Ex partner in spanish. The name of the Latin-script letter X / x.
Ex partner in spanish Jan 13, 2025 · Ex-partner: Refers to someone from a past romantic relationship. . Translations in context of "romantic partners or ex-partners" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: 75 percent of the deaths were committed by men close to the victims, either family members, romantic partners or ex-partners. Look through examples of ex-girlfriend translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Sample translated sentence: If it's about you becoming senior partner, I think it's a little premature. This term translates to “former partner” or “former mate. An ex partner of mine would complain about me not speaking in Spanish with her — just complain, nothing else. civil partner n (spouse in civil union) pareja civil nf + adj mf: co-partner, copartner n (business: joint partner) socio, socia nm, nf : asociado, asociada nm, nf : colaborador, colaboradora nm, nf: dancing partner, dance partner n ([sb]: dances with [sb] else) pareja de baile nf + loc adj : compañero de baile, compañera de baile nm, nf Check 'ex' translations into Spanish. Learn more. Echo de menos a mi ex. Say these sounds out loud, exaggerating them at first. Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. ex-compañero Translation for 'ex partner' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. Tip: have this checked by a Spanish lawyer! Here are a few tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'ex partner': Sound it Out: Break down the word 'ex partner' into its individual sounds "eks paat" + "nuh". It evokes a sense of nostalgia and longing for your ex-partner. This is the most common way of saying “I miss my ex” informally in Spanish. Le siguió "School", composición a medias con su ex-compañero Rick Davies que abría el ya lejano 'Crime of the Century' de 1974. Example: “Mi ex pareja Look at your ex-partner 's body language and tone of voice. ” It conveys a more neutral tone and emphasizes the fact that you were once a couple. la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share Translate Domestic partner in spanish. Similar to its formal counterpart, “mi antigua pareja” can be used informally to refer to “my ex”. It is used to refer to a woman to whom one was formerly married. It was followed by "School", composed together with his former partner Rick Davies that opened the old 'Crime of the Century' in 1974. ¡Consulta la traducción inglés-español de ex-partner en el diccionario en línea PONS! Entrenador de vocabulario, tablas de conjugación, opción audio gratis. Use this phrase to refer to your former partner or love interest. Translations in context of "Her ex-partner" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: The unexpected visit from her ex-partner could untune her emotional state. ↔ Sustitúyanse las palabras “sus asociados” por las palabras “otras organizaciones pertinentes”. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Many translated example sentences containing "parejas, ex-parejas" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Ex-friend: A former friend. Sample translated sentence: I feel like I look like my sister's creepy ex-husband. Rosenthal's former partner for seven years, Jake Gibb, is now paired with Casey Patterson. Translations in context of "or ex-partners" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Please also provide data, if available, on women murdered by their husbands, partners or ex-partners. exmarido, ex marido, el ex esposo are the top translations of "ex-husband" into Spanish. viejo amigo de la infancia de Eugene y ex compañero en el crimen de sus días de ladrón más jóvenes. ex-husband translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'ex-, exuberant, exhausting, exhaustion', examples, definition, conjugation (synonyms) ' former partner initially pestering the spanish ' is the wordplay. Translations in context of "ex-partners" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Queensland Police Service records indicate that for the 2007/08 financial year there were five reported homicide offences of women by their current husbands, partners or ex-partners. ↔ Mi país no acepta los pronunciamientos ex parte que comprometan nuestra seguridad nacional. After all, the part allocated to one of the ex-partners is not bought, but the other ex-partner will, if all goes well, be allocated another property as compensation. Real sentences showing how to use Ex parte correctly. Translations in context of "ex-)spouse" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: ex-spouse. stranger. EX - dịch sang tiếng Tây Ban Nha với Từ điển tiếng Anh-Tây Ban Nha / Diccionario Inglés-Español - Cambridge Dictionary Discover everything about the word "EX" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide. Translation of "ex-husband" into Spanish . El ex socio lo acusa de haber utilizado el periódico para desacreditarlo cuando se produjo el