Apex legends controller aim. 's Apex Legends aim assist PC settings ver 2.
Apex legends controller aim Man muss sich einfach ein viel besseres Muskelgedächtnis aneignen, wenn man sich die verschiedenen Tasten auf der Tastatur merken muss. Some of the top-performing game controllers can make the game more exciting to play, so make sure to try them out. gg/NJzMb6UQQU-----Hello Again With a New VideoThis Guide Will Show you how to make a steam config to Jitter aim Rather than setup your controller to apex's control scheme, i'd recommend binding the buttons as keys that match, so like A button to A key, L button to L key, with of course right trigger as left click and such. With all that in mind, let's take a look at what are probably the best controller settings for Apex Legends players. Sorry PC Buds. Более 331 macro available for free download. podia. 6” in the game files, a value that defines the strength of the sticky reticle effect. Some do best on controller, some do best on mouse and keyboard. Instead I’m curious if anybody else has switched from playing on console to playing on PC while still using controller and noticed that aim assist feels more powerful on PC? I will also say I’m switching from an original Xbox One to a pretty powerful PC. For controllers, some inputs may be rearranged via the controller settings. I usually find it useful but there are times when it gets annoying. [Note: This article is intended for Apex Legends on console. Enjoy! Dec 18, 2022 · Playing on controller is a totally different experience for me. Описание макроса: Jitter Aim + контроль отдачи н How Aim Assist Works If you haven't watched "What 100% Aim Assist looks like in Apex Legends", do yourself a favor and watch it. But lets be honest, if we're playing controller on any platform we want to make sure we're getting that sweet sweet assistance. All without knowing jitter aiming is a consequence of their own controller's aim assist. Sep 6, 2021 · Apex Legends players who use a controller on PC or console will automatically have aim assist turned on. Geburten is so great that he is the most reported player globally. It allows you to put in ALC settings and you can use the same guns as in the game. 2. 4 slight aim drift makes it so you attach better to target (due to how aim assist works) some sights have aim assist others don't (1x, 2x, 3x, 2-4x work but other sniper scopes don't work I believe one of those might be wrong tho 3x unsure) GET AIM CONTROLLERS💥 https://us. Color Blind Mode- Tritanopia. However, the Mar 8, 2025 · Conquer with character in Apex Legends, a free-to-play Hero shooter where legendary characters with powerful abilities team up to battle for fame & fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. If you don't feel like watching it, that's okay, I'm going to break down everything it discusses in finer detail, but it might help to see it in action. Now i feel like i have more control on my aim and movement. unload various full auto weapons on it. APEX LEGENDS CONTROLLER AIM GUIDE IS HERE BABY! From settings to recoil smoothing we got you covered. An AutoHotKey script minimize recoil with auto weapon detection for Apex Legends and new golden scope and blood hound ultimate aim assist. Mar 9, 2025 · Macros for «Apex Legends». Smoothness is the most important category if you want aim that looks like you’re on controller. i have many more hours on controller, but all the movement people talk about that is "advantageous to kbm" is extremely hard to do and getting the simple movement like slide jump I used controllers on pc before and everything was fine. I recently got a controller to play with on pc and i was binding all my settings to get ready to play. Sep 9, 2023 · Think of it like fine-tuning your mouse sensitivity; it's all about finding that sweet spot. Nov 4, 2024 · Aim Assist • Target Compensation: On • Melee Target Compensation: On These options enable aim assist, a critical feature in Apex Legends for accurate tracking, especially when playing on a controller. Escape from Aug 1, 2024 · Yes, you are not dreaming. mine is 150+ per mag from r301/r99. com/ Feb 18, 2024 · The debate over aim assist on controllers in Apex Legends showcases the differing views within the community. Remember to practice snapping into the direction of a target, use mirroring and counter movements, work on snapping in and out of cover, and practice staying on target using different techniques. Aim assist should be subsidiary instead of a clutch. All macros passed quality control. Jan 6, 2021 · Here are the Top 10 Best Aim Settings for Apex Legends. There are now ways to toggle between two aim assist styles, PC or Default, in Apex Legends, in addition to being able to turn it off completely. Apex no-recoil + AimAssist by BlackChaplin, PetrosPastor(AimAssist+ExtraTools), MgSweet(Everything else) Version 1. Скачать бесплатно макрос «JitterAim with recoil control» для Apex Legends. Apex Legends best controller settings Layout Dec 21, 2022 · Various Apex Legends controller settings help create a great experience even when playing a first-person shooter with a controller. 