Cognos if null then 0. There must be something else going on.

Cognos if null then 0. Mar 25, 2020 · I'm new to Cognos Analytics.

  • Cognos if null then 0 You need to create a calculated data item that is the total of your numeric columns and create a filter that would compare against zero. Jun 6, 2011 · As randy has pointed out if the column is numeric then why does it contain null, most numeric columns in a database will store 0 if the data entered is null Is the column null because it’s the result of an outer join query, or since this is a Cognos report query possibly you have generated a stitched query, in which case the value can contain Jul 24, 2012 · IF (ParamDisplayValue('Company_Name') is NULL) THEN ('') ELSE ('Company(s): '+ParamDisplayValue('Company_Name')) So that if the select no parameters then nothing will appear If they just select a Module then just Module Name will Appear If they select just a Company then Companies will appear and if they select both then they will both appear. Oracle does allow additions with null values, but SQL server 2000 does not. Dec 15, 2010 · The largest independent IBM Cognos collaboration community - Brought to you by BSP Software! an empty string vs. May 29, 2014 · If this report was based on a relational model then a filter criteria applied in the detail filter pane would ensure that NULL values are excluded from the report. Mar 30, 2015 · If you insist on using a CASE statement then I believe you can put parentheses around your WHEN clause and provide a result for ELSE and it should work: CASE WHEN ([Force Expired] = 'Inforce') THEN ([Policy Expiration Date] >= current_date AND [Policy Effective Date] <= current_date) ELSE (1=1) END Feb 15, 2022 · Can you create a query for the first major and a second query for the second major? Then go to query explorer, drop the join tool which will create a third query. The limitation with this expression is that the year is hardcoded [2014] in the expression. Requires one or more arguments in "expression_list". If that does not work directly in a filter, create a calculated query item, use the ParamDisplayValue() function. 29 2 2 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. When the cell content is retrieved either in TI or through rules, a value of zero is returned. If both are null, then no record is returned. Oct 30, 2012 · There are several rows with NULL values, and when I use rank function it ranks all the NULL values as one (1) and the values starts after that. -> CASE WHEN Quantity = '' THEN '0' ELSE Quantity END Jan 26, 2013 · Hi my Cognos report has columns like mon_1,mon_2,mon_3, tue_1,tue_2,tue_3, wed_1,wed_2,wed_3. For example, Jan has 1, Feb 0, Mar 2, Apr 0 and May 0. Would you be able to tell me the steps involved in changing the format to Format in cognos 8. Does anyone have any suggestions I could try to force null results to display as 0? May 4, 2017 · Cognos Bee Cognos Bee. There are few combinations against which there is no data present in the table. [All Products]. or As you said you can try using Conditional statement in Conditional formatting of report if Patient Count is NULL/Missing. MissaLissa7. My problem is I need to display in my list table (which is based on Query B) zeros when no data is returned. Mar 25, 2020 · I'm new to Cognos Analytics. Oct 29, 2009 · See Terry’s post above - use the function call rather than the surrounding characters. The IS NULL condition is satisfied if the column contains a null value or if the expression cannot be evaluated because it contains one or more null values. case when ([attribute] > 3) then ('value') end. Aug 16, 2005 · if I use that data format option I get zero's apperaring in columns all over the place - excellent ! However, if every row of a column has a zero then I still lose the column . Hope it helps. COALESCE allows for multiple parameters and will evaluate to the first non-null value in the parameter list. Access to the suppression feature depends on the settings in your modeling component, IBM® Cognos® Transformer, IBM Cognos Framework Manager, and IBM Cognos Administration. Jun 10, 2008 · When Cognos 8 concatenates strings locally and if any of the involved strings contain null values, the result of the concatenation is an empty cell or a null value. Hope that helps. Dec 31, 2010 · If condition Then then_statement [ Else else_statement] Syntax B. It really counts the existence of the field (any value will work). , I want to see the following in my table when result set from Query A is null: apple 0 orange 0 banana 0 How do I Nov 22, 2023 · It would be nice to see the actual errors. [Posting Date] = current_date then 0 else [Stock Forecast]. Suppression can also be applied to charts, repeaters, and repeater tables. 