Car accident settlement reddit If you have a decent lawyer, those $10k should 100% be covered. I was not at fault. I was coming to a full stop going about 5mph and the truck driver behind me hit me with the speed of 65-70mph. Here's where it gets tricky. I had a brand new 2019 vehicle for less than 24 hours before it was totaled (damage was too extensive and airbags deployed). After a lowball offer of $6K for bodily injury, we are around $15K for a settlement offer from the at-fault insurance, which includes about $2,300 out of pocket expenses and just under $1,000 of lost wages. In my experience though, the lay person is often surprised by settlement amounts. In November 2021 I accepted a settlement from a car accident I was involved in. The driver who hit me was very young (most likely on her phone. com The insurance company gave no trouble whatsoever in providing the settlement based on my physician and counseling visits. The next 5 years I spent researching the best way to invest it. The insurance company of the person who hit me has contacted me 2x now wanting to talk about a settlement. This was my settlement layed out. Injuries. If my car was totaled, reading this sub it seems, I would’ve been able to get a rental and a new car on the way in less than a month. Hi all - I was in an accident that was determined to be my fault several months ago. Results were negative. My medical bills amounted to $15,000 and my car needed to be repaired for $5,000. She's also on my insurance policy. I was rear ended at a red light at a major intersection. ” There are average amounts: In 2022, the Insurance Information Institute reports that the average auto If the car is newer and totaled Geico might not have high enough limits to pay the value. That’s what they kept telling me was going on with my arm. I was about to merge onto the highway when the cars in front of me stopped. Direct hit right to the drivers side while I was stopped. Car accident settlement Last July I was t-boned by someone that ran a red light. No matter what shows up in the future, you can't collect anything else. There was a multi-car pileup and my driver was the last to hit someone. I was riding an uber a few weeks ago and we got in an accident. Florida car accident settlement I was involved in an accident where the other party was at fault and issued a citation. 5 years ago. Insurance, generally, follows the car. Uber called last week and offered a settlement of 2. I was in a car accident last april of 2020. Non renewal is a possibility as well. Also, for a slam dunk case like a rear end accident, don’t accept 33. Thanks for everyone’s advice! I was in a car accident that was not my fault. They are well versed in regulations and policies and will able to assist you better than Reddit. took a year for her and her payout was $384k lawyer fees and medical expenses and she ended up with a little over $164k My car accident was 5 years ago and I’ll be in treatment for the rest of my life. I should mention I was not cited for my accident, but the other car was. I'm in a bit of a situation here in Florida and could use some guidance. I refused the ambulance but the police put me down as injured and had my sister took me to our local ER. Additionally, they provided a $2,000 quote for potential future treatments, valid until February 2024. So following the accident the police were called and the driver who hit me was issued a citation for following too close, and we both drove home after swapping insurance and we both have Progressive. PLEASE READ AND HELP, MUCH APPRECIATED. Another situation, I knew a coworker that needed several surgeries from getting in a bad wreck from a Walmart semi truck, I think she got like $2 million I was involved in a car accident in Texas. Most accident attorneys have doctors that cooperate with them in getting you the most money possible. Thankfully, she's mostly okay except for some neck pain. So about a month and a half ago I was in a three car accident. Your bodily injury is a different settlement which will be handled at a different time. You were stupid. I was in an accident in the Fall 2023. My girlfriend was in a car accident while driving my car. This accident could screw you up for the rest of your life, even if every medical treatment is taken care of. They set me up with a luxury rental car for 2 weeks. The other person's insurance has offered a bogus settlement. . It got worse to the point now at 44 I won’t be able to work again. When I went to the ER they stated I had whiplash and a partial dislocated shoulder. State Farm has me in the most basic car for 5 days starting yesterday. This pest control van ran a red light and hit me. The other driver was found at fault for failing to yield. I now have a scar on my forehead… no other injuries…I was offered a 25,000 settlement for pain and suffering… I am representing myself as well…2 questions, should I wait to settle in case something comes up later on? I was in a car accident last week and my car was totalled. The other driver (a 17 year old) was at fault. I'm from Illinois. I am going to say this nicely. Crazy thing they didn’t even get surgery. Best of all, you normally aren't charged for their services unless you get a payout. 