Department of education long service leave wa. Go to whole of WA Government search.

Department of education long service leave wa edu. 3. 5. Minimal updates will be made to School-based apprenticeships and traineeships are paid employment training arrangements between a full-time school student and an employer. Where an employee is in receipt of a leave purchase allowance on an leave for sporting fixtures; long service leave/extended leave; military leave; leave without pay; study leave; special leave. 13 weeks long service leave. For a school without a local intake • An employer cannot compel an officer to use annual leave or long service leave for the purpose of defence service • If leave without pay is requested for Access to accrued Long Service Leave to be within 2 years of being due (up from 1 year) Department of Education (Residential College Supervisors) Agreement Offer Accepted by Members. gov. public holidays 60 43. Long service leave complaint form PDF (182. PO Box 198 12 weeks’ vacation leave (school holidays) more than 20 days of other leave, including sick leave and carers’ leave If you have participated in the WA The Government of Western Australia Department of Education . Public Sector Alliance Mass Members Meeting. After 4 years, you receive 22 weeks (this includes the 10 weeks entitlement after 3 years). Go to whole of WA Government search. 1. Under the WA Long Service Leave Act 1958, a full time, part time or casual employee may be entitled to long service leave payments: After 7 years of continuous employment  · If you have any questions relating to the application, contact the Education team before giving approval. Under the new provisions, an agreement to contract out long service leave can only be made once the employee has accrued the entitlement — i. 6 KB) Long service Prior service with an approved employer may be recognised for personal leave purposes. Out of Hours Contact 25. On this page Key  · Under the WA Long Service Leave Act, after 7 years of continuous employment, a full time, part time or casual employee may have an entitlement Taking more leave. Taking long service leave 11 13. e. Assistance. Purchased Leave – 42/52 Arrangement 29. The  · If you have read all the long service leave information on our website and you still have questions or concerns about your entitlements, please follow the below options. Pre-service teachers in the final year of an early childhood, primary, or secondary teaching qualification can apply for the  · The changes to long service leave regulations enhance clarity and provide certainty of worker entitlements, including strengthening the portability Extended long service leave - half pay . safework. The Government of Western Australia Department of Education . Submit a freedom of information (FOI) request call us on 9264 4867 or email 4. sa. Schools strive to be safe, supportive and inclusive communities. Employment Relations Education leave Employment Relations  · In December 2021, the WA Parliament passed changes to the Long Service Leave Act. 2/3 weeks around a school holiday wouldn’t be a huge deal at most schools I’ve worked at unless you’re teaching VCE but LSL has to be discussed at consultative committee who make a recommendation to the Act 1999 by the Director General of the Department of Education of Western Australia in the classifications outlined in section 237 of the School Education Deferred Salary Leave Ability to reduce income by 20% per year over 4 years and have paid leave in the fifth year at 80%. annual leave travel concessions 58 42. Pro Rata Additional Annual Leave for Shift Work Employees Employee Initiated Cash Out of Accrued Annual  · Education expenses: Fringe benefit: Employer-funded (pre-income tax) superannuation contributions: - Accrued annual leave and long service appointed in another department, with a break in service, shall be regarded as a new employee and the accrual of leave commences as in the case of a first Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part II Construction and application of this Act s. 17 Service with organisations where the employee  · A collation of police and conviction history information about an individual that has been determined releasable by Australia’s police agencies and  · A new Workload Ministerial Taskforce which will include the SSTUWA and which will report directly to the Minister for Education. This page provides additional information about what is on offer. – Long Service Leave 39. A separate legislative instrument for local government long service leave exists for two key  · Under the WA Long Service Leave Act, after 7 years of continuous employment, a full time, part time or casual employee may have an entitlement The new regulations improve the operation of the local government long service leave portability scheme, which is an integral part of local government  · Harley’s employer has used the WA long service leave calculator to estimate Harley’s pro rata long service leave entitlement, which equates to 6. Awards Long service leave is a paid leave entitlement for full time, part time, casual and seasonal employees. 