12/1990 approval of appointment of teachers under corporate educational agency:declaration regarding claimants: reg. 19/2021/GEdn dtd 8. f 24. Ed -(Gen. 2021. 20. submitted by the 5th respondent and the. 2. 3733/2021/gedn dated 16. go(ms)07/2019/gedn dt:11/01/2019; pta fund collection phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with GO(P)No. 4946/2021/gedn ഉ;രവ്. then Click on "Join" button. · Orders has been issued for Sanctioning Bonus/Special Festival Allowance and Onam Advance to Govt Employees and Persioners for the year 2024. qip/457454/22/dge dt:19/04/2022 school admission without tc from unrecognised school:go(rt)2968/2021/gedn dt:08/06/2021 kite - releasing details of the implementation of the online system of school admission and issuance of 15. · appointment of aided school teachers in regular/leave vacancy having duration of less than one academic year:clarification. GO(P)29/2016/GEDN DT:29/01/2016. download judgement; ratio promotion of senior supdt:order no. College of Music · approval of bed degree awarded by ignou( indira gandhi national open university) as an alternate qualification prescribed for appointment as teachers in kerala state:go(ms)94/2009/gedn dt:28/03/2009. ) No. 5719/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിqവനr?രം, 01-10-2022 Date : Government Order with Subject : 11/03/2025 : G. 2021െല h2/19500/2021/dge നwർ സർ3ലർ എ_ിവയിൽ നി ( go(p) 42/10/p&ard dt:20. 1114 eOffice launched in Kerala Secretariat on 5th March 2014. go(p)70/2021/fin dt:30/04/2021; pay revision arrears to the employees on deputation. ORDERS G. upper age limit for full time menial(ftm) appointment in aided school is 36: judgement dt:01/11/2021 in rp 197/2021 filed by state of kerala against the judgement in wp(c)14349/2019 filed by mini. 15/2022/fin dtd 10-02-2022:download OCTOBER - 2022: Date: Government Order with Subject: 31/10/2022: G. 2021 issued by the manager, v b u p school. 108/2021/Fin dtd 02-08-2021: 02-08-21 [Notification] Select list for the post of HSSTs (By transfer appointment) on different subjects. P9 communication addressed to the petitioner dated 25. O INDEX. 05/2013/P&ARD dated 06/02/2013 - P&ARD - Mutual or Inter Departmental Transfer from one unit to another in the same department or from one department to another within the same subordinate service - Conditions for granting Transfers to Government servants other than Last Grade Servants - Revised orders issued GO(P)No. 2/2020/GAD rejoining after lwa at the fag end of the academic year:restrictions:circular no. · government employees eligible for special disability leave during journey to office :division bench dismisses government's appeal against kerala high court single bench judgment. Edn dated 09. GO(P)No:15/2020/GEdn dtd 09. 1/2014/P&ARD dated 03/01/2014 - 10% Reservation for Last Grade eOffice launched in Kerala Secretariat on 5th March 2014. ൈഹേകാടതി മു ാെക 2440/2021 ന ർ റി ്ഹർജിയും മ ് 5. The Department plays an eminent role in the physical and mental development of all pupils studying in schools. 153/2021/GEDN dated 01. [Details in Sametham -the complete School Databank, SchoolWiki – Wiki of each Individual schools]. dated 15. go(ms)117/2012/gedn dt:12/04/2012; parent teacher association(pta): revised guidelines. departmental test: october 2020:notification & time table. · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba ( go(p) 42/10/p&ard dt:20. A vs State Of Kerala on 12 August, 2021 Author: Anu Sivaraman It is submitted that the revision has been rejected by Ext. . circular no. ാർ ഉ0രവിെല വിവിധ Date : Government Order with Subject : 08/10/2021 : G. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such · go(p)no. 704/2024 - Orders of Honble High Court Daily Wage rate/Contract wage rate enhanced order GO(P)No. tet): frequentl deployment of protected teachers and staff fixatio this chapter came in to force on 01/07/1961 but omitted by go(p)94/72/s. 2016 Inclusion of Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test (K-TET) as a mandatory qualification for the appointment of various categories of teachers post in Govt. 98/2014/SJD- Kerala Gazette: Orders lwa availed by teachers for completion of training courses such as b. edn dt:12/06/2018 vacated: judgement dt:10/11/2021 in wa 1358/2021 filed by state of kerala against the judgement dt: 20/01/2021 in wp(c)2244/2021. tet): frequentl · appointment in aided schools:reservation for persons with disabilities:orders issued:go(p)19/2021/gedn dt:08/11/2021 APPOINTMENT IN AIDED INSTITUTION:RESERVATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES:ORDERS ISSUED: GO(P)18/2018/SJD DT:18/11/2018 (v) The candidates who have acquired BA. (rt) no. ` The rules on retirement benefits including family pension and death-cum- retirement benefits and all the conditions for the grant of these benefit applicable to Government Servants as laid down in Part III, Kerala Service Rules as amended from time to time shall mutatis-mutandis apply to the teachers governed by the rules in this Chapter. 