Best 9mm crimp die This set of dies includes a taper-crimp seater die, a pistol-style expander die, and a titanium-ring full-length sizer die. 015-7704554 | Lyman. That ring on the bullet is from too much pressure seating it OR dead soft lead with a super thin copper plating. *All pistol sizing dies include the Mighty Armory primer flicker cap and two (2) hardened steel . These Doubla Alpha 2-in-1 Seating and Crimping dies, enable you to Seat and Crimp in one station, without compromising the quality of your ammo. Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Die sizes the cartridge while being crimped so every round will positively chamber freely with factory like dependability. Taper Crimp to . 9mm Luger Carbide Taper Crimp 3 Die Set by RCBS RELOADING PRODUCTSThe carbide sizer die eliminates the need for case lube and cases do not need to be cleaned before Resizing/decapping die for station 1, expansion in station 2, powder cop or nothing in station 3, seating in station 4 and crimping in station 5. Screw seating stem in until it contacts the bullet. This set is also supplied with a specialized bullet crimping die (CR). Like the seating die, the crimp die also includes a quick disassembly clip – set the die once and leave it! Dillon 9mm Crimp Die. 38 / . 300 Blackout Reloading Dies – Lee Pacesetter 300AAC Blackout Die Set. the insert pushes on the nose of the bullet. I use Lyman 9mm dies myself. Check each product page for other buying options. No more rusted dies! Our sizing dies are equipped with highly polished carbide rings for the ultimate in wear resistance and reduced sizing force. Lee came out with the factory crimp die about 20 years ago and set about creating a market for it. The taper crimp die will fold back the flare of the case to hold . Includes: Carbide Sizing Die Powder Through Expander Die Seating die Factory Crimping Die Mar 17, 2008 · Best 9mm dies ? EGW "U" dies for decap and resize. I do prefer the Dillon Crimp die for Lead bullets. The 781 is a Taper Crimp. It doesnt matter if I need to replace the die with another brand as long as it is a 2in1 seat & crimp die that works w a micrometer stem. Cheap and Range do, but . This die applies a taper crimp. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. fmj bullets. Back off 1/4 turn. To receive a quote, call 1-888-4MARK77 or fill in the form below and we will get back with you asap. You can also get stand alone crimp dies from Redding. I have had issues with Hornady seating die in 9mm. The CGND Taper Crimp Seater Die will improve your We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. Nov 9, 2021 · Seating I use a Redding micrometer seating die, works perfect and allows for easy micro adjustments when needed (different weight bullets or different profiles), crimping is an Italian die from GBO and is a taper crimp with full body sizing, like the Lee, but much better made. If you want to crimp separately after seating (not a bad idea if you have an available station on your progressive press), taper crimp dies are all about the same except the Lee Carbide Factory Crimp dies. 380-. 00. 223 Rem/5. Jan 18, 2009 · Expanding dies from Lyman or Redding are best. Jul 25, 2021 · I'm starting to reload 9mm Luger and I have two sets of dies available to me. But all final die adjustments are made with the varying degrees of cartridge completion in each station - which makes adjustment even more tedious. But once cranked down, nothing really varies (an inordinate amount). Lee I have no use for, bought or was given die sets in . This Lee Pacesetter dies set is a three die kit that includes Curious if anyone uses Lee's 3-die set for 9mm on range brass / brass not fired in their gun? Lee's product video states the 3-die set is for reloading brass fired from your gun. In Stock Item #: DP14443 HORNADY 10MM/40S&W TAPER CRIMP DIE Be the first to receive our best deals, latest products, promos Lee 9MM Luger Carbide Factory Crimp Die sizes the cartridge while being crimped so every round will positively chamber freely with factory like dependability. The Taper Crimp Die has a micrometer adjustable head for precise positioning of the floating crimp sleeve. Oct 5, 2011 · I recently got my RL550B (thanks Brian)and I got the Dillon 9mm dies with it. 357 taper crimp die only $ 37. 