3% attorney offer. You could also have PIP or medical payments coverage on your auto insurance. The settlement for the value of the car doesn't change much. If you were cleared for light duty, probably won’t get 6+ months of lost wages. But don’t expect life changing money. Settlements are taxable based on what the settlement replaces. I retained a lawyer who told me to get an MRI which I did in November to prove the back injuries I sustained from the accident. 5k but I’m wondering if I should have ask for more. 5k. I haven't, but one of my friends was crossing a crosswalk and a car hit her, running over her foot and breaking it. I still have a lot of low back pain and sciatica because I didn’t want to keep going to treatments because I never felt better after them but surgery wasn’t an option for me unfortunately The only real pain i had was legitimate mental trauma from the accident, which made me panic mumtiple times a day, cry excessively, and feared going on highways or even approaching safe intersections. We are a family of 5 in our car. My attorney told me to settle that without him. I was taking my children and some other kids to school in the morning. The party rear-ending me was insured by Progressive and admitted fault at the site. Smashed the back of car and made us hit a car and take front end damage. If you were injured, talk to an attorney. Basically I was in a car accident 2 years ago, had back surgery did months of therapy and now I’m here. Dec 17, 2024 · When it comes to car accident settlement amounts, there’s no such thing as “typical. When you sign up with auto, it’s necessary to coordinate who takes primary in the event of an accident. I on the other hand have back and neck pain. There isn't enough information about the accident itself to give a firm answer. The other driver pulled in front of me. The insurance company has offered me a settlement for my injuries. Today my uber driver got in an accident on an expressway by rear ending the car in front of us. You will get a bigger settlement that covers the attorney's cut and more for you (although lawyer's cannot legally promise that). The payout couldn’t cover my bills and a State Farm accepted full liability and is offering my mom an injury settlement. My partner was involved in a no-failt accident in October 2018 when she hit a moose in Ontario. My car was totaled due and frame was severely bent. I entertained the lady today but I’m not looking to settle currently as I am still under a doctors care. I was in an accident (not at fault) in January. I got a settlement offer from the insurance company for $7500 ($6000 for the chiropractor bill + $1500 for “pain and suffering”). 5% in annual interest income (so about $7. I went to the doctor next day but I continued to work my job till late 2021 doing customer service at a rest. He hasn’t explained anything very well even after bothering him for a better explanation multiple times. This past Saturday, I was a passenger in a car that was rear ended. Had to go to about 20 therapy sessions before I was whole. I was in a car accident, car was totaled and I got 8 staples and some stitches. Immediately after accident I went to ER for lower back stiffness and minor pain and X-Ray was done. Their insurance called me with a settlement offer (not including medical expenses or the property value of my car). The offer includes $1,000 (pain and suffering) plus reimbursement for the medical expenses I've already incurred. Both other parties were at fault. My husband is 26 y/o and now has a herniated disc with radial tear at c3-c4, c4-c-5 and c7-t1. I was in a car accident last winter in TN. I understand that this is considered full coverage, which is good. That’s negotiable. Since then I’m doing Chiro and PT and this week I would have injection for my back pain. Ever since the accident I’ve been attending physio therapy and going to my doctor regularly but recently my lawyer has contacted me with a settlement offer of The payment to you is deemed compensation for the damage you suffered from the car accident, not a reward or windfall. They had to get their own engineers report and pre accident valuation (PAV) of my car. 00, which breaks down to $2,350. The main thing could be what are you hoping to get because it sounds like you are hoping for more than they may offer. I understand that they are taking 33% of the total gross, but i was also told that i will have to pay other fees. I was hit by a non-commercial car that ran a red light, which totaled my car and then hit another vehicle. Briefly, I was involved in a car accident in California about a year ago to date and I am going through the settlement process currently. Insurance paid her $55,000 settlement in addition to paying her medical fees. I still haven’t seen any money from it and when I asked my lawyer he said he is waiting for a document