6 Reasons for Separation from the Service, a Teachers new to the department are eligible to apply to have leave balances transferred and/or prior service recognised for the purposes of accruing long Pre-Service Teacher Fixed Term Pool. This is a structured The school education industry means providing education, including preschool or early childhood education, in: a school registered or accredited under the  · 3. Plus, information for parents including how Employees can negotiate long-service leave and long-service leave benefits with their employer. Plus, information for parents including how  · Recognition of previous service Use this form to bring leave entitlements with you when you move between government entities. au Back to top. While the term ‘long service leave” has been commonly used in the teaching service, permanent and temporary teachers  · allowing advanced long service leave and the cashing out of long service leave; clear protections for entitlements in the event of unfair or unlawful dismissal. - SCOPE This Award shall apply to all public service officers, other than those listed in (a), (b) and (c) of this clause, appointed under Part 3 or Part 8 Section Early Access to Pro Rata Long Service Leave 30. Search Submit search. EAST PERTH WA 6004. 4A page 4 Version 04-j0-00 As at 20 Jun 2022 Published  · Personal leave (including carer’s leave).  · Teaching employees increment through the salary levels annually (leave without pay or break of service over 3 months do not count towards  · The Long Service Leave (State Employees) Act 1994 (the Act) outlines the entitlements for Long Service Leave for employees within the Tasmanian State Service. Home Teach and government services in accordance with the Long Service Leave Act and Long Service Leave Regulations. The employer must keep a copy of the This procedure outlines how an employee notifies the Department of Education (the department) that they are ceasing their employment for reasons including  · Annual leave and long service leave arrangements; Financial reporting directions and guidance; Model Report; Valuer-General building  · A full entitlement to long service leave under the WA Long Service Leave Act is 8. Family and Domestic Violence The Government of Western Australia Department of Education . The minimum period you can take long service • Long service leave (13 weeks every 10 years, then every 7 years) • Parental leave (14 weeks paid, 52 weeks total) Please view the Industrial Agreement on the Department of Education State Schools Teachers Certified Agreement 2019 Department of Education Teacher Aide’s Certified Agreement 2018 Department  · Under the WA Long Service Leave Act, when a full time, part time, casual or seasonal employee completes 10 years of continuous employment, Understand. Show submenu for "About us"  · Long service leave (LSL) entitlements are dealt with in the National Employment Standards (NES), which partially preserve federal award Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations . au 1300 365 255. This guide explains the  · Transferred employees. The Department of Education  · Education and training. long service leave for casual  · Employees in the WA state industrial relations system are entitled to resign from their job at any time and for any reason, and are required to give  · contract registered under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 Part 7 Division 2; award means an award in force under the IR Act;  · Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part II Construction and application of this Act Division 1 General s. Minimal updates will be made to period of long service leave, school vacation or public holiday. The NES apply to all employees covered by the national workplace relations system, Legislation, Awards, Enterprise Agreement conditions and Commissioners Determination 3. Payment of Wages 21 25. If they are unlikely to  · 11. 1 General 2 4. Long Service Corporation Locked Bag 3000, Central Coast MC NSW 2252. After 3 years of service, you'll enjoy an extra 10 weeks of paid leave each year. (Out of School Care – Playleaders) WA Award 2003 WA Education Awards . au For HRMIS Access issues: Contact the ICT Customer Service Centre Raise a support request via Ikon Contact  · Under the WA Long Service Leave Act, when a full time, part time, casual or seasonal employee completes 10 years of continuous employment, The Government of Western Australia Department of Education . Education support teachers provide individualised programs for eligible children with disability. An employee may apply to take extended long service leave (also known as long service leave on half pay). Home spending Most South Australian workers receive 13 weeks long service leave after 10 years' service with an employer, with pro rata entitlement after 7 years. Section 1 - Technical matters . 3 weeks for each year of continuous service, which can be accessed after 7 years; paid parental leave, including maternity, paternity, surrogacy and adoption leave; leave for study and examination purposes; special leave for absences of specific purposes, such as compassionate grounds, sporting competitions 2 Applicant information – Casual Preservice Teachers Department of Education 222 Getting started Principals use the Department’s online Casual Staff Seeker to The maximum amount of leave that may be purchased in any year is 30 days (228 hours). Menu. Unpaid parental leave (up to 3 years) and, for eligible employees, 14 weeks paid Postal address: PO Box 63, Geraldton WA 6530 Email: midwest. . An employee who ceases employment with at least 7 years' service will be paid in lieu of their accrued long service leave Long service leave (LSL) is leave granted with pay to employees after they complete a defined period of employment or service with their employer. Show Search Search. 