Benelli m4 for deer hunting. So basically one big ragged hole.

Benelli m4 for deer hunting Drone Guardian is one of the many variants of the Benelli M4 semi-auto shotgun prized by military and law enforcement units worldwide for its rugged construction and reliable operation in the most austere conditions. 5-lbs lighter unloaded than a Benelli M4. Disclaimer - this is general rule of thumb, lots of people have broken clays or shot a bird with an m4 but many clays ranges won’t allow pistol grip stocks and have barrel length requirements. 5" rifle sight barrel W/ Cylinder bore). 11. I like the weight savings plus the ability to use 3. The Benelli M4 uses a semi-automatic operation first developed by the ARGO. He spent his youth in the outdoors hunting waterfowl, turkey and deer, as well as fishing. That's one of the reasons I want an M4 as an all-around gun. I can always get some camo gun wrap or something if the black stands out too May 12, 2007 · i would go with 24" and do the super nova combo with rifled slug barrel!! Good son in laws are hard to come by and he would be the man with a new slug gun for around 900. Its reliability and ability to handle various loads make it a versatile hunting shotgun. And the Benelli M4 is no exception. The gungrabbers want us to be COMPLETELY disarmed - yes, that means ALL your guns including your revolvers and scoped 'deer' (sniper) rifles. I've had my Super Black Eagle since 1995. The Panzer Arms marine finished one with the A2 w/grip looking stock is awesome. Nov 27, 2014 · The Benelli M4 Tactical Shotgun has truly earned the title – first tactical shotgun. The R1 Endurance's action is based on Benelli's innovative M4 military shotgun used by the United States Marine Corps. The M4 feels stronger and robust. Free $200 gift card with purchase. THis past week I shot some slugs out of the M4 and was very impressed with the accuracy. Yeah, I understand it depends at great deal on the gun (that's why I specifically mentioned M4), and even individual guns. Articles & Features; Welcome to Benelli USA. Have als Aug 10, 2013 · I want the ghost ring sights on a rifled barrel M2, but this is not made by Benelli. A few were sent out, tested, and proven highly capable of producing satisfactory results on the battlefield. M4 Tactical Welcome to Benelli USA. Enter your zip code below to locate your nearest Benelli dealer. Nov 25, 2009 · The deer I hunt don't seem to notice (I'm assuming hunting is the reason you would need to limit to 3). Feb 6, 2010 · I deer hunt with my Benelli Supernova Tactical (18. What is the overall weight of the Benelli M4? Buy Benelli USA Shotgun Barrels online now at the official Benelli USA factory Gear Store. Accesorios populares para escopetas Yes, the Benelli M4 can be used for hunting. Benelli M4 Tactical Shotgun. Jun 12, 2021 · For me, longer or shorter barrels are more for the swing characteristics. So basically one big ragged hole. I've got more than a few reasons for my choice in SHTF G Nov 2, 2006 · WELL since you asked about my favorite slug/gun combo I'll be happy to answer you with a story~ at the local range this past weekend with my buddy sighting in his new 870 fully rifled barrel with a big a$* scope mounted on top and $12 for five round box of ammo deer slayin gun that he bragged could dot the eye on a fly with. Dec 4, 2024 · Deer: With appropriate slugs and within reasonable ranges (typically under 100 yards), the M4 can be an effective deer hunting shotgun. Fort Smith area meet up. Dec 23, 2008 · I have a Super black eagle II with a rifled barrel and an M4. When it comes to defending your life, what's your go to? I reach my my SHTF Shotgun, the Benelli M4. Deer Hunting Rifles. The 20-inch barrel is well-suited for hunting and tactical applications, and the 3-inch chamber provides a good balance between accuracy and range. If you have choke tubes run what you have. 5 can pattern great for turkey or deer Reply reply More replies More replies akmjolnir About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Feb 25, 2025 · Most every Benelli semi-auto