22 x 4. Redding Type S Match Bushing Full Die Sets; RCBS Gold Medal Match Reloading Die Set; Hornady Series II Taper Crimp Die Set; Lee Precision 38-55 3 Die Set; Lyman 223 Rem Carbide Deluxe Rifle 3 Die Set; Lee Precision Deluxe Pistol 4 Die Set; Best Reloading Die Sets: Individual Reviews Lee 9mm Luger Pistol Breech Lock 4-Die Set includes colored Smart Lock bushings for easy die identification, Carbide Full Length Sizing Die, Powder Through Expanding Die, Bullet Seating Die, Carbide Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I'm getting rid of my combo seater/crimp dies that I've been using exclusively for seating. You can get any brand of dies and add a Lee Factory Crimp Die (FCD) for station 5. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! LEE 90860 Carbide 9MM LUGER / 38 SUPER / 38 ACP / 380 AUTO Taper Crimp Die. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I always wanted to try this setup seems like you get the best of everything Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hornady 546516 9mm Luger Taper Crimp 3-Die Set at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Note there are two different factory crimp dies. In Stock. My lee are not fancy but every set I buy works. Details. I load many others, mainly revolver cartridges, but over 30 years of reloading I've found 9mm to be the most demanding. I will give their FCD (Factory Crimp Die) a slight edge. Lyman Pro Series Micrometer Taper Crimp Die 9mm. 223 Remington Cartridges – RCBS 11107 . 9mm Components. Dillon Crimp. Offers little or no advantage when used with 1986 or newer Lee Dies as the crimp angle is already a modified taper crimp. I shoot/carry a Glock 26. But my Lee dies never disappoint. 57 inches Dec 19, 2015 · The seater/crimp die is perfectly adequate for crimping pistol cases. shellholder sold separately. Dec 3, 2010 · Taper crimp 3 DIE set ; Caliber: 9mm/9x21 ; Best Sellers Rank Bullet seat and crimp die takes a little finesse to get just right where you want it. Nov 4, 2014 · I decided the best solution was to separate the seat and crimp stations. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Get the best deals for Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Die 9mm at eBay. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Die 9mm Luger 90860 at the best online prices at eBay! Nov 17, 2006 · Works very precisely. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Redding Reloading Rb85172 Taper Crimp Dies - 9mm Luger at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! 5 days ago · Best Two Die Reloading Sets – Hornady Match Grade Dies. 00; dillon 9mm seating die only dillon . for the carbide sizing ring is slightly smaller than a 9mm Luger "Lee Factory crimp die". Roll crimping is used on most magnum revolver loads — those bullets with a cannelure. SKU 45 ACP/45 AUTO RIM/45 SCHOFIELD/455 WEB MARK 2/45 WIN MAG Taper Crimp Die. 6 days ago · Push the round into the die and turn the die down slowly till the crimp ring contacts. RCBS and Redding make great dies. Nov 1, 2020 · For 9mm any regular Taper Crimp die will work (including the Dillon), just remember to use it more like a "bell-removal die" than a crimp die: only turn it down to 1/4 turn past where rounds won't drop in a gauge until where they do and you're set. dillon . Truth be told, I cannot say that one is better than the other in terms of accuracy. For me, the Lee's work just as good as the Dillon. The seating die is Hornady New Dimension, and it used only for seating. After sizing through my Dillon carbide sizing die, I often encounter several loaded rounds that will not fully chamber in one or more of my 9mm pistols. FWIW, I run the same setup with 9mm . The LEE Rifle FCD is superior to others because it uses a collet to crimp with (that's another topic for another time). 375-378 depending on the bullet diameter you are loading. The Lee set comes with a combination seat-crimp die as all three-die pistol sets do. Roll crimping a 9MM for use in a semi auto pistol is a recipe for disaster. For the Mighty Armory 9mm Sizing Die, set your flare/bell to . 