- Arduino sound sensor projects Perfect for projects reacting to claps, music, or ambient noise. com. This concept has numerous applications, including robot navigation, smart security systems, gaming, and entertainment. Jun 4, 2018 • 29247 views • 3 respects Sep 24, 2019 · In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the KY-037 sound detection sensor with Arduino. Sound Detecting Security System using Arduino uno and Sound Detector sensor. this project detects when you clap twice and when you do it triggers a servo in order to turn on a light switch. But Nov 14, 2023 · Arduino; Sound Sensor Module (for example VMA309) Light-Emitting Diode (LED) 220Ω Resistor (R1) Breadboard; Jumper Wires; How To Connect the Arduino Sound Sensor. And, the magnets are surrounded by metal wire. - Connect the OUT pin of the sound detector to pin 8 on the Arduino. Connect the sound sensor’s DO (Digital Output) pin to pin 2 on the Learn how to use sound sensor to control LED. 3V supply of Arduino Nano and the output pin of the sound sensor module is connected to the analog input pin (A6) of Nano. When the clap sound or voice strikes the diaphragm, it vibrates and changes the capacitance. As the project is about interfacing a Sound Sensor with Arduino, let us see how its done. I have a project to power LEDs via Arduino to react to a sound input using s sound sensor. If you take a closer look at the Arduino IDE source code of the project, an analog value comes from the Arduino sound sensor (this varies according to the intensity of the music), after that a threshold value is defined (just like 0 to 1023), if the value from the sound sensor does not match the threshold value, Arduino random function is activated. We can either use the AO pin as an output for analog reading or the DO pin as an output for digital readout. Check out the code here: https://kandrproject. Feb 14, 2023 · Arduino’s Big Sound Sensor is a powerful tool for detecting sound in the environment and using it to trigger actions in Arduino projects. D0 need to wire with any digital pin which is 7 in my circuit on Arduino board. However, After testing, i realized that the sensor can't detect frequency form sound signal``,What sensor should i use for my project? This is the code i have found online. Sound is detected via a microphone and fed into an LM393 op amp. Der Sensor selbst besitzt schon eine LED, die anzeigt, wenn ein Geräusch empfangen wurde. Hear the Light: LED Sound Level Meter. All resource are given here free. images (1) 599×512 45. Detect, measure, and track environmental factors like temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, light levels, sound, and more! Learn how to display sensor data on an LCD display. By lakshyajhalani56. 5 KB jremington April 29, 2023, 2:52am Jan 7, 2020 · Hello! I am a beginner at Arduino programming. Based off of the sound sensor from the Arduino Circuit Playground, there can be three stages: quiet, loud, and disturbing. So, I decided to make a tutorial on Sound Sensor for all of you. Pin 10 —– Middle Switch Pin. yinzom November 20, 2015, 10:04am 1. h" 3 4 #define LCD_ADDRESS 0x27 5 #define LCD_ROWS 2 6 #define LCD_COLUMNS 16 7 #define SCROLL_DELAY 150 8 #define BACKLIGHT 255 9 10 LiquidCrystal_PCF8574 LCDi2C; 11 12 //Add name and position of the LED bulb on the breadboard + Where it's connected on the Arduino. Taking inspiration from organic patterns and smooth, flowing waves, dzeng on Instructables has built an LED wall light that responds to the sounds within a room in real-time. Want to give your project the sense of sound! Then follow along because in this project we are interfacing a sound… How Does a Sound Sensor Work and how to Interface it with Arduino? A sound sensor is a simple, easy-to-use, and low-cost… Advanced Sound Sensing Solution Alerts ADAS When it Detects Fast-Moving Emergency Vehicles in the Blind Spot Learn how to use sound sensor to control servo motor. Hello fellow Arduino users, We've got a school project and we don Materials required:1)An Arduino Uno(with its adapter)2)Sound sensor3)Jumper wires4)A LEDHope this is helpful. The KY-037 Microphone Sound Sensor is a highly sensitive module for sound detection, perfect for Arduino and Raspberry Pi projects. Same as the first graph, a sound sensor have four pins. 0 Created Jan 11, 2020 · The output pin of the Sound sensor module is connected to the digital pin 8 of the Arduino. This module allows you to detect when sound has exceeded a set point you select. Sound waves travel in the air by the motion of air molecules. 