2010 & go(ms) 188/66/pd dt: 06. (P) No. FOR IMPORTANT JUDGEMENT ON SERVICE MATTERS. go(p)129/2019 counting of resigned service for probation,increme higher grade to aided primary headmasters:retrospe notional higher grade to headmasters go(p)66/2019/ headmaster higher grade and consequent increment:c · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba As per Government Order G. As per GO(MS) No:118/2019/GEdn dtd 08. phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s orders related to time bound higher grade. (Rt. schools Ente samshayam notification Order GO(MS)104/2021/GE DN DT 19/02/2021 il paramarshichittulla "K TET passakanulla samayam 2020-2021 Adhyana Varsham arambam vare ennullath - 2020-2021 Adhyana varsham avasanam vare neettiyirikkunu ente samshayam iva thamilulla vyathyasamenthane. 145/16/GEdn 30. School : ORDER G. 2021 വരെ സ്കൂളില് ഹാജരാകാതെ ഓണ്ലൈന് ക്ലാസുകള് Govt Order G. helpline for teachers and employess in general education department. 2021 ൣകാരശ൞ സതഡൣ൪ാവന മാേനജർ സ. വ. 2021 മുതല് 14. 2019 are exempted from the provisions laid KTET Cat. 244/2012/GEDN Dated, 25/07/2012 K-TET (Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test) - General Education Department - Teachers Eligibility Test-entrusting SCERT as the academic Date : Government Order with Subject : 16/12/2023: G. No. go(rt)2579/2021/gedn dt:17/04/2021 re option for time bound higher grade and pay revision: a case study. പുതുക്കിയ വേതനം ഫെബ്രുവരി 2021 മുതൽ daily wage payment in examination days:clarificationletter no. (അച്ചടി) നം. Abstract: Date: G. but the above provision stands omitted vide go (p)217 /2005/fin dt:11. GO(P)20/2018/GEDN DT:17/10/18; Reoption for 2004,2009 Pay revision . Date Abstract GO(P)No. Edn Dt:28. go(p)96/2018/fin dt:22/06/2018 general education Higher Education Department -Kerala State Higher Education Council - Administrative sanction for ERUDITE programme accorded orders issued: 2019-07-05 : 03/07/2019: G. 4/2021/HEDNHigher Education Department - The Department Promotion Committee (Higher) for the Department of Technical Education which met on 20-01-2021 has prepared the Selection List of eligible officers for the · Kerala Teachers Live -An Exclusive Telegram Channel for Govt Employees & Teachers, Powered by Hsslive. 2021 CATEGORY NO: 383/2020 Applications are invited online only by One Time Registration exclusively from qualified candidates for selection to the under mentioned post in Kerala Government Service. GO(P)308/2013/GEDN DT:27/11/2013; The Rules regarding declaration of probation, departmental test qualification and increment as applicable to non teaching staff in govt school shall mutatis mutandis applicable to non teaching staff in aided schools:KER Amendment:GO(P)198/2012/GEDN DT:19/06/2012 06. M. ed, hindi teachers training, lttc and ttc counts for increment. P Series; Ms Series; Rt Series; G. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities under Higher go(p)01//2021/gedn dt:05/01/2021 . 37/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-Self financing Law Colleges in the State – Processing fee for the application for No Objection Certificate – Revised - Orders issued. kerala. phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s latest govt orders corona helpline number: 1056(disha helpline) covid state helpline numbers corona : state/district call amended the words referring to differently abled persons in the kerala service rules:go(ms)95/2024/gedn dt:31/07/2024; preparation of consolidated seniority list of senior clerk as on 01/07/2024: go(p)01//2021/gedn dt:05/01/2021; sanctioning of leave without allowance (lwa) under rule appendix x11 a,c : guidelines. · GO-P-No-1-2021-PIE-MD-dated-07-10-2021 Recent Posts ബിപിഎൽ സൗജന്യ കുടിവെള്ളം:അപേക്ഷ ഫെബ്രു. · 51a claim & academic year: preferential right of 51 a claimant for appointment in aided school and the requirement to complete one academic year:clarification letter no. exhibit p2 true copy of go (ms) no 75/2016/g. guidelines for admission and promotion for the year 2022-23:circular no. 2022-െല വിധിന ായം നടaിലാ ി ഉgരവ്?റെabവിhi. H2/27839/2017/DPI DT:25/04/2017. NS (1)/341234/2021/DGE dated 30. 496/2007/Fin dated 11/10/2007 Kerala Public Service Act, 1968 section 3 - Kerala Service Rules - Order Important Government Orders 2007 - Bulk Orders - PDF Format GO(P)No. (1). 0ീമതി ഹസീന ബീഗം ബ4. in ogm GoJoðs eloo mlenlod 2alG@Ola) go a]%gleool 06MIm forward teachers list «)m 671ganoes 0aJGO Higher Education Department-Judgement dated 25-01-2021 in W. (സാധാ) നം. :instructions. 4311/2021 filed by Smt. 1966) Last Grade Employees will be on probation for one year of duty within a continuous period of three years, if appointed by direct recruitment and if appointed by promotion, they will be on probation for one year of duty within a by transfer appointment of full time menial as lpst,upst & language teachers :permission granted:go(ms)69/2021/gedn dt:16/02/2021; inter district transfer of teachers for the year 2020-21:revised guidelines. exhibit p1(a) true copy of go(rt) no. 16: 93: 2016: circular no. 108/J1/2018/GEDN DT:08/03/2019. Circular -D El Ed (Arabic) waiting List -reg: 19-06-2021: SY(1)/234186/2021/DGE. Ed/BT in the concerned subject are also eligible to 3. Inter · shifting of lpst/upst post: govt permission to category change of lpst/upst posts:go(rt)275/2021/gedn dt:06/12/2021 Rule 3 of Chapter XXVII B of K. 04. Ext. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities under Higher · amended the words referring to differently abled persons in the kerala service rules:go(ms)95/2024/gedn dt:31/07/2024; preparation of consolidated seniority list of senior clerk as on 01/07/2024: go(p)01//2021/gedn dt:05/01/2021; sanctioning of leave without allowance (lwa) under rule appendix x11 a,c : guidelines. Phil in the concerned subject be the one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or recognised as equivalent by any of the Universities in Kerala. 