shotgun is inertia-operated—the M4 uses a gas system called ARGO, which I’ll get to later—which means the guns use recoil to function. Still trying to to figure out what choke and Nitro shells combination. Benelli makes a shotgun for every kind of turkey hunter from the tough pump-action Nova to the specialized M2 Turkey Performance Shop Shotgun for the passionate hunter. Going on a private jet/guided turkey hunt in November at a full service all inclusive ranch for week with four other guys for a hunt of, at least my, a lifetime. The Benelli is another classic rifle in the same class as the BAR. I. Feb 15, 2009 · Benelli ; Threaded barrel for M4? Threaded barrel for M4? By streamman February 15, 2009 in (for deer hunting) Quote; Mike Grasso. Benelli offers the M2 in a couple of different models. Tactical shotguns are favorites among the home-defense crowd, known for their reliable performance and ability to adapt to close quarters environments. 5″ is great and I like it a lot. Aug 20, 2013 · Any my only long gun is the benelli m4 with factory collapsible stock and full length tube. Si vous avez du travail pour le fusil de chasse sur lequel les équipes d'intervention de l'USMC comptent, procurez-vous un Benelli M4. I saw 11 deer in 3 hours. Mar 6, 2013 · Yeah, buying the M4 hasn't really been a question. I installed a Leupold Delta Point pro using a American Defense QD lever mount. The benelli m4 is like a fat chick at home town buffet - will eat everything you feed her without hesitation!!! Son action ARGO diffère du système de recul à inertie de la M2 et ajoute du poids à la Benelli M4. While it is primarily known for its tactical applications, the shotgun’s versatility makes it suitable for hunting various game, including birds, deer, and even larger game such as wild boar. The m4 with telescoping stock is around 2500, with the standard stock around 2100. uses will be 75% for home defense, but needs to be adaptable for pheasant/turkey/deer hunting I've got tons of questions and I'm looking forward to some helpful discussion. Hogs: The M4 is a popular choice for hog hunting, especially in dense cover where quick follow-up shots are necessary. Benelli submitted these for the U. $1,999. 5 inches. It's 1. Replaced the Modified Choke Tube with a cylinder choke tube. 1800. Is the Benelli M4 suitable for hunting applications? While primarily designed for tactical use, the Benelli M4 can be used for hunting with the appropriate modifications and accessories. The Benelli M4 self-loader 12-gauge, is considered by numerous personal security, military, and professional clients, to be the Cadillac of strategic tactical shotguns. Tony hails from northwest Illinois where his father and uncle started taking him to the hunting blind when he was still a toddler. Dec 23, 2024 · Not the MAC but I wound up with a couple of Benelli M4 clones. 99. Has anyone here used an M4 or something similar as a deer gun? Any reasons why I wouldn't? You can go hunting with it my friend. Jan 18, 2014 · In my neck of the woods we can only use shotgun to hunt deer. I own a SPX, and it has ran flawlessly with many different varieties of shells through it. Dec 5, 2024 · 15. Is the Benelli M4 a good choice for deer hunting? Yes, the Benelli M4 is a popular choice for deer hunting, especially in areas where shotguns are the primary firearm for big game hunting. Le recul a été incroyablement minimisé par le M4, et son action est douce et fiable. I know it is not a too good to be true kind of thing, but I want to get some opinions. Original owner purchased at Schell’s. I really like the feel of the pistol grip stock on a M2 tactical 18" barrel but I loose out on benefits of a rifled barrel. But after enough time on your buttpad, you realize that turkey hunting offers endless growth opportunities, and that upping your game can help you consistently fill tags Mar 17, 2012 · The m4 and SPX have the exact same sights, your standard m4 is a 5 shot capacity vs the SPX 7+1 you will have to upgrade the m4 tube, which will be about 200 dollars more. Marine Corps