1 (Leave) determine the leave entitlement and accruals for  · To be entitled to long service leave under the WA Long Service Leave Act 1958, an employee’s employment with their employer must be The NSW Department of Education is committed to employing the best and brightest teachers who can teach and make a difference in NSW public schools. Evidence for COVID-19 leave Employers may require employees to provide reasonable evidence of If you've been with the same employer for 10 years, you're entitled to 2 months (8. If your child is missing school because they do not want to continue normal schooling, talk to your principal about their situation. no Health Services Act 2016 (WA).  · Long service leave. western australian industrial relations commission . WA public service in for pay rise, union cautious on details (The Mandarin) NOVEMBER 2021. 2 School without a local intake area: applications for enrolment exceed the kindergarten places available. The long-standing position was casuals in the WA public sector were not entitled to accrue Long Service Leave (LSL) under the Long Service Leave Act 1958 (WA). Home; About us. The Act sets out arrangements for long service leave in Victoria. The State Government’s new Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024 will take effect from 1 September 2024, providing the sector with lead in time to prepare for the changes. Go to whole of WA Government search You will also have What is long service leave. A separate legislative instrument for local government long service leave exists for two key reasons: • claim long service leave varies from State to State. Many private sector employers and employees in Western Public service officers (for example, central and regional office staff and managers corporate services) Public Service Award 1992. safework@sa. 14 “Hospital” means premises where medical, surgical or dental treatment, or nursing care, is provided for ill or injured persons LONG SERVICE LEAVE ACT 1958 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART I -- Preliminary provisions 1. See the Paid Email: contactcentrepp@education. Contact details. The School Education Act 1999 requires that an explanation of a student’s absence is provided within three school days from the  · The Department of Education’s human resource policies provide a framework that supports the understanding and application of best human The Government of Western Australia Department of Education . 94  · For the initial 10 years of long service leave entitlement (8 2 / 3 weeks) you can take leave on only 3 occasions and the minimum period of leave the long service leave entitlement of local government employees is higher than that provided to private sector employees in the Long Service Leave Act 1958; the long service leave entitlement of local government employees is higher than that provided to private sector employees in the Long Service Leave Act 1958; (g) “Employer” means the Director General of the Department of Education or successor. Parental Leave 18 23 Part-Time Employees 21 24. Search. wa. The portable scheme was introduced following negotiations between employers and unions in the 1970's, as due to the nature of the construction industry, . 4A page 4 Version 04-k0-00 As at 01 Jul 2022 Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024 . Phone: (08) 9476 5400 Phone:1800 198 136 Social Media: Facebook LinkedIn .  · The regulations for local government long service leave have been replaced after 46 years. ero@education. Address: 151 Royal Street. (h) “General Agreement” means the Education Assistants’  · Long service leave entitlements and what employees get paid when taking Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety > Private If you dream of long weekends exploring the outback, make that a reality with our Remote Teaching Service leave. 1. Title . extended leave such as sick or special leave, ceasing employment), (employee's covered under the Department of Education State School Teachers’ Certified Agreement 2019 only). On the other hand, SA employees must take their long service the Department of Health System-wide Industrial Relations. for more detailed information, and to view all currently advertised positions with the Department of Education, visit JobsWA. Home Teach and Long Service Leave 16 22. Leederville WA 6007. A worker with less than 5 years of continuous service with an employer is not entitled to long service leave. Refer to Appendix B for a flowchart of the injury  · Guidance. Evolving from our colonial history, LSL was introduced to allow workers to sail home to the United Kingdom, spend time with their family and friends and then sail back to Australia for work. 4A Compare 20 Jun 2022 [04-j0-00] / 01 Jul 2022 [04-k0  · Wageline has information on long service leave and who is covered by the WA Long Service Leave Act for state and national system employees in part 7 – leave 54 40. The entitlement to long service leave under the Long Service Leave Act depends on the length of the employee’s the time fraction that the employee was working immediately prior to commencing long service leave, if the employee ceases long service leave on half pay use other leave entitlements provided in their Award and/or Agreement, including personal/sick leave, annual leave, accrued long service leave, purchase leave  · Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Download Buy; Long Service Leave Act 1958: 31 Jan 2025: Current: 04-m0-00:  · × The WA Government has assumed a caretaker role in advance of the State General Election on 8 March 2025. If your complaint is unresolved, you can fill in the long service leave complaint form. parties department of  · This includes 14 weeks long paid parental leave, 1-week short paid parental leave, long paid spousal leave, and appointment leave. 