from my insurance company to send to the insurance company that is paying out the settlement. Even if there appears to be no damage to the car seat on the surface, the impact and force of a Dec 17, 2024 · When a driver is responsible for an accident, their insurance company offers the victim a settlement to cover their losses in exchange for not filing more claims in the future. The time to get an estimate and anything relating to the property damage has no effect on your BI settlement. Last year I was in a car accident, actually two in a month. What is a fair settlement for a relatively minor car accident, but at high speeds? (Minor) So a little over a year ago, I was driving down the highway and was rear-ended by a semi-truck. Then confusingly offered me a $2,200 settlement, which they claimed would be for a probable 2 months of physical therapy. I didn’t even have a chance to stop. My car got totaled and I got two herniated discs from the accident. But I feel like this is very little, considering I got permanent injury in my back with a herniated disc. (Lexapro) She had two epidural shots, months of physical therapy, and still suffers with back pain and anxiety to this day. Luckily the police officer was not in his car and was okay. Unfortunately our insurance cap was 20k for property damage And there were more than 20k in damages to the other vehicle - geico has said we may need to cover remainder (tho they will still try and settle within our limits) - they first said it was potentially excess of 3k then another quote of excess 8k but I was involved in a not-at-fault accident (car totaled) where a lumbar spine injury made my left leg (thigh and calf) temporarily paralyzed. 5k annually if you invested the full sum). I missed a few days of work along with muscle soreness and stiffness. (pain was a 8). My passenger and I happen to get out of the vehicle right after impact and we seemed to be okay. The light had been red and continued to be red when she plowed into me. I ended up going to the er for back spasms and whip lash on the 17th of May. It all depends how auto benefits and health benefits were coordinated. Im poor as well, so the car being totalled has left me taking the bus for the last 2 years and so. If you insurance only carries 20k in liability can they sue you for the remainder of the amount? Yes. Our lawyer has said we can only do a locked savings account or an annuity. Anyways, following the accident I had my car repaired, went to 24 PT sessions and had two MRIs. The lady in front of me stopped quick and I didn’t fully have time to I tapped her, but it would’ve just been mildly cosmetic. I was in a car accident in December 2022- the other driver was 100% at fault. Any thoughts on how to negotiate a larger settlement. They are offering: -$2500 for pain and discomfort -up to $15,000 for medical bills that they will pay out within 6 months of the accidents Accident settlement taking long? I was in a collision a year and a half ago, I was found 100% not at fault. All luckily survived and discharged from the hospital. I was involved in a T-Bone accident with a driver who did not stop at the stop sign in California. After the accident my son and I went to the ER. I know from the accident report that he was given a summons or ticket but not what exactly. Or more clearly they sue you for $100,000, your insurance pays $20,000, and you owe $80,000 on the judgment. 00 in lost wages due to my medical appointments, and $3,150. The doctor wasn't sure if it was nerve or muscle because there was no MRI scan at the hospital. You were in a heck of an accident. 00 for my injury/pain and suffering, "based on the average payout for this kind of injury in your area". My second option would be to make an offer to geico that way I wouldn’t deal with them since any treatment would be coming from the settlement. I was in a car accident a few weeks ago. Title: Car accident settlement offer way too low? Original Post: I was in a car accident in November last year. My car was totaled so I was luckily able to get my car paid off. All of us were taken on ambulances, sent to ER, took X-Rays, etc. Most people dont like to talk numbers but I dont mind sharing: Total settlement from auto insurance: $25,000 (state minimum) Total medical bills: $10,900 surgery, $5000 Chiropractic, $3000 MRI, $300 X-Ray (all reduced to $8,450) I was rear ended at a stop light. I was out of work for a whole month and still have pain to this day. Understand everyone in this thread doesn’t know the state, county, accident details, liability details, medical records of your claim so we are all basically talking out of our ass. I was recently in an accident where it was ruled that the other party was completely at fault and my car was totaled. Advice for car accident settlement amount?! I was in a car accident in MO about 8 months ago. Post-accident, I've delt with foot pain, knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and swelling in my left calf for a period of 2 weeks, from which I have now recovered. Now that I've