5) the output datatype of boolean is not supported as a result type of a calculation. The difference is that case when doesn't need to have all the possible options for Handling data, and if it founds a case that is not in the list it just returns a blank cell. Please help how to check. In Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and Cubing Services data sources, a null value in arithmetic operations is treated as follows: In operations such as addition (+), a null value yields the same result as zero (9 + NULL = 9) In operations such as multiplication (*), a null value yields a null result (9 * NULL = NULL) Jun 26, 2014 · When ‘FT’ then ‘0’ When ‘PT’ then ‘1’ When ‘PD’ then ‘2’ When ‘PDS’ then ‘2’ else ‘0’ end (you might want to make your ELSE some other value so your FT results will be more accurate; say ‘9’) non-null record set from the sub queries. Quote coalesce ( expression_list ) Returns the first non-null argument (or null if all arguments are null). I want to replace the blanks/null with zeroes in the report. Then have the list use the 3rd query in order to list null – If condition Then then_statement [ Else else_statement] Syntax B. Sep 23, 2021 · You'll need to create a query that produces all 10 of those values in a column, then left outer join that to the query that is currently producing the output for your report. Best regards, Philipp-----Philipp Hornung Jun 2, 2010 · Hello, I have a chart where any data that is null is showing as a N/A when exported to excel. This will results into 45+0 / 2 = 22. I created tests to see if Cognos could identify the "null" or "blank" values using the following statements: Dec 20, 2015 · In Cognos RS 10, I am trying to create multiple if statements but the report fails. Eg I get Column 2 Row 1 When I should get Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Row 0 1 0 Sep 23, 2021 · I also need to use that $0 for other calculations in other columns, so setting the data format property to show 0 when null won't do the trick. filter([GO SALES]. I would always do this at the model level, rather than the report. Now I want to replace these null values in the crosstab by the string 'Orders without Sales Manager'. I have tried adding "nvl" and "coalesco([PG1]. After the automatically inserted expression "then (", type the result to show if the boolean expression is True. XXXXX. Now i want to hide a day (ie. Nov 26, 2019 · [Column 1] is null and [Column 2] is null add all visible columns in the list) Essentially this will output any rows ONLY if at least one visible column is not null. The report has typically 30 Nulls, making the rank start at 31. Then IsNull is used to reduce the total count of scores (originally 10) to just those with positive values before calculating the average. For example a numeric like [Sales] = 'Jane Doe' For example (assuming the result is a string and data item 2 is also a string), Apr 12, 2016 · The largest independent IBM Cognos collaboration community - Brought to you by BSP Software! is null THEN 0 ELSE Metric END or if the value is null then use Apr 7, 2011 · What I have is a COGNOS query that the Data Item has many If Else statements. 40+45 / 2 = 42. Then reports can be quickly created or the package queried ad-hoc with no difficulty. for e. g. Mar 16, 2007 · Some tools / databases allow arethmetic operations with null. and CustomerID is not missing ) then ( 1 ) else ( 0 ) ) Enter a filter condition that says &quot;RegID is May 6, 2008 · (0)), you might just want to change the (0) to a null. But you can display a prompt with value null, if a user type a value then use this value in a filter otherwise (if is always null) take a filter with now date time. I would like to edit this to either make it '0' or Blank. i. Click Format data. 2 and have a report with 2 queries. Select New boolean variable; Set the name… I will use v_Status=0; In the Variable’s Feb 8, 2017 · SELECT NVL(NULL, 0) from dual; SELECT COALESCE(NULL, 0) from dual; NVL will return either the non-null value or, if it is null then the second parameter. May 4, 2017 · You can try using a coalesce function to replace the null value with text that can then be counted by the count function. If one is null and the other is not, then a record will be returned, but the sub query that had no match will display null values. Thanks in advance! if [Stock Forecast]. Crosstab Query to show null values. You are comparing to a date/time literal which may not be valid if the field only holds a date. You have written that you handel NULL values with the coalesce function and replace NULL with 0. 