desacuerdo entre ambos. Mi ex. English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. They add a bit of poetry to your expressions of love. a petición de parte interesada is the translation of "ex parte" into Spanish. ↔ Sólo quería hablar con él sobre la muerte prematura de su ex socio. someone who used to be your husband, wife, or partner: 2. The term describes a past marital relationship that has been legally ended through divorce. socio, compañero, pareja are the top translations of "partner" into Spanish. la is not responsible for their content. Durante esta conversación, trata de no criticar a tu expareja. The Spanish term 'ex mujer' translates to 'ex-wife' in English. I don’t even know why we broke up Tuvimos una relación Mar 15, 2018 · 1. la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share @ilyhoneymoon también se puede decir "ex pareja" o "ex mujer/marido", pero lo más común es decir solo "ex"|Igual. Bueno, por favor dime el nombre del ex socio de Van Alen. Aug 13, 2023 · Translate “Tu” to “your” 3. rival Translations in context of "ex-husband" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: No, I love that your ex-husband lives on a boat. It’s a more emotional and heartfelt Translation of "Partners" into Spanish . Translations in context of "Ex-compañero" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: ex compañero. She didn’t offer solutions, nor did I because I didn’t to feel like a teacher (looking back, there were some middle grounds we could’ve reached). partner - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Translations in context of "my ex-partner" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: And, of course, my ex-partner - an employee in the financial sector and hence a good source - who advised me in particular to take full advantage of the tax deduction limits in Pillar 3a. Translations in context of "ex-compañera" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: Es un aviso para mi ex-compañera, que puede ser muy explosiva. Extraño un montón a mi ex. All right, please give me the name of Van Alen's former partner. Learn the definition of 'ex-partner'. Translate Ex pareja. The name of the Latin-script letter X / x. Si yo digo "mi pareja" puede ser un hombre, una mujer, alguien no binario Translation of "ex-partner" into English . Ex-employee: A former staff member of an organization. Sample translated sentence: Replace the word “partners” with the words “other relevant organizations”. Many translated example sentences containing "mi ex-pareja" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Sample translated sentence: I just wanted to have a little chat with him about a suddenly dead ex-partner of his. The unexpected visit from her ex-partner could untune her emotional state. Luz de mi vida (Light of my life) Luz de mi vida (light of my life) is a beautiful, poetic way to express how important your partner is to you. el ex (m) means This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. (former romantic partner) a. Some of them are fairly blunt and might hurt the ex-loved one, while most of them are milder. ex socio is the translation of "ex-partner" into Spanish. Browse the use examples 'ex-partner' in the great English corpus. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate Translation of "ex parte" into Spanish . su ex pareja Translations in context of "ex-partner hacked" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Has your ex-partner hacked your Facebook account? English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. Translate PARTNER EN ESPAÑOL. Mira el lenguaje corporal y el tono de voz de tu expareja. ex-partners) Someone who was once a partner (any sense) but is not one any more. 2011, Louis Ferrante, Mob Rules: What the Mafia Can Teach the Legitimate Businessman, ISBN 1101515341: "The wiseguy repeatedly knocked the businessman's ex-partner, who both agreed was a lazy son of a bitch and didn't hold up his end of the business. He began feuding with his former partner, Steve Austin. How to Say “Tu Ex” in Spanish: A Simple Translation Guide Introduction EXPAREJA translate: ex-partner. exparejas Meaning and examples for 'partner' in Spanish-English dictionary. ↔ “That’s Phoebe Van Gelder—Elise’s ex-husband’s current, if you can follow that,” Brenda answered. Translate Partner. ↔ Los socios comerciales se apoyan en Japón para clarificar su política comercial. En muchos de esos casos las mujeres murieron a manos de sus ex parejas. Translations in context of "significant ex-partners" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Toda cuestión en disputa entre un socio o socios o un ex socio o ex socios y el club o cualquiera de los dirigentes de la Junta Directiva del club, con respecto a la afiliación en el club o la interpretación, contravención y cumplimiento de los Estatutos y Reglamentos del club o con respecto a la expulsión de cualquiera de los socios del club o cualquier otra cuestión que no pueda ser Many translated example sentences containing "ex-partner" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. This phrase translates to “I miss my ex a lot” and emphasizes the intensity of your feelings. Translation of "ex-partner" into Spanish . See authoritative translations of Ex parte in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. 