- Ea server latency I have the same issue with the ea server i am from a Abu Dhabi and the ping is over 250+ And the server in dubai how do we fix this problem. Thank you 馃檪 Nov 18, 2024 路 ii. What system are you playing on and do you use a wired or wireless connection? Your network bandwidth and/or network latency @Striker9706 @AceRimmer-bOd . Came back an hour later and could not connect to the ea servers. Other countries like KSA ,kuwait dont have a problem. I know of. Is there any other low latency game server host I don't have problems myself with EA official servers, just finding the players, everyones in portal, but we are in different regions and ISP's. Aug 23, 2024 路 Here is ea explaining it from the help page. You can open (forward) some TCP or UDP ports for troubleshooting. Every other game I play like Dota 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Monster Hunter: World, Overwatch, PUBG Im getting >100 ping, I only get a ping this high here in Battlefield 1. The EA Connection Quality Report helps you better understand how your Connection Quality might be impacting online gameplay. Of course as established in these forums, a server browser is the most requested feature ever. @EA_Darko I know you're just doing your job but it's not our isp that's the issue. Your network bandwidth and/or network latency may not meet the requirements for this game Battlefield 5 and then black screen. What to do? Nov 12, 2023 路 I think I know, but I can’t understand how it could be so bad. This could drastically improve your network connection with the EA Servers. one involves how they do their latency test. there is also amazon servers they are usin in germany and I3d servers in holland. High latency. I am playing BF 2042 on PC with Windows 11. 1,I have 120-150 on east coast servers and about the same for west coast servers. I basically tried every fix recomended am starting Mar 2, 2025 路 I find out that the game always connects to gosprodfeapp297. I have followed the trouble shooting advice, such as resetting my router, hard resetting my console and power cycling, While in the cut scene when i press 'tab' button it shows my ping like more than 1000ms. I decided to go back to FC24 to see if I am experiencing the same on any online mode. So I think these two host are game server host. I have a fiber network and any other game I play have +- 20 ping so it’s not my wifi. Again, the weird thing: some days from nothing I got 170 again for few minutes and that makes me really happy but few minutes later drops to 300-330 again. I live in Philippines and I play on Japan or HK servers. Data center latency for myself is around 30ms currently. Frequent complaints from FPS players are server lag, missing hit registration, players rubberbanding around, being killed after running behind cover, and ultimately also the servers crashing or dropping players off. I am not playing on wifi. -Vendcera Dec 30, 2023 路 I play from Greece and connect to European servers like Frankfurt 1, Frankfurt 2, Belgium, London, etc. So just out of curiosity what is everyone's region, ping, average latency, and time nudge on average? Mine is, Crash to desktop Had windows update 3 weeks ago. If you still experience issues or want to discuss another topic, please just create a new post. Hello EA community, I have recently experienced a problem just after the JackFrags Revision update was put in place. When I join an empty server, my ping is 27 and my average server latency (ALAT) is 27. i managed to play for the first few day's with no issues, now constantly this week i have the below message. All system and game updates were made and PS5 has restarted many times. Gokturk5959. RAM: 12gb. However, from the past month, my latency has shot up to 250ms on all SGP servers, while speedtest. pingplotter. yy hh:mm) 2024-09-27 21-40 Summarize your bug Sometimes i join high latency servers , arent these no Europe servers ? How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? No idea What happens when the bug occurs? Oct 27, 2024 路 @EA_Darko I know you're just doing your job but it's not our isp that's the issue. thers possible things ea are doing wrong but they involve ifs n buts. " Was working fine last night and menu items like my Company and rank etc. It has been 2 weeks since my last time I logged into my PS4 to have a game on BFV, I usually use advanced search to get in a game. com set to the server when you play and see what it graphs when the issue occurs ,these graphs can be saved as a jpg and inserted here I'm getting latency spikes on and off and see my player pause and rubberband. because the in-game ping is often specifically designed to measure the latency between your computer and the game A few of us have chatted to EA over the website chat but they tell us to post here and say servers are fine. Having Battlefield 4, 1 and V. Online fifa gameplay is basically dead over here unless EA decides to look into this matter seriously. I personally contantly wait around 5 minutes on each start of the game, just to select the server with lowest ping possible and after a few games a start to lag so extensively that i move in frames around the map. But Latency or distance to servers is some thing people can never improve. But somehow my ping is stable around 70 with no PL at all when riding a vehicle of any kind. I only have this problem in this game i play other EA games fine in my pc with 60-80ms ping (eg: battlefield 3, battlefield 4 in singpore servers and battlefield 1 hong kong servers (150ms)) what is the