2. You will find simple instructions, sample code, a wiring guide, a video tutorial, and a step-by-step explanation of the code to help you get started quickly with the Arduino Nano 33 IoT. The CZN-15E sound sensor connected to the Arduino. If both microphone sensors detect sound then both LEDs will light up. Jan 22, 2018 · The required kits are : An arduino and its adapter Few jumper Wires A fire sensor A led A breadboard A buzzer A lighter There are 4 pins on the digital sound sensor. We will set a certain threshold value on the sound sensor, and once that value is exceeded, the RGB LED will turn bright red, and a message will appear on an LCD display saying “You’re too loud!” or “Be quiet!” or if you Interfacing Sound Sensor Module with Arduino. Introduction to KY-037 sound detection sensor; How to use KY-037 sound detection module with Arduino Sep 8, 2019 · If sound is detected in one microphone sensor and not the other, the Arduino request a stepper motor in the circuit to turn the sound detection board in the direction of the sound. When you clap or make a noise the LED should come on. The Arduino sound meter sensor provides accurate readings, ensuring that your project can operate efficiently in diverse sound environments. When the sound waves collide with the diaphragm, it causes the diagram to vibrate. Nov 29, 2024 · It allows a device to "hear" and determine the direction of a sound. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to set Dec 30, 2021 · Arduino Sound Level Sensor. Learn how a sound sensor works, how to connect the sound sensor to Arduino Nano, how to program Arduino Nano to detect the sound. Jun 17, 2020 · Arduino Sound Sensor Module / Sound Sensor with arduino. Mar 11, 2021 Jan 11, 2020 · Arduino Sound Detection Sensor This module allows you to detect when sound has exceeded a set point you select. 3V or 5V of the supply. Projects. Mar 11, 2021 Jul 3, 2021 · Here, we can learn How to make a "Clap Control Light" using an Arduino Uno, Sound Sensor, etc. When certain thresholds set by you are exceeded or not met, the RGB LED will light up green or yellow. But there is so little content on google, which is unsatisfied. Aug 15, 2019 · If one microphone sensor (left or right) detects sound, then the corresponding LED (left or right) will light up. h" 2 #include "LiquidCrystal_PCF8574. A piezo speaker requires an oscillating signal to produce sound, making it ideal for non-blocking sound Oct 16, 2022 · You will be using Arduino Uno for this project. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with Arduino. Connections from the Arduino to the breadboard: • Arduino GND pin → Breadboard ground line • Arduino 5V pin → Breadboard 5V line Connections from the Microphone Module : • Microphone Module VCC pin → Breadboard 5V line • Microphone Module GND pin → Breadboard ground line • Microphone Module A0 pin → Arduino pin A0 Connections from the LED : • LED anode pin → 330 ohm Nov 20, 2015 · Arduino Project using Sound Sensor. Aug 6, 2023 · The Big Sound Sensor Module, also known as a Sound Detector Module, is a sensor that can detect sound and noise levels in its surroundings. Safety Projects; Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects Jun 24, 2018 · 8 thoughts on “ Project Arduino mempergunakan Sound Sensor atau Sensor Suara ” Shiori Tori says: 24 October 2018 at 06:49. Today we are doing a project to blink an LED bulb using this sound sensor. For example, you could connect an LED to your Arduino board and have it turn on when there is darkness in the room, or use a photoresistor to move an object like a Friends! I have prepared a project for You with a sound sensor ( or microphone) I decided to make a light and music device. Its easy to understand. It converts sound vibrations into electrical signals, making it useful for sound-activated projects, noise monitoring systems, and interactive audio applications. We will discuss those projects in the following articles. Jul 3, 2021 · Here, we can learn How to make a "Clap Control Light" using an Arduino Uno, Sound Sensor, etc. Then, set up your pins and establish communication between the Arduino board and the sensor. **Piezo Speaker**: You will need a piezo speaker instead of a buzzer. 