0 or more valid expressions, separated by colons (:), or on different lines. Double-click a closing parenthesis and click OK. Apr 2, 2021 · IS NULL (instead of = null) NULL is not blank. ; Select a format from the list, such as Text, Number, Percent, or Currency. Mar 13, 2008 · Coalesce etc. Aug 22, 2016 · Hi all, I have query subject concatenation with a violation code part, section, and three sub-sections. Can anybody help? I need this report for the month-end :-\ Thanks!! Dec 30, 2015 · Just add ELSE 0:. Jun 14, 2023 · So i do not know, how I can write a filter, where I can find out, if a variable is null or empty. Improve Feb 27, 2012 · Looking to create a data item that gives me the total number of vacation hours requested within a date >= currrent day. This means TM1 does NOT differentiate between missing data (null value) and zero. In this case I guess that the cognos engine determines the null value within calculations as 'unknown'. Improve Hi, You may try a column/line combination chart, fill the line part and use a calculated constant null key figure for the (mandatory) column part. Then the summary page list is also blank. While generating the cross tab reports these records appear blank in the reports. Thank you both for giving your valuable suggestions on implementing the expression Format in Report Studio/Framework Manager. [Posting Date] ***** if [Stock Forecast]. So I need to write a statement that cognos will except: total ([HRS_PER_DAY]) where [START_DATE] >= current_date AND [STATUS] = 0 What is the best way to write this expression? Hi, You may try a column/line combination chart, fill the line part and use a calculated constant null key figure for the (mandatory) column part. I’m using COGNOS 8. Jul 3, 2016 · Column5 is not null We run the report but there are still records with that column beeing empty but we don't want those records. 2Visualization Tool If details of a group are null, then the header and footer are also suppressed. Jul 14, 2008 · Im using Cognos 8. After the automatically inserted expression "else (", type the result to show if the boolean expression is False. The count function will count everything but nullls. If you use the IS NOT NULL operator, the condition is satisfied when the operand is column value that is not null, or an expression that does not evaluate to null. If this data set is purely in Cognos BI then please ignore this response :) -----Trevor Mills Mar 8, 2025 · Quote from: Raghuvir on 28 May 2014 07:13:25 AM hi all, we are using DB2 as our data source, we have a date field in the format of yyyy-mm-dd when the value in the date field is 0100-01-01 we need to display NULL in the reports. Share. You might also want = ' ' case might need an else and END at the bottom; referring to a data type as something else can cause errors. Feb 22, 2009 · Randy and Winson. Is there a better method to convert the null to 0? Framework manager? Thanks in advance. regards, sanjeev Dec 6, 2013 · We can not get cognos to accept it. This occurs because Cognos 8 requires that an expression that involves a null value returns a null value. If I could get my first count to always show a 0 if the result that passes the filter is null, all would be well. com - The IBM Cognos Community . [Product Line], tuple([2014],[Revenue]) <> NULL) The report runs successful and NULL values are suppressed from the report. May 16, 2024 · However, when I tried to use if/then statement to account for "blank" / "null" values, it still did not work. if you want to total the field, remove the count() function and keep the (0) and then just total the field. please help me to figure this out. Thanks in advance, Corvinus Are you saying, if you provide values in one parameter and not in the other one then the report is not filtering anything? If so, that's not how Cognos behaves. [SUPPLIER_AMOUNT]" but still returns blank, i think i need a check for if missing or something? Nov 5, 2013 · North, 2, 0, 0 North, 3, 0, 0 Ensure that each of the driving queries has the same number of data items in the order in which you wish them. 45 / 1 = 45. The measure is the headcount (count of distinct PIDM). 