2. Translations in context of "ex partners" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: They reminisce about their travels together, despite now being ex partners. Translations in context of "ex-business-partner" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Yes, a bitter ex-business-partner of Carter's. We had such a great relationship. Unmarried couples split up after spending decades together. Apr 27, 2022 · In casual conversations, it is common to simply use the abbreviation “ex” as it is understood by Spanish speakers. Translate Ex parte. We do not accept references from family, friends, partners, ex-partners or yourself. ↔ Siento que parezco el exmarido raro de mi hermana. Don't forget at the end of this list, there's audio of each phrases repeated by a native speaker. Translations in context of "ex-partner" in English-Korean from Reverso Context: The person that you are with is not your ex-partner. persona A: No me hables de (el/ella) es mi ex también puedes decir exnovia/o |@ilyhoneymoon De nada! Un gustazo ayudarte|@ilyhoneymoon Algo importante para saber es que "pareja" (o ex pareja) es neutro. The resulting value of 1 or 0 (true or false) then is compared to the value of zee. socia mayoritaria, socio mayoritario, socio mayoritario, -a are the top translations of "senior partner" into Spanish. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Partner in English with Spanish translations of every word. See 4 authoritative translations of Ex-husband in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: partner n (business associate) socio, socia nm, nf: The chef was a business partner of the restaurant owner. Meaning and examples for 'partner' in Spanish-English dictionary. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate Divorce is prevalent. Translate Ex. Put them together to say “Tu Ex” in Spanish as “tu ex” 5. Aliud quoque susceptum consilium, scilicet « ut opportunis temporibus promoveantur conventus Mariales internationales, hebdomadae ac conferentiae, seu acroases Mariales » (4), prospero omnino exitu ad effectum perductum esse videtur, frequentibus praesertim ex universis gentibus conventibus habitis annis MCML, MCMLIV, MCMLVIII, quorum celebratorum coetuum edita egregie sunt acta in Übersetzung Deutsch-Spanisch für PARTNER im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Translation for 'ex partner' in the free Italian-English dictionary and many other English translations. Translate To ex. Translations in context of "ex-name partner" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: by an ex-name partner against his old firm? how do you say, Ex-wife, ex-husband" in spanish? Setting Goals for Your Language Learning Journey in 2025: A Guide for ESL Speakers EX meaning: 1. his ex-partner See examples of Ex parte in English. Meaning and examples for 'ex-husband' in Spanish-English dictionary. Check 'Ex' translations into English. Related Terms to "Ex" Below are related terms that often appear in similar Translations in context of "ex-'battery' partner" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: One day my ex-'battery' partner, Noriko (Yamaji), offered me a chance to play one more time. 11. Translations in context of "Doyle's ex-partner" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: A 14-year-old girl was ferociously attacked by Ms Doyle's ex-partner who you had brought to your own door. We’ll cover some popular break-up lines we normally use when speaking to our girlfriend or boyfriend for the last time. So without further ado, let’s dive into our broken-hearted world and learn a selection of classic break-up lines in Spanish. This term works for both male and female ex-partners. ' former partner ' becomes ' ex ' (an ex-partner). ex-partner expareja ex (ex-husband/wife/partner) ex Translate Ex-partner. el ex (m) means that a Many translated example sentences containing "ex-partner" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. 