Empyrion turret settings yaml contains the correct directive, as seen below. 2 NVMe in RAID0 Oct 20, 2014 · The previous paragraph leads me to another thought, if that is the case for use, could an option be set in the turret targeting menu so clarify what type of enemy it engages? We don't need a rocket turret to shoot at a Zirax 50 meters away for example, a minigun turret is quite adequate for that use. ecf. Would be great. Feb 11, 2021 · If enemies have rockets, most small ships being quite frail, and if ship only has 1 turret, for example, and there are 2 enemies, then it's much safer to simply move the ship than "losing sight" by entering turret mode. Jun 25, 2018 · 1. In addition, rotation speed is now dependent on type of turret (e. Aug 6, 2023 · Empyrion - Galactic Survival. I doubt it will be able to be used in PVP, but it seems that despite the build size being very large, you can't actually make anything longer or wider or broader than what the turret limit will allow, because of the obvious fact that a set number of turrets cannot efficiently defend a really big structure. gg/empyrionNever miss a ne Add a "1" to the beginning of a turret's group to bring it up to the top of the list. I have the settings set to aliens and other factions only, and flown over both enemy types, still nothing. I cannot begin to describe how much I hate the engrish in the game. Display results as threads Empyrion – Galactic Survival is a true space sandbox survival adventure that uniquely combines elements from space simulations, construction games, survival games and first-person shooters. Two artys and 10 of laser/missile turrets means it can take, at best half an actual day of taking advantage of the shield regen trick, to wear a Tovera down. - Fixed: BA/CV/HV/SV O2 Station - No Sound - Fixed: PDA tasks are not completed when player is not seated in his vessel Feb 25, 2022 · Either way I can’t verify why your turrets didn’t work. Most information I have found is too outdated and fiddling with the settings ingame I am pissing off the neutral POIS Mar 21, 2017 · We got the option for: - Mounted Weapon - Turret Need to check wish is wish? i know one is for turrets and the other for sentry, i kind of remember Turret being for sentry and Mounted Weapon being for turrets, but unsure Anyone know wish is for wish? They should rename them to turrret and sentry on settings Jan 1, 2023 · Summary: Turrets fire on targets regardless of target settings. Jun 23, 2020 · I want a single tick box on the device list for turret camera orientation. I have confirmed that the playfield. Jul 31, 2020 · It can take hours of game time to loot and or strip a ship in space Not every one, me included uses the turret tool to disassemble a ship or a POI on a planet or in space. 4: Bad English . Step 4: Activating the drill turret Empyrion is a 3D open world, space survival adventure in which you can fly across space and land on planets. Cannon Turret can used for Jul 2, 2018 · Turret settings I have a flak cannon and it targets anything that moves. ecf file are settings for range AND damage on the ammo, on the turret-blocks AND on the turret-parents-blocks. Plasma and pulse drop shields, then missiles to knock out the turrets. This is a major change. 4) "Easy" solo survival, Akua, Seed 1. If you have more than 21, the game picks randomly which weapons / turrets will fire. it's getting more and more complicated with Jun 15, 2015 · - Fixed: Orbit resource asteroids are not depleting when mining them with CV lasers or the drill turret - Fixed: Do not re-autoactivate chapters that are completed with no remaining repeats with ChapterActivation. Jul 9, 2021 · In HM SP, I am finding turret and bow gun limits to be excessive on my own CVs. Feb 5, 2016 · Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. The second I turn it on tho, I get raided by drones that just level my base before I can even craft a single turret. But im also expecting tool turret and weapon system limits. Adjust the settings for them either in the turret group from the control panel or each individual turret. Construct mighty capital vessels, sprawling planetary settlements, and vast space stations in your galactic journey to discover the mysteries of Empyrion! Feb 16, 2024 · This can be done by linking the drill turret to a power generator or connecting it directly to your hover vessel's power network. Dec 14, 2017 · Instead of one big file that simply overrides the default settings, how about an override file with only the changes that you want to make in it be in it. I just mounted two minigun turrets to my cv. Aug 20, 2019 · I do sport a drill turret on my CV as well as the tool turret. Just go to th May 1, 2018 · I'm curently building a really big CV. Aug 13, 2020 · Turrets on the other hand, seem to be pretty slow at acquiring the target. I had a cannon turret on top the BA that had shot down drones before while I was at or near my BA. When I returned to Akua, a single rocket drone had gutted my BA. To access all parameters that can be edited for any turret, we have to also look in the ItemsConfig. 