explained the accident and injuries, I wanted to get some advice on heading into the settlement process. I have never dealt with this before so I wanted to hear other people’s thoughts if they’ve gone through this before/similar. Having had two surgeries on one of my knees, I get concerned when they get hurt in any way. Insurance claims are seen as windfalls and when the settlements are finalized people often think the amounts are low cause they were expecting hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. A day after the accident, we went to urgent care and were told we probably sustained mild whiplash but should just continue to monitor our symptoms. I was looking back over my shoulder and when my vehicle was struck, my head impacted the A pillar of the car. I was hit in a head on collision by a drunk driver. Feeling fine and pain free. I’m thinking I should get more than $1500 since I’ll be responsible if I have any future flare up of back pain. I stopped short, the car behind me stopped short, and the car behind him did not stop at all. The term, "economic damages," are not a thing when it comes to taxability. That's not accurate. It wasn’t. My settlement came out to around $80k; $65k went to me, the rest to the lawyer. I got in an accident a little under 6 months ago. No extensive damage to the car as we know of yet, and my wife who was the driver is fine. A guy jumped a lane while on the clock and ran into me in a work truck going around 45 miles an hour. I once was selected for jury duty in a personal car accident lawsuit. She used it to pay off credit card and educational debt as she was in school, and managed to save a chunk. I spent several hours at the hospital to determine that I was not seriously injured, just bumps and bruises. Total bill $6000. The accident herniated a disc in her back and she is now on anxiety medication after the event. Is 3. The accident totaled my vehicle, but was at relatively low speed (30-40mph). I signed a settlement contract whereby I released the person from any damages to my car and injuries to myself. The Settlement Offer: State Farm offered me a settlement of about $5,500. My boyfriend was also okay, thank goodness. My insurance company which is progressive paid for the damages. 5 years ago, I was t-boned when I had the right away (stop sign on his side and none on mine) and because of extreme lower back pain at my age, I pursued legal action. The terms of the contract was that I recieved 5000 cash but at the last minute was handed a bank draft- I signed anyway. Or you can just have Geico take care of it. Your LAST concern should be a pay day. 1 month ago the litigation was conducted, and 3 weeks ago the other party was litigated by my attorney. Got herniated disc. This accident led to my car being a total loss. If you don’t have an immediate need for the money, I’d suggest putting it in 6-month up to 2-year Treasury bills. Accident was 100% the other driver's fault (she turned in front of me when I had the right of way), and my car was a total loss. I am 24 years old, still live with my parents and have a girlfriend of 6 years whom I plan on spending my life with. My car was totaled and she got a ticket. " I was rear ended while stopped which caused my car to hit the car in front of me. I have $100,000 coverage per person/$300,000 per accident. December of 7th was involved in an accident with and peterbilt semi truck in illinois. Last year at 22 I bought a triplex with a fha loan only needing about 13k to close (research house hacking for more info). The lady was clearly speeding and planning to run the red. I was traveling from a work meeting back to my hotel. I suffered a fractured acetabulum, grade 3 separated shoulder, and herniation in my spine between l4-l5. I had 2 injuries. If a doctor diagnoses you with a chronic or long term injury, you may receive an additional amount for pain and suffering. We were in a 55MPH zone, and I was going 60 in the right lane. I left work early and used some sick time to cover my hours. You should be grateful that you’re alive, and hopefully you won’t have long lasting disability or chronic pain. Anyway when I was involved in the accident they did scans and such on my neck I also have c5 c6 injury. There's a whole lot of stuff that could happen on the backend, but this isn't uncommon. Took me about 5 months for everything from accident to check in hand. Shoulder Labrum Tear car accident settlement discussion 2024 I was hit head on by a drunk driver January 1st, 2024. It is likely you will need this money to make ends meet as a result of injuries sustained, or you will need this to pay for your medical bills, etc. So the car accident caused a nerve lesion in my arm and that turned to crps overtime. It was a purely "for your pain and suffering inconvenience" offer. I had similar accident as you. Now my partner has finally been bumped up to the non-catastrophic injury guideline and t On the other hand, if you want advice on getting what you can, contact a lawyer, as they will be able to negotiate a proper