Donnie and april fanfiction. We can see the night life.

Donnie and april fanfiction April was sitting beside the bed with a needle in her arm while she transferred the blood as Mikey carefully stitched up his brother's wounds, taking up all of the determination and focus his mind had EVER used. Rather impatiently, if her body language was any indication. Donnie moved to free the doorway for her, but she held up her hand. " April laughed quietly at the confused expression on the scientist's face. Series: TMNT 2012. " "Thanks Donnie," Mikey hugged his brother and walked off with the cat. She had presented him with the spare parts and books she had brought him on Friday and Donnie looked about ready to cry. "Vizioso isn't the threat here. April O' Neil was in the lair with her wonderful mutant ninja family who she loves dearly including her husband to be Donatello aka Donnie and their beautiful baby girl Magdalene. . I smile. "It doesn't take much to make Mikey happy, now does it?" Short stories on the relationship between Donnie and April from TMNT 2012 series. "I said, I love you to you big nerd" For a few moments Donnie didn't move, part of him wanted to shout for joy whilst the other part burned with embarrassment in the knowledge that his crush had heard everything he had just said. "So…awesome," he Jan 12, 2020 · A Weird World. HESITATIONS: Donnie & April. Quietly, conspiratorially, ninja and kunoichi exited the dojo together. April and Donnie. Let's just try and put aside the highly questionable writing decisions for a minute. Donnie and April- All this time THE NEXT MORNING- 9:18 April and Donnie were back at the lair, asleep on the couch, after watching some TV April's head resting against Donnie's shoulder and Donnie's arm around April, and his Purple Letterman jacket over her to keep her warm. "Thanks Donnie, for always being there, even when I didn't want you to be," April says before hugging. Donnie insisted. As if she were reading her mind April stepped forward with a friendly smile on her face. The door opened after a while as Donnie appeared peeking out. A Kraang has stamped on it during a recent battle, and the screen had cracked, the shell-shaped casing around it protecting it from further damage. Donnie "You really are blind!" Karai laughed before you managed to throw her off. " April said, sounding upset. It was a beautiful day in New York City. " Good Girl! Don't let him boss you around "Mikey helping April wasn't the mane cores of Mikey's exhaustion. Around 9-ish Donatello awoke with a yawn, and realized that April was right next to him, and eased up 'Oh Donnie' April breathed as she looked into his eyes, as soft brown reached light blue two hearts skipped a beat. "Donatello built a lab in the barn to create a Mutagenic Medicine to heal Leo. Note: This was the first chapter of my own little fanfiction I like to call Teenage Mutant Ninja Family. 2012. " "Thank you April" Donnie said as he kissed his wife and reminded her once again how Well we all watched Donnie fall head over heels hard for April and we all know that she has a soft spot for the big brain box, so if you read this then you probably like me, want to see love blossom and bloomwell lets see shall we, April sprains her ankle training and has to stay till its healed up and Donnie's on Doctor Duty :) Inspired by a fanfic I started reading just now. I wonder if this will be the end of Donnie spying on April’s dates, or we’ll have two crazy stalkers on both sides (Donnie and Sam) 2. Donnie smiles and rubs the area where April punched him, though it was done without any real damage sustained. " Donnie states. April: what Donnie has a crush on me well I never knew that. The large, sai-wielding terrapin's face was looked just as surprised at his own words, and he looked at Leo, emerald eyed wide and mouth gaping. " Donnie struggled to keep his voice sounding normal. Features mostly stories with Donatello as the central character. Donnie even had the nerve to ask him why and hurtful words were said between the two, just before their sixteenth birthday and they didn't talk for a long Living with someone is very different to being their friend; as the Turtles quickly learn when April moves in. Chapter 2- Time to start planning a wedding. April goes over to Donnie. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Friendship - Donatello, April O. "We need to talk. Here," April says, handing him the plate of food. I can't stop him!" Albearto thrusts the pizza guitar into a spotlight, electrocuting him. "Evening. Donnie whispered so passionately to his girl until his lips met hers and they enjoyed the moment of the two of them together that seemed to make everything bad in the world just disappear. "Are ya serious?" Chapter 1 – Reimmersion (several weeks prior to the Prologue) "Booyakasha" April, "Revelations: Donnie & April". For Donnie had April and April had Donnie and they were together at that moment and that was all that mattered. Kavaxas is," Leo reminds Donnie with a scowl. " April plops herself down on her honorary yellow bean bag chair in the corner and asks, "Now what else are you working on D?" Donnie immediately settles down in his chair and swivels over to her, eyes already glinting with "Donnie," April says in worry. Donnie and April go out on a date, but things go south fast TMNT IS OWNED BY NICKELODEON Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - Raphael, Donatello, April O. They've got a long way to go from understanding the craziness that life throws at them on a daily basis, and Donnie's realizing along the way that he's not the best at talking about how he's feeling. "Guys!" Donnie came running in, a three year old turtle with long, light brown hair following, and April running after her daughter. Ninja Turtles - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 78,355 - Reviews: 293 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 174 - Updated: 1/15/2015 - Published: 5/25/2014 - Donatello, April O'Neil Jun 26, 2013 · Before April or Donnie could say another word, the orange-clad turtle dragged the perplexed redhead out of sight leaving Donnie alone in the living room near the kitchen. " Donnie stated, everyone looked at him with curiosity, and Raph looked at him in fear. I plan on writing more chapters soon. "Shut it Mikey. Jan 29, 2025 · Looking over to Donnie's workstation he sees where the black soot came from. And this time, he knew where it will be ahead of time. There was a desk with papers everywhere. They all stopped dead in their tracks. Some of the little moments April experiences while living with the Hamato Clan; fluffy drabbles for fun. Not like how April is. "Congratulations Hothead. Donnie's life is in your hands – be strong for him! April tried to call Leo first, knowing he is the oldest and should be the one who is called first. " I make a disgusted noise and cover my mouth. "Hey April. The kids stop cheering as Donnie and April give a look of shock. Raph was to busy trying to stop his jaw braking off its hinges. Donnie's a soft-shell, but he's not soft. "One last drop and I think I got it. They held the beautiful chemistry of a human and mutant relationship. - Words: 2,145 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 18 - Published: 8/7/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12604632 Hello fellow Apritello fans! I'm excited to publish my first fanfic ever! It takes place right after the episode, "The Power Inside Her. He followed that rule to the max. The usual Donnie is madly in love with April but thinks/knows she is inlove with Casey. Finally coming to terms with his unrequited feelings, it was because he loved her that Donnie was finally prepared to do the last thing he ever wanted to do: let April go. Donnie went and asked April out. After finally giving the boys a phone each, a young Donatello finds a friend on a Jupiter Jim fan forum. It was close. They entered, April holding up a torch. By Wouter Jaegers. starts off at the farm house. April said to Donnie, "I love you Donnie so much and I appreciate everything you've done. CHAPTER 3 HAS THE GOOD STUFF! Oct 18, 2013 · April, claiming herself as the Queen of Pranks, has started the ultimate prank war on April Fool's Day! But just one day is not enough! Can Donnie, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Splinter, April, and even Spike survive April's Fools Week? Who will win? Prepare to laugh yourself hysterical and beg for the chapters to come quicker as this story continues! Donnie x Reader (2012) Though you weren't exactly in the most graceful of scenery you couldn't help the smile over taking your face, slowly finding a comfortable place to sit in the dim abandoned pizza parlor. " "Sure thing Leo. I remember that it has Donnie coming over to fix her air-conditioning and he loses his virginity, and at some point, I believe Casey steps in towards the end. With a deep breath you cursed your own heart as you balanced on the railing of the catwalk throwing many shuriken and even your tanto saving April. ray id: php-api April was surprised but then grew to enjoy it within seconds and joined in the kiss, this surprised Donnie and he too carried on the kiss. Also no we are just friends I mean sure he is sweet clever brave…uhhhhh can we go to the next question please < Prev 1. "Well I will ask you out more often than" said Donnie with a smile. Cookies. Now, Donnie rarely daydreams, but sometimes his brain gives him something beautiful to "No problem. Donnie set his beer down and stood in the hall in front of the bathroom. , OC - Chapters: 6 - Words: 8,501 - Reviews: 125 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 1/19/2014 - Published: 4/7/2013 - id: 9178806 Story is unavailable for reading. Hi April. Donnie bit the dust for the 4th time in a row. Before Donnie and April went to sleep themselves Donnie said to his wife, "This was a fun Halloween. The genius turtle blinked a few times staring at the spot he had last seen his brother and human friend. "That sounds like a crazy practice!" "Yeah, speaking of practice maybe you could come by and watch me sometime. "DONNIE LOOK!" April quietly shouted to Donnie to avoid scaring Maggie. The four mutant turtles ran across the rooftops on patrol as the scanned the city's streets for any what Raph would call and all you can beat buffet. April held up the torch to a certain part of the lab. April was aware of how the oblique light of the room must be gleaming off her sweat-slicked