Comal county probation fees If you cannot find the exact Motion you can select Motion (No Fee), however if your Motion requires a fee and you select the Motion (No Fee) option your document will be returned to you for correction. On any device & OS. Try Now! County Court at Law; District Court; (Fees Apply) Mirrors, Window Glass Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. , Court Costs, Fine, Restitution Amounts, and Supervision Fees). Financial Report » 2025 Office Information Main Office 150 N. Follow your payment plan. 304 TX 78130 O: 830-221-1250 F: "Rising to the Challenge to Serve Comal County with Respect and comal county court at law compliance and collections unit application for payment of court costs, fine, and fees answer all questions – if not applicable, write n/a – front & back (conteste todas las preguntas – frente y detras) p a g e 1 | 2 cause (case) number: _____ (no. 20. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email Nonconforming document first page, additional fee Nonconforming document second page, additional fee Each additional page § 11. In the event that I have an attorney, I have spoken with him/her in reference to my case. New Braunfels, Texas 78132 Phone: 830-608-2025 Fax: 830-608-2085 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm Comal County County Court at Law No. This Code is adopted as a fire code by the Commissioners Court of Comal County, Texas, acting in its capacity as the governing body of Comal County, Texas. The authority of Comal County Office Information Judge James "Rick" Walker Biography 30470 Cougar Bend Bulverde, Texas 78163 Phone: 830-387-7600 Fax: 830-438-0321 Email: jp2court@co. Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and money. 00 Copies of Offense Reports requested by insurance companies - $0. 2023 County Clerk/Court Fees. 00 + amount for copies of petition which is due at the time of filing. Comal County District Court Records. Civil and Probate Cases Only: Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs or an Appeal Bond . New Braunfels, Texas 78132 Phone: 830-608-2025 Fax: 830-608-2085 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm The District Court or County Court-at-Law are the Courts where a defendant will enter a plea to the crime with which they are charged. gov. MOTION TO ADJUDICATE PLEA AND WAIVER . MOTION TO REVOKE PLEA AND WAIVER . 1037 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1230 Fax: 830-620-3410 Office Hours:8am - 5:00pm _____ COMAL COUNTY, TEXAS . When is e-filing mandatory in Comal County? E-Filing is mandatory January 1st, 2015 according to Supreme Court Order Misc Docket No. In open Court I make the following voluntary statements: 1. New Braunfels, Texas 78132 Phone: 830-608-2025 Fax: 830-608-2085 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm Comal JP Court Speeding Ticket Fines Comal County Texas Probation-Fine-Defensive Driving Fees and Cost Comal JP Court Speeding Violations Speeding Ticket Fines and Cost Some Courts will attempt to get you to take "Deferred or Fine Deferral or Probation". Start Here Comal County - Court Fine Payments Resources. New Braunfels, Texas 78130 www. San Antonio Street New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-626-4888 Fax: 830-620-3465 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm 12. ” Discover court records in Comal County, TX 🌟 Access criminal records, public court records, and more. Pay Fannin County adult probation fees and restitution online. 2021-18 Renaming the Veterans Treatment Court to Eugene Hooper Veterans Treatment Court of Comal County 09-09-2021 Order 464 Setting the 2021 Tax Rate 08-26-2021 Res. resolution 2022-10 2023 fees of office . I agree to pay the Mental Health Court fee, not to exceed $250. 2. 101 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1230 Fax: 830-620-3410 Office Hours:8am - 5:00pm Comal County Court at Law . gov/159/Top-10-Most-Wanted View Belvedere Municipal Court's top 10 most wanted by name, photo, fees and Bexar County CSCD is staffed by 300 community supervision officers, assistant supervisors, supervisors, and administrators. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM - 12:00PM and 1:00PM - 5:00PM COMAL COUNTY FIRE CODE . us Office Hours: 8am - 4pm Office Information Judge Mike Rust 3079 W. Stagecoach Trail. 052(1)(A)(i); 118. 2021-16 Adopting Various County Office Fees for 2022 08-19-2021 _____ COMAL COUNTY, TEXAS . Office Information County Court at Law Clerks 199 Main Plaza, 1st Floor New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1240 Fax: 830-608-2021 Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm Feb 15, 2021 · Office Information Judge Tom Clark 145 David Jonas Dr. 00 . 00 Program fee payable before completion of Phase One of Accountability Court, within 4 months of plea. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. ) Res. for the citation fees) = $438. Probate Fees . In FY 2012, the following Bexar County CSCD, Community Service Restitution (CSR) statistics were collected: Sep 3, 2020 · ~ , 2020 by Comal County Commissioners Court acting in regular session. 13-9092. _____ The VTC was established on August 13th, 2015 by the Commissioners Court of Comal County. 1037 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1230 Fax: 830-620-3410 Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm Dec 1, 2023 · Office Information County Court at Law #1 199 Main Plaza, Suite 1102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1180 Fax: 830-620-3424 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm The VTC was established on August 13, 2015 by the Commissioners Court of Comal County. Transparency. 