6 Experimental. But then the turrets go 3. Happens where ever I land no matter what type of predator it will be killed Steps to Reproduce:land in any area where there are predators 1) 2) 3) Jun 15, 2015 · Improved Turret Targeting Options: - Added more detailed targeting options: BA, CV, SV, HV, Troops Notes: - Since ‘Troops’ is now a separate setting, you need to always select a faction (Alien, Player, Prey, Predator) and have the ‘Troops’ checkbox selected as well in order to allow turrets to pick up NPCs as a target! Jun 15, 2017 · Hey guys. Alternatively, you can add the ability to create multiple turret settings profiles and switch between them. Cheers Jul 29, 2020 · I've saved a game (Single Player obviously) to try to demonstrate this turret issue. Nov 10, 2017 · Reputation GAINS for killing anything doesn't seem to be working. Replace the turret and the flare comes back. LoS works well when it comes to terrain, but blocks are largely ignored unless they're part of the vessel / base the turret is actually part of. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Are you thinking of the abandon factory? Want to customize your solar system? Read on here: Customizing Solar Systems NOTE: As of version 4. Reforged Eden - Combines Reforged Galaxy configs with Project Eden. Is there some issue with turrets ignoring their settings? By the way, what does the jump booster do? Jan 30, 2018 · Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Aug 10, 2016 · It's frustrating how current turret targetting always knows where my Generators etc. I think that turret issues alongside the incorrect 3d audio positioning are the most irksome day-to-day issues in the game currently. TL ; DR ; Defensive Turrets having a limit on them based on player count is actually Empyrion – Galactic Survival is a true space sandbox survival adventure that uniquely combines elements from space simulations, construction games, survival games and first-person shooters. However, the spaceship variants do not work on planets. I've tweaked my turret settings to ignore predators, warp drives, engines, but when I turn off "Alien" they stop shooting at anything hostile, so I figured I need to keep "Alien" on. I remember drone raids being a thing, but I always just had a turret there to fend them off. Like the recent solar panel changes. But those turrets won't show up in the toolbar of the cv when in the cockpit. 2. Construct mighty capital vessels, sprawling planetary settlements, and vast space stations in your galactic journey to discover the mysteries of Empyrion! May 2, 2022 · The turret limit of around 4 per player should just be removed. Jun 11, 2021 · gun settings dev side Summary:CV guns fire on predators even when set not to Description: CV guns fire on predators even when set not to. To flip an HV, put an RCS on it, enter the cockpit, power it up and press left-shift. Jan 16, 2017 · im . Hopefully this would not shoot friendlies or neutrals (though I have seen people asking for the ability to do that, when I tried to search on this issue). As things stand, the targeting systems are rather primitive, clunky and uninspired. Oct 10, 2022 · Not yet, had not unlocked them till now. This makes absolutely no sense if you're intending to play by yourself and not use co op or multiplayer features; in fact it harms single player experiences by forcing a friend to always be online with you if you want to construct more turrets. Construction Blocks: Symelite Armor Aug 21, 2020 · How exactly do I configure my server to ignore the turret limit on vessels? What is the command and in what file? Thank you in advance for helping Also, if you know, what file/command do I need to add so that auto-miners do not deplete the ore when they are running? Jul 16, 2020 · Would you guys consider creating a custom alien Sentry Turret model with a single, central barrel like the player one? It would likely help eliminate these quirks. #1. I suppose you will have to rely on your HVs Gats (or Mini gun turret) to defend your first base as I wouldn't trust Sentry Guns. Range given for space. I get this would cost CPU resources, but it's sorely needed in my view. For example, if I dont want to shoot at Talon parties on foot walking near my base, but I DO want to shoot at attacking drones, there is no way to do that. This Empyrion – Galactic Survival is a true space sandbox survival adventure that uniquely combines elements from space simulations, construction games, survival games and first-person shooters. 