solution for this Conquer the ever-shifting Forex market with Arbiter Server Agent, your cutting-edge arbitrage solution. It goes on and off, on and off. No problems with other games and a traceroute to google. I do not know the EA's infrastructure and where the servers are but from the latency point of view this is what should be happening then it all could be H2H for all I care. When a buddy in Alberta joins, the ALAT moves to 32. My ping is usually 190-240 and I dont know why. Varying connections with the same experience suggests it may be an EA server or network issue. EA Connection Quality and Connection Quality refer to the quality of your game connection in EA SPORTS FC™, not your internet connection. Meanwhile my friends who live nearby get their regular latency in the same game when playing together. This just started in the past 4-5 days, with recent latency increases on all the west coast servers, some servers have increased as high as 40MS. I started playing BF5 recently but am having around 30% packet loss and 1400 ping as u can see on the picture below. I have the network graph on and see no packet loss, but the latency spikes are prevalent. Aug 5, 2021 路 Hate to break it to you OP but I highly doubt the servers moving 400 miles across the sea is making that much difference. THIS ONLY HAPPENS WITH APEX LEGENDS. Randomly I get 200-230 ms latency on servers. Feb 14, 2025 路 I am playing at 1080P on 165hz max settings using an AMD CPU and RX 6600XT, on the home page the latency shows 22 to Sydney servers and the top right-hand side shows 23-30ish when playing, however i get all the latency and lag icons showing up, happens in all game modes even the training one. For some reason the ping is much higher when playing a match in seasons than in ultimate team the ping is normally under 20ms when playing ultimate team and connect to south African servers but when I play seasons the ping goes closer to 200ms and I assume that it's not using south African servers for some reason and this issue has been going on since launch making matches unplayable. When the 20 seconds have passed, plug your device back in and see if you can connect to the EA servers. Everyone in the eu server latency is going fom 30 to around over 100 ping. I almost always get connected to servers with a latency of greater than 180ms. etc. Noone should use wireless for non-mobile games. On which server did this happen? All. Modem has been reset and ISP contacted. Summarize your bug Pressing any button at all on my keyboard will register with the game in 2-20 seconds. License has been reapplied in PS5 Settings. EA may need to update, or reset certain parameters to balance game play and usage of EA Services. Outsmart traditional strategies by capitalizing on split-second discrepancies in pricing between brokers, delivering low-risk profits at lightning speed. Hi EA, I am using Xbox one from India. I always get High ping latency icon on my upper right corner of my screen. EA ticket has been provided, and closed with "No Fix" Multiple posts here have been commented on and opened. I rarely ever get on the servers with a good latency (30ms). Hello Team Please I'm in China Please will there be Servers that have very Low Latency So that I can enjoy the Game Smoothly Please I love this Game So much I just Pre-ordered today the Ultimate Edition on my PS5 I hope there will be very good servers to play PSN : Omar-Assassin-96 add me if you want fellow Gamers the Hype is Real Hhhhh!!!! No sir, I'm experiencing this stuttering way before the season 8 update came out out, it's this latency fluctuation problem, it mainly happens on Singapore servers as far as i can tell, as I've tried playing on servers with even less pings but we don't find matches there. This issue was not present in Battlefield 4 or even the failure of Hardlines. WiFi router has been reset and ISP contacted. This can happen in at least half my games at times. My motherboard has a killer nic built in. All the servers yield a much higher latency than usual (increase from 25 to 100+). Apparently the same server IP also hosts Dota 2 matches and every single ISP is having the same trouble providing a connection to it. The Download Package Hello i was able to play like 4-5 days ago just normal but last days i allways get this problem "Connection to EA online timed out. Called rogers twice, this is 100% an ea server issue. but since JACKFRAG, I have a few issues that made the game completely broken for me to play. Start NHL 25. But for over a week the latency is between 160ms and Same issue here! I'm in the GTA (oshawa) and using rogers high speed (150 down/5 up) and have the same high ping issue. I thought it was a bug. High latency on the africa server playing on my PS4, I have a 25mb fiber line and wireless to the PS4 is this 'normal' Browse Games EA app Help Center About Best thing to do is take a minute and go through the Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here: In servers from my own country or bordering countries I've got like 340+ ms when I used to have 30ms. I am hardwired but my ping seems to be consistently better over all. ca shows a proper ping but it gets to 200ms+ when trying to ping east coast BF1 servers. any help would be appreciated, I'm experiencing no fps lag. Tried disable DSLL, Intel graphics adapter, optimized RTX 4090 driver, cleared EA app cache, repaired BF2024, Reinstalled BF2024, reistalled direct x. So we only play on Singapore servers. Without a ping limitation or something similar though, As the titles says why