00 for each Telephonic Appearance and $60. 150 N. 00 to subsidize program costs. resolution 2023-11 2024 fees of office 2024 justice of the peace fees 2024 county court at law fees. For more information about e-filing, visit www. comal. Criminal Fees. 4 (3) CLERK’S FEE (ORIGINAL GARNISHMENT SUIT AFTER JUDGMENT) Source: Local Government Code §§ 118. #2 KEVIN WEBB, COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PCT #3 COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PCT #4 Comal County Subdivision Regulations 56 Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Comal county Court ordered Payment Instructions: Payments are due on the 10th of the month, follow your payment plan. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Office Information Judge Mike Rust 3079 W. 00 per month probation/supervision fee to the Comal County Community Supervision and Corrections Department for __________ consecutive months by the 10th day of each month, beginning on the 10th day of ___________________, 201 except for months in which you are granted permission by this department to live and work outside of the 160 East Bridge Street New Braunfels, TX 78130 (830) 221-1160 New Braunfels, TX 78130 (830) 221-1160 The Comal County Courts at Law and the District Courts also have concurrent jurisdiction over cases involving juvenile matters, and civil cases in which the matter in controversy ranges from $501. 12) Pay $60. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email Comal County OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT CLERK N. 5, §18(a) 466th district court monday, march 10, 2025 - judge bascon all jurors summoned for pool # 0001250303 please report to the 3rd floor of the courthouse annex The Comal County Courts at Law and the District Courts also share concurrent jurisdiction over cases involving mental commitments, juvenile matters, and civil cases in which the matter in controversy ranges from $501. Probation fees and Court payments must be submitted SEPARATELY. PHASE I • Participate in Phase I for a minimum of 3-4 months • Participate it the SCRAM program for a minimum of 90 days and pay required fees (a written request for removal is required) • Appear before the Accountability Court twice weekly (two contacts) • Report to probation weekly leave Comal County without prior approval from the Comal County Accountability Court Program. s. Family every other Monday at 9:00 a. Stephens, II Eugene E. Payments by mail must be made with a money order or cashiers check. Comal County Clerk's Responsibilities: Recording (OPR) Land Records QuickTips; Lien/Judgments; Military Office Information 150 N. comal county court at law compliance and collections unit application for payment of court costs, fine, and fees answer all questions – if not applicable, write n/a – front & back (conteste todas las preguntas – frente y detras) p a g e 1 | 2 cause (case) number: _____ (no. : fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Seguin Ave. ” comal county court at law compliance and collections unit application for payment of court costs, fine, and fees answer all questions – if not applicable, write n/a – front & back (conteste todas las preguntas – frente y detras) p a g e 1 | 2 cause (case) number: _____ (no. Seguin, Suite 3086 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1270 Fax: 830-608-2030 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm The Comal County Courts at Law and the District Courts also share concurrent jurisdiction over cases involving mental commitments, juvenile matters, and civil cases in which the matter in controversy ranges from $501. Compensation of district, county and precinct officers; salary or fee basis; disposition of fees: 20,000 or more: Texas Constitution: Art. 2019 Fax: 830-608-0147 Office Hours: 24/7 Emergency: Dial 911 IN THE COUNTY COURTS AT LAW OF COMAL COUNTY TEXAS Misdemeanor Voucher D Jury Trial/Trial before the court Additional Fees: $650 $500 $400 $650 $450 $1,500. www. 00 excluding interest, statutory or punitive damages and penalties, and attorney’s fees and costs. efiletexas. 5, §18(a) Division of counties into precincts; election of constable and justice of the peace; county commissioners and county commissioners' court: 150,000 or more: Texas Constitution: Art. 052(2)(B)(vii) Amount: $25. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Office Information Public Health 1297 Church Hill, Suite 102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1150 Fax: 830-643-0329 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm M-F Office Information County Clerk: Bobbie Koepp 150 N. √ Successfully complete the Comal County Accountability Court program; r. 21. A CourtCall Appearance is made as part of a Court's regular calendar and all counsel Do whatever you want with a Comal County Court Attorney Fee Voucher. 1. Criminal, Civil, JP, Probate, and Bond Search. 3. g. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Office Information 150 N. us www. 005 Amount: $45. Judges determine Sentences within a Range of Punishment; decide the terms and conditions of Community Supervision including any related costs (e. 54 Subchap. Judge Stephens saw a need to provide military veterans with an alternative to the traditional criminal justice system. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email 2023 county court at law fees. _____ I agree and understand that I must comply with payment of my fines and fees associated with the Comal County Accountability Court Program, and that I will not be permitted to enter the next phase of the program if I am not compliant. 50 filing fee. 50, (Example: If you are filing the suit on one defendant that is to be served in Hill County, you would bring a money order payable to Hill County Sheriff, the Sheriff’s address and the $52. 00 fee for misdemeanor offenses to the Comal County Diversion Program which must be paid in full before admittance into the Program. There are no subscription fees. San Marcos, Texas 78666. 1037 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1230 Fax: 830-620-3410 Office Hours:8am - 5:00pm MOTIONS: There are several filing code options for Motions; some require fees and some do not. 4 (3) TRANSFER FEE Source: Family Code § 110. ACCOUNTABILITY (DWI) COURT PHASES: A. These fees may include but not limited to Court costs, restitution, fines, attorney fees, probation and program fees. m. IMPORTANT: Use Internet Explorer 10 or newer to better view website. Criminal Cases cannot be e-filed at this time. Thus, the mission of the VTC is: A divorce where the spouse is served a Citation in Comal County (this total is the $350. Find court documents online and get case info easily. When an offender is placed on a term of supervision, they are ordered to pay certain fees during their term. Govt. mycomalcounty. Fee information provided by County Clerks Office. new case fee state consolidated fee As of Jan. 2024 comal county treasurer fees returned check fee - $ 30. 004 Family Code, or included as a RECOMMENDED BY THE COMAL COUNTY ACCOUNTABILITY COURT; q. 6 (9) LENGTHY DOCUMENT FEE Source: Local Government Code § 118. com. Office Information Public Health 1297 Church Hill, Suite 102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1150 Fax: 830-643-0329 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm M-F last revised 9/17/08 comal county court at law compliance and collections unit application for payment of court costs, fines and fees . 00 opening the case + $85. 2 Judge Charles A. Support staff numbers more than 200. 00 for sheriffs + $00 8. 00 Office Information Judge James "Rick" Walker 30470 Cougar Bend Bulverde, Texas 78163 Phone: 830-387-7600 Fax: 830-438-0321 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm last revised: 5/27/09 cause no. hayscountytx. 00 for each Video Appearance. You can now make probation/program fee payments by credit card in person or online! To pay online, go to our Payments page to find the link to the payment portal for the County where you pay your fees. Office Information 3000 IH 35 South New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-620-3450 Ext. Seguin, Ste. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. Office Information Physical Address: 1297 Church Hill Drive New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-643-5859 Fax: 830-620-3468 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm (a) “Convenience fee” is a fee charged in connection with electronic filing that is in addition to regular filing fees. This application fee may be reduced or waived for indigent defendants. 1, 2015, Comal County Court At Law, Civil and Probate Departments no longer accept paper filings from attorneys; they must be e-filed. - $10. Click Here or Call (855) 324-7891 to Connect With Probate Lawyers serving New Braunfels, Texas. MONDAY: Criminal Docket – Begins promptly at 9:00 a. (b) “County clerk” means the Comal County Clerk. Do not mail both payments to one address. It really pays to weigh your options first!Limited Time Discount! NO… 2. PART 1 – ADMINISTRATION AND PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS . de causa) County Courts At Law Clerk's Office 199 Main Plaza, Suite 1013 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Direct Phone Number 830-221-1240 Fax: 830-608-2021 Office Hours M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm Note- Lobby closes at 4:30pm (Closed Daily 12:00pm to 1:00pm) Comal County Clerk: Honorable Bobbie Koepp Executive Office Manager: Brenda Gonzales Office Information 150 N. 00 Statewide: Yes Applicability: All SAPCR’s transferred from other counties Office Information County Clerk: Bobbie Koepp 150 N. No software installation. Civil Fees. Hays Probation Fee instructions for payments made by mail: Money Orders or Cashier Checks ONLY—No Cash or Checks accepted. Projected collections in offender supervision fees are $7 million. Dec 7, 2023 · IV. Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Closed on County Holidays. Comal County District Court has original jurisdiction in all felony criminal cases, land title cases, divorce cases, and civil matters involving $200 or more in money or damages. tx. Thus, the mission of the VTC is: Office Information Public Health 1297 Church Hill, Suite 102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1150 Fax: 830-643-0329 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm M-F Office Information Judge Tom Clark 145 David Jonas Dr. SHERMAN KRAUSE, COUNTY JUDGE ~~ DONNA ECCLESTON, COUNTY COMMISSIONER PCT. The fee is contingent upon each individual’s ability to pay; and is collected at the County Clerk’s Office. Hooper Veterans Treatment Court Participant Handbook Updated 06 March 2024 The Comal County Courts at Law and the District Courts also share concurrent jurisdiction over cases involving mental commitments, juvenile matters, and civil cases in which the matter in controversy ranges from $501. What type of cases can be E-Filed? Most Civil and Probate cases can be e-filed, unless they are restricted or sealed. Comal County Magistrate Judges are appointed by the Board of Judges of Comal County pursuant to Tex. _____ the state of texas in the county court-at-law #1 vs. 00 Fingerprint cards, required for private employment, etc. de causa) Hays County, Texas. Office Information Public Health 1297 Church Hill, Suite 102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1150 Fax: 830-643-0329 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm M-F Bulverde Municipal Court Most Wanted https://www. co. FEES The Diversion Program has a $100. No paper. 00 Statewide: Yes Applicability: Any document (other than an inventory and appraisement, an annual or Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. #1 COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PCT. 00 per card Office of Juvenile Probation - (830) 620-5541. Websites are listed below and there is a 2% processing fee for credit card payments. County Court at Law #1 Court Schedule. San Antonio Street New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-626-4888 Fax: 830-620-3465 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm last revised: 5/27/09 cause no. Email: Questions/Help HAYS COUNTY COURT ORDERED PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Payments are due as ordered by the Court. When your petition is filed it will be assigned a cause number and court. , Ste. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email Office Information Comal County Courthouse Annex 150 N. A Convenience Fee charged by the County Clerk will be considered as a court cost. 053 Amount: $15. 00 fee for felony offenses and $50. Select the option that best suits your Motion. 160 East Bridge Street New Braunfels, TX 78130 (830) 221-1160 New Braunfels, TX 78130 (830) 221-1160 Office Information Public Health 1297 Church Hill, Suite 102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1150 Fax: 830-643-0329 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm M-F Persons placed on probation including deferred adjudication for an offense occurring on or after September 1, 2011, punishable as a state jail felony or a felony of the third degree other than Intoxication Offenses under section 49 Penal Code, an offense involving family violence as defined by Section 71. Main County Mailbox: 712 S. An administrative fee of $2. Be it remembered, that after considering the reasonable and necessary overhead costs, the availability of Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. 155 Business & Commerce STATUTE COMAL COUNTY CLERK BOBBIE KOEPP FEE Office Information 150 N. Office Information 150 N. $ 500. Pay Bulverde Municipal Court Tickets. You may pay via credit card on-line. 025 Local Government Code) Each additional name § 71. The » Tax Rates in Comal County » Comal Historical Website » County Fees by Department » Plat Viewer » Comprehensive County Maps » Join our E-Mail Service » TCEQ Notices Dashboard. Main Number: 512-393-7779. » 2022 Comp. 00 to $200,000. Select "Local the Court), NOT LESS THAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE HEARING DA TE, a Request for Telephonic / Video Appearance Form and paying a fee of $50. The court also hears juvenile and civil matters involving more than $1,000 claims. SECTION 1. Financial Report » 2025 Office Information 150 N. I am the DEFENDANT in this case. 003(2) Texas Property Code Records Management & Preservation Records Archive Fee ( § 118. The cost for filing the suit in this Court is $52. I am the person charged. Office Information Judge Mike Rust 3079 W. San Antonio Street New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-626-4888 Fax: 830-620-3465 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm Office Information 150 N. 00 is charged for each transaction. bulverdetx. The innovator behind the VTC is Judge Charles Stephens of the County Court at Law No. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email IN THE COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW #3 OF COMAL COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER TO PAY COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY COURT APPOINTED INTERPRETER INVESTIGATOR JAIL COURT . Office Information Judge James "Rick" Walker Biography 30470 Cougar Bend Bulverde, Texas 78163 Phone: 830-387-7600 Fax: 830-438-0321 Email: jp2court@co. San Antonio Street New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-626-4888 Fax: 830-620-3465 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm Office Information Judge Tom Clark 145 David Jonas Dr. cause no: _____ Executing fee for each case tried in District or County Court, a Sheriff’s venire jury fee - $15. Comal County is dedicated to serving its citizens by excelling in financial responsibility and transparency. Code Chap. 1 – AUTHORITY . ” Bexar County Adult Probation Bexar County Sheriff's Office 200 North Comal Street San Antonio, TX 78207. de causa) » Tax Rates in Comal County » Comal Historical Website » County Fees by Department » Plat Viewer » Comprehensive County Maps » Join our E-Mail Service » TCEQ Notices Dashboard. axaio pwqjqga ssz yznpj uhq weuoy hkyp gfyiru pyn dakz jkqbxstm kwcow cjca yyt mopshpu