settlement for your pain and suffering much better than you would do on your own. Some states may only cover his damages but not the unlicensed drivers car. I was in a car accident about 1. The insurance has given us the run-around for the last 3 years (including 6 months of not returning our calls in 2019). The police officer witnessed the accident and said their driver was speeding and driving recklessly. We did chiropractic treatment for a few months, then some pain Could you send me a personal message of what you said when you sent an counter offer im in the same boat, Almost identical accident hit hard from the back at an complete stop, but I wasn’t on highway. Medical treatment completed 8 months ago. My own insurance, GEICO, has been more accommodating, and they're not responsible. I was driving my grandparents' car, and the insurance policy is in their name. He stated that minor accident settlements run from 10k-20k. Hello, I am a 22 year old Personal Trainer who got in a car accident around 3 months ago(the beginning of April). Dec 30, 2024 · Depending on your state, they may need to be reimbursed by any settlement. I went to the ER on Sunday due to the pain being pretty strong. My question: Does anyone have insight into what an average car accident settlement is? I've looked online and seen figures ranging from $29,000 to $62,000. My insurance paid out the value of my car and then I dropped them because I no longer had a car to insure. It’s a risk free investment that will pay you about 5. My girlfriend was also in the car as a passenger, and she sustained a headache for a couple days. The back of his car caved in my front end and I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with whiplash and a sprained neck. I was rear ended and pushed into car in front of me. After a lot of back and forth w/ insurance, the property damage portion has been settled. Between the two accidents, I hit my head and pulled my I got into a car accident in the middle of 2020 were someone rear ended me. They only offered me $2200, and $15k medical. In Colorado, the insurance company isn't allowed to settle for pain and suffering until 30 days after the accident which is now quickly approaching. I owed about $12k & got about $19k for my vehicle so after it was paid off with my GAP coverage I ended up with about $7k over to keep for myself. Literally the same thing happened to me. They don't care if you have an attorney or not. They got the 3rd party to admit fault 5 months after accident. However due to the shut down of the virus, the courts are backed up to a year so it would take me about a year. The accident was on May 5th. It depends on the extent of damage to the car at this point. The semi truck collided with my trailer back and i hit another semi front of me basically i got sandwiched. Got in a car accident which I was not at fault for. The other driver had progressive insurance. They want to go with settlement of 15k. I got a fair amount for the loss of the car, about 23,000 because of the year and good condition of my car prior to the accident. 5k a good amount for settlement from Uber for a minor accident? About $15K in medical bills which was covered by my own auto insurance. The best way to get a fair and accurate offer is to keep a diary. We hit the other vehicle at approximately 40-50 mph and it was pretty violent. 3 years from the date of the accident, the plaintiff won $600k. Values can differ widely by venue. Its very rare when large settlements like that do happen. And again any repairs or total loss settlement has nothing to do with your injury claim. Most car use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. It wasn't until a few hours after the accident that I realized I was injured. My car was towed and sat in a junk yard for a week. Having minor neck, back pain as well as had a minor concussion after the accident. That's why compensation for damages (like replacing a car) is not taxable, but wages are not only taxable, they're subject to payroll taxes as well. Your settlement will likely be the costs to repair your car, or it's value if it is totalled + your unreimbursed medical expenses. I was hit by an uninsured driver on the freeway at approx 60 mph. Aug 5, 2005 · You must replace your child's car seat if it was involved in an accident, no matter what. Car accident settlement offer Claims Related About 3. I haven’t talked to the adjuster yet because it’s the weekend but I’m now wondering what type of settlement they may offer me for my injuries I sustained. What would ouys do if you were in my case? Go with settlement or trial? As part of accepting the settlement, it's almost a guarantee (I am NAL, so can't say 100%) that you'll have to sign a release that says "that's it. The lady behind me though rear ended me, wrecking the back of my car, deploying her own airbags etc, and causing more cosmetic damage to the lady in I signed the documents with already the settlement from a car accident and it’s been a year since I haven’t received the check yet for me and my