Crontab random sleep Cron jobs in Linux schedule tasks to run at set times or intervals. To create a cron job, edit your crontab file with this command: crontab -e. Write and schedule your own script. Jun 29, 2022 · Linux内置的cron进程能帮我们实现这些需求,cron搭配shell脚本,非常复杂的指令也没有问题。cron介绍我们经常使用的是crontab命令是cron table的简写,它是cron的配置文件,也可以叫它作业列表,我们可以在以下文件夹内找到相关配置文件。 Aug 17, 2016 · I have created a cron job in which it runs a command within random value (Example 10 mins) at 11pm everyday. Apr 15, 2024 · Don’t be intimidated with crontab. – @Hello71: Which is what I said in the post. sh shell script in multiple sub servers that runs at every " 1,14,28,42,50 * * * * " and pings the iperf server to check bandwidth , is there any way to randomize this cro Dec 29, 2020 · linux crontab 命令,最小的执行时间是一分钟。如需要在小于一分钟内重复执行,可以有两个方法实现。Cron 各项的描述以下是 crontab 文件的格式:{minute} {hour} {day-of-month} {month} {day-of-week} {full-path-to-shell-script}o minute: 区间为 0 – 59o hour: 区间为0 – 23o Dec 12, 2010 · Simple question: I want to run a cron operation every minute at the 10th second (for example at 2:00:10 PM). Cron cannot start processes at random times. See crontab(5) for details. sh` 程序。注意,我们在前面加了一个 `sleep 5` 命令,以确保程序在每分钟的第 5 秒开始运行。 crond是linux下用来周期性的执行某种任务或等待处理某些事件的一个守护进程,与windows下的计划任务类似,当安装完成操作系统后,默认会安装此服务 工具,并且会自动启动crond进程,crond进程每分钟会定期检查是否有要执行的任务,如果有要执行的任务,则自动执行该任务。 Feb 16, 2019 · Beware of an unintended side effect, which applies to doing this with jails, not for VMs. Feb 16, 2015 · crontab random delay not working I am trying to delay the daily reboot of multiple Linux machines by a random time, within one hour. May 26, 2018 · +1, but a few things to consider: if the at-command is the first line, and if the script runs for a long time (or if the intervals are short), then beware of running multiple instances simultaneously. Reply: Jos Chrispijn : "Re: Crontab | random execution time" In reply to: Steve O'Hara-Smith : "Re: Crontab | random execution time" Random Sleep in Crontab/TerminalHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. Feb 3, 2024 · I need to implement a cron job that runs twice a day at 12hhjous of interval at random times. Draft of this article would be also deleted. The problem of the common /etc/crontab file here is that all cronjobs are run at the exactly same time in all of our servers. day of month Crontab >> Linux定时执行任务 >> Run at random interval 在随机的间隔下运行 - walk_the_talk - 博客园 May 31, 2016 · Or run a script on the hour, every hour from cron, and it then waits a random number of minutes less than 60 before doing anything. I've also seen recommendations for weekly jobs. This is useful, for example, to prevent your cron jobs from all starting simultaneously, causing the thundering herd problem. In this case it is enough for avoiding congestion of any of periodic jobs and executing random sleep is pointless. py I would like the script be executed every 10 minutes but I want to randomly run it. Is there a way to do this with an delay, i. Step-by-Step Guide. The cron daemon manages these jobs by reading the crontab file to run commands at specified times. Sep 22, 2014 · Need run a shell script once a day at random time. Desejo executar um comando em um número aleatório de minutos após o acionamento do cronjob. Dec 16, 2021 · If you want your cron jobs to run in a bash shell you probably should be adding the environmental variable. 时间间隔:请根据实际需求合理设置时间间隔。 过长的等待时间可能会导致任务执行过晚,而过短的等待时间可能会导致任务之间的冲突。 Feb 16, 2015 · crontab random delay not working I am trying to delay the daily reboot of multiple Linux machines by a random time, within one hour. Working with cron is this process: Edit crontab Save Exit Changes applied Changes do not take effect until after you exit the editor. upgrade_type either one of default, security, default: default What kind of upgrades to look at. Feb 10, 2021 · Below is my command add to crontab. So the crontab line to run a command everyday at noon is: * 12 * * * command. Another solution found here: Cron jobs and random times, within given hours Aug 24, 2024 · 很多时候我们需要linux的任务计划,但是在一些场景中并不是需要特定的时间执行特定的任务,而是随机执行了命令就好。 One of the puppet-managed files is /etc/crontab that contains the original cron. e. Mar 12, 2024 · crontab -e 后,进入到编辑器中,每一行编写一个定时任务,格式说明如下。 