8. I’m sure you set the turret target settings of your turrets correctly. I suddenly decide to destroy the core with rifle, so I leave my cockpit and stay between minigun turrets of my SV and the station. and the place where the laser will fly will temporarily become the "priority point" at which all active turrets will shoot, ignoring what is specified in the turret settings, for a while - until the turret is turned off! The Cannon Turret is the first defense turret a player unlocks. Similarly, the priority for the subsystems of the ship - first we destroy the turrets, then the engines and warp-drives. xEPIC-FAILx83. Aug 17, 2019 · When I popped up and opened fire on the third turret, the shield reset to 100% the instant my first shot hit that turret. Is there a way to change this or remove it? I tried googling it but the line it sys to edit in the dedicated. Jun 22, 2020 · One of the turret settings is for "NPC Factions", but it does not say anything about your reputation with that faction. Feb 9, 2018 · Hi all - So I've noticed that on my HVs and CVs the turrets just looooove to fire at things they can't see, spewing ammo all ove rthe place to shoot at something inside a PV and POI, etc. :p Mar 9, 2020 · If I am not mistaken, when I go to a POI, and tell my turret to only attack enemies, in order to protect itself from drones and troops drops, the drone ignores the fact that there are walls in front if it. I have flown near enemies and it does not shoot. It is unique in that its bullets travel instantaneously - they are ray-traced by the game engine - and can work very well for shooting down Drones. All three turrets can be used on large spaceships and bases. My current specs for reference: 3900X 32GB DDR4 3600 GTX 1070 M. g. 9 (latest version)? I want my HV/CV turrets to shoot agressive alien turrets, drones, ships, soldiers, crawlers etc but not the (friendly) POIS that have guards that don't attack unless you attack. Oct 12, 2023 · The turret shoots them at quite a range, and I won't find their remains to loot them. I need to power it on to actually craft a turret. Aug 6, 2023 @ 7:37pm Originally posted by Jan 20, 2016 · The result was that the turret go stuck for a while when you moved mouse back again) - Increased overall rotation speed of turrets. Rocks can be crafted into the other 3 ores copper, iron and silicone. 5. 6 Empyrion Weapon Limits. As it is now, every update I have to go through my entire custom file again and doing a diff and updating any new settings that Eleon may have introduced. And that may take several passes after if you stick to topside, or hullside, for turrets. Thanks to this list though I now understand that there is a limit of 1 artillery per hv lol Which is a shame because i made a naval battleship hv and a very small class too and it needed 1 art front and back to work. a turret that shoots pretty much EVERYTHING potentially, but has an explicit priority order. Turn off block limits in your game difficulty settings. Gun Turret Settings Is there a setting for the gun turrets to attack Drones? < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . Will remove whole blocks Will scrap blocks into base components Will not repair, even with iron ingots and metal plates loaded into the harvest box. Now its obvious that the turrets would work using some sort of sensor, which take LoS out of the equation for turrets, but it is incredibly easy to bum rush a turret and get underneath it before it successfully acquires you as a target in an average sized room. . I made a custom mining CV with a lot of thought and balancing for mining, had 6 drills well spaced for easy movement and drilling, my and my buddy started an asteroid at the same time. Jul 1, 2021 · Also double check that your turret settings are correct and that the game is in survival mode not creative (if you're in creative mode there will be no AI). May 9, 2023 · I. 3) Watch as the turrets fire at said May 12, 2016 · Turret range settings would be quite nice, "I only want my turrets to kill nearby predators, so I can mine in peace without running out of ammo". Front guns still allow to see while turret view has a very limited FOV (and ship is a sitting duck). 7. Use the handheld device to interact with the drill turret and access its power settings. Hello, i was thinking already many times how this is frustrating that i cannot set my missiles to only attack like enemy turrets and drones because they do have homing missiles, however if i set it to shoot drones it also shoots and wastes missiles on other npcs that are easily killed by gattling turrets and such, sadly if i remove the setting to attack npcs and not waste rockets my turrets May 23, 2020 · Tool Turret (CV/BA/HV): Now fires an AoE beam for salvage, repair and retrieve so you salvage/repair multiple blocks at once instead of singularly. Though this can be a slow process, even though you are reducing your opponents effectiveness as you fight more reliably than other methods. I think the turret targeting settings ae bugged. On planets range is lower and depends on