Bedding a savage b mag kit Brown Pro-Bed 2000 Complete epoxy bedding kit, Small size, enough epoxy to bed 2 to 3 rifles. savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr Jan 15, 2012 · Bed the from the recoil lug back to the front action screw and bed the area around the rear action screw. May 3, 2018 · The AccuTrigger on my B. I won't be able to shoot it for a bit but in handling it I see that the bolt handle touches the scope on bolt lift. Jun 6, 2016 · Here's the pics of my bedding process on my Bmag. Is the thumbhole stock the one l should be thinking about or a different model? Jan 10, 2015 · Just got a Boyd's pepper laminate prairie hunter stock for my B-Mag. Grab b mag firmly by barrel and proceed to wrap it around a tree untill action, stock, scope, all of it is rendered totally usesless. Here’s where I think Savage tried to fix what wasn’t broken. Bedding my 116 made an amazing difference in my groups. Go heavy in the front and make sure the 3 rings of the barrel get completely engaged with epoxy bedding, then go an inch in front of that. This stock will work with Heavy Bull Barrel, Savage B-Mag Rifles. MAGs that improve with bedding or another kinda' equivalent method of anchoring the barrel to the stock, and B. Hopefully get it finished this week and get some range time. Summer 2015https://rumble. This is huge. savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr Jan 20, 2016 · My Heavy Barrel B-Mag with laminated stock was badly in need of barrel bedding. The B. Nov 19, 2016 · B-MAG Part 2 I was happy as a clam with the replacement B-MAG. Bolt design. It’s no secret that I love Boyd’s stocks, but this one is a big improvement over the plasticky Savage B. Still a lot of sanding then bedding and some coats of Tung Oil to go. 22 caliber pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! May 6, 2015 · 4. Jan 24, 2020 · Heritage Savage B-Mag Detachable Box Mag Short Action Bull Barrel Channel Pepper Laminate Wood Stock Center to Center of Action Screws: 6" Barrel Dimensions: Point A = 55/64" and Point B = 51/64" Over All Length of Part: 31 1/2" Approximate Weight: 2lbs 6oz Safety is located on the tang and Bolt Release is on the side of the receiver *You will need to remove the screws and escutcheons/stock savage b-mag . Step 3. I have glass bedded bolt actions that are DBM's and only DBM's. B mag is like a boat. This will be in a boyds laminate stock. Jan 5, 2014 · Stephen, those groups were done with the factory stock ,O-rings and a little bit of bedding work. With a large rollover cheek piece for scope usage and straight comb design to minimize cheek slap when shooting, the hand conforming thumbhole allows for increased accuracy while distributing the recoil Oct 9, 2009 · Yeah, Savage suggests you do away with the shroud over the safety with a free kit from them. savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr Howdy, I'm on my 2nd B Mag. Each Complete Epoxy Bedding System kit contains. The process was fairly simplemessy, but simple. By Seneca11 in forum 110-Series Rifles Replies: 1 The Savage Arms 93R17 is a bolt action rifle chambered in 17 HMR. The receiver and barrel have a stainless finish. Boyds Featherweight Nutmeg Stock Savage B-Mag 17WSM Bull Barrel Rifle. 17 WSM and he is still thanking me for talking him into buying a Savage . The best times you will have with it are the day you buy it, and the day you get rid of it. You may be able to improve the accuracy quite a bit by bedding the action and free floating the barrel but I suspect a lot of the problem is barrel harmonics and figuring out how to tune the barrel takes time and patience-and a lot of ammo. The Boyds Featherweight is a thumbhole design. The stock is pure junk which everyone who has a b mag already knows. The information and opinions expressed within this site are those of its contributors, and in no way should be viewed as the opinions or recommendations of Savage Arms. MAG represents a whole new class of rimfire rifle. And it really streamlines that part of the rifle. We carry a boatload of Savage B-Mag Stocks with many designs such as: Forest Camo, Nutmeg wood and Black Wood designs - Take a look! Toggle menu CONTACT (775)-253-1264 or (775)-469-2926 The Savage Arms B. We carry a boatload of Savage B-Mag Stocks with many designs such as: Forest Camo, Nutmeg wood and Black Wood designs - Take a look! Toggle menu CONTACT (775)-253-1264 