来自菜鸟教程 program 可以是一个命令,也可以是一个 Shell 程序,推荐将定时执行的程序放到一个 Shell 程序中,让定时任务去执行 Shell 程序。 May 17, 2019 · I'm trying to get my script to pause randomly between 20 and 10 seconds where the max amount of time is 20 and minimum 10. Is here something more elegant? linux中的定时任务crontab命令:最小的执行时间是1分钟, 如果要在小于1分钟执行。就需要换个方法来实现,具体请向下看。 A portable POSIX shell script for waiting random amounts of time. You could use cron to run the bash script @1400, and the bash script would have a random number of minutes to sleep less than 240 (4 hours * 60 minutes). Sep 30, 2022 · In crontabs man randomization is briefly touched upon, in terms of being “good” if set to 1 or above. Another case is executing certbot renew as a single jobs May 24, 2020 · This is how I solved this, finally. To: apply_updates = yes random_sleep = 0. Or, run on the hour every hour from cron, but inside cron, do a random sleep of less than 60 minutes before running your script. At the time that I was introduced to ‘crontab’, I had been using command line for only a few days and was barely understood how to use basic file navigation commands like ‘ls’ and ‘cd’. What I understand is the sleep and RANDOM command is giving the delay process of script within given second. sh >> $WORKDIR/jobs_log. Hello, I found your website by chance…but really impressive and I think you are a really excellent programmer. Dec 7, 2018 · コマンドラインでは実行できるのにcronから実行出来ない場合、環境変数のパスが 通っていないことが考えられます。 下記の方法で必要な環境変数を指定することが出来ます。 crontabに環境変数を記載する(crontab -e) cron全体のコマンドに設定する Tengo un problema extraño con $RANDOM en cron. Jul 29, 2012 · This would be different when using a cron job: a new process would simply be started. 基本格式 * * * * * cmd 第一个表示:分钟 1-59, 每分钟用 */1 第二个表示:小时 023 第三个表示:日期1-31 第四个表示:月份1-12 第五个表示:星期几0-6(0表示星期日) 几个说明例子 */1 * * * * Feb 16, 2015 · crontab random delay not working I am trying to delay the daily reboot of multiple Linux machines by a random time, within one hour. sleep 시간 초 : s 분 : m 시 : h 일 : d 3. 11. d or rc. The reason the random_sleep parameter exists is so that you don't chew up a lot of bandwidth for updates occurring all at the same time. Are you sure you want to delete this article? Usage: cronwrap [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT command timeout (in seconds); 0 means no timeout; default: 3600 -r RVALUE, --random-sleep=RVALUE wait a random value of seconds between 0 and RVALUE before executing command (default 0: no random wait) -l, --lock don't execute the command another time if still running (default False) -e Jul 8, 2021 · As @_az mentioned, if you don't include --no-random-sleep-on-renew, Certbot, when run from a cron job, may delay a random number of seconds (which may amount to several minutes' delay) before actually beginning its work. 经过测试将以下任务直接添加到Crontab中,可以实现在指定时间内,随机时间执行计划,以下为每天9点随机分、随机秒执行计划任务test. puppet master --compile Mar 2, 2020 · 制定定时执行计划 Crontab >>Linux定时执行任务 安装: yum -y install crontab # Example of job definition:# . sh` 程序。 Feb 7, 2012 · I'd like to write a cron command so that a job would execute once at some random time during the week - is this possible without having the crontab modify itself? I've considered writing a function that, based on a random number generator, may or may not execute the task - but I'd like the command to definitely execute and there to be no second Oct 26, 2014 · This way, you have a single cron job, though it runs for a long while. -- All network cabling aspires to the condition of macramé. This is to avoid a simultaneous reboot of all the Linux machines at the same time. 277. Note that, by default, the systemd timers also apply a random delay of up to 1 hour. I've trawled these forums looking for suggestions to no avail, therefore through the hibernation logging tool I started to record when the DS was waking up, which was several times a day, here's a snippet: Share cron jobs with your team, write AWS & Vercel cron jobs and more. So if a lot of identical processes start at the same time, only the first one will read things from disk (like scripts, configuration files, executables), and all other processes will get the cached copy from buffer RAM. Useful Command-line Commands on Windows. The basic syntax for a cron job is: * * * * * command_to Feb 3, 2024 · 要配置 crontab,可以使用以下命令: ``` crontab -e ``` 然后在文件中添加以下行: ``` * * * * * sleep 5 && /path/to/random. 