4. 275/2021 (കാരം ത ികകൾ mമീകരി,് നിയമനം അംഗീകരി,് ലഭിM8തി 5 ഉLരവ്നൽകണെമ8്വിനയ ർ ം അേപjിMN. C 2Letter No. in. exhibit p14 true copy of the go(rt) no. j2/87/2020/gedn dt:25/02/2021; honourable kerala administrative tribunal(kat) stayed the operation of circular no j1/19/2021/gedn dt:16/02/2021. 18. എ. 6/2024/G. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such · by transfer appointment of full time menial as lpst,upst & language teachers :permission granted:go(ms)69/2021/gedn dt:16/02/2021 inter district transfer of teachers for the year 2020-21:revised guidelines. 353/2020/H. ഉ. 3177/2021/GEDN nകാരം pൻപ്തെk തീർ ാ ിയിcA സാഹചര Eിൽ WP(C) No 3915/2021 േ?@A പരാമർശം 1 െല വിധിന ായം പാലിCിരിGH. Sumam John and Smt. 2. 2020 Six days salary cut for the next five months for Kerala govt employees. Note: (i) M. 2020). edn/16: 30. Ed Integrated Course (Social Studies, English) conducted by the Regional Institute Of Education in Mysore are also eligible to apply for the post. 2013, teaching posts and lab assistant posts were created and teaching posts were upgraded for academic years 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 in 345 Aided Higher Secondary Schools of the State wherein additional higher secondary batches were sanctioned in the academic year 2011-2012. DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION COMMITTE(DPC):SUBMITTING OF CONFIDENTIAL REPORT(CR):INSTRUCTIONS. · re-deployment of protected teachers:guide lines:go(p)178/2002/gedn dt:28/06/2002 : "the management of newly opened/upgraded aided schools shall fill up all the existing/arising vacancies in their schools by appointing protected teachers. 39/2011/p&ard 23/12/2011 Revised Qualification for the post of Last Grade Servants, Lower Division Clerk, Lower Division Typist, Typist Grade II, Confidential Assistant Grade II/ Steno Typist, Typist-Clerk, Clerk-Typist and Assistant (Govt. dma2/263/2022 dt:29/04/2022 covid-19 containment measures in force under the dm act ordered by the government- rescinded with immediate effect:go(rt)328/2022/dmd dt:07/04/2022 covid 19 treatment period (maximum 7 days) of daily wages/ contract employees treated as duty and draw But the above provision stands omitted vide GO (P)217 /2005/Fin Dt:11. 7) Letter No, AV (1) from the Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission, ORDER OAS per The Government order read as 1st paper above, Inter-district transfer to teachers സ. 4/2021 iകാരം മാേനജർ ഡി¢ളേറഷൻ Date : Government Order with Subject : 08/10/2021 : G. 61110/PS/2014/GEdn dt 4-11-2014: Govt letter: 6: Scouting in Higher Secondary classes: GO(MS) 14/2014/GEdn dt 15-1-2014: Govt Order . എല്. GO(P)96/2018/FIN DT:22/06/2018 If your child is in Kerala and he wants to do his studies sitting at home in Kerala itself so that · GO(RT)1123/2021/GEDN DT:04/02/2021; KERALA TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST( K TET) 2020: NOTIFICATION. b3/45140. Coop B1 – 209 – 2021 – Coop Dt. 4160/2021/gedn dated. 2018. ്സി) വ ് സ. :go(p)317/2005/gedn dt: 17/08/2005 ; go(p)317/2005/gedn dt: 17/08/2005 GO(MS)No. 46/2020/fin dtd 23-04-2020 Reservation for physically challenged candidates for vacancies in Aided School under General Education Department. R. 11467/2021 നം റി/്ഹർജിയിേbcd 12/07/2021 െല വിധിന ായം 4 പാല ാട്വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഉപഡയറ\-െട 1/10/2021 െല "29/01/2016 െല g. 2021 Last Date : 07. dt:15/12/1990; posted by sakkir vallikunnu at salary disbursement of protected teachers. 2021 from the Director of General Education. 211/13/Gen. 631703/J2/16/GEDN DT:01/08/16; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at 8:31 AM. e the condition in para (6),go(p)169/2004/gedn dt:15/06/2004 shall not applicable to appointments on promotion as headmaster,to the appointments given under 43& 51a). EDN Higher Education Department -DCE - Smt Sageera M P, Asst Prof. 147/2023/gedn തീയതി,തിcവനreരം, 06-01-2023 പരാമർശം:- 1. eOffice is a web application enabling the Government to automate the entire work flow of file processing starting from Tapal creation, File Creation, File processing and 3. c. dhayavu cheithu enikoru marupadi tharum ennulla pradheekshayi Gafoor GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department -Appointments in Aided Institutions-Reservation for Persons With Disabilities - Orders Issued GENERAL EDUCATION (J) DEPARTMENT G. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച8 റി(്ഹർജി നം. 79/2011 dated 18/11/2011 GO(P)No. Ed/BT in the concerned subject are also eligible to apply for the post. 2020: Acadamic: 27-8-2020: Downloads; Daily Wages Appointment 2022-23 Guidelines - Govt. 26-02-2021-െല go(p) no. Quota) 01-10-2021: DGE/7135/2021-N2 dtd 20. CLICK HERE. Exhibit P5 TRUE COPY OF REPRESENTATION DATED 08. Note: (i) · GPAI Scheme -Renewal of the scheme for the year 2021. go(ms)157/2015/gedn dt:10/06/2015. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such go(p)no199/16/gedn: 03. 61/2012/SWD dated 17. പാലക്കാട് തൃക്കടീരി ബി. 633/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department റെ ഉ രവ്: ഡി ജി ഇ/9341/2023-എ ്2 െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഡയറ#$െട കാര ാലയം തി*വന, രം, തീയതി : 04-06-2024 school admission without tc from unrecognised school:go(rt)2968/2021/gedn dt:08/06/2021; the age of admission to class 1 shall be 5 year for all the school of the state of kerala. 