3V pin on the Arduino. Ultrasonic sensor with Arduino - Complete Guide Learn how to use the ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) with Arduino. Lettsome, PhD, PE, MEM 7 8 Description Apr 4, 2024 · How To Make DIY Music Reactive LED using Arduino - Illuminate Your Sound Create an immersive audiovisual experience with our DIY Music Reactive LED system, synchronizing aptivating light displays with the rhythm of your favorite music using Arduino. Components you need for this project are: Arduino Board; Buzzer; HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor; Breadboard for connection; Connecting Wires. If the sound is detected in both microphones or no sound is detected, the circuit does nothing and continues to poll the microphone sensors. In detail, we will learn: Apr 22, 2022 · Sound Sensor Pinout. On the AC supply, the neutral wire is directly attached to the Common(C) pin of the Relay module while the Phase is attached to the Normally Open (NO Once you have uploaded the code to your Arduino board, if assembled correctly, a red LED should come on from the sound sensor. G on the Microphone Sound Sensor to GND on the Arduino. begin(9600); pinMode(soundSen… Jul 3, 2021 · Here, we can learn How to make a "Clap Control Light" using an Arduino Uno, Sound Sensor, etc. They are : AO -Analog pin GND -Ground pin VCC -positive power pin DO -digital output pin There are two legs on a LED. Aug 4, 2023 · The Small Sound Sensor module is a compact component capable of detecting ambient sound levels and converting them into electrical signals. I have tried many times to figure it out and watched multiple tutorials but nothing is working. Jun 26, 2024 · Interfacing Sound Sensor with Arduino. the sound sensor gets the air molecules vibrations which are caused by the sound wave and then the sensor converts this In this video I’m gonna teach you how to use a sound sensor with an Arduino Uno to control an led by making loud noises. The sensor work like a human ear. Things used in this . Today, we are going to learn how to control LEDs using a Sound. General Guidance. I need to put a sound sensor. - liamlib/arduino_sound_sensor Sound Sensor With Arduino | Clap Control LED: Recently, I am searching for Projects for Sound sensors. ♦ CODE & IDEDownload Arduino IDE: htt Apr 29, 2023 · How to do connection with LM386 sound amplifier module and electric consenser using Arduino. E30 Sound Sensor Module with Arduino | Sheekar Banerjee May 22, 2022 Versorge deinen Sensor wie vorgesehen mit Strom und schließe den digitalen Ausgang (DO) am Arduino am digitalen Eingang 2 an. Using this sensor we can create amazing projects. login. Sound-reactive LED walls add a dynamic element to installations, syncing with ambient sounds or music. Jul 18, 2018 • 11381 views • 4 respects Learn how to use sound sensor to control relay, sound sensor triggers light. Jul 9, 2024 · We can get 0 when this sensor detects noise and 1 when it is not. Arduino Project Hub is a website for sharing tutorials and descriptions of projects made with Arduino boards Feb 9, 2017 · hello guys this is my first time on using sensor and arduino i just want to ask if it is possible to create a sensor with an arduino that can sense something for a specific time before triggering the output. Aug 5, 2018 · 1 #include "Arduino. Water level sensor with Arduino- Rain detection alarm project Jul 18, 2018 · A touch sensor pad with sound sensor controlling AC/ DC lights. these air molecules incident on the sound sensor diaphragm. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building a ci… Mar 30, 2022 · Therefore, in this tutorial, we are going to interface “Microphone Sound Sensor with Arduino UNO”. We will require the following components for this project. What You Will Learn. Pin 8 —– Pin 6 on Arduino. You can measure changes in the intensity of sound in the environment using this module. I worked on the code aspect of the project. Pin 7 —– Ground. We use the following jumper wires . This particular example will teach you how to c… Mar 13, 2022 · The project basically uses a sound sensor. For a school project, I simply need to make an LED light bulb light up by clapping my hands using a sound sensor. I want to use a sound detector for my project and i want to set the sound sensor to sense 10 seconds of noise before triggering my output is it possible to do this using code? thanks in Nov 12, 2023 · KY-037 Microphone Sound Sensor . The Relay module is triggered by pin 13 which is also attached to the in-built LED on the UNO board. If you are tired of manually turning your on and off your fan as the temperature changes, this sound-activated fan control system project is for you. AND gate pin instructions: Pin 14 —– Power. Assemble the devices as shown in the schematic diagram below: This project uses a sound sensor or microphone to capture sound from the surroundings and sends the raw analog signal to the Arduino. Earlier we showed you how to measure sound in dB using