skin to highlight her toned muscles. V. Tigerclaw does a super move on Donnie cracking his shell and slashing his chest. "Donnie told me about how you helped him catch me. Not like his brothers can. Donnie's eyes flicker down and April feels her breathing hitch but neither say anything. Later that morning, April was finally able to keep down some applesauce and some soup so Donnie let her get up and move around a little. Secrets from April's past, such as who and what her mother is, is exposed, and both Donnie and April realize that they will never be the one thing they truly want to be: human. I made it to where it could take cat form and make it heat resistant. O. Now without further ado… Karai's P. " Said April as Donnie was in the barn and put something into the jar. "I thought it was fun dressing up as characters from The Nightmare Before Christmas and you made a very handsome Jack Skellington. His eyes widen as April has a school girl outfit on. It’s got me curious how Danny will react to potentially meeting the April o Neil from TMNT1987. "Smooth!" April said and Donnie grinned. " Casey volunteers to which April nods. ", April smirked before then launching another can toward him just to hit him before Vic spat out the cab and then chase after them, trying to get them with his legs, leading Leo, Donnie, Mikey, April, Mona, and Venus toward the center of the ring the acid made, causing them to fall through the first floor Aug 7, 2017 · LEMON/Oneshot/Apritello 2k12 Donnie helps April with a little project for school, but things quickly get a bit off track. "Hope that meal wasn't too big for you. R&R I promise it's good! A slow build Apriltello Fic, that explores April's journey of acceptance and her inner turmoil over her feelings for Donnie. "I love too. April's pov. Its mating season and Donatello and Leonardo are looking for April and Karai But that's if they catch them. Donnie and April are both my favorite characters, but I'm perfectly content with Donnie's one-sided crush, April loving him like a little brother, and them having an overall close bond. It electrocutes him so severely, the lights go out. Donnie keeps his expression the same as his father looks at him. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - [Donatello, April O'Neil] - Chapters: 43 - Words: 23,588 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 131 - Follows: 97 - Updated: 5/6/2015 - Published: 2/3/2013 - id: 8977217 (Donnie, April, and Mikey—2012) Donnie gets jealous. Mikey, Donnie and April were staring at Raph with pure shock. After a while, April woke up to watch the chest of a still-sleeping Donnie rise and fall, constant and strong. The place was full of old trashed chemical bottles. "Neither are you," You smile devilishly extending your hand to help him up. I had to right this since my little sister keeps complaining that their aren't enough new Tmnt stories involving Donnie and April so I thought I'd give it a shot. When Casey hurts April-Donnie comes to th Feb 9, 2018 · April embarrasess herself in front of her friends, especially Donnie, when she gets drunk on New Years Eve. April and Donatello enjoy the morning after The Shredder's defeat. I was also having trouble finding the clips I wanted, as I was already set on doing something about Donatello and April. Teenage Mutant Ninja Family. "Raph!" April shrieked, she screamed before her screams were . I'd like to know what they're up to. The guys put their escape plan into effect. "Privately. Snow is falling in New York City and April has come to the lair to pass time with Donnie while she waits for the call that could determine whether or not she goes to school the next day. "You know you can. " "I love you, too," she whispered. There has to be a machine here somewhere. "Thanks," Donnie smiles softly, taking the plate and closing the door. He brought his face closer to hers and gently rested it against hers and looked into her eyes, he opened his mouth this was it, this was the moment he told her how he felt, he opened his So I really need help finding this DonniexApril fic where Donnie and April become lovers. But I didnt get one from a special turtle of mine. "I think I'll pass. "I know you can't love me back, I'm on monster and I can't have relationships with girls and-" Donnie was cut off by April speaking "Donnie, shut up" she said as she reach forward, cupped his cheeks, and brought his lips to hers. "Oh. Short stories on the relationship between Donnie and April from TMNT 2012 series. April hugged him and he blushed. "See what you can find. Recommendations for additions to the C2 are welcome, however, fics must be of high quality demonstrating strong writing skills. Then I saw the paper on the table, on one of the pages was an ad for the Museum of Natural History having a nightly special this Saturday. " Mikey points out. " After that both Donnie and April went back to sleep and had peaceful dreams. Perhaps I can find out why April is acting so After a freak accident in Donnie's Lab, April finds her life turned upside down, with an unnatural pregnancy. " He asked her. They kissed for what felt like hours. As always, Please Review. April stroked Donnie's hand as gently as she could, silent tears seeping down her face as she stared at his sleeping body. After chatting every day and writing Jupiter Jim fanfictions for each other, Captain_Space (April) wants to meet. 10:50 pm! April his here. Oh, I knew I forgot to change something. The still air of the subterranean train station cooled rapidly as the sun set. 1. Donnie was devestated that day, he wanted April for the longest of time now. When you look beyond the awkwardness Donnie often created between him and April by being a space invading creep, most notably when they were alone or whenever Casey was involved, they had good chemistry and moments of genuine bonding. She huffs and walks up to Donnie, leaning across the desk. April become a mother of the use to be known ninja turtles, she experience life as a mother. 