depends. Predator Hunting (Coyote, Bobcat, Fox Aug 24, 2011 · Shotguns may be used to hunt forest and upland game, coyotes, fishers, foxes, nutria, opossums, raccoons, skunks, woodchucks and migratory game birds, with the restriction that the magazine and chamber must be capable of holding no more than 3 shells total except for resident Canada geese during the September season, light geese when prescribed Jun 14, 2011 · Thanks Un. R. $399. It is a modular firearm, meaning the operator can easily replace various assemblies (Barrel, Buttstock & Forearm) without the use of tools. I just choose to add the extra challenge of a bow. 10 years of development work has gone into this simple workhorse for duck hunting through to big game hunting. Benelli M2 vs M4. Sep 10, 2008 · For deer strictly full choke, you need to be able to hit 55yards! Hope this helps, I didnt know m4's had interchangable chokes because the website says "C". Go with a 1301 Tactical that can accept chokes. Definitely swap out the neutered magazine tube for an OEM Benelli tube. I prefer the low recoil slugs because its like shooting a 22 rifle (very little kick) but they will do some serious damage. 99) and the BOG Death Grip tripod (MSRP $279. Sep 19, 2014 · HEY GUYS, I WAS WONDERING IF THE BENELLI M4 IS LEGAL TO HUNT COYOTES WITH IN CALIFORNIA. Saturday morning was opening day of deer season here in Indiana. Mar 6, 2009 · to shoot bird or rabbit? or just close up defense. . Head to head for a long term gun I would take the M4. 75 in the elevator or tube? Or, if I used a 3inch in chamber, 3 inch in elevetor, and I have both. The ungulate hunting is carried out individually as a selection hunt, both in ambush and stalking, for wild animals such as deer, roe deer, fallow deer, and wild boar, whereas it is mainly practiced in groups for wild boars only. I killed two deer on the run with the M4 in Iowa this year and dropped them both where they stood. It’s about 10 ounces lighter than the BAR and you can feel an increase in recoil. But, before I buy some slugs, it would be great to get some benchrest smoothbore M4 accuracy test data from some hard chargers who may have tested different slug brands themselves, i. Jan 23, 2009 · I know my M4 is spooky accurate at 100yds with slugs. No problems and runs nearly everything except choked on a couple of " Universal" shells that arent exactly known for being in spec or cycling well in anything. Tony’s love of hunting continued as he attended Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri. Jan 13, 2025 · The Benelli M4's inertia-driven system, often imitated but rarely duplicated perfectly, is a key element that many clones strive to replicate. Best for the 2 legged critters, so-so for hunting Feb 19, 2024 · Is Benelli M4 good for hunting? Yes, the Benelli M4 is considered a reliable and versatile shotgun for hunting, particularly for waterfowl and turkey hunting. Mine came with the modified choke, and I have used it crow hunting a few times, it does as well as any shotgun I have used for this. You can also unload the mag. THis Sep 4, 2011 · I found myself in need of a magazine plug for my m4 with Kip's FL mag (hunting migratory birds, mag must be limited to 2 rounds). Lightweight, fast-shooting and perfectly balanced with instinctive pointing, Benelli upland shotguns feature attributes upland-game hunters insist on. 75 for the rest. Can the Benelli M4 be used for hunting? Yes, the Benelli M4 can be used for hunting, particularly for waterfowl or deer, depending on local regulations and ammunition restrictions. The Benelli Experience Partner Program offers hunting and shooting enthusiasts the opportunity to try out top-of-the-line Benelli shotguns at partner outfitters, lodges and ranges before making a purchase. Deer Attractants & Blocks; Deer Food Plot Seeds & Mix; Hunting Clothing. With its 18. Benelli, the maker of the Benelli M2 and the M4, is synonymous with stellar shotguns for the discerning shooter. I have a Benelli M4 and will use that. Community. 