Arduino, in this tutorial let's learn how to find the direction of sound using Arduino and a few Feb 12, 2025 · In this project, you will use a microphone sensor and an Arduino microcontroller to create a light show that reacts to sound. The code below reads the OUT_PIN (pin 8) and then sends the measured value to the serial Jan 31, 2021 · This is how the sound waves work in the environment. The Sound sensor pinout is as follows: VCC is the power supply pin of the Sound Sensor that can be connected to 3. - Connect the GND pin of the sound detector to the GND pin on the Arduino. This is quite simple and interest Jun 17, 2021 · Only logged in users can leave comments. the air molecules move according to the sound wave. Der Sound Sensor am digitalen Ausgang esp8266 arduino projects list in pdf offline downloadable; Sound – Audio Projects. Arduino Interactive Sound Sensor: We'll be learning how to build an Arduino circuit that takes the input from any sort of analog sensor (vibration sensor, pressure sensor, potentiometer) and use it to output sound from a piezo speaker. On the Arduino, you can define specific colors for different ranges of sound signal values. Test code of Sound sensor. Project 9: Music Reactive LEDs. A sound sensor captures audio, translating it into vibrant lighting changes. I have Sep 23, 2024 · An Arduino sensor is a device used with an Arduino board to detect physical changes in the environment, such as temperature, motion, sound, or light. Required Components: Arduino; Sound Sensor Module (KY-038) Connecting Wires; Note: We will use the digital output pin for this tutorial. 6 different color groups have been created Mar 22, 2024 · Here is the circuit diagram for connecting the KY-038 sound sensor to the Arduino board: Programming Here’s the program to retrieve values from the KY-038 sound pickup. Aug 29, 2024 · Arduino LED Sound Level Meter Using MAX9814 and 74HC595 Shift Register. Arduino Sound Sensor Module / Sound Sensor with arduino. Pin 9 —— DO on Sound Sensor. Aug 26, 2019 · As shown in the above musical fountain circuit diagram, the sound sensor is powered with 3. Fun and useful projects are waiting for you to explore! In this project, you’ll build your own Arduino alarm system. 0 Followers • 0 Projects Jan 17, 2024 · Wiring the Microphone Sound Sensor to an Arduino is fairly simple. This is a sound sensor module you will be using. Then take the other side of the jumper wires you just connected, and connect the positive of the sound sensor module to the 5v of the arduino, the ground to any of the gnd of the arduino, the Digital Output to pin 2 of the arduino. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to set up the Small Sound Sensor module with an Mar 22, 2024 · Objective: To build a Door Alarm using an Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino. Dec 2, 2020 • 4884 views • 1 respects 1. 0 Projects. the sensor works the same as our ear diaphragm. Whether you are building interactive art installations, sound-activated lighting, or security and safety systems, the Big Sound Sensor offers a range of capabilities for sound detection. + on the Microphone Sound Sensor to 5V on the Arduino. It is an easy to use microprocessor board. 0. You can use any of the analog pin, but make sure to change that in the program. Apr 27, 2024 · Hello I am planning to get a sound sensor for my project and would like to ask if anyone has any useful advice please. The connections are straightforward. … Jul 16, 2019 · I have arduino project - House automation When I put this code only on arduino, sound sensor works: int soundSensor=A1; int LED=5; boolean LEDStatus=false; void setup() { Serial. You’ll use the sound sensor to measure the ambient noise level. The 5V on the Arduino -> VCC pin of the sensor; The GND on the Arduino -> GND pin of the sensor; Pin 8 on the Arduino -> OUT pin of the sensor; Arduino Code - part 1. May 2, 2024 · This tutorial will teach you what it is, how to assemble the sensor on Arduino, and, at the end, you'll implement it into an alarm system project. This project is about the interfacing of E30 sound sensor module with Arduino and visualizing the data into Serial Plotter. If I use a KY-037 Sound Detection Sensor with the integrated piezo microphone, can I simply remove the microphone, split the signal from a piezo instrument pickup Arduino Art Projects Building Sound-Reactive LED Walls: Synchronizing Light and Music with Arduino. Next, utilize conditional statements to trigger specific actions based on different sound levels Feb 20, 2023 · With this project, you will be able to tune your