or (775)-469-2926 Apr 25, 2022 · I watched bunch's of video's, read lots of posts on the 17WSM before I bought mine. Mar 21, 2020 · The Savage Bmag is unlike any of their other Accutriggers and I don't believe any of the parts/pieces from the Bmag trigger assembly are even interchangeable with any other Savage trigger. I did a very nice job of glass bedding it with complete support where the barrel meets the receiver and back by the tang. My questions are to anyone that owns one 1. It has the WSM specific scope pre-installed. As opposed to many bolt action rifles, the Savage B-Mag cocks the firing pin on the down stroke of the bolt. The Boyd’s stock comes with a plastic trigger guard and uses your 2 action screws from the factory setup. Aug 12, 2013 · This is very interesting. Ive shot several ground hogs and several squirrels with it I really enjoy the 17 wsm round. The only exceptions are you only bed from the recoil lug to the rear action screw. Sep 9, 2014 · The only tricky part of disassembling the B. With Boyd's stock, does barrel still need to be floated? 3. A big improvement, IMO. Pretty good drop in fit but my safety would not work. Savage Arms 96971 B. SAVAGE B-MAG STOCKS; BMAG ACCESSORIES; Score High 8 ounce Pro-Bed 2000 Complete Bedding Kit Enough epoxy to bed 2 to 3 rifles Color: Brown Includes Sep 25, 2012 · ‎118122-HOGUE STOCK 11812 Savage 10, 12 & 16 Detachable Box Mag / Hinged Floor Plate Short Action Heavy Barrel Full Bed Block Sto : Color ‎Black : Material ‎Plastic : Suggested Users ‎unisex-adult : Number of Items ‎1 : Manufacturer ‎Hogue : Part Number ‎HO11812 : Included Components ‎Itself : Size ‎One Size : Sport Type Dec 2, 2024 · The Savage B. Went onto other projects. I have only shot maybe 150 rounds total through it and yes I cleaned it. They pay postage. Bedding the screw pockets seems like a helpful ideagets me thinking about pillar bedding in a different way. It was weird and dangerous. Scope is a Weaver K4 60-B that came with the rifle. Savage B-Mag 17 WSM Review, Bedding, Prairie Dog ShootI have had this rifle about a year now Sep 3, 2014 · Savage B. MAGs that improve with free-floating the barrel. Oct 2, 2019 · I bought a savage b mag skinny barrel not too long ago the guy I got it from had sent it back and they re barreled it and it shoots great. Nov 21, 2016 · I ordered a BSA 17 Super Mag 4. Not a pleasant experience. Oct 25, 2012 · Hello all, Im new to the site, long time savage shooter though. 22 rimfire enthusiasts. Step 4. Savage says it is a safety issue. Several weeks later got a call from Savage. With a large rollover cheek piece for scope usage and straight comb design to minimize cheek slap when shooting, the hand conforming thumbhole allows for increased accuracy while distributing the recoil Jun 5, 2015 · Closest without going over for the savage guess is fr3db3ar and for the Ruger is Hothap! Pm is coming your way for your addresses so I can send your free bedding compound . Breathe a big sigh of relief. FGN using Tapatalk savage b-mag . savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr Jul 24, 2015 · Savage B Mag Accuracy. At least all the "tricks" that I could do myself. It features a matte black synthetic pistol grip stock with sling swivel studs. Yet, it feels like a cheap piece of crap. The one I got inexchange shoots really great with both 20 & 25 grainers. Designed specifically for the red-hot flat-shooting 17 WSM, the B. #1. It also has a slim profile. It now shoots 3 shot groups that can be covered with a quarter at 100 yards . Sent from my LM-Q710. Ran into my first problemwell perdicament. It's a sweet rifle. This is a long action savage blind mag which means it does not have a floor plate but instead has the May 2, 2014 · Upgrades to B. Opens in a new window Mar 8, 2017 · The . I used Loctite Marine Epoxy (white in color) to bed the barrel. Are these upgrades PRO VARMINT, SAVAGE B-MAG, DETACHABLE BOX MAGAZINE, SHORT ACTION, BULL BARREL CHANNEL. Boyds Featherweight Nutmeg Stock Savage B-Mag 17WSM Tapered Barrel Rifle. Now leaving out the clip bed the mag with the putty epoxy in the four corners by using the action tightened down on it for proper height and then everything is bedded and will function just right. As a result I removed the stock and before I assembled it I googled the torque settings for the B-mag; one Savage site listed the torque settings for all Savage rimfires at 15 in lb, but the B-Mag Manual lists the torque at 40 in. I got lucky as my SS is a good shooter and a keeper but due to scarcity of ammo I don't use it much. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, and personalize content. I'm going to use the barrel channel as the bedding area. So far, the only upgrade I see from here are the tactical handle and the Boyd's Stocks (looking at the thumbhole). com/user/cavedweller1959 Feb 28, 2009 · Re: Bedding a Savage . Oct 11, 2022 · Designed specifically for the red-hot, flat-shooting 17 Win. Are B-Mag owners seeing a lot of variation in how far bolt handles rotate? Jun 28, 2016 · 17 WSM / BMag Target Accuracy I recently bought the B. 5x14x44mm scope, as I have had some awesome success with their caliber specific optics. b-series factory barrel channel stocks; b-series bull barrel channel stocks; savage 212 ; savage 10/110 . My B-Mag turned out to be very accurate. Maybe the stippling of the plastic could have been changed, maybe the style of plastic, but it just isn’t very confidence With just a little help, the B-Mag turns into an awesome shooter. Aug 18, 2017 · A year with the Savage B-Mag, review and how to make it accurate, and a prairie dog shoot. It has an 22" stainless steel barrel and gray laminated thumbhole stock. After bedding, I have 7 shots at 100 yards, all less than 1 MOA. He said he had to modify the stock to even get it to fit in the first place, and in the process he cracked the stock. Which is better? Then there is the ammois the 20gn or the 25gn more accurate? Savage told me that when they tested my rifle they used Designed specifically for the red-hot, flat-shooting 17 Win. These tack-driving, bolt-action rifles feature Savage’s legendary user-adjustable AccuTrigger™ technology and come in stock and barrel options for any rimfire pursuit. Thread-in barrel headspacing, rear-locking lugs and a cock-on-close bolt maximize accuracy at long ranges, while user-adjustable AccuTrigger™ technology allows crisp, customized trigger pulls. Boyds Featherweight Pepper Stock Savage B-Mag 17WSM Bull Barrel Rifle. Jun 27, 2016 · Long story short I bought a Boyds Pro Varmint for my B Mag and took it to a local smith to glass bed it. Feb 17, 2004 · Here's the title you can search on youtube: Savage B-MAG. 17 wsm is an amazing round. After a couple of years I put it in a Pro Varmint stock. The B-series bolt design is closer to the Boyds Featherweight Pepper Stock Savage B-Mag 17WSM Bull Barrel Rifle. Technically, the B-mag's are supposed to be pillar blocked from factory due their specialized mounting design. 17HMR Buy a 1/2" Aluminum rod, Cut to appropriate lengths for front/rear action screws, drill hole with respect to action screw's diameter, thread holes, and assemble. Looking at the way the safety works it was actually the wood pinching the sides of the tang and not material behind the safety that was the problem. Mag factory stock. . Mag Stock. savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr SAVAGE B MAG MATTE WEAVER SCOPE MOUNT MULTI SLOT BASE 48305 #602 Savage 10/110 11/111 12 Profiled Pillar Set Stock Pillar Bedding PPAB-S10B. Jan 26, 2019 · To start, just the area infront of the front screw. I talked to my smith and he can for this rifle for around $100, so I am jumping on it when the Boyds is delivered. I will update this thread with pics once the dip guard comes in for the savage and the optics arrive for the ruger. Jun 22, 2021 · I just had my savage B mag blow up on me this past Saturday while shooting the hornady Vmax 20gr the back of the cartridge blew out releasing the pressure straight down through my mag and lower receiver blowing the bottom of the gun completely out. Apr 30, 2018 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in Savage Arms 96915 B. Aug 15, 2016 · Step 2. Barrel Dimensions: Point A = 55/64" and Point B = 51/64" Center to Center of Action Screws: 6" Over All Length of Part: 31 1/2" Comes with Boyds' 1/2" Rubber Recoil Pad. 17 HMR CZ 452 Trainer, Savage bull barrel, Marlin bull barrel, and Taurus pistol. The last time at the range the accu-trigger jammed up. 06-19-2018, 10:53 AM #3 A&8's Jun 20, 2014 · I got a SS heavy barrel B-Mag with prairie hunter Boyds stock and was told that the free floating idea was what the B-Mag was designed to be. com Craig Who refreshes others will be refreshed. MAG 17 WSM Caliber with 8+1 Capacity, 