0 9 * * * echo 'sleep '$(shuf -i 1-59 -n 1) ';bash /test. It gives this example: RANDOM=4 RANDOMTIME=8 What do 4 and 8 mean? Between 0 and 4 and 0 and 8, respectively? What is the unit? Aug 8, 2024 · Cron Job Solution Setting Up a Basic Cron Job. (Merge pull request #128 in FREEPBX/userman from ~VSC55/userman:bugfix… · FreePBX/userman@336f459 · GitHub) ticket: random_sleep time in seconds, default: 0 Maximal random delay before downloading. sh. You edit your personal crontab configuration file with a specially built workflow process. Jun 3, 2011 · We had a crontab entry that looked something like this 0 0 * * * /usr/bin/sleep $((RANDOM\%90)); cmdHere What that attempted was to run a command a random amount of seconds once midnight hit. The only catch here is that we can't do sleep "$(( RANDOM % 46800 ))" since the shell's RANDOM variable (in the case of bash at least) takes values between 0 and 32767, which is too small. Is there a way to say run this job "once a week on any day of the week, sometime between 9 am and 5pm? Nov 5, 2020 · In the former case, you can add sleep 60 to the beginning of your script, or in the latter case, add it to the crontab file: @reboot sleep 60 && my_script. For example, daily backups consumed all our backup server resources as all servers are feeding Dec 4, 2020 · I have as iperf. Dec 24, 2020 · 影響が出ないと思われるということを、証明しなければいけないので ローカル環境でシンプルなcronジョブを二つ作って検証しました。 結果、二つのcronジョブは同時刻に実行されたので、 sleepコマンドによって他の処理に影響が及ぶことはないと思われます。 Feb 1, 2022 · Schedule the job for 10:00 every morning, and have the job sleep for a random amount of time, between 0 seconds and 46800 seconds. however you can start your process at fixed intervals and use an initial sleep command of random length. I know the sleep command, and the cron too, but. txt Jun 30, 2020 · bash sleep RANDOM. hour (0 - 23)# | | . -- Steve O'Hara-Smith <steve@sohara. daily, cron. It has been tested on Alpine Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Ubuntu. Jan 8, 2025 · Am I correct in thinking that crontab will only run jobs if the system is awake and will not itself wake the system if jobs are waiting. How would that normally be handled; suppose, for example, i want to run clamav on the whole system at midnight. What that attempted was to run a command a random amount of seconds once midnight hit. org> Reply: Arthur Chance : "Re: Crontab | random execution time" Dec 12, 2018 · Computers are quite bad at true randomness, "execute any random weekday" is that "run at least once a week" or "run exactly once a week" or it is also okay if it will at times *"run on all 5 workdays in a single a week", skip a week, to run twice the next Aug 23, 2018 · I'm working on a new project and I would like to setup a cron to run every 6-8 hours at a random minute. True you can still random sleep, you may as well just make a script that sits in a for loop. import random import time time. Anyway, the “%” fix only got merged into version 16 and not 15… so if you are using 15, it’s still not fixed. So a potential solution would be, something like "sleep a 0-10 minutes, start process every 10 minutes with first interaction starting now" Jan 10, 2015 · My DS215j has been randomly waking up every day since purchase (1 month ago). SHELL=/bin/bash 10 * * * * sleep $((RANDOM \%600)) && myscript. Simple scripts for random time sleep, useful for cron. I'm using this atm: sleep $((10 + RANDOM % 20)); But the problem is that Using crontab literally defeats the purpose of the random factor and is a contradiction of crontab ("scheduled random" ?). An example is the system() function in glibc. monthly entries. d script would be a more robust solution. SHELL=/bin/bash in the table immediately before cron reads that job, by default cron will use /bin/sh which might be aliased by your OS to bash , then again, maybe not, also be aware that these are not run in a login shell. nice [옵션] 명령어 [명령어인수] -number(-n number): 명령어 nice 값에 number로 지정한 값을 설정해서 명령어를 실행 2. Apr 13, 2018 · If you like to stick with cron, you could do the following: 0 9 * * 2 sleep $(( RANDOM \% 