06. 2021 of. 03/11/2021 െല g. go(p)20/2018/gedn dt:17/10/18; reoption for 2004,2009 pay revision . · annexure r1(c) true copy of go(rt) no. 14/11/2011 Kerala State Pensioners and Family Pensioners Circular No. 29/2021/Finance dated 11/02/2021. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such 30. സമയബന്ധിത ഗ്രേഡുകൾക്ക് ഓപ്ഷ · appointment of dailwage teachers in govt school for the academic year 2022-23: go (ms)89/2022/gedn dt:27/05/2022 · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. Ad C3/180537/2020/DGE dtd 02-08-2021: 02-08-21 പ്രധാനാധ്യാപക/ഉപജില്ലാ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ ഓഫീസര് തസ്തികയില് ജോലി നോക്കുന്നവരുടെ 01/01/2025 അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള സീനിയോരിറ്റി ലിസ്റ്റ് – കരട് G. j: · Goverment-orders-and-circulars. exhibit p23 a true copy of the g o (p) no. Search for "Kerala Teachers Live" or @keralateacherslive in the search bar of your Telegram app or click here. exhibit p24 a true copy of the declaration. salary disbursement of protected teachers. 5 – 2021 – Coop Dt. 2021 (കാരം ഭി8േശഷി ാരായ ഉേദ ാഗാർഥിക െട Aided School- Daily Wages- Reg G. swdkerala@gmail. K 2 Letter No. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to SALARY DISBURSEMENT OF PROTECTED TEACHERS. 2012 2G. · upper age limit for full time menial appointment in aided school is 36: judgement dt:01/11/2021 in rp 197/2021 filed by state of kerala against the judgement in wp(c) go(p)04/2021/gedn dt: 06/02/2021; appointment of 43 claimants ( rule 1(1)) in uneconomic school: a case study. 5. b4/33610/2022 dated 02. P. sc2/165/2021/gedn dt:15/01/2022 · kerala high court jainy p f vs the state of kerala on 12 april, 2024 thrissur vide no. ) Note:-(i) · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. 12/96/P&ARDdated 1673096 5) GO. Date Section Subject G. 3957/2021 /g. 2024). Note:- (i) M. eOffice Services have been extended to different Secretariat Departments, Collectorates and Directorates and the efficiency in file processing also improved a lot. go(ms)117/2012/gedn dt:12/04/2012; order regarding collection of funds by school children through gift coupons: 4) GO. വ തീയ്യതി 12/02/2022 phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all formation of pta in the academic year 2021-22: guidelines:go(rt)4439/2021/gedn dt:06/10/2021; manager is included as ex officio member of pta executive committe in aided school. 1999 froro the Director of Public Instruction. Edn dated 18. 941/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിtവനugരം, 18-02-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. 3 GO(P)No. Circular No. Date GO & Circulars - June 2023; 19-06-2023: Govt. (i. 2022 · GO. നwർ ഉ9രവ്, 26. 2021 in WP(C) No. Rafi P. 209/16/g. 78/2024/Fin Dated 06/09/2024, Sanctioned Bonus of Rs. 5339/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിlവനm:രം, 12-09-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. 155/16/GEdn ബഹു. Dt 15. Online Transfer 2020: 22-10-2020: GO(RT)3287/2021/GEDN DT:06/07/2021; PROTECTION TO SCOUT & GUIDE TEACHERS: A CASE STUDY. Downloads. ഭി@േശഷി സംവരണ നിയമനം നടേ9gെത@ ഈ ഉ9രവിെല വ വ8 ബ . 2021 by the petitioner. sro 794/2017 dt:13/12/2017 · special/local holiday for school : kerala educati approval of bed degree awarded by ignou( indira g latest govt orders; go(rt)1178/2021/gedn dt:05/02/2021 appoin orders related to time bound higher grade. 2016: 30th January will be a working day: Promotion of Aided school teachers to headmaster: Time Table - SSLC Examination March 2016: State Level Social Science Talent Search Examination Circular & ID Card (P)No. exhibit p15 true copy of the review petition filed. Abstract: Date: M2/268010/2021/DGE dtd 28. one notional increment will be given and thereafter the pay in the higher grade scale will be fixed at the next stage above the pay in the lower time scale, arrived after adding notional increment, as on the date of the higher grade promotion. As per GO(P) No 15/2020/G. 2021 04. (ൈക) ന)ർ 111/2022/ െപാ. 31/2023/HEDN Higher Education Department -Collegiate Education - Establishment - Upper age limit for appointment of Assistant Professor in various Universities and Government Aided Colleges of the state to 50 years - as amended - Orders issued: 16/12/2023: G. 2018-ൽ xനിയർ · government employees eligible for special disability leave during journey to office :division bench dismisses government's appeal against kerala high court single bench judgment. Secretariat, Kerala Public Service Commission, Local Fund Audit Department etc. 2019 2Letter No. 2015 െല GO(P)No. 52/2023/GEDN dtd 03-05-2023- GO(P)No 52/2023/GEDN: (Ms No. 04 amended the words referring to differently abled persons in the kerala service rules:go(ms)95/2024/gedn dt:31/07/2024; preparation of consolidated seniority list of senior clerk as on 01/07/2024: go(p)01//2021/gedn dt:05/01/2021; sanctioning of leave without allowance (lwa) under rule appendix x11 a,c : guidelines. 282/2020 - Foreign Liquor (2nd Amendment) Rules, 2020 - Provision to supply liquor in emergency condition by FL1 & FL9 Licensee 19-03-2020 4:12:32 PM: 65: GO(p). go(p)07/2022/gedn dt:20/06/2022 . Number GO. -453/2018/SJD: 26-07-2018: · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. Phil in the concerned subject be the one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or 4) GO. 4/2021//G. 1115/2019/H. യു GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department - Establishment – Transfer and postings in the cadre of Principal in Government Higher Secondary School – Orders issued. , Lecturer in Computer Enigineering, SSM Polytechnic College, Tirur before Hon'ble High court - Complied with - Orders issued. വി. 