musical instruments with more accuracy and ease, thanks to the small sound sensor and Arduino Uno. FOLLOW. Jun 3, 2018 · Magic with claps. DO —– Pin 9 on AND gate. when a sensor detects a loud noise, triggering a LED. Firstly, i have search online code and tested with a grove sound sensor. Sound Sensor Module Sound Sensor Module. The sound level set point is adjusted via an on board potentiometer. trigger actions like sounding an alarm, controlling a pump, or displaying the water level on an LCD. Once this is done and you clap or Make sound sensor at your home. Ideal for voice-activated systems or interactive audio projects, this sensor offers a cost-effective solution for DIY electronics enthusiasts on Amazon. Jun 3, 2022 · This project will work by using a sound sensor that is connected to an LCD display, an RGB LED, and an Arduino. : v1. It enables your Arduino projects to interact with surrounding sounds, making it ideal for sound-activated applications. Sound sensor Pin instruction: G —– Ground + —– Power. This is great for all kinds of IoT projects. Intro. In programming for a sound sensor project, you can start by defining variables to store incoming data from the sensor. Switch on light using clap. Apr 27, 2023 · The easiest Arduino sensor project to get started with is a light sensor. Fortunately most of the information I'm looking for already exists. Feb 12, 2025 · In this project, you will use a microphone sensor and an Arduino microcontroller to create a light show that reacts to sound. VCC and GND will connect to 5V and GND on Arduino. Code. Begin by connecting the VCC pin of the module to the 5V pin on the Arduino, and the GND pin to the ground. Mar 11, 2021 · Arduino Sound Detection Sensor Project. Jun 4, 2018 • 29137 views • 3 respects This project will work by using a sound sensor that is connected to an LCD display, an RGB LED, and an Arduino. We can connect this sensor to any digital pins on your Arduino board. The connections are as follows: A0 on the Microphone Sound Sensor to A0 (or any analog pin) on the Arduino. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use Arduino and sound sensor to detect the sound. It has a diaphragm made from magnets. 13 // LED1 is LED Bulb May 7, 2013 · Hello Arduino Community, I need to do a project to check for ambient sound level, and if a sound abnormally exceeds that sound level it starts flashing a LED. The analog signal is sampled and quantized (digitized). The sound sensor is capable of detecting the presence of sound in the surrounding environment. Whether it’s the sound of clapping, music, or talking, the sound sensor picks up vibrations in the air and sends them to the Arduino, which then activates LEDs accordingly. The sound sensor has a microphone in it which detects the intensity of the sound. Dec 18, 2019 · For this project, the analog output from the 9 sound module detector sends the analog audio signal detected to A0 of the Arduino Uno. Arduino Uno is suitable for any projects and is the cheapest and widely used microprocessor board in the Arduino family. For this, I have designed a couple of circuit where in the first circuit I will just interface the Sound Sensor with Arduino and detect the sound with the help of an LED. Dual Axis Solar Tracker Arduino Project Using LDR & Servo Motors; March 22, 2020 Discover how a sound sensor works, how to hook it up to the Arduino Nano 33 IoT, and how to set the board to detect sound. It consists of three components: a sound sensor, an active piezo buzzer, and an RGB LED. In this tutorial, we are going to interface “Sound Sensor with Arduino UNO”. Maybe I need another sensor to capture ambient sound too? Is there any ambient sound senor for arduino? something that feeds ambient noise level. 13. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with Arduino Nano. Inside the microphone, there is a diaphragm. When the sound level exceeds the set point, an LED on the module is illuminated and the output is This music-reactive LED system is an exciting project that enhances visual effects in response to sound. mohammadsohail0008. Project 3: Sound-activated fan control system . Spaßeshalber kannst du aber auch noch selbst eine LED installieren, wie ich auf dem Foto. Me question is about the sensor itself. At the moment my plan is to have three LED strips (I am using a ws2812b) that will react to music, nothing super-accurate, just a fun lamp; but I was thinking to have the three strips reacting to low mid and high frequency for example, or have one strip for the beat. The Sound sensor module has 4 pins VCC, GND, Digital Out, and Analog Out. Link to the video source is given below: Arduino Door Alarm PROJECT 2: Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino. The sensors can interact with the world by providing input data from the Arduino projects to the board, which can be processed and used to trigger actions. The Arduino reads the digital signal and can trigger actions like sounding an alarm, controlling a pump, or displaying a warning on an LCD. **Arduino Board**: Any Arduino board compatible with the Arduino IDE will work for this project. 