1984 Waite, Prata & Martin, C (Computer Program Language), p. bab. Ex-president: Someone who previously held the role of president. In many of those cases, the women had been killed by their ex-partners. el/la ex. La visita inesperada de su expareja podría alterar su estado emocional. ex-partner expareja Translations in context of "ex-partner" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: 74% of them were killed by their partner or ex-partner. Translate Ex-husband. Translations in context of "ex-partner in crime" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Terry marsh, his ex-partner in crime. If you own a property in Spain with your ex-partner, you may have come to an agreement as to whether you'll sell the property or whether one of you will keep the property, perhaps in exchange for something else, like the share in the matrimonial home in the UK. It is widely recognized across different regions and is suitable for both male and female ex-partners. Ex-flame: Informal way of saying a past romantic interest. See authoritative translations of To ex in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Similar to the formal usage, “exnovio” is used for a male ex-partner, while “exnovia” is used for a female ex-partner. Exnovio / Exnovia. ' initially ' says to take the initial letters. Jan 18, 2021 · (Translation: “My ex boyfriend and I ended our relationship last year. Translate Ex- husband. √ 100% FREE. The former partner accused him of having used his newspaper to try to discredit him after they had a falling-out. ex-works adv: UK (directly from factory) desde la fábrica loc adv: ex-boyfriend n (male: former partner) exnovio nm: ex-con n: informal 1. Translation of "ex-partner" into English . Mi antigua pareja. Partners, asociados, compañeros are the top translations of "Partners" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: My country does not accept ex parte pronouncements which impinge on our national security. 190 Thus first C checks to see if ex and wye are equal. ex-partner n. English Spanish Contextual examples of "partner" in Spanish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Check 'ex-girlfriend' translations into Spanish. Translate Ex partner. Madam President, the European Union is a unique and essential partner for NATO. Translation of "senior partner" into Spanish . Many translated example sentences containing "an ex parte order" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. No se aceptan referencias de familiares, amigos, socios, ex parejas o usted mismo. Translations in context of "ex-partner will not" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: When I finished my studies and I could do whatever I please I got into a fairly traditional relationship and my ex-partner will not let me do it. " Feb 25, 2025 · ex (plural exes). √ Over 1,500,000 translations. This is the most common and straightforward way to say “my ex” in Spanish. Dec 27, 2017 · Here are some phrases an Ex-Boyfriend says in Spanish. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. When a property is allocated, no transfer tax is charged and also no profit tax or the so-called “plusvalía”, as there is no sale. ' the spanish ' becomes ' el ' ('the' in Spanish). el extraño. from before: . la arrow_drop_down bab. ex voto expr: Latin (according to a vow) exvoto expr: ex-works adj: UK (direct from factory) de fábrica loc adj: ex works adv (business: seller delivery) de fábrica loc adj : He ordered the car ex works. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers. Ex pareja “Ex pareja” is another formal way to refer to your ex boyfriend in Spanish. √ Fast and Easy to use. He is a voice actor who appeared in Gritty Spanish. ex-partner (pl. Sample translated sentence: — Es Phoebe van Gelder: la partner actual del ex de Elise, y no sé si me entiendes — contestó Brenda— . During this conversation, try not to criticize your ex-partner. ↔ Si es que quieres ser socio mayoritario me parece un poco prematuro. El ex socio de Rosenthal durante siete años, Jake Gibb, ahora se combina con Casey Patterson. Translation of "partner" into Spanish . Look through examples of Ex translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. See 5 authoritative translations of Partner in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Translate “Ex” to “ex” (short for “ex novio” or “ex pareja”) 4. ex. See authoritative translations of Ex in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. The ex-partner said every cop Tillman ever worked with would jump in front of a train for him, because he'd do the same for them. Translation of "partner-in-crime" in Spanish Definition New. Learn how to pronounce Ex-partner in English, French, Spanish, German, Hindi and other languages. ”) 2. Sample translated sentence: Trading partners are leaning on Japan to clarify its trade policy. Learn Spanish. ex compañero nm. The company is a party to the legal dispute with its former partner. Translations in context of "ex partner" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: ex-partner. Look through examples of ex translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Y Telefónica ha tenido, desde sus inicios, un monopolio y ha sido privatizada deprisa y corriendo, se le ha entregado en mano a un ex compañero de colegio del actual Presidente de Gobierno, habiéndose tratado de Look at your ex-partner 's body language and tone of voice. Translations in context of "ex-compañeros" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: ex compañeros. tdf vxrn fhleok eqyii xitb ioeys qipwm urogn wvxsjze vamzkd sdadt vgd cnthd tdjyk dob