atmosphere density Minigun Turret (retractable) 950 800 kg 3,2,3 True Turret retracts when set to OFF. We tried changing the EnableMaxBlockCount to False, but we still can't place extra turrets. I've run Empyrion on a variety of hardware, and the turret issue has been consistent throughout. Apr 12, 2024 · An In-depth Guide on turret setting in EGS and how they work. Is this some issue where you can only spawn ships in with the extra turrets vs being able to hand-place Mar 20, 2024 · Also i quickly discovered it is virtually impossible to boost your reputation in RE by killing predators, so i have not tested turret settings with predators in RE. The POI in question this time is "R2BA_XenuRadarT1". Turret functionality really needs an overhaul. If you knock out the generators, the enemy ship completely shuts down, weapons included. I also prefer having manual options, so pulse cannons for quickly zapping a shield and then artillery for drilling the core out. Display results as threads May 8, 2016 · Empyrion - Galactic Survival > General Discussions > Topic Details. So, I cannot safely leave my HV outside the POI while I go in no matter how well equipped and gunned it is It will just sit there and count down my ammo store until it is empty. Jul 14, 2019 · Indeed; select turret in devices in p menu while in/on relevant vehicle/base, and on the RHS you can set the priorities for what it will and won't engage. Empyrion – Galactic Survival is a true space sandbox survival adventure that uniquely combines elements from space simulations, construction games, survival games and first-person shooters. We run a small private server for a handful of people, we'd like to be able to play around with weird ship designs and thus need to be able to put more than the normal turrets on stuff. As such, they are very effective in fending off Drone Attacks . The limit is 24 for performance reasons. It feels like they did not even TRY to make it interesting or easy to use. I still use arty and rocket turrets for armor and lasers for shields but I feel like there's much more one can use in Reforged EDEN. Construct mighty capital vessels, sprawling planetary settlements, and vast space stations in your galactic journey to discover the mysteries of Empyrion! No passenger seat, and yes I have replaced the turret, the cockpit, the turret and the cockpit and done so multiple times while also changing the ownership settings. 4. Sir Crashalot Jul 29, 2020 · Turret degradation is such a major cause of frustration for me at times, taking damage / being killed purely because my turrets chose not to fire is a pain in the rear. May 17, 2016 · To do this - I suggest - hold down ALT and shoot at the enemy ship with a barrel laser. Aug 23, 2020 · Build: 1. 6 min's is no time at all as many of the cache on these structures are well hidden. Rockets and pulse lasers have a range out around a kilometers, so to can try to keep range quite far and avoid damage. < Jul 19, 2018 · Title says it. Make sure it is receiving enough power to operate effectively. prophesied. May 28, 2024 · Also, I have never been able to figure out the difference between a turret and a mounted gun for these settings. Must be part of the new 8. You know there is safety in the left corner behind them if you can get 2 charges on the floor piece there. Any help would be great. Jul 9, 2020 · That's not including the thoughtless settings of the base attack drones that without anyone even noticing, completely devalued entire aspects of the game. turret fires on predators even is they are set to ignore them. Construct mighty capital vessels, sprawling planetary settlements, and vast space stations in your galactic journey to discover the mysteries of Empyrion! Oct 16, 2024 · So, I have not played Empyrion in like many years. A relatively easy POI to turret snipe, given a little time, and my SC has taken no damage, other than to shields. This is an SV that gets 40m/s+ in all directions and could turn on a dime. They roughly match the performance of the originals from the Dark Faction. Description: Turrets on bases, CVs, HVs and SVs ignore target settings, i. I saw those turret I did a WT#. Feb 25, 2024 · There are a couple of different strategies. all the other stuff are calculated with internal setttings. ecf but only the chages and the parent components. Really wondering what 1. Construct mighty capital vessels, sprawling planetary settlements, and vast space stations in your galactic journey to discover the mysteries of Empyrion! Jul 16, 2020 · I suspect there might be a bug with a certain turret as, once again, I've been directly injured while sat in an undamaged cockpit in a shielded SV. Jun 12, 2020 · We REALLY need some "diversity" on turret targeting. Then we can also adjust the speed of (some) projectiles, and also damage, range, etc. Feb 18, 2017 · (Version 5. Base damaga values and discription seems a bit