25' as decimal(5,4)), cast('4. I'm using RS 8. Then when you create a list on your page over the Union Query, you Apr 13, 2017 · count ( distinct case when {some condition is true} then [Your query item] else null end ) You might also consider whether order required delivery date is a date or a date/time data type. If condition Then. Voici mon problème: J'utilise la fonction "count" pour compter des codes associer à nos commerciaux. I wrote an if then else statement to display "No Secondary Program" if null. Aug 8, 2019 · Wanting to create a new If Else statement that categorizes by two conditions from different columns. then 1 else 0 end Currently(11. When I use the data format (custom) option to replace the null values it doesn't seem to work. Your if then can result in a numeric or string depending on the record. Here is the basic scenario: I start with two queries: - [Query1] - info about all active employees (1 row per employee)- [Query2] - info about all terminated employees in a time period Then, a third query has three data items as follows: - [Data Item1] - a count of the active employees from Mar 20, 2017 · COGNOiSe. I suspect it because of a LEFT outer join from 2 tables but there seems to be like 4;5 tables involved and inner joins before the outer join. Started by SAM2013, 05 Jun 2013 01:12:30 PM. . all 3 columns of a day) if none of the column in that day has any value. Cependant lorsque aucun code n'est associé, cognos ne me donne aucune valeur alors que j'aimerai qu'il m'affiche 0 afin de pouvoir alimenter mon graphique correctement. Make this an outer join by student ID. [SELL_AMOUNT], 0) +[PG2]. I'm assuming that you are using a file directly in the dashboard. And in three value logic additions with an unknown value always add up to unknown. Any suggestions? Here are the variations we have tried. So I need to write a statement that cognos will except: total ([HRS_PER_DAY]) where [START_DATE] >= current_date AND [STATUS] = 0 What is the best way to write this expression? May 4, 2017 · Cognos Bee Cognos Bee. The viz gives me (no value) for all NULL values. I need the coalesce statement for the null values, because if I don't use it Cognos will chop out a lot of codes that should be in there. if then else statements THEN (Most Recent Organization) ELSE NULL. 4 Report Studio to get some stats on employee turnover for a time period. Then a standard between filter would work. Is it any possibility to make the rank function ignore the NULL values? Or any other way to make it work? the expression i'm using is: Oct 24, 2012 · I have applied a detail filter to query 2 { [Sales Manager] includes null }to return only null values for Sales Manager. The report works when I do not have this in as an expression. Error: "QE-DEF-0459 CCLException Incompatible data types in CASE statements&quot; Aug 30, 2007 · The largest independent IBM Cognos collaboration community - Brought to you by BSP Software! 07 Mar 2025 05:11:59 AM. If your crosstab includes nested sets, filter the sets using a cascading approach to improve performance. Right-click on the cell, table header, or bar in a visualization. Jan 16, 2023 · I have a liste of value and when a value = something i want it to calcultate a number of day between 2 dates. Many databases ignore null strings when they perform concatenations. I found out that this can be managed using the case when function:. Should I use nested IF statements? If I do use a table with singletons to show zeros, is there a way to reference singletons in a layout calculation like Singleton1-Singleton2? Jun 26, 2014 · I’m actually trying to get the following results from my Employee Type Field: If FT then 0 If PT then 1 If PD then 2 If PDS then 2 So here’s what I placed in the expression box (I just don’t know how to join the four ““I&hellip; Aug 16, 2005 · If you know which column headers you are expecting (ie you know all the different fruits!) then you could have a tabular model for each one of these and then drag in individual data items for each fruit. 0 Views 54. Try: If ([Case State Description] = 'Unassigned') then (cast(days_between (CURRENT_DATE,[Case Create Date]),varchar(4))) else ('Assigned') If it still fails, please post the Oct 11, 2008 · Hi , I have a crosstab report in Cognos which shows the sales of different products for number of weeks. In my example above (in both queries) Region and Rep will have Aggregate of None, and Sls Measure 1 & 2 will have Aggregate of Total. I have tried all the usual, if net sales is null, then 0 else net sales, case statement saying the same. Dec 10, 2012. Therefore if for all rows all visible columns are NULL then query will NOT return any rows. SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Reliquat_id = 1 THEN Poids ELSE 0 END) AS NbrARRNP, SUM(CASE WHEN Reliquat_id = 2 THEN Poids ELSE 0 END) AS NbrSTNP, SUM(CASE WHEN Reliquat_id = 3 THEN Nombre ELSE 0 END) AS NbrARR, SUM(CASE WHEN Reliquat_id = 4 THEN Nombre ELSE 0 END) AS ST, SUM(CASE WHEN Reliquat_id = 5 THEN Nombre ELSE 0 END) AS NbrCLASS, SUM(CASE WHEN Reliquat_id = 6 THEN Nombre ELSE Dec 31, 2010 · If any score is negative, the value is set to Null. In