22" Barrel, Matte Stainless Metal Finish & Matte Black Synthetic Stock Right Hand (Full Size) Specifications Action: Bolt Jun 10, 2017 · I'm in the process of playing with my B-mag to see if I can improve the groupings. Chemdawg - the Boyd's stocks are incredibly cheap, at least in the world of rifle stocks. Safety is located on the tang and Bolt Release is on the side of the receiver. If Savage were willing to work with Timney to allow Timney to make a superior trigger for it, I would May 22, 2017 · Here's the title you can search on youtube: Savage B-MAG. Feb 2, 2014 · I decided before I waste an other $100 on a new stock I would try and improve the Savage stock. There are lots of reports of problems with the 93-series mags, but the rotary design of the B-series mags is similar to the time-tested Ruger design. May 5, 2016 · Now to my question, have many glass bedded their bmags? I have read a good bit of guys using Boyds stocks and doing something with an O ring (?) but have not seen much on glass bedding. Mag has a smooth bottom, with no action screws showing. Mag gladesarmory. No recoil shoulder on this one. savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr savage b-mag . Seemed the stainless heavy barrel Savage B-Mag was the best option for the money. Super Magnum cartridge, the B. It seems there are B. Dec 24, 2013 · The sole purpose of this site is to provide an online community for those who wish to interact with other Savage firearm enthusiasts. Mag is much better, this one is an issue. savage b-mag stocks; bmag accessories; savage b series . My cheap pencil barrel B Mag is now as accurate as any of them, and that is saying a lot. If Savage were willing to work with Timney to allow Timney to make a superior trigger for it, I would Glades Armory Savage B-MAG Silver Bolt Handle Smooth Black Tactical Knob Score High 8 ounce Pro-Bed 2000 Complete Bedding Kit Enough epoxy to bed 4 to 6 rifles Jun 4, 2015 · This is not a competition gun but it is a hunting rifle for deer so 1MOA accuracy is final goal which I think will happen with the new barrel we got. With a large rollover cheek piece for scope usage and straight comb design to minimize cheek slap when shooting, the hand conforming thumbhole allows for increased accuracy while distributing the recoil May 3, 2014 · I just got my Boyds Prairie Hunter Stock and I think I may have to bed the action. You don't want to bed any part of the barrel nut or the tang. Aug 27, 2017 · Texas10 if the bedding is done correctly it will replace the needed height of the clip ( look at Fred's picture). I solved that by bedding the stock and adding two 3/16" steel threaded rods The Boyds Pro Varmint Wood Stock would excel on your favorite hunting, or target rifle. Here's the link to the video: but I don't know that will work. The issue I am noticing is on the back part of an axis the trigger assembly sits between the action and stock. Tape off everything in between and you can fill the mag box area with playdough if you want. Go light on the tang because the trigger has a lot of exposed mechanics. As soon as the stock arrived, I got to work on bedding the action with JB Weld. With a large rollover cheek piece for scope usage and straight comb design to minimize cheek slap when shooting, the hand conforming thumbhole allows for increased accuracy while distributing the recoil Maybe the ridges the 3 rings would leave can be leveled to make the pad smooth there. Aug 19, 2013 · Scheels was good enough to replace it for me instead of ME sending it back to Savage. The slender, somewhat open grip is well defined, but does not extend too far below the toe line. Mag is the first step: removing the plastic bottom. With a large rollover cheek piece for scope usage and straight comb design to minimize cheek slap when shooting, the hand conforming thumbhole allows for increased accuracy while distributing the recoil Jun 27, 2022 · Category: Savage B. Come join the discussion about . Mag that matter: Free float the barrel and epoxy bed the front of the action and the tang in back. The groups could be repeated but I still would get an occasional flyer usually high. Sep 15, 2015 · Savage/Stevens Rimfire Central is a forum community dedicated to . I agree the barrel ahead of bolt is free floating. Choose a ruger or something that will actually chamber the round of you buy one. Mag Target rifle is chambered in 17 Winchester Super Magnum with a 8+1 capacity. SAVAGE B-Mag aluminum replacement for the cheesy plastic bolt shroud. Several factors pushed me towards the B-series over there 93-series: Mags. Feb 15, 2017 · The Savage Bmag isn't the easiest action to bed, largely because of the large open void under the front action bolt is open to the rear where the mag snaps in and the bedding material just runs out to the rear. Are you happy with accuracy? 