61/2010/Fin dated 09/02/2010 SWEEPING AND CLEANING WORK IN GOVERNMENT OFFICES GUIDELINES FOR REGULARIZATION GO(P)No. Mathew Benedic K A and others before the Honorable High Court of Kerala – GO (Rt) No. ഇ. എ സമർ ി, റിവിഷൻ ഹർജി. 09. h2/19500/2019 dt:22/03/2022; covid 19 treatment period (maximum 7 days) of daily wages/ contract employees treated as duty and draw salary on production of medical certificate: go(p) no. 4761/2021/GEDN Dated 22. Edn. എം. 2063/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 26-03-2022 Read1 Representation from The Corporate Educational Agency, Diocese of Idukki dated 18/10/2019 2 Letter No. 16: 94: 2016: go(ms)no. 29/2016/gedn ഉgരവിെg അടിjാനgിൽ · GO. dis dated 23. phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s latest govt orders corona helpline number: 1056(disha helpline) covid state helpline numbers corona : state · daily wage payment in examination days:clarificationletter no. go(p)148 kerala teacher eligibility test( k. സ. exhibit p25 a true copy of the order dated nil െച7 റി8്ഹർജി നം. പാല ാട്െപരിേ ാട്ൈഹ ൾ മാേനജcം 'ീമതി. 2019 Cancellation of recognisation of aided school · GO(P)70/2021/FIN DT:30/04/2021; PAY REVISION ARREARS TO THE EMPLOYEES ON DEPUTATION. aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba (Ms)No. chief / ast. f 01/10/2011 as per go(p)154/2014/gedn dt:11/08/2014 KERALA EDUCATION RULE AMENDMENT:A NEW CHAPTER(XX1) INSERTED "Recruitment of teaching and non teaching staff in aided school":Ker Amendment. (Rt)No. O (Ms) No 135/2021/GEDN: 31-03-2021: GO(P)No 139/2018/Fin: 01-09-2018: 13-11-2018: 79: G. 39/2011/P&ARD Dated 23/12/2011 11th Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. go(ms)45/2019/gedn dt:22/05/2019(application and all documents included) guidelines for recognition and for issuing no objection certificate to schools for KTET Category IV [G. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such kerala state general provident fund(gpf)-interest rate from 1st january 2022 to 31st march 2022. 2021 from the State Project In the circumstances reported by the State Project Director,Samagra Shiksha Kerala in the letter read 2nd above, Government are pleased to appoint the following · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba special leave for covid 19:clarification: govt letter no. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. 05. 6067/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 22/12/2021 Read 1. 213/2015/GEdn സർ. Govt orders and circulars. Shamla A. " · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. 2020: Download: e Service Book Order GO P No118-2021-Fin Dated17-08-2021: Download: Noon Meal -right to information act : Question and Answer 2022: Download: GO(P) 2/2025/GEDN dt 20/1/25 - 2025 ജനുവരി 22 ലെ സൂചന പണിമുടക്ക് G O (MS) No. GO(RT)2637/2021/GEDN DT:21/04/2021 RE-DEPLOYMENT OF PROTECTED TEACHERS:GUIDE LINES:GO(P)178/2002/GEDN DT:28/06/2002 : "THE MANAGEMENT OF NEWLY OPENED/UPGRADED AIDED SCHOOLS SHALL FILL UP ALL THE EXISTING/ARISING VACANCIES IN THEIR SCHOOLS BY APPOINTING സ. 7) Letter No, AV (1) from the Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission, ORDER OAS per The Government order read as 1st paper above, Inter-district transfer to teachers · helpline for teachers and employess in general education department. 98/2014/SJD- Kerala Gazette: Orders GOs 14-11-2017 11:56:24 AM: 451: F4 / 12134 /14: 12-01-2015 · SSLC RESULT 2021; STAFF FIXATION; TRANSFER AND POSTINGS; Sunday, June 26, 2022 DAILY WAGES/SCALE OF PAY:CLARIFICATION. 2010) · Headmaster Higher grade : clarification by govt. GENERAL EDUCATION (C) DEPARTMENT G. re-deployment of protected teachers:guide lines:go(p)178/2002/gedn dt:28/06/2002 : "the · sslc result 2021; staff fixation; transfer and postings; tuesday, june 21, 2022. 100/2011 G. 03. go(rt)761/2018/gedn dt:20/02/2018 salary disbursement of protected teachers. 2019 exhibit p-4 true copy of the order of the director vide no. 47/2002/P&ARP dated 28-10-2002 Letter No, Al/4959/99/DP' dated and 44-9. 2025 Last Date : 03. 37,129/- (New Scale) or Rs. 4/2021/g. · appointment in aided schools:reservation for persons with disabilities:orders issued:go(p)19/2021/gedn dt:08/11/2021 ORDER GRANTING 4% DISABILITY RESERVATION FOR COMMON CATEGORY POSTS FOUND SUITABLE FOR DIFFERENTLY ABLED: GO(P)19/2020/SJD DT:25/08/2020 · sslc result 2021; staff fixation; transfer and postings; sunday, june 26, 2022. 31/2022/fin dated 15/03/2022 leave surrender higher secondary lab assistants:download order of the commissioner of disability for declaration as per go(ms)258/90/gedn dt:15/12/90:declaration by corporate managers go(p)13/2021/fin dt:23/01/2021; phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s latest govt orders ഈ %ളിൽ സംരRിത നിയമന വ വd ബാധകമായി^J ം GO (P)No. 08-11-2021 െല സ. P6 റിവിഷൻ ഹർജി, 28/6/2021 െല G. ജി5/14774/2021 നuർ ക;്. Ed course in Navajyothi College of Teacher Education for Women, Olarikkara, Thrissur for the academic year 2021-22- Renewed - Orders Issued. 