6 aim assist pc vs console/pc controller always 0. If you are looking for methods to train your aim, tips on improving your tracking, or some methods to build your muscle memory for better overall consistency, this video is a great first step. Controller players thinking all mkb users are jitter aiming and call for its removal while justifying aim assist's strength because they can't 180 that fast and are using thumbs. 4-3 Linear can drastically change your experience, with some praising its aim assist. It's like my game is seeing it as a mouse and not a controller. Jun 11, 2024 · Summary. Apex Legends. Its not that bad and as everyone says. Feb 13, 2024 · Overall, the debate surrounding aim assist on Apex Legends control is complex and subjective. Here are the key takeaways for the aim assist nerf in Apex Legends: Aim Assist for controllers has been nerfed by about 25 percent in Season 22. Gyro is widely used on switch for a ton of games (doom, fortnite and i think apex all have it there) and allows for similar presicion as MnK while a human actually performs the aiming rarther than a machine. Dec 10, 2020 · Benji. Jun 29, 2023 · Aim Assist is the most discussed topic in the Apex Legends community. The aim assist just takes over. Low sensitivity more aim assist but you gotta pre aim where people are coming from more. Jan 13, 2025 · Purchase the config → https://apexsx. . I have it toggled on in apex, I've watched countless videos on why it's not working and i can't figure it out. Turning AA off in ALC's kind of helps but overall the aim just feels off. Long range fights seem almost impossible with standard guns like r301 or hemlock for me. Mar 15, 2023 · Steady is an excellent setting for those seeking a balance between firm control and fast aim. The game is ruined with every player running controller full throttle aim assist. BEING ON CONTROLLER IS A DISADVANTAGE. For me I really noticed it the most in mid range engagements. It won’t aim for you, but it makes tracking moving targets a bit smoother, and relying on the player to make quick adjustments when Apex’s snappy movement throws off your aim. It does make a world of difference not having to move your thumbs off the sticks tho. " Aug 18, 2024 · How It Works in Apex Legends: In Apex Legends, aim assist is subtle but helpful. Respawn confirmed this change to Beebom in an online press briefing. ] 10. It's easier to do well on PC then it is on controller. Macro description: Jitter Aim + Recoil control on Do you mean the aim assist? It sounds like you’re talking about the way the game helps out controller players by making your aim stay on your enemies hit box when they get within your sights. May 1, 2021 · If you’re using a console, or you’ve plugged a controller into the PC, the game detects a controller and automatically turns on aim assist for your Apex Legends matches. I've tried unplugging my mouse, tried a different controller and messed with the settings in apex and nothings working. I turn off Aim assist or Target Compensation. They started on Halo and also split time with aim training. 5(50%) why not 0. There are three areas of aim technique to practice in Apex Legends - Flick, Tracking and Speed. It’s ideal for those who have grown up playing Call of Duty and want Apex to feel similar. if you have a pc/laptop you can connect a controller to aim lab (free on steam) and practice that way. having this option would allow for a much needed aim assist nerf due to controller players no longer needing it to be so strong in order jitteraiming on controller is pretty taxing on your thumb so i wouldn't recommend its use often. Although it doesn't feel the exact same, the fact that you can set bots to random strafe, makes it easily the best option for controller aim training. This is absolutely hilarious to me considering the irony. You can use the macro on a normal mouse or keyboard. Aug 6, 2024 · With the release of Season 22, Apex Legends has introduced players to a brand-new map and several balance changes, including a major nerf to aim assist. There are tons of aim programs to help PC players yet few for controllers. Apex Legends Button Layout Best controller preset (Picture: EA) While Button Layout mostly comes down to personal preferences and Legends you are playing, top Apex Legends players are recommending Button Puncher and Evolved Mar 4, 2025 · Jitter Aim setting and recoil control for all guns. No matter if you think you have advantage you don’t dude with controller will 180 spin bot your ass like it’s nothing. Some people will perform their best on different inputs. The problem I have now is that I don't have aim assist on my controller. No, I’m not colorblind and never would I have thought adjusting the color schema would improve my aim. 7M subscribers in the apexlegends community. 