does EA not upgrade their servers. For the last week every single game I've played the connection to the servers gets 'lost' - fkn does my head in. I only have this problem in this game i play other EA games fine in my pc with 60-80ms ping (eg: battlefield 3, battlefield 4 in singpore servers and battlefield 1 hong kong servers (150ms)) what is the solution for this Turn off your device and unplug it. Will get you further to sorting your issue doing this. Also many servers doesn't even show the latency on battlelog. , depending on which one has the lowest latency during login. Few servers in Ireland run by bioware. How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Join a server in another region and actually test the disaster of cross Nov 28, 2023 路 for over a week I've been experiencing major latency issues on rivals, champions or live friendlies. Product: Apex Legends Platform:PC Please specify your platform model. What I meant is that some years ago, when I used another ISP, I had routing problems to play certain games (I had 130ms latency to Steam servers while it should have been 5ms), when I played under a VPN, the ping normalized (which was a routing problem as I found out with the ISP support). on all these game modes i generally experience 12ms or so which is understandable considering the EA server is 600km away from me. So we wait without answer… Message 71 of 1,079 (2,851 Views) Get current server status for Apex Legends, Origin and EA worldwide on PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. iii. Yesterday, all servers had full green ping bars. Using cmd to ping to random singapore ser @EA_Atic I haven't tested yet in this ISP with a VPN. 21, it was weird for me to see all Europe servers signals in red, my latency used to be 80-86ms maximum to Europe servers, and North Amer One user in my household will be able to connect before EA is creating some kind of dedicated tunnel specifically for that user. yy hh:mm) Since season 3 launch. If your latency goes over 200ms, you’re potentially looking at being disconnected, so the warning will go red at that point. Hate to break it to you OP but I highly doubt the servers moving 400 miles across the sea is making that much difference. The 100ms. Jun 5, 2021 路 seems to be happning again, i reported it a month ago. Join a server in another region and actually test the disaster of cross continent play. Unless you're on a high end PC monitor your display will add more latency than that. Almost move I make have a delay and sometimes it freezes (I also get the red connection icon). Hi @EA_Atic. I’m on the west coast of Canada near the US border, so the expected Amazon server is Seattle. mm. I sign out of my xbox profile to sign back in. e. The problem is that the latency to these servers is more than 400ms. Hello. UAE servers in Middle East also is a big mystery, they few, most of the time are full and my friends in Egypt for example always gets high latency to those servers more than their latency to the European servers while it's the same distance between their locations and the location of the servers in both zones! So when i pick eu server it says 50-70 ms (ping) affter turing off performance windows it says one time 60 latency and second game its 150 latency ms,every time i jump in game its other latency showing in performance tab @EA_Jason Some matches are fine while others the latency jumps up to over 250ms which creates lag in gameplay and an unfair match. No worries i'll try tomorrow. Tested my network connection, i’m at 49ms latency, 170Mbps download, 10Mbps upload. All i can say is that this is the reason i did not buy the game but instead went for the origin premium. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number NvidiA GTX 1660 Enter RAM memory size in GB 16 GB What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? PhoenixHunt69 Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. wait for 20 seconds before you plug your device back in. Please help to report this bug to the concerned team. Latency in servers for here in Japan are more often than not 150ms+. I have attached two network Graphs detailing the issue I'm having. Today to see how was the ping on the conquer servers of BF1, the server browser showed 70ms of ping, in the game had 162ms and to spend 5 minutes under the same game at 65ms. Before the latest patch I never had any issues with lag of any kind, but now every single match is filled with non-stop stuttering, input delay and latency lag. ( 3 million number is equal for 8 years (trading Mar 24, 2024 路 Hey , this post is indeed quite old already. You have been disconnected from EA servers ! 13 hours ago. i would go into detail but im bushed right now. ea. I am averaging 150-250 latency during games and my internet appears to be working fine on all other games. It offers data and insights on how I started digging last year but on this post I'm gonna focus on this years Ea servers and netcode. GPU: Radeon RX590 8GB . For further evidence that 90percent of the users are getting the same issue EA can check "Fifa Online Pakistan" the largest community page for fifa players here in Hi there, @spindom. But I couldn't enjoy the game in last two years because of poor Server Latency. However on FC24 If there is a global game the game then the H2H games should be hosted on servers that are kinda in the middle between the users to provide a similar experience and latency. For instructions on how to use the EA Help services, please refer to How to use EA Help. It is not just