10800)); /home/osmc/play. Mar 17, 2014 · Every hour, random minutes; Every day, random hours and minutes; Every hour; Every 12 hours; Every day at specific time; Every 2 days at 10 PM; Some example of formats you can use to set the frequency your jobs are called. sh' | at now + $(shuf -i 2-60 -n 1) min 附:Crontab位置说明 Apr 6, 2017 · crontab 在linux下做定时任务的命令, 1. In case you can run the cron job only daily, and you want to run at random hour as well as minute, you can change your logic and go to sleep for 3600 seconds for hourly sleeps, and then go for minutely sleeps of 60 seconds. - GitHub - matrixik/sleep-rand: Simple scripts for random time sleep, useful for cron. That said you can schedule the computer to wake just a minute or two before your cron task in Preferences >> Energy Saver >> Schedule. Thanks, that works! -- With two feet on the ground you can't make any step forward In reply to: Arthur Chance : "Re: Crontab | random execution time" Go to: [ top of page] [ top of archives] [ this month] Original text of this message Hello, #cron gurus. You can set these values by calling crontab -e with the user you want the command to run as (for root, do sudo crontab -e Jun 3, 2011 · Recently ran into this problem. sh and then you start command. minute (0 - 59)# | . Aug 27, 2020 · apply_updates = no random_sleep = 360. . 3 thoughts on “ Running a Cron Job Once a Day at a Random Time ” kevin September 21, 2008. I had this cron entry causing the issue before updating userman to edge: * * * * * [ -e /usr/sbin/fwconsole ] && sleep $((RANDOM\\%30)) && /usr/sbin/fwconsole job --run --quiet 2>&1 > /dev/null Strangely I was getting emails every 30 minutes, even though that is scheduled to run every minute. In this case, it should be executed somewhere Jul 12, 2016 · I have some cron jobs on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian I'd like to run each evening at 11pm with a random start delay of up to 2hrs. randint(1 For your intents, you program a crontab for noon, and then sleep a random interval between 0 and 120 seconds (two hours). The file system is very good at caching. sh As has been pointed out by sr_, though, perhaps you are tackling this in the wrong way, and a proper init. The usual way to achieve what you want is to add a random sleep in front of the job, or just rely on cron's jitter feature which isn't usually set for that much spread and affects every job. Two weeks ago it was made back into a cron. 0 0 * * * /usr/bin/sleep $((RANDOM\%90)); cmdHere. /start只是一个随机的简单例子 Aug 2, 2019 · This is an enhancement request: Could we get a switch (likely --cron) which enables a random sleep for up to one hour?Likely also it should bundle in the functionality of the -q switch, but that can be left to a dedicated switch if desired. Best practice for automated Linux updates. Dec 17, 2021 · In 2019 @tm1000 took this out of cron and made it into a job. It's not a good idea if 1000 clients start to create a certificate on 00:00, 01:00 etc. Related. Apr 11, 2019 · I would address the issue two ways - depending on the requirement: if you mean that a task may be executed or not at random, every 3 minutes and 30 seconds between 8am and 6pm, you can add some random number generation and execute if matches certain criteria (number greater than x or divisible by y, etc) 文章浏览阅读6. run a command after 10 minutes of reboot? crontab sleep用法-注意事项在使用sleep命令时,需要注意以下几点:1. Ключи: shell, cron, random, sleep / Лицензия: CC-BY Раздел: Корень / Программисту и web-разработчику / Shell / Готовые скрипты Обсуждение Mar 7, 2022 · Arthur Chance: > sleep `jot -r 1 0 1800` > to the start of your command. weekly and cron. There are several ways to work with cron, but a user's crontab is the most straight-forward mechanism. The goal of this is to smooth out Let's Encrypt's CA load because so many people like to run cron jobs exactly at midnight Jul 29, 2009 · cron doesn't execute while the computer is asleep, so there's no way for you to have a crontab entry to wake the computer. Este exemplo funciona diretamente no terminal e atrasa o comando em até 30 segundos (substitua o comando com o que você quiser, na verdade é um eco para / dev / ttyUSB0): Ключи: shell, cron, random, sleep / Лицензия: CC-BY Раздел: Корень / Программисту и web-разработчику / Shell / Готовые скрипты Обсуждение Jan 9, 2017 · 如果需要將自動執行時間設定為少於 1 分鐘, 或者以秒數為單位, 可以透過 crontab 配合 sleep 指令完成, 或者建立一個 shell script 再配合 sleep 實現。 