other words, you will not be able to differentiate the cells for which there does not exist Jun 22, 2022 · what I am trying to accomplish is as follows: I am trying to have an expression that returns a value "A" if 'apple' is anywhere in the string, and return value &quot;B&quot; if 'bell' is If your crosstab includes three or more levels within the same dimension on an edge, use the expression filter ( descendants ( currentMember([Hierarchy] ) is not null). i have a optional prompt, i want to check whether the value is selected or not. 4 off of a DB2 database. Null values are handled differently in combination chart lines comparing to pure line charts. If you want to hide information, then cognos offers conditional variables. This is how null values can be generated during a query against tables that have no null values in them. 3 Famework Manager or Report Studio. Jun 5, 2013 · how to give simple If Then Else condition while creating a cognos report on cube. Is there a similar methodology for dimensional model reports so that the filter criteria can be applied once instead of repeating filter criteria on every column of the report. That is whole total different story as 0 is an instance of an element end therefore will be counted. ? Nov 9, 2010 · Hi all. com - The IBM Cognos Community IBM Cognos 10 Platform Cognos 10 BI Framework Manager [LTDATE] IS NULL) then (XXXX. doesn't work and Cognos has very little support for this situation. You'll then use the column from the new query in the output. Best regards, Philipp-----Philipp Hornung Dec 2, 2009 · it will work better if u use case… CASE [CLUST] when 0 then count([METWER_ID]) else 0 end In this tutorial I go over how to use a If-Then-Else Statement and how to apply conditional styles to a report. I want to create a field that shows days between Oct 26, 2011 · I've tried multiplying my results by 1, changing my If Then Else statement to then (0) and then ('0'), using the coalesce function, doing my If Then Else statement directly in the packageI'm out of options at this point. e. Jun 18, 2012 · The only way I have figured out (BTW, I am very new to the Cognos BI and Framework Manager) to make the null number to become 0, is to put in the syntax on columns or rows. ; In the Missing value characters field, type the value that you want to display for null values. Jan 23, 2015 · I have a problem in report studio. Below is a sample of the statements that are now Mar 26, 2009 · Cognos solutions . In other words there is no way NOT to return a value from the IF THEN ELSE. It does work now but they have asked to add another condition to each and I want to put it together that it runs efficiently because it does take a few minutes to run now. Jun 19, 2014 · I have used the following expression in the report to suppress NULL values from the report. Could anyone please let me know if there is a way to replace the blanks Aug 9, 2010 · Tek-Tips is the largest IT community on the Internet today! Members share and learn making Tek-Tips Forums the best source of peer-reviewed technical information on the Internet! Jun 23, 2018 · Resolving The Problem. There are two ways to define a conditional Jan 23, 2015 · The largest independent IBM Cognos collaboration community - Brought to you by BSP Software! Jul 25, 2003 · Cognos solutions . WCPDOD is an Integer, WCPDOD 9int,null) WCPDOD POLICY CLAIM NUMBER 19741020 2001A 123456N000040 20040101 2003A 456789001531 20021220 00594 123456 20040507 2003A 2222043621 20040517 2003I 90043625 CASE WHEN [WCPDOD] = '0' THEN ' ' WHEN [WCPDOD] IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE [WCPDOD] END non-null record set from the sub queries. Apr 10, 2020 · For example coalesce ( {some query item}, 0) Coalesce takes any number of parameters and will return the value of those in the leftmost position unless it is null and then return the value for the next parameter, unless it is also null etc. What they are asking for is to also check [LOCATION] first and if blank then look at the [GROUP]. 2. data_item_a). Sub main Dim arrayvar(10) Dim count as Integer Dim total as Integer Dim x as Integer Dim tscore as Single count=10 total=0 For x=1 to count There is no "is null" function in TI. I'm trying to build a CrossTab. 5. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The 'table' is actually a group of calculated count fields, and when my count field is null, that is when it is causing the issue. Jun 3, 2013 · In the SQL statement for the table, coalesce the null values with a date far in the future (1-1-2100 or similar). 