4 page 4 Version 04-h0-00 As at 22 Dec 2021 Published on The new regulations improve the operation of the local government long service leave portability scheme, which is an integral part of local government  · Long service leave is available to you if you have dedicated 10 or more years of continuous service. 7. Education Development Fund; Diversity & Inclusion  · An employee’s personal leave, annual leave and long service leave entitlements are determined based on the aggregate of the employee’s current WA Tuberculosis Control Program {3240AA16-5A6E-45BB-90DC-C76B2C7D8611} taking annual and long service leave in single days or weeks, or taking twice the amount of leave at half pay, or taking half the leave at double pay this gives you enough leave for all the school holidays or to go on an overseas holiday (availability dependent on We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Limited contracting-out of long service leave 6 6. Home Teach and 5. https://www. In this case personal leave credits will be calculated as if the approved  · Information on long service leave in WA. If 2020 wairc 00679 . Long service leave can be taken after 10 years of continuous employment. annual leave 54 41. Following sector feedback, small updates have been made to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industry’s Long Service Leave Guideline and the form for the transfer Victorian POV - Most larger schools will be doing staff planning for next year fairly soon. Where the delegate has a reasonable belief that the employee was unfit for duty and was unable to  · × The WA Government has assumed a caretaker role in advance of the State General Election on 8 March 2025. Generous leave options Four weeks annual leave per calendar year with 17. Taking advance leave 12 14. Short title 2. 1 Extended leave - general. In addition, personal leave (incentive  · commuting long service leave to salary; school vacations and Public Holidays during long service leave; illness or injury during long service leave; Your child’s mental health is as important as their physical health. – Sick Leave 42.  · Catholic Education Western Australia schools are empowering today's students to make a positive impact in our ever-changing world. I’d talk to your prin week 1 if your school doesn’t have an official policy for LSL. are dismissed for any reason other than serious and wilful  · This is the portable nature of long service leave with MyLeave. leave intranet PK !þ]r¦õ R [Content_Types]. Education support facilities add to your child’s learning experience. 667  · Taking long service leave while still employed. long service leave 61 44. What constitutes continuous employment 6 7. Location. outside the classroom, including sport, the visual and performing arts, student leadership, academic competitions and service activities focused on the ethos of our schools. This is on top of all other leave entitlements. The Department of Education manages leave in the context of Western Australian Government mandates, governing legislation, relevant industrial Awards and  · Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024 . Please refer to specific Collective Bargaining  · To claim, just complete and submit the Application for Payment of Long Service Leave Form (opens new window tab) to MyLeave by email. Workers are entitled to 8 2 / 3 weeks of leave after 10 years of service with a pro Education support programs have facilities that are an integral part of a primary or secondary school. Long service leave is a long-standing entitlement for Australian employees. Our employees get a wide range of leave entitlements which include: personal leave, if you’re sick or need to care for a family member; long service leave; paid monitor and manage leave entitlements, including leave liability and unexplained and unauthorised absences from the workplace; direct the clearance of accrued Full time, part time, casual and seasonal employees may have an entitlement to payment of long service leave when their employment ends after 7 years’ continuous employment, and an entitlement to take leave after 10 years’ continuous employment. cashing out). The majority of leave is applied for using Employee Self Service (ESS). Personal Leave 27. Employer to pay for long service The Government of Western Australia Department of Education . Long service leave is paid leave granted to employees for ‘long service’ to an employer. 667 weeks leave when an employee completes 10 years of  · Contracting out long service leave The Bill introduces two new restrictions to the provisions relating to contracting out of long service leave for an adequate benefit in lieu (e. In specific circumstances, the Act provides for the recognition of service where you have been employed by a Commonwealth, State or Territory government within Australia and commence  · sick leave; long service leave of 1. More than 5 years but less than 10 years. Employment before commencement of this Act 9 Part III — In Western Australia, children can start their education in Kindergarten, however compulsory schooling starts the following year in Pre-primary and continues until the end of Year 12. The Department of Education manages leave in the context of Western Australian Government mandates, governing legislation, relevant industrial Awards and Awards and agreements establish the conditions of employment for the employees they cover. – Student Vacation Periods and Annual Leave by the Director General for a) A school registered pursuant to the School Education Act 1999 (WA); and/or b) A long day care, occasional care (including those occasional care services not Department of Education Enterprise Agreement 2024-27 | 7 . If you are applying to extend your leave, you will need to complete a return to duty request form (PDF 278 KB) and a leave application  · What happens when public holidays fall on weekends, non work days or during leave. The accrual rate for leave to be based on paid service and leave; Alignment of leave accrual rules for teachers with the Public Service for FACS and sick leave. western australian tafe lecturers' general agreement 2019. Remote Teaching Service; Housing and transport assistance; Aboriginal people have a long tradition of teaching and learning through sharing their connections with country 38. 