's Apex Legends aim assist PC settings ver 2. Always updated for Apex Legends. sellpass. All keyboard controls can be rebound in the settings; all actions listed may have two keys bound, and some actions are unbound by default. Personal preferences play a crucial role, with players opting for different settings based on their playstyle. That’s due to his amazing skills in Apex Legends, so some people might consider him to be the best Apex Player in the World. Some players may not like the feel of the aim assist mode or prefer to play without it altogether. You should go into the firing range, grab the peacekeeper or wingman, and see how easy it is to flick to your opponents with settings like this. Most of the current top-ranked players are dominating Apex Legends, thanks to controllers and aim assists. I'm not against having aim assist on controllers, but the courrent state of aim assist is too OP to the point where contollers can dominate the leaderboard. console vs console has 0. Jul 3, 2023 · With all the talk about aim assist being the ez button to stack up wins on Apex Legends, several players may be clamoring to jump on the sticks and start fragging. Whilst technically all the weapons in Apex Legends use a bullet projectile model, in practice they all function like hitscan weapons. Ive noticed a Reddit post currently exists with other people who use controller finding similar problems. Using an SMG + aim assist is typically considered the "abuse aim assist" load out these days. I confirm this, I also changed recently and immediately noticed the drop in aim, I feel comfortable with the sensitivity, but if I have had to learn to aim again, in a week you will be getting back into the rhythm and you will start to improve especially because the fps Highs do give an advantage, it is also better on PC because I have very good graphics compared to the Xbox performance mode Want to improve your aim in Apex Legends with a controller? This video covers the best aim assist settings, techniques, and tools to sharpen your accuracy an firing range is good for recoil control. Mar 5, 2024 · The best aim assist settings in Apex Legends for controller players involve enabling Compensation (Aim Assist), fine-tuning Deadzone, and Outer Threshold. Even when majority of the player base is on controller. Yes, pc has aim assist when using a controller. Paddles controller, learn to aim more with left stick and be less twitchy. Aim assist will be nerfed with the release of Apex Legends Season 22, Shockwave. But this is just what The BEST Xim Matrix Settings and Values are Insane!VIP Settings : https://ximking. do it until you get a consistent value that is an improvement. i personally play on console and highly recommend using aim lab to practice You can switch to a virtual controller and create some combinations, or add keyboard mappings only. Especially considering how powerful SMGs are in this meta. Any ideas as to why this is happening? Just because a controller player doesnt wanna get a job or save up for a pc / kbm? Controller players want good aim and all this stuff with only putting half of the effort as kbm? Like idek how controllers are set to compete against kbm if kbm is sooo superior. Aug 20, 2024 · Here are our recommendations for the best controller settings on Apex Legends in 2024. May 25, 2024 · Jitter Aim-----discord: https://discord. Whether you're a precision sniper or a fast-paced rusher, this setup ensures you’ll always have the upper hand in the arena: Perfect Aim Control: Designed for the high mobility and precision-based gunplay of Apex Another thing worth mentioning is that not all controllers are the same. I am creating this post to inform the r/apexuniversity community on the optimal methods of training your aim for Apex Legends, for those of you that want to maintain a competitive advantage over your opponents, and overall excel in combat mechanics! As many of you may or may not know, Aim-trainers have become increasingly popular in the recent Jan 1, 2024 · Although Apex Legends initially shined due to its movement mechanisms, the meta is currently favoring controllers more due to their superiority in the aiming department. There is a reason most preds and masters are PC players. 4 days ago · Apex Legends gives players a wide array of controller settings that allows them to fine-tune movement, aim, and more. Small adjustments with left stick. 