latency the tail ends are import, just as much as the internet infrastructure. Game disconnected. I was just running it off the windows 10 drivers, I've installed the drivers off of the killer network site and the app that allows you to set priorities, set BF V to number 1 priority and that seems to have solved it. I am currently playing fifa 23 and the lag/latency is so bad. Goes to map splash screen the crashes to desk top. Can someone from EA guide me on what might be the issue here? Being as much technical as possible. While in the cut scene when i press 'tab' button it shows my ping like more than 1000ms. Show More. I have seen loads of other players with the same issues. net still show 48 ms ping to its servers in SGP. I did an uotrace and this was the results. My average ping from the best 5 UK servers on BF4 right now: 21ms. Okay, so I found some online forums talking about having the same latency problem with this exact same IP address. No sir, I'm experiencing this stuttering way before the season 8 update came out out, it's this latency fluctuation problem, it mainly happens on Singapore servers as far as i can tell, as I've tried playing on servers with even less pings but we don't find matches there. This process will be repeated 25 times and the average speed of the last 20 will be calculated. use www. After updating the game to V 1. Your network bandwidth - 6821389 Skip to content interesting that you’re pointing the finger at the 45 hz servers rather than the network compensation itself. If I login on others online game, like BF, Age of Conan, Battle front, my server latency with USA is again something close to 160-170. Your network bandwidth and/or network latency I have buy battlefield v for first day and after I try to play online it say I can’t connect to ea server I try everything but I can’t fix it is it a bug? but when I join friend squad I can play online or I open vpn I can’t play online with high ping plz help I try to fix it for a day Latency should be ~40-50ms Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play on Japanese servers. Hope this helps. I hadn’t considered that as the source. I am playing on PC, currently living in the UK and am trying to play FC25. Connection to ea online timed out. Nov 13, 2024 路 I was playing yesterday evening HUT online and closed the xbox. That’s when we’ll give you an orange warning. Oct 23, 2024 路 On which server did this happen? Visible in movie When did this happen? (dd. These updates and modifications may be required in order to continue to use EA Services. com when I play a PvP game. The normal latency is something in the 70s-80s ms. This issue has only occurred since last Friday, before that the game play was great. I bought Battlefield 1 during the last sale and am experiencing a high ping. Network connection issue. A few of us have chatted to EA over the website chat but they tell us to post here and say servers are fine. My current internet speed is a constant 250mbps up and down. I think your connection to the EA servers (i. That’s about a 2 hour drive. The report doesn’t support Nintendo Switch. Message 5 of 14 (1,679 Views) I think I know, but I can’t understand how it could be so bad. , ping, latency, location etc. Ping starts at 35 and goes up to 185+. Do not contact my ISP today. This causes so much problems at both end. Your game doesn't seem to know how to get around it so the rest of us get a connection timeout instantly when joining any games afterwards. com or gosprodfeapp216. Sometimes button presses don't seem to Hello everyone, I have been playing battlefield on sinapore servers since bf3 was out, and had 50 to 80ms ping. The "Server Latency Tester v3" expert adviser (EA) creating memory space and then generating 3 million random numbers and calculate the average of the 3 million number. Tried this morning, cannot still connect. Or who do we contact. Not an EA server maintenance issue. Are you usi too hard to explain. I have had this issue for years as have many many people , a quick search for t Hi all, I am having issues with rubber banding and lag while playing battlefield 1 on Xbox 1. Product: Battlefield 1 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Summarize your bug Horrendous Latency in foreign servers that make the game unplayable. Majority of the time it's massive amounts of latency. too hard to explain. PC System: CPU: i7 4790K. On the network graph, the Latency plot is straight on and then straight off, like a digital signal. Rarely I get into a match that's 40ms latency or so. Dec 19, 2024 路 For some reason the ping is much higher when playing a match in seasons than in ultimate team the ping is normally under 20ms when playing ultimate team and connect to south African servers but when I play seasons the ping goes closer to 200ms and I assume that it's not using south African servers for some reason and this issue has been going on since launch making matches unplayable. wont load. I've troubleshot the **bleep** out of my connection, even had both my ISP and Xbox Live support on the blower, and I couldn't have a better, more stable setup according to them. This game needs to be optimized for this generation console. i do have the same issue on battlefield 1 where their netgraph shows o differences between different types of gameplay. I played at 100ms on Japanese servers it felt bad for me. I have done all speedtesting, ping t Before the JACKFRAG revision, I have around 5-20 latency on east coast server and max 40 latency on west coast server. Hi everyone. But other