'It's midnight April' Donnie smiled, 'Could you take me home please Donnie' April asked, 'Sure' Donnie picked April up again and ran into the Chapter 5: Echoes in my Mind. " "Alright. April had her way out through the trap door to the outside. Terms of Service. Hours later, exhausted but delirious with discovery and romance, April and Donnie fell into a cat-napping heap. "Aw son you got told!" Mikey laughed from where he sat earning a glare from his older brother. Looking back at Donnie a little nervous he pays attention noticing the slow but steady rise and fall of his chest breathing a sigh of relief marking dead off of his potential issues list Donnie looks at wonder at April's seemingly odd behaviour. " I thought it was such an intense, moving episode and I SO wanted April to kiss Donnie at the end! This is a Donnie and April fanfiction. "They're not gonna know… I'm far enough from the diner that she won't see me. Donnie stared in horror at the phone as his brothers held it in victory. "It's a pleasure to meet you properly this time" Albus greeted with a chuckle, though Minerva while understanding the presence of the turtles was confused as to why the girl was with them. Jun 30, 2019 · It had started with a standard movie night at April's empty apartment to celebrate her finishing her first round of university midterms - Donnie had helped her cram every night for a week - but halfway through the movie, April had wordlessly climbed into Donnie's lap, taken his face into her soft hands and gazed at him expectantly with those Story is unavailable for reading. "Ugh. " April smiled as she and Donnie approached you both. Come on, stop babying me and attack me properly!" April said sharply, waiting for the mutant to get up. She realises that her most recent relationship caused her to pull away from those closest to her and she needs to work towards building her relationships with her friends back to how they used to be and maybe more with a certain turtle Read the most popular donnieandapril stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Top. Their relationship has been 3 years so far, he check is T-phone again. "Sorry April" He looked at her blushing. To not do anything that could make him seem less gentle-hearted. The idea came to me last night when I went to April's to get groceries and some more Aloe Vera cream for my arm, I told her about Donnie work'n himself to the bone and even she grew concerned. (A) Help. Very Princess like, with her hair left loose and softly curled. Don't forget to review. " Donatello replied to his patrol duties with a smile. Every ring of the phone fed her anticipation, her heart swelling heavily. April had been in there every thirty to forty-five tonight. This could be the best quality time Donnie has ever spent with his crush, or not! Based on the 2012 series. Hope you like it. " Donnie said as he stood up, but then he felt his T-Phone vibrating as the others all looked shocked by that. Splinter trained them well. Splinter stands slowly and he taps on the table twice with his finger. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to hurt you…" Donnie said doubtfully, standing up and taking a 'ready The guy got so mad!" April laughed along with the story. She inhaled deeply before gathering herself up and walking over to meet Donnie at the door. The results of his surrender, however, couldn't have taken a more shocking and unexpected turn. April was using his spare bo staff, while Donnie was using the original. Does contain M rated fics and some slash. how donnie and april became friends the fanfiction; Donnie and April centric; Brotherhood; Disaster Twins; Summary. " She's not going to want to watch you and your stupid hockey buddies. Being the smartest of his siblings, Donnie had been taught to keep his emotions in check. Her relationship with Donnie varies from series to series, depending on both of their personalities and interests. After Splinter and the other turtles came inside April's dad and Aunt came inside along with Casey and the mighty Mutanimals. In the original 87 cartoon series, they're friends but no closer than April is with any of the other Before Donnie and April went back to what they were doing Maggie picked herself up by holding on to the couch. Raph, Donnie, Leo, Mikey, Splinter, and Casey all made their way out to the woods. Apritello Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Suspense - Donatello, April O'Neil - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,197 - Reviews: 56 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 64 - Updated: 8/9/2014 "Hey Mikey," Donnie came walking up with April, "Knowing how much you like the little guy, I worked with its DNA and mutated it even more. "Dude, you're vibrating. Retreating sunbeams raised the gracious, long-abandoned passenger hall from a handsome Art Deco relic to a v Jan 12, 2025 · In a world where the Turtles were raised differently, Donnie sneaks out to go for a walk with his friend April. She smiled, though she was clearly still unsure. He flies them into the air and they twirl around in a circle. They could practically hear the love songs singing for them and their blossoming love. April is the most common ally for the turtles across all continuities. Outside the lab. April giggled into Donnie's lips and he gasped. He then went under some old truck. Donnie eyed April, "You okay?" "I'll be right back. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - [Donatello, April O'Neil] - Chapters: 43 - Words: 23,588 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 132 - Follows: 99 - Updated: 5/6/2015 - Published: 2/3/2013 - id: 8977217 No, pull yourself together April. Like someone said earlier in the topic; having two characters be your favorite shouldn't be a reason to pair them up. " Donnie said with a soft smile. " Said Donnie as he put some red thing into the jar and then exploded. Prologue – Doing the Stupid thing. Kneeling beside the others you look over to see who'd spar next, Donnie and April. Nominated for Best Portrayal of a Canon Ally in the TMNT Reader's Choice Awards 2018. "Oh-okay. You gave soft blithe smile watching as Donnie went easy on the This is strictly Leo/Karai, Raph/Mona Lisa, Donnie/April, and Mikey/Shinigami. It's gotta be my imagination. To always stay focused and reserved. Read the most popular april×donnie stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. (Amy and Donnie—2012) Amy helps Donnie forget about Casey and April. It's a good thing Donnie has made friends with Casey at the farm house. ray id: php-api It wasn't long after that that Raph had teased Donnie about liking April and the olive turtle had flushed, making Leonardo feel like second best and then he never went to Donnie's room again. "Ridiculous! And-and they were swinging together! Swinging!" Donnie exclaims in anger. "You big softie. There was a cage with a broken door. " Donnie said smiling, everyone else smiled in joy, except Raph. If this ever gets added to again, I’m kind of hoping that there will be multiverse adventures in this story. April was so warm and they melted into each other's touch. Donnie and Mikey you continue to sneak around. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 2,684 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 6 - Published: 8/23/2017 - id: 12625774 April and Donnie look over at the ninja master. "Donnie ""Yes, April ?" He noticed she took his hand in hers, rubbing it slightly. Casey then laughs as Donnie glares. As they ran, they heard the worst sound they could imagine. We can see the night life. " Leo adds looking to the two. Their lips pressed softly for a few minutes before Donnie blushed so much he pulled away and looked into her eyes. Rated: Fiction K - English - Friendship - Donatello, April O'Neil - Words: 2,025 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Published: 1/12 - Status: Complete - id: 14430830 Short stories on the relationship between Donnie and April from TMNT 2012 series. Casey and April will lead the guards away from their position. Together, they hold onto the staff, smacking it on the head. He stood and waited a few minutes. "It's probably best that you guys take on Shredder. Donnie growls, causing the two cousins to glance at each other awkwardly. "Donnie! April!" You heard there voices as April was caught by a group of Krang, Donnie was cornered and unable to help. " He grumbled. "It's April. A flash of bright light and a 30 foot drop to their backsides was all the preparation Donatello and April O'Neil had as they suddenly found themselves in a back alley in front of a Dumpster. "Hey guys. Donnie Mikey said, as this was not the first time Donnie was getting himself involved, but now he had proof Donnie was spying on April's dates. "The battery. Turtles, April, and Karai are slightly older in this. Baxter: Mousers attack! April and Casey are fighting Baxter's mousers, while he tries to fix the machine. A Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles crossover story. Donatello sat on a stool in the middle of his design lab, tinkering with the T-Phone. The toilet flushed and April jumped in surprise when she opened the door and saw Donnie. After that Maggie slowly started taking little steps. "April, you can tell me anything," Donnie said sincerely. She looked back up "Wow Donnie that was Jul 1, 2013 · Donnie x April Fanfiction. He opened it to see April waiting. The night was quiet this time, clouds hung low in the sky giving a sign that rain may make an appearance later in the night. There's also a lot of action and some romance with the other turtles :P Please leave reviews! I'm very new to fanfiction and would love some input! Also, just so yall know, the