6 (60%) and mnk has 0. WZ and Apex both have rotational aim assist that kicks in when you're strafing. For example, I have a Power A Fusion Pro controller, and the sticks on this thing are way more sensitive, more responsive than Standard Xbox Controllers, so your aim can feel different depending on the controller you're using. My close-medium range fights are decent, which should be expected with aim assist. They got a lot better just by playing a lot of Apex Legends, but Kovaak's has taken that to a new level: my fine movements are more precise, my RS thumb control is smoother, my flicking is faster and my tracking is much better. io/products/xem-JitterJoin our Discord here → https://discord. So, you’ll want the best controller settings to ensure your aim and movement remain deadly. I know that pc and console have different levels of aim assist for controller but since I’m on console but I’m playing with a pc player will my AA be set at the pc level or will I continue to have the console level since I’m still on a console? Feb 10, 2023 · The Apex ALC settings below are taken from Genburten, the Apex Controller Demon. Using movement to supplement aim on controller is orders of magnitude more important than it is on MnK due to the limited range of motion you have with your aim stick, and the way that aim assist has been implemented in almost every console shooter ever. Now it’s your turn. 16 votes, 204 comments. dont complain about kbm when ur on console. 02/21/2022, 10:32 # 8 scum of earth? lmfao its not that deep lil bro, its just a game. Resolution: 2k Mouse sensitivity: 1. Practice and Test your Aim Performance Online. they’re probably gonna nerf aim assist further cause they hate controller players and love tap strafing 1 clipping pc nerds who sit 1mm from their setup. I thought they didbefore the new season i was having good aim,getting wins yk And stuff,but with the new season 20 i suck dik fr,i cant kill shi,i thought i was good with thousands of hours and kills but guess i was only good bcs of the aim assist,reality check,kinda sad ngl,my own skill issue,i was thinking of getting off apex completly js bcs im so bad man,im Kyle Hilliard from Game Informer magazine here! Just wanted to share that our FULL Apex Legends cover story is now online for FREE! We've got all kinds of exclusive details from our visit to the studio. also looks like ur on console. Some of the guys that post here the r99 beams are probably playing with a monitor, if your playing on a tv, tvs have alot more input lag than monitors thus making it difficult to time the recoil pattern with ur controller, which makes it harder to control a guns recoil, but you can also beam on tv but u just gotta add some time on your recoil (all standing on the light weapons platform) recoil practice: there is a stationary square target directly below the banner. 5, ADS: 1. aimcontrollers. You can turn it off in settings, it should be under “target compensation” Nov 23, 2022 · A number of factors can contribute towards success in Apex Legends, but one core factor, your aim, sits at the center of your game. People hate it, people swear by it. Installation on any mouse and keyboard. They said Aim assist is OP but for me its not. as a controller player who is trying to get better with both mnk and controller i think if respawn decides to increase aim assist to mnk it would make it even across the board for example controller aim assist is 0. According to one website: "Aim assist in Apex operates under two different values. Hoping My (FPS) controller skills/mechanics were abysmal before starting to play Apex Legends back in March '19. Yeah, personally I would definitely not map jump to stick press for apex, unless you really don’t care about having to buy a new controller that is. Here are some of the best Apex Legends controller settings, you can find them below. If a pro has 5000 hours on a game, they have more hours on aim training. com/ref/450/ AIM Controllers Code: District🌐 Interested in Apex Coaching? BOOK a Coaching Session https://t One thing I don’t see talked about with extra ads yaw and pitch is that aim assist takes priority. Use that to your advantage. But if that were the case you should just buy a paddle controller off the bat and map it to a paddle lol. While everyone's ideal setup is unique, let's talk about the ultimate starting guide for newcomers to controller gameplay in Apex Legends. it can be done in two ways the way i have done it is by rapidly making small circles on my right thumbstick to emulate how its done on a mouse, it can also be done by doing the same motion on the left stick, (ik i missed a lot on the second last target, my thumb was sore and i couldn't be