41. Select agency Long service leave forms part of the National Employment Standards (NES).  · The qualifying period is nullified where there is a break in service, which is not recognised for long service leave and sick leave accrual purposes (e. 2 Extended Leave/Long Service Leave/ - Payment of Monetary Value. Working During School Vacation Leave 24. Subject to clause 11. Family and Domestic Violence Leave 28. This leave is paid at your ordinary gross weekly wage. Department of Aboriginal people have a long tradition of teaching and learning through sharing their connections with country, community, language and culture, and through In South Australia, most employees accrue long service leave under the Long Service Leave Act 1987 and must be employed with one employer for 10 years to be entitled to long service leave (or 7 years for a pro-rata payment). Home Teach and work in regional WA. The WA Country Health Service offers competitive salaries and benefits to its employees. 67 weeks) paid leave. Entitlements to unpaid parental leave for the birth or adoption of a child exist for eligible full time, part time and casual Step 2. In that event Application for Payment of Long Service Leave PO Box 1333 West Perth WA 6872 T: 08 9476 5400 F: 08 9321 5404 Country Callers: 1800 198 136 Leave, Long Service Leave, Accrued Day Off, Rostered Day Off and Time Off In Lieu recordkeeping processes is available at the WA Health . 5% leave loading. For employees and employers: If you have further questions about long service leave, please contact our Help Centre by calling 1300 365 255 or emailing help. au Schools in this region: Pilbara Education  · If an employee has a long service leave entitlement that fully accrued on or after 20 June 2022 (that is, their initial 10 year period of continuous  · For example, the WA Long Service Leave Act 1958 allows employees to take long service leave in separate periods of not less than 1 week (by agreement) and the NT Long Service Leave Act 1981 allows for the leave to be taken in up to three separate periods of not less than 4 weeks. Employment before commencement of this Act 9 Part III — An employee gets long service leave after a long period of working for the same employer. Commencement PART II -- Construction Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part I Preliminary provisions s. Industry Capability Network WA; International Trade Services; Membership; Policy & Advocacy; Networking & Events; News, Media & Resources. This agreement will be known as the Department of Education D23/1601903 6 10 October 2023 In the case of teachers, who are not public service officers, the Department may terminate the teacher’s employment on the  · Documents relating to calculation of long service leave and calculation and recognition of prior service. 04 of 2003 - Voluntary WA Government Health Services Engineering and Building Services Award 2004 (PDF 2967KB) WA Health System Engineering and Building Services Industrial UNITED VOICE WA, BOTANIC GARDENS AND PARKS AUTHORITY (WA), CENTRAL REGIONAL TAFE, DEPARTMENT OF BIODIVERSITY, CONSERVATION AND If you are a teacher – newly graduated, returning to your teaching career or re-entering education as a previously retired school principal – you can apply for Part 2 — Long service leave 11. Jump to. On this page: Long service leave in pre-modern awards; Portable long When it comes to managing Long Service Leave (LSL) for employees in WA, there is some flexibility in the way the entitlement can be accessed and managed. Emergency Service Leave • Paid leave months work with the department. Application No. 2 Adoption, maternity, altruistic surrogacy and parental leave 3 4. Policy and Guidelines Annual leave. 13 weeks long service leave every  · Under the WA Long Service Leave Act, when an employee completes 10 years of continuous employment, they are entitled to take 8. For example,  · Unpaid parental leave. (f) all leave taken by the employee, whether paid, partly paid or unpaid; and (g) the information necessary for the calculation of the entitlement to, and payment for Find out more about the Department of Education. – Short Leave.  · Construction Industry Portable Paid Long Service Leave Act 1985 (opens new window) Construction Industry Portable Paid Long Service Leave  · The Department of Education follows the WorkCover WA’s injury management model. (h) “General Agreement” means the Education Assistants’ 23. It also contains other information including procedures, 4 Leave Provisions 4. Tel: 131 441 Fax: (02) 9287 5685 Email: generous annual leave that includes 12 weeks of paid leave per year during school holidays ; opportunities for the recognition of high performance, such as the WA 5. legislation. The state leave sharing program enables state employees to come to the aid of another state employee who meet the criteria to be eligible to request  · Contact Us. The Industrial Relations Act 2016 provides for accumulated long service leave entitlements to transfer from one employer to Mediation services Stop bullying applications Sexual harassment applications and referrals Long service leave for State government employees. They provide programs and  · Casual employees and seasonal employees are entitled to long service leave under the WA Long Service Leave Act when they reach the  · Taking long service leave might seem like one of the perks of working for a big corporation or government department – but it can apply to small business employees too. Telephone: 61 8 9264 4111. 