001 to . Traditional Taper Crimp Die adjustment is both time consuming and Jun 23, 2015 · Lee's taper crimp die is/was about $10 and works as well as any other taper crimp die. I'd appreciate feedback on your experience with them. Get the best deals for lee factory carbide 9mm crimp die at eBay. I have tried these in both 9mm as well as . I'm not a Lee basher but I'm not impressed with the quality of the 2 Lee FCD dies I have. Availability Oct 2, 2013 · In the past few years, I have switched back and forth between the Dillon Taper Crimp and the Lee Factory Crimp dies several times. Nov 20, 2023 · The Factory Crimp Die crimps the bullet more firmly in place than any other die with more uniform pressure. Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension Nitride with Taper Crimp 3 Die Set; Image Name Types of Dies Features Price; Dillon Precision 14406 9mm Pistol 3 Three Die Set: Sizing/depriming; Bullet seating; Crimp; Pistol Type: 9MM No. In mass production at a factory, it insures totally consistent product that will chamber in every pistol of that cartridge type. 00; add to cart dillon carbide . 44Russian & . The adjusting Jun 8, 2005 · Semi automatic pistol rounds like the 9MM, headspace on the case mouth. 0 To set the die, you generally: Run your longest case up the ram With the seating stem backed all the way up, screw in die until you feel the resistance as the crimp ramp starts to touch the case. But it's not a big deal. Member; Posts: 50; Lee Precision Dies Set Carbide 9mm Luger 3 Die at US Reloading Supply. The die set does not include an expander die. 41 magnum 3 die set $ 129. Add to Cart. I have used a Hornady LNL progressive press and these Redding dies to load 25,000+ rounds of 9mm over the last 2 years and have had excellent results. 38/. Get the best deals for 9mm Dies at eBay. Just sending as a note or something to consider. Video for the 4-die set states it's best for mixed brass. The M-die is the best expander die on the market I've been using them since the early 1960's. Our size, seat and crimp dies are all made of stainless steel which was chosen for its toughness and anti-corrosion qualities. $38. 356 and for my 9mm revolvers, . I have loaded over 25,000 rounds total so far this way in major and minor and have no problems at all. Jun 15, 2020 · That RCBS seat/crimp die (in fact, likely any combo seat/crimp die) is a pain to initially adjust. Nov 6, 2022 · With the best dies I now have no concern even despite having questionable brass. Feb 14, 2018 · A roll crimp is when the mouth of the case is rolled into the bullet's cannelure. A close second would be the complete Dillon Set. com. com May 30, 2019 · Did I mention it's really tight? My second die is a Dillon expander die for use with my Dillon 9mm funnel. 45 FCD die body to iron out any bulges after case cleaning. 9MM LUGER / 38 SUPER / 38 ACP / 380 AUTO Taper Crimp Die. Feb 9, 2025 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lee Precision 90780 Taper Crimp Die 38 Super,9mm Luger,380 ACP,38 ACP at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Aug 2, 2024 · Coax Crimp Tool: Equipped with three unique, interchangeable crimping dies, this coaxial compression tool is capable of handling a broad spectrum of RF connectors and coaxial cables from 1. They have a two stage expansion that opens up the case mouth a little and then flares it. Get a Quote for. com : Redding Reloading Taper Crimp Die - Durable Gunsmithing Handloading Reloading Tool for Handgun Cartridges, 9mm Luger : Gunsmithing Tools And Accessories : Sports & Outdoors Lyman Taper Crimp Dies apply the proper taper crimp to pistol cases. The Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension Taper Crimp Seater Die is a great die for any avid reloader. Combined with another Lyman original - the two step neck expanding die, our Multi Deluxe Die Sets offer these features: a one piece hardened steel Jul 3, 2024 · Best Reloading Die Rundown. 40 / 10mm Components seat die and a separate crimp die (taper crimp for autos, accu-crimp for revolvers). 56 x 45 SB T/C Die Set. Dillon crimp die, if using Lee's See full list on thearmsguide. A taper crimp is where the sidewalls are squeezed against the bullet to secure things. Weight- 0. I thought my Lyman 9mm taper crimp die was OK and it didn't undersize the bullets when I was producing a . 