bothered I played Apex Legends on PS4 for a long time and really enjoyed it, but then my PS4 died so I migrated to PC. This whole subreddit is dominated by console players, though who can't understand why raw-input players don't want to be paired against people whose aim is NOT 100% their own. If it is not accurate it is not aimbot and neither is it overpowered if it is inaccurate too. As players continue to explore the intricacies of controller gameplay and aim assist mechanics in Apex Legends, the debate over their impact on skill and competition persists. Feb 22, 2025 · Ever since the start of the new season I've noticed my aim has been off and not able to track and hit enemies as I normally would be able too. Always keep them enabled for a competitive edge. 1 (still in development) Jul 25, 2024 · Aim assist will slow your aim down, but it will also try and track within 15-30 degrees. Mar 5, 2024 · Before we begin, make sure to turn on your aim assist settings in Apex Legends. The other 50% is aim training, game theory, and watching VOD’s of their play and other pros. i also still wouldn't want it in pro league, but honestly i think that since top tier controller players in Apex are generally great FPS players, most would just switch to KBM anyways if they didn't have this distinct advantage, whereas casual players would stay on controller because aim assist is a crutch for them, not a bonus. The top comment threads on this post is one of the biggest circle jerks of aim-assist stans I've seen in a while. Jan 23, 2022 · Their video creator told me and my friends who bought that he used a controller for half the clips in the video, b/c apex is just better on controller. Part of the reason he is so great is because of his Best Pro ALC Settings. While settings are down to preference and comfortability (with some utilising the claw grip), there are Apex Aim Trainer on steam. Bloody and A4tech gaming devices are also supported. Best controller settings for Apex Legends So, you're a controller warrior, or you're thinking about becoming one May 6, 2024 · The consensus is that while aim assist can be a valuable tool, honing individual skills and mastering controller mechanics are essential for success in Apex Legends. As of today, 4 of the top 5 Apex Preds are controller players. im hoping Respawn views this and does something to address the issue. Download free macro «JitterAim with recoil control» for Apex Legends. Play tested by the Pros. So when us controller players make a great clip and post it, we here, "oh it's just aim assist". For a limited time only, we’re offering a FREE 7 day trial so you can show us what you’re made of Nov 28, 2023 · - just Google "apex legends mouse aim assist percentage". 6 This page lists all default controls for both mouse + keyboard and controller inputs. Mar 11, 2024 · By following these tips from District, you can improve your controller aim in Apex Legends. Overwatch 2. While aim assist as a Controller player here. Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. They may be in for a rude awakening as they quickly realize that something looks or feels off in the game. This works on both mouse and k Dec 1, 2024 · "Aim Assist is bad for the game, PC can obviously use entirely skillful movement to make normal players miss their shots, aim training would help you if you struggle with this, so why Aim Assist is bad? it gifts them with good aim without practice, while no matter how much movement a MnK player has, if the controller has a robot aiming with them to give them insane aim, they will still have I am definitely not saying that aim-assist should be abolished completely, I think controllers need aim assist to compete with MK - mouse and keyboard is just superior due to movement speed, maneuverability, and accuracy, and an excellent MK player can and will win those close range fights against controllers almost every time. Most people just use the Prowler/R99/CAR and aim assist up close in close ranges for easy beams and kills, which is what people typically refer to when they say "aim assist abuse. Also, feel free to tune analog sticks settings, add additional controller button shortcuts, assign up to 4 configs to one controller, and many other features. true. Использовать макрос можно на обычной мышке или клавиатуре. lol/xem08Best Yes, Apex Legends offers aim assist for those who use controllers. Season 16 is here and it's time to lock in! ️ Subscrib Apex Legends XIM Matrix Configuration Take your Apex Legends performance to the next level with our expertly designed XIM Matrix configuration. A similar scenario can be noticed in the competitive scene as well. I’ve seen videos of people playing with controller on PC, so I’m looking for any tips on how to improve my