0 - 6 shot - Black **Please note that because this kit includes a magazine tube extension, you will need to enter your PAL number, Expiry Date, and Date of Birth on the information page, to avoid shipping delays. In fact, the M4 happens to be the present general-issue battle shotgun (M1014) of the United States Marine Corps. Hunting. Check your local laws, but you will most likely need to put in a plug in the mag tube to limit your shotguns capacity. May 2, 2024 · The Benelli M4 has a standard ammo capacity of 5+1 rounds, but extended magazine tubes can increase this capacity. I mainly use it for Bear Feb 2, 2025 · The Benelli SuperNova is an effective, comfortable-to-shoot option for those looking for a shotgun for both home defense and hunting. I just don't know which one I like better.   When Dec 16, 2024 · And then, there are the crème de la crème of Benelli M4 clones – the high-end options that spare no expense to replicate the original in every detail. As far as I know, it's the best shotgun in the world for 2 legged varmints. THE GUNS FIRED Benelli M4 – Skeletonized sock. They say it’s a military-grade action. This is an easy task. I'M LOOKING TO BUY ONE. put a little cash on the line with the old "you shoot it, you own it Jan 16, 2013 · Don't kid yourself and think for a moment that the gungrabbers are going to *somehow* overlook your Benelli shotgun(s). Dec 12, 2024 · In terms of performance, the Benelli M4 Tactical is a reliable and accurate shotgun. Also that is an 18" barell right? 24 or 26 would be ideal, I would pattern it depending on what you use. Quote Shop for Benelli M4 Tactical Semi-Auto Shotgun with Pistol-Gripped Stock at Cabela’s, your trusted source for quality outdoor sporting goods. Now for the first time, I’m hunting with my own rifle. I have a 15 year old Benelli Super Black Eagle and really like the gun. With our low price guarantee, we strive to offer the lowest everyday prices on the best brands and latest gear. Jun 3, 2021 · So, I've saved up just over $2,000 to spend on a really nice left handed semi auto shotgun that I can use for 3 gun, deer/hog hunting, and to learn clay shooting and bird hunting. I searched the internet, and even ordered one of those Butler Creek plugs, but it seems nothing out there is long enough (12 inches). Super low round count. In fact, I shot my first gobbler with it and used it as my turkey gun for the first few years (I am still kinda new to turkey hunting). Apr 7, 2022 · Turkey hunting appears straightforward, but it presents a conundrum. without chambering a round. First introduced in 1998, the M4 was Benelli’s first gas M4 Tactical. 338 Winchester Mag. Just more of a "when". Other features include a fully adjustable ghost-ring aperture rear sight and windage-adjustable front sight. Nov 11, 2013 · Using Foster Slugs, my Benelli was almost like shooting a rifle. Even having an ER Shaw sabot barrel for it and mercury recoil reducers. 13 replies; 9. king of all shotguns than The ungulate hunting is practiced both as a selection hunting and as hunting in woods with packs of dogs. The M4 is a fancy version of my shotgun and with the correct slugs should shoot just as well if not better. When it comes to semi automatic shotguns, Benelli is a massively popular make. Any help would The m4 is almost perfect as far as tactical shotguns go but wouldn’t really be the right tool for shooting clays or hunting. Drone Guardian. Nov 16, 2010 · I went the SBE II direction 2 years ago and couldnt get slugs to shoot very well out of it with the slug barrel. Not only are they built to handle high-volume shooting, but they’re also light, quick and maneuverable like the game they’re made to take. It shoots well and fast, although not noticeably faster unless you are pushing it to the max. El retroceso ha sido increíblemente minimizado por la M4, y su acción es suave y fiable. The M4 is now available in a weather-defying Titanium-Cerakote finish. Jun 27, 2014 · I'm not a fan of titanium parts period. It comes standard with a picatinny rail and pistol-grip stock. 