confusing. This is affected by distance from the target and angle. Then only hard coded things that are supposed to have a limit no matter what will have a limit. Camera orientation only needs 2 settings - first being the standard (as is) and the second maybe linked to orientation of the cockpit or x/y axis. 0 you need to use the Server Tool that can be found via STEAM -> LIBRARY -> TOOLS -> Empyrion Server If the Empyrion dedicated server does NOT show up under Tools in your Library, you can install Nov 3, 2021 · 4) With the Flare Test 2 CV remove the turret and fly it around again. This allows quick P menu, select turret, access fire, back to pilot's seat. For BAses and CVs it also means certain type decisions. Display results as threads May 1, 2016 · I recently added a plasma turret to my CV at the front of the starter template. Ammo box and ammo are inside. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Spawn a blueprint with turrets. 5 could have changed, cause I don’t see any culprit in the changelog!? Dec 21, 2018 · Currently you cannot specify if you want to shoot at one NPC faction but not another. And I am Minigun Turret 550 500 kg 3,1,3 False Range given for space. Jun 27, 2015 · Sorry to get off topic too but it's possible other settings aren't being applied correctly either for your server so worth looking into maybe. And if you do use the Turret Tool, this still takes a lot of time. #8. One is to target the enemy turrets, yes. HurtfulPlayer97 Aug 24, 2018 · Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Retracted turrets have a higher armor value. also the big guns i do not want wasting their ammo on predators are space only guns and will not shoot predators either way. Dec 9, 2019 · For example - first the turret attacks SV, then CV, and only after that switches to the infantry. Now, the player could just reclaim the turret - 25% components only, it's a broken turret - and place down a new one, but that's inefficient. Choose means a decision between the normal Turret or the retractable Turret. yaml file isnt anywhere to be found. Blueprints in Survival: Jun 23, 2019 · So, a Turret below let's say 25% health cannot fire, goes inactive and becomes a lower priority target for the AI. Official Empyrion Discord with more FaQ Guide Posts - https://discord. Taking the gun over manually it still does not shoot. To all the people saying just add more drills it mines pretty fast - please try the mining turret, it's absolutely insane. Mar 2, 2018 · # ThrustersNeedOpenSpace: false ### --- Difficulty settings --- ### Notice: Changing some of the difficulty settings require to start a new game in order to take effect ### - PLAYER ----- ### Determines the content of your equipment when you start a new game [Easy, Medium, Hard] # DiffEscapePodContent: Medium ### Influences the overall player Feb 18, 2023 · No only does that ruin some of the original purpose of turret settings, but it also invalidates those creatures from passive faction reputation gain by killing them, since they are no longer faction Predator and that is what still dictates whether reputation is gained or not. Now, I started a fresh game and am lost for ideas on how to get a base up. May 1, 2018 · Hi guys, I havent played in a while and jsut noticed the 6 turret limit on my base for cannon turrets. Don't build your base too early, just go for an early small hover vessel instead, the early game tools are all in a mobile constructor. How do you get a multi turret to work? I have tried to repair my ships hull using the multitool turret mounted on an HV but it doesn't do anything. 2) Edit settings to ignore certain targets. The game features space & planetary exploration, building & construction, mining & resource gathering, survival, crafting, terrain deformation, as well as space & land combat. e. Project Eden - Massive exploration scenario. However, upon loading, the turrets work GREAT for a couple of minutes, before degrading again. So long using it as your first base defense weapon. The only two things I wish for is a secondary fire mode for the turret that allows me to harvest more blocks at once, and I wish it had a secondary fire mode that you had to switch into in order to salvage a core. The turret AI will focus on a single target until that target is down, as does all turret AI. Wood gives you fuel for your early game mining tools. So which settings from which instance is inherited or used, if something is missing? From the ammo, from the turret or their parents? I played around with different combinations and got "interesting" results. Important! Turret limits have been increased to a uniform 24 of any type of turret. I did see that scouting with the drone. Jan 18, 2018 · Anyone got a link that expalins turret settings properly for 7. I have filled the ammo boxes with PL Charge CV. May 8, 2016 @ 4:14am turret settings to only attack drones which