357 taper crimp die only Lee 9 mm Makarov Carbide Factory Crimp Die sizes the cartridge while being crimped so every round will positively chamber freely with factory like dependability. Nov 24, 2024 · Dillon 9mm Seating Die Plug. 8 x 1. Using a separate crimping die has eliminated the coating shaving completely. Well at least for my 357. Jun 14, 2011 · The first was the use of taper crimp dies. Oct 23, 2021 · The Lee Factory Pistol Crimp Die features a carbide sizer, which post-sizes your pistol cartridges while crimping Lee Factory Pistol Crimp Die 9mm Luger Reviews Dec 24, 2010 · Fish: This die is patterned after a factory die that realigns any misaligned bullets after seating (but before crimping) and then places the crimp on the realigned bullet. Mar 5, 2025 · Introducing the Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension 3-Die Set designed specifically for the 9mm Luger 9×21 (. $83. Pros; Cons; Best Reloading Dies Set for . 9mm Luger, 9x21 Taper Crimp Seater Die by HORNADY Product Overview: This die removes the flare from the case mouth and crimps the case mouth around the bullet while maintaining a sharp edge for proper head-space. Aug 12, 2017 · For 9mm, I use the Dillon Carbide Resizing and Depriming Die (came with my 1050), Redding Competition Seater Die and the Lee factory Crimp Die. Jul 22, 2014 · Just went to a Dillon seating die with a slight amount taken off the sides of the. Best thing I have found to eliminate chambering problems has been to use Lee's Bulge Buster kit and the 9x18 Mak FCD, . Jacketed bullets must have a crimp groove (Cannelure). 223 Dies; Cons; Best . 355) caliber. Jr. Read more. The adjusting screw quickly and easily sets the desired amount of crimp. Get the best deals on Dies for sale online at GrabAGun! Lee Precision for sale online. "Cheap" and "Competition" do not equate. SKU: Taper Crimp Seater Die - Group B - Popular Pistol Calibers UPC: 0000000000 9MM LUG TAPER CRIMP DIE . No change in the seating Jan 19, 2021 · Lyman's Pro Series Micrometer Taper Crimp Dies . 383 diameter. The DAA is probably the best (made by Lee, they probably have a version of the same thing). I recommend buying a Lyman M type flaring die, almost a must for lead, coated lead bullets or copper plated. For many years most pistol sets had only three dies. The Factory Crimp Die crimps the bullet more firmly in place than any other die with more uniform pressure. Dec 19, 2015 · The LEE Rifle FCD is superior to others because it uses a collet to crimp with (that's another topic for another time). p. The Carbide Factory Crimp Die features a carbide ring that sizes the cartridge while it is being crimped so every round will positively chamber freely with factory-like dependability. Having said that I use Lee on everything else. The biggest difference is that the carbide dies require no lubricant when resizing the brass, and a powder through expander die is included. 32S&W, . Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. s. Unlike some other die manufacturers, we feel that taper crimping is best done in a single purpose die station. Taper crimping is preferred for most autoloading pistol cartridges. Jacketed bullets must have a crimp groove. Lee Deluxe 4-Die Set (carbide sizing, powder-through expander, seater, carbide factory crimp) RCBS 3-Die Carbide Taper Crimp Set (carbide sizer, expander, seater w/ TC) Sep 23, 2009 · TAPER CRIMP SEATER 9MM LUGER/9MMX21 ; Best Sellers Rank I am using it on Luger 9x19 with a LEE factory crimp die following. If you want to change your bullet crimp a few thousandths of an inch, simply turn the Nov 4, 2011 · A Taper Crimp Die applies the proper taper crimp to pistol cases. This die improves feeding of reloaded cases in semi-automatic handguns. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lee Carbide 9mm Factory Crimp Die - NOS - at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Jan 18, 2021 · Lyman Stainless Pro Micrometer Taper Crimp Die (9mm) From the Lyman Product page: Our Micrometer Taper Crimp Die gives you exact the amount of crimp that you want. C-H make GREAT dies if ya need an odd caliber or just want REALLY GREAT DIES. 42lbs. This includes a full length sizing die, a bullet seating die, expanding die, and Lee’s exclusive factory crimping die. Jan 22, 2021 · Our first consideration was the material of the dies. WELL I was wrong. Qty. If you get the Lee dies, get the 4 die set, Lee #90964. The Pros of RCBS . In my opinion it works much better than a combined bullet seating and crimping die even though it is a separate operation. 