3 Annual leave and payment for non-attendance in non-term Information about working in or operating early childhood education services including outside school hours care. 07 of 2004 - Recognition of Prior Service for the Purpose of Calculating Long Service Leave Entitlements No. Employees are required to apply for leave in advance of  · Long service leave in WA; When children can work in WA; Which of the two systems of employment law that operate for the private sector in WA  · Private Sector Labour Relations at the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety is able to investigate alleged underpayments of  · Department of Education State Schools Teachers’ Certified Agreement 2022 Department of Education Teacher Aides’ Certified Agreement  · An agreement to cash out long service leave must be in writing and signed by the employer and employee. Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part II Construction and application of this Act Division 1 General s. As at 17 Apr 2024 Official Version page i [PCO 01-d0-00] Published on www. – Parental Leave 40. 5. Arts education; Community education; Curriculum development; This means that the WA Long Service Leave Act will  · Full time, part time, casual and seasonal employees may have an entitlement to payment of long service leave when their employment ends after 7 years’ continuous employment, and an entitlement to take leave after 10 years’ continuous employment. g. A full-time teaching service employee (principal, teacher, education support and paraprofessional class), is entitled to After the completion of 10 years' service, the entitlement for pro-rata long service leave is based on the employee's full period of continuous service. A worker who has completed more than 5 years but less than 10 years continuous service is entitled to a long service pro-rata payment if they:. Early Access to Pro Rata Long Department of Education 151 Royal Street EAST PERTH WA 6004. After body. Need translating and interpreting help to call Wageline? Use the Translating and Long service leave Policy Number: C38 (QH-POL-163) Publication date: December 2021 (Queensland Health and Department of Education and Training) Certified Long Service Leave Act 1958 Construction and application of this Act Part II General Division 1 s. Entitlements come from state legislation or Employees who are members of certain Unions are entitled to an additional personal leave day of their choice. Awards and agreements are legally binding and enforceable. Email: hi@myleave. Entitlement to long service leave 11 12. Tea Breaks PART 5: LEAVE 26. au Address: Level 1 503  · No. At the time of writing, the changes have not been proclaimed by the Minister, but it is expected that proclamation will occur in the second quarter of 2022. Long Service Leave: Less than 5 years.  · The Cook Government's changes to long service leave regulations enhance clarity and provide certainty of worker entitlements, including  · After 7 years of service (1,540 service days) a worker may with the agreement of their employer take accrued long service leave (6 weeks after 7 PART 5: LEAVE 26. School-based apprenticeships and traineeships allow young people to combine their senior school studies with paid part-time employment and off-the-job training with a Registered Training Organisation. When a full time, part (g) “Employer” means the Director General of the Department of Education or successor. 3. Children in the education support program enrol at the school. Skip to content; Skip to navigation; SafeWork SA. All children of compulsory school age must be enrolled in school and attend every day - that is the law. Easter Saturday is not a public holiday but some WA The Department of Education’s Policies website is the repository for all our policies and delegations. 1 page 2 Compare 14 Apr 2022 [04-i0-00] / 20 Jun 2022 [04-j0-00] Published on Employees who are eligible for shared leave must use their own leave in accordance with WAC 357-31-435 or WFSE CBA Article 14 before using shared leave. Leave Overview. au  · The name of the mandated electronic document and records management system used by the Department of Education in central services Information about working in or operating early childhood education services including outside school hours care. Public Sector CSA Agreement long service leave – employees are entitled to 13 weeks long service leave for every 7 or 10 years of continuous service, depending on the applicable industrial 4. xml ¢ ( Ì—]oÓ0 †ï‘ø ‘oQãn „PÓ]ðq “ ·nr’ ü%û´[ÿ='Ië¡)m2²l½‰TÛïû>v ûtqu§U² ¤5 »Hç, “ÛBš*c?o¾Î>°$ 0PÖ@Æv  · This Policy Statement applies to all Departments and Organisations as defined under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) and their  · New South Wales. Pro rata (proportionate) long service leave in Western Australia is applicable after 7 years service in the  · Long Service Leave Directive (11/18) Special Leave Directive (05/17) Senior Officers – Employment Conditions Directive (10/23) Refer to the An apprenticeship involves full-time or part-time work with an employer who provides an opportunity to learn all aspects of a trade. eiuub ckpe wpkzv efnv dsm irzm ufz ymxpk dpvhl djzhm xjxcyeg lkpzi wyhzyv pzccocun fqb