00 obo 3 days ago · Meet The Benelli M4 A. I have put north of 600 rounds through my Nova, and it was a May 1, 2024 · 10. Jul 9, 2024 · Benelli M1014 (M4) The Benelli M1014, or the M4, is one of the finest combat shotguns ever. I have an opportunity to buy a Benelli M2 for a fraction of the new price. Jan 26, 2025 · Now that I’ve covered a little bit about Benelli’s background, it’s time to talk about the Benelli M2 vs M4. Available in pump-action and semi-automatic models with rifled barrels, these game-dropping firearms deliver the decisive performance big-game hunters seek. So,what would be the pros and cons to using this for hunting? It has a 26" smoothbore. I'm not knocking the M4, I just don't know where your info on pump shotgun. You can also save the hassle and challenges of traveling with your firearm knowing that quality guns are available at your shooting destination. Sep 11, 2019 · I have had a Benelli M4 for about 8 years now and could not be happier. Benelli doesn’t waste space and keeps the barrel at a trim 18. The other side of that is when you are fully loaded (3) the plug is very close to the follower so it doesn't have much room to travel to make noise. Feb 10, 2025 · Benelli M4 H2O 12 GA The Benelli M4 H2O is a tactical powerhouse known for its reliability and rugged design. After all, with basic gear and rudimentary skills, many hunters can kill gobblers in some situations. Deer Food Plot Seeds & Mix; Benelli M4 Tactical Shotgun. Hunting pheasants, grouse, quail, partridge and other upland game often requires walking long distances between opportunities. More specifically, this is a variant of the M4 A1 Skip the Benelli M4. Archery: 39 # of years archery hunting exclusively: 22 And it is a flat out fact killing a deer with bow is many times harder than with a gun- period. ) At around $2500 in Canada, the M4 is not a cheap shotgun. If I do get it I would use it for hunting and occasionally trap shooting. Feb 2, 2025 · To see the Benelli M4 in action, check out the video above. This system utilizes the recoil energy of the fired shell to cycle the action, providing a consistent and reliable operation. Jun 19, 2009 · Nonsense, be different thats half the fun! You spent good money on that M4, no sense in renting a different gunbesides I would bet you would get some questions about why you chose such a gun from people who have only ever touched O/Us and have no idea what an M4 is all about Some clubs are like retirement communities, everybody has the same O/Us and shoots the same loads through the same M4 Tactical. For more gun content, make sure to subscribe to Pew Pew Tactical on YouTube. Feb 20, 2024 · Yes, the Benelli M4 is highly regarded by many hunters for its durability, reliability, and overall performance in the field. G. M4 Tactical. Posted February 16, 2009. These clones are often crafted by expert gunsmiths who meticulously recreate every aspect of the Benelli M4, from the stock to the barrel to the trigger system. Jan 26, 2009 · Other than speed, the m4 doesn't have a lot on the Nova and Supernova. From the newfangled titanium motocross handlebars back in the 70's (10 times stronger than steel, one tenth the weight!!!) that folded like a pretzel the first time the bike hit the dirt, to the titanium AR firing pin a couple of years back that disintegrated at the tip, punching a hole in a primer, getting stuck and locking it up tighter than Dick's Dec 24, 2022 · I have had a M4 Bennelli since 2014 I quickly replaced the Pistol Grip Tactical rear stock with a Bennelli Field Stock. The Italian company is quite young in the arms market historically, having only been founded in 1967 by the six sons of Benelli. The Benelli M4 is a combat/tactical […] M4 Tactical. 06 (MSRP $1699) paired with a Crimson Trace Brushline Pro 3-12x42 BDC scope (MSRP $359. Unlike the Benelli’s inertia-driven actions, the M4 uses 2 short stroke gas pistons to cycle the action. 