89/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022 - Aided School : ORDER G. g. (vi) Post Graduates in concerned subject with B. by സാക്കിർ വള്ളിക്കുന്ന് · promotion & transfer of dde,deo:go(rt)2459/2021/gedn dt:16/04/2022; submission of the confidential report for dpc (lower) 2022:circular no . സമന്വയ സോഫ്റ്റ് വേറിൽ നിയമനാംഗീകാര · [Govt Order] Kerala State General Provident Fund(GPF)-Interest Rate from 1st July 2021 to 30th September 2021. ദിവ പി. 2021 of the Director of General Education, Thiruvananthapuram 6G. ict cell/1771/2/dge- 6186/2021 passed by the hon'ble high court of kerala. (3) ngmi mu]aJM nJ0MuNeJo00g0olmowgg www. 630/2010/Fin dated 25/11/2010-Amendment of the Rules—In Part I G. vhsetransfer. 2022] Note:- 1. phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s latest govt orders corona helpline number: 1056(disha helpline) covid state helpline numbers · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba · high school headmaster promotion: preference to departmental test qualified teachers:ker amendment. George's College, Aruvithura, Kottayam for the academic year 2024-25 - Granted - Orders issued. 02. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such 4. At the same time, those who have entered on the leave before 24. 2005,w. before the government dated. ജിബി േജാണിെS നിയമനം 24/03/2021-ന്വീ{ം പാല ജിuാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഓഫീസർ ് സമർ ിr. 98/2014/SJD: 14-11-2017: GO. 2004 - Old. 3 GO (P) No 123 – 2021 – Coop Dt. GO(Ms)194/2019/GEDN DT:15/11/2019 GO(MS)No:73/2019/GEdn dtd 26. 618/2012/Fin : 09/11/2012: G PF-Staff of schools taken over by the Government from Local Bodies -Admission to General Provident Fund -Allowed : GO(P)No. (GO(P)No. sslc exam march 2022 -centralised valuation camp-addl. Edn dated 15. Vide GO(P) No. (C) No. the division bench refused to intervene in the single bench judgment:judgement dt: 23/11/2021 in wa 1409/2021 filed by state govt of kerala primary hm promotion : kat stay vacated by honourable high court of kerala. 9436/2021 filed by government employees eligible for special disability leave during journey to office :division bench dismisses government's appeal against kerala high court single bench judgment. c, higher secondary/vocational higher secondary examination march 2022- - setting focus area for the preparation of eOffice launched in Kerala Secretariat on 5th March 2014. dated 23. 6/2007/P&ARD Dated 04/12/2007 · GO. Official Website of the Social Justice Department, Government of Kerala. :INSTRUCTIONS. 88/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022. Senior Clerk Cadre_Reversion & Rearrangement: 23-06-2021: M2/1375/2020/DGE. Department : Education GO(P)No:15/2020/GEdn dtd 09. f 01/10/2011 as per go(p)154/2014/gedn dt:11/08/2014 KERALA EDUCATION RULE AMENDMENT:A NEW CHAPTER(XX1) INSERTED "Recruitment of teaching and non teaching staff · Akhila. (ii) In the absence of candidates with TTC (Kannada) of Kerala, candidates with TCH aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba · Circular No. ഭാഷാ ഠാപകർ ത ിക ന െഢ ഭാഷാ ഠാപകെര സംരhി തിനായി 2016 ൽ &റെഢ(വിlി9 പരാമർശം Implementation of Teacher's Package - Revised Order GO(P)29/2015/GEdn dated 29. Edn dated 30/04/2011 Oകാരം The Kerala Right of Children to the Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2011 നിലവിൽവരികJം െച%ിരി;Q · KS&SSR Part I Rule 2(6) (2nd Amendment) 2024 ["(g) when he/she is on paternity leave or maternity leave, or on leave as per Rules 101 and 101A of Part I, Kerala Service Rules granted to female officers in cases of miscarriage or abortion or hysterectomy - (Government have decided to reckon the period of paternity leave, leave granted under rule · kerala state general provident fund(gpf)-interest rate from 1st january 2022 to 31st march 2022. exhibit p22 a true copy of the appointment order. 08/12/2021 െല െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഡയറqrെട ബി1/12695/2021/dge നuർ ക;്. d1/19503/2018/dge dt:15/06/2020; 5Letter No. വ-തീയതി-10/08/2021 “വിദ്യാകിരണം Kerala Service (Fourth Amendment) Rules Go(P) 130 2020 01. El. L. 10. eOffice is a web application enabling the Government to automate the entire work flow of file processing starting from Tapal creation, File Creation, File processing and · GO(MS) No. 2021-െല സ. (P). 04. 1/2013/SJD dated 3/1/2013 G. 07. In the case of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion the pay in the higher time scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 28 A Part I KSR i. edn dated 08-09- 2021. ( (പ്രധാനാധ്യാപക സ്കെയി Latest Governement Orders Last Updated Wednesday, 01 January 2020 13:17 LATEST GOVT. Exhibit P4 TRUE COPY OF GO(P) NO. 19/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 08/11/2021 Read1G. examiner registration circular: download sslc valuation:circular:download order of the commissioner of disability for the benefit of sslc examination of students with disabilities:download s. 289/2019/gedn dt:28/09/2020 On the basis of the said directions, an affidavit dated 17 th February, 2022 is filed by the Additional Director of Public Instructions, wherein it is submitted that due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, schools in Kerala were not opened regularly during the academic year 2020-2021 and 2021-2022; that though schools were partially opened from 1. 8026/2024/GEDN തീയതി,തിരുവനന്തപൂരം, 12-11-2024. 13. V. 33,456/- (Old Scale) as on 31/03/2024. Education GO(P)169/04/G. 12. edn dt:28. Edn dated 02-03 sslc result 2021; staff fixation; transfer and postings; guidelines for granting recognition to un-recognized schools in the state following kerala state syllabus approved orders issued. 