should be ticked May 22, 2016 · Empyrion - Galactic Survival. Which checked boxes will have it target aircraft (drones and alien transports) and not the animals (prey and predator) I have other turrets to focus on the ground Pages in category "Turrets" The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total. And you can't distinguish between drones and NPC's on foot. ecf : Jul 5, 2022 · I need to destroy 2 Zirax space defence stations(A small space station without shield but has only one Laser Turret) I drive my SV to blow up its bottom, I see the core and generator and fuel tank. And they don't shoot either of course. Mar 16, 2019 · Empyrion - Galactic Survival. , fast moving minigun turret and slow moving artillery turret) - Turrets now ignore dead targets 2. I kind of just gave up and went back using my SV. If you group them up you can set the same settings for whole groups IIRC. LOL. 14 3886 Mode: Survival / Creative Mode: Single Player / Multiplayer Reproducibility: Always Severity: Minor Type: Turret behavior Summary: Player ship turrets will not fire straight forward if the player is seated in a cockpit, and appear to be obstructed until they reach a certain elevation or if you are no longer seated Jul 6, 2017 · In the config. Mar 29, 2022 · SO I'm a bit confused with the amount of different types of capital turrets especially beams. are, and it's equally frustrating when my turrets are focused on a closer object such as a large turret deep inside the structure, rather than the turret actively shooting me that's slightly further away. any thoughts? Aug 18, 2020 · I think the current targeting options are not half-bad, its just that the turret-ai does get confused (attack that drone that shoots me, or attack that generator behind 3 blocks of combat steel, or one of the enemy turrets that shoot me versus that turret at the backside of the enemy) because it does not have enough rules to make the right Jul 3, 2016 · On top of that some servers have their own custom restriction settings that confuse the matter even more. On the official server I've killed spiders raptors those odd things in the water, even Zirax in their home turf,Rep LOSS works fine but im getting nothing for gains Same thing for the US server except there I'm part of a player faction so the loss happens faster >. On planets range is lower and depends on atmosphere density Sep 6, 2018 · The 30mm Base Cannon turret is now part of a group called Projectile Turrets and requires 10 Cobalt to build. Being shot by things / not being able to shoot things, due to weird gremlins like this can be particularly irksome. Dec 17, 2016 · The "Ref:" part shows the "parent" turret where the missing parameters can be adjusted. After finishing the tutorial I went to outer space to hunt plasma drones for advanced CPU, power coils etc. I can use the other two settings fine. Empyrion only allows 21 weapons / turrets to shoot at the same time. Jan 18, 2018 · Greetings Anyone got a link that expalins turret settings properly for 7. Jun 28, 2020 · Takes one or two charges each depending on server settings. Another is to target the generator. As an example, for the following turret in BlocksConfig. You do not have to include all the lines of the config_example. This entire sequence took maybe five minutes. Fuels, oxygen, and gear in normal loot settings, are not easy on Jan 30, 2018 · This is my SV after dicing with a small base from a flank where only 2 green-shot turrets and 1 red-shot turret could draw a bead on me. They could however repair the Turret to get it online again. The stuck flare should go away. Would be nice if you share what turrets you use and what settings. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Set turrets to target only enemy turrets/guns or thrusters 2) Fight enemy AI ship 3 Turrets: Siege Turret, Blaster Turret, Disruptor. steel blocks, a turret, an ammo box, ammo, promethium built a tower on the top, stuck the turret on it, put ammo box in the base, loaded it, put ammo in the turret, added power ba w Zirax 100 gm iv and waited Turret pivots 180 degrees and then starts firing. Screenshots: Flare Test 1 ship: Standing in Flare Test 1: Seated in Flare Test 1: Flare Test 2 ship: View attachment 92263 Standing in Flare Test 2: Seated in Flare Test 2: Editing Automated Asteroid Drill Turret Settings Anyone know if it is possible and if so how to modify the config settings to allow the automated asteroid harvesting turrets to target all asteroids and not just the rich ones? Dec 24, 2019 · What I was talking about is to make many ecf files like you did with the difficulty settings but for example only with changes for guns, or only for thrusters. Turrets are mounted, guns are mounted, so I dont know what these settings really mean to target so I always just check both. lbona szejz vyab tnqb sndow cnsz oos wocop qtdv ancni zzmkxl ihjiqs vqoj ilmedt uakrdt