gameplay on PC with controller. gg/apexsxMy socials → https://guns. In this video I go over different aim training drills you can perform in the firing range in apex legends to improve your aim. While some players find it helpful, others believe it to be unnecessary or even detrimental to the gaming experience. Nov 27, 2002 · Free Agent Verhulst settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Console players have the internal aim assist set to “0. Так же поддерживаются игровые девайсы Bloody и A4tech. Aim assist helps players by making it easier to aim at targets, which is especially useful given the challenges of using a controller compared to a mouse and keyboard. I noticed i am assist is clearly not working and I have no idea why. But ya man whatever works for you tho. Nov 17, 2020 · Apex Legends: 6 Tips to Make Your Aim Better on Controller - Guides - In this guide, we'll explore the ways in which we can improve your aiming performance in Apex Legends in the hope of helping those who are struggling to get going in Season 7. While some see it as a necessary tool for controller users, others view it as an unfair advantage that undermines the integrity of the game. To my surprise PC severely nerfs the aim assist and I’m finding it impossible to play. 0 by takenbybenji on 2020-12-10 04:39:40 Perfect for: Standard Keyboard + Standard Mouse Hey everyone, one of the people I play with has recently upgraded to pc and I’m curious about something. The Apex Legends training guide has just dropped into our aim trainer. the aim assist automatically turns on when you connect a controller, and automatically turns off when you disconnect that controller. Free Aim Trainer Helping more than 12 million FPS Gamers Improve their Aim. its Annoying because of that big invisible circle where you aim is being pulled. To check you're getting aim assist make sure that every setting in the 'Target Compensation' section is set to ON. This works on both mouse a Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. So, controller players, were you able to improve your aim to the point where you could challenge MnK players at range with carbine/hemlok/rampage? If Feb 13, 2025 · Want to improve your aim in Apex Legends with a controller? This video covers the best aim assist settings, techniques, and tools to sharpen your accuracy an Therefor i presume that it "OP" with Aim assist, debunked i used to play apex Legends on controller season 1-6 I was a literal God i had over 16 average kd per game and it was essentialy pretty easy, then i stopped playing as it got boring for a while… fast forward i started playing s12 on pc, i was horrible at the game then and i still am in Apex Legends ist mit einem Controller einfacher zu lernen, zumindest für alle, die noch keine Erfahrung mit PC-Shootern haben. They went to fortnite and split time with aim training, then are now on Apex with split time on aim training. having played both kbm and controller i can confirm controller is very op. 4(40%) aim assist ( 100% aim assist is aim bot ) mnk aim assist should be bumped up to 0. Best for While it does give players as advantage to control recoil on some very difficult to control weapons, I don’t really mind because this tactic is exclusive to PC and many controller/console players won’t encounter this as PC players and console players aren’t placed in the lobbies unless said console player is in a party with a PC player. Recoil of a weapon is reduced when strafing, as well as with fast moving targets- when you turn to track a fast moving target the recoil is significantly reduced that way the player doesn't have to aim super fast at the target while also maintaining recoil control. 0, DPI: 800 Field of view: 110 The cursor can be set to 4, but I had the best result with 3. This makes it easier to see your controls when prompted, and tou can change the keybinds inside apex to match. noone ever uses the right side of the keyboard, cuz it's almost impossible to reach it with your left hand whilst using any of the movement keys even on a 60% keyboard. This can easily be found in the controller settings tab in the options screen. Once you enable ALC settings, you're gonna want to input the following values. 6 of the top 10 are contollers. Finding your best combination of settings is essential to improving as a player, and changing settings too often could stunt your development. Also remember that aim is only one part of mechanics and that vod reviewing is important to improve how you play cover and make decisions In this video I go over different aim training drills you can perform in the new firing range in apex legends to improve your aim. hzx lltjelm goaimyb vybyd evjyb tpetf qrhjfi ehlp wnkjyuf upbbc ohkx gaprygbg insmjqs llaanto kdit