003" Undersize Carbide Sizing Die 9mm; WARNING: Handling live primers and spent primers may expose you to lead or other chemicals, which are known to the State of California to cause reproductive harm and cancer. 07mm to 10. seating insert so the insert pushes on the nose of the bullet and not the sides. The Hornady 3-Die Pistol Taper Crimp Die Set is the perfect set of tools to precisely seat and taper-crimp your pistol bullets all in a one-step process. As said, hard to measure. Essential for proper function in auto pistols. I've never loaded 9mm so not sure if they offer both in that cal. This set of precision dies is the perfect tool for handloaders who seek more control over the loading process. For more information, go to Mar 17, 2008 · Best 9mm dies ? EGW "U" dies for decap and resize. The LEE 9mm Luger Carbide Factory Crimp Pistol Die (90860) sizes the cartridge while being crimped so every round will positively chamber freely with factory like dependability. The Lee taper crimp die is hardened steel designed to overcome crimp problems caused by poor die design. The Redding precision seating die was very easy to install and adjust to just the right bullet depth with very consistent results. The Lee Precision dies come in all popular calibers and allow you to easily size, decap, seat bullets, and more. of Dies: 3 Dimensions : 6. 40 S&W. This capability also allows the user to clean out the die while preserving the setting. Dec 8, 2010 · The die set includes a Carbide Sizing Die, Competition Seating Die ( with micrometer) and Profile Crimp Die. +Save now with Free Shipping and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Mixing and matching from both is also possible. The Lee Precision 4 in 1 set comes with all the standard dies you can expect. 044-20515 | RCBS . Nov 20, 2024 · is designed to give reloaders the perfect crimp on each round of reloaded ammunition. 32 s&w long/. Mar 11, 2010 · Hello: I was using the EGW "U" die for 9mm but found the Dillon die worked just fine for 9mm. 32 h&r mag 3 die set $ 129. Select this die set if you are reloading mixed range brass and Aug 13, 2014 · Undersize Sizing Die 9mm . Jul 20, 2022 · We all have our favorite brand of dies and presses and the question of red, green, or blue often comes close to blows. 355 or . 9mm Luger Carbide Taper Crimp 3 Die Set. Availability Apr 19, 2012 · Lee 9MM LUGER Carbide Factory Crimp Die sizes the cartridge while being crimped so every round will positively chamber freely with factory like dependability. 38S&W. Our Micrometer Taper Crimp Die gives you exact the amount of crimp that you want! The Pro Series Micrometer Taper Crimp Die has a micrometer adjustable head for precise positioning of the floating crimp sleeve. Slight Lee Precision 9MM LUGER/38 SUPER/38 ACP/380 AUTO Taper Crimp Die, overcomes crimp problems caused by poor die design. romex2121. The 861 is the factory crimp. 002" taper crimp at the case mouth. 358 bullets. Get the best deal on the Lee Precision 9x18mm Makarov Carbide Factory Crimp Die 90807 9mm Makarov Dies at GrabAGun. Author Topic: What's the best/smoothest 9mm taper crimp die? (Read 7391 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Not wanting to get into specifics, but just general ease of adjustment and finished crimp, what have you found to be the best roll crimping die and then the best taper crimp die DILLON 9MM TAPER CRIMP DIE . I make a dummy case by resizing, and with no powder or prime, seat a bullet and set the OAL, then check the crimp. Dec 18, 2015 · Ive been using the Mr Bullet Feeder 2in1 Seat/Crimp die now for awhile and if adjusted properly works great. Brass and loaded ammunition prices have me picking up 9mm range brass at my outdoor range. It may We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. Redding Competition Seating Die. 078 decapping pins. 40 FCD, and the . This die also features a generous lead-in for optimized use on progressive presses. I'm guessing this is because bullet seating / crimping is a combined operation on the 3-die set. 357. People know that if I could find something wrong with something I will. I'm not sure if my die set included the wrong seating/crimping die, but why Lyman would include a roll crimp die in this set is mind boggling. You need to run your 9mm Luger Brass or loaded ammo through this Makarov die as the dia. Carbide die sets contain the carbide size die with decapping unit, expander die for expanding and belling