2. As supplied from Savage, I could freely move the barrel side-to-side within the channel with light finger pressure. Its AccuTrigger system, 8-round detachable magazine , and wood-laminated stock make it a standout option in its price range. The magazine is junk been through 4 only have one that works. Also, the stock is 5/16-3/8” from the barrel in this area!! So I need at least two applications of bedding. Nov 24, 2014 · Bedding a B-Mag? Sorry if this has been beaten to death, but has anyone figured out a proper way to glass bed a B-mag yet without converting the pillar system to a traditional system? I'm going to have to stiffen/straighten my forend - going to try this first before going to a Boyd's stock. I got a good bed and started working on some side clearance issues on the stock. Kylerf150, what part of your Bmag's trigger is cracked? Feb 21, 2012 · Short answer is that I went with the B17. Oct 6, 2024 · 4 oz. This handle greatly improves the bolt cycling characteristics of the Savage B-Mag over the factory bolt handle. Mag Target (Savage Model 96972) with the laminate thumbhole Boyds stock. 25 pounds, last night I tested it again and it's 5 pounds, it got heavier! :bonk: Apr 24, 2014 · I sent my Gen 2 B-Mag back to Savage and hopefully tomorrow they will contact me for my credit card for the $50 charge to upgrade to the Stainless Heavy Barrel. Aug 2, 2019 · Just purchased a 17 WSM B-Mag Heavy Barrel. Strange thing is, I tested the weight and it initially was about 4. Rifle averages in the . Nov 7, 2021 · I have the heavy barrel as well and all I’ve done is replace the stock with a Boyd’s Pro Varmint stock and did my first ever bedding job. Boyds Featherweight Coyote Stock W/Scale Texture Savage B-Mag 17WSM Bull Barrel Rifle. MAG Sporter 17 WSM is a highly accurate and well-built rifle that performs exceptionally well for small game hunting and precision shooting. This rifle also offers a matte or satin finish savage b-mag . I own the . Glass Bedding a Savage Model 10 Action in a wood factory stock. savage b-mag . Rifle was sent with note of problems. With Boyd's stock, was glass bedding called for? 4. 2 Fluid ounces of Pro-Bed 2000 Resin, 2 Fluid ounces of Pro-Bed 2000 Curing agent. savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr Jul 23, 2022 · Dave, I think your right, if I bed the barrel band and there is any movement of the receiver it will cause the barrel to jump up. Mag Series Target 17 WSM Action Bolt Sights None Capacity 8+1 Muzzle Target Crown Hand Right Metal Finish Stainless Steel OAL savage b-mag . May 10, 2010 · B-Mag Series: B mag glass bedding. Rather than using a trim piece to square off the bottom like the factory stock, […] savage b-mag . I haven’t picked it up yet, but just trying to get some knowledge from those that already have one. Here is what each have: Savage B Mag Heavy Barrel Stainless Boyds Classic Sky Stock Savage B-Mag 17WSM Bull Barrel Rifle The Classic is a compilation of the design elements we have found to be the most elegant and user friendly examples of the classic style. savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr SAVAGE B-MAG . Aug 12, 2013 · The B Mag has lots of potential, but you need to spend some money unless you can do the work yourself, to achieve that potential. Pro-Bed 2000 2oz Black Single Rifle Complete Bedding Kit . It did shoot a little better but not up to my standards. The savage b mag is straight garbage and the way savage try’s to resolve it is disgusting. 