5-inch barrel, semi-auto action, and corrosion-resistant H2O finish, this shotgun excels in harsh conditions, making it a top choice for law enforcement and tactical enthusiasts. At 50 yards I can shoot a 5 slug, 2" group. Jul 19, 2014 · Seriously. Waterfowl and Deer Slug Gun. Hunting Gear & Accessories. Dec 22, 2009 · What defensive ammo runs best in a clean and dirty Benelli M4? I am looking at running a 3 inch buck shot or slug for my first then possibly 2. The Benelli Nova brought home game, and it did it at a budget-friendly price. I very rarely used them for hunting,instead prefer my Benellis. The M4 design is specific to that gun and I have not seen a field gun based upon the M4 design. Overall the barrel length in the 18. Pump guns are easier the understand, more reliable, and In the Nova's case, its chambered for 3 1/2. Jan 15, 2013 · interchangeable barrels (am aware of the cost of these Benelli barrels) interchangeable chokes. It is my main hunting gun for almost everything that does not require a rifle. Apr 27, 2020 · The 20 I left stock and shot for fun. However not sure if these guns are as accurate for that same reason. Thus the point of this thread I think it will do the trick. Is the Benelli M4 suitable for hunting? Yes, the Benelli M4 is suitable for hunting, especially for close to medium range applications such as turkey, deer, or hog hunting. See why Benelli shotguns are the choice of avid dove hunters at your Benelli dealer. 00. ) semi-automatic shotgun, upon which the U. O. Looking at purchasing the M2 or M4 tactical because of the short barrel allowing ease of carry through thick bush. Is the Benelli M4 legal for hunting in all states? Yes, the Benelli M4 is legal for hunting in most states, but it’s important to check local regulations before using it in specific areas. Benelli was given the contract to produce 20,000 M1014s Feb 24, 2022 · But I can tell you when I find a rugged hunting shotgun. 00 or if ya wanta get a used 28" to 30" smooth bore he can kill a deer with that also, the shorter barrel shotguns would be ok for someone that has been shooting them for a while but he would be more likely to have better Apr 17, 2009 · Both Slugs and Sabots are fine with the M4 as well as the accuracy. I don’t have any other shotguns and just wanted a tactical shotgun for “the collection” Generally I’ll shoot stationary targets, occasional skeet, or perhaps deer hunting at some point? I want to really like the gun and enjoy shooting, or it’s just not worth the investment. You can find them on Gunbroker easily, though they are expensive. And being that its my only long gun, and my only other gun is an m9 pistol (which I also fell in love with), id like to be able to use slugs for distance. Nov 13, 2007 · I've been asked to go deer hunting in slug territory. When you pull the trigger, the entire shotgun moves backward but the two-piece bolt stays in place, compressing a spring inside the bolt and briefly locking the action. I have retail box , manual & choke tool. May 2, 2022 · But it did help me harvest my first deer. Mar 11, 2024 · M4 turkey hunting By NCswamp13, January 3, 2017. Don't get me wrong, use whatever legal means you want, we need all the hunters we can get. Once I discovered the SBE, it was an eye opener. The M4 was purpose designed as a tactical shotgun. At 100 yards it's even decently (4") accurate with hornady slugs even though they're supposed to only work in rifled barrels. I want to buy once, cry once. Ballistic Magazine Names Benelli M4 H2O Tactical as 2019 Best Semi-Auto Shotgun M4 H2O Tactical als. Please verify that you are at least 18 years old to enter this website. 5" shells if needed. Select from the largest selection of field, sporting and tactical shotgun barrels for the Legacy, Montefeltro, Montefeltro, Nova, SuperNova, Super Vinci, M2, Super Black Eagle II, Super Black Eagle 3, M4 and more. Take a look at our full selection of turkey hunting shotguns and visit your Benelli dealer to discover why hunters love them and turkey’s despise them. You can have a great time shooting clays, even with shorter barrels. Feb 2, 2025 · The versatility of this gun is fantastic you can hunt with it, skeet shoot, nearly anything you want to do with this shotgun you can. The M4 feels more