以下會示範在 crontab 或 shell script, 設定每 30 秒自動執行, 如果需要設定其他秒數, 只要修改 sleep 後的秒數即可。 crontab Ключи: shell, cron, random, sleep / Лицензия: CC-BY Раздел: Корень / Программисту и web-разработчику / Shell / Готовые скрипты Обсуждение Jan 9, 2025 · For this specific condition, the strategy involves dynamically adding a random sleep interval before executing the scheduled job. Deseo ejecutar un comando un número aleatorio de minutos después de que se dispare el cronjob. This is seen commonly in anacron jobs, but also can be useful in a crontab. Mar 30, 2021 · Command sleep เป็นการใส่ค่า Delay ให้กับ Crontab หมายความว่า Crontab ที่กำลังจะเริ่มทำงานทุก ๆ 20 นาที จะโดนสั่งให้ Sleep แบบ Random เป็นเวลา “กี่วินาที Dec 18, 2021 · However, the crontab entry remains, and the fwconsole job is not present as expected: # fwconsole job --list | grep userman # crontab -l -uasterisk | grep userman */15 * * * * [ -e /usr/sbin/fwconsole ] && sleep $((RANDOM%30)) && /usr/sbin/fwconsole userman --syncall -q At this point reinstalling the module fixes those tasks: May 21, 2018 · Deleted articles cannot be recovered. They usually run at midnight or the top of some other Jan 18, 2019 · But recent version of FreeBSD has anti-congestion feature that only one time of random sleep is executed while executing all of periodic jobs. After updating userman to May 22, 2012 · In crontab, I can use @reboot to run a command after the system reboot. For me, Crontab was one of the more intimidating Linux concepts as a newbie. We had a crontab entry that looked something like this. You can sleep for 1 to 300 seconds using the following command : sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 300 ) + 1 )) So, to run a command just after that, use sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 300 ) + 1 )) && your command Nov 24, 2018 · You can do this by defining a job which runs every hour on the hour, and sleeps for a random amount of time before running the command you're actually interested in. How can I run a script 20 times a day at random times, between 9am and 11pm? CronTool is a cron job editor for multiple cron jobs with a calendar view support for AWS & Vercel cron jobs. May 23, 2012 · The entire first field of a cron entry is simply a list of the minute values that cron will match against to check whether it should run the program. Dec 15, 2023 · I want to solve it with a cron job and I want to be sure that there are not more than 10 minutes between a sync and that when the container spins up a sync is performed within the first 10 minutes. 7k次,点赞4次,收藏9次。方法一:crontab 延时原理:crontab命令的功能是在一定的时间间隔调度一些命令的执行,通过延时方法 sleep N 来实现每N秒执行。 Jan 24, 2020 · Can anyone explain me why need this random slep? the answer is simple. However, a lot of people are configuring their own crontabs, either with certbot or certbot-auto. Any suggestions on the best way to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Sep 4, 2014 · This way, you sleep a random number of seconds and after that perform the command: Is it possible to run a cron job randomly between 3-6 minutes? 1. Dividing the minutes by 11 gets cron to kick it off at :00, :11, :22, :33, :44, and :55 minute marks of each hour. I wouldnt consider it "random" at that point because at some point you're still executing something in a timely manner. crontab [-u 사용자명] 파일, crontab [-u 사용자명] [기타옵션] -l : 등록된 실행 시간과 명령어 목록을 if you're setting up a cron or systemd job, we recommend running it twice per day Please select a random minute within the hour for your renewal tasks. 0. Just set up cron entries for the number of times you'd like to launch the script, and have the scrip sleep a random amount of time (between 0 and the number of seconds until the next cron job kicks off). Cron uses /bin/sh on most systems, but you could also just move the sleep into the script itself. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to Dec 20, 2021 · So according to Jira #23167 (can’t post links yet) this is fixed in edge. Something like Random Sleep in Crontab/Terminal. Feb 16, 2017 · Some cron implementations offer a RANDOM_DELAY variable. The objective is to deploy an rpm package containing the cron task but the cron task won't execute at the Dec 20, 2019 · はじめに sleepコマンドとは処理を中断することで待ち時間を発生させる手法で任意の秒数で指定できるので、場合によってはcronに登録するよりも手軽に利用できます。本記事では、例えばコマンドを60秒毎に実行する場合におけるsleepとcronの違いについて分かりやすく説明します。 sleepコマンド Jan 29, 2024 · 리눅스 nice, sleep, crontab 명령어에 대해서 알아보자 1. If your cron uses bash as its default shell for executing jobs, or if you set it to bash with SHELL=/bin/bash before the cron job in question, you will have available the variable RANDOM which returns numbers between 0 and 32767. sh The job will start at 9AM, and delays the script for upto 10800 seconds, which is 3 hours. To do a random sleep of 0-30 minutes add sleep `jot -r 1 0 1800` to the start of your command. sh with: sleep $(( RANDOM % (120*60) )) an alternative is doing: at noon + $(( RANDOM % 120 )) minutes tomorrow Dec 19, 2016 · crontabの時間設定 cronで指定できる時間の最小単位は分だ。秒単位の指定をする方法としては、次のようにsleepを挟む方法 Sep 24, 2018 · If you use a packaged certbot, it comes with a crontab that includes a random sleep. I don't know why this works and what I had did not, cron shrug, but the differences were replacing the && with a ; and also adding a single "-" to the O, and changing the double quotes to single quotes, adding the bash -c reference, though this probably doesn't make a big difference, given that it looks like base was already called previously. However this obviously introduces other risks, so there is no 'better' way. (so once every day between 00:00-23:59). patreon. Nevertheless, it is customary for system software to invoke /bin/sh (and expect it to be compatible with Bourne shell). sh ``` 这将在每分钟的第 5 秒运行 `/path/to/random. That should have the same effect. In your crontab: SHELL=/bin/bash 0 * * * * sleep $((RANDOM*3600/32768)) && command Jan 26, 2024 · Additionally, let’s use RANDOM_DELAY to add a random wait no longer than 30 minutes: $ crontab -l WORKDIR=/home/joe/prj/random RANDOM_DELAY=30 0,30 9-17 * * * $WORKDIR/rscript. I have been trying to use systemd service and Ключи: shell, cron, random, sleep / Лицензия: CC-BY Раздел: Корень / Программисту и web-разработчику / Shell / Готовые скрипты Обсуждение Eu tenho um problema estranho com o $ RANDOM no cron. At minimum, the default random_sleep is longer than your 2 hour window. Changing the random_sleep parameter causes yum-cron to run immediately. You might need to setup set_time_limit accordingly. The script requires /dev/urandom to provide random bytes. I suspect cron reads it as '0'. The cron operation runs a curl command to download a website page. Feb 3, 2024 · 要配置 crontab,可以使用以下命令: ``` crontab -e ``` 然后在文件中添加以下行: ``` * * * * * sleep 5 && /path/to/random. The RANDOM_DELAY variable allows delaying job startups by random amount of minutes with upper limit specified by the variable. Aug 6, 2019 · Customize the config file (/etc/yum/yum-cron. Create a Decorator Function: This decorator will introduce a random delay, ranging from 0 to 59 seconds, before executing the target function. How can I run a cron I have some cron jobs on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian I'd like to run each evening at 11pm with a random start delay of up to 2hrs. Some distros' crons have support for a RANDOM_DELAY variable in the crontab file; however the man page for Raspbian Jessie doesn't mention it, and a quick test showed setting RANDOM_DELAY in crontab did nothing. May 24, 2021 · CentOS7/8上SSH登录增加安全性启用两步验证 分享我自用的一个vscode配色方案-参考jetbrains的idea的darcular [Java]SpringSecurity5实现自定义的登录和退出,包括 remember-me下次自动登录 [Linux]Shell脚本接收参数并判断参数args是否输入校验 Chrome遇到 您的连接不是私密连接/Your connection is not private无法继续的解决办法 Sep 18, 2018 · 我想在终端或在crontab(两者)能够放置一个随机的时间。有点像Sleep $(1-300) pkill screen && . I'm not a cron expert, so I'd prefer an answer with detailed steps for setting up the cron job. sleep(random. the cron has not random times; and the sleep solution - not very nice - my idea is launch the script every midnight and sleep random time at the start of the script. Cron also simply does a modulus on the time values. conf) to your liking.
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