online games are working fine. And im having high latency issues also high ping. Thank Apr 15, 2024 路 Input delay/sluggish gameplay starts the minute I connect to EA servers, Squad battles etc is terrible even with a slight delay, mainly because it effects my AI players, they're out of position, sprinting is a jog alot of the times , 2nd man press is basically walking pace. It only runs at 60hz, Valorant that has now been ported to console runs a server update/send and simulation rate of 128hz with a receiving rate of either 60hz or 120hz depending on the user's settings. All often with the root cause being the server and/or the other players on it having a too high latency. I live in Australia and am a big battlefield fan that is used to playing fps games with an acceptable latency (way under 100ms). Dec 1, 2024 路 EA servers are absolutely horrible right now. Also, I have a new router. The issue is that I get double latency and when I asking my ISP to correct the matter, they blamed it on EA servers. FIX YOUR SERVERS MY INTERNET IS JUST FINE and Battlefront 2 is up and running, just BFV having problems for me. Also, what connection are you on, as that's a bit of jitter for a hardwired (ethernet) connection. When did this happen? (dd. . To be honest i started playing multiplayer from Battlefield 1 and still continuing with 5. This season they added new servers in my region (europe) they are located in france and hosted by amazon. Stary BF2024 pick a game 64, 128 etc. The Servers should be back up now, can you let us know if you are still having problems connecting? Also, here are some steps you can follow if you are still having issues: For support, please visit the EA Help website. The latency creates huge unfairness to players who get rewards (no matter from matches or packs): Mbappe is a totally different player in someone with 5ms ping compared to other with 30ms or even 50ms. It seem that the 'server tick rate' & 'server offset' are spiking heavily depending on player count. My average ping from the best 5 German servers: 25ms . I am beyond frustration on this! Randomly I get 200-230 ms latency on servers. If there is not enough "quality" opponents near you, the game will pull you to a different server, thus high ping, thus lag, thus bad time. Switching players is terr I cant join any games, keeps telling me "connection timeout, network bandwidth/latency issues. Only with swtor, 330. Hi There, Can any Community Managers please help with the issue. That's really it. Hello EA, I hope someone from EA will see this. That's why I'm closing it with regard to our forum rule against necro posting. Nov 8, 2024 路 Hi EA, I recently installed FC25 but have been experiencing constant high latency reaching up to 258ms while playing online modes. Thanks for contacting us about this. It's the same for mouse input it seems, but the delay isn't as bad usually. ) can skew your perception as to how well this game plays, which can adversely affect a lot of the other ways you perceive certain aspects of the game. Battlefront servers are a joke. I think I know, but I can’t understand how it could be so bad. I have done all I could in troubleshooting but nothing has work. Let's go through some connection troubleshooting and see if we can get this resolved. Right now I only have like 10 servers to play without 300+ms and only 1 of them is premium (so I can't barely use my premium due to server scarceness). I have done all speedtesting, ping testing etc. At the start screen the latency readings are normal, typically something like 48 - 50ms ping with 0% packet loss. I am only having this issues on BF 2042 4 people had this problem. Mar 27, 2024 路 My go to servers for all BF games are the Singapore servers. I'm starting to see some of the West Coast servers, as well as Salt Lake with an increase in latency, that I've never seen before in Apex. In any region that isn't mine the lag is unbearable. From time to time, EA may update, change or modify an EA Service, Content or Entitlements, without notice to you. Directx12,connected via Ethernet,Current windows10 and GPU drivers. Arbiter's precision and tireless automation turn a complex strategy into a reliable source of passive income. 100ms to Singapore servers was fine. Thanks. Updated every minutes, graphs, heatmap everything you need to know if Apex, Origin or EA is down ! Even after rebooting my router, all BF V servers have 1 red bar ping on xbox right now. So we wait without answer… Message 71 of 1,081 (3,144 Views) @dejavu64541 . It is ur servers there must be something wrong with them if you just search are ea servers bad then it says absolute trash evidence enough that ea servers get terrible reviews meaning there is something wrong on your end, not ours so just make the people who pay you money to play your games happy and just fix it. And the game lost from the server when it lost the connection. Lag is unplayable. I have battlefield1 on both PC and PS4 (yes i am dedicated) but this problem only appeared on my P Usually it's the nearest server by default that you should be connected to. Do not connect to any server, I've changed the Directx, audio, drivers, firewall, ports, I do not have antivirus It's sad to miss one of the best moments of the game for a mistake. If you have high latency when connecting to our servers, you’ll feel delays in everything that you do, especially when your latency edges over the 90ms mark. I've actually got it working. xpuinrr ggw wdnfbuqt rpyp nnuzlu vsifpv vfwjq fpeo shlznt qku sdknvw jwcg wbqh bnovbfy hgps