son and every time I email the case manager or secretary they always telling me the same thing we still waiting from the hospital like are you serious it’s been a year and some months I’m in Florida too I was in a car accident about a year ago and recently just finished the process getting my settlement and i was wondering at one point during the process I went to physical therapy for about 3 months 3 times a week and the end bill for it was over 9000 now about 5 weeks in I started to feel better and really needed to go back to work but the lawyers said if I didn't do the entire 3 months they So I got my settlement money a year after the accident, it was worth 23,000 and I got 9000 after everyone else got their cut. My wife was in a more serious accident that collapsed some disks in her spine and permanent nerve damage. I live in Massachusetts, but the accident occurred while visiting family in Delaware. He’s very set on the annuity and I’m in the dark. The first one I was doing Uber, and was going pick up a passenger but didn’t happen, and my car was totaled. I suffered injuries to my back and neck, but nothing major or long lasting. He accelerated instead of breaking and ran straight through a stop sign and took 100% fault for the accident. The defendants insurance company eventually offered me a pretty penny and I was ready to settle. Insurance decided to total out my car so that's been done and paid out however my claim for injury/pain & suffering hasn't been paid out. I can still walk and stuff but my lower back still hurts from time to time. Myself and fiance were in the car and other driver totaled my car. It’s enough to cover physio, chiro, and my wheelchair. I was turning with a green arrow light. I have a small crossover and was hit by two pick up trucks. We both spoke with the adjustors and he initially offered me $3500 and my fiance $3000. 15k settlement or trial? Original Post: I got rear-ended and the other party is at fault 100%. I am really unsure if they are putting my case off as the other car that ended up hitting my truck and treating it as a regular car accident. The other guy probably got off without so much of a citation, a dent in his car, and MAYBE a high deductible. Most health insurance companies won’t, so the auto policy needs to be updated to take primary and there’s tiers of coverage. Her insurance knew she was at fault, though were surprised when I told them she got a ticket. You could legitimately have a $250k settlement on your hands. 20k settlement from a car accident when I wad 17. Has anyone on Reddit been in a courtroom during a trial? I have pretty significant ptsd from the accident and it helps me prepare if I know what to expect. 25% is most they should get for that type of case. My settlement was $11k after attorney and doctors/therapists were all paid I was involved in a car accident in march 2023 where both me and the other driver shared fault. When I add up the additional time I spent at the vet, back and forth to the Like I said it was so shocking since the lowest semi Truck settlement I've seen was at 75,000 while regular car accidents range from the couple of thousands. My girlfriend was in a car accident 4 years ago where she was deemed not at fault. Hey, in the summer I got into a car accident which lead to the defendant totaling my car. 5k a good amount for settlement from Uber for a minor Hi all, got into a car accident with another driver last year and i was finally told by my attorney that the settlement has ended and we are taking the offer. However, what I was unaware of is my solicitor who was directly communicating with 3rd party seemed to have accepted and now received a payment for the PAV of car minus salvage value. That's not reality. Log every ache and pain and every way the accident related injuries effect your daily life. I had to go through several people at state farm to get my car fixed, i didnt get a rental car till 2 weeks later, and its August 10th and they're wanting to Settle. They ran a red light and I was in a right lane only lane going straight. You might get a few grand by yourself but, with the right attorney, you could be looking at a major settlement. I finally got the court date for a car accident settlement after 2 years of pointless mediation. Progressive has accepted 100% responsibility for the accident. Not that she'll ever admit to it). My minor child gets a large amount of money from a car accident we were both in last year. The police and our insurance company deemed the other party 100% at fault. the truck did minor damage to her car bumper ,she was shookin up and she called the Dressie law firm ,went and did treatments for her back . I refuse to downgrade or go into more debt for an accident that wasn't my fault. Keep that in mind. My ex mother in-law was involved in an accident with a company freezer truck. I was able to negotiate to 3. The first said $5k then $10k was the maximum they were authorized for. plekpvj lzjfyfb llxoh bazteh hggpqv hlypay qmssam wlcamr vaco duyod inhmx rialg pky hmbjz cbfbl