17WSM. It looks like the entire action is free floated (Pic2) If I'm going to do it I was thinking I may as well go all the way and pillar bed as well. Apr 3, 2015 · The recently manufactured ammo is not the problem and switching brands will not help. When I bed my DBM, I am able to go in from underneath and clean up the mag well. lb. It doesn't have creep so much, it just hits a wall and is HARD to make go off. Thread starter 1jaybird; Start date Jul 24, 2015; 1jaybird. I bought a sporter barrel when they first came out as a cheaper trainer for long range and precision rifle comps. Jun 2, 2015 · This weekend we are going to find out! Each will shoot 6-5 shot groups at 50 yards with there favorite ammo and the one with the best average will obviously win. 75"+!). I do like the 8 round rotary mag though. Savage sent me a pre-paid label. It even includes tools and directions. They will ask for your rifle serial number when you call. Like all Boyds custom stocks the Pro Varmint is proudly made in the USA. Score High 8 ounce Pro-Bed 2000 Complete Bedding Kit Enough epoxy to bed 2 to 3 rifles Color Jun 11, 2015 · On the savage 4" of the channel is bedded with the rest floated. I never would let the barrel get hot, 6 shots and let it cool for a few minutes while I checked the groups. MAG Sporter 17 WSM Caliber with 8+1 Capacity, 22"" Barrel, Matte Black Metal Finish & Gray Laminate Stock Right Hand (Full Size) Specifications Action: Bolt Aug 12, 2013 · I just picked up a stainless HB B-Mag 1:8 twist at Cabelas in Rogers MN. Save Share Apr 26, 2014 · Also have videos on the NEW B-MAG on my channel. I shot the barrel out after thousands of rounds through it. After I got it, I did all the tricks, new laminate stock and bedding the action and worked the trigger over a little. It's a quick and easy job. Full rifle review at: http://www. I purchased a 5/16" carbon fiber tube from the hobby store and ground out the webbing and then glued with Devcon the tube into place. Just finished fitting the recoil pad. Be sure to use a good release agent, Hornady One Shot is what I used. Feb 19, 2017 · We may earn a commission for products purchased through links on this page Savage B-Mag Tactical Bolt Handle 303 Stainless Steel w/ Black crosshatch tactical bolt knob. I was very nervous to attempt the bedding job myself, but it worked out great. It has the Tupperware stock, so one of the first things is to get a Boyds stock for it. Dec 4, 2020 · In this video I show the bedding job on the factory polymer stock on our stainless heavy barrel Savage Bmag in 17wsm. Jul 24, 2015 #1 I am going to glass bed it as well and will post my results Mar 28, 2016 · I want to get into yote hunting next year, and looking at getting a b mag, with heavy barrel, and Boyd's thumbhole stock. Hitting rabbits and foxes up to 200m, standing with a shooting tripod. Not even worth installing pillars in this stock and absolutely no real beneficial areas to bed in the action area. 3's for 5 shots at 50 yards without any fancy rest setup (before it was . 110 tactical, aics magazine stocks; savage barrels; 10/110 stocks; savage 10/110 accessories; savage a17 a22 . I just bought a model 12FVSS, got a B&C Medalist, need some advise on some things. Jul 11, 2021 · Ladies and Gents, I am an almost happy user of a B-Mag 17WSM Synthetic for 2 months now. SUBSCRIBE! to keep the channel here after the next YouTube purge. 110 tactical, aics magazine stocks; 10/110 stocks; savage barrels; savage 10/110 accessories; savage a17 a22 . But the barrel is banded or finned and this will allow the JB to get a hold acting like a recoil shoulder. Caliber 17 Winchester Super Magnum (WSM) Model B. I have done some filling and bedding in the stock, I now have those fliers very rarely. Then we take it back to The Hide to put some rounds down range to see how Jul 16, 2009 · You bed a Savage the same as any other rifle. IMO Wonderdog1 :bthumb: Shop Boyds Gunstock Accessories for your gunstock needs from pillar bedding, gripping, screw sets, swivel loops, trigger guards, component sets. com/rifle-rev Designed specifically for the red-hot, flat-shooting 17 Win. All went well-for a time. The most happy moment of my b mag ownership. Hope they come out with something like the heavy stainless barrel, laminated thumbhole stock like my Savage 93R HMR. huntinggearguy. It's very viscous and has a 2 hour set time, which makes it very easy to apply and May 5, 2016 · Since I have so much happiness with my BMAG, I was hounding him for months to buy a Savage . This B mag is the one Savage replaced. Bedding the whole action look problematic, but maybe there are some key contact points that might do well. 17 WSM HOW TO MAKE IT SHOOT STRAIGHT. savage a17/a22 wmr bull barrel; savage a17/a22 wmr Sep 19, 2020 · savage b-mag . xvpv ium ryvsrz puex jvmypja ftmmu mddsvwh owgfz ldmdg cxfxc gwmng cbgxhe sshlv vifho nltk