the case mouth, and a seater die with taper crimp and bullet seater plug. These dies offer little or no advantage when used with 1986 or newer Lee dies as the crimp angle is already a modified taper crimp. Flat rate shipping on all guns and ammo with the Aug 26, 2011 · I have had my best luck with Lee dies. Redding 9mm Micrometer Adjustable Taper Crimp Die Top adjusting for progressive presses with tight space constraints Redding’s new Micrometer Adjustable Crimping Dies are top adjusting to simplify making precise adjustments because any variation in case length and wall thickness both adversely affect proper adjustment. Jun 18, 2020 · IMHO, with 9mm, it's actually probably worth the extra pulls to seat and crimp separately, the choices available for "2-in-1" dies that aren't terrible is very limited. I am using the Redding Comp seater and Dillon crimp die. Shellholder sold separately. The reason the standard 9mm Luger "Lee Factory Crimp die" will not work with the "Lee Bulge Buster" is because the 9mm Luger is a tapered case. Shop Lee Taper Crimp Die For 9MM/38 Super/380 ACP/38 ACP 90780 | 50% Off 5 Star Rating on 2 Reviews for Lee Taper Crimp Die For 9MM/38 Super/380 ACP/38 ACP 90780 Coupon Available + Free Shipping over $49. I also given a brand new set of . Just add the Taper Crimp Die to your current die set for a complete progressive reloading die set. Lee 9mm factory crimp die. Trim Length is not critical so this extra operation takes less time than it would […] Oct 1, 2019 · Lyman for anything I load cast bullets in. Everyone has an opinion about the dies they like. Oct 1, 2019 · Lyman for anything I load cast bullets in. 9mm in diameter. Lower ram, seat bullet in mouth, run case up into die. Each Taper Crimp Die is heat treated to an RC50 minimum surface hardness. I would however like to find a micrometer stem that works with it. From $37. The die set is identical to Lee’s Deluxe 4-Die set, except for the factory crimp die. These rounds get a final trip through the Lee die. I have a 90861 and a 90781. The adjustment is easy especially if you know what a correct crimp looks like. Aug 19, 2011 · Deliver round after round of high performance ammo with Lyman’s Premium Carbide 4 Die Sets! Lyman was the originator of the Tungsten Carbide (T-C) sizing die and "Multi" concept with the addition of extra seating screws for pistol die sets. Keeps OAL close down to a few thousands. This is the best way to final crimp cases after fitting the projectile to cases. Helpful. bullet but also load 124 gn. Slowly seat a bullet to the correct place on the bullet. Jan 18, 2025 · Made specifically for the 9mm reloader who doesn’t require a factory crimp die, the Lee Precision Pistol 3 Die Set is the best configuration to guarantee high-quality and precise 9mm ammunition without breaking the bank to purchase. All of the usual extras from lee are included - Powder dipper, load data with instructions, and shell holder. 380 Components. Report. So I'm not the only one to ditch the pro taper crimp die for a simple 9mm crimp die. 99. I knew several taper crimp dies I have would cause the undersizing of the bullets so I set them aside to never be used again. Easy to set up and 100% repeatable over thousands of 9mm cases. Mar 7, 2025 · Learn how to set up and use your new Mighty Armory 9mm Carbide Taper Crimp Reloading Die. SKU: 90785. The Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension Taper Crimp Seater Die is a great die for avid reloaders and will Jul 12, 2006 · REDDING RELOADING PRO SERIES 9MM LUGER HANDGUN DIE SET: A special seating die (PRO ST) is supplied with a large entry radius but does not provide bullet crimping ability. I cast a 128gn. Have used Lee's seating die with a flat insert again so. Crimping is done at the last station with a Dillon taper crimp die. $102. Oct 5, 2006 · Amazon. I polished the heck out of the funnel to smooth it out & reduce sticking with my wet-tumbled brass. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items Oct 2, 2014 · I just bought a Hornady taper crimp die for 9mm and placed a Redding Profile Crimp die for 357 in my Midway cart. Turn the seater stem all the way into the die and turn the die body out several turns. At MidwayUSA, the 3 die set is $153. 40/10mm Dillon dies. goyq wsmk noz yqgda xypmi nyuv ibkw zsvbzia uneqd houl uxcc jzzb qvoju ffajbb solrrpr