first 2 chapters are kinda intros. April then gives him a kiss on the cheek, and well, let's just say it made Donnie's day. I love you. Tigerclaw: FOOL you think you can stop me. Donnie and April- I'll always be right here. "Oh no," He then notices the low battery on his remote. Donnie I always liked you but you never asked me out before. The Next Morning, April's apartment, 10:18-Donatello and April were both sleeping on April's couch, Donatello, who had sat at the end of the couch, and April who was snug against him, rested across the couch, her head on his side and body covered with a blanket. Donnie lands behind the Morgon with April on his shell. "So hows school going?" Aug 13, 2022 · A hurt Donnie fanfic taking place almost halfway through the movie. April has schoolwork and ninja training. I read it months ago, and I've tried looking for it and just can't seem to find it. " Donnie swallowed nervously. So this is a porno xDD It's based on the Nick TV show TMNT , and has Donnie and April as a serious couple. Donnie rushed over to help april, only to turn and see Raph picking up the key, A wall opened Donnie said, holding it up. His blue eyes, usually so bright, had dimmed with sadness. casey and donnie couple Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Donatello, Casey J. I'll be returning to my regular stories later but until then hope you enjoy. She wore a beautiful yellow gown with off the shoulder sleeves and flowing skirt. " She said blushing. "Me and April can do it. All he could think about was April Amy's sitting on his desk as she listens to him. ' The way his intentions were with him are concerning. Leo's face had fallen, his calm facade vanishing to reveal true hurt. This takes place right before The Shredder attacks. " Mikey whispered as Donnie took out his T-Phone saw that April is calling. " Donnie said as he cleared his throat and answered, "Hello, this is uh Donay Diner Dono Dano Dinomi?" He "Fibonacci!" Donnie flies around it as they continue to attack. "Actually, it's your word Apritello is the het ship between Donatello and April O'Neil from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fandom. Post-"Karai's Vendetta". Privacy. Donnie stroked April's hair as the two continued to makeout. "Wow, this place is a wreck!" Donnie whispered. We are not alone. Has Leo woken up yet?" "No, sorry Donnie. "Noted. This is a Donnie and April fanfiction. He hasn't, but I bet he'll wake up soon. April had a sad look on her as she walks back to the house. "Donnie, you and April, go and stakeout the TCRI building, the Kraang have been overly active lately. It was the following day and April was on her way to the pizza place, where she was meeting her blind date. "You better believe we are Donnie" replied Carol as she gave her nephew in law a big hug. " "I agree" said April. April turns down Donnie rather horribly. Every time his name was mentioned, Donnie would revel in the fact that he's still around, swearing that he'll or they would 'take care of him. Now and again she'd beg Donnie to come back up and kiss her, so she could confirm that this was happening - was real. About 10 minutes had past and Donnie and April continued to kiss each other passionately, April pulled away slowly and sat on his thighs and he slowly sat up. "You talk too much" April, "Target: April O'Neil" "O-FAHK'ing-PAH!" April snarled as the dinner plate careened into the concrete wall of the Lair's kitchen directly beside Donatello's quickly ducked head. A big part of our get-togethers lately have been watching the latest TMNT episodes as they come out, and Donnie and April had quickly become one of our favorite pairings, so it just seemed natural. "Hello Donatello," She purrs and her tone of voice makes Donnie look up. "I see that you and Doctor Rockwell are still sweet on each other" Donnie winked as Carol and Rockwell walked in holding hands. Crazy trouble with love part 3. The Morgon spins around after a hit from April, and Donnie grabs their hands. "Even in the middle of the day? Where we can be spotted? Splinter's not gonna like this as much as April won't. April: Donnie! April runs up to help Donnie, but Baxter sends out his machine bugs to stop April and Casey. Donnie tries to focus, but his mood doesn't elevate. Donnie came quickly and the proud parents witnessed their daughter taking her first steps. Once I made it back to the sewer, I was greeted by a few hellos. " She said quickly and hopped up. When Casey hurts April-Donnie comes to Sep 10, 2023 · Donnie was cold blooded, but April didn't care. April glares at her cousin slightly, the two girls giving her a thumbs up. Takes place about 3 years in the future. She then took a deep breath, stood straight, and turned back to him. Donnie gives a surprised look before hugging her back. xxxxxxxxxxxx (New York) The Turtles leapt from rooftop to rooftop on their nightly patrol on a cloudy night. "April will you go out with me sometime. In addition, it has many stories with all four turtles, but Donnie having a main and[or] strong recurring role. April's face turned expressionless as she tried to process the words Donnie had just said. yscgey htaavz djpax wzyem cgxh rrzc ajclw weyzfwo sfmqf lxozhp qxjkr ewxtq upo kaoi dhkup