1 //https: The sound sensor itself will have 4 pins that are individually labeled. Something Mar 11, 2021 · Arduino Sound Detection Sensor Project. Arduino Sound Detection Sensor. In the schematic diagram below, you can see the complete connections for this project. Required Components: Arduino Nano; Sound Sensor or Microphone We all need ways to calm down and relax, and few things are as effective as nature itself. Nov 27, 2024 · Recently, i have started a arduino project related to sound detected function. Project description. Table of contents. If this does not work, you can use a flat head screwdriver to adjust the sensitivity on top of the blue box on the sound sensor. Breaking News. Switch instructions: Dec 1, 2020 · Colorful and musical experience made possible with Arduino. Lastly, when combined with the Arduino's processing power, these sensors unlock a world of possibilities for project customization. We can control light using a Sound. /* File/Sketch Name: AudioFrequencyDetector Version No. Let your LEDs dance to the rhythm of music! When the sound sensor detects variations in sound levels, the Arduino Jun 30, 2023 · Wiring a Sound Sensor to an Arduino. arduino. The short side should connect to ground on Mini breadboard. If anyone has any website links, circuits, codes or really anything that might be able to help, please let me know! The sound sensor I am Jan 16, 2021 · Hi, total noob here so be gentle. Jan 3, 2020 · Before we move on to how to interface a sound sensor with Arduino, let’s first take a look at the sound sensor module we’ll be using for the tutorial! Based on the power amplifier LM386, the Grove – sound sensor module is a simple, low powered, and highly compatible option suitable to easily kickstart your next sound sensing project! Feb 12, 2025 · A sound sensor module typically includes a microphone and an amplifier circuit, allowing you to measure the intensity of sound waves. Monday, March 10 2025. Working Principle of Sound Sensor. 0 Created 14 August, 2019 5 6 Original Author: Clyde A. 13 // LED1 is LED Bulb Connections of Sound sensor - VCC - 5V supply of Arduino ; GND - GND of Arduino ; D0 - Pin 3 on Arduino; Connections of LED - Positive terminal - Pin 7 on Arduino (or any digital pin) Negative terminal - GND of Arduino Jun 8, 2017 · Arduino Sound Sensor Module / Sound Sensor with arduino Code. This type of project uses an LED or photoresistor to detect the amount of light in a room and act on it. **Piezo Buzzer Connections:** - Connect the negative terminal of the piezo buzzer to the GND pin on the Arduino. 1 /* 2 File/Sketch Name: SoundDirectionFinder 3 4 Version No. Later, the Led need to be wired either. We will set a certain threshold value on the sound sensor, and once that value is exceeded, the RGB LED will turn bright red, and a message will appear on an LCD display saying "You're too loud!" Mar 11, 2021 · Arduino Sound Detection Sensor Project. By integrating a sound sensor with an Arduino, LEDs can react to music beats, claps, or any sound input, making it ideal for home decoration, parties, and interactive installations. Find this and other Arduino tutorials on ArduinoGetStarted. That is how a sound sensor should wire. Now let’s connect the sound sensor to the Arduino. Intermediate Protip 4,966. Code for Sound Sensor with Arduino. b A group project where the purpose was to incorporate the Arduino Circuit Playground and it's sensors, my team settled on creating a library sound sensor. - Connect the VCC pin of the sound detector to the 3. Popular options include Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, or ESP32. It can be used to create sound-reactive projects, such as clap-activated lights or a sound-activated pet feeder. How to Control RGB LEDs With Sound Input Using an Arduino: Controlling the brightness of RGB LEDs based on sound input is a fascinating application of electronics that can result in stunning light displays that respond to audio input. nnxyv ptyb gkhbwp mkec jvsj lbgq cbkpkai kagy dnhva meeqnde jdv yiyaexz osxgpip fwitt vnph