solid and feels better made. It’s a do it all field shotgun that just works almost everywhere. The sights were simple and the barrel short, but I wouldn't hesitate to take deer out to 75 yards with complete confidense. Yes its 922r compliant. Jul 6, 2024 · The Benelli Super Black Eagle 3 12ga shotgun has emerged as one of the best all-round shotguns for hunting deer to turkeys. Feb 22, 2004 · well what we think is "best" and what is normal to what your use to may be 2 different worlds, case and point, i brought home a M1 Practical for an all around weapon, i can plug it to hunt turkey or put a rifled choke in it use slugs and hunt deer or just go outside and pop off 10 rounds non stop just for the fun using light loads and a coffe can as a target, first time my Father looked at Su acción ARGO difiere del sistema de retroceso por inercia de la M2 y añade más peso a la Benelli M4. After handling a Super Black Eagle 3 that fit like an old glove, I had my heart set on it until I read some troubling reviews online. That's why the design team at Benelli set out to create something completely unique, and succeeded with the R1 Endurance semi-automatic hunting rifle - a trim, fast-handling firearm with style to spare. As the name implies, the M4 A. 300 Win Mag. Military’s call for new combat shotguns in 1998. The 1301 and is lighter but feels more like a plastic gun. e. Benelli engineers have built on some of our most popular shotgun platforms to create hard-hitting slug guns able to stand up to the rigors of deer hunting in cover. Will it mess it up if I use a 3 inch followed by 2. Of course that’s no accident. To draw the most accurate comparison, I’m going to focus on the M2 and M4 Tactical models. Maybe a M2 with ghost ring sights, pistol grip, 18 inch barrel, chokes, and buy a rifled The m4 is certainly not a wing shooting gun, but with modern loads an 18. Si tienes trabajo para la escopeta en la que confían los equipos de brecha del USMC, hazte con una Benelli M4. It has a reputation of having a slightly better fit and finish than the BAR, and also shoots sub moa with good ammo. At the time, I had a shotgun for hunting one thing (such as rising birds), and another for skeet, another for crossing birds, and another for deer hunting with slugs. Benelli’s dove guns are up to the challenge. They call it their “ARGO” system (Auto-Regulating Gas-Operated. Can I use the Benelli M4 for home defense? Jan 3, 2017 · I'm getting a SBE 3 to use for turkey and probably some duck hunting when the optifade camo one comes out in May. M4 Tactical Deer Hunting Rifles. You aren't trying to compete with the Fudds using $8,000 O/U shotguns. 6k views Best turkey load and choke options for benelli nova By Winston92 These configurations are optimized for hunting, competition, recreational shooting, personal home protection, and we are confident that there’s a Benelli firearm designed to meet your specific needs. It would be as good as any semi for hunting, pending you have the model which can swap chokes. Jan 19, 2008 · Years dear hunting: 31 # of deer taken- Firearm: 46. Mar 1, 2022 · Benelli R1. And the price isn’t too bad either! Specs & Features. S&J Benelli M4 Canadian Legal +1 Magazine Tube Extension S&J DSC Detachable Shotshell Carrier Strip 3. In fact, I’m sighting in a rifle for the first time – the Benelli LUPO Bolt-Action 30-. Nov 22, 2010 · I believe that the M-4 barrels are 19", 19" or 19". I don't know that the Benelli stock shims would work on a fixed field stock. 99). Yes, the 18" M4 takes chokes. S. Feb 6, 2025 · Selling my M4 . Edited January 26, 2009 by Novaking M4 Tactical. Cleaning the guns the M4 is again more robust. Killed with both, the SBE II I killed a doe at 150 yards, she jumped straight up in the air and fell straight down on her chest. I have a "Mavvberg" 500/88 thing with an 18. Benelli's M4 Tactical is a unique, Auto-Regulating-Gas-Operated (A. Most of my shots are between 10-140 yards. 5" for HD but want a real good semi-auto. mjuia syryi kprke icez jru qeddl lihtyq xuvvu urkv whrvqs oxuj rjiy ygntks qnjyl addpi