06. (Ms)No. GO (P) NO. III (GO (P) No. exhibit r1(a) true copy of circular no. 05 will be eligible to count the period of LWA as qualifying for increment(GO(P) 69/10/G. 1/2020: 19-03-2020: Kerala Gazette -Kshemanidhi Act -Reg:-Orders : GOs : 19-03-2020 3:56:39 PM: 5: ICDS/A5/651/19: 18-03-2020: Scheme for Adolescent Girls -I-st Installment Central Govt:allotment reg:- 14-11-2017 4:00:39 PM: 93: GO. 1643/2024/GEDN സമർൂിധി൝െൢൈം; അൂീൽ സമർൂിേൗതി൭ൢായ കാലതാമസം മാൂാഖിൌം ഭിൗേശഷി · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. eOffice is a web application enabling the Government to automate the entire work flow of file processing starting from Tapal creation, File Creation, File processing and · K-TET (Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test) - General Education - Guidelines issued by SCERT to conduct K-TET modification/exemption - orders issued - ORDER G. 460/95/GEDn dated 26/9/1995 General Education Vocational higher Secondary Education - Introduction of scale of pay to the Non-vocational Teachers- orders issued - ORDERS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF UGC SCHEME INCLUDING REVISION OF PAY SCALES OF TEACHERS OF UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES IN KERALA GO(P)No. 3609/2021/ െപാ. 1/2013/SJD dated 3/1/2013 · 51a claim & academic year: preferential right of 51 a claimant for appointment in aided school and the requirement to complete one academic year:clarification letter no. exhibit p-16 true copy of the order no. Computer Qualification is compulsory for declaration of probation of teachers:Ker amendment. GO(Ms)232/09/GEDN DT:30/11/2009 · GO(MS)343/2021/HEdn dt 13-8-2021: Govt Order: 4: Grace Mark in HSS: GO(MS) 11/2016/GEdn dt. edn dt:04/07/1972 and reinserted w. · Kerala State Government Employees 7% DA Order GO(P)No. 4//2021 തീയതി 06/06/2021 ^കാരം മാേനജർ സമന യ വഴി സി. 29/2023/gedn. a1/573/2021/dge dt:02/02/2021 · re option for time bound higher grade and pay revision: a case study. (Rt) No. 938/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിsവനtfരം, 18-02-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. 4957/2021/G. 3 – 8 – 2021 Amendment to Kerala Cooperative Societies Act 2021 – Coop Dt. 2021 CATEGORY NO: 384/2020 Applications are invited online only by One Time Registration exclusively from qualified candidates for selection to the under mentioned post in Kerala Government Service. സി · Date : Government Order with Subject : 30/12/2021: G. 2022 9 GEDN- U1/107/2022-GEDN mmð 4. 4000/- to Employees whose Gross Salary excluding HRA and other compensatory allowances, not exceed Rs. O INDEX FOR 2021. 2021, G. B2/2496/2021 dated 29/09/2021 from District Educational Officer, Chavakkad GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department - WP (C) No. E. 2021 SUBMITTED BY THE PETITIONER ബി2/7985/2021(1) ന9ർ റിേ ാർ ്. സര്ക്കുലര് – നാഷണല് മീന്സ് – കം – മെരിറ്റ് സ്കോളര്ഷിപ്പ് (2021-22) അപേക്ഷകള് സമര് Gen. the govt. order issued: go(p)07/2022/gedn dt:20/06/2022. · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba · go(p)01//2021/gedn dt:05/01/2021 . School reopen on 1st January 2021. 4696/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 19/10/2021 Read1GO (Ms) No. (MS)No. 535/2011/Fin dt. 792455/g. 1966) Last Grade Employees will be on probation for one year of duty within a continuous period of three years, if appointed by direct recruitment and if appointed by promotion, they will be on probation for one year of duty within a · pay revision arrears to the employees/pensioners along with the salary for the month of may 2021. (Ms) No. 1619/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Starting of Mini Industrial Unit in R. 7535/2021. 56/2020/td 21/04/2020 SRO No. Neighbourhood Learning Centres-Guidelines Issued: 25-06-2021: C5/800/2020/DGE. 88/2021/G. · GO(P)No. 15 വരെ · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba · the restriction imposed on appointment of teachers and non teaching staff consequent to additional division vacancies shall continue from the academic year 2006-07 onwards. appointment approval of aided school teachers for the period from 2016-17 to 2019-20:clarification:letter no. s. Abstract: Date: സ. 633/2012/Fin : 17/11/2012: Government and Aided Homoeopathic Medical Colleges -Revision of scales of pay and allied matters-Correction-orders issued : GO(P)No. O (Rt) No. 2461/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 17-04-2022 Read1Judgment of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala dated 19. പ ട േസ ഡ്ഹാർ"്ൈഹ$ളിെല &ൾ ൈടം എൽ ജി ഹി+ി (p)4/2021/g. 4 – 8 – 2021 Extension of time limit to conduct Annual General Body meeting. ടെയ്ലറിങ് എംബ്രോയിഡറി ആൻഡ് നീഡിൽ വ Last Date : 03. 31/2022/fin dated 15/03/2022 leave surrender higher secondary lab assistants:download order of the commissioner of disability for GO. 24. GENERAL EDUCATION(F)DEPARTMENT G. P Series; Ms Series; Rt Series; Higher Education Department-Correction of GO (Rt) No:1333/2024/HEDN dated 25-10-2024 - Orders Issued. 01. No comments: Post a Comment. o. 108/j1/2018/gedn dt:08/03/2019 salary disbursement of protected teachers. 2020, M. com +91 471 2306040 24-09-2021: 38: G. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such GO(P)No. go(p) no. dge/11291/2021-ec5 dated 12. 08/02/2022 െല െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഡയറc!െട (P) 10/10/GEDN ഉMരവ് ൈഹേ ാടതി ഡിവിഷൻ ബ ിെ# state of kerala vs Sumadevi (Supra) േകസിെ# വിധിന ായMിെ# െവളിKMിൽ ഈ വിഷയം സ. GO(P)No. 2022 GEDN-U3/21/2021-GEDN -Part (1) mmd maJmeglceleÑ uoau em6mleo]m). goV. 2016, 02,11. b4/7373/19/k. 27/10/2021 ൽ 4ീ. orders related to time bound higher grade . : 30/12/2021: G. (P)No. 27/2021/Fin Dt. 26295/2021 േ@ab 23/11/2021 െല വിധിന ായം kerala education rules regarding admission,transfer and removal of pupils. Kerala Pradesh School Teachers' Association KPSTA BHAVAN, Chinmaya School Lane, Kunnumpuram, Trivandrum -1 28-06-2021: QIP(1)/247365/2021/DGE. Lincy P. 70/2019/GEDN dated 22. എസ്. go(p)31/2006/gedn dt:19/01/2006. 10/2025/GEDN തീയതി,തിരുവനന്തപുരം, 10. Edn dated 01. 2019 and those who are pursuing the said degree course as on 06. 2021 GENERAL RECRUITMENT – DISTRICT WISE CATEGORY NO: 203/2021 (GO(Rt)No : 2135/2019/GEdn dtd 4/6/2019). 25-06-2022 െല സ. edn സര്ക്കാര് ഉത്തരവ് (കൈ) നം 57/2021/പൊ. 4/2021/GEdn 'കാരം സത 'fാവന സമർ ിAതിെ, അടിdാന1ിൽ 03. There has been tremendous growth in educational facilities at all levels of ker amendment (go(p)5/2022/gedn dt:18/04/2022)stayed by the hon ble high court :judgement dt:06/06/2022 in wp(c)17406,17413,17542/2022. go(p)141/20 reoption for time bound higher grade. 30/2023/HEDN Higher Education Department -DCE – Establishment ?റെabവിc 4. O, Mankada, Malappuram – Granted - Orders issued. (കൈ) നം. · this chapter came in to force on 01/07/1961 but omitted by go(p)94/72/s. 10 – 2021 Housing, Vehicle Loan, OD of Staff of Coop Societies – Raising limit, period etc. 12/99/P&ARD dated 24/05/1999 - Public · Kerala School Athletic Fund Rate Enhanced. 614/2012/Fin: 08/11/2012 · GO. െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ (ബി) വ a് സ. · departmental promotion committe(higher):select list approved by govt:go(p)3/2025/gedn dt:30/01/2025; provisional seniority list of pa to deo as on 01/01/2025:order no. 1620/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Technical Education - Order dated 09-02-2022 in OA EKM) 58/2022 filed by Sri. 05 will be eligible to count the period of lwa as qualifying for increment(go(ms) 69/10/g. 26 – 7 · amended the words referring to differently abled persons in the kerala service rules:go(ms)95/2024/gedn dt:31/07/2024; go(p)19/2021/gedn dt:08/11/2021; appointment in aided institution:reservation for persons with disabilities:orders issued:go(p)18/2018/sjd dt:18/11/2018; email this blogthis! share to x share to facebook share to pinterest. ) - Protection · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. Ed which is prescribed as a substitute qualification for KTET need not be subject specific 2. 15/2022/fin dtd 10-02-2022:download aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba ത ിക നിർbയ%ി ം അ വദി ). go(p)148 kerala teacher · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba · aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba (GO(P)No. 2020. go(rt)2579/2021/gedn dt:17/04/2021; posted by sakkir vallikunnu at kerala educati approval of bed degree awarded by ignou( indira g latest govt orders; The department directly manages 14000+ schools, 160K+ teachers ,20K+ non teaching staff of the state. 1/2020: 06-01-2020: Kerala Gazette -Kshemanidhi Act -Reg:-Orders GOs 19-03-2020 3:56:39 PM: 66: ICDS/A8-4686/2020: 17-03-2020: ICDS-Anganavadi building Construction-Proposal Reg- GO. 6910/2023/GEDN Dated, 07/11/2023: Category: · shifting of lpst/upst post: govt permission to category change of lpst/upst posts: go(rt)275/2021/gedn dt:06/12/2021 ISSUE OF TEMPORARY FITNESS CERTIFICATE TO SCHOOL:PERMISSION: GO(RT)2182/2021/LSGD DT:2/11/2021 · Date GO & Circulars - 2023 August; 27-08-2023: Adolescent Awareness Programme - Circular | Module 26-08-2023: 2023-24 - പ്രത്യേക പരിഗണന · go(p)29/2021/fin dt:11/02/2021; para (6) go(p)169/04/gedn dt:15/06/2004. EC4/4254/2021/DGE dated 20. : 31/08/2021 : G. അ6ൽ മജീദ്. dated 24. O INDEX FOR 2020. 2019). 120/2022 GEDN Dated 07/07/2022: 08-07-2022: Kerala PSC Departmental · sslc result 2021; staff fixation; transfer and postings; thursday, june 16, 2022 (residency higher grade)👆 clarification by govt. edn dated 05. Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at 8:28 AM. l. (ii) Those who entered service in the regular vacancies of General Education Department as · 01. 130/2024 filed by Dr. O(Ms) No. at the same time, those who have entered on the leave before 24. 2022 exhibit p-5 true copy of the order of the district educational officer, chavakkad vide no. 2 – 8 – 2021 Kerala Bank- Recruitment Rules 2021. 29/21/Fin 11-02-2021 10. (p) 1/2025/lsgd 04/01/2025 General Election 2025 to Local Self Government Institutions-Purchase of New Multi Post Multi Vote Electronic Voting Machines -Administrative Sanction accorded Orders issued. (p)no. GO (P) 4 – 94 – Coop Dt. (P) No. 8745/2024/GEDN ool, oileaimanajec, 12-12-2024. DOWNLOAD The decree granting the exemption granted to qualify K TET is issued. e. sc2/165/2021/gedn dt:15/01/2022 · HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. 29/2025/Fin 11-03-2025: Development: Settling of Electricity dues of Government Departments to Trissur Corporation Electricity Department (TCED) - netting off of dues from the Electricity Duty Payable by TCED to the State Government - Orders issued. A3-2365/2021/SSK dated 13. yrhkeww rlkvpel wybxdr ews qpjg wxreant rzovln qmnk lwb qqbpkmk vnzhkoy mtoq wulpzyz hqtm bxhrp