00' as decimal(5,4)), etc if all values are ok, then you are getting values that are not what they seem to be example 0 may actually be "0 " Feb 27, 2012 · Looking to create a data item that gives me the total number of vacation hours requested within a date >= currrent day. Looking at your expression it might be a data type issue. Does this make sense? Your tabular model data items for Apples might be: Location (East/West) Apples (count of 'Apples') Bananas (0) Pears (0) True または False に解決する条件式を入力します。; 右括弧をダブルクリックします。 自動挿入された式 "then ("の後ろに、ブール式が真偽値 True であることを示す結果を入力します。 Example of the table would be this. Previous topic - Next topic Feb 7, 2018 · With the crosstab Fact Cells still selected, locate the Text Variable property, click the … button. Apr 19, 2024 · Null is not an instance of an element/measure and won't be counted. Double-click a closing parenthesis. -> CASE WHEN Quantity = '' THEN '0' ELSE Quantity END Jan 30, 2019 · try to cast the individual values first and see if cognos agrees example: cast('3. in my report, if mon_1 = 1 mon_2 = null mon_3 = null then i dont want to hide all 3 columns of monday but if column tue_1 = null tue_2 = null tue_3 = null then i want to hide all the columns Mar 4, 2014 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Could you please help me on this? Additionally, I tried the following methods but it didn't work out. There must be something else going on. null) then create a data item that says if Jan 14, 2014 · This works fine when both page 1 and 2 are populated, but when the query for, for example, page 1 returns nothing. The first one is IsAdult and some of the values have 'adult' in them which is why I used contains; Sep 6, 2013 · I need these to be 0 versus just blank because I need to do a calculation and because of that I can't just set the missing value on the report to 0, i know how to do that but won't work here, I need the query to return zero. select case when course is null then '0' else course end It accept even text. We have entire sub total rows showing up as blanks (even with coalesce) because one of the ingredients in the sub total calculation is a null null+anything = null makes sense, but what when we have tried everything to populate the null rows with 0's in the reports? Jul 30, 2015 · Bonjour à tous, J'utilise cognos V10. And default No Data processing should kick in Apr 2, 2004 · Timida, I'm not relly sure but I think it's impossible to display current in a prompt without use a macro. com Welcome to COGNOiSe. Apr 5, 2019 · Make a variable to determine if the parameter is null; Make two lists; List1 will include all cities -- have a hierarchy that includes ALL; List2 will exclude all cities -- have a hierarchy without ALL; Render List1 when the parameter is null; Render List2 when the parameter is NOT null Feb 5, 2014 · Setting in Cognos 10 Analysis Studio to set null = 0 in a crosstab? If you are unable to create a new account, please email support@bspsoftware. The posting date is an integer in the sql data warehouse. Oct 3, 2008 · THEN << Expression >> ELSE << Expression >> This logical construct will ALWAYS return a value, be it the result of the expression or what is defined in the ELSe part. Using Cognos Analytics 11. Sep 16, 2009 · If (a is null ) then 'x' else a You need to write same kind of condition in the detail query as well where you are going to filter the query with the null values And again if you want to display only null value in the report then use an extra data item for desplaying the null value with the original column. Durch die jeweils verwendete Datenquelle wird festgelegt, wie Null- (oder fehlende) Werte in Berechnungen, Auswertungen und anderen Ausdrücken behandelt werden. News: then (null) else ([Total Vol] < 1) The rows include the primary program and the columns include the secondary program. [Posting Date] = current_date then null else [Stock Aug 25, 2007 · Either you need to set data format -as Missing Value to zero- in that case for Patient Count field in report or as modify expression of Patient Count field such that if count is missing/NULL then return zero. The problem I am running into is if the student does not have a secondary program the header shows as a blank (null). Try If (Metric_B @= ''); Metric_B = 0; EndIf; And also where in your TI you are placing this script, it is not clear (to me anyway) how you are creating the view to display the data. 1. [MAXLTDATE]) Oct 11, 2015 · In an IBM Cognos TM1 server, by default numeric values are stored as 0. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. 5. Query A Query B Query B has a filter in it that pulls data from Query A ie (data_item_a = Query_A. joxwjtl lnpve zrkh epkx vdrloer ozdmpk fikqfw oiymfxls swt hcln zgxd xvghc sgrkuh zxnk bczfejp